Take cholagogue collection 3. Cholagogue herbal collection for the treatment of biliary diseases, the benefits and contraindications of use. Harm and contraindications for admission

Herbs that are part of the choleretic collection, help to improve the outflow, stimulate the production of bile. In order for medicinal teas to be beneficial, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists.

Bile is secreted by the liver cells and enters the gallbladder through the excretory channels, and then into the duodenum. Without this secret, digestion is impossible. From stagnation of bile, if there are no stones, doctors recommend a choleretic collection. There are many recipes with different medicinal herbs, but a gastroenterologist or therapist will help determine which herbal remedy is suitable, focusing on the patient's condition.

The gallbladder is not just a depot for liver secretions. The organ is emptied when a portion of food enters the intestines from the stomach. This doesn't happen when it's stuck. As a result, the absorption of fats worsens, and there is also a risk of damage to the intestinal walls by highly concentrated gastric juice.

A person whose gallbladder has been disrupted feels heaviness and soreness in the right hypochondrium, morning bitterness in the mouth.

Sometimes nausea occurs, appetite disappears. The intestine reacts to the development of pathology with constipation. The choleretic herb will help to solve the problem.

A suitable phytocollection will be advised by a doctor. Depending on the composition, it

  • , causing an intense release of hepatic secretions into the intestine;
  • improve the outflow of bile, increase its fluidity;
  • accelerate the filling of the organ with bile secretion;
  • relax the muscles of the ducts, facilitate the evacuation of the secret.

Different plants affect the body differently, so it is forbidden to choose choleretic fees without first consulting a doctor. The doctor, focusing on the causes of stagnation of bile, recommends the composition that is most suitable for the patient.

To assess the patient's condition, ultrasound diagnostics of the abdominal organs is prescribed. Ultrasound shows how actively the bile duct is reduced, whether there is dyskinesia of the excretory canals.

In such conditions, choleretic herbs should be taken 30-40 minutes before meals three times a day.

The required dosage of a medicinal drink is determined by a specialist. It differs for patients of different ages. For example, for children 6-12 years old, an infusion of 1 dessert spoon of the collection, filled with a glass of boiling water, is suitable. For adults, the same amount of water will require 1 tablespoon of dry grass.

If stones were found during the diagnosis, then the use of choleretic agents is prohibited. The active movement of the secret can cause them to move and block the ducts.

What are the cleansing fees for the gallbladder

Any medicinal herb is endowed with many valuable properties. But to get the maximum effect, it is better to drink a collection of several plants.

Not everyone who is prescribed treatment with herbal remedies agrees to prepare medicinal teas on their own. In this case, a pharmacy comes to the rescue, where the choleretic collection can be found without any problems.


This tool finds application, hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia. It is convenient to prepare herbal tea - you need to pour boiling water over a bag and let the drink brew.

On sale there are fees Phytohepatol 2 and 3. They act in the same way, but contain different herbs. The collection under number 2 includes grass:

  • yarrow;
  • immortelle;
  • mint;
  • coriander.

Phytohepatol No. 3 contains yarrow, coriander, as well as chamomile and calendula flowers. The tool stimulates the outflow of bile, reduces inflammation, has an antimicrobial effect.

Fees #1-3

Doctors, in parallel with drug therapy, often recommend a choleretic collection of one of three varieties.

Cholagogue collection 1 contains peppermint, immortelle, coriander and three-leaf watch (water). The tool not only effectively drives bile, but relieves inflammation, reduces the content of HDL in the blood, and prevents the occurrence of gallstones.

Cholagogue collection No. 2 relaxes the muscles of the ducts, improves outflow and has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. The preparation includes coriander (fruits), yarrow grass, peppermint, immortelle.

In the collection with serial number 3, in addition to chamomile and calendula, mint and tansy are collected. This remedy copes with pathogenic microbes, drives bile, relaxes the walls of the bladder and excretory channels.

When you have to take a herbal remedy not at home, it is convenient to do so. A bag filled with grass is simply poured with boiling water.

For those who prefer the traditional way of preparing the infusion, a pack of dry raw materials is suitable. Enough for the whole course.

You can cook your own collection with lingonberry leaf and chamomile - 1 part each, immortelle and knotweed - 2 parts each. Herbs are mixed and brewed in 2 tablespoons per 500 ml of boiling water. It is necessary to observe an important condition - to drink the choleretic collection slightly warm.

Harm and contraindications

The reactions of different people to the components of herbal teas are not the same. In order not to worsen the condition before taking medicinal herbs, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

It is forbidden to use drugs that stimulate the synthesis of bile for people suffering from pancreatitis, highly active hepatitis. The condition of patients with cirrhosis, as well as irritable bowel syndrome, in which loose stools predominate, will only worsen from taking choleretic herbs.

Another contraindication for using a collection of choleretic herbs is an allergy to herbal ingredients. With personal intolerance to the substances that are part of the natural remedy, you can not take it.

Doctors are especially careful when prescribing herbal remedies for pregnant and lactating women. They are allowed to take choleretic herbs only if there is an urgent need for it.

Possible side effects

Taking choleretic preparations for a long time or if the dosage recommended by a specialist is exceeded can cause unwanted side effects. Most often, with an abundant intake of bile, diarrhea occurs. To get rid of it, you need to stop taking the infusion. Other side effects are also possible:

  • rashes and itching of an allergic nature;
  • heartburn, nausea, vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • headache.

People who have stones in the gallbladder and ducts should also not drink herbal preparations to improve the outflow of bile. It is recommended to take them only as a means of preventing stone formation.

If any of the listed side effects occur, you should stop drinking herbal tea and consult a doctor. If, nevertheless, it is necessary to cleanse the hepatobiliary system, then a more gentle method will do. They can become the use recommended by the doctor.

  • serious pathologies occur - pancreatitis,;
  • increases the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • dysbacteriosis progresses;
  • the stool is constantly disturbed;
  • possible general intoxication of the body;
  • immunity decreases.

Choleretic herbal preparations help to increase the release of bile into the intestines. You can make them yourself, but ready-made pharmacies are more convenient and effective. Treatment with choleretic complexes helps with diseases:

  • dyskinesia of the gallbladder and excretory tract;
  • giardiasis.

The remedy is also used after (removal of the gallbladder).

Cholagogue collection 1, 2 or 3: which one to choose

The composition of the fees includes medicinal herbs that prevent stagnation of bile. As a rule, they are part of a comprehensive treatment, but they are also recommended for prevention purposes.

Be sure to consult a specialist before taking all choleretic drugs, since uncontrolled intake of choleretic drugs can lead to very negative consequences.

Ready-made pharmaceutical preparations have not only choleretic, but also anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effects.


It includes the following components:

  1. Mint. The leaves are rich in tannins, vitamins, amino acids, essential oils. This makes mint an excellent antiseptic and antispasmodic. Due to the choleretic and analgesic effect, mint is used in the treatment of the organs of the biliary system, for.
  2. Coriander (seeds). Polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B, essential oils in the composition of the plant give it anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties.
  3. Immortelle. In folk medicine, its inflorescences are used to treat liver diseases. The flowers contain vitamins, flavonoids, essential oils, bitterness. It improves the motility of the bile ducts and bladder, has an analgesic effect, improves bile secretion.
  4. Three-leaf watch. Its leaves are rich in phytoglycosides, flavonoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, pectin. Used as a choleretic, anti-inflammatory and laxative.

The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, gastric and duodenal ulcers, stone formation. Available in cardboard packs or filter bags.


This collection includes the same components, but instead of a three-leaf watch, yarrow grass is included. This plant:

  • normalizes the production of bile;
  • relieves spasms of the gallbladder and ducts;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • reduces pain syndrome;
  • boosts immunity.

Instructions for the use of choleretic collection 2 contains a description of its effect on the body (anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, choleretic) and a list of pathologies in which it is used:

  • chronic hepatitis;
  • dysfunction of the bile ducts and bladder;
  • intestinal disorders due to stagnation of bile;
  • condition .

The remedy is not taken with individual intolerance and with cholelithiasis. Violation of the dosage can provoke heartburn.

They are produced in cardboard packs of 30-100 g of chopped herbs, they are sold without a prescription.


The collection contains yarrow and mint, as well as other effective ingredients:

  • chamomile, which soothes, reduces pain, spasms, is effective for stagnation of bile;
  • calendula flowers have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic effects;
  • tansy flowers have a pronounced antimicrobial and choleretic effect.

Instructions for the use of choleretic collection 3 recommends using it in complex therapy for:

  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • chronic hepatitis;

The third collection is contraindicated for allergies to these, some types of cholecystitis, pregnancy and lactation. It should not be given to children under 12 years of age. Uncontrolled intake can cause heartburn.

For those who do not have time to wait and carry out all the manipulations, grass bags can be brewed like tea.

Produced in cardboard packs of 35 and 50 g, and disposable sachets of 2 g in boxes of 10 and 20 pcs. Released without a prescription.

Each of these fees has contraindications and side effects, so the choice of the appropriate one must be left to the attending physician.

How to cook and drink

It is easy to prepare a choleretic collection prescribed by a specialist:

  • 5-10 g of medicinal raw materials are poured with hot water (85-90 ° C) in an amount of 200 ml;
  • tightly closed with a lid, put in a boiling water bath for a quarter of an hour;
  • removing from heat, insist at least 45 minutes;
  • filter, if necessary, add water to the initial volume.

Prepare the infusion in heat-resistant glass or ceramic dishes. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

If you use a collection in filter bags, take 1-2 pcs. to a glass of water.

  • shake well before use;
  • drink for 30-40 minutes. before meals three times a day;
  • daily intake is one and a half glasses, single - 100 ml.

For children over 12 years old, the volume is halved. The product from the refrigerator should not be heated, it is better to leave it at room temperature in advance.

It is correct to drink the choleretic collection in small sips - this increases its effectiveness.

The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. As a rule, it lasts no more than a month, in rare cases up to six months.

In addition to the plants included in the choleretic pharmacy fees, he also uses others (dandelion, birch leaves, corn stigmas). When preparing a mixture of medicinal herbs on your own, you need to remember that before you start taking it, you need to consult a specialist.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the high therapeutic efficacy, these drugs have contraindications. For example, the herbs they contain can cause an allergic reaction or an increase in blood pressure, which is dangerous for hypertensive patients. Fees do not apply for certain diseases:

  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • and neoplasms of the liver;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcer.

Prolonged use and non-compliance with the prescribed dosage can provoke diarrhea, nausea, heartburn, especially in people suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases. In these cases, the choleretic collection is stopped, and the doctor prescribes other means.

Can it be taken along with other choleretic drugs

Comprehensive treatment of congestion is aimed at removing bile and includes traditional medicines, choleretic fees, and a therapeutic diet ().

They have a narrowly targeted mechanism of action, for example:

  • stimulate the production of bile by the liver (Allochol, Holamine);
  • enhance the work of the gallbladder (Xylitol, Holosas);
  • expand the bile ducts, relieve spasms (Papaverine, No-shpa, Besalol).

Herbs that are part of medicinal collections 1-3, on the contrary, have a wide spectrum of action, enhance the effectiveness of each other and tablets. They have a minimum of side effects and contraindications, therefore they are an important component of therapy for bile stasis. However, you must inform your doctor about taking any medication.


If taking the herbal collection is contraindicated, prescribe drugs that are similar in action, but differ in composition, that is, analogues.

Among them are herbal remedies:

  1. Rafacholin C is a natural drug in tablets, which is widely used in biliary pathologies. It contains extracts of artichoke and black radish, peppermint oil.
  2. Polifitol-1 - tincture of 9 medicinal herbs. It is indicated for cholecystitis, cholangitis, chronic hepatitis and bile duct dysfunction.
  3. Phytohepatol - a collection that includes chamomile, tansy, peppermint, calendula and yarrow. It has a choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect, prevents liver intoxication, restores its destroyed cells. Suitable for chronic hepatitis, inflammation and dyskinesia of the bile ducts.

Natural herbal preparations, having high efficiency, require compliance with the doctor's recommendations on dosage and duration of treatment. Any violations can lead to intestinal upset, heartburn. Contraindications to their use are stone formation and acute diseases of the digestive system.


  • Cherenkov, V. G. Clinical oncology: textbook. allowance for the postgraduate system. education of doctors / V. G. Cherenkov. – Ed. 3rd, rev. and additional - M.: MK, 2010. - 434 p.: ill., tab.
  • Ilchenko A.A. Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract: A guide for physicians. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: LLC "Publishing House" Medical Information Agency ", 2011. - 880 p.: ill.
  • Tukhtaeva N. S. Biochemistry of biliary sludge: Dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences / Institute of Gastroenterology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Dushanbe, 2005
  • Litovsky, I. A. Cholelithiasis, cholecystitis and some associated diseases (issues of pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment) / I. A. Litovsky, A. V. Gordienko. - St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2019. - 358 p.
  • Dietology / Ed. A. Yu. Baranovsky - Ed. 5th - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2017. - 1104 p.: ill. - (Series "Doctor's Companion")
  • Podymova, S.D. Liver Diseases: A Guide for Physicians / S.D. Podymov. - Ed. 5th, revised. and additional - Moscow: Medical Information Agency LLC, 2018. - 984 p.: ill.
  • Schiff, Eugene R. Introduction to Hepatology / Eugene R. Schiff, Michael F. Sorrel, Willis S. Maddray; per. from English. ed. V. T. Ivashkina, A. O. Bueverova, M.V. Maevskaya. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 704 p. - (Series "Liver diseases according to Schiff").
  • Radchenko, V.G. Fundamentals of clinical hepatology. Diseases of the liver and biliary system. - St. Petersburg: Dialect Publishing House; M .: "Publishing house BINOM", - 2005. - 864 p.: ill.
  • Gastroenterology: Handbook / Ed. A.Yu. Baranovsky. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2011. - 512 p.: ill. - (Series "National Medical Library").
  • Lutai, A.V. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the digestive system: Textbook / A.V. Lutai, I.E. Mishina, A.A. Gudukhin, L.Ya. Kornilov, S.L. Arkhipova, R.B. Orlov, O.N. Aleutian. - Ivanovo, 2008. - 156 p.
  • Akhmedov, V.A. Practical Gastroenterology: A Guide for Physicians. - Moscow: LLC "Medical Information Agency", 2011. - 416 p.
  • Internal diseases: gastroenterology: Textbook for classroom work of 6th year students in the specialty 060101 - general medicine / compiled by: Nikolaeva L.V., Khendogina V.T., Putintseva I.V. – Krasnoyarsk: type. KrasGMU, 2010. - 175 p.
  • Radiology (radiation diagnostics and radiation therapy). Ed. M.N. Tkachenko. - K .: Book-plus, 2013. - 744 p.
  • Illarionov, V.E., Simonenko, V.B. Modern methods of physiotherapy: A guide for general practitioners (family doctors). - M .: OJSC "Publishing House" Medicine "", 2007. - 176 p.: ill.
  • Schiff, Eugene R. Alcoholic, drug, genetic and metabolic diseases / Eugene R. Schiff, Michael F. Sorrel, Willis S. Maddray: trans. from English. ed. N. A. Mukhina, D.T. Abdurakhmanova, E.Z. Burnevich, T.N. Lopatkina, E.L. Tanashchuk. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 480 p. - (Series "Liver diseases according to Schiff").
  • Schiff, Eugene R. Cirrhosis of the liver and its complications. Liver transplantation / Eugene R. Schiff, Michael F. Sorrel, Willis S. Maddrey: trans. from English. ed. V.T. Ivashkina, S.V. Gotye, Ya.G. Moisyuk, M.V. Maevskaya. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 201st. – 592 p. - (Series "Liver diseases according to Schiff").
  • Pathological physiology: Textbook for medical students. universities / N.N. Zaiko, Yu.V. Byts, A.V. Ataman and others; Ed. N.N. Zaiko and Yu.V. Bytsya. - 3rd ed., revised. and additional - K .: "Logos", 1996. - 644 p.; ill.128.
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  • Mikhailov, V.V. Fundamentals of Pathological Physiology: A Guide for Physicians. - M.: Medicine, 2001. - 704 p.
  • Internal Medicine: Textbook in 3 volumes - Vol. 1 / E.N. Amosova, O. Ya. Babak, V.N. Zaitsev and others; Ed. prof. E.N. Amosova. - K .: Medicine, 2008. - 1064 p. + 10 s. col. incl.
  • Gaivoronsky, I.V., Nichiporuk, G.I. Functional anatomy of the digestive system (structure, blood supply, innervation, lymph drainage). Tutorial. - St. Petersburg: Elbi-SPb, 2008. - 76 p.
  • Surgical diseases: Textbook. / Ed. M. I. Kuzina. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2018. – 992 p.
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  • Sherlock S., Dooley J. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract: Per. from English. / Ed. Z.G. Aprosina, N.A. Mukhin. - M.: GEOTAR Medicine, 1999. - 860 p.
  • Dadvani S.A., Vetshev P.S., Shulutko A.M., Prudkov M.I. Cholelithiasis. – M.: Ed. house "Vidar-M", 2000. - 150 p.
  • Yakovenko E.P., Grigoriev P.Ya. Chronic liver diseases: diagnosis and treatment // Rus. honey. zhur. - 2003. - T. 11. - No. 5. - P. 291.
  • Sadov, Alexey Cleansing the liver and kidneys. Modern and traditional methods. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2012. - 160 p.: ill.
  • Nikitin I.G., Kuznetsov S.L., Storozhakov G.I., Petrenko N.V. Long-term results of interferon therapy for acute HCV hepatitis. // Ross. magazine gastroenterology, hepatology, coloproctology. - 1999, vol. IX, No. 1. - p. 50-53.

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Instructions for use:

1. Pharmacological action

2. Release form

3. Indications for use

4. How to use

5. Side effects

6. Contraindications

Prices in online pharmacies:

pharmachologic effect

Cholagogue collection of herbs promotes the excretion of bile, has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieves spasms, restores intestinal motility and improves appetite. There are three collections of different composition, which include plants similar in action.

Collection No. 1 includes mint leaves and three-leaf watch, coriander fruits, immortelle flowers.

Mint is known for its sedative effect, but the herb is also effective in gallstone disease - it helps to remove stones. It is also known that the bitterness of mint stimulates the gallbladder and liver.

The three-leaf watch is also called the water shamrock, it stimulates digestion, has anti-inflammatory properties.

Coriander seeds have a choleretic, analgesic effect.

Immortelle is traditionally used for pathologies of the liver and gallbladder. The flowers of the plant relieve inflammation and spasms, anesthetize, increase the tone of the gallbladder, liver, affect the viscosity of bile and its chemical composition, reduce the level of cholesterol, bilirubin.

The composition of the choleretic collection No. 2 includes yarrow grass, mint, coriander fruits, immortelle flowers (on the package with the collection it is often indicated as sandy cumin).

Traditional medicine traditionally recommends using yarrow for diseases of the gallbladder. The herb helps reduce inflammation, relieves spasms, and improves bile excretion.

Collection for removing bile No. 3 includes tansy flowers, calendula and chamomile, mint leaves, yarrow grass.

Tansy is included in the collection, because. has a choleretic, antimicrobial effect, relieves inflammation. Chamomile also promotes the excretion of bile, relieves spasms, and has a sedative effect.

Release form

Choleretic preparations No. 1, 2, 3 are produced in the form of crushed plant materials in cardboard packages and in filter bags for single use.

Indications for use

Fees are prescribed to be taken in chronic reactive hepatitis; chronic cholecystitis - acute inflammation of the gallbladder; with poor appetite and digestive disorders; biliary dyskinesia; cholangitis - inflammation of the bile ducts of an infectious nature; bouts of nausea; postcholecystectomy syndrome - a condition in which the work of the sphincter of Oddi is disrupted and, as a result, the patency of bile and pancreatic juice worsens.

Mode of application

Collection No. 1 is brewed as follows: 1 tablespoon of crushed medicinal raw materials is poured with hot water (200 ml), heated for 15 minutes, insisted for at least 45 minutes. Before use, it is advisable to strain the broth and then bring it up to 200 ml with boiled water. Take a collection of 300 ml per day in 3 divided doses half an hour before meals. Therapy, judging by the reviews of the choleretic collection No. 1, is recommended to continue for 2-4 weeks to obtain the effect.

It is advisable to shake the decoction before use; it is not recommended to store it for more than two days.

Collection No. 2 is brewed in the same way as collection No. 1. Adults are recommended to drink it in 3 divided doses half an hour before meals - only 1.5 cups per day. Children are advised to give no more than 150 ml per day, in three divided doses.

Two filter bags with choleretic collection account for 200 ml of boiling water: they are poured and insisted for 15 minutes. Take a decoction in the same way as the one that is prepared from medicinal raw materials.

To prepare herbal decoction from collection No. 3, one or two disposable bags are poured into 200 ml of boiling water, insisted for 15 minutes. It is recommended to take the remedy for 1.5-3 cups. It is also not recommended to store ready-made decoctions from collections No. 2, 3 for longer than two days.

In most cases, herbal preparations No. 2, 3 for the removal of bile are also recommended to be taken for 2-4 weeks, but a doctor's consultation is required.

Side effects

There are reviews of choleretic fees, indicating that they can cause heartburn and allergies.


Why does bile stasis occur and how does it manifest itself

The causes of the disease can be called the following factors:

  • fasting or dieting;
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Wrong nutrition.

Also, some diseases can lead to stagnation, which include:

  • Stones in the gall;
  • Removal of the gallbladder;
  • Hormonal disorders during pregnancy;
  • Stress and nervous strain;
  • infections;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • Weakened pelvic muscles;
  • Gastritis;
  • Violation of the biliary tract;
  • pancreatitis;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract of an infectious nature;
  • Bile components are poorly broken down.

Stagnation can manifest itself with the following symptoms:

  • Apathy and fatigue, which is felt even after rest;
  • Constant desire to sleep;
  • Bitterness in the mouth;
  • Bad breath;
  • indigestion or constipation;
  • Pain in the liver area;
  • The liver becomes larger and it becomes noticeable visually or after probing;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • The whites of the eyes and skin become yellow;
  • Feces become light in color;
  • Urine becomes very dark;
  • Constant belching.

The chemical composition of the collection 1, 2, 3

  • Silicon;
  • Tannins;
  • magnesium salts;
  • Flavonoids.
  • Saponins;
  • Flavonoids;
  • bitterness;
  • Sterols;
  • Groups of vitamins: B, E, C, K;
  • Essential oils;
  • Carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • Alkaloids.
  • Tannins;
  • Essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • Saponins;
  • bitterness;
  • Flavonoids.

Healing and medicinal properties

Cholagogue collection helps in the following cases:

  • Helps to remove bile;
  • Relieves spasms;
  • Increases appetite;
  • Relieves inflammation;
  • Improves intestinal motility.
  • Mint helps in the fight against gallstones. The bitterness of this plant stimulates the gallbladder and liver.
  • The three-leafed watch makes the digestive tract work much better, which leads to complete digestion. Also helps with inflammation.
  • Coriander seeds improve the excretion of bile and relieve pain.
  • Immortelle, this is one of the best remedies for all abnormalities in the liver and gallbladder. It is effective in inflammatory processes, has a positive effect on the viscosity of bile, lowers the level of cholesterol and bilirubin in the blood. Also, this plant helps to cope with pain, improve the condition of the gallbladder.
  • Yarrow, even in ancient times, was used as an excellent remedy for diseases of the liver and gallbladder. This plant has a good effect on the rapid excretion of bile, relieves inflammation and spasms.
  • Coriander.
  • Immortelle.
  • Tansy flowers, which promote the excretion of bile, help relieve inflammation and fight germs.
  • Yarrow.
  • Chamomile is also a good remedy for getting rid of excess bile, spasms. Chamomile is also known for its positive sedative qualities.
  • Calendula, an anti-inflammatory plant, is also good for diseases of the liver and gallbladder.

Useful information about choleretic herbs on video

What else you need to read:

The best scheme of use

What does the instructions for use recommend? It is recommended to use choleretic preparations in combination with diet No. 5.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet:

  • Alcoholic drinks;
  • Fatty, smoked, fried;
  • Raw vegetables;
  • Fatty meats;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Muffin;
  • Mayonnaise.

Any choleretic collection can be purchased in two forms:

  1. Ordinary chopped grass, which is in a cardboard box;
  2. In an individual filter package, which, of course, is much more convenient for many to use.

  1. Ready infusion is taken 300 ml per day, this dose is divided into three doses.
  2. Drink thirty minutes before the main meal. The course is a month, after which the same break is made.
  3. This collection will help remove excess bile, relieve inflammation from the liver and get rid of pain.
  1. This collection is taken ready-made one hour before meals three times a day. Per day, the dose should be one and a half glasses, it turns out that each dose should be half a glass of a medicinal drink.
  2. The course is two weeks, with a break at the same time.

Collection No. 2 is a good remedy for stagnation of bile, in inflammatory processes, as a method of prevention after removal of the gallbladder, it does not anesthetize badly and soothes the irritated organ.

  1. This collection is taken in a glass before each main meal. The course consists of about a month.
  2. Collection number 3 will help relieve inflammation of the liver and gallbladder, relieve pain, improve the outflow of bile. A good prophylactic.

Proper preparation of the product

In order for the collection to bring maximum benefit, it is worth knowing how to cook it correctly.

  1. A tablespoon of the collection is boiled in a bay with a glass of boiling water for about twenty minutes over low heat. After the broth is ready, it is insisted for about an hour, only after that it can be consumed.
  2. Before drinking, in order to increase the healing qualities of this drink and improve its effect, the broth can be brought to a boil and strained.
  3. Keep the medicine is not worth more than two days. After this period, it is best to make a fresh decoction.

Collection No. 2 and 3 are prepared in a similar way. Also, to brew the collection in individual filter bags, you can use the same method. Use as described above.

Harm and contraindications for admission

  • Allergic reactions to the components of the collection;
  • Diarrhea and diarrhea;
  • If stones can be observed in the ducts and gallbladder using ultrasound, which create obstacles to the outflow of bile;
  • Pregnant and lactating women are advised not to use such fees if possible;
  • Also, do not take decoctions from the collection, for those who have personal intolerance;
  • cirrhosis;
  • severe liver disease;
  • Hepatitis, in all their manifestations;
  • Diarrhea and other disorders of the digestive tract;
  • Appendicitis;
  • Obstruction of the biliary tract.

Possible side effects

  • Rash and itching in case of an allergic reaction;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Pain in the liver and gallbladder, if there are stones and there is no full patency in the biliary tract;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Heartburn and belching;
  • Swelling of the liver, which can be observed visually or by palpation;
  • Fatigue and sickness;
  • Dizziness.

Such effects can be observed in cases where you belong to the zone of contraindications or abuse the use without controlling the dosage.

Effective choleretic agent Phytogepatol

Sold in the pharmacy network in the form:

  • chopped mixture of herbs in a cardboard box;
  • filter bags of 2 gamma No. 10 or No. 20 per pack.

It contains medicinal herbs:

  • immortelle flowers;
  • yarrow herb;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • coriander fruit.

Therapeutic action:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • helps relieve spasm;
  • increases appetite;
  • choleretic;
  • stimulates the process of digestion and bowel function.

Application area.

It is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of diseases of the digestive system:

  1. Hepatitis in a chronic form.
  2. Cholecystitis.
  3. Conditions after surgery to remove the gallbladder.

Herbal collection is used to prepare a decoction. To do this, four grams of a mixture of herbs, which corresponds to one tablespoon, is poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml in an enamel bowl, after which they are placed in a water bath and heated for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is left to infuse for 45 minutes, drained and squeezed out the rest of the herb. The resulting volume is adjusted to 200 ml by adding boiled water. Assign half a glass three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is from two to four weeks.

There are no contraindications. Do not use for people with individual intolerance or allergic reactions to the components of the herbal collection.

Sold in pharmacies in the form:

  • crushed mixture of herbs;
  • filter bags of 2 grams No. 10 or No. 20 per pack.
  • chamomile flowers;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • marigold flowers;
  • yarrow herb;
  • tansy flowers.

Action on the body:

  • choleretic;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • has an antispasmodic effect.

Application area.

It is used as an addition to the complex of basic methods of treatment for diseases of the digestive system:

  1. chronic hepatitis.
  2. Chronic non-calculous cholecystitis.
  3. Dyskenesia and inflammatory processes of the biliary tract.
  1. Approximately 8 grams of the collection, equivalent to two tablespoons, are placed in an enamel bowl and 200 ml of boiling water are added, put on fire in a water bath under a lid for 15 minutes. After 45 minutes, filter, squeeze the residue. The total volume of the broth is adjusted to 200 ml by adding boiled water. Before use, the infusion is shaken and taken in a third of a glass before breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  2. 2 filter bags are poured into 100 ml of boiling water and left for 15 minutes. The package is squeezed out, the resulting volume is adjusted to 100 ml., Take half a glass three times a day.

The course of treatment is from two to four weeks.


  1. Individual intolerance and allergic reactions.
  2. Cholelithiasis. Calculous cholecystitis.
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  4. Children under the age of twelve.

Methods and means of traditional medicine in the treatment of cholestasis

  1. Half a glass of unrefined vegetable oil is heated and drunk on an empty stomach. Lie down on the heating pad on the right side until the heating pad cools down. In the next three days, they drink drinks prepared on the basis of wild rose in unlimited quantities.
  2. Instead of sunflower oil, you can use lard with garlic without bread. It is eaten in the morning before meals and lie down on a heating pad on the right side until it cools down. In the next three days, they drink decoctions and compotes from rose hips.
  3. Homemade beetroot juice. Beets cooked until half cooked are rubbed on a grater and squeezed through cheesecloth. Juice is drunk in sips half an hour before meals.
  4. Unroasted pumpkin seeds, purchased from stores or dried on your own. There are no restrictions on the number. Caution is required in case of exacerbations of diseases of the stomach.
  5. Inclusion in the diet of parsley in any form. These can be tinctures and juices, additives to salads, first or second courses. Medicinal properties are preserved during heat treatment.
  6. The discharge of bile will help ordinary hot drinking water drunk before meals. The mechanism of action is based on the removal of spasm of the pylorus and the sphincter of Oddi.
  7. Sokolechenie. To prepare a healing drink, take equal volumes of juices from radishes and beets. Drink for three months in a glass once a day before meals.
  8. A drink prepared on the basis of dry birch leaves. They are brewed with boiling water and kept on low heat for half an hour. After removing from the fire, they insist for another ten minutes, decanted. Assign 1/3 cup before meals.

Complications and consequences of stagnation of bile

  1. Difficulty in the process of digestion.
  2. Violation of the breakdown and absorption of carbohydrates, further leading to the development of diabetes mellitus
  3. With cholestasis, the removal of excess cholesterol from the human body slows down; hypercholesterolemia develops, accelerating the development of atherosclerotic processes.
  4. With prolonged stagnation in the gallbladder, an inflammatory process can join, which leads to the development of acute or chronic cholecystitis.
  5. Gastritis.
  6. Sclerosing cholangitis.
  7. Violation of fat metabolism as a result of slowing down the absorption of fats.
  8. Avitaminosis as a result of a decrease in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins:
  • lack of vitamin A is manifested in a decrease in twilight vision;
  • lack of vitamin D leads to the development of osteoporosis and bone fragility;
  • vitamin K deficiency affects the coagulation system and is dangerous for hemorrhagic diathesis and bleeding.
  1. Damage to hepatocytes and impaired liver function.
  2. Hormonal disorders as a result of reduced synthesis of hormones.

Prevention of cholestasis

  1. Timely diagnosis of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract. Correctly prescribed and timely started complex therapy of the identified pathology.
  2. The work of the gallbladder is promoted by physical activity. It is advisable to include outdoor walks, jogging, swimming in the pool, physical education and sports in the daily routine.
  3. Compliance with the diet. Every day you need breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  4. Exclusion of the abuse of sweets, fatty spicy and fried foods, pickles.
  5. Refusal of bad habits, especially from alcoholic beverages of dubious quality or in excessive quantities.
  6. Avoid overeating. It is better to eat food more often, but in smaller quantities.
  7. Prevention of stressful situations. correct mode. Rational alternation of work and rest. Creating a comfortable psychological environment at work and in the family.


pharmachologic effect

The herbs included in this collection promote the excretion of bile, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, they are able to relieve spasms, improve appetite and normalize intestinal motility. In total, there are three collections with different compositions, but the plants that make up their composition have a similar effect.

The composition of the choleretic collection No. 1 includes peppermint and three-leaf watch, as well as immortelle flowers and coriander fruits. Peppermint, long known as an excellent sedative, also helps to clear gallstones and stimulates the liver and gallbladder. Watch three-leafed or water shamrock, has anti-inflammatory effect, and also stimulates digestion. Coriander seeds have an analgesic and choleretic effect. Immortelle effectively fights liver and gallbladder pathologies, it helps relieve inflammation and spasm, has an analgesic effect and improves the tone of the liver and gallbladder. In addition, the flowers of this plant can affect the chemical composition and viscosity of bile, the level of bilirubin and cholesterol.

Collection No. 2 included such plants as yarrow, mint, coriander and immortelle or sandy cumin. Yarrow has been used in folk medicine for centuries in the treatment of numerous diseases of the gallbladder. Yarrow herb helps to reduce inflammation, relieve spasms, improves bile excretion.

Cholagogue collection No. 3 includes tansy, chamomile and calendula flowers, as well as mint leaves and yarrow herb. Tansy got into this collection due to its antimicrobial and choleretic effect, it also helps to relieve inflammation. Chamomile improves the excretion of bile, relieves spasms and has a slight sedative effect.


Since the composition of choleretic preparations is rich in plants that can improve the condition in case of numerous diseases of the biliary tract and gallbladder, the scope of their application is quite wide. Typically, such herbal preparations are prescribed for chronic reactive hepatitis and acute inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis). They are also often used for biliary dyskinesia and inflammation of the bile ducts caused by infectious causes.

These fees are also effective in postcholecystectomy syndrome. This is a condition in which there are violations of the sphincter of Oddi. The consequence of such a violation is the deterioration of the passage of bile and pancreatic juice. In addition, the instruction for the choleretic collection suggests its use with reduced appetite, digestive disorders and frequent nausea.

Instructions for use (method and dosage)

All types of choleretic preparations are produced in two forms: in the form of crushed vegetable raw materials in cardboard boxes or in more convenient filter bags for use. Methods of preparation and use of different fees may vary slightly, so before using them, you must carefully study the instructions.

To prepare collection No. 1, one tablespoon of crushed raw materials is taken and poured with a glass of hot water, then heated for 15 minutes and infused for at least 45 minutes. Before use, the broth must be filtered and brought to a volume of 200 ml with boiled water. Take a collection of 100 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals. A noticeable effect of the treatment is achieved after 2-4 weeks of regular use of the drug. It is advisable to shake or mix the broth before use, and it is not recommended to store it for more than two days.

The method of preparation of collection No. 2 is almost identical. Adults also need to take it in an amount of 300 ml per day, and children are usually prescribed no more than 150 ml. If you need to make a drink from filter bags, then it is usually recommended to take two bags for 200 ml of boiling water. The collection in a packaged form can simply be poured with boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes, after which the drink can be consumed. The method of application of such a decoction does not differ from that prepared from raw materials. The method of preparation and use of choleretic collection No. 3 does not differ from the previous ones.

According to the instructions for choleretic collections, they must be taken from 2 to 4 weeks. But self-treatment in this situation is unacceptable. Uncontrolled treatment with these drugs can cause unpleasant side effects.


The composition of the choleretic collection may include plants that cause allergic reactions in the patient. If the plants that make up the composition have caused allergic reactions in the past, you should refrain from using it. Also, according to the instructions for the choleretic collection, its use is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, it is possible to prescribe this drug to pregnant and lactating women only in extreme cases after a thorough analysis of the possible negative consequences for the fetus or child.


Instructions for use

pharmachologic effect

The choleretic collection has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the excretion of bile, relieves spasms, improves appetite, and restores intestinal motility. Choleretic collection is available in three types, each of which contains different, but similar in their action plants.

Gathering #1

The composition of this collection includes leaves of a three-leaf watch and mint, immortelle flowers, coriander fruits.

Peppermint is known for its sedative effect and ability to remove stones, which allows it to be used in gallstone disease. The bitterness of mint improves (stimulates) the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Coriander seeds anesthetize, have a choleretic effect.

Three-leaf watch (water trefoil) has anti-inflammatory properties, stimulates digestion.

Immortelle is used for pathologies of the gallbladder and liver. The flowers of this plant anesthetize, relieve spasms and inflammation, increase the tone of the liver and gallbladder, reduce the level of bilirubin and cholesterol, affect the chemical composition of bile and its viscosity.

Gathering #2

Consists of mint, yarrow herb, coriander fruit, immortelle flowers.

Gathering #3

Includes yarrow herb, mint leaves, chamomile flowers, calendula and tansy.

Tansy relieves inflammation, has an antimicrobial and choleretic effect. Chamomile has a sedative effect.

Indications for use

The composition of choleretic collections No. 1, 2, 3 is rich in components that can improve a person's condition in diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, so the scope of the fees is quite wide.

  • acute inflammation of the gallbladder (chronic cholecystitis);
  • chronic reactive hepatitis;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • indigestion and poor appetite;
  • infectious inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis);
  • postcholecystectomy syndrome (a condition characterized by a malfunction of the sphincter of Oddi, a deterioration in the patency of pancreatic juice and bile).

Mode of application

To brew collection #1, 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials are poured into 200 ml of hot water and infused for at least 45 minutes. After this time, the broth is filtered and brought to the original volume with boiled water (200 ml). The collection is recommended to be taken three times a day, 300 ml thirty minutes before meals. The duration of therapy is two to four weeks. Please note: before use, the broth is stirred or shaken.

Collection No. 2 is brewed in a similar way. The daily dose for adult patients is one and a half glasses (this dose is divided into three doses, the collection is taken 30 minutes before meals). The maximum daily dose in pediatrics is 150 ml (also taken in three divided doses). If the collection is sold in filter bags, then two filter bags are poured with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for a quarter of an hour. A decoction is taken in the same way as the one that is prepared from medicinal raw materials.

To prepare herbal decoction from collection No. 3, it is necessary to pour 200 ml of boiling water into 1-2 disposable filter bags and insist for 15 minutes. Means take one and a half to three glasses. Ready decoctions from collection No. 2 and collection No. 3 are stored for no more than two days.

Take collections No. 3 and 2 for the removal of bile should be within two to four weeks, but it will not be superfluous to discuss this issue with your doctor.

Shake the decoction before use. It is undesirable to store the finished broth for more than two days.

Release form, composition

All choleretic preparations are produced in the form of crushed plant materials. This raw material can be in cardboard boxes or filter bags packaged in cardboard boxes. Filter bags are for single use only. Leaflets with information on the use are included in each package.

Interaction with other drugs

Interactions of choleretic preparations with other drugs have not been identified.

Side effects

There are reviews on the Web that choleretic fees can cause allergies and heartburn. If any adverse reactions occur, you should contact a specialist or change the collection to another, if possible.


There is no information on overdose.


Cholagogue fees are not prescribed for people with:

  • allergies to plants that are part of the fees;
  • cholelithiasis - a disease in which there are stones in the gallbladder and ducts that prevent the flow of bile into the intestines.

During pregnancy

The official instruction for choleretic preparations does not recommend using them during periods of lactation, pregnancy. Therefore, doctors try not to prescribe these drugs to pregnant and lactating women.

The use of such funds is permissible after a thorough analysis of the potential benefit to the patient and the possible consequences for the child / fetus.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of the prepared broth is two days. Children should not be allowed near the place of storage of fees.


Average price in Russia

In ordinary pharmacies, the cost of a package of choleretic collection does not exceed 90 rubles.

Average cost in Ukraine

Patients from Ukraine can purchase the fee at a price of 9 hryvnia per pack.

Video on the topic: Cholagogue collection of herbs


The analogues of choleretic fees include the following medicines:

  • Celandine grass;
  • calendula flowers;
  • Holosas;
  • Kurepar;
  • Cholagol;
  • Flamin;
  • Dog-rose fruit;
  • Gepabene;
  • Corn silk;
  • Holagogum;
  • Fumeter.

In 1 pack 8% tansy flowers and 23% chamomile flowers, marigold flowers, peppermint and yarrow herb.

Release form

Shredded vegetable raw materials in cardboard packs of 35 g and 50 g.

Crushed raw materials in filter bags of 2 g in packs of 10 or 20 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

Choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Herbal components of the collection have a choleretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. The rich composition and diverse action allows the collection to be used for various concomitant diseases gastrointestinal tract .

Menthol - the main component of peppermint oil, has a choleretic effect and enhances intestinal motility.

Yarrow herb has a choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic effect, and also enhances the secretion of gastric juice.

Marigold flowers have pronounced bactericidal properties, they are used as an antispasmodic, enhance bile formation and bile secretion, increase the secretion of gastric juice.

Chamomile flowers are known for their antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, are used for flatulence, low acidity, and intestinal spasms.

Tansy flowers have a choleretic and antispasmodic effect, improve appetite and digestion. Applicable for gastritis with low acidity, with inflammation of the intestines and.


Data not presented.

Indications for use

The use of choleretic collection is indicated for:

  • chronic;
  • with low acidity;
  • chronic cholangitis ;
  • postcholecystectomy syndrome ;
  • disorders with a tendency to


  • hypersensitivity;
  • in the acute stage;
  • spicy ;
  • in the acute stage;
  • stones in and ducts;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 12 years.

Side effects

  • heartburn .

Cholagogue collection No. 3, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The decoction is taken orally 1/3-1/2 cup three times a day 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is up to 4 weeks. To prepare the infusion take 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials in 200 ml of hot water. In an enamel bowl, heat in a water bath for 15-20 minutes, then infuse for 35-45 minutes. The raw material is squeezed out, the infusion is adjusted with water to a volume of 200 ml. Before each use, the prepared infusion must be shaken. It has a bitter taste, slightly astringent.

Two filter bags are poured into 100 ml of boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. For better extraction, press the sachets several times with a spoon. After squeezing them, the volume of the infusion is adjusted with water to 100 ml. Take before meals 0.5 cup three times a day.


Cases of overdose are not known.


Data not provided.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Temperature up to 25°С.

Best before date

2 years. Store the prepared broth in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.


Coincidence in the ATX code of the 4th level:

Dog-rose fruit , Cholagogue No. 1 and , Holagogum , Kurepar , Fumetere .

Reviews of the choleretic collection No. 3

Phytotherapy is widely used in the treatment of diseases gastrointestinal tract . This collection is also called Phytogepatol , which indicates its targeted effect on the liver and biliary system.

Patients respond positively to herbal preparations, and some prefer herbal medicine to pharmaceuticals. However, it must be remembered that it is not always possible to get by with only herbs and often they go as an addition to the main drug treatment. It depends on the severity of the disease and the severity of the symptoms. Which choleretic collection to choose, since there are three of them? It depends on comorbidities. gastrointestinal tract , as well as the acidity of gastric juice and the type biliary dyskinesia .

Medicinal plants are divided into choleretics (increase bile secretion) and cholekinetics (stimulate bile secretion by increasing the contraction of the gallbladder).

The first group includes: immortelle flowers, corn stigmas, tansy, peppermint, elecampane root, common yarrow, dandelion root, centaury herb. This group of herbs is taken in the treatment and concomitant. Contraindicated in cases of blockage of the excretory ducts.

The second group includes: calendula, hawthorn flowers, barberry fruits and bark, smoke grass, chicory root, cornflower flowers, rose hips, dill and caraway seeds, lavender, lemon balm. Cholekinetics are indicated for hypotonic form dyskinesia when there is atony of the gallbladder and stagnation of bile, as well as with reduced acidity of gastric juice. Contraindicated in gallstones, acute liver disease, exacerbation hyperacid gastritis .

Collection No. 1 contains immortelle flowers, shamrock leaves (three-leaf watch), mint leaves, coriander fruits. In this collection, the three-leaf watch, due to the presence of bitterness, stimulates the function of the entire digestive tract - the secretion of gastric juice, enzymes and bile. It has a laxative and antiseptic effect. Helichrysum has the same stimulating effect on the digestive tract, which is effective in the treatment of concomitant and constipation.

In composition No. 2, in addition to immortelle, mint and coriander (as in the previous one), yarrow is included. This collection to a greater extent increases the secretion of bile, and the fruits of coriander and yarrow will eliminate constipation.

In the choleretic composition No. 3, tansy flowers are additionally introduced, which increase the acidity of gastric juice, calendula and chamomile, which have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it will be effective for inflammation of not only the gallbladder, but also the intestines, as well as gastritis with low acidity and a tendency to diarrhea .

Phytotherapy courses are carried out for a long time (sometimes up to 2-3 months) and repeated 3-4 times a year. It is necessary to follow the principle of expanding and adding herbs to the collections, taking into account the individual tolerance of herbs and the presence of concomitant diseases. If the fees are selected without taking into account the acidity of the gastric juice (and many did not determine it and do not know it), then if there is, which will be stimulated even more, heartburn may appear. In most cases, in the absence of allergies, herbal decoctions are well tolerated. Many patients note the effectiveness, natural composition and reasonable price.

  • « … Inexpensive, effective natural remedy. It always helps me with an exacerbation».
  • « … Pain, heaviness in the right side and discomfort are significantly reduced after 2 days of taking».
  • « ... Chronic cholecystitis is constantly aggravated in the spring and I always take this composition. It suits me and does not cause heartburn».
  • « ... With not strong exacerbations of cholecystitis, I always get by with these herbs. Good help».

Price where to buy

You can buy a collection at any pharmacy. The price of choleretic collection No. 3 in packs of 50 g varies between 57-73 rubles, the price of raw materials in filter bags is 38-71 rubles.

A special selection of plants that help with diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, in alternative medicine is characterized as a choleretic collection. There are several types of this folk medicine, which differs both in its composition and in its effect on the body. It is undesirable to carry out uncontrolled use of fees for medical purposes. If there are signs of diseases of the biliary tract or gallbladder, you should still seek the advice of a doctor. It will help you choose the right collection, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the course of the disease.

The action of the choleretic collection: pharmacology

Cholagogue herbal preparations perfectly help to eliminate or alleviate the symptoms of diseases of both the gallbladder and the biliary tract. They have the following effect on the course of diseases of the above organs:

Fees for removing bile are divided into several types: No. 1, 2, 3. They have a different composition. But still, the herbs that are included in them differ in a similar effect.

Fees are issued in disposable filter bags, packed in a cardboard box.

Description of choleretic collection 1

The composition of this plant material includes such plants as:

  • three-leaf watch (leaves);
  • mint (leaves);
  • immortelle flowers;
  • coriander seeds.

This collection, having mint in its composition, has a sedative effect and successfully removes stones from the biliary tract and gallbladder, stimulates the latter, and also activates the activity of the liver.

The three-leaf watch perfectly relieves inflammation, and coriander seeds anesthetize and promote the removal of bile.

Immortelle flowers tone the liver and gallbladder, reduce the level of bilirubin and cholesterol, relieve spasms, and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

A tincture from this collection is prepared by adding a tablespoon of dried plants to a glass of boiled water. It is recommended to infuse for about 45 minutes to an hour, while adding another glass of liquid. The course of therapy is a month with daily use of at least 900 ml of infusion. Take a medicinal drink before meals, three times a day, in equal doses.

Store the finished infusion in a cold place, no more than 48 hours.

Cholagogue collection 2: a brief description

Specially selected plants included in the choleretic collection No. 2 are distinguished by the following composition:

  • yarrow;
  • coriander seeds;
  • mint;
  • immortelle flowers or sandy cumin.

It is yarrow in alternative medicine that is widely used as a folk medicine, as it perfectly relieves spasms, reduces inflammation and helps to speed up the process of removing stagnant bile.

The above fee is applied as follows: three sachets of this medicine are taken per glass of boiling water. It needs to be insisted for no more than half an hour, and then squeeze the bags and add another glass of boiling water. It is advisable to take such a medicinal drink before meals, three times a day, not more than 100 ml at a time.

Cholagogue collection 3: a brief description

This collection of medicinal herbs includes the following plants:

  • tansy (flowers);
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • yarrow;
  • mint (leaves).

Tansy flowers, in addition to the choleretic and anti-inflammatory effect, also have an antimicrobial, bactericidal effect on the above organs.

Chamomile soothes and relieves pain during spasms.

To prepare this medicinal drink, take 2 filter bags of the collection, which are poured with a glass of boiling water. Cholagogue collection 3 should be infused for the same time as the previous infusion, about 15 minutes. The course of therapy with this medicine lasts a month, with daily use of 300 to 600 ml of a medicinal drink. The dose, of course, is determined by the doctor depending on the course of the disease.

Indications for the application of the above fees

Cholagogue fees are used for medicinal purposes when the following indications exist:

  • chronic reactive hepatitis;
  • indigestion;
  • lack of appetite;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • the formation of an infectious inflammatory process in the bile ducts (cholangitis);
  • postcholecystectomy syndrome.

Contraindications to the use of choleretic collection

Despite all the positive effects of these herbs on the body in diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, some people should not use choleretic collection. Reviews of researchers indicate that the use of the above selection of plants is undesirable for:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the collection, the manifestation of allergic reactions to some plants;
  • cholelithiasis - a disease that is characterized in that there are stones in the biliary tract and bladder that interfere with the release of bile;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • acute pancreatitis.

It is also undesirable for women during pregnancy and lactation to take such medications. Only in exceptional cases, the doctor may prescribe therapy with the above remedy.

Children under 12 years of age are strictly prohibited from using this medicine.

Cholagogue collection can also cause some side effects, such as heartburn. Reviews of people who had problems with the organs of the digestive system very often indicated the occurrence of this problem during the use of this remedy. They complained of a certain burning sensation in the chest area.

Also, those suffering from hypertension, when using infusion from the above fees, very often complained of an increase in pressure. Experts, after analyzing their reviews and doing some research in the laboratory, came to the conclusion: immortelle flowers have such an effect on the body. Therefore, it is undesirable for hypertensive people to use choleretic collection 1 and 2 for medicinal purposes.

Also, with the uncontrolled use of choleretic collection, congestion in the liver may develop. It is the immortelle flowers that have such an effect.

Cholagogue fees remarkably help to fight the symptoms of diseases of the biliary tract and bladder. When using this selection of plants for medicinal purposes, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic effects are guaranteed. But you need to remember that only a doctor can prescribe such treatment, and even then only after a thorough examination of the patient and clarification of the details of the history of the disease. The doctor will correctly select a specific collection for the patient, prescribe the necessary doses. The uncontrolled use of this herbal raw material for the treatment of the above diseases can contribute to the occurrence of side effects.

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