Complete and incomplete doubling of the kidneys: causes, manifestations, treatment and whether it is possible to become pregnant with renal anomalies. Features of duplication of the right kidney: what is it

Kidney duplication is a congenital pathology, which in most cases occurs in girls and is more often unilateral. The reasons for this phenomenon are very different. The doubling of the kidney begins to form and develop in the child even in the womb.

What it is?

The kidneys in the human body are represented by a paired organ. They perform the function of removing toxins from the body. Everyone knows about it. But not everyone has heard that there is a doubling of the kidney. What it is? This is the division of an organ into two halves, fused together by poles. Each part has its own blood supply system. Outwardly, such a kidney is much larger in size. The development of pathology occurs during fetal development.


Doubling of the kidney does not manifest itself in any way. It does not need to be treated until it causes some other disease of this organ. Signs of duplication of the kidney are different. Usually inflammatory processes are characterized by:

  • An increase in temperature.
  • Weakness and swelling.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Regular headaches.
  • An increase in pressure.
  • Cloudy urine.
  • Reverse flow of urine.
  • Discomfort and pain in the lumbar region.
  • Urinary incontinence.
  • Discomfort when urinating.
  • Renal colic.
  • The occurrence of infection in the urinary tract.

Whether all the symptoms appear at once or each separately, will depend on the disease.


Doubling of the kidneys is characterized by complete or incomplete division of the organ into two parts. If it doesn't bother the person, nothing needs to be done. It is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly undergo preventive examinations. This pathology provokes inflammatory processes in the kidney when it completely doubles. Even in this case, there is no point in doing a complex operation to correct the defect. He throughout life can not cause trouble to a person.

Therapeutic treatment is usually used when diagnosing some serious disease, for example, pyelonephritis, if it was caused by this anomaly. When the disease becomes chronic and cannot be treated with conservative methods, then they resort to surgical intervention, which is aimed at correcting the cause that caused the complication. But they always try to save the kidney. It is removed only when it has completely lost its performance.


If during the examination a doubling of the kidney was found, there is no need to panic. This diagnosis is not fatal. When the pathology of the organ does not bother, it will not affect the quality of human life in any way. You need to take better care of your health:

  • Give up bad habits, if any: stop drinking, smoking, taking drugs.
  • Change your job if it involves poisonous chemicals.
  • Urgently switch to a properly balanced diet.
  • Strictly monitor the regime of work and rest.

If one of the relatives has a doubling of the kidney, what it is is known to the whole family. Therefore, when a woman from your family will bear a child, you need to treat this period with double attention. A child in the womb must develop, receiving the necessary vitamins. A woman is obliged to take care of her health and not take alcohol, drugs, medications that can cause poisoning of a child.

In modern medicine, a huge number of diseases of the urinary system are distinguished. Recently, doctors are increasingly diagnosing a doubling of the kidney. This phenomenon is not considered a disease, since it practically does not manifest itself in any way. However, it can serve as a fundamental factor for the development of inflammatory processes.

general information

Kidney duplication is a pathology of the urinary system, in which the presence of two fused organs is observed. It is important to note that each has its own blood supply.

According to experts, this pathology develops even at a time when the fetus is inside the mother's womb. According to available statistics, there is only one in 150 babies with such an abnormal phenomenon, and most often it is diagnosed in girls.

The altered organ practically does not pose a danger to humans, but often contributes to the development of very serious diseases.

Main reasons

As noted above, most often this kind of pathology is diagnosed in young children.

As for the main reasons contributing to the development of the problem, experts call the following:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • drug poisoning;
  • the use of hormonal drugs during pregnancy;
  • bad habits of the future woman in labor;
  • avitaminosis during pregnancy.


Kidney duplication does not differ in any obvious clinical features. Moreover, many people live with such an anomaly for many years and do not observe difficulties.

If this pathology begins to manifest itself in any way, most likely, health problems may appear in the near future (inflammatory processes, constant urinary retention, its accumulation in the pelvis area, etc.). As a rule, it is the upper part of the organ that is underdeveloped. This appearance is also characteristic of dysplasia. The formation of the so-called renal dysplasia with impaired urodynamics contributes to the formation of an anomaly in the form of a doubling of the organ. In such a situation, the following symptoms may be observed:

  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • cloudy urine;
  • regular headaches;
  • discomfort and even pain in the lumbar region;
  • discomfort during urination.


Experts conditionally divide this pathology into two types:

Basic diagnostic methods

Most often, this pathology is detected during the next preventive examination by ultrasound. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe computed tomography, x-rays, MRI. All these studies are necessary, since it is almost impossible to determine an incomplete doubling of the kidney on a conventional x-ray. In some cases, the doctor additionally recommends ascending urography using a contrast agent or cystoscopy.

What should be the treatment

When an anomaly such as a doubling of the right or left kidney appears in the body, it is recommended to regularly undergo preventive examinations by specialists (ultrasound, urinalysis). The doctor decides on the appointment of treatment only in case of complications in the urinary system.

Surgical methods are used in the development of diseases that directly disrupt the functioning of the kidneys and are not subject to therapy (for example, hydronephrosis, tumors, urolithiasis). In case of serious complications that threaten the patient's life, specialists also decide to remove the organ.

In the formation of renal failure, as a rule, hemodialysis and organ transplantation from a donor are performed.

If the "additional" kidney does not cause inconvenience to the patient, conservative treatment and regular monitoring of the patient's condition are prescribed. In this case, we are talking about symptomatic therapy. In inflammatory processes, antibiotics are prescribed, and in the formation of stones, analgesics and antispasmodics.

It is important to note that in each case, only a doctor can prescribe medicines. In no case is it recommended to self-medicate, as this can only aggravate the situation.

In addition, a doubling of the kidney in a child should alert parents. In this kind of situation, it will not be possible to do without the qualified help of doctors.

If the patient has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis, one should not panic. Modern medicine offers various solutions to this problem. In addition to drug therapy, the patient must forever give up bad habits and try to eat right. We will discuss preventive measures in more detail below.

Possible dangers

We have already identified the main symptoms for such a problem as doubling the left kidney, but why is it dangerous? According to experts, this pathology in itself does not pose a threat to human health. However, it has the development of many diseases, including nephroptosis, urolithiasis, and even tuberculosis. Thus, it becomes clear that it is not worth starting such a problem, it is better to examine the body in a timely manner.

Preventive measures

The anatomy of the kidney is a rather interesting and at the same time difficult issue that has always attracted scientists. Diseases and pathologies of this organ are not always amenable to therapy. That is why it is so important to know about preventive measures.

With this problem, experts strongly recommend that all future women in labor avoid ionizing radiation in large quantities, try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, and eat only healthy foods. You should not take hormonal drugs during the entire pregnancy. Compliance with the above measures greatly reduces the risk of developing a problem such as a doubling of the kidney.

In general, throughout life it is recommended to pay special attention to the issue of your own nutrition. First of all, it is necessary to limit the consumption of salty, fatty and bitter foods, since in this case it is not necessary to talk about the normal functioning of the body. As soon as the kidney ceases to cope with the processing of fluid in large quantities, various kinds of anomalies begin to form.


In conclusion, it should be noted once again that the anatomy of the kidney and associated diseases are quite interesting issues that require a comprehensive study. It is important to remember that doubling of this organ is not a disease. This is an anomaly that throughout a person's life may not make itself felt. On the other hand, we should not forget that pathology in some cases provides the prerequisites for the development of very serious ailments.

Double kidney is the most common congenital disorder. In children, doubling of the kidneys is often detected completely by accident when diagnosing another pathology and performing an ultrasound scan. Double kidney - what is it? Doubling of the organ occurs in the prenatal period. The kidneys are a paired organ. Doubling is more often observed on the one hand. Medical practice shows that this pathology is most common on the left, and girls are more susceptible to it.

Bilateral doubling, according to statistics, occurs in only 10% of cases of this pathology. The kidney may be fully or partially doubled. The pathological kidney is much larger than the normal one.

Each of the parts of such a kidney has a separate blood supply system, but most often a single pelvicalyceal system. The pathological structure of the kidney physically and functionally does not create any problems, and often people learn about this fact by accident. However, during life, such features of the body can provoke a number of diseases.

What is renal PLS? The pelvicalyceal system performs the main function of the urinary system - the accumulation of urine and its excretion into the bladder. With partial doubling, a single PCS develops. If the organ doubles completely, a separate PCS is formed in each of the lobules. But the complete separation of the organ does not occur, it is covered with a single fibrous membrane. Each of the PCLs has a separate ureter - an outlet to the bladder.

In a doubled organ, it either connects to the main one, or has a separate entrance to the bladder. The first option for this pathology is more preferable from a physiological point of view, since the second one can provoke a violation of urine output and a persistent expansion of the pelvis, or hydronephrosis. These were general information about what CHLS is, then we will talk about the factors that can provoke the development of a double kidney, and what it threatens.

Causes of duplication of the kidney

Double kidney - what is it and what are the main causes of such a pathology? This anomaly is exclusively congenital and is laid only during the intrauterine development of the fetus. The genetic factor plays a major role in this. If one of the relatives of the mother or father had a similar anomaly, then there is a risk of having a child with the same pathology.

In addition, there are some factors that can negatively affect a woman's body during pregnancy and have a pathogenic effect on embryogenesis, as a result of which an abnormal kidney is formed in the fetus. Such a congenital defect can be provoked by the following circumstances:

  • exposure (X-ray or radioactive);
  • harmful factors in production;
  • medications;
  • drugs;
  • smoking and alcohol;
  • radiation therapy;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • severe avitaminosis;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • infections.

These teratogenic factors can lead to the pathology of kidney development. The development of two points of growth of this organ is formed. The child has a doubling of the kidneys, and a double PCS is formed. Sometimes doubling of the organ does not occur completely, which happens much more often than complete doubling. Doubling of the right or left kidney can be detected in a baby before birth with ultrasound.

Incomplete renal duplication often does not manifest itself throughout life and is detected in the diagnosis of other pathologies, while complete duplication provokes hydronephrosis and stagnation of urine in a separate pelvis. This contributes to the development of diseases such as:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • tumor;
  • kidney tuberculosis.

If a newborn child has problems with the urinary system, an examination is carried out to identify the cause of the violations, often this is a complete doubling of the renal pelvis.


There is complete and incomplete doubling of the kidney. Let us consider this anomaly in detail.

Full doubling - instead of one kidney, two organs develop. This phenomenon is observed extremely rarely, only in 10-15% of cases from the total number of anomalies. Each of the bifurcated organs has a separate pyelocaliceal system, equipped with its own ureter. The ureter is sometimes connected to the main one and forms a single mouth, and sometimes it is isolated and connected to the bladder.

Each bifurcated kidney has its own PCS and ureter, and they are able to independently filter urine. The lower parts of such organs are more functional. Sometimes an additional ureter has an additional branch in the form of an end in the diverticulum of the bladder (a depression connected to the main cavity by a channel). It is extremely rare with this pathology that the branched end of the ureter has an outlet to the urethra or vagina, then the baby may leak urine and be diagnosed as incontinence.

Incomplete duplication of the kidney is much more common than complete (80-90% of cases). In this case, the kidney is markedly enlarged. Each part of such an organ is fed by a separate renal artery, but its CLS is single. Sometimes PCS develops two, and one artery feeds them.

Often people with such a pathology do not even suspect the existence of an anomaly and live happily with it for many years.


Doubling of the kidneys is not manifested by any special symptoms. People with such a diagnosis can live their whole lives and not be aware of the anomaly or detect pathology in various studies for other diseases.

Problems arise only with difficulties with emptying the pelvis. More often it happens at full doubling. Patients experience lower back pain on the side of the abnormal organ, Pasternatsky's symptom (pain on tapping) is also positive on the same side. In addition, you may experience:

  • general weakness;
  • hyperthermia (with the addition of a bacterial infection);
  • symptomatic hypertension;
  • pain during urination;
  • regular inflammation;
  • renal colic.

Complete duplication of the kidney often provokes diseases of the upper urinary tract, which are severe, and their treatment brings the patient only temporary relief.

Incomplete duplication of the organ, as a rule, does not cause any problems with emptying the pelvis, and therefore is asymptomatic.

Possible consequences

What is the danger of doubling the kidneys? Incomplete doubling does not interfere with the excretory function and does not cause any pathologies in either the child or the adult. However, complete doubling can cause complications associated with urinary stagnation and provoke a number of pathologies:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urolithiasis (urolithiasis);
  • hydronephrosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • polycystic;
  • ureterocele (narrowing of the ureteral canal, causing the appearance of a rounded cystic formation in the intravesical region);
  • tumors and other diseases.


It is not difficult to detect such a pathology. To do this, it is enough to conduct a kidney examination using:

  • cystoscopy;
  • excretory urography;
  • magnetic resonance urography;
  • radiography.

In addition, standard tests are prescribed, such as a general blood and urine test.

Often one hardware study is not enough. So, X-ray does not make it possible to see whether this doubling is complete or not. Then additional studies are ordered.

During ultrasound, the specialist often makes an unambiguous conclusion and reveals two separate PCS of both kidneys or one. This makes it possible to suspect a complete bifurcation of the organ.

Cystoscopic examination allows you to see the mouth of the ureters. With a complete doubling of one or both kidneys, there will be more than two of them. For example, when a child's right kidney is doubled, a pair of ureters will enter the bladder on the right, and one on the left.

Ascending urography involves the use of a contrast agent, which is clearly visible on x-rays.

All these research methods allow you to accurately diagnose.


Incomplete duplication of the kidneys has no negative consequences, and therefore does not require therapy. Manifestations of signs of pyelonephritis, urolithiasis or hydronephrosis suggest symptomatic treatment. First of all, the patient needs to pay attention to his diet and lifestyle and, if necessary, adjust them.

With bifurcated PCLS of the kidney, treatment is symptomatic, which includes:

  • dietary modification (reducing fat intake);
  • antibiotic therapy (with the addition of an infection);
  • antispasmodic drugs;
  • painkillers;
  • herbal medicinal preparations.

With the development of severe hydronephrosis, the doctor's task is to preserve the function of the abnormal organ as long as possible. To do this, doctors select the most effective methods in order to properly treat the pathology and maintain the correct functioning of the organ for quite a long time. If this fails, resort to surgical treatment. There are several types of surgery:

  • nephrectomy - part of the kidney (one or more segments) is removed;
  • pyelo-pyeloanastomosis or uretero-ureteroanastomosis - an anastomosis is applied during the reverse throwing of urine (reflux);
  • antireflux surgical treatment - a lumen is created for the outflow of urine (tunnelization of the ureter);
  • excision of the ureterocele and suturing of the ureters into the wall of the bladder.


Kidney duplication is usually not harmful to health and is often discovered incidentally during physical examinations or diagnostic procedures for other diseases. With this anomaly of the kidneys, complications arise as a result of difficulty in the outflow of urine from the pelvis of the pathological organ. It is important to know that with such an anomaly, a healthy lifestyle should be followed:

  • nutrition should be rational, fried and heavy foods should be excluded from the diet;
  • give up alcohol and tobacco;
  • do not self-medicate.

Following these simple rules, many people with a similar pathology live for many years and feel great.

Of the anomalies in the development of the kidneys, doubling of these organs is the most common. More often the problem is observed in girls on one side of the body, but sometimes it can be bilateral.

Kidney duplication - what is it?

By doubling the kidney, modern medicine recognizes a congenital pathology, in which the presence of a complete or partial doubling of the renal system is noted. The anomaly accounts for more than 10% of all malformations of the urinary system, occurs in about 150 cases of post-mortem autopsy, and in newborns - in 1 case out of 140 children born. Unilateral doubling accounts for 88% of all registered pathologies, doubling of both kidneys - 12%. The ICD-10 code is Q63.8 (Other congenital anomalies of the kidney).

When doubling, the kidney visually looks like two organs, each with its own blood supply.

The abnormal kidney, of course, is much larger than the normal one. The double kidney itself does not cause physical problems and serious inferiority of the system function, but contributes to the development of a number of diseases during life.

The reasons

Pathology can be exclusively congenital, it is laid in the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Often, hereditary disposition matters when one of the parents and close relatives has a similar anomaly. Also, a number of factors can have a pathogenic effect on the body of the mother and fetus, as a result of which a kidney with structural defects is laid during embryogenesis.

Among these factors are:

  • Getting radioactive, x-ray exposure.
  • Work in hazardous industries.
  • Poisoning with drugs, poisons, intoxication.
  • Taking drugs with a teratogenic effect.
  • Severe avitaminosis.

The result of the action of such factors is the appearance of two foci of kidney growth, when 2 pyelocaliceal systems are formed. Their final separation does not happen, so the double kidney is covered with a common fibrous membrane. The vessels depart separately from the aorta, or have a common trunk, which is then divided into two parts and approaches each kidney individually. Sometimes the arteries inside a doubled kidney penetrate from one abnormal organ to another, which can create certain difficulties during the operation.
On the video about what a doubling of the kidney is:

Forms of pathology

As already noted, the anomaly is unilateral and bilateral.

But in medical practice, the differentiation of pathology into such forms is also of great importance:

  1. Full doubling. Both the left and right kidneys have their own ureter, their own pelvicalyceal system. The pelvises are located in parallel, connected only by a small isthmus of connective tissue. The calyx that is at the top, as a rule, is underdeveloped, and the lower pelvis functions fully. Each of the doubled kidneys, in fact, is a separate organ.
  2. incomplete doubling. With this anomaly, the parenchyma of the organ is double, its vessels are also doubled. The pelvicalyceal system develops without doubling. The top of the abnormal kidney is smaller than the bottom.

The most common is incomplete doubling of the left kidney. The right organ is affected much less frequently. The underdeveloped part of the double kidney resembles the state of the organ in dysplasia.

In the photo, the form of a doubling of the kidney


Manifestations of incomplete duplication of the kidney in the newborn and in people during life are usually absent. Sometimes a person is unaware of the existing anomaly at all, and learns about it by accident. Incomplete doubling does not cause any consequences for life and a decrease in its quality.

Full doubling also does not lead to the appearance of symptoms, but only as long as various complications are not superimposed on it. It can occur at any age, but is less commonly diagnosed in children under 8-10 years of age.

Usually, with prolonged existence of anomalies without surgery, the following are observed:

  • Regular inflammation;
  • Hydronephrosis with accumulation of urine in the pelvis;
  • Reverse flow of urine from the ureters.

Symptoms of complete doubling of the kidney can be:

  • Pain in the lower back;
  • Pain when tapped on the lower back;
  • Sometimes - an increase in body temperature;
  • swelling;
  • Weakness;
  • Frequent renal colic;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Occasionally - urinary incontinence.

The infection can go downstream to the bladder, urethra with the appearance of a characteristic clinic of cystitis, urethritis.


Usually, anomaly detection happens as planned. Due to mandatory screening in children under one year old, duplication of the kidney is often detected in a child already on ultrasound at 1-6 months. Thus, ultrasound of the kidneys is the main diagnostic method that suggests this anomaly.

  1. Radiography, MRI, CT. They allow you to examine in detail the shape and structure of the kidneys.
  2. excretory urography. Helps to see the ureters, expansion and doubling of the pelvicalyceal system.
  3. Doppler scanning. It is used to evaluate the vessels that feed the kidneys.
  4. Cystoscopy. The specialist visualizes the orifices of the ureters, their number and location.

Inflammatory changes in the urinary system and the effectiveness of its work are confirmed by tests. Apply:

  • General urine analysis;
  • Urinalysis;
  • "Renal" blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of a smear from the urethra for bakposev, etc.

Often, an experienced specialist can assume the presence of a doubling of the kidney in the fetus during pregnancy. Ultrasound at 25 weeks and later may well provide the necessary information. Separately, it must be said about pregnancy with a double kidney. Such women are necessarily carefully observed by a nephrologist, urologist during the entire gestation period, they regularly undergo a number of laboratory and instrumental tests. In the presence of renal failure, indications for surgery, pregnancy is contraindicated.
Double kidney on ultrasound:

Treatment and prognosis

There is no specific conservative treatment for this anomaly. But due to the increased risk of developing various complications, it is important to exercise dynamic control over the health of a person with a double kidney. As a preventive measure, they take diuretics, herbal remedies and other drugs prescribed by a specialist, as well as regularly give urine and perform ultrasound of the kidney. A diet with reduced amounts of salt, spicy foods, smoked meats and other foods that can overload the kidneys is important. Be sure to stop smoking, drink alcohol in minimal quantities.

When complications occur, treatment is symptomatic and pathogenetic.

Acute and chronic inflammation and obstruction of the outflow of urine are treated by taking:

  • antibiotics;
  • Antispasmodics and painkillers;
  • Herbal preparations (kidney tea, corn stigmas, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.).

In the presence of severe, often exacerbating chronic pyelonephritis, as well as severe vesicoureteral reflux, surgical treatment should be planned. Also, one half of the kidney or ureter is removed with stones, hydronephrosis, lack of functioning of the organ, and the operation (heminephrectomy) is performed at any age. The appearance of a tumor or the lack of technical feasibility of separation of the kidneys becomes an indication for a complete nephrectomy. Kidney failure will require a kidney transplant from a donor or hemodialysis.
On the video about the causes and treatment of anomalies in the development of the kidneys:

What threatens?

A prerequisite for the development of complications is the presence of renal dysplasia and impaired urodynamics due to a double ureter. As a result, incomplete emptying of the pelvis is observed in the underdeveloped part of the kidney, urine stagnates, which causes a variety of diseases.

The most common inflammation of the kidney is pyelonephritis, which is especially common with complete doubling, combined with ectopia of the ureteral opening, ureteral reflux, cystic reflux, uregerocele. Pyelonephritis is observed in 24% of cases of doubling.

Other possible consequences:

  • Kidney stones - 21%;
  • Hydronephrosis - 14%;
  • Nephroptosis - 3%;
  • Kidney tuberculosis - 36%;
  • Tumors - 2%.

A kidney with an anomaly is highly vulnerable, in addition, the infectious process in it often passes to a healthy organ. Therefore, it is important for the patient not to overcool, eat right, immediately treat all inflammations and infections in order to maintain health at a high level.

  • Complete and incomplete duplication of the kidney
  • Why is the pathological structure of the kidney dangerous?

A double kidney is one of the most common congenital developmental anomalies. For unknown reasons, an anomaly of the left kidney is more common, while the right organ is affected quite rarely. In most cases, a bifurcation of the kidney does not pose a threat to human life, since the organ, having a not quite correct structure, can still perform its functions of purifying the blood and removing excess fluid.

Complete and incomplete duplication of the kidney

In modern medical terminology, duplication of the kidney is understood as a developmental pathology in which the organ doubles completely or partially. With full doubling, the organ looks like two separate structures merged into one. In addition, there is a structure characteristic of two separate organs. Complete duplication is characterized by the presence of a separate circulatory system for each of the elements of an organ that has a pathological structure. Each individual kidney can be easily differentiated.

Partial duplication of an organ is diagnosed when the second kidney is fully integrated into the tissues of the first, that is, the two connected organs cannot be separated, since their tissues are strongly fused. As a rule, with this variant of the anomaly, only 1 pyelocaliceal system (PCS) develops, while in the second kidney this element simply atrophies and ceases to perform its function. With this option, the body is significantly increased in size.

Incomplete duplication of the left kidney can be easily distinguished from other pathologies, since 2 arteries immediately approach the enlarged organ. Currently, there is no exact data on what exactly contributes to the development of such a pathology. Possible predisposing factors include:

  • ionizing effect;
  • maternal smoking;
  • alcohol intake;
  • avitaminosis;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • genetic predisposition.

In most cases, unilateral doubling of the kidney is diagnosed, but sometimes bilateral pathology can also be observed. People who have such a specific structure of an organ can live their whole lives without even suspecting that they have a pathology, but this is not always the case. Clinical manifestations largely depend on the characteristics of the pathology. Most often, obvious symptomatic manifestations are observed with complete bifurcation, since in this case the lower part of the fused organ may be underdeveloped, and there may also be a duplication of the parenchyma, which leads to insufficient emptying of the pelvis.

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Why is the pathological structure of the kidney dangerous?

Anomaly symptoms are always extremely blurred. Signs of pathology are detected by chance during a routine ultrasound or during the diagnosis of other diseases. However, it should be noted that this anomaly is a predisposing factor for the development of many diseases. A double kidney can cause the development of the following diseases:

  • hydronephrosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • nephroptosis;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • cysts.

Often a person learns about the presence of a problem only after the appearance of diseases that develop against the background of an anomaly. Diseases against the background of doubling the organ can be observed in both children and adults. The thing is that when establishing the cause and characteristics of the course of a concomitant disease that has obvious symptoms, a developmental anomaly is also diagnosed. Doubling of the right kidney is less often complicated by concomitant diseases due to the peculiarities of its anatomical location.

Currently, duplication of the kidney can be diagnosed during pregnancy, as modern ultrasound scanners are quite effective in this regard.

In case of early detection, treatment is not prescribed, since if the organ is working normally, then the child may not have health problems in the future.

Anomalies can only be treated surgically, so many doctors prefer drug therapy. In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed to prevent possible complications. To identify the features of the pathology, the following studies and analyzes can be prescribed:

  1. renal perfusion.
  2. Renal angiography.
  3. CT scan.
  4. General urine analysis.

With the development of hydronephrosis, a resection may be indicated, involving the removal of one of the segments of the doubled organ. For a nephrectomy, there must be serious reasons, for example, the loss of functionality of the organ.

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