Feel like a man, or how to help animals in winter. Helping animals in winter How to help animals in winter wall newspaper

May 11, 2017

In winter, for many animals living in the wild or in the city, but in street conditions, there comes a hard and hungry time. It often becomes difficult for them to get food, as a result they are threatened with death from starvation. How to help animals in winter? Regular feeding and care of people who are not indifferent to the beast will help to survive the cold season.

Birds: how to help animals in winter?

In winter, some species of birds that live within the city - next to us suffer the most in winter. If wild animals living in forests and fields usually stock up for the winter (and can also eat berries left on branches, seeds in cones and tree bark), then birds living in the city cannot eat properly.

For example, the same pigeons with sparrows, tits with bullfinches cannot feed on garbage dumps. This food does not fit the type, as they are not omnivores like crows. As a result, they die more often, especially when attics are closed tightly (or houses without attics at all), they have nowhere to warm themselves. These animals have a quick heat exchange, and while they are full, they feel good. And as soon as they get hungry, they begin to lose their strength, freeze.

How to help animals in winter? The best help is regular feeding of birds. You need to hang feeders, but not on trunks, but on branches - not far from the windows. Since hungry birds are fond of food and do not notice the danger, they can become prey, for example, for the same cat. And it is better to feed them with seeds (raw, unsalted), dried berries, bread crumbs (only white), if funds allow, you can buy a grain mixture in the store.

Wild animals

It is necessary, speaking about how to help animals in winter, to tell that special hunting grounds are created for wild animals, where foresters carry out work according to the plan, and hay, branches, even salt in the stone are used for feeding. Mammals cannot live without these products. Therefore, foresters feed them until it is warm, because in spring the snow is the densest, and it is much more difficult for animals to find food under it.

In winter forests, it becomes especially difficult for a large animal when a crust appears - a hard crust on melted snow. Their legs can fail, the snow hurts them, cuts with its sharp edge, and they can no longer run away from predators. Therefore, foresters feed elks, deer and bison with bread, grain, pouring salt on stumps for food.

How to help animals in winter: Grade 2

And there are also pets that need human help. And it is very important to take an interest in the fate of those pets who accidentally found themselves in difficult outdoor conditions during this cold season. We are talking about lost completely home. Oh, how hard it is for them, since they are most accustomed to warmth and constant feeding.

In general, how to help animals in the winter, children in the second grade are told in detail in lessons on the world around them. And this is true, because only from childhood it is possible to instill in kids a reverent attitude towards nature.

So, students are advised, if they find, for example, a dog trembling from the cold on the street, try to find its owner through the media, ads and the Internet, photographing and posting pictures of the animal with a detailed description of it. And also it would be useful to feed and warm the poor fellow first.

Source: fb.ru



How can you help wild animals in winter? With the onset of cold weather, the creatures inhabiting forests, parks and squares feel, first of all, an acute need for food, water, and also for shelter. It is believed that the relevant public organizations are obliged to provide all these wild animals. In fact, every conscious person is capable of making an invaluable contribution. So, let's find out how to help animals in the winter.

Bird feeding

Providing food for birds is within the power of each of us. After all, most birds are unpretentious in the choice of food. Especially with the onset of severe frosts, when there is a shortage of the usual food. As a top dressing for birds, you can use the remains of homemade dishes, all kinds of cereals, bread crumbs, nuts, fruits, berries. The main thing is that the proposed food does not represent potential harm to the health of birds.

It should be noted that it is necessary to feed the birds throughout the winter period. Because they quickly get used to such offerings from a person and no longer devote time to searching for prey in other places.

Ensuring access to water

Water is essential for animals in winter. How to help creatures who are forced to suffer from a lack of fluid with the advent of frost? From time to time it is necessary to pour fresh warm water into shallow containers and leave it in places where animals gather. You can also periodically remove the ice crust on reservoirs in urban gardens and parks. A large log left in a thawed hole on the surface of the pond will not allow the water to freeze for a long time. Thus, animals will be able to come here to make up for the lack of fluid in the body.


How to help animals in winter? Providing them not only with food and water, but also with shelters seems to be an excellent solution. The latter can serve as compost heaps, where reptiles, amphibians and small mammals are happy to settle. Heaps of stones or firewood can become a good shelter for wintering small animals.

To protect the birds from the cold, it is enough to hang roomy nest boxes and birdhouses on the trees. As practice shows, wooden booths located under the roofs of buildings become good shelters for bats. It is worth noting that such shelters must be placed at a considerable distance from each other. Otherwise, individual animals will become afraid of each other and will not settle in such places.

feeding grounds

Animals in the forest in winter also often suffer from a lack of natural food. Here a man must come to the aid of the animals. To increase the chances of artiodactyls to survive in conditions of snow and frost, it is important to create special feeding grounds. The latter are made in the form of a wooden manger with a canopy where hay, cereals and vegetables are placed. Roe deer, deer, elk, wild boars gladly come to such feeders with a shortage of food. Organize feeding grounds as close as possible to animal trails. In this case, it is easier for animals to find them.

Salt licks

How else can you help animals in winter? In addition to original forest canteens, salt licks can be organized. Large pieces of salt are located in close proximity to the wooden manger. Such specific feeding allows forest dwellers to resist diseases, since salt provides their body with essential minerals.

According to the observations of researchers, in deer that have access to salt licks, the antlers grow much faster and have a symmetrical shape. Other artiodactyls, as well as squirrels, hares, and some predators, having access to salt saves them from the need for long-distance migrations in search of a useful mineral. Among other things, the organization of salt licks saves wild animals from poisoning. After all, forest dwellers often absorb salt-containing chemical fertilizers from the soil on agricultural land, which have a toxic effect on their body.

According to Russian scientists, nine out of ten tits die in the winter months, and not from the cold, but from hunger. The bird's body is designed in such a way that it is able to maintain body temperature even in a thirty-degree frost, but for this it needs food.

What to feed titmouse

Alas, today in a rare courtyard you can see "canteens" for birds. Very few townspeople hang feeders on balconies and outside the windows, depriving themselves of the free titmouse circus with signature numbers - a jump sideways and a somersault upside down. Birds are now fed only by compassionate pensioners and conscious young naturalists. Most children prefer communicating with wildlife to communicate with a TV and a computer, but parents don’t have time to feel sorry for and feed the birds at all - they have more important problems ...

It is clear that when money is at the forefront and people constantly think about how to earn it, the feeling of compassion becomes dull and recedes into the background. But children must be taught goodness at all times. Making a bird feeder is a couple of trifles, and the benefit of this will be not only for the birds, but also for the child, - environmentalist Olga Avvakumova believes.

It is better to make feeders with sides and a roof, and the distance from floor to ceiling should be small so that crows and jackdaws cannot crawl into the feeder. The simplest feeder is a juice box with a hole made in it. Even better - to adapt a plastic bottle under the feeder. It is advisable to feed insectivorous tits with pieces of meat and unsalted lard or butter - salt is toxic to them. Pumpkin, melon, watermelon, sunflower seeds are also suitable as food for titmouse. Now even special "bird" seeds are sold in the markets, they are of lower quality and are quite inexpensive.

But you should not pour cereals into feeders for tits, this is not suitable food for them. Sparrows also need to be fed with seeds and bread crumbs.

It is also necessary to take care of such nomadic birds as rooks. Unlike crows and jackdaws, rooks cannot eat in garbage dumps because they are afraid of people. Suitable food for rooks is bread and grain, you need to pour it under the feeder of other birds, right on the ground.

How to help homeless cats and dogs

In addition to birds, homeless animals - dogs and cats - are also suffering from frost. Dogs tolerate cold better, and for cats, minus 15 degrees is already critical.

No matter how anyone treats homeless animals, but in these terrible colds they should be pitied and fed. At a minimum, warm porridge with fat or special dry food is suitable for smaller brothers. Canned sprat mixed with pasta or porridge is an inexpensive acceptable food for an animal. You also need to consider that you can not feed animals with spoiled food.

And even more so, you can’t throw bored pets out into the street, as some unlucky "animal lovers" practice. For animals that have grown up at home, being on the street now is certain death.

In the face of species loss and habitat destruction, it's easy to feel powerless to change things for the better. But any action you can take, no matter how small, will help restore the natural balance of the world - and if millions of others do the same, there is hope that we can permanently influence current trends. In this article, you'll discover 10 of the best things you can do to help save wildlife.

1. Think Twice Before Designing Your Land

If you've just purchased a house or piece of land, you may be tempted to cut down unsightly trees, remove weeds, or drain puddles and swamps. But if this isn't a real safety issue - say, a dead oak tree is ready to topple over on the roof of a car during the next hurricane - keep in mind that what's unpleasant for you is a home, a sweet home, for squirrels, birds, worms, and other animals, about existence. which you may not know.

If you want to equip your yard, do it gradually and wisely so as not to drive away the local, small tenants.

2. Keep your cats indoors

It's ironic that many people who openly profess a love for the wild allow their cats to roam freely outside - after all, cats are animals and it seems cruel to keep them indoors. The fact is that cats do not think about preserving the population of wild birds, and they do not even always eat their dead victims. If you're thinking of "warning" birds by attaching a bell to a cat's collar, don't even bother doing it - birds run away from loud noises or crackling branches, not from a jingling piece of metal.

3. Do not feed wild animals except birds

If a wild animal that comes into your yard seems hungry and helpless - DO NOT feed it, this is a bad idea. Giving food to animals is to train them for human contact, but not all people are as warm-hearted as you - next time, a wild animal may meet not a sandwich, but a gun.

Feeding wild birds is perfectly normal as long as:

  • there are no cats on your site;
  • you feed the birds according to their natural diet (it can be nuts and seeds, not bread).

4. Do not use a flying insect exterminator

No one likes to be bitten by mosquitoes or bothered by flies on their front porch, but that doesn't always justify using a bug killer. The fact is that light and heat attract even those insects that were never going to visit you, and when they are fried, other wild animals (frogs, spiders, lizards, etc.) are deprived of their usual food.

This point is for especially compassionate people who are willing to make such sacrifices, but if flying insects are really a problem, you can consider using a mosquito net on your porch or applying all sorts of creams and sprays to protect your body.

5. Take out the trash (and not just your own)

If you're concerned about protecting wildlife, you already know enough not to litter. But it's not enough to keep your own yard or picnic area clean; you will have to walk around the neighborhood, and pick up cans, bottles and garbage left by other, less thinking people. The reason is that small animals can be easily trapped or damaged, making them easy prey for any predators or condemning them to a slow death - and of course, when rubbish piles accumulate beyond human control, the result is loss of animal habitat. .

6. Plant a garden

Most people who grow a garden do not want wild animals to destroy their trees, flowers, and shrubs. However, there are web resources that will teach you how to plant a garden that bees and butterflies will feed on without harming it. And unlike the case with food (see point #3), having fresh water on the site is a great idea, as the animals will be able to quench their thirst in the summer heat.

But there is one significant problem: mosquito breeding is very good in fresh water, and you have already refused the exterminator of flying insects!

7. Create your own corner of nature

If you want to go beyond the previous slide (planting a garden), you might consider building a bird, bee, or other animal sanctuary. This will include building birdhouses of the appropriate size, hanging them to the correct height, and stocking the right food. If you want to make a home for bees, you need to invest in a fair amount of equipment.

Before you start building, read the legislation; some laws restrict the keeping of certain types of animals on your property.

8.Join a wildlife organization

Different wildlife protection organizations have different goals:

  • protection of natural habitats;
  • conservation of specific species;
  • creation of an appropriate environmental policy by local governments.

Choose an organization that deals with wildlife issues that are close to you. Most of these organizations are interested in volunteers (to find new volunteers, hold an action, interact with government agencies, etc.), so you will always have something to do.

9. Reduce carbon emissions

Pollution is one of the biggest threats to wildlife: carbon dioxide emissions are making the oceans more acidic (a threat to marine life) and polluted air and water are having a negative impact on land animals. Less use of air conditioning in the summer and heating in the winter, and driving only when absolutely necessary, will help reduce our exposure to greenhouse gases and slow the pace of global warming slightly. And the more people follow these recommendations, the faster the revival of many species of wild animals around the world will occur.

10. Make the right choice

The simplest thing you can do to protect wildlife is to vote for candidates who not only support conservation efforts, but also willingly fund wildlife organizations, and don't deny the true cause of global warming. If we don't have people in government invested in restoring the balance of nature, then much more effort will be required in the long run to preserve the ecosystem of our planet.

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Animals need help!

According to statistics, nine out of ten tits die of starvation in the winter season.

We saw off the sad eyes of migratory birds, but there are those who will delight our eyes all winter.
Animals and birds spend winter in different ways. In the cold and hungry season, caring for our smaller brothers will save the lives of many animals. If you arrange a lesson at home with dad, you can make a bird feeder. Finding it, the tits will have a chance to live until spring. Tits should be fed unsalted lard - salt is toxic to them. Suitable food for rooks, pigeons, sparrows is bread and grain.

Let the toys rest.
We are on a frosty winter day
Let's make a feeder with my brother
And hang it outside the window.
It is not easy for birds in winter,
They have a lot of trouble in the cold.
We are waiting for you, dear tits,
Fly in for lunch.
We will pour wheat for you
And something else.
Come to us, tits,
It's very good with you!

V. Gvozdev

In the forest, deer and elk have a particularly hard time when crust forms on the snow - during this period they injure their legs on the hard, sharp edge of the crust and cannot quickly run away from predators. So, if you have to walk in the winter forest, do not forget to take a treat for the animals: grain, bread and pour salt on the stumps along the way. Forest dwellers will definitely appreciate your treat.

But we should not forget about the city's homeless animals who are looking for food so as not to die of hunger. You can put bowls for them near the entrance or in the courtyard of the house. And remember: you can’t drive pets that bother you out of the house in winter!

It is also necessary to prepare hay for rural animals from the summer: cows, rabbits, sheep, horses.

People can make life much easier for our smaller brothers. Everyone can help!

The wall newspaper was completed by 2 "B" class

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