Normal body temperature in a dog. Increased body temperature in a dog Body temperature of a dachshund puppy 7 months

A dog's body temperature is an important indicator of how it feels. When the first signs of illness appear, measuring the temperature of a puppy or an adult dog is the first thing an owner needs to do before calling the veterinarian.

Normally, the temperature in dogs is usually slightly higher than in humans. The average body temperature of an adult dog is 37.5⁰ - 38.5⁰ C . In a healthy puppy, the temperature is usually half a degree higher (~ 39⁰С). However, there are individual nuances, determined, in particular, by age, breed, body weight and height, due to which the normal temperature indicators differ slightly for each individual animal (for example, body temperature in large dogs is usually lower than in small ones). In addition, a short-term increase in temperature in a dog can be observed after physical exertion, from excitement or fear, during (in bitches), as well as in hot weather.

Table of average normal temperatures for puppies and adult dogs of small, medium and large breeds (⁰С):

When should you take your dog's temperature?

It makes sense to measure the body temperature of a healthy dog ​​before and after vaccinations, during pregnancy, and also before and after childbirth (a sharp one, as a rule, indicates that no more than a day is left before childbirth). Breeding puppies temperature is measured according to a specific schedule, starting from birth. As the dog grows older, it is not necessary to constantly measure the temperature, but it is good if the owner knows what indicators of normal temperature are typical for his pet.

General lethargy, refusal to eat, pale gums and tongue, dry hot nose are sufficient reasons to take a dog's temperature, not to mention more serious symptoms such as vomiting, convulsions, etc.

If the dog is seriously ill, it makes sense to keep a temperature chart, recording the results of morning and evening measurements on it daily (it is best to take them at the same time).

How to take a dog's temperature?

In order to determine the temperature in a dog, you can use a conventional medical thermometer, mercury or electronic. A mercury thermometer is cheaper, but with an electronic one, the temperature measurement process will take much less time. For hygiene reasons, it is necessary to allocate a separate thermometer for the dog, which will not be used by other family members. If there are several animals in the family, it is better to purchase a thermometer for each of them.

How to take a dog's temperature?

Temperature measurement is a simple procedure, but it requires the owner to be careful and careful with the dog during its implementation. The temperature of dogs is measured through the rectum. For the first time, your pet may not like these manipulations, but gradually he will get used to them. First of all, you need to prepare a thermometer. Reset the scale to zero, then coat the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly. The dog should be laid on its side, then gently lift the tail at the base and slowly insert the thermometer 1.5 - 2 cm into the anus. At home, you can also measure the temperature of the dog, fixing it in a standing position, as veterinarians do in the clinic, but for an inexperienced owner, this method will be somewhat more complicated.

If you use an electronic thermometer, it will take no more than a minute to measure the temperature of the dog, with a conventional thermometer you will have to wait a little longer, from 3 to 5 minutes. It is advisable to measure the temperature in a calm environment in order to exclude excitement or fear, because of which the dog can jump up, break the thermometer and injure himself. While taking the temperature, talk to your dog affectionately and reward him with treats. You can teach your pet to any command, for example, “Thermometer” or “Treat”, so that in the future the dog knows what awaits it and calmly allows you to measure the temperature. Be sure to praise your dog and give him a treat not only during but also immediately after the procedure is completed. Most animals tolerate temperature measurement quite calmly if the owner does everything right from the very beginning. After you finish, wash the thermometer with soap and warm water and disinfect with alcohol, then wash and disinfect your hands.

What should I do if my dog ​​has a high or low temperature?

First of all, you need to understand what indicators are considered "low" or "high" temperature for a dog. Objectively, a low body temperature in a dog is characterized by thermometer readings of 37⁰С and below, an elevated body temperature in an adult dog is considered to be from 39⁰ and in a puppy - from 39.5⁰ and above. A dog's temperature of 40⁰ usually indicates a serious illness. Especially dangerous is a gradual increase in temperature by 1-2 degrees without sharp jumps and drops. Here are just a few of the many possible reasons why a dog's body temperature drops or rises:

-heat: canine distemper, piroplasmosis, endometritis (in bitches), heat stroke, etc.

- low temperature: parvovirus enteritis (in puppies and young dogs), helminthic invasion, etc.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands that a low or high temperature in a dog in itself is only evidence of the body's struggle with the disease, that is, a symptom, and not the cause of the disease. However, often in such cases, the owner thinks something like this: “So, the temperature of the dog ... What should I do?” and begins to look at veterinary and “dog” forums for answers to the questions “what to give a dog for fever”, “how to bring down a puppy’s temperature”, “how to reduce a dog’s temperature” or, it’s not easier - “treatment of temperature in dogs”. And there can be only one “treatment” here - an urgent visit to the clinic or a house call to the veterinarian!

Since the temperature itself is not the source of the disease, its “reduction” will not help to cope with the underlying disease that caused this temperature, and in some cases such an intervention will only worsen the situation.

If you find that your dog's temperature readings are noticeably different from the norm, the best thing to do is not to waste time on amateur activities, but to seek professional help as soon as possible.

Some dog owners, out of inexperience, claim that the normal temperature in dogs is exactly the same as in humans, and it is 36.6 degrees. This is not a true statement, although dogs are warm-blooded animals, their indicators are somewhat different. What is the normal temperature for a dog and what does the indicator depend on? Is there a single temperature threshold for all breeds of these animals, or is it different? All these and many other questions require more careful consideration and professional clarifications.

The variety of dog breeds is very large, animals can vary greatly in size, physiology and other factors. Accordingly, their normal temperatures may differ, and quite significantly.

The general norm at 37.5-38.5 will be too generalized, and therefore it is worth highlighting breed gradations at least in terms of the size of the animal:

  • Small breeds have the highest temperature in the norm - more than 38.5 degrees. The smallest dogs can have a temperature of 39.3 degrees for puppies and 39 for an adult.
  • Medium-sized dogs have temperatures between 37.5 and 39 degrees.
  • Large breed animals have a temperature of 37.4 to 38.3 for an adult, and 38.2-39 degrees for a puppy.

In addition to breed and size, the temperature in dogs varies depending on the sex and physical, physiological condition, age, and even the individuality of the animal. And therefore it is impossible to give such a clear gradation of its norm, as for a person.

Why does the temperature rise

When wondering what is the normal temperature in dogs, a person most often worries about its increase in his pet. Does its increase always indicate the disease of the animal? These fears can be understood, because if a person’s temperature rises, one can say with almost absolute certainty that he is sick. And again, it turns out that this is not the case with dogs. There are a number of reasons why the temperature may rise, and among those it is worth noting the most common:

  • Due to prolonged activity, after running and training.
  • In the heat.
  • In a state of stress, with fear, shock.
  • During estrus in bitches.

A low temperature can also be a dangerous indicator, but it is worth knowing that it drops significantly in pregnant females before and after childbirth, as well as after walking or staying in the cold.

When to take your temperature

A number of dog owners will wonder how often it is necessary to measure the temperature of an animal, whether it is necessary to do this for preventive purposes. In fact, there is no need to take measurements regularly or constantly, if we are talking about an adult healthy individual. Regular measurements are carried out only in purebred puppies in the first days of their birth - caring owners even keep a graph of changes in the temperature of their small bodies. If the dog is sick, measurements are taken twice a day. Diagnostic measurement is performed when a disease is suspected, when other alarming symptoms are observed.

There are some behavioral points that indicate that the dog may have a fever. Body temperature in dogs is not diagnosed by the nose, this is a big misconception. But the behavior of the animal can tell a lot. If the temperature is exceeded, the dog sticks out his tongue, breathes heavily, tends to lie down and spread his body wide. She may even try to lie down in a puddle or other source of water to cool off. With a decrease in body temperature, on the contrary, she will strive to gather her body into a ball, become lethargic, sleepy. If you notice this behavior, and even more so if it is accompanied by other unhealthy symptoms, you should definitely measure it. It would not be superfluous to measure the temperature also if the dog was injured, there is a risk of physical damage of an internal nature, there are suppurations, and so on.


Knowing what temperature the dog should have, and noticing its deviations, every responsible owner will ask himself whether it is necessary to take the dog to the veterinarian, whether he needs medical help. By themselves, temperature variations cannot be an alarm if:

  • The dog's behavior has not changed, it remains active and friendly.
  • The coat is in good condition, close to the body and has a typical healthy sheen.
  • The appetite of the animal is within the normal range.

But there are also a number of indicators that clearly indicate that the dog needs to be shown to the veterinarian, and as soon as possible:

  • Breathing and heart rate are very fast, and this does not go away, is not associated with increased activity.
  • The dog refuses the usual food, and this lasts more than a day.
  • The dog vomits, a lot of saliva is separated from it, diarrhea is observed.
  • Persistent or intermittent anxiety is noticeable - it can be associated with pain.
  • There are convulsions.

If there are any of these symptoms, or if you, as a sensitive owner, simply notice that something is wrong with the dog, you should contact your veterinarian.

Temperature measurement is all you can do on your own, and you should not try to do anything on your own unless you have a veterinary education or a lot of relevant experience. No need to try to lower the temperature yourself, as you can remove the symptom, but can you cure the disease that led to its appearance?

Calling the veterinarian at home immediately or visiting the clinic is the best thing you can do for the animal in this situation. You can not postpone the solution of the problem for later, because in some cases it can threaten the dog with death. A decrease in elevated or an increase in a reduced temperature is carried out only during transportation to the clinic - they use heating pads, blankets, or ice, cool objects, applying them carefully and for a short time.

Be attentive to your pet, its health and well-being, because the dog cannot say in words that it hurts and how it feels.

You can also ask a question to our website staff veterinarian, who will answer them as soon as possible in the comments box below.

An important indicator of the well-being of dogs is their body temperature. Deviations from the norm indicate the course of inflammatory processes in the body. A normal temperature in dogs is a sign that there are no health problems. If you are the owner of a pet, then you should know the rate of this indicator of well-being.

What is the norm?

The temperature in dogs is normally higher than human. It is 37.5-39 ° C. In specific animals, it differs, as it depends on several factors:

  • breeds;
  • gender;
  • age;
  • physiological state;
  • individual features.

In a small breed puppy, the norm is approximately 39 ° C. In an adult large breed, the normal temperature can be much lower. The value of the indicator increases in dogs in hot weather, after physical exertion, from excitement, fear, during estrus in bitches.

As an example, let's look at the normal temperature in animals:

  • small breed puppy - 38.6–39.3 ° C;
  • adult dog of small breed - 38.5–39.0 ° C;
  • puppy of medium breed - 38.3-39.1 ° C;
  • adult dog of medium breed - 37.5–39.0 ° C;
  • large breed puppy - 38.2–39.0 ° C;
  • an adult dog of a large breed - 37.4–38.3 ° C.

Body temperature in dogs is an individual indicator. This is clearly seen in the example.

When should measurements be taken?

If your dog is absolutely healthy, then daily measurements are not necessary. You just need to know what temperature is normal for your beloved pet.

Healthy breeding puppies are recommended to take regular measurements from birth according to a specific schedule. This indicator should be measured before and after childbirth. Its value determines how soon the dog will have puppies. As a rule, the temperature drops significantly before childbirth. It also needs to be measured before and after vaccinations.

In case of poor condition, regularly (morning and evening) measure the pet's body temperature. Get a special notebook. In it you will make daily notes.

Signs and causes of temperature deviation from the norm

Many owners evaluate the condition of a pet by the nose. They consider a dry, hot nose a sign of a health problem. This information is a myth. Dry, warm nose at night is normal. Animals do not lick it during sleep. Dry nose in dogs is not a reason to visit a veterinary clinic.

A healthy animal looks cheerful. It actively reacts to events, normally eats, plays. The dog's coat is shiny and tight. In a sick animal, the opposite characteristics are observed. There are such signs of ill health: fever in a puppy, an adult dog, refusal to eat throughout the day, lethargy, restlessness (with severe pain), vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, heart palpitations, breathing.

If the above symptoms are observed, then measure the body temperature, see if it is normal. The reasons for its change can be diseases, infections. High values ​​occur with plague, piroplasmosis, endometritis, heat stroke. The decrease occurs with parvovirus enteritis, helminthic invasion and other diseases.

How to determine?

The measurement is made with a thermometer (electronic or mercury). The use of an electronic thermometer is recommended. The measurement procedure will last no more than a minute. The mercury thermometer is not as fast. To obtain reliable information, they need to measure the temperature for 3-5 minutes. The only advantage of a mercury thermometer is its low price.

Buy a separate thermometer for your beloved puppy or adult dog. Family members for hygiene reasons should not use it. Zero scale before use. To make the procedure less unpleasant, grease the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly.

The pet will not like measuring body temperature, as it will be carried out rectally. During the procedure, talk to the animal, call it affectionate words, soothe, stroke, treat it with some treat.

When entering the thermometer, the dog can be positioned in one of the following two positions:

  1. lying on the side;
  2. standing.

For inexperienced owners, the first method is suitable. In dogs lying down, you will need to raise the tail, slowly insert the prepared thermometer into the anus by 1-2 cm (depending on the size of the animal).

A calm, quiet environment should prevail in the room during the procedure. The dog during the first measurement experiences excitement, fear. Hold your pet while introducing the thermometer. The animal can twitch, jump up, break the thermometer, injure itself.

After the procedure, it is very important to feed the animal something tasty, but before that, wash the thermometer in warm water using soap and disinfect it with alcohol. Don't forget to wash and sanitize your hands.

If you wish, you can teach the puppy to a specific team (for example, "treat", "thermometer"). If your dog understands, then it will be very easy to take measurements later on. The pet, hearing the command, will allow you to measure t °, it will calmly wait for the end of the procedure.

What to do if the temperature is increased (lowered)?

The deviation of this indicator from the normal value is a sign of the body's fight against infection, a symptom of the disease. If you find that the dog's body temperature has increased (decreased), do not try to influence it on your own. Normal indicators may be obtained in this way, but it will not be possible to get rid of a disease or infection in this way.

Contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, call him at home. Due to delay, valuable minutes are lost, the condition of the animal worsens. You can take your pet to the veterinary clinic. If your pet's thermometer shows above 40 ° C, then apply something cool to his body during transportation. Be careful. The dog must not be cold. If the animal has a low temperature (below 36.5 ° C), then attach a warm heating pad to its body, cover with a blanket.

Do not give your pet medication of your choice. They will only worsen the situation, because the reason for the deviation of body temperature from the norm in dogs are infections, tumors, endocrine diseases, toxins.

Specialists of the veterinary clinic will be able to quickly and correctly diagnose, prescribe the necessary medications. Try to do everything that the veterinarians have recommended. Do not cancel self-administered drugs after the dog's condition improves. This can only be done by a doctor who is sure that the dog’s normal temperature will no longer change, the animal is completely healthy and absolutely nothing threatens its life.

The normal temperature in dogs is not the same as in humans. Quadrupeds are "hotter" than humans. It is important for pet owners to understand this issue, since temperature is one of the indicators of pet health.

Temperature norms

Normal for dogs is considered a body temperature of 37.5 to 39 ° C. These are generalized figures, since the indicator depends on parameters such as:

  • age and breed;
  • state of the body.

For example, in dogs of small breeds, the norm is 38.5 - 39.2 ° C, which is slightly higher than in large-breed representatives. This is due to the peculiarities of metabolism.

In addition, the temperature indicator can increase by 0.1–0.3 ° C during stress, in the summer, when traveling in a hot and stuffy car, and for bitches also during estrus.

It is noteworthy that during the period of pregnancy (dog pregnancy), the expectant mother becomes 0.5–1 ° C cooler.

That is, to determine whether the body temperature of a pet is in the correct range or not, a number of factors should be taken into account.

How to measure

It is important that the discomfort of the dog is minimal so that the next time he behaves calmly.

It is important to know that dryness in a dog's nose is not an indicator of fever. It must be measured by inserting a thermometer (preferably electronic) into the anus of the animal for 20–30 seconds. The procedure is responsible for the owner and unpleasant for the pet, therefore, it requires preparation and strict adherence to the algorithm of actions:

  1. In advance, you should prepare a thermometer and a cream (you can use "Children's"), which will facilitate its introduction.
  2. Calm the dog, lay on its side and move the tail.
  3. Insert the thermometer to a depth of 2 cm and hold, slightly leaning against the wall of the rectum. It is important to control the position of the pet.
  4. After the set time, remove the thermometer and record the readings.

What to do with high or low

The best thing a caring owner can do is wrap a sick pet in a soft blanket and immediately take it to the veterinarian.

Any deviation of indicators should be alarming.

High numbers may mean an inflammatory process. It is important to understand that a hot body is only a symptom of the disease, so it is not worth fighting the temperature before making a diagnosis.

The cause of an abnormally cool dog body can be:

  • hypothermia;
  • general decrease in tone;
  • intoxication;
  • significant blood loss;
  • body dehydration.

If the animal has an abnormal body temperature, you should not wait for everything to go away on its own. Sometimes the price of long human thought is a dog's life.

The temperature in a dog is one of the most important indicators of a pet's health, it is she who will tell the owner if something is wrong with the pet. Any owner should be guided in such matters as normal thermometer readings, how to measure the temperature of a pet, and what to do if he has a fever. It is to these questions that we will give quite comprehensive answers in our article.

Do dogs always have the same temperatures?

Not all dogs have the same thermometer readings as the norm, it depends on which breed this animal belongs to. Puppies or adults of small breeds have higher rates than animals of large breeds. This factor is influenced by the intensity of metabolism.

When an animal is under stress, such as a visit to a veterinary clinic or a trade show can lead to a more agitated state, these rates increase. High temperature in pets is also observed during estrus, in the heat, after a long load. The body temperature of each individual pet is individual, so it is better for the owner to know what temperature is considered normal and will not cause concern for the pet's condition.

What is the normal temperature for dogs?

A healthy animal has indicators from 37.5 to 39 degrees, but they can vary from different factors. Below is the temperature norm for different breeds of animals:

  • Puppies of small breeds 38.6-39.3, adults from 38.5-39.0.
  • Puppies of medium breeds 38.3-39.1, adults 37.5-39.0.
  • Puppies of large breeds 38.2-39.0, adults 37.4-38.3.

A factor such as the indicators of a thermometer is influenced by the time of year, if it is hot outside, then an increase of 0.5-1 degree is possible.

In a pregnant dog, you need to regularly measure the temperature, because you can determine the approach of childbirth using this indicator, it decreases to 1.5 degrees.

What should I do if my dog ​​has a fever?

If the animal has a rise in temperature to 40 degrees, then first of all you need to remember what events happened to him the day before. Maybe he experienced some kind of stress, maybe there was a trip on public transport or a visit to a veterinary clinic. But in any case, when observing a fever in a pet, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary in order to start treatment as soon as possible. When an animal has a fever, it is necessary to bring it down quickly. To bring down the fever in your pet as quickly as possible, you need to do the following activities:

  • Put ice on the neck and thighs of the animal.
  • The pet's coat should be moistened with cold water.
  • Give small portions of water to the dog.
  • Open windows help to bring down the heat of the animal a little with the pet lying on the floor.
  • You can try to bring down the fever with the help of wraps with a wet and cool towel. It is especially good to reduce heat with the help of water vapor from the forehead, neck and inner thighs.
  • When a dog has a high fever and a visit to the veterinarian is not possible, you can give the pet Nurofen or Paracetamol. But you don’t need to abuse this method, because a pet’s fever can cause a rather serious illness.
  • When the fever in the animal appeared as a result of a reaction to the teeth, then you can bring it down at home by mixing ampoules: diphenhydramine, no-shpy, analgin. If the injection fails, then you can try to drink through the mouth.

It is not necessary to give antipyretic drugs without consulting a veterinarian, as they can do more harm than good.

What happens to a dog when it has a fever?

When a pet has a fever, his body experiences serious changes, which include:

  • If the rise is above 40.5 degrees, then dehydration occurs, the pet has a reduced appetite, the heartbeat quickens, lethargy and apathy appear.
  • Especially serious changes occur in the body when rising above 41.1 degrees. At this time, the dog's fluid loss approaches critical levels, in connection with which cerebral edema and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs appear. The pet develops heart palpitations, shortness of breath, wheezing, loss of consciousness, convulsions, impaired motor processes, urine outflow worsens, which causes poisoning of the body, hemorrhage. All these changes can lead to the rapid death of the dog.

How to take a dog's temperature?

Some owners believe that a dry nose can tell if a dog has a fever, but this is a myth. A dry and warm nose is not an indicator of a pet's illness and a reason to visit a veterinarian. Measurements are best done with an electronic thermometer, because it is safer to use. The animal must have a separate thermometer, it does not need to be used for people.

Before taking measurements, it is better to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with petroleum jelly. Measurements should be carried out rectally, so you need to calm the animal, gently talk to him, treat him with yummy. When measurements are taken for the first time, it is best to take them with a dog lying on its side. The thermometer is inserted into the anus of the animal, a calm atmosphere should reign around, it is better to hold the pet so that it does not harm itself. After this procedure is over, you need to disinfect the thermometer and reward the animal with some kind of treat.

If the dog is looking for the coolest place in the house, then you need to pay attention to this, maybe he has a fever? It is necessary to try to surround him with care and attention, rather bring down the temperature, while it is important not to put off visiting the veterinarian for a long time. Only he will prescribe the right treatment.

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