Field mint: benefits and applications. Useful properties of field mint

A perennial plant that has long been known for its medicinal and aromatic properties, used in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and many other areas - mint. Mint essential oil is used, less often the plant itself.

Spearmint has inflorescences in the form of spikelets

plant species

About 42 species of plants and various hybrids belong to the Mint genus: Japanese, water, curly, pepper, cat, Korean. Each species has characteristics that distinguish it from the others. Some species are used medicinally, others may not have medicinal properties. Plants of different varieties differ in the shape of the leaves, shades of flowers and flowering periods. Each variety has specific growing and care needs.

Representatives of some of the varieties belong to other genera, but to the same family of Yasnotokovye. In Europe and Asia, the most common are:

  • field mint;
  • fragrant;
  • forest.

To distinguish varieties will help their more detailed description and methods of application.

field view

A crop called meadow or wild mint. Up to 3% of essential oil is extracted from the ground part (contains menthol), which is used to enhance and improve the aroma of cocktails, sauces, sweets and culinary dishes.

In medical fields, the essential oil of wild culture is used as an anesthetic. In the treatment of frostbite, field mint oil has a disinfecting and analgesic effect. Wild mint is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The menthol contained in the oil is used in the production of Valocordin, toothpaste and many cosmetic preparations.

field mint

The field variety is widely popular in Europe and regions of Asia. Meadow mint grows on the banks of rivers and other bodies of water, in marshy places, damp meadows and fields. The plant does not require care, the bushes are frost-resistant, resistant to pests and diseases.

Wild mint can reach up to 100 cm in height, but is more often a stunted plant. Stems are branched, prostrate, rarely erect. The leaves are oval or roundish, narrowed at the top. Pink or lilac-pink flowers on pedicels are combined in fragrant globular inflorescences. Field mint blooms from early summer to mid-autumn. The fruit ripens from August to October. Wild - available for growing in the garden.

Fragrant variety

Round mint is an herbaceous plant with a strong, fresh aroma. Another name is fragrant, because of the strong smell of leaves and flowers.

Distributed in Europe, Asia and the Mediterranean. Grown as an ornamental or medicinal plant.

Fragrant mint grows in places with moderate humidity, well accessible to sunlight. It is possible to grow at home.

The plant often looks like a bush 30-40 cm tall, less often the stems reach 80-90 cm. The leaves are saturated green in color, have a strong aroma, are small, have a round shape with a narrowed top. The leaf blade is covered with soft fluff.

It blooms from July to September, small fragrant flowers of white or light pink color, united in racemose inflorescences.

It is used for aromatic procedures and in the production of medicines. Helps in the treatment of acute diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Used to dilate blood vessels and reduce pressure. Useful for stimulating digestion and eliminating nausea. Included in sedatives. It has analgesic and cooling properties.

forest mint

Oregano is a herbaceous plant that grows in Europe and Asia. Forest mint grows on the edges in thinned forests, on dry land, in meadows, in steppe areas. In dry places or areas with moderate moisture. Oregano tolerates winter well, is resistant to sudden climate changes, pests and diseases.

The plant is more common in the form of bushes, 40-60 cm high. It has stems covered with reddish hairs. The leaves are oblong-oval, dark green at the base, light green at the top. The flowering period is from June to September. Flowers from pink to purple, collected in small, pleasantly smelling inflorescences.

It is widely used in home medicine, used to make infusions and other medicinal preparations. It is used to relieve expectorant cough. Used as an anesthetic. It has a hemostatic effect, diuretic and choleretic properties.

Medicinal properties

Representatives of many plant species have a number of medicinal properties that are widely used in medicine and cosmetology. Mint leaves contain 2-3% menthol, inflorescences - up to 5-6%. Essential oils of culture containing menthol are used for various areas.

  1. Treatment of diseases of the stomach.
  2. Pain-relieving and disinfecting effect.
  3. Normalization of problems of the nervous system.
  4. Manufacture of Valocordin and other drugs containing menthol, painkillers.
  5. Manufacture of soothing and tonic skin care products.
  6. Treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, cardiovascular system.

Often used in cooking as a seasoning for many dishes, to flavor tea, drinks, cocktails and desserts. Essential oils of different varieties are used for therapeutic aromatic baths. Stems and leaves are often used in home treatment, alternative medicine, and for folk rituals. Occasionally used for a fresh smell in the house.


The culture in question is a herbaceous plant with a strong aroma, growing in different regions and localities. It has the form of a small bush with branched stems, rounded leaves and small inflorescences of small flowers, from white to purple. It has many useful properties. It is used in various fields as a medicine or flavor and aroma enhancer. In Europe and Asia, the most common mint is field, fragrant and forest. The plant is used in medicine, cooking and the production of cosmetics due to its many beneficial properties and specific smell.

Mint among gardeners enjoys its popularity due to its use. It is often used in medicine as well as cooking.. In addition, it is an unpretentious plant, and requires little care. Let's take a closer look at the species of this plant, how it looks and where it grows.


Among the variety of mints, chocolate mint is popular because of its chocolate flavor. It has green leaves with a purple hue. Plant height up to 25 cm. It grows at a fast pace, as it has powerful creeping roots. It is best planted in a container. Can easily tolerate the first frost. This plant is suitable for beginners and inexperienced gardeners. Basic rules for boarding:

  1. fertile, moist, semi-acidic soil.
  2. illuminated place or penumbra.
  3. landing in early spring when the frosts are over.
  4. Distance between bushes 50 cm
  5. Fertilizer applied one year after planting.


Menthol mint is a type of peppermint that can reach a height of up to 60 cm. It has a pungent odor and a high content of menthol. Unlike other species, it has dark stems. Virtually free from pests and diseases. Leaves can be plucked within 2-3 months after planting while retaining all its useful properties.


This species grows in all countries of the world. The stems reach a height of 60-70 cm. The leaves are green, elongated. The flowers are pink-purple, located at the top between the leaves. Unlike peppermint, field mint does not have a strong odor or cooling taste.. It is widely used in cooking, in the manufacture of drinks and baking cakes.


Perennial plant, which includes essential oil. The aroma of this plant attracts cats. It can reach a height of half a meter to a meter. Flowers in the form of brushes are located on the crown. The flowers are white with purple dots. Flowering begins in late June, early July. Widely used in cosmetology, cooking.


Perennial herbaceous plant, reaching a height of up to 70 cm. There are oval leaves, red in color. The flowers are small, collected in inflorescence, lilac. If you rub the leaf, a minty smell comes out. Grows mainly on moist soils, near rivers, streams. Used in cooking.


Fragrant mint is a perennial plant, about 50 cm. It has light green leaves, carved along the edge.. Blooms from July until the first frost. Able to withstand frosts up to 30 degrees. Requires constant pruning of the roots, as it grows strongly due to creeping roots. Some varieties have white spots on the leaves.


Forest mint can reach a height of 40 to 90 cm. It has tall, strong stems on which oblong leaves are located. It has strong branched roots that spread very quickly and require pruning. Flowering occurs from June to August. In the first year, after sowing, flowering occurs, but there will be no seeds.. Flowers can be red, pink, collected in inflorescences. The plant winters well, is not afraid of severe frosts.


Japanese mint acts as a perennial plant, growing from 15 to 50 cm. It mainly grows in swampy areas, it is considered a rare species.. The flowers can be white or light purple, with 4 stamens. Flowering lasts almost 3 months, begins in August and until the end of October. It is used mainly in cosmetology and cooking.


The most popular and familiar to everyone is peppermint. It is a perennial plant, up to 1 meter high. The leaves are green, with serrated edges. The flowers are small purple hue, collected in inflorescences in the form of an ear, located at the top of the shoot. Flowering begins in June and ends at the end of September. Easily tolerates winter and severe frosts. It has creeping strong roots, due to which it grows rapidly. It is a type of water mint. It is often used in folk medicine, perfumery, and cooking.


Curly mint practically does not differ from peppermint. The country of origin is America. A distinctive sign is the absence of a cooling effect. Spearmint contains less menthol. This type of essential oil contains:

  • carvone;
  • limonel;
  • linaloon;
  • citral.

It has been widely used in cooking, used in various seasonings and spices.


This type of mint is native to Mexico. An upright sprawling bush, up to 50 cm high. It mainly grows as an annual plant. It has a lot of greenery, oval green leaves. Begins to bloom in the first year of life. Flowers can be of different shades: pink, purple, white, blue. They reach up to 1 cm in size. The plant prefers fertile soil, a lighted place. Does not tolerate severe frosts. For the winter, it is necessary to transplant into a pot for room conditions. Propagated by dividing the bush and by seed. Widely used in cosmetology and cooking.


Lemon mint is commonly referred to as lemon balm. It can often be found in garden plots. This is a hardy perennial plant. Can reach up to 1 meter in height. Under favorable conditions, after flowering, its seeds are carried by the wind, and almost all get good germination. A powerful, sprawling bush has light green leaves, carved along the edges. The flowers are small, located at the top of the plant, has a white, pink or yellow tint. A distinctive feature is the presence of a lemon aroma, especially during flowering. The choice of soil is unpretentious, it grows easily on any type of soil. Its composition includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • carotene;
  • rosmarinic acid;
  • caffeic acid;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids.

It is used in folk medicine, but dosages should be observed so as not to get the opposite effect in treatment.


Wild mint is commonly called field mint. It has a delicate and mild fragrance. Its essential oil contains:

  • menthol;
  • carvone;
  • citral;
  • geraniol.

It also contains many useful substances. It grows throughout Russia. It can be found near rivers, streams, wetlands, in forests. Perennial plant, up to 1 meter high. It has green leaves with serrated edges. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, can be a light purple hue, and dark. Inflorescences are located in the form of an ear at the crown. Unpretentious to conditions. It is used in cooking and folk medicine.

Where does mint grow?

Mint grows mainly in wetlands, on the banks of rivers, along streams, ravines. And also in the steppes, forest-steppes, in almost the entire European part of Russia. You can grow mint in your garden. Each species grows in different countries. For example: meadow grass is more common in Russia, in the Far East. Garden mint is more common in the southwest. Curly mint grows in Asia and Africa. Fragrant mint is common in the Mediterranean, Europe, Asia Minor.

What are the medicinal properties

Mint has been widely used in folk medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. She can have effects.:

  • painkillers;
  • vasodilators;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic.

Mint is a medicinal plant and should be harvested when the plant is in color. For the manufacture of the drug use shoots, leaves, flowers. Mint is used to treat the following diseases:

  • asthma;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • cardiovascular;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder.

On the basis of the plant, drops, fees, ointments, tablets are made.. Essential oils are also added to toothpaste.

Before using the drug made from mint, you should consult your doctor to avoid side effects.

In the vast world, there are many types of mint that have many useful properties. Also they widely used in the field of medicine. If this medicinal plant grows on the site, it can serve as a first-aid kit.

Mint is the oldest medicinal plant of the mint family, which has a specific smell. There are twenty-five species and ten subspecies of mint.

Mint is field and garden, curly and apple, water and swamp, Asian and Japanese, pepper and fragrant. All species vary slightly in chemical composition, appearance and smell. Thanks to the essential oil, mint exudes a pleasant subtle aroma that refreshes and soothes.

Description and chemical composition of mint

Peppermint is a perennial herbaceous plant with branched erect stems reaching a height of one meter. Mint leaves are simple, elongated, serrated at the edges. The leaves are dark green above and light green below. Mint flowers are small, red-violet, collected on the upper parts of the shoots in spike-shaped inflorescences. Mint blooms from June to September.

Peppermint is bred by crossing wild species and is grown on plantations as a medicinal and essential plant, gardeners breed it in their home gardens, and peppermint is not found in the wild.

Field or meadow mint is a perennial herbaceous plant with a creeping rhizome, with branched stems. The leaves of the meadow mint are oblong, jagged along the edges, the flowers are lilac-pink, collected in spherical whorls. Blooms from June to October. Field mint grows on the banks of reservoirs, in damp places in meadows.

Medicinal raw materials are the leaves and the ground part of the plant, which are harvested during the beginning of flowering. It is better to pick mint in sunny weather, in the morning, since at this time there is a greater amount of essential oil in the leaves. Mint grass is dried in the shade, under a canopy, on the roof.

Other types of mint also have healing properties and are used in folk medicine to treat many ailments.

The chemical composition of mint contains biologically active substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. This is an essential oil based on menthol and other esters - cineole, pulegone, limonene and various terpenes, organic acids and flavonoids, tannins and bitterness, carotene, trace elements - manganese, copper and other chemical compounds.

Medicinal properties and application

Since ancient times, mint has been used to treat various ailments.
In official medicine, peppermint is used - leaves, menthol and essential oil, added to tablets, balms, candles and aerosols. Peppermint drops, peppermint oil and ointments are prepared from it. Mint leaves are included in medicinal fees.

In folk medicine, other types of mint are also used.

Dry raw materials are used to prepare infusions and decoctions, and mint oil, alcohol tinctures are prepared from fresh leaves, added to drinks, salads, and used to decorate culinary dishes.

Peppermint has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effects and is effective in combating colds and viral diseases, it is used to treat sore throats, pharyngitis, bronchitis and runny nose, mint oil inhalations are used for severe coughs.

Peppermint preparations relieve pain and relieve spasms and are used to treat the digestive system. Infusions from the leaves are drunk with heartburn and nausea, with belching and flatulence, with gastrointestinal spasms. Mint increases appetite and improves digestion.

It is used as a choleretic agent for cholecystitis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis.

The sedative properties of mint have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieve emotional stress, promote good sleep, reduce pain during menstruation and promote an easier menopause.

Peppermint also has vasodilating properties - dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, and relieves headaches.

Preparations with the addition of mint treat angina pectoris, hypertension, migraine.

Mint is used in cosmetology, dermatology, and dentistry. Peppermint oil is added to cosmetics - soaps, shampoos, lip balms, creams, refreshing gels, toothpastes, mouth rinses.

Peppermint reduces inflammation and increases the protective properties of the skin, soothes and refreshes, improves blood flow to the hair, freshens breath, and eliminates bad smell.

Mint is also widely used in the food industry, added to confectionery products - buns, gingerbread, cookies, sweets, ice cream, alcoholic beverages, drinks, teas, chewing gums.

In cooking, fresh mint greens are used, added to salads, as a spicy seasoning for meat and fish dishes.

The refreshing property of mint is used against souring milk.

Menthol is used in the tobacco industry in the manufacture of cigarettes.

Contraindications for use

Before being treated with mint preparations, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications for use and consult with your doctor!

Mint and preparations from it are contraindicated:
  • pregnant women,
  • breastfeeding women,
  • children up to three years old,
  • people with hypersensitivity to mint preparations.
An overdose of mint preparations can cause pain in the heart area, sleep disturbance and libido disturbance in men, bronchospasm and allergic reactions on the skin.

Folk methods of treatment with mint

In folk medicine, mint is widely used to treat various diseases, to improve digestion and appetite, as a sedative, analgesic and hypnotic.

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from mint, which are used internally for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cardiac systems, externally for rinsing with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and oral cavity, for therapeutic baths, as a cleanser for skin problems.

Peppermint oil has a calming effect and is used to treat diseases of the nervous system, diseases of the heart and respiratory tract, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and to restore strength.

Recipe for hypertension

Pour 2 teaspoons of dry mint with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Take one tablespoon of infusion in the morning and evening for two weeks, take a seven-day break and repeat the treatment again.

Recipe for infusion for gallstone disease

Pour a teaspoon of dry raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for thirty minutes, strain. Take the infusion three times a day for half a glass 15 minutes before meals.

Prescription for gastrointestinal diseases

Pour 2 tablespoons of dry mint into the floor with liters of boiling water, close the container with a lid and leave for an hour. Strain the infusion and take half a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

Infusion for constipation and bloating

Pour a tablespoon of mint with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, take half a glass three times a day before meals.

Infusion for painful and profuse menstruation

2 tablespoons of dry mint leaves pour half a liter of boiling water, leave for two hours. Strain, take the infusion during the day for half a glass.

Decoction for gastritis

Pour a tablespoon of dry raw materials with a glass of hot water, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Cool the broth, strain, take 4 times a day a quarter cup.

Decoction for gallstone disease

Pour a teaspoon of dry mint leaves with a glass of boiling water, heat in a boiling water bath for fifteen minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool the broth and strain. Add boiled water until the initial volume is obtained. Take twice a day 15 minutes before meals for half a glass of decoction.

Mint decoction for depression

Pour a tablespoon of mint with a glass of hot water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, insist, closing the lid. When cool, strain. Take a decoction of half a glass in the morning and evening.

A decoction of mint for therapeutic baths with scrofula, rickets, and joint pain

Pour 50 grams of dry mint into eight liters of hot water, boil for 15 minutes, leave for half an hour, strain. Fill the tub with hot water and pour out the decoction. Take a therapeutic bath for 20 minutes, every other day.

Mint tincture

Grind 50 grams of fresh mint leaves and pour a liter of vodka, insist in a dark place for 2 weeks. Strain the finished tincture. Take to improve digestion and appetite.

mint oil

Peppermint oil stimulates the nervous system, relieves nervous tension, improves the emotional state during depression, restores strength, and increases physical activity.

Field mint is considered a fairly common perennial plant, which belongs to the Lamiaceae family. This plant is actively used in folk medicine and cooking to create salads and various dishes. Before you start growing mint, you need to familiarize yourself with its description and the nuances of growing.

Field mint has a number of features that distinguish it from other varieties. Mint bushes grow up to one and a half meters in height. The main distinguishing feature is the stems, which are covered with shaggy reddish hairs. The leaves on the bushes grow up to five centimeters in length and are ovoid in shape. On the edges of each leaf, small teeth are visible, the length of which reaches 3-4 mm.

On mature plants, flowers are formed, painted in lilac or purple. They are located at the base of the stems near the leaves. After flowering, mint is covered with rounded fruits that look like smooth nuts.

Where does it grow

Mint bushes are not found in all countries, as they cannot grow in some climates. Field grades grow in the western and central parts of Asia, Nepal. They are also found in most European countries and in Russia.

The plant does not like dry weather and needs constant moisture. Therefore, mint bushes most often grow on the banks of rivers, reservoirs or lakes. Less commonly, they can be found in swampy areas or areas with clay soil.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of meadow mint

It is no secret that the field variety of mint has many useful properties, thanks to which it is used in the treatment of diseases. Mint leaves contain a lot of menthol, which is considered an excellent anesthetic. When treating with leaves, they rub the skin or apply them to the irritated mucous membrane.

Also, medicinal decoctions and tinctures are made from the stems, which improve the functioning of the digestive tract and cleanse the digestive tract. Such funds are drunk twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Before using mint medicines for the treatment of diseases, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications. You can not use mint for therapeutic purposes in the treatment of children under six years of age. The use of the plant will have to be abandoned by pregnant girls and people with allergies.

When to plant mint

Before you start planting mint, it is recommended to determine the optimal time for its planting. Experts recommend planting a plant in late spring or in the second half of summer. It is not worth planting in early spring and mid-summer, as the material will not grow well due to spring frosts and summer heat.

If the bushes are grown in a greenhouse, then the planting dates can be postponed to any other month. With this method of growing, too high or low temperatures outside will not affect the planted seedlings in any way.

Planting material preparation

It is recommended to prepare the seed in advance so that the mint grows well. For this, preliminary disinfection of all seeds is carried out. This is done with a weak manganese solution, in which the seeds should be soaked. Soaking the seeds lasts 15-20 minutes, after which all the seeds are removed from the solution, washed and dried.

Disinfection is carried out only if self-collected seed is used during planting. If the seeds were bought in a store, disinfection is not necessary.

Selecting a landing site

The choice of a place for growing mint should be taken seriously, as the speed of its growth depends on it. It is recommended to plant the plant in a well-lit area with sufficient protection from gusts of wind. Areas with fertile, loose soil and with the necessary amount of nutrients are best suited for mint bushes. Therefore, many plant them in black soil.

Limey soil is not suitable for mint, as weak and little aromatic bushes grow in it. In order for the plant to grow stronger, you will have to pre-treat the site with fertilizers. To do this, add to the soil:

  • superphosphate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • ash;
  • saltpeter.

Planting a plant

It is imperative to familiarize yourself with the features of the planting process in order to properly sow the seeds.

First, rows are marked on the site, on which holes for landing will be made. The rows should be about 50-60 cm apart so that the bushes do not obscure each other. On each row, small holes are made with a depth of about 5-7 cm. All holes are pre-filled with humus, watered with warm water, after which seeds are planted in them.

After planting, the planted mint is covered with soil and re-watered.

Basic mint care rules

Mint is considered an unpretentious plant, and therefore some people practically do not care for it. However, for the normal growth and development of the bushes, you still have to carry out standard care procedures.

When growing, be sure to water the bushes so that they have enough moisture. Soil moistening is carried out in the evening, after sunset. When all mint is watered, loosening of the soil is carried out to remove the crust formed on the surface and remove weeds.

Also, plants are fed with fertilizers so that there is no shortage of nutrients. Once a season, ash with compost and peat is added to the soil.

Diseases and pests

Mint, like any other plant, is attacked by pests and suffers from various diseases. Among the dangerous diseases are:

  • Rust. The disease is manifested by yellowing of the leaves and often leads to the death of seedlings.
  • Fungal diseases. Appear as a result of high humidity and lack of fertilizers.

The most dangerous pest for seedlings is the mint flea, which feeds on young leaves. It appears on the bushes in late spring, when the air temperature rises to 15-20 degrees. If you do not get rid of this insect in a timely manner, the plant will begin to dry and die.

Harvest and storage

Mint is harvested when it is actively blooming. During the flowering period, the stems with leaves are saturated with essential oils and tannins. During harvesting, you should carefully inspect all the bushes and make sure that they are not very young. Unripe seedlings have a faint smell and are less useful.

After harvesting, the entire crop is hung in the sun and dried for several days. Dried plants are left in storage so that they can be used in the winter.


Some gardeners want to start growing field mint on their plots, but do not know how to do it. To understand this, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the cultivation and care of mint bushes.

Field mint (wild, meadow, corn) is one of the most fragrant wild plants on earth. It can be found in many countries of the world. In our country, it is found in many regions, grows in meadows, along the banks of rivers, swamps, lakes. The plant has medicinal properties, is used by traditional and folk medicine in the treatment of many diseases.

For this, leaves, stems, shoots and inflorescences are used, which are collected during the flowering period, dried, after which infusions, decoctions, etc. are prepared. Their healing properties are due to the high content of flavonoids, valuable organic acids, carotene, and various terpenes. Menthol, which the plant is rich in, is used in various fields of pharmacology and the food industry.

What is the value of the field mint plant, description, application, useful properties, contraindications, what does it have? Let's talk on about this in more detail:

plant description

This perennial plant has a long creeping rhizome. The stem is pubescent, solitary, 40-80 cm long. It can be erect or branching. Mint leaves are petiolate, oval, slightly pointed, finely serrate at the edges.

It blooms with small pinkish-purple flowers all summer until late autumn. After that, the ripening of fruits begins, which are small brown oval nuts.

About what field mint is valued for, what are its useful properties

Menthol, which is part of the plant, has a mild analgesic effect. Therefore, for headaches, bruises, bruises, products based on it are applied to the skin near the painful focus.

Menthol mixed with paraffin or wax is gently lubricated with whiskey for migraines. It is added to vaseline oil in the treatment of the common cold.

Leaf extracts have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. They are used to eliminate fermentation processes in the intestines, to enhance its peristalsis. Regular intake of a small amount of infusion helps to treat constipation. The infusion helps to get rid of nausea, treats indigestion, improves digestion. It is also an excellent diuretic.

In addition, mint infusion has sedative properties, it is recommended to drink it at night for sleep disorders, insomnia, and various disorders of the nervous system.

Menthol is an ingredient in heart medications. For example, well-known medicines: Validol, Valocordin, Zelenin drops contribute to the expansion of the coronary vessels of the heart. And alcohol or oil solutions of menthol have the opposite properties: they are used to narrow the blood vessels of the mucous membranes and are used in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Healers recommend using the fresh juice of the plant to treat angina pectoris. It is also effective in diseases of the liver, as well as the gallbladder and biliary tract. It is included in the treatment of spastic colitis, flatulence, and is taken for urolithiasis.

Outwardly, the juice of the plant is used for itchy dermatoses. With stagnation of milk in lactating women, it is recommended to cover the mammary glands with fresh leaves. This contributes to a better discharge of breast milk.

Preparation of medicinal products

Infusion: Pour 1 tbsp. l. crushed fresh or dried leaves with a glass of boiling water. Insulate, leave for 20 minutes. Take the strained remedy in half a glass before meals.

Decoction: Pour into a small enamel pan 2 tbsp. l crushed leaves, stems and flowers. Pour half a liter of boiling water. Boil again, reduce heat, simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, let cool and infuse well. Take the strained broth little by little, throughout the day.

About how field mint can be used, its use in folk recipes

For the treatment of wounds, skin ulcers and erosion of the cervix, prepare such a remedy: chop fresh leaves, stems. Put in a jar, and then fill with quality alcohol. Follow the proportion: 1 x 10. Remove the jar in a dark place. Let stand 5-7 days.

Mix the tincture with an equal amount of refined vegetable oil. Place in a water bath, keep until the alcohol evaporates. Then pour the cooled product through cheesecloth into a dark bottle. Apply externally.

For the treatment of a headache, remember a little leaves in the palms, apply to the temples, to the forehead. Lie down for a while until the pain subsides.

For bad breath, prepare a refreshing infusion for rinsing: Pour 3 tbsp. l. finely chopped plant, add a glass of boiling water, cover with a thick napkin. When cool, strain.

Pain, inflammation of the ear is treated with a mixture of fresh mint juice mixed with an equal amount of boiled water sweetened with bee honey. This mixture is instilled into the ear passages.

To reduce the increased acidity of the stomach, drop 3-5 drops of mint oil on a sugar cube, then eat the sugar.

About to whom field mint can be dangerous, what are the contraindications of the plant

With all the undeniable advantages of this wonderful plant, mint has contraindications. In particular, funds from it should not be taken orally by pregnant, lactating women. They should not be given to young children, as well as people suffering from allergies.

Do not use at low pressure, with varicose veins.

Men should know that long-term use of large amounts of mint infusion, tea has a negative effect on erection. Therefore, you should not get carried away with them too much. Be healthy!

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