It is possible to get pregnant during a cycle. Is it possible to get pregnant with contraception during regular periods and what is the probability of conception during spontaneous ovulation

Menstruation is part of a woman's regular cycle when shedding of the lining of the uterus occurs, which is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina. The cycle lasts 28 days, and the first day is considered its beginning.

Some experts do not recommend having sexual intercourse during menstruation due to the woman's poor health, as well as the vulnerability of the body: the uterus opens slightly and becomes a good breeding ground for bacteria and infection on the 3rd day of menstruation.

Many women wonder if it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation. Before having sex with a guy, you need to know that fertilization is possible on any day of the cycle.

During menstruation, the chances of conception are reduced, but you should not neglect condoms if you do not plan to have children in the near future. How high is the probability of "luck", and what are the reasons for the onset of an unwanted pregnancy on the 4th day of menstruation, we will consider below.

Reasons why you can get pregnant when you are on your period

With an irregular cycle, you can get pregnant, both during menstruation and immediately after them, even a few days before they start (although these days are considered the most “safe”). This is because the egg can mature at any time, and ovulation does not occur regularly as a result.

Each organism is individual and with its own characteristics.

Another important factor is the activity of male spermatozoa (it is impossible to determine it on its own). If the guy finished in the vagina, then the sperm during menstruation can fertilize the egg for another week. It is also possible for two eggs to mature in one cycle, which increases the probability percentage.

If a couple practices safe sex at normal times, then contraception is also needed during menstruation. The calendar method is unreliable, given the current environmental situation and factors affecting the female body.


A woman's body is sensitive to external changes, so the presence of stress affects menstruation. The girl is nervous, there is a hormonal surge, from this the cycle goes astray (violations occur in all organ systems). Therefore, there is a chance of getting pregnant with an unprotected act.

The presence of a constant emotional load will end with a weakened immune system, a shattered nervous system and complications on vital organs.

climate change

During the period of menstruation and for two days before it, the body is also sensitive to changes in the weather. If you went on vacation with your period on day 5, you will soon notice shifts in your cycle and mood changes.

The regularity of menstruation is established for a long time and is difficult: much depends on the age of the girl and on the area where she lives. According to statistics, women who live or often visit hot climates have more difficulty with this, as the body often overheats.

Colds and inflammatory diseases

The chance of getting pregnant during menstruation becomes higher when a woman has a weak immune system. With a cold, multiplying pathogens leave toxins in the tissues of the body, which act on all body systems with a certain force and speed.

In inflammatory processes, women experience delays (no longer than two weeks), but it is better to immediately take a test or contact a gynecologist to get answers to all your questions.

The simultaneous use of antibiotics and birth control pills reduces the effect of the action of two drugs at once. If you are used to taking birth control pills, use condoms while you are sick.

Irregular sex life

One of the most common causes of irregular periods is infrequent sex. This is not a call to find a partner "for health", but sexual relations with a difference of several months lead to consequences during the period of menstruation.

Joint pastime

Be attentive to the reproductive system if you have an irregular sex life. If conception did occur, then hormonal failure occurred in the body.

Strong orgasm after abstinence

All women have had periods of no sex or orgasms. This also affects the hormonal level, because an orgasm is not only pleasant, but also useful. Thanks to this phenomenon, the work of muscle tissues and the heart improves, mood and performance increase.
It has been proven that orgasm is felt brighter on critical days. However, there is a possibility that the cycle will fail again.

Maturation of two eggs at once

The chance of getting pregnant right during menstruation depends on the characteristics of the body - the maturation of eggs. In one cycle, periods of two ovulations are possible (there is a difference of 2-3 days between them), but this rarely happens if you do not take hormonal drugs.

This process is influenced by stress, irregular sexual relations, rape and genetic predisposition, as well as the entire female body.

Hormonal disruptions

Dysfunctions occur in women and men, but manifest themselves in different ways. If a hormonal failure has occurred in the female body, then this is understandable by the condition of the skin, hair, nails, changes in body weight and the menstrual cycle. There may be frequent and very abundant discharge or the timing of the onset of menstruation is stretched, and the cycle lasts longer than usual.

Hormonal disruptions occur at certain periods: the puberty of a girl, when using hormonal drugs in the body (this is also associated with pregnancy), planning and preparing for childbirth, menopause, etc. In all cases, do not count on the ovulation calendar, even if earlier he rescued.

There is a problem

Cancellation of oral contraceptives

Many couples choose condoms as a method of contraception - a reliable method if you do not know your partner well and have not had time to provide each other with certificates of the absence of infections. Some people have settled on oral contraceptives - for this you need to consult a gynecologist. They provide a high degree of protection.

If you use this option, always write yourself a reminder to take birth control (there are many unpleasant cases due to absent-mindedness).

If you refuse OK, it can cause hormonal disruptions in the body. The best option is considered to be the rejection of contraceptives after the full adoption of the last course (finish the package and not buy the next one). A few days after stopping the intake, scanty bleeding is possible, because a full recovery will begin in the female reproductive system. There should not be many such discharges (maximum the first week).

If you stop drinking OK, but do not intend to give birth, you must switch to another type of contraceptive immediately. If you do not protect yourself, then even in the first days after the abolition of contraceptives, you can become pregnant.

Sexual infections

Many STDs are asymptomatic and can be discovered by accidentally getting tested during the menstrual cycle (because the body becomes more sensitive) or by getting another infection. Then there are itching and other signs.

If sex during menstruation is not dangerous, then sexual intercourse with an infected person can turn into a disaster for a woman. Pregnant women who have STDs are recommended to be treated in the early stages, because. at birth, they are passed on to the child. Treatment in adults will take less time than in a newborn.

Taking certain medications

Menstruation is actively influenced by antidepressants, anticoagulants and hemostatic agents (a woman can take them if everything is already out of control). When you face the risk of an unwanted pregnancy, using contraceptives saves you from unpleasant surprises, because you can get pregnant in the first days of your period. The processes in the body are difficult to predict, so do not rely on luck.

After long hormonal therapy

Sperm viability

What is the probability of getting pregnant right during menstruation depends on the activity of spermatozoa. Sperm is different for men. There is a myth that coitus interruptus will avoid fertilization. It is not true:

  1. Spermatozoa are not just in the seminal fluid, but are also present on the head of the penis far before the onset of climax and can enter the egg.
  2. In the case when a man ends, he can rarely orient himself and "catch" the moment of ejaculation. A healthy couple and the absence of contraception are always favorable conditions for fertilization.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation for 1-2 days?

This is unlikely, but it all depends on the maturation of the egg, which happens individually. Be careful if your cycle is special - it lasts less than 28 days and has other discrepancies with the norm. On the second day of menstruation, the chance begins to increase, so you can get pregnant from the first day of menstruation.

The probability of conception on the 3-4th critical day

With each day of menstruation, the likelihood of fertilization increases, because the eggs become more active. On the third day, it is easier to do this than to get pregnant on the first day of menstruation. If you are careful during intercourse (i.e. use condoms), then the 3rd day of menstruation will reduce the chance of conception to zero.

Is it possible to somehow get pregnant on the 4th day of menstruation - every girl is interested. On the 4th day of menstruation, the cervix is ​​as open as possible, so a girl can not only become pregnant on the 4th day of menstruation, but also acquire infections that develop already inside.

And it happens

The chance of fertilization on the 5th, 6th and 7th day of menstruation

Bleeding has been going on for five days, healing processes in the uterus begin. Getting pregnant on the fifth day is easier than on day 1, but more difficult than on a longer cycle.
When people have sex on day 6 and try to rely on the calendar method, keep in mind that this day is "dangerous" for women whose menstrual cycle is shorter than usual (22-23 days instead of 28).
Regula ends, the woman feels better, estrogen has begun to be produced again in the proper amount. In the areas of the seventh-eighth days there is a “blooming” of the woman’s body. At the end of menstruation, the strongest sexual desire for the entire cycle is felt. That is why after menstruation all touches are especially pleasant.

Rules for sex during menstruation

  1. Personal hygiene (partners to take a shower, because discharge is an environment for the development of bacteria).
  2. Room hygiene (necessarily clean sheets, it is better to have dry wipes on hand).
  3. Lack of pain (if a woman has them, then sex will have to be postponed).
  4. Missionary position (this will minimize the discharge).
  5. Use condoms.
  6. Use special caps (will help to avoid leakage).

Risk if not protected and the guy did not cum

Some wonder what is the likelihood of getting pregnant during menstruation if ejaculation has not occurred. It does not matter on which day there was sexual contact: on the 1st or on the last day.

Getting pregnant during menstruation or immediately after them is real, because spermatozoa are contained not only in the semen itself, but also on the head of the partner's penis. When ejaculating, there are more spermatozoa and they are more active, but there have been cases of fertilization when the partner did not even finish.

Find your safe days

You can focus on the cycle calendar if you have regular periods. Track your cycle and don't rely on luck if you find failures.

Personal data

You must know:

  • When does the menstrual cycle start and end?
  • the main risks that a woman often ignores;
  • terms of "danger" of pregnancy;
  • observe the rules of behavior and contraception before menstruation.

During critical days, note all the features of well-being, and if the menstruation lasts too long, be sure to contact the gynecologist. If you practice unprotected sex during your period, then you should not have a question about whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation.

Intrauterine device (IUD)

Often women turn to intrauterine contraception, which reliably protects and is installed for a long time. The device shortens the life of the eggs and prevents the movement of sperm. Every woman should try at least once in her life if she gets tired of taking pills on a schedule.
Gynecologists are asked whether it is possible for a healthy woman to become pregnant during the onset of menstruation with a spiral. No, this is a very reliable type of protection designed for 5-10 years of use. If you are inserting an IUD for the second time, it may cause or stop a meager discharge. You can watch a video about this method of contraception below.

Each representative of the fair sex should know which days you can get pregnant and which days you can’t. Only in this case the process of conception will be completely under control. If you do not want to face unexpected fertilization, then find out if you can get pregnant on the first day of your period.

conception process

To begin with, it is worth saying a little about how fertilization occurs. Throughout the body of a woman there are strong hormonal changes. It is worth noting that none of the men ever anything like this happens.

With the onset of menstruation, the production of a hormone called follicle-stimulating hormone begins. Under the influence of this substance in the ovaries, the so-called vesicles, in which there are eggs, increase in size. When one of the follicles reaches the required size, there is a sharp change in hormonal levels. replaced by luteinizing. It is this new substance that helps the bubble with the egg to open.

The female cell is capable of fertilization within one day. If at this time there is a meeting with a male sperm, then pregnancy will occur.

Menstrual cycle

Women's menstrual cycle can be short, medium length and long. Depending on this, the question “is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of menstruation?” has different answers. If one representative of the fair sex cannot conceive a baby in any way during the period of bleeding, then the other easily becomes pregnant at this time. Let's try to understand in detail in each individual case.

Menstrual cycle is short

A short female period is one whose length is 21 days. It is worth noting that this is a variant of the norm and does not require treatment. So, if the female cycle is twenty-one days, is it possible

Male cells are able to stay in the female body for up to one week. If the cycle lasts 21 days, then ovulation occurs on average 7 days after the start of the next bleeding. If sexual intercourse takes place during bleeding, then the spermatozoa will be able to calmly wait for the moment when the egg leaves the ovary. In this case, the question “is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of menstruation?” has a positive response.

Summing up, we can say that the probability of conception in this case is very high.

Average menstrual cycle

The average length of a female period is 28 days. Most women have this cycle length. So, is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation in this case?

If the cycle length is 28 days, then the release of the egg from the vesicle occurs approximately two weeks after the onset of bleeding. It is worth noting that menstruation can last up to one week. This is considered a variant of the norm. If, for example, sexual intercourse occurs on the fifth day of the cycle, then the spermatozoa will be able to live in the woman's body for up to 12 days. In this case, the meeting of two cells will not take place and conception will not occur.

With such a cycle length? In this case, experts give a positive answer. If menstruation ends on the seventh day of the cycle, then sexual intercourse, which occurs on the eighth day, will lead to the fact that male gametes will be able to stay in the female body until the 15th day. The release of the egg, which took place on the 14th day, allows conception to occur.

So, is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of menstruation with an average cycle length? There is a chance of conception, but it is very low. Whereas the possibility of fertilization during sexual contact after menstruation is quite high.

Long cycle and the possibility of conception

Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after menstruation with a long menstrual cycle? To begin with, it is worth saying that a period is considered long, the length of which is 35 days. In this case, the release of the female gamete from the follicle occurs approximately three weeks after the onset of bleeding.

If sexual intercourse takes place immediately after the completion of bleeding, then the male cells simply will not be able to wait until the moment when ovulation occurs. The probability of conception in this case is almost zero. However, you should not rely on a long cycle, because there are exceptions to the rules.

Conception during bleeding in this case is also impossible.

Irregular menstrual cycle

If the period is from before the start of a new one, is it possible to get pregnant before menstruation, during and after them in this case?

For example, a woman is sure that she has a short cycle, which is equal to twenty-one days. The fair sex can calculate that ovulation will take place on the 7th day of the cycle. Therefore, sexual intercourse that occurs after the 10th day will not lead to conception. Suddenly, a hormonal failure occurs in the woman's body and her cycle becomes average. With this outcome of the event, sexual contact, which took place on the 10th day, will most likely lead to fertilization. A woman thinks that it is impossible to get pregnant before menstruation, but conception occurs due to the lengthening of the cycle.

The reverse situation may also be. For example, a woman's menstrual cycle is long. She relies on the fact that it is impossible to get pregnant after menstruation and during them. However, due to a slight malfunction in the body, the cycle is shortened, and the female gamete exits not on the 21st day of the cycle, but on the 7th. In this case, any sexual contact that occurred during menstruation or immediately after them can lead to fertilization.

If a woman is constantly changing the length of the menstrual cycle, then conception can occur at absolutely any time. In this case, you can not rely on luck and hope that it will "carry". Take good care of your health.

Can you get pregnant on the 1st day of your period?

In some cases, the female body is very unpredictable. If the fair sex does not remember when the last menstruation was and does not follow her cycle, then any spotting is taken as the beginning of the next period.

It is worth saying that in some cases, the release of the egg from the ovary is accompanied by small spotting. This is due to the fact that when the bubble breaks, the smallest vessels are damaged. Blood in this case mixes with cervical mucus and leaves the genitals. An inattentive lady takes such discharge for the first day of menstruation. In this case, sexual contact on this day can lead to conception with a very high probability.

In order to avoid such erroneous situations, you must carefully monitor the menstrual cycle and keep your female calendar.

Expert opinions

Doctors do not recognize the calendar method of protection against unwanted pregnancy. This method can be used in case of conception planning. If you do not plan to become a mother in the near future, then you should find an alternative method of contraception.

Currently, there are a lot of hormonal agents, suppositories, intrauterine devices and creams. Each representative of the fair sex will be able to choose the most suitable option for protection against conception.


If you are worried about whether it is possible to get pregnant during your period, after or before it, then you should ask your doctor about it. Surely the gynecologist will tell you that during the period of bleeding it is generally not advisable to have sexual intercourse. Otherwise, you can put your health at risk of infection or various female diseases.

Watch your cycle, take into account the duration of menstruation and always be healthy!

Many women are sure that pregnancy cannot occur during menstruation. Most often this is true. But there are exceptions. Although the probability of conception is small, it is still not zero. Therefore, you should not think that you can have sex during your period without thinking about contraception. In this situation, the most appropriate means is a condom, which will not only reduce the risk of becoming pregnant during menstruation, but also protect the uterus, which is most vulnerable during this period, from infection.

Pregnancy can only occur after ovulation. Between it and the beginning of the next menstruation passes 14 days. To determine on which day of the cycle ovulation will occur and the days favorable for conception will come, it is necessary to subtract 14 from the total cycle duration. So, for example, with a 26-day cycle, ovulation occurs approximately on day 12.

Taking into account the fact that spermatozoa remain active for several days, the period from approximately 10 to 19 days of the cycle is considered favorable for conception in this case. In the rest of the period, pregnancy is extremely unlikely, especially during menstruation.

The most "safe" are the first 2 days after the onset of menstrual bleeding. Firstly, it is almost impossible for spermatozoa to enter the tubes through the cavity of a bleeding uterus. And secondly, the increased acidity of the vaginal environment during this period is detrimental to them. Even if there is a chance for fertilization, the embryo will not be able to gain a foothold in the uterus, completely freed from the endometrium. In addition, sex these days delivers the greatest discomfort.

However, as you know, the duration of the cycle in women is individual, in addition, not all of them are strictly regular. Therefore, doctors warn that one should not rely only on calculations. When having sex, even during menstruation, it is necessary to protect yourself.

When can pregnancy occur?

Sometimes women start a special calendar, with the help of which they calculate "dangerous" days, considering this method of protection to be reliable. However, very often inexperience and ignorance in matters of physiology brings them down.

Getting pregnant during menstruation is possible in the following cases:

  1. A woman has a short menstrual cycle (20-21 days). In this case, ovulation occurs on the 6-7th day, and may well occur in the last days of menstruation, when pregnancy occurs.
  2. Menses come irregularly. Calculating safe days is almost impossible.
  3. In the ovaries, not one, but 2 eggs matured, ovulation occurred twice in one cycle. At the same time, the first egg was not fertilized, died, menstruation began. But on the eve of menstruation, the so-called “spontaneous ovulation” occurred, that is, a second egg appeared, which was fertilized on the 2-3rd day of menstruation. This was possible due to the survivability of spermatozoa that fell into the fallopian tubes during intercourse, which took place a few days before menstruation. Spontaneous ovulation is a rare phenomenon, most often occurs when a woman has a genetic predisposition.
  4. There is a failure in the course of physiological processes. This often occurs after an abortion, ovarian surgery, inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  5. Often there are doubts whether it is possible to get pregnant during menstruation with menopause. In women over 40, unforeseen long delays appear, cycles are most often anovulatory. Considering that conception is no longer possible, the woman ceases to be protected and allows herself to have sex on any day of the month, which leads to an unplanned pregnancy.
  6. Cycle disorders are quite common in girls during puberty. The risk of conception during menstruation is quite high.
  7. It is possible to get pregnant during menstruation with irregular sexual activity, after prolonged abstinence, as well as in the presence of diseases associated with endocrine disorders, taking hormonal drugs.
  8. The procedure for taking oral contraceptives is violated. Their action is based on the suppression of ovulation. If you abruptly stop taking the pills, menstrual bleeding begins. After a short use of COCs, when the hormonal background of the body did not have time to change significantly, the reproductive function is restored quickly, ovulation and fertilization occur. As a result, a woman will believe that she became pregnant when she had her period.

Warning: The reasons for the shift in the course of the processes of the cycle can also be a sharp change in climatic conditions or time zones, nervous stress. Such factors provoke hormonal failure, leading to unexpected consequences.

Sometimes the so-called “implantation bleeding” is mistaken for menstruation. Scanty spotting appears 7-10 days after conception has occurred. Its cause is damage to the small vessels of the endometrium during the introduction of the embryo into it. At the same time, a woman may be convinced that she became pregnant precisely on critical days.

In the first months of pregnancy, “false periods” also appear - minor bleeding that occurs in the process of a sharp change in hormonal levels.

Video: Why pregnancy can occur during menstruation

What kind of contraception should be used during menstruation

The need for contraception is due not only to the possibility of conception during menstruation. During this period, the risk of infection entering the internal genital organs of a woman, infection with pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases, increases significantly.

The least reliable is the calendar method of contraception. It is suitable only for women with a completely regular menstruation cycle. At the same time, a woman should be completely healthy, no negative factors should influence her condition. Since the fulfillment of all these conditions is incredible, then the protection is far from 100%.

Hormonal contraceptive pills have their effect only with long-term systematic intake. They are not used as emergency contraception. In addition, their action weakens while taking certain drugs (antibiotics, phytohormones).

There are contraceptive pills and candles of another action. They do not suppress ovulation, but they make the vaginal mucus thicker. In this case, the entry of spermatozoa into the fallopian tube is greatly complicated. However, the risk of an unwanted pregnancy is still quite high.

The most reliable method is barrier contraception using a condom.

You can reduce the risk of diseases if you have sex with a regular partner and be completely sure that he does not have sexually transmitted infections.

Many girls are firmly convinced that menstruation is the most reliable method of contraception that nature itself has endowed women with. And what do experts say, is it possible to get pregnant on the first day of menstruation? It turns out that this is quite possible, so even these days a woman who does not want to conceive should use contraceptives. It is fair to say that the probability of conception in this situation is negligible, but still it takes place, so you should not forget about it.

The onset of the ovulatory period for each woman individually

The first days of the cycle are characterized by the fact that an increase in follicles occurs in the female ovaries. After a few days, 1-2 follicles out of all reach especially large sizes and become dominant, while the rest again decrease to their original rudimentary sizes. They gradually grow, and when their dimensions increase above 20 mm, they mature and the shell becomes thinner. When the ovulatory day comes, the follicle shell breaks and the mature female cell comes out, which goes into the tube, where fertilization should occur.

Menstrual bleeding is the rejection of the uterine endometrium.

  • This layer consists of two layers - functional (external) and basal (internal).
  • If conception does not happen, then the rejection of the outer functional layer begins, i.e., menstrual bleeding begins.
  • Meanwhile, the basal layer begins to stimulate the formation of a new outer layer.
  • Its formation ends during the luteinizing stage of the cycle, during which the growth of glandular, connective and vascular structures occurs.
  • Under the action of the progesterone hormone, transformations occur in the endometrial layer, aimed at creating favorable conditions for the implantation and implantation of a fertilized egg.

If conception did not occur, then the next menstruation begins again.

Hormonal background

During the cycle, indicators of the hormonal status of a woman also seriously change. The duration of the cycle itself and its regularity completely depends on how fully the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones is carried out. These processes depend on many factors such as health status, climatic conditions, a sharp change in diet, stress, etc. Any of these factors can lead to a shift in the cycle, an increase or decrease in the volume of shedding endometrial tissues, an increase or decrease in the duration of menstruation, etc.

Therefore, the onset of pregnancy on the first day of menstruation against the background of menstrual failures is quite possible, but unlikely. Firstly, on the 1-2 day of menstruation, the bleeding is profuse and, therefore, the spermatozoa are simply washed away, unable to reach the uterus. But if unprotected sex occurred a few hours before the start of bleeding, and the patient ovulated late, then the probability of becoming pregnant is quite real and quite high.

Features of the female cycle

Health status is directly related to diet

The female monthly cycle can have a different character. For some girls, it is short, for others it is an average of 28 days, for others the cycle is too long and takes more than 30 days. So, we are concerned about the question - is it possible to get pregnant in the first days of menstruation. The answer for different patients may be different.

Obstetric and gynecological practice shows that some girls categorically cannot conceive on the first day of menstruation, while others easily become pregnant at this time. Why is such a difference possible and what causes it?

If the cycle is short

If a woman has a cycle of about 21 days, then it is considered short. This feature does not require treatment and is not considered a pathology. A short cycle is considered one of the options for the norm.

If the cycle is only 21 days, then the ovulatory period occurs approximately on the 7-8th day of the cycle. Spermatozoa can live in the female body for up to a week. If unprotected sex occurs on the first day of menstruation, then sperm may have time to get into the fallopian tube and wait for the cell to mature and come out. Therefore, in such a case, fertilization is quite possible. In other words, with a short menstrual cycle, conception on the first day of the monthly cycle is quite likely.


If the female cycle takes 28 days, then it is considered the generally accepted norm, this is the average cycle that is observed in most of the fairer sex. With a 28-day duration of the monthly cycle, the exit of a mature cell occurs approximately on day 14. Menstrual bleeding can last up to 7 days, which is considered quite normal.

  • If sex without protection occurs, for example, on the second day, then sperm can remain viable until the 9th day of the cycle. In such a case, the meeting of the cell with the sperm cannot take place, i.e., conception is impossible.
  • If intimacy occurs on the last day of menstruation, which lasts a week, then the spermatozoon will be able to survive until the 14-15th day of the cycle, when ovulation occurs. In this case, the onset of fertilization is quite possible.

If the monthly cycle is characterized by an average duration, then it is impossible to conceive a child during sex on the first day of menstruation, but the onset of pregnancy is quite acceptable with sexual intercourse already on the 7-8th day of the cycle.


It is advisable to keep a special calendar to mark the date of the start of menstruation.

What is the longest cycle? If there are 35 days from the beginning of menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation, then such a cycle is considered long. In such a situation, the onset of the ovulatory period falls on about 21-22 days. If sexual intimacy occurs in the first days of menstrual flow, then the spermatozoa simply physically cannot survive until the maturation of the egg and die. Therefore, theoretically, conception with such a cycle in its first days is impossible.

Although, given the likely exceptions to the generally accepted rules, conception cannot be completely ruled out, because the cycle can suddenly change under the influence of stress and other factors. Then ovulation will move, come earlier, so pregnancy may become quite probable.


It is especially difficult to say whether you can get pregnant or not if the female cycle is irregular. The shift of the cycle and the ovulatory period occurs under the influence of inflammatory processes, infectious gynecological diseases, against the background of abortions or operations in the gynecological field, with irregular sexual intimacy, or as an individual feature. With irregular periods, relying on calendar methods for calculating ovulation is pointless. But still, the onset of conception with such a cycle is quite possible, provided that the cycle turns out to be short, and the ovulatory period comes ahead of time.

Sometimes women do not even suspect that they have become pregnant, especially if sexual contact occurred during menstrual bleeding. But practice shows that this is quite possible, therefore, such a situation cannot be completely ruled out.

Causes of pregnancy during menstruation

Conception during sex during menstruation is quite likely, but why does it happen, because menstruation, as many believe, is a kind of guarantee that pregnancy is simply impossible these days. Long since "red" days were considered safe for conception. How is this possible, why, what is the reason for such a feature? Experts identify several reasons that can explain why unprotected sex during menstruation can lead to pregnancy.

  1. Two cells have matured. Yes, this is quite possible. It happens that during the cycle, eggs mature in both ovaries. Ovulation in each ovary can occur at the same time or several days apart. Especially often this happens with irregular sexual activity, hormonal surges, against the background of hereditary characteristics, or with rare and strong orgasms.
  2. Interruptions in the hormonal sphere. The hormonal background of the patient directly affects her cycle. If hormonal substances begin to act up, then the timing of the ovulatory period and its frequency may shift. Then the maturation of the cell can occur earlier or be delayed. As a result, sex on the first day of menstruation may well turn into unexpected news in the form of a positive pregnancy test result.
  3. Violation of the scheme of taking contraceptive drugs. If a patient takes COCs for a sufficiently long time, and then abruptly stops drinking pills, then all intraorganic processes are disturbed, including in the sexual and reproductive spheres. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the day of ovulation in this situation, as well as the likelihood of conception with unprotected contacts.

In general, the onset of conception on the first day of menstruation, under certain conditions, is more likely than pregnancy on the 2-3rd day of menstruation. In the latter case, heavy bleeding physically does not leave a chance for sperm to reach the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Proximity during menstruation

Intimacy on critical days can be dangerous

Many women are sincerely surprised when they learn that many couples actively have sex on the days of menstrual bleeding. This is quite understandable, because the discharge of blood makes this process extremely unaesthetic. But the fact is that for many men, menstruation is not at all an obstacle to love pleasures. And for some women these days, sexual desire is incredibly increased, which is almost impossible to cope with. That is why for such couples, sex during menstruation is not considered something unpleasant, unaesthetic and unacceptable.

Doctors on this occasion warn that sex during menstruation is permissible only with a permanent partner and if the man does not have infectious diseases that can penetrate through sexual contact. During menstruation, the cervix expands somewhat, and the female reproductive environment becomes unprotected and too vulnerable. Therefore, if there are doubts about the sexual health of a partner, it is better to use a condom.

How to understand that conception has occurred

So, the likelihood of conception during sex in the first days of menstruation is quite likely, but how can a woman understand that this has happened. Usually the first sign for a woman is the absence of another menstruation or the appearance of a scanty bloody daub, not like the usual menstrual bleeding. In order not to be tormented by doubts, you need to purchase a pharmacy test and check your guesses.

With the onset of conception, the hCG level in the female body begins to rise. Pregnancy tests react to this increase and give a positive result. Already on the first day of the delay, such a test will be able to detect the conception that has occurred. If doubts appeared earlier, then you can donate blood to determine the level of this hormone in the blood. This method allows you to detect conception a week after fertilization.

Doctors' opinion

Experts do not consider having sex during menstruation as something obscene, but they warn that on such days care must be taken not to infect the genital tract and the uterus, which is vulnerable to diseases. As for the onset of pregnancy these days, the risk of becoming pregnant is quite real, especially with a short or irregular cycle, spontaneous or early ovulation, and other provoking factors.

If a woman categorically does not want to become pregnant and does not allow such a situation, then even during menstruation, it is worth using condoms during sex, since menstruation, as we have already found out above, is not a guarantee and protection against unwanted conception. In addition, the use of barrier contraception during menstruation will protect the defenseless uterus and genital structures from all kinds of infectious lesions and diseases.

Is it possible to get pregnant during menstruation - this problem is often of interest to women. Whether you are dreaming of a long-awaited child or, on the contrary, trying to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, this information will bring clarity and help you find the answer to this and other questions of women's health and sexual relations.

The ability of the female body to conceive is regulated by the menstrual cycle, which is repeated monthly, at approximately regular intervals. The normal cycle duration is 21-35 days, the optimal one is 26-28. During this period, a number of hormonal changes occur in the female body, each of which entails a new stage in the work of the reproductive system - the so-called phases of the cycle:

  • follicular lasts approximately 14-16 days and ends with ovulation. Under the influence of the hormone estrogen in the follicles, the eggs mature, the endometrium grows and becomes loose - the outer layer of the uterus;
  • ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle and lasts approximately 24-36 hours. The mature egg breaks the follicle and begins to move towards the uterus. The day of ovulation, the days preceding and following it are the most optimal for conception!
  • luteal. The corpus luteum is formed from the remnants of the follicle, it produces the hormone progesterone. The production of this hormone stops the maturation of new follicles in the ovaries. The development of the endometrium of the uterus continues. The luteal phase is equal in duration to the follicular phase and ends with menstruation (if conception has not occurred).

The first day of each cycle is the start date of your period. Together with the blood, the body leaves the temporary shell of the uterus, formed in the previous cycle for the possible acceptance of a fertilized egg. Menstruation lasts normally 3-7 days.

A stable menstrual cycle is an important indicator of women's health. The presence and regularity of menstruation indicate the normal functioning of the reproductive system and the woman's readiness to reproduce offspring.

And lie calendars?

Since, in theory, fertilization occurs in the middle of the cycle, other days are considered safe. This point of view is shared by supporters of the calendar method of contraception. In practice, things are not so clear cut. And, although the probability of conception during menstruation is small, it still exists!

Causes of pregnancy during menstruation

  • Long menstruation with a short cycle. If a woman's cycle is less than 21 days, and her period lasts more than a week, then she will begin ovulation even before the end of the "critical" days.
  • Double ovulation in one cycle. The phenomenon when two eggs mature in one cycle is rare. There is a version that this feature of the reproductive system is inherited. It can also be caused by a hormonal surge, sometimes against the background of taking or canceling hormonal drugs. In this case, one egg dies and is released along with menstruation, while the second remains capable of conception during menstruation.
  • Irregular, "jumping" cycle. Each organism is individual. For some women, the start of their period is always a surprise. This is not necessarily an indicator of pathology, but without special examinations for such a lady it is almost impossible to determine the date of possible ovulation, as well as the date of the expected menstruation, which means dangerous and safe days.
  • High sperm viability can cause pregnancy during menstruation. For example: in a cycle of 28 days, it means that ovulation occurs on the 14th day. If unprotected sex happened on the last day of menstruation, which lasts 7 days, then a sperm cell with a lifespan of 7 days may well wait for a meeting with an egg!

It has been established that spermatozoa with the X chromosome, which are involved in the conception of a girl, have good viability. They can live up to 7 days! It is more difficult to conceive a boy, since sperm carriers of the Y chromosome can only last 1 day in anticipation of an egg. This phenomenon can be used when planning the sex of the child!

The clock is ticking

The body of a woman can be compared to a skillful mechanism in which everything is calculated with the smallest precision. But sometimes, due to various circumstances, a clear and well-oiled mechanism of the reproductive system begins to falter. These failures can be temporary, easily correctable. But sometimes they indicate the presence of serious diseases and require a visit to a doctor. In any case, irregular menstruation increases the likelihood of conception during menstruation!

Factors affecting changes in the monthly cycle include:

  • climate change. Often, ladies who go on vacation to other climatic zones and time zones notice changes in their cycle. This is due to the adaptation of the body to new environmental conditions. The cycle normalizes quickly, but you need to be more careful if pregnancy is not planned;
  • strict diets and intense physical activity. In pursuit of an ideal body, girls sometimes exhaust their own bodies. A sharp change in nutrition, weight loss, excessive use of dietary supplements can lead to disruptions in the monthly cycle;
  • prolonged stress. Stress is the cause of many diseases, because in the first place, it affects the activity of the central nervous system. On nervous grounds, menstruation delays often occur, they become longer or shorter, which is fraught with undesirable consequences;
  • age factor. In adolescent girls, the menstrual cycle is not established immediately, the body is only preparing to perform the reproductive function. Therefore, the beginning of early sexual activity is highly undesirable! "Jumps" of hormones are also observed on the eve of menopause. However, neither Balzac's age nor Lolita's syndrome is an obstacle to pregnancy;
  • cancellation of oral contraceptives. After taking hormonal contraceptives, it takes some time to restore the cycle. Until the cycle is fully restored, it is optimal to use a barrier method of contraception, and not take pills!

In gynecology, in the treatment of infertility, the rebound effect is sometimes used. It is based on the use of hormonal contraceptives, which suspend the menstrual cycle for the duration of the intake. After the drug is discontinued, the “rested” reproductive system begins to work with increased intensity and can produce several eggs in one cycle, which means that the chance of conceiving a child can be significantly increased!

The causes of menstrual irregularities are numerous. These include irregular sex life, overwork, beriberi, colds and viral diseases, diseases of the pelvic organs, thyroid gland and hormonal disorders. In addition, women after childbirth, abortions and miscarriages also need time to restore a regular cycle.

Violations in the menstrual cycle, long delays in menstruation or their absence require an immediate visit to a gynecologist and can be indicators of serious illness!

Are all days equally dangerous?

The chance of pregnancy is not the same during the days of menstruation. At the beginning of menstruation, bleeding is quite plentiful and makes the movement of spermatozoa, as well as their very vital activity, almost impossible.

But even if the most tenacious sperm still reaches the egg (and we already know that the likelihood of it being in the fallopian tubes during menstruation is very small), it has no chance to attach to the uterus, which during this period looks like a bleeding wound.

Toward the end of the “special days”, the intensity of the discharge decreases, and the likelihood of ovulation, on the contrary, increases. Consequently, the risk of pregnancy also increases.

Sex during menstruation: pros and cons

So is it possible to indulge in love during menstruation? Of course yes! If both partners want intimacy, why deny yourself this pleasure? However, there are some nuances that need to be considered before you plunge headlong into the maelstrom of passion.

Pros of sex during menstruation

Cons of sex

The disadvantages of intercourse during menstruation include the following nuances:

  • discomfort and pain are frequent companions of menstruation, especially in the early days. They may intensify during sex due to the intensity of movements;
  • the not too aesthetic appearance of blood can reduce the sensitive libido of romantic men;
  • high risk of infection in the female genital organs. During the days of menstruation, they are especially defenseless. Infections can cause the development of various diseases and cause infertility;
  • the partner is also at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases due to direct contact with blood;
  • The risk of an unwanted pregnancy during menstruation is small, but such a possibility still exists.

To avoid unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, you must use a condom during sex!


Making a choice in favor of sex or abstinence during menstruation is the decision of each individual couple. Perhaps for some, sex these days is the only possible way to conceive a long-awaited child. And someone had a long-awaited date for a “critical” period. Life situations are different! The main thing is to take care of your health. And may your pregnancy be desired!

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