Ointment doctor theiss eucalyptus - “small spool and expensive! Doctor Theiss eucalyptus ointment treats all symptoms of a cold quickly and effectively!!! instructions for use! Price where to buy. General characteristics. Compound

The eucalyptus cold balm of Dr. Thais is a combined preparation of plant origin, which is capable of providing anti-inflammatory, locally irritating, expectorant, antiseptic, bronchodilator and antitussive effects.

Theis eucalyptus balm instructions

Indications for use of Dr. Theis Eucalyptus Balm

Eucalyptus balm is indicated for use in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, which are accompanied by sputum that is difficult to separate. He is appointed:

  • With laryngitis;
  • With pharyngitis;
  • With tracheitis;
  • With bronchitis.


The use of Dr. Theis' eucalyptus balm is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity.

Eucalyptus cold balm Dr. Theis: application

For external use, lubricate the skin on the chest and back three times a day and then at bedtime. Put a soft towel on the place of lubrication and wrap it with a blanket on top. Keep warm.

For inhalation, prepare a solution, where dissolve 10 milliliters of balm in a liter of hot water and bend over the container, covering your head with a large napkin, inhale the vapors for several minutes.

Balm eucalyptus Dr. Theis for children

In the room where there is a small child, you should place a container with a solution for inhalation in an open form. Let the baby breathe in healing vapors.

Side effects

A side effect that can be caused by the drug can only be an allergic reaction.

special instructions

It is forbidden to apply the drug on the face and mucous membranes.

Eucalyptus balm Dr. Theis: price

The drug is freely available and sold without a doctor's prescription. The cost of the drug, depending on the region of residence and the location of the pharmacy, ranges from 309 to 318 rubles per pack of 50 grams.

Eucalyptus balm Dr. Theis: reviews

There are a lot of reviews about the drug and everything can be said positive. Many praise its good effective action on severe lingering cough, which it easily copes with and ease of use. They also praise its speed and lack of need to take anything inside. Here are some of the latest balm reviews for clarity.

Veronica: I bought a cough and cold remedy on the advice of a doctor, when no cough syrups had the desired effect. Our child is not willing to accept syrups anyway, and they still do not help him. Therefore, the pediatrician advised to rub something on the chest and prescribed eucalyptus balm. The effect was visible on the second day of application. At first it started to cough, and then it completely disappeared. A good tool. Effective.

Daria: We have been using this balm for the whole family for five years. Good for colds. Cool warming effect. When you suffer enough with that cough that does not clear your throat after you smear your chest with balm a few hours later, as it reappeared. Such a relief. I recommend to everyone. Inhalations are also quite effective. But we do them when there is a strong tickle in the throat. It is better to smear - it is more convenient to use.

Balm eucalyptus first aid kit Agafia

The eucalyptus balm of this manufacturer also uniquely combines the properties of medicinal plants that have been successfully used in folk medicine for a long time, relieving colds and runny nose with new modern technologies for processing plant materials. Thanks to the eucalyptus contained in the balm, the drug is able to eliminate inflammatory and congestive processes in the respiratory and nasopharyngeal organs.

Instructions for use

To eliminate inflammatory catarrhal symptoms, a small amount of balm should be applied to the outside of the sinuses, to the temple area and to the upper chest.

Ointment eucalyptus warming
Volume 30ml
- natural beeswax
- essential oil of eucalyptus,
- essential oil of pine needles,
- camphor oil,
- cacao butter.
first remedy for acute respiratory diseases
Eucalyptus and pine needles contain phytoncides, flavonoids, tannins, terpenes and organic acids in large quantities. The ointment base of the balm is cocoa butter and beeswax. This combination of ointment base is borrowed from old recipes. It allows for sufficient time to achieve a clinical effect to maintain its medicinal properties due to the good penetration of active ingredients through intact skin. A very important detail - "Eucalyptus ointment"Does not contain menthol, so it can even be used to treat children under the age of 1 year.
The essential oils of eucalyptus and pine needles contained in the balm have a pronounced bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, reduce the viscosity of sputum, and contribute to its rapid expectoration. Camphor, in addition to local irritating, warming and moderate antimicrobial action, affects the respiratory center, increasing the depth and frequency of breathing, increases the secretion of the bronchial glands, thereby providing an expectorant effect.
The unique composition allows it to be used in the treatment of SARS by various methods.
Rubbing the skin of the chest, back, neck, legs and feet is carried out for 5-7 minutes 2-3 times a day and always at night. If the patient is a child, then at the end of the procedure it should be wrapped in a flannel or soft woolen cloth. Rubbing can be performed on children of any age, from birth.
Therapeutic herbal baths, in which 10-15 g of ointment is dissolved, are indicated for children of any age. For children under one year old, the water temperature is about 38 ° C, which must be maintained during the entire time of taking a bath, that is, 10-15 minutes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated daily. After the bath, the child should be wrapped up and put to bed. In case of excessive sweating, after some time after taking a bath, it is recommended that the child change into warm, dry clothes.
Compresses on the chest are indicated at any age, but primarily for children and the elderly. The child is wrapped in a soft cloth moistened with an ointment heated in a water bath, after which thin polyethylene is applied, then a cotton or woolen pad, fixing them on the chest with a bandage or scarf. In adults, they are limited to a compress on the sternum or interscapular region (can be alternated). Compresses are placed for up to 2 hours 1-3 times a day.
To reduce the manifestations of a runny nose and cough, it is advisable to use eucalyptus ointment in inhalations - the inhaled vapors of essential oils enter directly into the respiratory tract, envelop and moisturize them, relieving irritation and coughing. Newborns and infants are inhaled by evaporation from an open container (for example, a saucepan) of hot water with a balm dissolved in it. At the same time, the windows and doors of the room where the awake or sleeping child is located are tightly closed. The proportions of the solution for inhalation: 2-3 teaspoons of balm for 2-2.5 liters of hot water, the duration of inhalation is 1-1.5 hours.
For the prevention of acute respiratory infections, inhalations are useful for the whole family.

Eucalyptus Cold Balm Dr. Theiss is a herbal medicine with decongestant, expectorant and antibacterial properties. The action of the drug is determined by the components that make up its composition. Vapors of essential oils exhibit decongestant and secretory actions, due to which the viscosity of sputum decreases and it is better discharged from the respiratory tract. All active substances that make up the drug exhibit a strong antimicrobial effect.
Eucalyptus oil has a decongestant, expectorant and mild antispasmodic effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. When applied to the skin, eucalyptus oil has a mild local irritant effect.
Camphor when applied externally has a decongestant and irritant effect.
Pine needle oil exhibits decongestant and antibacterial properties; acts as a local irritant on the skin.

Indications for use:
eucalyptus balm It is used for colds of the upper and lower respiratory tract (including bronchitis), accompanied by the formation of difficult-to-separate bronchial secretions and cough (in adults).

Mode of application:
eucalyptus balm applied topically. Adults and children (including infants) lubricate the skin of the chest and back several times a day (especially at night), then cover the lubricated area with a scarf (woolen or flannel) or appropriate clothing and keep the chest and back warm. Inhalation. A hot solution is prepared (in 0.5-1 liter of hot water, but not boiling water, dissolve 2 teaspoons of the drug), covering the head with a towel, inhale the vapors for 5-10 minutes. For children under 5 years old (including infants) - in the room where the sick child is located, it is recommended to keep an open container with a solution.

Side effects:
When applied, irritation of the skin and mucous membranes is possible; headache, dizziness, agitation, seizures.
Cough and bronchospasm may increase. Inhalation (including topical use) can cause symptoms such as stridor, dyspnoea, and precisely obstructive dyspnea. As a reflex to the use of the drug, bronchospasm may occur, with the following Asthma-like conditions and subsequent respiratory arrest.
Isolated cases of hallucinations have been reported. Allergic reactions, contact dermatitis and other skin hypersensitivity reactions such as rash, hives, redness and itching of the skin may occur.
External use over large areas can cause toxic symptoms such as nephrotoxicity, central nervous system disorders (immediately after camphor application).
In the event of any adverse reactions, stop using the drug and be sure to consult a doctor.


Contraindications for use Eucalyptus balm Dr. Theiss are: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, pseudocroup and other respiratory diseases that are associated with their hypersensitivity; skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis) and childhood diseases with exanthema; skin lesions of various etiologies at the site of application of the drug; prone to seizures.
Do not use for inhalation in acute inflammation of the respiratory tract and acute inflammation of the lungs.


In the absence of research data, the drug eucalyptus balm should not be taken during pregnancy and lactation.

Interaction with other drugs:
No data.


When applied correctly eucalyptus balm in the recommended doses of intoxication are practically excluded.
In case of accidental ingestion of an undiluted drug, complications from the gastrointestinal tract with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions are possible.
Resorptive action should only be considered as a last resort.
In mild cases, discontinuation of the drug is sufficient. In other cases, symptomatic treatment should be carried out.
When convulsions occur, it is necessary to administer 5-10 mg of diazepam intravenously or short-acting barbiturates, and in case of ingestion, gastric lavage and give sodium sulfate 30 g in 250 ml of water.

Storage conditions:
eucalyptus balm should be stored below 25°C.

Release form

Eucalyptus balm - ointment. 20 g or 50 g in a glass jar. 1 jar in a cardboard box.


100 g ointment eucalyptus balm contain eucalyptus oil (Eucalypti aetheroleum) 7.5 g, pine needle oil (Pini silvestris aetheroleum) 7.5 g, racemic camphor 5 g; excipients: corn oil, hard fat, yellow wax.


eucalyptus balm should only be used externally and for inhalation.
In infants and children under 2 years of age, camphor may cause laryngospasm associated with severe shortness of breath. Do not use in children with an increased risk of epileptic seizures.
Do not apply to mucous membranes, including the nose and around the eyes. Do not use on the face. Apply only to healthy skin.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that children do not touch with their hands the skin areas on which the drug was applied. Wash your hands thoroughly after applying the ointment.
Inhalation in children under 12 years of age is not recommended. Inhalations by school-age children should be supervised by adults.

main parameters


Well-known German manufacturer Dr. Theiss offers you an effective and safe cough ointment. Ointment Eucalyptus Dr. Theiss for cough for adults contains camphor, eucalyptus and pine needle oils, which are indicated for diseases accompanied by inflammation of the respiratory tract. Healing ointment is also indicated for colds.

It is known that eucalyptus oil has antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, which contributes to the rapid liquefaction of sputum. In turn, natural pine needle oil stimulates blood circulation and activates the immune system, suppressing the symptoms of inflammation.

It's interesting that Dr. Theiss cough ointment with eucalyptus contains only high quality components. In addition to pine needle oil and eucalyptus oil, the ointment contains camphor and beeswax. Camphor has warming and irritating properties, which contributes to the smooth expectoration of sputum.

Camphor also stimulates local blood circulation, effectively dissolving the focus of inflammation. The component reduces swelling and hyperemia, eliminating the manifestations of inflammation. Beeswax softens the overall clinical picture, reducing the severity of symptoms. Therefore, this ointment is an effective remedy in the treatment of cough.

You can use our cough ointment for adults and children externally and in the form of inhalations. The tool is best used as part of a comprehensive treatment for colds, accompanied by difficult-to-separate sputum and cough. The drug dilutes sputum and helps to facilitate expectoration.

You can apply the ointment externally by rubbing the skin in the back and chest with light massage movements. Also ointment Eucalyptus Dr. Theiss can be used for inhalation. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve a spoonful of ointment in hot water, after which you can inhale the respiratory tract for several minutes.

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