Who will be in from the animals. The Three Main Qualities of the Yellow Earth Dog

If you ask what year is 2018 according to the horoscope, it turns out that this is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. This sign is distinguished by devotion and a desire for justice. Therefore, the higher moral qualities a person has, the more gifts he will receive from the mistress of the year. In addition, the Dog is able to reconcile the warring. Thanks to this, the long-awaited peace and harmony will finally reign in many families. It will come according to the Eastern calendar on February 16, 2018.

General information

Before making a forecast for each sign of the eastern zodiac, a characteristic of the year of the Dog itself must be given. Astrologers note that every year of the Yellow Dog is distinguished by calmness, stability, peace and harmony. The peacefulness of the Dog will affect the war zones, the activity in which will certainly decrease. This year we should expect stabilization of the political situation in the world. Many disputes and conflicts will resolve themselves. The economic situation in most countries will be stable.

Most of the achievements during this period will be associated with the desire of an individual to stand out from the crowd, to show his intelligence. This will force many to act outside the box. It is such personalities that great success awaits in the year of the Earth Dog. They will receive the patronage of the mistress of the year and her protection.

In the year of the Yellow Dog, you can significantly improve your life. There will be many opportunities and chances for this. All that is needed for financial success is to correctly distribute your income and not squander money right and left.

In 2018, a favorable period for long-distance travel begins. This is due to the fact that the Dog loves to learn new things, and will support the same enthusiasts. Traveling will allow you to expand your horizons, immerse yourself in other people's customs and traditions, and live a different life.

Family for Dogs is the most important thing in life. Therefore, in 2018, it is just the right time to create it. All circumstances will contribute to this. The family will become a reliable rear that will always support and help. You can plan weddings, real estate purchases and other large acquisitions.

The year is favorable for new beginnings. You just need to listen to yourself and choose the right path of development. Perhaps someone has long wanted to quit an unloved job. It's time to do it. Instead, it will be possible to do what you love, getting not only pleasure, but also good money. 2018 is favorable for getting a second education, changing your profession and improving your financial situation.

The only thing not to do in the year of the Earth Dog is to make plans. It is best to do this in advance, and in the new year to embody the plan. Moreover, there will be many opportunities for this.

Many do not know, in the year of the Dog, which years belong. The Years of the Dog are 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018.

Such outstanding personalities as Socrates, Mother Teresa, Winston Churchill, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Michael Jackson, Stephen King, Guy de Maupassant, Akira Kurosawa, Victor Hugo, Ernest Hemingway, Alexandre Dumas père, Grigory Rasputin, Yuri Gagarin were born under the sign of the Dog. .

Forecast for 2018 for all signs of the eastern horoscope

Rats in 2018, you will need to take matters into your own hands, not be lazy and not feel sorry for yourself. Then the result will not keep you waiting. If the Rat shows determination, then this period will be very productive for her, and she will be able to achieve great success. In the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, the Rat will find true friends who will support her in everything. Health problems are not expected. It will even improve compared to last year. In the first half of the year, you need to be careful in handling finances, it is advisable not to lend large sums of money to anyone and not to invest them in dubious enterprises. The Rat will be able to achieve financial stability by the fall.

Bull 2018 holds many surprises. He should moderate his pride and stubbornness, learn to yield. The middle of the year is the best time to take a vacation. This will help to avoid serious conflicts, as well as improve well-being and establish sleep and rest patterns. The restored strength will be needed to make a breakthrough in your career and improve your financial situation. A large cash flow is expected at the end of November. Some Bulls will find a creative streak in themselves, which will significantly affect their future, directing life in a favorable direction. By the end of the year, having strengthened the financial foundation, it will be possible to think about personal happiness. The family will help the Bulls feel needed, loved and irreplaceable.

Character tiger in the year of the Dog will change for the better. He will become more calm, thoughtful and good-natured. In the Tiger's career, success and promotion await, profits will increase. Some Tigers will decide to start their own business, which before that they only cherished in their thoughts. Their dedication and courage can only be envied. The authority of this sign of the eastern horoscope will grow greatly. The professional merits of the Tiger will be noticed and appreciated. Family life will proceed steadily. Some Tigers may have an addition to the family. At the end of the year, it is worth paying attention to your health in order to avoid a deterioration in well-being. In general, the year will be very calm and will pass without conflicts and unpleasant surprises.

For representatives of the year Rabbit (Cat) 2018 will be a very successful year. Cats will be contacted for advice and help. Due to this, their circle of contacts will expand significantly, and their authority will be strengthened. The desire for material well-being should be accompanied by noble impulses, only in this case it will be crowned with success. The dog appreciates honesty and generosity, so those representatives of the sign who show them will get everything they dream of. The eastern horoscope 2018 predicts career success and improvement in the financial situation for the Rabbit. Cats are waiting for mutual love and harmonious relationships. For free representatives of the sign, the year may end with a wedding. It is necessary to take care of your health, avoid hypothermia, then there will be no problems with it.

Those born in the year dragon waiting for a rich and interesting life. The cycle of events will swirl them and will not let them get bored. Many Dragons will make new friends and even be able to build relationships with old enemies. Disagreements between spouses are possible, since no one wants to give in. Financial matters will be much better. Already in March, the level of income will begin to grow. But spending everything at once is not recommended, it is better to save money for a major purchase. Probable climb up the career ladder or success in business. Creative individuals belonging to the sign of the Dragon will be in the spotlight. They will be able to prove themselves in all their glory, and especially talented ones have a chance to become famous all over the world. Health problems can be avoided if you do it in time. Family life will become almost ideal in the second half of the year.

Those born in the year snakes, waiting for many surprises, both pleasant and not so. In general, the year is favorable for those Serpents who will act honestly and openly. Kindness and decency are the qualities that the Dog appreciates. She will certainly reward such Snakes. Some representatives of the sign will be able to realize their hidden talents, to reveal themselves from the other side. Strong family relationships, excellent health, no financial problems and career growth - all this promises the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog to the Snakes. By the end of the year, single Snakes will be able to meet their soul mate and find family happiness. So that health is not disturbed, it is recommended to take preventive measures.

An interesting year will be for talented individuals who were born under the sign Horses. Exciting trips to places they dreamed of visiting await them. The horses will have numerous interesting acquaintances and a long-awaited meeting with their soul mate. The relationship that has begun is likely to develop into something serious. Many Horses will pursue their careers and succeed. In the summer, family representatives of the sign are recommended to start repairs, after which it will be possible to have a great rest on the sea coast. In general, the year is going to be very calm. You only have to worry about health. A timely visit to the doctor will prevent unwanted consequences.

According to the Eastern horoscope for those born in the year Sheep (Goats), everything will turn out very well. They don't even have to put in much effort. Those who have been planning to open their own business for a long time will be able to successfully realize their idea. In this case, everything will go like clockwork. Sheep will be carried away by their soul mate. Those who are married will fall in love with their spouse again, and free representatives of the sign will find their love. No difficulties are foreseen in the work. New successful projects are likely to bring significant profits. But do not immediately spend what you have earned, it is better to put money in the bank. Then in the second half of the year, the financial difficulties of the Goats will not be terrible.

monkeys you have to be careful in your business. This is a good period for learning and mastering a new business. Meetings and new acquaintances will fade into the background. Therefore, for sociable and cheerful Monkeys, the year may seem too measured and boring. Throughout the year, it is necessary to devote enough time to the family so that the household does not feel deprived of love and care. Creative individuals will be able to implement a project that will bring them fame, considerable income and recognition in the future. Many Monkeys will want to achieve a promotion, and this period will contribute to this.

For those who were born in the year Rooster The Earth Dog prepares trials. There is a high probability of an event that will turn the life of the Rooster upside down. And few people will like it, but in the end, everything will turn out well. Almost all representatives of the sign will have to devote a lot of time to work and caring for the family. The desire to get rich will lead to the fact that the Roosters will have to sacrifice personal time, devoting it to work. Sometimes they will feel like they are living in the workplace. But fortunately, family life will not suffer from this. The half will show understanding and support the Roosters in their endeavors. In the summer, you still need to slow down and get some rest. It is best to go with the whole family to the sea coast. A couple of weeks of rest will allow you to gain strength in order to make a breakthrough in the second half of the year and still achieve the desired result.

What to expect for those who, according to the eastern horoscope, were born under the sign Dogs? Undoubtedly, this is their year. Dogs will be lucky in everything, especially in terms of a career. Career growth will also affect the financial situation, which will improve significantly. In the middle of the year, single Dogs will finally find happiness in their personal lives. Romantic relationships will develop rapidly and will be very promising. Many Dogs will decide to start a major renovation in their home or purchase their own home. All family members will be directly involved in all this. Throughout the year, in any endeavors, the Dogs will be lucky.

According to the forecast of the eastern horoscope for 2018, those who were born in the year Boar, everything will turn out well. They will finally be able to decide on their priorities, understand what is more important to them, and what can be postponed until later. Financial difficulties are not expected throughout the year. But the most profitable period is the beginning of spring. Perhaps the Boar will even be able to purchase real estate with the acquired funds. For those who are actively looking for their soul mate, summer will be a favorable period. New relationships will bring a lot of happiness and joy. There is a high probability that they will lead to a wedding. Married couples this year will live in complete harmony, quarrels and grievances will remain in the past. Happiness, love, tenderness, trust and mutual understanding will reign in the family.

The forecast for most signs of the Eastern horoscope is positive. But even if the stars predicted trials and not very pleasant events for someone, there is no need to be upset. Everything can be fixed with a little effort.

According to the eastern calendar for 2018, the good-natured Yellow Earth Dog will replace the active and sometimes caustic Red Fire Rooster. The upcoming symbol is distinguished by a calm and reasonable character, adherence to principles, honesty and devotion. She is restless, monitors well-being without closing her eyes, and at the same time infinitely friendly. What interesting events is the horoscope preparing for us?

Eastern horoscope for 2018 of the Yellow Dog

The Yellow Dog favors bold, decisive and creative natures. She encourages the implementation of even the most unusual ideas. At the same time, it helps to bring everything to the end for those who make efforts, and are not lazy, hoping for a chance. Fortune will turn to face even pathological losers, because yellow symbolizes success. The main thing is not to be afraid to take risks and go steadily towards the intended goal. In addition to hard work, you need to show restraint. Impulsive actions and decisions will not bring any result. The earth sign requires deliberation and balance.

Despite his benevolence, the Dog is an ardent defender of justice, rules and truth. She is opposed to greedy businessmen, cunning and liars. She is also extremely unsympathetic to individuals who are ready to go over their heads, to neglect the desires of their loved ones. They are waiting for obstacles that have piled up from all sides, and real consequences.

The dog respects not only perseverance and honesty, but also humanity. She will definitely help those who are friendly to others. For the cordiality shown to people, she will repay with good luck in business. This symbol is especially serious about family values. Take time for your parents, spouses and children, take care of their needs, support in problems. Avoid quarrels and never deceive loved ones. This is especially true of marital fidelity - the Dog is ready to punish traitors in the most severe way. All good changes within the family will be received with joy by the tailed symbol.

In the coming year, focus on family relationships, and do not try to scatter everything at once. Particular care must be taken when making new close acquaintances. People from the outside, whom you do not know at all, can greatly harm the harmony that reigns in your relationship with your family. But old and trusted friends cannot be ignored. Spend time with him, find out about their affairs and build relationships, even if they have cooled off a bit.

The year is great for a wedding, but the choice of a partner must be careful

The earthen sign also has its drawbacks, which include excessive diligence. Try to overcome laziness, then you will feel that you actually have a large supply of energy. Also, the Dog loves to experience virtue and truthfulness, confronting unusual, not always pleasant people. If you pass the test and be extremely tactful with such personalities, and not rude, then the symbol of the year will be satisfied. It is impossible to behave inappropriately, and even more so to deceive even your enemies, otherwise you will harm yourself, and not them.

If you do not anger the Yellow Dog with dishonor and aggression towards others, then the whole of 2018 will be calm and even. The stability inherent in the Earth will come in all spheres of life: from love to health. The problems that arise will be minor, and you can deal with them easily and naturally. Take advantage of this peaceful time: develop, improve your skills, renew relationships with distant relatives and friends. Perhaps this year you will have new hobbies and interests, especially those related to the environment and a healthy lifestyle.

Although the Dog is an earth sign, it will be favorable to representatives of each element. She will help her direct wards to achieve success in all areas. Maximum luck should be expected by Capricorn, Aries and Aquarius.

Love predictions, family relationships

The dog is considered a devoted creature that values ​​loyalty the most. This determines the course to be taken in the love and family spheres. It is they who should become a priority, relegating all the others to the background. Spend more time with your loved ones and enjoy the newfound harmony.

Family people will feel a surge of feelings and emotions, relationships will get a second wind. They will be embraced by romance and endless faith in their spouse. Thanks to this, many couples will finally take the plunge - buy their own nest, go on a trip or plan to replenish the family. Children born during this period will have such positive qualities as a sense of humor and high intelligence.

Singles don't have to worry about not having partners in their lives. The dog will be supportive of you and will help in every possible way in finding a soul mate. It is not necessary to do this if you are not ready for a serious relationship. For many, it is better to limit yourself to flirting and short romances that allow you to raise self-esteem and feel needed. However, as honestly as possible, inform new acquaintances about your intentions to just have a good time. As soon as you start playing with other people's feelings and neglect them, the earth sign will immediately snap and interfere.

If you decide to get a four-legged family member this year, make sure that care for him is regular!

Relationships built in 2018 have every chance of becoming serious and long. They will be stormy and filled with vivid emotions, as well as tenderness and understanding. Get to know people better and do not make hasty conclusions about them and, most importantly, listen to your own heart, and not the opinions of others. It is very likely that you will meet the right person with whom you want to start a family. Therefore, many weddings will take place in the year of the earth sign.

The dog is extremely negative about cheaters, deceivers and those who use other people's feelings for their own mercenary interests. Such people should not wait for luck, most likely, they will be left alone.

Career, finance

The dog does not have a craving for material things, but with pleasure contributes to the fulfillment of the desire to surround himself with expensive and beautiful. It is not for nothing that yellow is associated with prosperity, because this year can be successful. Do not be afraid to please yourself with new clothes, but do not spend the last money on them, saving and accumulating savings. At the same time, it is necessary to abandon the purchase of completely unnecessary things, combining business with pleasure.

Despite the fact that the symbol of the year is maximally focused on family values, it also contributes to career success. In order for everything to work out successfully, several conditions must be met, for example, to abandon the ugly struggle with competitors. Do not use dishonest methods, do not be hypocritical, do not deceive. In addition, the Dog is a sensible symbol, so you should not commit rash acts. It is better to spend time and a little more energy on thinking through everything inside and out.

If the whole family is prudent about money, by the end of the year it will be possible to raise significant capital!

Careers will also go well for those who do not face competitors directly. This year is a good time to build relationships with colleagues, make friends among them. In conflict situations, be restrained and tactful, do not try to offend others.

The main guarantee of financial success in the year of the Yellow Dog is hard work. Do not sit back, do not be lazy and do not think that wealth will come to you by itself. Make an effort, move up, implement your ideas. Try to get creative with your workflow, even if it doesn't initially involve it. This approach will help you find new strength in yourself even in the daily routine.

It is better to avoid debts and loans, trying to get out of difficult situations on your own. If there are already debts, then you should pay them off on time, otherwise there is a risk of angering the mistress of the year.

What will health be like: Chinese calendar forecast

The Yellow Dog cares about well-being, so he tries to avoid major health problems. The main thing is not to neglect yourself, to rest and not to ignore chronic illnesses and complaints. Control the situation, then all problems will be solved quickly and without complications.

The main change in lifestyle should relate to diet. Get rid of bad habits - alcohol, smoking, eating fast food, and do not lean on sweet and too fatty. This will strengthen the body, contribute to the fight against viruses and colds. The main problems that may arise in the year of the Dog are poisoning and problems with the stomach and intestines. That is why it is so important to adjust the diet, make it more balanced and healthy.

Avoid stress and conflict, this year they are absolutely useless

You also need to rest physically and mentally. The dog respects the hardworking, but overexertion will not benefit anyone: neither you nor your family. If you take care of yourself and keep the balance of energy, then you will be able to easily cope with all matters, while the malaise will bypass.

The New Year 2018 will bring you success, luck and love, if you do not provoke his mistress, the Yellow Dog, with your wrong behavior. Show patience during conflicts, diplomacy at work and do not spare kind words and emotions for your family and friends. If you can do all this, then prepare for a happy and stable time.

You can be skeptical about horoscopes and not believe in astrology, but in any case, it is interesting to know which animal will be dedicated to 2018. Millions of people around the world study predictions with bated breath, trying to predict what awaits them in the near future. Psychologists assure that it is necessary to believe only in the good, then the invented scenario will become a reality. Therefore, it is worth finding out what animal 2018 will be dedicated to in order to read the eastern horoscope and choose the best from it!

The eastern horoscope includes 12 animals, each of which patronizes certain years. Each animal is assigned a certain element. It can be metal, water, earth, air or flame. Therefore, as a result, a circle of 60 animals is obtained, the characteristics of each of which depend on which element they belong to. For example, air "gives" an animal frivolity, earth - thoroughness, flame - hot temper.

After 2017, the year of the Rooster will enter into force in 2018, which will be held under the auspices of Yellow Earth Dog. What is the nature of this animal, and what will 2018 bring to humanity? You will learn about this from this article.

Yellow Earth Dog: general characteristics

The Yellow Earth Dog is a peaceful animal that hates conflict. Therefore, astrologers claim that in 2018 peace and tranquility will finally reign. It is possible that even people who were previously considered irreconcilable enemies will be able to come to a compromise.

Yellow color symbolizes not only the Earth, but also sunlight. This means that in the new year there will be more optimism and joy. I would like to believe that astrologers do not lie about which animal according to the horoscope 2018 will be dedicated to, and the Yellow Dog will really bring people a lot of happiness.

It is important to note that the Dog in Eastern astrology is considered a female sign. Therefore, in 2018, people who have gentleness, intuition and sincerity will achieve particular success. True, at the same time people can expect quite noticeable emotional swings.

The dog appreciates the house and family. Therefore, lucky faithful people for whom the family comes first. It will be difficult for those who are used to loneliness. Although it is possible that they will reconsider their views and decide that it is time to start a new life.

The nature of people who were born in the year of the Dog

Who will give the world 2018? The dog is an honest, infinitely devoted and faithful animal. She gives these features to people born in the year of the Yellow Dog. Such people become great friends who are ready to help at any moment. Favorites of the Yellow Dog are not able to tolerate injustice: they always take the side of the weak and seek to restore the truth, even if they themselves risk it.

In addition, people who appeared in the New Year 2018, the symbol of which will be the Yellow Dog, can be trusted with any secret and be sure that they will not give out other people's secrets under any circumstances.

The element of the Earth will give everyone who is born in 2018 the ability to soberly assess the situation and stand firmly on their feet. This applies to financial well-being: such people will always find a way to earn money and will never be broke. In addition, they will appreciate coziness and comfort.

The Yellow Dog is firm in its decisions: it is impossible to convince or confuse it. People belonging to this sign are very child-loving, always come to the aid of others and are prone to "rescue". However, you should be careful: sometimes, helping others, you can turn into an arrogant person who is proud of his actions and in every way boasts of them to people. The Yellow Earth Dog should treat himself with humor and sensibly assess his importance to others.

The dog can be very cynical and sharp-tongued. She speaks the truth to her face, hiding nothing and not hiding anything. Because of this, quite serious troubles can arise: not everyone is ready to forgive such straightforwardness. Therefore, all those who were born under the sign of the Dog should learn to keep their mouths shut and realize that telling the truth in person is not always worth it.

In a team, the Yellow Dog can criticize others in every possible way. It even sometimes seems to colleagues that such people are specifically looking for a reason for conflict. However, this is not so: for the Yellow Dog, such behavior is a way to spur people to new achievements.

Sometimes Yellow Earth Dogs are overly pessimistic. They tend to fall into depression, for a long time they experience troubles and defeats. It is worth learning to look at life easier: failures happen to everyone, but this is not a reason to think that life is bad.

Yellow Earth Dogs are overly concerned about financial well-being. They can become greedy and mercantile, strive for hoarding, forgetting that money is not earned in order to be kept under lock and key. We must not forget that there are also intangible values.

Family and love

Despite external sociability, the Yellow Earth Dog is not inclined to let others get too close to him. Only trusted people become her friends, with whom you can safely “go on reconnaissance”. People who are born this year will choose a spouse for a long time. However, the marriage will be very strong, and it is unlikely that the one who is patronized by the Yellow Dog will initiate its collapse.

The dog is distinguished by fidelity and devotion. Therefore, luck awaits those who value their family and are not inclined to "look to the left." This distinguishes 2018 from 2017, which, as you know, will be patronized by the impulsive, emotional and loving Fire Rooster.

By the way, astrologers believe that marriages that will be concluded in 2018, which takes place under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog animal, will become especially strong, so if you are planning a wedding, you should think about whether to play it in 2018. If you remember that 2019 will be the year of the Pig, which does not favor lovers seeking to register a relationship, it becomes obvious that 2018 is the perfect year for a strong, long marriage.

The Yellow Dog will give the opportunity to meet their other half to all single people who do not dare to build relationships because of shyness or shyness. The main thing is not to miss your chance.

Who will be the most successful? Everything is very simple: the Dog is stubborn and active, so it will give its favor to people who are not stopped by obstacles that arise on the way. If you make every effort in 2018 and do not give up on your plans, you will be able to realize many of your plans. Active, active people who boldly take the initiative into their own hands will be able to get a raise or achieve an increase in their own income.

The Yellow Earth Dog does not like those who devote a huge amount of time to dreams and fantasies, refusing to do anything. And the hostess of the year will gladly give everyone else the opportunity to realize themselves and achieve their goals.

The Yellow Dog will make people more loyal, calm and tolerant of the shortcomings of others. This is worth taking advantage of: in 2018, it will be easier to achieve sympathy from both colleagues and the most strict bosses. Therefore, all people who are not afraid to be active should not worry: the new year, which will be the year of the animal element of the Earth, will be very successful.

Political situation

The Yellow Earth Dog is supposed to bring peace and tranquility to people. After all, this animal does not like conflicts, which means it will teach you to resolve issues peacefully. There is hope that rivals will become partners and enemies will sign non-aggression pacts. Great success will be achieved by states that seek to resolve issues through diplomacy, and not by arms.

The Yellow Earth Dog never leaves those in need without help. Therefore, it is likely that developed countries will provide all kinds of assistance and support to poor states.

Now you know which animal 2018 will be dedicated to. May this knowledge bring you good luck and prosperity! By the way, to appease the Earth Dog, celebrate the New Year in yellow outfits and decorate the interior with yellow accessories.

Quite a bit is left before the end of the current year, and most are already starting to wonder about the future: 2018, which animal according to the horoscope and what does it portend? The Chinese horoscope is becoming more and more popular due to its amazing accuracy.

The patron saint of the new year will be a yellow earthen dog. The word “symbol” itself is translated as a signal. The ancients believed that each New Year is held under the auspices of one of the 12 animals, on the temperament and habits of which future events depend.

2017 is the year of the rooster. This bird is known for its bright appearance, cocky habits and homely, docile nature. This suggests that for most people the year will be a calm and prosperous period.

The symbol of 2018 will be a dog - a smart pet, ready to help its owner at any time. This indicates that in 2018 humanity can count on stability and prosperity.

In Russia, the New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, but in the ancient Chinese calendar it comes a little later. According to the ancient Chinese calendar, 2018 will begin only on February 19, and end at the end of January next. In the mythology of the countries of the East, each sign of the zodiac has not only a unique color, but also an element corresponding to its temperament: fire, water, metal, earth and air.

The dog is ruled by the earth element. It is assumed that this it contributes to material well-being. Those born this year will have good potential in professions that involve communication.

2018 will patronize representatives of such professions as:

  • lawyers;
  • entrepreneurs;
  • politicians;
  • actors and musicians.

For representatives of these specialties, leading astrologers predict good results in their professional activities and significant career growth next year.

What animal according to the eastern horoscope 2018

As mentioned earlier, this is the year of the yellow dog. The color in the symbol of the new year is no less important. Yellow is the color of deep wisdom, prudence and thoughtfulness of one's decisions. The talisman of the year will patronize those who weigh their words and deeds, and also avoid conflict situations and always try to compromise.

2018 according to the Slavic calendar

If the Chinese horoscope is known all over the world, then only a few know about Russian traditions and customs. 2018 - the year of which animal according to the Slavic horoscope? According to the ancient Russian calendar, the curly hedgehog will be the patron of 2018.

People born under this sign will have a restless temperament and distracted attention, but in adulthood these people will always be accompanied by luck and love. They will become true friends and spouses who can be trusted with any secret and not worry about its publicity.

What's the best way to celebrate 2018

A well-known proverb says: "as you meet the New Year, so you will spend it." This is true, of course, but it is important to pay attention to appearance. People who trust horoscopes take this issue extremely seriously. Preference should be given to academicism in the choice of costume.

The color palette should be selected in accordance with the color of the mascot. Festive costume for the celebration of 2018 must contain the following colors or be solid:

  • black;
  • gold;
  • brown;
  • Orange;
  • brick;
  • light red;
  • yellow.

Women are advised to avoid wearing overly revealing outfits throughout the year of the yellow earth dog. Clothing should also cover the back and shoulders. It is advisable to give preference only to clothes made of good quality materials. You can still wear jewelry and various accessories, but astrologers recommend that you stop using sparkles during this period.

What will 2018 be dedicated to in Russia

2018 is the year of what announced in Russia? Today there is no reliable information about what exactly 2018 will be devoted to. However, there are a lot of proposals from various public organizations.

Theater year

At the initiative of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, it was proposed to dedicate the New Year to theatrical activity. The high professionalism of domestic actors and directors was mentioned as an argument.

According to Medinsky, Russian productions are ready to compete with the world's leading theaters. This branch of art needs the support of the public and the patronage of the state. The minister stressed that the dedication of the coming year to the theater would attract new spectators, provide state support for international tours, and encourage famous domestic directors to create new masterpieces.

Unity of Russia

Representatives of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia proposed to dedicate the next year to national unity. Many peoples live in Russia. Holding the coming year under such a slogan will strengthen the relationship between the peoples inhabiting the state and give impetus to new business contacts.

Year of civic engagement and volunteering

This idea was proposed by an organization called Action Forum. Regions". This initiative was supported and tentatively approved by the current President of the Russian Federation. The origins of this social movement date back to Tsarist times. Then such activities allowed individuals to engage in the promotion of their ideas.

The main purpose of this organization today is to care for the well-being of citizens, including persons with disabilities. Representatives of this public movement are called upon to ensure active participation in public life of citizens with disabilities.

Active volunteering, according to the authorities, will be appropriate in the new year in connection with the holding of the World Cup in Russia. The experience of the Olympic Games confirms the high social significance of the volunteer movement.

Year of Solzhenitsyn

This idea was proposed by the Russian Foreign Ministry. The main argument was the 100th anniversary of the great Russian writer and public figure. In addition, it is in 2018 that it is planned to open a museum - the writer's apartment in Moscow.

The year of which animal according to the horoscope will be 2018

The coming year of the yellow earth dog does not bode well. Astrologers predict peace and stability in the family and in business. This period will be full of interesting events and prosperity, so you should boldly look to the future and not believe bad predictions.

Which animal will patronize 2018? This animal is the Yellow Earth Dog!

On the eve of the New Year, in addition to the traditional preparations for this holiday, many people are interested in what surprises the coming year has prepared for them, what to watch out for and how to influence the course of future events.

To find out for sure, you need to know which animal will become a patron in the coming year, what are its habits, habits, preferences.

In the new year 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will become the hostess. And people who were born at different times in the Year of the Dog, this personal patron animal will protect them from sorrows and hardships in a particularly careful way.

According to the Chinese horoscope, the Yellow Earth Dog will come into its own not on January 1, but on February 16, 2018. And her term of office will end on the night of February 4-5, 2019.

Not everyone believes in the veracity of popular beliefs, signs and astrological horoscopes. Although many people pay attention to the predictions of the stars and periodically look through the relevant information in newspapers and on the Internet. After all, knowledge is power! And it is better to be warned about possible troubles in various areas of life in order to correct the situation by changing the course of events for the better.

How to celebrate the New Year this time?

Let's remember what needs to be taken into account in the process of preparing for the holiday and how to appease the mistress of the Element of the Earth, who personifies devotion to traditions, moral purity and worldly wisdom, because it is recommended to celebrate the New Year with these aspects in mind.

It is desirable to meet this New Year's Eve in the family circle, you can invite your closest friends. No need to arrange a particularly magnificent celebration with frills. The dog will not tolerate loud songs, dancing until you drop, arrogance, various frivolities and may be offended. It is better to give preference to quiet gatherings with calm music or funny TV shows.

Excesses should also not be present on the festive table. Prepare simple familiar dishes, you do not need elaborate gourmet salads and expensive "overseas" snacks. It is desirable that a variety of dishes predominate, which include meat.

And, of course, do not forget about the treat for the hostess of the year - a fragrant sugar bone, which must be placed on a beautiful plate and put on the New Year's table.

If you have a pet, this is a great reason to achieve the favor of the patroness of the year. On a festive night, your pet should be given special attention. Arrange a real feast for him, pamper him with his favorite treats. Tie a nice brown or yellow bow around your dog's neck. Let your pet feel like a fashionista on New Year's Eve. Or you can visit a pet clothing store and buy a beautiful outfit for your pet. And if you know how to sew, you can make a festive costume with your own hands. You can also please your four-legged friend with a gift in the form of, for example, a new cozy house bought in a store or sewn with your own hands.

Since the Yellow Earth Dog is an animal endowed with chastity, you should not bring yourself to a state of extreme intoxication on New Year's Eve. The patroness will not approve of such cheeky behavior. In order to win the favor of the patroness of 2018, it is recommended to choose decorations for the interior of the house in the colors inherent in the elements of the earth.

It can be traditional decorations:

. figures in the form of a symbol of the year;
. fairy lights;
. artificial snow;
. confetti;
. snowflakes;
. rain;
. tinsel.

We have already found out what animal will be in 2018. This animal has all the noble features - kindness, honesty, reliability, loyalty. A heightened sense of justice does not allow the Dog to exist on earth calmly and measuredly. When injustice reigns around, she cannot stand aside and is the first to rush to help those in need. All dogs are incredibly hardworking, hardy and responsible. Therefore, in 2018, any work will pay off handsomely. Especially the patroness will help those who will honestly work for the good of the common cause and protect the right interests. But the Dog is not selfish, the most important thing for her is to do the job. Although, in the event of an urgent need, she can provide herself with material resources better and faster than many representatives of the Chinese horoscope. This year is not worth doing dishonest business. The Dog can punish such entrepreneurs by depriving them of a decent income for a whole year; it does not help mercenary and dishonest people.

In a team, the Dog gets along with difficulty, as it always rebels against any injustice, rushing to the defense of humiliated and offended people. However, managers and colleagues deservedly respect and value her for her critical mind, ability to quickly navigate the current situation, and find the right solutions. Although many of the Dog's entourage are afraid of its "sharp" language. She will not be silent, she will tell the whole truth in her face, her straightforwardness sometimes becomes rampant.

Despite his friendliness and open character, the Dog prefers a calm environment with unhurried thoughtful conversations. With her inherent instinct, she accurately determines what kind of person her interlocutor is. Getting along with a dog is not easy. She tends to make excessive demands on loved ones. She is strict with herself and in return wants to receive a similar attitude from her family and friends. Perhaps a more devoted friend than a Dog cannot be found. She will help in difficult times, even if you have to act to the detriment of your interests.

The second half is also not easy to build a relationship with the Dog. She has a changeable character, her mood can change with amazing speed, she is prone to cynical and caustic remarks. But people born this year always value family and true friendship. Therefore, a more faithful life partner can hardly be found. She will never betray, she will always protect her loved ones, protect her home from the invasion of ill-wishers.

With many noble qualities, the Dog is incredibly stubborn. She herself calls this character trait purposefulness. The dog always tries to achieve its goal, never refuses the work that has been started, no matter what difficulties are encountered along the way. To many, the nature of the mistress of 2018 may seem secretive. And there is some truth in this. The dog does not like to tell his secrets and share his experiences with anyone. Although almost all relatives, friends and acquaintances turn to her for advice. The dog knows how to give wise recommendations and keep other people's secrets. Meeting the New Year, try to please the owner - the Yellow Earth Dog. And then, throughout 2018, fortune will be on your side!

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