Coronavirus enteritis (coronavirus) in dogs. Symptoms and treatment of coronavirus in dogs (coronavirus infection)

The most common cause of disease is quite simple - a virus. Many viruses are part of the DNA of a living organism by default, so it is not surprising that any irritant can "awaken" them, provoking the development of pathology. Viral diseases are highly dangerous, almost all are very contagious, have a common form of leakage - an acute or hyperacute form. Coronavirus infection is one of these pathologies.

Coronavirus infection in dogs

For the first time this disease was mentioned back in the distant one thousand and seventy-first year in the Federal Republic of Germany. At that time, scientists only knew about the typical form, and the emergence of a new infection attracted a lot of attention from specialists.

The virus is the main cause of the disease.

Types of coronavirus

To date, coronavirus infection is divided into two types - the intestinal type and the respiratory type.

The infection has two types - intestinal and respiratory.

If secondary pathologies are not added to the overall clinical picture, then neither the intestinal nor the respiratory type poses a serious danger to dogs.

However, the development of this disease is often associated with the presence, which implies serious complications, since one disease is aggravated by another disease. This fact represents the greatest danger for an initially exhausted, weakened animal.

There is an opinion that There are many more varieties of this disease , this fact is indicated by tangible differences in the elucidation of pathogenesis. However, the greatest number of clinical cases occurs with these two types.

Incubation period

  • Incubation period coronavirus is from one to nine days, and within two weeks the dog can spread the virus into the environment.
  • Antibodies begin to develop approximately by the end of the first week.
  • Route of infection - nasal and alimentary, which indicates an airborne type. But also infection occurs through close contact with sick individuals.

The route of infection is airborne.

For humans, pathology is not dangerous.

Features of the virus

The virus is extremely unstable to environmental conditions. Room temperature kills him in two days , when boiled, it dies instantly, it is also eliminated by disinfection, even by the weakest means. The most common form is the intestinal form.

The intestinal form of the virus is observed quite often.

Pathogenesis and description of the intestinal form

Pathogenic substances are released into the external environment through feces, urine, saliva and other exudates. At the same time, the danger is not only fresh excrement, there have been cases of infection with dry excrement. All breeds of dogs, all ages of both sexes are affected.

Any breed of dog can get sick.

In most cases, the body of the animal the virus enters along with dirty food and water , sometimes in windy weather with dust containing infected feces. Symptoms begin to appear around the sixth day after infection, but the dog becomes a carrier of the disease from the moment the virus enters.

There is an opinion that recovered pets are able to shed the virus into the environment for about six months after recovery, which suggests lifelong carriage. Also, the version that this virus can be introduced into the DNA of intestinal cells and, at the slightest provoking factor, “wake up” becomes probable.

Behavior of the virus when a dog is infected

The virus in the body of the dog spreads rapidly.

As soon as it gets inside, the pathology captures the entire body in turn until it breaks through to the main localization site. Here's what happens:

  • impact on the epithelial layer of the nasopharynx;
  • migration to the small intestine;
  • rupture of the intestinal cell membrane;
  • replication;
  • reproduction and spread of microbes;
  • cell destruction;
  • attack on the epithelial layer of blood vessels;
  • decrease in leukocyte level;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the digestive system;
  • hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • violation of the function of digestion;
  • the formation of dead areas on the walls of the stomach and intestines.

The progression of the disease occurs rapidly, if the problem is not noticed in a timely manner and treatment is not started.

Symptoms and signs of coronavirus in dogs

It should be noted that the classical pathology of coronavirus, as a rule, is not expressed by signs of leukopenia.

Refusal to eat is the main symptom of coronavirus in dogs.

These signs are typical only for the initial stage. A long period of illness, during which a constant decrease in leukocytes is recorded, can only indicate one thing - the presence of a concomitant disease. In this case, urgent measures should be taken to eliminate it, since it is the concomitant ailment that poses a threat to the life of the animal. Main symptoms:

  • refusal of food;
  • apathy;
  • lethargy;
  • hyperthermia;
  • profuse diarrhea;
  • thirst;
  • exhaustion;
  • coma.

intestinal form

The intestinal form is characterized by acute, hyperacute and latent course. Pathology not complicated by secondary infections cannot have a hyperacute course, only if at least two diseases are recorded. Rapid development begins suddenly, with the first sign being. Stools are watery, green in color, with a sharp fetid odor.

In the intestinal form of the disease, the dog has diarrhea.


Vomiting excessively strong, spasms of such force that the dog literally turns out. If such symptoms are present, then the puppy most often dies after a day. In the case of an acute course, the same signs are present, but the stools first have a mushy consistency, and only after a couple of days they become like water. This fact is the difference between the currents.

The virus causes severe vomiting.

Hidden flow

Latent leakage is characterized by the absence of symptoms, only occasionally minor diarrhea may be present. At the same time, the puppy gradually loses weight, eats poorly and does not want to obey the owner.

With the latent course of the disease, the dog begins to lose weight.

Establishing diagnosis

  1. The diagnosis is based on age and symptoms.
  2. Next is the immunochromatographic method of research, serological analysis.
  3. Electron microscopy is carried out for the presence of an infectious pathogen.

The diagnosis is based on the age of the dog.

Unfortunately, there is no specific treatment, since the pathology is of a viral nature.

Therapy and treatment of the dog

  • Apply vitamins, drugs to help maintain the overall health of the body.
  • Appointed broad spectrum antibiotics to prevent secondary pathologies.
  • The currently administered vaccine that is fed to a puppy is in doubt.
  • Replenish water and electrolyte balance by intravenous infusion of physiological solutions through droppers.
  • Symptomatic therapy - antispasmodics, sorbents, antiemetics, drugs that stop bleeding, diet.

Vitamins are prescribed to maintain the general condition.

All appointments must be prescribed by a veterinarian. In no case should you try to help the pet on your own in order to avoid provoking complications.

Video about parvovirus infection in dogs

As a rule, all viral diseases are very dangerous: they are highly contagious (that is, they are transmitted very quickly by contact), often proceeding according to an acute or even hyperacute type. A good example is the coronavirus in dogs.

It is believed that the pathogen was first identified in 1971 by veterinarians from Germany. They noticed that within the same kennel, dogs are constantly found, the development of which in all cases proceeded according to the same scenario.

The second type of coronavirus, in foreign literature known as CRCoV, was discovered by British specialists. And it happened only in 2003. Interestingly, this type of pathogen was identified almost by accident. It is interesting in that it is localized in the epithelial cells of the upper respiratory tract (respiratory form of the disease).

The second type of virus can only be transmitted by airborne droplets., and therefore, under normal conditions, the dogs are not threatened. But he is a real scourge of various nurseries, in which CRCoV is more commonly known as "kennel cough". Due to crowded housing, it often happens that 100% of the livestock of the enclosure are constantly coughing and sneezing.

Thus, in dogs infection is currently divided into two main types: intestinal and respiratory. As a rule, none of them poses a mortal danger to the life and health of the animal, except in cases where secondary diseases are added. A “symbiosis” with parvovirus is also possible, when two pathogens complement and reinforce each other.

It is especially dangerous when the coronavirus was “picked up” by an initially weakened, emaciated dog. In this case, the pathogen feels especially wonderful in her body. These are the animals from volunteer shelters in 90% of cases. If you decide to adopt a pet from there, then remember that it will most likely have to be treated for a long and tedious time. At the same time, the dog will remain a lifelong carrier of the disease.

An important clarification should be made here. The fact is that at present there are quite fierce disputes among veterinarians and biologists. Many believe that there are much more varieties of coronavirus. This is also indicated by significant differences in the pathogenesis of cases around the world. Most likely, in the coming years, this issue will be resolved, as in-depth studies are already underway.

Important! Many experts believe that the respiratory variety of canine coronavirus originated from pathogens that were originally “based” in the body of cattle (that is, cattle), pigs and ... humans.

Let's make a reservation right away that coronavirus in dogs is transmitted (sometimes) to pigs and some other farm animals, as well as cats, but people are completely safe. As for the feline variety, it is very similar to the pathogen that causes disease in dogs. Most likely, initially it was the same virus, but later it changed, acquiring the ability to infect canines.

Attention! With this disease, there should not be any blood in the feces at first (in any case, they appear extremely rarely).

It is important to consider that severe leukopenia is not typical (!) for a classic coronavirus infection. This, of course, is not about the initial period of the disease (as we discussed above). But if the dog has been sick for a long time, and the content of leukocytes continues to be low, or there is a tendency to its constant decrease, in 100% of cases, a concomitant, concomitant disease should be sought. This is very important, since in this situation it is the most dangerous for the life and health of the animal.

Note that the "clinic" largely depends on the specific form of the disease. In the case of intestinal coronavirus infection, there are three of them:

  • Super sharp.
  • Acute.
  • Hidden.

Note that there can be no superacute flow with a clean “crown”. This is observed only if some associated diseases have been added to the main infection. As a rule, here the matter is not complete without the “intervention” of parvovirus or rotavirus enteritis.

Most often, puppies aged no older than four to eight weeks get sick, the incubation period takes no more than a couple of hours. It all starts suddenly: the animal suddenly refuses to eat, becomes very lethargic, apathetic, body temperature rises to 41 degrees Celsius (or higher). The characteristic features of this form are irrepressible profuse diarrhea, and the feces are watery, greenish, and have a disgusting smell.

Infectious diseases of dogs

Coronavirus in dogs: description, symptoms, treatment

Parvovirus-like coronavirus in dogs - description, symptoms, treatment and prevention. Intestinal and respiratory forms of coronavirus infection.

Viral diseases are currently in the stage of deep study. Veterinary and medical virologists are constantly discovering new pathogens, as modern technology develops and new knowledge is gained in this area. Coronavirus in dogs is no exception. This variety of the causative agent of a viral infection was discovered in 1971, in Germany, when researchers drew attention to the characteristic clinical signs of enteritis in sentinel shepherd dogs, which proceeded in the same way in all animals within the kennel. Let's take a closer look at this disease.

General information about the disease

Like coronavirus in dogs, it affects the cells of the mucous epithelium of the small intestine, but unlike its relative, it is not characterized by a severe course and in most cases is asymptomatic. However, in some very common cases, parvovirus and coronavirus simultaneously infect an animal, mutually exacerbating the pathological effect of each other. In addition, it happens that the intestinal form of coronavirus can develop separately in dogs and leads to the classic symptoms of viral enteritis - diarrhea, dehydration, vomiting and weight loss in dogs.

In 2003, a new strain of canine coronavirus was discovered by UK veterinary virologists, which was later classified as the second, or respiratory type of infection (CRCoV). This type of coronavirus does not develop the intestinal form of the disease, but is localized exclusively in the epithelium of the upper respiratory tract. It is believed that the ancestor of the coronavirus in dogs of the second type are viruses of cattle and humans, which cause similar cold symptoms. Since this respiratory infection is transmitted from dog to dog only by airborne droplets, re-infection of animals is possible only when they are crowded. It is for this reason that the phenomenon has received the name "kennel cough of dogs" - like people, animals infect each other with a similar "cold", where the characteristic symptom is coughing and sneezing.

To date, there are two separate forms of coronavirus infection in dogs - intestinal and respiratory.

Intestinal form of coronavirus infection

The nomenclature of viral diseases in dogs has changed since the discovery of the respiratory form of the coronavirus. It is possible that in the near future other forms of pathogens will be discovered that explain the symptoms in this species of animals, which have not yet been identified.

With regard to the intestinal form of coronavirus in dogs, over the past nearly 50 years, researchers have been able to obtain some information about this disease.

General information about canine coronavirus enteritis

The incubation period of the disease is one to three days. Coronavirus is highly contagious and is spread through the feces of sick dogs, which typically continue to shed the virus for six to nine days, but in some cases up to six months after infection, regardless of symptoms and treatment of the infection. Infection of a healthy animal is possible through direct contact with the excrement of a sick dog or household items that could be stained with feces.

The coronavirus is found in dogs all over the world. This pathogen is specific to the entire canine family, both domestic and wild. Among pets, all breeds are susceptible, regardless of age and gender differences. Other species of animals and humans do not get sick with canine coronavirus, they are not carriers.

The virus multiplies within the cells of the mucosal epithelium of the small intestine and is limited to the upper two-thirds of this organ and adjacent lymph nodes. The infection is generally considered to be a relatively mild disease with sporadic symptoms or no symptoms at all when compared to the similar canine parvovirus infection. However, if the coronavirus infects a dog at the same time as parvovirus or other enteric pathogens, the consequences can be much more serious. Only a few deaths among puppies have been registered from the pathological effect of the coronavirus infection alone.

Coronavirus enteritis in dogs - symptoms

The symptoms of the infection are variable and atypical for any given dog. In adult animals, most cases of the disease are asymptomatic, so owners often do not notice any changes in their pet. Sometimes, the symptoms of coronavirus enteritis in a dog can manifest itself in the form of a one-time vomiting, and after a few days - explosive, but short-lived diarrhea. The feces are watery, yellow-green or orange in color. Fever is generally very rare, while anorexia (severe weight loss) and inactivity of the animal are more common symptoms of the enteric-type coronavirus infection.

Dog coronavirus. Symptoms characteristic of the disease - explosive diarrhea without blood impurities.

In rare cases, a dog infected with coronavirus may experience mild respiratory problems associated with a general weakening of the immune system. Puppies often have symptoms of prolonged diarrhea and dehydration. In general, this age group is most at risk of developing serious complications associated with the development of coronavirus. Severe enteritis (inflammation of the small intestine) in puppies, in some cases can cause death.

Among other things, in a dog with coronavirus enteritis, provided there is no additional infection, the following symptoms are distinguished:

  • Loss of playfulness, lethargy.
  • Decreased or complete lack of appetite.
  • Frequent urge to vomit.
  • Watery, offensive diarrhea.
  • Weight loss due to general dehydration.

Features of the diagnosis of coronavirus enteritis

When contacting a veterinary clinic, the doctor first of all pays attention to the symptoms. As has already become clear, the symptoms of coronavirus in dogs are similar to many intestinal infections, for example, a particularly dangerous parvovirus infection, which often occurs in combination. If the veterinary clinic has the opportunity to carry out complex and expensive diagnostic measures for the differentiation of viruses, then it is better to agree to them. In this case, it will be immediately clear what can be expected in the prognosis, and the treatment for coronavirus enteritis will be much less aggressive.

If it is not possible to make a differential diagnosis, the veterinarian will proceed from the most severe variant of the disease - a combination of corona, parvovirus and canine distemper, so as not to miss the chance to provide timely assistance. In addition, it will be very useful for the specialist to know whether the dog has been vaccinated against viral diseases, including coronavirus and others.

Treatment of the intestinal form of coronavirus in dogs

Puppies infected with coronavirus infection show the most severe course of the disease and the corresponding symptoms, so maximum attention should be paid to this age group of dogs. Veterinarians know that the seemingly simple symptoms of coronavirus in dogs, such as vomiting and diarrhea, can lead to the death of a young animal in just a couple of days. Today, a puppy may continue to frolic and even eat a little food, and tomorrow it may no longer be.

Most adult dogs are able to recover from a coronavirus infection on their own without the need for medication. But such an approach is possible only if an accurate diagnosis is made and the veterinarian knows for sure that the dog has no other infections besides the coronavirus.

In some cases, diarrhea can last up to 12 days, followed by soft stools for several weeks. If the infection causes inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis), respiratory problems, and blood poisoning (sepsis), which can occur when a secondary bacterial infection occurs, antibiotics will become an integral part of the dog's treatment.

Severe diarrhea and dehydration will cause additional nutrient saline solutions to be given intravenously. The need for these drugs is confirmed by appropriate blood and urine tests.

Once a dog has recovered from the coronavirus, there is usually no need to further monitor its health. However, the owner should be aware that the animal can still be a source of the virus, which it releases into the environment through its feces. This phenomenon is due to the potential danger of infection with coronavirus enteritis of other dogs.

Disease prevention

There is a vaccine to protect dogs from enteric coronavirus, which is administered to animals at a young age, according to the instructions. There is no deficiency in this product, it can be purchased at any veterinary pharmacy or clinic. Practitioners tend to prefer the type of vaccine that has proven itself in their own experience. It is worth emphasizing right away that it is better to purchase vaccines against coronavirus in pharmacies or directly in clinics. Purchasing through online distributors is strictly not recommended.

Because canine coronavirus is a highly contagious infection, the best prevention is to immediately isolate dogs that are either showing general symptoms of the disease or have been previously diagnosed. It is important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene, trying not to allow the dog to come into contact with the feces of other animals during the walk.

Respiratory form of the disease

Although canine cornavirus type 2 has been identified relatively recently, the course of the disease is not characterized by a complex or dangerous course. When compared with a person, then the dog has all the signs of a cold infection. Let us consider in more detail the coronavirus infection of dogs of the respiratory type.

General characteristics of the virus

Canine coronavirus type 2 (RCoV) is capable of causing acute respiratory infection in this animal species and is part of a complex of viruses and bacteria associated with a group of canine infectious respiratory diseases collectively referred to as kennel cough. This type of virus rarely occurs alone, more often it is diagnosed along with other pathogenic microorganisms, such as parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, plague virus, herpes, influenza, bordetellosis, mycoplasmosis and streptococcosis.

How do dogs get infected?

The risk of contracting a respiratory coronavirus infection is very high in cases where a large number of dogs are placed together in a cramped room. Therefore, animals begin to “catch a cold”, as a rule, when they are kept in nurseries, shelters, after visiting exhibitions, and so on. Dogs of all ages and breeds are susceptible to the respiratory coronavirus. Other species of animals and humans do not suffer from this disease. For humans, there is a different kind of coronavirus that can cause cold symptoms.

Like other respiratory infections, "respiratory" coronavirus is transmitted by direct contact from dog to dog, airborne droplets and contact with a contaminated environment. The most effective transmission occurs through direct contact with sick, coughing and sneezing dogs, as the coronavirus is shed in large quantities. Although this type of disease is not dangerous to humans, canine respiratory coronavirus is often found in hand washings, which is transmitted to healthy animals when they try to lick their hands.

Symptoms of Respiratory Coronavirus in Dogs

Most dogs infected with coronavirus infection show benign symptoms:

  • Cough.
  • Sneezing.
  • Mucous discharge from the nasal cavity.
  • Increased body temperature. Occurs rarely.

Some animals have a subclinical infection without any pronounced symptoms of coronavirus, but these dogs in any case shed a pathogen into the environment that can infect other animals. Pneumonia develops extremely rarely, which is observed in the case of a combined infection with other pathogenic microorganisms that have entered the upper respiratory tract.

The incubation period for the respiratory form of coronavirus in dogs is unknown, but it takes about three days for the pathogen to develop. In most cases, symptoms disappear after 1-2 weeks, depending on the dog's immune status, age (longer in puppies and older animals) and the presence of a secondary infection.

Treatment for Respiratory Coronavirus in Dogs

No specific antiviral therapy has been developed against this form of the disease. Treatment consists of supportive care based on clinical signs. Antibiotics may be needed if signs of a secondary bacterial infection are observed. Because canine coronavirus is highly contagious, isolation of infected dogs is essential as the spread of the infection must be minimized.

Quarantine time for sick animals is not precisely determined by research, as it is very difficult to determine the period for which a dog continues to shed the virus after showing signs of recovery. A conservative estimate of the quarantine period is based on other respiratory viruses and is at least 3 weeks.


Unlike coronavirus enteritis, there is no vaccine against the respiratory form of the pathogen. In addition, it is reliably known that the vaccine against the intestinal form of coronavirus in dogs is not effective against the "cold" form. However, studies have shown that a respiratory infection generates antibodies in the body of a recovered dog, which reduce the risk of re-infection, or at least reduce the clinical manifestations of the disease. The duration of such immunity is unknown.

You have a second dog in the house: we will tell you how to introduce animals to smooth out more of the problems of interaction between a puppy and an old dog.

Enteric coronavirus in dogs was first discovered in 1971. The incubation period for this form of the disease is 1-3 days. Infection can occur through the faeces of sick animals that continue to shed the virus for 6-9 days, but sometimes even within six months from the moment of infection, regardless of the symptoms of the disease and its treatment. A healthy animal can become infected through direct contact with the faeces of a sick animal or household items that may be contaminated with excrement.

The intestinal form of canine coronavirus is common. Its causative agent is specific to all dogs. All breeds of dogs are susceptible to it, regardless of gender and age. Humans and other animals do not get sick with canine coronavirus and cannot be its carriers.

AT The virus replicates in the cells of the mucous membrane of the small intestine. It occurs in the upper two-thirds of the small intestine and adjacent lymph nodes. The disease is considered relatively mild and manifests itself in the form of sporadic symptoms, but it can also be asymptomatic. In the event that a dog becomes infected with coronavirus and parvovirus at the same time, this can lead to much more serious consequences. However, only a few puppy deaths have been reported from the coronavirus infection alone.

Symptoms of intestinal coronavirus in dogs

Symptoms of the disease are stable and atypical for each individual dog. In adult dogs, the disease is asymptomatic, because the owners often do not notice any painful changes in the dog. In some cases, the symptoms of coronavirus enteritis in dogs are manifested by a single vomiting, and after a few days - a strong and short-lived diarrhea, in which watery excrement that is orange or green-yellow is noted. Fever is rare, while anorexia and loss of activity in the dog are much more common with enteric-type coronavirus.

Very rarely, an animal infected with enteric coronavirus may experience minor respiratory problems that are associated with a drop in immunity. Puppies have prolonged diarrhea and dehydration. It is puppies that are most at risk of severe complications when infected with coronavirus. Sometimes coronavirus enteritis in puppies becomes very severe, causing death. But do not confuse with enterocolitis in a dog.

Symptoms of coronavirus enteritis in dogs are as follows:

    • lethargy, loss of playfulness;
    • frequent urge to vomit;
    • loss or significant decrease in appetite;
    • very watery diarrhea;
    • emaciation and dehydration.

Diagnosis of the intestinal form of coronavirus

Symptoms of canine coronavirus enteritis are similar to those of many other intestinal infections, including a very dangerous parvovirus infection, often combined with a coronavirus infection. If the veterinary clinic has the ability to conduct expensive and complex diagnostic procedures for virus differentiation, it is better to agree to this. In this case, it will become clear what the consequences may be. Coronavirus enteritis is treated much less aggressively than parvovirus infection.

In the absence of the ability to perform a differential diagnosis, the veterinarian will allow the most severe option - a combination of parvovirus, coronavirus and canine distemper, which will not allow you to miss the opportunity to provide assistance. Also, the veterinarian clarifies whether the dog has been vaccinated against viral diseases, including coronavirus.

Treatment of coronavirus enteritis in dogs

Puppies infected with this disease show the most severe course of the disease with corresponding symptoms, therefore this age group requires the most attention. Veterinarians know that such simple manifestations of coronavirus as diarrhea and vomiting can lead to the death of a young dog in 2-3 days.

Adults can usually recover from this infection on their own without the use of drugs. However, this is possible only after a diagnosis is made, which will make it possible to reliably find out that, apart from the coronavirus, the dog has no other infections.

Sometimes diarrhea lasts 12 days, followed by soft stools for several weeks. If the infection has led to inflammation of the small intestine (enteritis), blood poisoning (sepsis), and problems with the respiratory tract, which sometimes occurs when there is a secondary bacterial infection, antibiotics will be required for treatment.

With severe diarrhea and dehydration, intravenous administration of saline nutrient solutions will be required. The need for their use is established on the basis of urine and blood tests.

The owner must remember that the dog may remain a carrier of the virus excreted in the feces into the environment. The phenomenon poses a potential danger in the form of a risk of infection with the intestinal form of coronavirus in other dogs.

Prevention of the intestinal form of the disease in dogs

A vaccine against canine coronavirus has been created, which is administered to pets at a young age. There is no shortage in this product, it can be bought at every veterinary pharmacy or clinic. Usually veterinarians use this type of vaccine. The vaccine should be bought in pharmacies and clinics, it is not recommended to purchase it on the Internet.

Canine coronavirus is a highly contagious disease. Accordingly, the best preventive measure against it is the isolation of a dog that has general symptoms of the disease or has been diagnosed earlier. Cleanliness should be maintained, excluding the contact of your dog with the excrement of other dogs on walks.

Canine respiratory form of coronavirus

Respiratory Coronavirus in dogs was discovered relatively recently - in 2003. Its course is not heavy and dangerous. When infected with this infection, the animal shows symptoms similar to those of acute respiratory infections in humans.

The virus belongs to the RNA-containing. The name "coronavirus" comes from the presence of many angular crown-like protrusions on the virus shell.

Canine coronavirus type 2 causes an acute respiratory infection in dogs and belongs to a complex of bacteria and viruses that are associated with a group of canine respiratory infectious diseases called kennel cough. This type of virus does not often have a single course, in most cases it is diagnosed in combination with other infectious diseases - adenovirus, influenza, parainfluenza, herpes, plague, streptococcosis, mycoplasmosis, borreliosis.

How do dogs become infected?

The likelihood of infection with the respiratory form of canine coronavirus increases when many dogs are located in one close quarters. Therefore, the disease is often found in nurseries and shelters, as well as after exhibitions. Respiratory coronavirus affects dogs of both sexes, breeds and ages. Other animals and people cannot get sick with the disease. The human species of coronavirus is known to cause cold symptoms.

Similar to other respiratory infections, the virus is transmitted through direct contact of one dog with another by airborne droplets, as well as through contact with an environment contaminated by the pathogen. The most effective transmission of infection occurs through direct contact with sick dogs, which develop sneezing and coughing, as the coronavirus is shed in large quantities. The form of the disease does not pose a threat to humans, but hand washings often contain canine respiratory coronavirus, which is transmitted by healthy animals when they try to lick human hands.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Most dogs infected with this infection show the following symptoms:

  • sneezing
  • cough;
  • nasal discharge;
  • increase in body temperature.

Some individuals have a subclinical infection in the absence of any pronounced manifestations of coronavirus, however, such dogs shed the infection into the external environment and therefore can infect others. The development of pneumonia is very rare, observed when the respiratory coronavirus is combined with other infectious lesions of the upper respiratory tract in dogs.

The incubation period for canine respiratory coronavirus has not been determined, but the development of the pathogen occurs most often within three days. Mostly, the symptoms disappear after 1-2 weeks, the period is determined by the state of the animal's immunity, its age (the disease in older pets and puppies lasts longer) and the presence of secondary infections.

There is no antiviral therapy against this form of the disease. Treatment of the respiratory form of coronavirus in dogs includes supportive care, which is selected according to clinical signs. The need for antibiotics arises when symptoms of a secondary infection occur. Canine coronavirus is a highly contagious disease, and infected dogs need to be isolated to minimize the spread of infection.

The exact timing of necessary quarantine for sick dogs is not determined by research, as it is extremely difficult to determine the period during which an animal continues to shed the virus after signs of recovery have appeared. A conservative estimate of quarantine time based on other respiratory viral diseases is a minimum of three weeks.


There is no vaccine against canine respiratory coronavirus, unlike the intestinal form of the coronavirus. The vaccine used against the intestinal form is ineffective against the respiratory form of the disease. But some studies have led to the conclusion that a respiratory infection leads to the generation of antibodies in the body of an ill animal that reduces the likelihood of a second infection or at least suppresses the clinical manifestations of the disease. However, the duration of such immunity remains unclear.

For several decades now, humanity has been continuously fighting against viral diseases. These diseases affect not only people, but also animals. To this day, a specific cure for viruses has not been found, all hope for getting rid of viral infections rests only on the immune system of the sick person.

Among dogs, a coronavirus infection is often found, affecting pets of absolutely any breed and age group. For adult pets, the disease is not considered deadly, but for young animals, infection with coronavirus can end tragically.

What is coronavirus

At the end of the 20th century in Germany, virologists discovered a new type of infection called coronavirus. It was found that this pathogen caused enteritis in guard dogs. At the beginning of the 21st century, the attention of scientists was attracted by the fact that a group of dogs contained in the same enclosure, massively fell ill with the same ailment (the animals developed a cough).

Virologists carefully took up the study of a form of infection previously unknown to veterinarians and found that this condition of animals is caused by the penetration of the same virus into their bodies.

The virus has low resistance to environmental conditions: in a heated room, the pathogen dies after a few days, it is afraid of boiling and most disinfectant solutions.

To date, coronavirus is divided into 2 types of infection:

  • Intestinal.
  • Respiratory.

Neither type of coronavirus is considered a deadly disease for adult dogs, but if secondary inflammatory processes join this infection, this condition threatens the pet's life. Coronavirus is extremely dangerous for young dogs and puppies, as this disease is often complicated by parvovirus enteritis, which causes high mortality among young animals.

How does coronavirus spread

The incubation period of the disease lasts up to 10 days, and often, even the most attentive owner is unable to suspect that the pet is already infected with the virus.

The first type of coronavirus is transmitted from a sick dog to a healthy one in the following ways:

  • by direct contact with animals (for example, sniffing);
  • through the feces of an infected dog (a healthy animal can eat the feces of a sick dog, or get dirty in them, and then lick the coat);
  • through contaminated water and dog food.

It has been established that there have been cases of coronavirus infection through contact with old feces, which means that under favorable environmental conditions, the virus is able to remain active for several months.

The second form of coronavirus infection is transmitted exclusively by airborne droplets and most often it is recorded in places where dogs are kept in large numbers (kennels).

Once in the dog's body, the virus destroys epithelial cells in the nasopharynx, and then in the small intestine. Penetrating through cell membranes, the pathogen begins to actively multiply, striking the cells of blood vessels. As a result of this, the gastrointestinal mucosa swells, turns red and ceases to qualitatively perform the function of digestion. Soon, on the inflamed area of ​​the mucous membrane, foci of erosion and necrosis develop, into which pathogens of secondary diseases can get.

Symptoms of coronavirus in dogs

In each dog, the signs of a coronavirus infection can vary significantly, as the severity of the disease is affected by age, the state of the protective function of the body, as well as the presence of other concomitant diseases of the animal. In most cases, the coronavirus occurs without any symptoms, but sometimes the dog has a short vomiting or. An increase in body temperature is very rare, but a sharp lack of appetite and severe weight loss of the animal are the most common symptoms of the intestinal form of coronavirus.

Common signs of coronavirus infection are considered to be:

  • Lethargy, apathetic state of the dog;
  • Severe dehydration, and as a result - significant weight loss;
  • Frequent vomiting;
  • Complete rejection of food;
  • Diarrhea (faeces at the same time have a watery consistency and a fetid odor).

The respiratory form of the coronavirus proceeds like a common cold and is not considered a dangerous condition for the animal.

The symptoms of the respiratory form are as follows:

  • Mucous discharge from the nasal cavity;
  • sneezing;
  • Frequent cough;
  • Increased body temperature (in very rare cases).

Sometimes with the respiratory form of coronavirus, the development of pneumonia (pneumonia) is observed, but this complication occurs in extremely rare cases and indicates the addition of other bacterial infections.

Diagnosis of the disease

At the first suspicious signs of the disease, the animal should be shown to a veterinarian. Based on a clinical examination, a specialist can only make a preliminary diagnosis, an accurate confirmation of coronavirus infection is carried out using laboratory diagnostic methods, namely:

  • Serological analysis - determination of pathogen antibodies in the blood of a sick animal;
  • Luminescent study of feces for the presence of a virus (feces should only be fresh);
  • Immunographic study.

Treatment of coronavirus infection

Unfortunately, there is no specific drug for the treatment of coronavirus, all therapy during the illness is aimed at strengthening the dog's immunity and restoring its weakened body.

The treatment regimen for coronavirus infection is as follows:

  • The introduction of immunoglobulin serum.
  • The use of vitamin complexes.
  • The use of physiological solutions to relieve dehydration (introduced only by drip).
  • Appointment of antispasmodic drugs.
  • The use of adsorbents to relieve intoxication.
  • The use of antimicrobial drugs for the prevention and elimination of secondary inflammatory processes.

A recovering animal needs a diet. The food should be soft or liquid, you can feed the dog only in small portions. In addition, an ill pet should not be subjected to physical activity for at least a month after recovery.

Consequences of the coronavirus

The disease itself does not pose a serious threat to the life of the dog, but very often, against the background of weak immunity, the animal develops more dangerous infections in parallel with the coronavirus. In most cases, it is recorded that has a high mortality among weakened and emaciated dogs, as well as in puppies under 3 months of age. Very rarely, a respiratory coronavirus infection occurs along with an inflammatory process in the lungs, which also poses a danger to dogs in poor health.


Every owner of an animal is able to protect his dog from infection with coronavirus, for this you must follow certain rules:

  • Vaccinate dogs once a year;
  • Keep the pet's habitat clean;
  • Try not to allow your pet to come into contact with the feces of other dogs;
  • Monitor the health of the animal and strengthen its immunity (daily physical activity, intake of vitamins and minerals, balanced feeding);
  • If an infection is suspected, try to isolate sick animals from healthy ones.

Coronavirus in dogs is a very common infection among pets. Only careful care of a pet, and qualified veterinary care in case of infection with a virus, can give a dog health and joy for many years of life.

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