What are the diseases of the gallbladder and how is it treated? Gallbladder disease: symptoms and signs, how to treat, nutrition, prevention Gallbladder disease causes, treatment, symptoms

The gallbladder is a thin-walled hollow organ that stores and concentrates bile that passes into the duodenum. Its length is 80-140 mm, width 30-50 mm, content - 40-70 cm3. The wall consists of 3 layers: mucous, muscular, adventitial membranes. At the first signs of the disease, it is necessary to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

The body performs the following functions:

  • Concentration - the concentration of bile due to the absorption of acid by the bladder is several times greater in comparison with hepatic bile.
  • Hormonal - the antagonist cholecystokinin is released from the walls of the organ.
  • Absorption - absorbs individual elements of bile.
  • When the organ contracts, bile enters the bile ducts.
  • Hydrostatic - the pressure of the biliary tract is maintained, bile easily enters and exits the gallbladder due to the secretion of mucus.
  • Thanks to bile, the body is cleansed of toxins.
  • Promotes the breakdown of fats into components with a fine structure.
  • Actively absorbs useful components and vitamins.
  • Participates in the creation of synovial fluid of the joints.
  • Stimulates the functionality of the small intestine.
  • Prevents the growth and reproduction of negative intestinal microflora, fermentation.

Causes of the development of pathologies of the gallbladder

Gall Bladder may have several variants of pathologies:

Signs of gallstone disease

Gallstone disease (cholelithiasis) is the formation of stones in the bile ducts or bladder. The main cause of the disease is impaired bilirubin, cholesterol and other metabolic processes. After a while, the settling components stick to each other, hardening occurs, and stones form.

Main symptoms:

  1. The occurrence of colic under the right rib.
  2. The skin turns yellow.
  3. There is heaviness in the abdomen.

Symptoms of dyskinesia of the gallbladder

The gallbladder (symptoms of the disease appear as a result of impaired motor functions) may have a common pathology called dyskinesia. The main reason is psychotraumatic situations.

With dyskinesia, a person feels the following symptoms:

  • There are pains under the right rib.
  • After eating, the pain intensifies.
  • There is a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, more often in the morning.
  • Weakness.
  • Feels physically stressed.
  • The psychological state is disturbed, depression is becoming more frequent.
  • There is a frequent feeling of fatigue.
  • The mood worsens.
  • Bad dream.
  • Appetite worsens.

Manifestations of cholecystitis

When the intestinal microflora is infected, the outflow of bile is disturbed, inflammation appears - cholecystitis. Pathology acts as a consequence of complications of cholelithiasis. More often, cholecystitis occurs simultaneously with cholangitis, which is an inflammation of the bile ducts.

Middle-aged and older women are more commonly affected than men.

The main symptom of cholecystitis is the manifestation of sharp pains in the right side below the ribs, which appear spontaneously. The reason for this manifestation is blocking the duct with a stone, the organ is irritated and inflamed.

Important! In pathology, bile enters the intestines irregularly. The skin and sclera of the eyes become icteric in color. Chronic cholecystitis is a pronounced symptom, the disease takes an exacerbated form in a more neglected state.

The disease is diagnosed according to the following symptoms:

The doctor takes an anamnesis. The person may experience nausea and bloating.
Physical methods determine the diagnosis.Stagnation in the organ provokes the lining of the tongue and the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the right hypochondrium.
A narrow diagnosis helps confirm the diagnosis.Thanks to studies of instrumental and laboratory types, peristalsis, bile patency and other important functions of the organ are determined.

Symptoms of gallbladder cancer

The gallbladder can be affected by an infrequent cancer disease that develops as a result of cholelithiasis or chronic cholecystitis. Most often, the tumor is located on the neck and bottom of the organ. If the diagnosis is not made on time and treatment is not started, the symptoms quickly and progressively affect all human organs.

The most common signs of cancer include:

  1. Right hypochondrium hurts.
  2. The size of the liver increases.
  3. There is a tumor-like formation in the abdomen.
  4. Sometimes gastric dyspepsia may occur.

Signs of cholangitis

When the ducts are affected, cholangitis is diagnosed. Pathology manifests itself mainly in women in adulthood.

The disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • body temperature rises;
  • a disease of jaundice, against which the itching of the skin progresses;
  • chills;
  • sweating increases;
  • pain on the right side;
  • increased intoxication;
  • a person feels weakness, loss of appetite;
  • headache often.

Attention! With a severe transfer of the disease, consciousness is disturbed, shock appears.

If a person is late to see a doctor, having started the disease, complications in the form of cirrhosis of the liver, sepsis, peritonitis, toxic shock, hepatitis, abscess, and liver failure can occur with cholangitis.

What does jaundice mean in gallbladder problems?

The main causes of jaundice are:

  • an increased level of bilirubin production, red blood cells are quickly destroyed;
  • the metabolism of bilirubin in the liver cells is disrupted, combining with glucuronic acid;
  • an obstacle is formed in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, because of this, bilirubin in the bile to the intestine does not enter the physiological way.

When stones are formed in the ducts, the outflow of bile is blocked, excess bilirubin from the body cannot be removed in time. Gradually manifested mechanical jaundice. Unreleased bilirubin accumulates in the blood. An excess of the element contributes to the staining of all body tissues, giving it yellowness.

Attention! Jaundice is quite common as a complication of cholelithiasis. First of all, the patient needs to voice his complaints about the state of health to the therapist, he, if necessary, refers the patient to other specialists.


Diagnosis of diseases is carried out by the following methods:

  • The doctor performs palpation, determines the points with pain - a symptom of Kerr, Georgievsky-Mussi, Ortner-Grekov.
  • By passing a general blood test, changes in its composition that contribute to inflammation are determined.
  • Urinalysis makes it possible to determine urobilinogen.
  • The coprogram finds out violations of the digestive system.
  • Bile sampling is taken by probing.
  • Chemical analysis is used to study the constituent elements of bile.
  • Due to the sowing of bile, one can assume the etiology of the disease.
  • Under ultrasound guidance, a biopsy is taken using a thin needle. The material is further studied to determine
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs makes it possible to examine the anatomical features of the organ, the presence of organic changes, inflammation and calculi.
  • Computed tomography evaluates the prevalence of dropouts.
  • For radiopaque examination of the bladder and ducts, a technique called cholangiography is used.

What groups of drugs are used to treat gallbladder diseases?

Depending on the diagnosis, doctors predict further treatment, prescribe medications that normalize the functionality of the gallbladder.

The main groups of drugs:

  1. With the help of antibiotics, cholecystitis is treated, as a result of an infection. Before taking medication, the patient takes a sample of bile to determine the bacteria that have entered the body.
  2. With antispasmodics, the patient can get rid of pain in the hypochondrium on the right.
  3. Specialists prescribe choleretic drugs as needed. The main goal: to relax muscle tissue and increase the outflow of bile.

Effective antibiotics: list, instructions

The gallbladder (symptoms of the disease are relieved by drugs prescribed by the leading doctor) is treated more often with a medical method. More often 2 types of antibiotics are used, one of which is called Furazolidone, which clears the presence of bacteria.

As a second drug, which is taken simultaneously with the above, it is recommended to use:

  • Erythro- or Azithromycin;
  • Ciprofloxacin;
  • Ampicillin;
  • Amoxicillin;
  • Roxithromycin.

Antibiotics should not be used for:

  • cholelithiasis and non-calculous cholecystitis due to a non-bacterial cause of occurrence;
  • allergies to the contents;
  • kidney failure.

Cholagogue drugs: names, scheme of application

Experts distinguish several groups of choleretic drugs:

Anti-inflammatory drugs: the best drugs

To relieve inflammation, effective drugs are used, such as:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Analgin;
  • Paracetamol.

Painkillers: names, features of admission

Effective drugs include:

Folk remedies for various problems with the gallbladder: step by step recipes, regimen

The gallbladder (the symptoms of an organ disease can be reduced with folk remedies) causes pain when it is damaged.

St. John's wort decoction:

  • 1 tbsp dry St. John's wort pour 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  • leave on the stove over low heat for 10-15 minutes;
  • strain;
  • use 1/4 cup before meals 3 times a day.

St. John's wort can raise blood pressure. People with hypertension should take medications with caution.

Corn silk infusion:

  • 1 tbsp dry herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water;
  • insist 60 minutes in a thermos;
  • strain;
  • drink 1⁄4 tbsp. 30 minutes before meals, 3 rubles / day.

Dill water:

  • 2 tbsp. l. dill seeds mixed with 2 tbsp. boiling water;
  • leave on low heat to boil for 10-15 minutes;
  • cool and strain;
  • take 1/2 cup before meals 3-4 times a day.

A decoction of barberry and walnut:

  • chop walnut leaves;
  • grind dried grass of wormwood, centaury, barberry bark;
  • mix all components in equal proportions;
  • 15 g of the mixture pour 1 tbsp. purified chilled water;
  • insist half an hour;
  • put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • cool and strain through cheesecloth;
  • It is recommended to take a drink 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Anti-inflammatory agent:

  • 2 peeled beets pour 3 liters of water in a large saucepan;
  • boil;
  • simmer over low heat for about 5 hours;
  • drain the resulting syrup;
  • chop the boiled vegetables with a grater and squeeze;
  • combine juice and syrup;
  • take 1/3 tbsp. half an hour before a meal in a warm form.

Herbal collection:

  • mix dried peppermint, common wormwood, St. John's wort, hop cones;
  • 1 st. mix pour 40 ml of boiling water;
  • insist 60 minutes;
  • take 1/3 tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

Cucumber Juice: when cucumbers ripen, it is recommended to drink ¼ cup of freshly squeezed cucumber juice 1 time per day. The drink helps to reduce pain and liquefy bile.

Therapeutic herbal collection:

  • use in the same volume the flowers of tansy, peppermint, celandine, calendula, bitter wormwood, fennel, dandelion roots, pharmacy chamomile, corn stigmas, immortelle;
  • 1 st. pour a spoonful of dried herbs with boiling water in a volume of 400 ml;
  • insist 60 minutes;
  • use before meals for half a cup 3 times a day.

Kalina and honey:

  • mix viburnum juice (preferably freshly squeezed) with any kind of honey;
  • take 1 tbsp. every morning on an empty stomach;
  • course of therapy to spend 30 days.

Cholagogue plants and their effect on the human body:

  • Sand immortelle- it contains esters, oils, carotene, ascorbic acid, bitter, coloring, tannic components. Grass promotes bile secretion, increased tone of the bile, a decrease in the concentration of bile acids, increased diuresis.
  • medicinal angelica- in the treatment use the rhizome of the plant. It provides a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous system.
  • in corn contains healthy fats and esters, vitamin K, C, bitter components. Contribute to the improvement of the choleretic process, a diuretic action that stops the blood.
  • in mint has many positive features. The plant helps to reduce itching, vasoconstriction, reduce nausea and vomiting.

Diet, nutritional rules for diseases of the gallbladder

To maintain and not worsen the state of health, you need to adhere to the basic rules of proper nutrition:

  • The diet should not contain foods based on essential oils and extracts, such as smoked meats, peppers, pickles, meat, cold snacks and others.
  • Do not eat foods with coarse fiber (nuts, beans, rye bread).
  • Chocolate and flour products are prohibited.
  • It is required to dilute the diet with dairy products, eggs, cucumbers, strawberries.
  • When following a diet, it is worth using decoctions based on choleretic herbs: immortelle, corn stigmas, tansy, St. John's wort.
  • An integral part of the diet is a course of therapy based on mineral water.
  • It is necessary to consume up to 3 liters of liquid per day.
  • It will not be superfluous to use buckwheat and oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir.

When is an operation needed?

If the correct treatment is not prescribed in time or if medical treatment does not help, and the patient's condition worsens, it is necessary to apply surgical intervention.

The operation helps the calculi disappear, restores the patency of the ducts, and contributes to the functioning of the organs of the digestive system. After diagnostic procedures, a decision is made to conduct an emergency or planned operation.

Possible complications of gallbladder pathologies

The gallbladder, the symptoms of its disease can progress and cause complications:

  • secondary inflammation;
  • bile defect;
  • outlet anastomoses;
  • change in the color of urine;
  • colorless feces;
  • icteric skin tone;

  • chills;
  • temperature;
  • liver abscess;
  • pancreatitis;
  • mechanical jaundice.

Prevention of diseases of the gallbladder

When conducting disease prevention, it is necessary:

  • use mineral water in the diet;
  • the daily norm of the drunk liquid should not be less than 2 liters;
  • vegetable oils, beetroot juice, herbal preparations should be used in the diet;
  • carry out daily sports exercises;
  • use olive oil, whole grain products rich in fiber and low in fat in the diet.

Do not forget that a properly balanced diet and exercise every day is the best way to keep the gallbladder and other organs healthy, preventing the symptoms of the disease from progressing.

Video about diseases of the gallbladder and methods of their treatment

The first symptoms of gallbladder disease:

Symptoms and treatment of gallstone disease:

The gallbladder is a small organ whose main function is to store bile produced by the liver; it also takes part in the processes of digestion. Gallbladder disease is most common in women, overweight people, people with gastrointestinal problems, and people with high blood cholesterol levels. Gallstones are the main cause of gallbladder disease. Rarer causes are gallbladder cancer and biliary colic, or cholecystitis. Timely detection of symptoms of gallbladder disease and its treatment will help you completely get rid of it and avoid possible complications.


Recognizing Common Gallbladder Problems

    Learn about gallstone disease. If sediment forms in the digestive fluid in the gallbladder, it can collect into stones. These stones can be of different sizes, from the size of a grain of sand to a large golf ball.

    Look for signs of jaundice. You should notice yellowish skin or whites of the eyes, and white or chalky stools. This happens when gallstones block the bile duct and a lot of bile builds up in the liver. As a result, the release of bile into the blood may begin.

    Recognize the symptoms of cholecystitis. Cholecystitis, or biliary colic, is an inflammation of the gallbladder. Inflammation can be caused by stones, swelling, and other disorders in the gallbladder. Attacks of cholecystitis are accompanied by severe pain that spreads along the right side of the body and between the shoulder blades. This pain is often accompanied by nausea and stomach discomfort.

    • Gallbladder colic occurs when too much bile builds up in the gallbladder.
    • Different people have attacks of cholecystitis in different ways. The pain usually occurs in the right side or between the shoulder blades, but an attack can also cause lower back pain, cramps, and other similar symptoms.
  1. Find out how nutrition affects the functioning of the gallbladder. Abundant or fatty foods can trigger attacks of biliary colic. Attacks often occur in the evening, within a few hours after eating.

    • Biliary colic attacks are usually a symptom that indicates serious problems with the gallbladder. If the functions of the gallbladder are impaired, and it does not empty as quickly as it should, then attacks of biliary colic may occur.
  2. Pay attention to pain. Often problems with the gallbladder manifest as pain in the upper abdomen, radiating to the right shoulder. This pain can be constant or intermittent, depending on the specific gallbladder disease.

    Notice stale breath and body odor. If your body constantly smells bad or you have persistent halitosis, it may not mean anything. However, if these symptoms appear suddenly and do not go away within a few days, they may indicate health problems, in particular, a malfunctioning gallbladder.

    Take a look at your chair. One of the most obvious symptoms of gallbladder disease is overly light, chalky stools. Light-colored, insufficiently firm stools can be caused by a lack of bile. Your urine may also darken even though you haven't reduced your fluid intake.

    • Some people with this disease have diarrhea that can last up to 3 months or more, while they have up to 10 bowel movements per day.
  3. Watch for fever, chills, and trembling. Typically, these symptoms appear in the later stages of gallbladder disease. Like a number of other symptoms, they are characteristic of some other diseases, but if you have digestive problems and other signs of gallbladder disease, a fever may indicate that the disease is progressing.

Health care

    See your doctor if you experience any symptoms associated with gallbladder disease. If you experience symptoms, if they get worse or new ones appear, contact your doctor without delay.

  1. Make an appointment for an abdominal ultrasound. Such a study is necessary in order to find out how effectively the gallbladder functions, as well as to determine possible obstructions of this organ. With the help of ultrasound, a specialist will be able to detect and examine stones, bile ducts and signs of tumors (the latter are quite rare).

    • Most polyps found in the gallbladder on ultrasound are very small and do not need to be removed. Your doctor may decide to monitor them with additional ultrasounds to make sure they are not growing. Large polyps usually indicate a higher risk of gallbladder cancer.
    • The decision to remove polyps in the gallbladder is made by the doctor.
  2. If necessary, you will be referred for surgery. Many gallbladder problems are solved by removing large stones or the entire gallbladder (cholecystectomy). The body can function normally without a gallbladder, so don't panic if your doctor recommends gallbladder removal.

    • Gallstones are almost impossible to cure with medications. It takes years to dissolve the stone with tablets, and they are so small that it is not worth wasting time on it.
    • Removal of the gallbladder is sometimes accompanied by side effects (such as loose stools), but often there may be no such effects at all.
  • Eat less fatty foods.
  • Doctors advise their patients to drink plenty of water and eat a balanced diet.
  • Taking digestive enzymes can greatly reduce the frequency of symptoms such as gas and pain. These enzymes help digest fats, dairy products, and excess food.

One of the most common pathologies of the digestive system is cholecystitis, or an inflammatory process in the gallbladder. The disease has an infectious and inflammatory genesis, the root causes of development often lie in the opportunistic flora that has invaded the gallbladder. Cholecystitis in gastroenterology is considered an insidious disease due to the non-specific and diverse clinical picture. In the risk group - women over 40 years old, in men, inflammation in the gallbladder is diagnosed half as often.

The inflammatory process in the gallbladder can occur in acute and chronic forms, but chronic cholecystitis is more common. Among cholecystitis, calculous is especially common - a type of inflammation associated with the formation of stones in the bladder and ducts. There is a form of pathology uncomplicated by conglomerates - acalculous cholecystitis.

Risk factors

Inflammation of the gallbladder often occurs due to infection of the organ by harmful microorganisms against the background of weakened immunity and the presence of background diseases. An important role in the formation of predisposition to cholecystitis is assigned to the hereditary factor.

To start an active inflammatory process, it is necessary to influence the accompanying negative factors:

  • stagnation of bile against the background of blockage of the biliary tract, dyskinesia;
  • acute infectious processes in the body;
  • prolapse of the digestive tract;
  • hypodynamia;
  • irrational nutrition with non-observance of time intervals between meals;
  • overeating, abuse of fatty foods;
  • regular drinking, smoking;
  • frequent exposure to traumatic situations;
  • endocrine dysfunctions.


Inflammation in the gallbladder develops gradually, on the rise, often turning into a chronic relapsing form. Signs of inflammation of the gallbladder vary depending on the type of pathology.

Acute cholecystitis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • pains are sharp and pulling, bursting, with localization in the right side below the ribs; irradiation to the right forearm, collarbone or shoulder blade is possible; pain in the form of attacks is typical for cholelithiasis cholecystitis - its occurrence is due to blockage of the bile duct by a stone or a bulk clot of bile secretion;
  • loss of appetite and weight loss;
  • obstructive jaundice with discoloration of the skin and eye sclera;
  • high temperature, up to fever as a sign of intoxication;
  • nausea and occasional vomiting with the presence of bile in the vomit;
  • bloating;
  • violation of the stool (stubborn constipation).

Symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder in the chronic form are less pronounced, may disappear and reappear. Chronic cholecystitis manifests itself:

  • mild or moderate pain in the right side, and the pain intensifies after eating fatty foods or excessive physical activity; the nature of the pain varies from stabbing to squeezing and tends to radiate to the sacrum, the area of ​​the solar plexus;
  • belching air, food;
  • morning sickness on an empty stomach;
  • heaviness and discomfort in the epigastric region.

In some patients with cholecystitis, among the classic signs of inflammation, VVD symptoms develop - increased sweating, tachycardia attacks, increased heart rate, migraine, insomnia. Additionally, there are a number of signs of cholecystitis that occur exclusively in women:

  • changeable mood;
  • swelling of the legs and blanching of the skin on them;
  • attacks of headaches, aggravated before menstruation;
  • premenstrual tension syndrome.


The first alarming symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder require immediate treatment to a gastroenterologist. Interviewing complaints and taking anamnesis allows you to identify information about past diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system, infectious pathologies, lifestyle and eating behavior. When palpating the liver and gallbladder with inflammatory changes, the doctor pays attention to the tense abdominal wall and pain on the right side.

After the initial examination, a number of diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests, the results of which are characterized by an acceleration of ESR, an increase in the number of white blood cells and neutrophils, an increase in the activity of liver enzymes and bilirubin, C-reactive protein;
  • a general analysis of urine, which reveals the presence of bile acids as a sign of trouble from the biliary tract;
  • echography of the organs of the biliary system shows compacted, hypertrophied, layered walls of the gallbladder, an irregular shape of the organ or compression in volume;
  • duodenal sounding allows you to establish failures in the process of accumulation and excretion of bile; indicative of the appearance of the bile secretion in inflammation of the bladder - with the presence of sediment, mucus; in microscopy, leukocytes, cholesterol, Giardia cysts are present in large volumes.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment for inflammation of the gallbladder is complex and is aimed at suppressing the infectious focus, eliminating bile stasis, combating pain and dyspepsia. The indication for antibiotic therapy is the results of sowing the bile secretion on the bacterial flora. But antibiotics are always prescribed for inflammation of the gallbladder, and after receiving the results of the sowing, the correction of therapeutic measures is carried out. The most effective for cholecystitis Ciprofloxacin, Azithromycin, Ofloxacin, Doxycycline.

Other drugs used in complex therapy against inflammation of the gallbladder:

  • antispasmodics (Drotaverine), analgesics (Baralgin) and M-anticholinergics (Metacin) help relieve spasms and pain;
  • drugs with a prokinetic effect are indicated for reduced contractility of the gallbladder and ducts (Motilac, Domperidone);
  • agents with a litholytic effect are indicated for calculous inflammation of the bladder (Ursosan);
  • drugs to stimulate and normalize bile secretion (Allahol, Odeston) are prescribed outside the acute period and only with acalculous cholecystitis;
  • hepatoprotectors are necessary not only to improve the outflow of bile secretions, but also to restore the functionality of the liver (Hofitol, Gepabene);
  • means for improving digestive processes can ease the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate dyspepsia (Creon, Pangrol);
  • drugs with a sedative effect are additionally prescribed to women shortly before the onset of menstruation and to persons with negative manifestations of dystonia (motherwort extract, Novopassit).

After recovery from exacerbation, patients may be prescribed physiotherapy. The benefits of physiotherapy are to optimize the motility of the organ, improve the tone of the biliary tract. With cholecystitis during remission, UHF, ultrasound, paraffin and mud applications on the gallbladder area are useful. A positive result in relieving inflammation is given by radon and hydrogen sulfide baths, they must be taken in courses.


It is impossible to remove inflammation of the gallbladder without following a sparing diet. Compliance with the principles of a healthy diet allows you to normalize the process of bile formation and the timely release of bile into the duodenum. To achieve this goal, fractional nutrition with the use of small amounts of food helps. If the patient takes food up to 6 times a day, the gallbladder secretes bile into the intestines in time, the risk of congestion is minimized. When a person eats on the run, dry food, and the intervals between meals last more than 5-6 hours, bile accumulates, and the bladder becomes inflamed.

With a disease such as cholecystitis, the diet is selected individually by a gastroenterologist, taking into account the form of bladder inflammation. In all cases, foods with an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract are excluded from the diet:

  • spicy and sour food;
  • too hot or cold food;
  • dishes containing vinegar, spices;
  • fatty, fried and smoked foods.

The diet of patients with cholecystitis consists of boiled, baked, stewed food. Allowed cereals, vegetables without coarse fiber, lean meat, steam omelettes and puddings, low-fat dairy products. Fresh pastries are prohibited, but you can eat white bread crackers, cereal bread. From fats, preference is given to vegetable, but not more than 100 g per day.

Reception of large volumes of liquid with inflammation of the gallbladder is necessary. When drinking 2 liters of liquid per day, bile liquefies and acquires optimal rheological properties, which speeds up the process of secretion evacuation through the ducts without the risk of blockage. Recommended drinks - mineral water without gas, a decoction of rose hips, sweet juices diluted 1: 1 with water.


You can treat inflammation with the help of folk methods. Phytotherapy allows you to accelerate the recovery of the body, relieve pain and discomfort in the problem area. But it is better to combine herbal medicine with the main drug treatment - tablets and herbs in combination give the maximum effect. Before you start taking herbal infusions, a doctor's consultation is necessary - ill-conceived treatment with folk remedies can give a negative result.

Effective folk recipes for cholecystitis:

  • With the help of an infusion of stigmas of corn, they relieve painful spasms and improve the secretion of bile. To prepare 10 g of dry stigmas, add 250 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. Take 50 ml before meals.
  • Peppermint infusion is beneficial for women suffering from cholecystitis due to its soothing and anti-inflammatory effects. To prepare 20 g of mint leaves, pour a glass of boiling water and heat in a water bath for 25 minutes. Cool and drink before meals three times a day.
  • Parsley infusion improves digestion and has a slight choleretic effect. Finely chopped parsley in a volume of 10 g is poured with a glass of boiling water, allowed to brew and drunk warm, 50 ml before meals.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for recovery in uncomplicated forms of cholecystitis is favorable. Calculous forms are more difficult to cure. In the presence of chronic cholecystitis, a long-term (lifelong) remission can be achieved by observing medical prescriptions - taking prescribed medications, eating right, and conducting an ultrasound scan of the biliary tract organs annually. An unfavorable outcome is possible in the case of severe purulent forms of cholecystitis and multiple voluminous stones. In this case, the only way out is the complete excision of the gallbladder.

To prevent the development of cholecystitis, it is necessary to eliminate the negative causes leading to gallbladder damage - get rid of bad habits and excess weight, change the diet, treat bacterial and viral diseases in a timely manner. It is important for people with aggravated heredity to regularly conduct ultrasound diagnostics to monitor the digestive tract.

Pathological conditions in which the ability of the gallbladder to produce and excrete bile, which is required to ensure a normal digestive process, are impaired, duct blockage occurs, tissue tumors form, are united under the general name "gallbladder disease". There are three large groups of diseases of the bladder and canals: gallstone disease, cholecystitis, dyskinesia. It is also possible to develop postoperative syndrome, cholangitis, polyps and even cancer.

The secretion of bile is an important aspect of normal digestion, so even the slightest symptoms characteristic of diseases of this organ should not be neglected.

Types of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract

Gallbladder diseases are classified according to the mechanism of occurrence as follows:

These types of gallbladder diseases are quite common among the population, but more often manifested in preschool children. The frequency of occurrence in this group varies in the range of 10-15%.

Symptoms of cholecystitis

There are two forms of gallbladder inflammation:

Inflammation in the bladder can cause infections from the intestines that have spread throughout the body.

1. accompanied by a violation of the flow of bile with a change in its density and composition, resulting in the formation of stones. Gallbladder disease caused by bacterial infection with intestinal infections is provoked by Escherichia coli, staphylococci, streptococci. The disease can appear as a result of hepatitis, the development of giardiasis in the bile ducts. The course of the disease is severe and requires urgent medical treatment. Symptoms:

  1. cramping pains on the right under the ribs;
  2. an increase in the gallbladder in size;
  3. frequent vomiting;
  4. mechanical jaundice.
  • Acute cholecystitis. Inflammation of the walls of the organ occurs when the bile ducts become blocked. The disease is life threatening. Symptoms:
  1. intense pain, aggravated by palpation;
  2. jaundice;
  3. temperature ranging from subfebrile to fever;
  4. chills;
  5. drying and furrowing of the tongue;
  6. rapid pulse;
  7. low BP.


PCES causes pain under the ribs, nausea with vomiting, yellowing of the integument, flatulence.

Includes several pathological conditions that are associated with gallbladder resection. The reasons:

  • remnants of stones in the ducts;
  • narrowing of the channel that flows into the 12 duodenal process of the intestine;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • inflammation in the intestines.


  • pains on the right or left under the ribs, similar to hepatic colic;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • nausea with vomiting;
  • bloating, or constipation;
  • jaundice.


Motor dysfunction of the biliary tract, associated with a weakening or intensification of the flow of bile, leads to deviations in the process of digestion. Provocateurs of the appearance of dyskinesia in children and adults:

Stress, excessive exercise and poor nutrition can disrupt the functionality of the gallbladder.
  • constant stress, nervous breakdowns, psychological trauma;
  • prolonged physical activity;
  • improper nutrition.

Often dyskinesia is classified as a psychological pathology with a specific manifestation in the form of dull pains on the right in the hypochondrium, lasting a day or more. As a result of pathology in a child or an adult, functional disorders of the gallbladder are provoked, the tone of the sphincter muscles decreases, and conditions for stone formation are created.

Acute cholangitis

Inflammation of the bile ducts, which occurs in an acute form, often appears as a result of the development of prolonged cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, or after resection of the bladder. Inflammation can begin due to the development of tumors or stagnation of bile. There are such symptoms of pathology:

  • attacks of severe pain on the right in the side with a return to the right hand or left side;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure;
  • constant nausea with severe, frequent vomiting without relief;
  • skin itching;
  • tension of the abdominal muscles on the right under the ribs;
  • fever (40°C);
  • profuse sweating, chills;
  • general malaise.


Even minor tumors in the gallbladder can develop into oncology.

Neoplasms in the gallbladder can be benign and malignant. In both cases, the initial stages are asymptomatic, then symptoms develop that can easily be confused with manifestations of cholecystitis.

  • Benign formations or polyps do not appear for a long time. With a rapid increase, there are:
  1. pain;
  2. skin itching;
  3. yellowness of the skin;
  4. pronounced discomfort.
  • Crayfish. The first provocateur of the development of a malignant tumor is cholelithiasis. Features of the disease:
  1. the inability to relieve pain with drugs;
  2. constant nausea and vomiting;
  3. refusal to eat;
  4. weight loss;
  5. enlarged gallbladder on ultrasound.


Pathology develops against the background of a decrease in the production of bile acids with phospholipids and an increase in the concentration of cholesterol. In most cases, the disease is hereditary. People at risk are:

Clogging of solid particles of the gallbladder is a consequence of diabetes, obesity, bad habits.
  • with overweight;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • drinking alcohol, fatty foods, smokers.

The main signs of an attack:

  • severe colic and pain on the right in the hypochondrium;
  • nausea with occasional vomiting.

Sometimes a stone leaving the gallbladder passes through the bile duct on its own and enters the duodenum, which eliminates an attack of the disease. But if the calculus is stuck in the biliary tract, development is provoked with the ensuing consequences. The danger of the disease is a latent course, which causes the development of sluggish, protracted diseases of the gallbladder with complications. The disease is especially dangerous in children.


Other pathologies include a group of joint diseases of the bladder with the liver, spleen and pancreas.

Enterogenic diseases of the gallbladder and liver are a group of pathologies that affect organs along the ascending path of infection. The reason may lie in such violations:

  • in the formation of salts, stones in the lumen of the gall;
  • in bends, kinks, narrowing, elongation, convoluted canals;
  • in anomalies in the development of the bile duct.


  • sharp diffuse pains - in the epigastrium, on the right under the ribs or in the spoon;
  • spread of pain to the back;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • enlarged organs according to ultrasound indicators - gallbladder, liver, pancreas or spleen.


Diseases in the biliary system are characterized, most often, by yellowing of the skin, discoloration of feces and urine.

Any chronic pathology in the biliary system and gallbladder is characterized by a slow course with the development of a standard clinical picture. First signs:

  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • digestive dysfunction;
  • yellow coating on the root of the tongue;
  • bitter eructation;
  • yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • discolored feces;
  • dark urine.

There may be specific manifestations, such as:

  • soreness in the region of the heart;
  • general weakness, malaise and increased fatigue;
  • general signs of impaired digestion;
  • a slight, stable deviation of body temperature from the norm in the range of subfebrile values ​​(37.2-38 ° C).

Often the patient cannot find out the cause of the symptoms that disturb him, which may be the result of the development of sluggish cholelithiasis, cholecystitis or dyskinesia. Gastritis, rheumatism, neurocirculatory dystonia are often mistakenly diagnosed. The correct diagnosis can only be made by a qualified gastroenterologist. Diagnosis is carried out on the basis of a carefully conducted laboratory (blood, urine, feces) and instrumental examination (ultrasound, CT, MRI, biopsy, duodenal sounding) of the patient.

Violations in the motility of the gallbladder are accompanied by painful eating, heartburn, nausea, lingering pains in the right hypochondrium.

Hypertensive motor dysfunction and other pathologies of the bile-producing system in most cases occur with weak, aching pains in the right hypochondrium. Often, sensations are provoked against the background of eating. After a meal, nausea increases, an unpleasant aftertaste appears in the mouth, and a persistent intolerance to the smell of food develops. In some patients, a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity is detected, so sometimes in the initial stages a person does not feel pain.

Chronic pathologies of the bile ducts are dangerous because they can affect the stomach. In these cases, additional symptoms such as:

  • bitter aftertaste in the mouth;
  • strong, loud belching;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • chair instability.

The most common pathologies of the gallbladder are cholecystitis and gallstone disease. Next in terms of reported cases are dyskinesia and cancer.

Treatment is carried out medically. Most often in medicine, for the relief of ailments that have affected the bile-producing apparatus, the basics of etiotropic therapy are used, aimed at eliminating the root cause of the appearance of a pathological condition. Effective remedies are offered by traditional medicine, the recipes of which allow you to delay the operation.

The main symptoms of gallbladder disease are pain in the right hypochondrium and digestive disorders. However, these signs may also indicate diseases of the liver or gastrointestinal tract, so it is important to conduct additional diagnostics. Based on the results of the tests, you can make an accurate diagnosis and determine the severity of the disease. This can be either a slight inflammation of the walls of the organ, which occurs immediately after eating fatty foods, or serious pathologies that require urgent surgical intervention.

Gallbladder - localization and functions

The gallbladder is a hollow organ located in the right hypochondrium. Its role in the body is to store bile. This secret is produced by liver cells and enters the gallbladder through its ducts. Further, the liquid is collected in its cavity until the digestive process begins and it begins to drain into the lumen of the duodenum.

In the structure of the gallbladder, the bottom, body and neck are distinguished. Anatomically, an organ may have individual features that are not considered a pathology. Only those anomalies of the structure that interfere with the normal outflow of bile need treatment.

Normally, this process occurs in several stages:

  • food enters the stomach, which reflexively triggers the mechanisms for the release of bile;
  • the smooth muscles of the gallbladder are reduced;
  • relax the muscles of the bile ducts, including sphincters;
  • bile enters the lumen of the small intestine.

Many diseases of the gallbladder are associated with the peculiarities of its structure. If a patient has torsion or another anomaly, bile cannot drain freely into the duodenal lumen, but accumulates in the gallbladder cavity. This can provoke inflammation of its walls, as well as the formation of sand or stones due to a change in the consistency of its contents.

Characteristics of the main diseases of the gallbladder

Diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract can be inflammatory or manifest with mechanical irritation of the walls of organs. Most of them are associated with improper diet and irregular nutrition in men and women at any age. Since the secretion of bile occurs continuously, and its excretion is regulated by the receptors of the gastric mucosa, it is possible to restore the functions of the organ only if the diet is followed. Among other problems with the gallbladder, congenital anomalies of its structure, as well as neoplasms, can be distinguished.

Gallstone disease (cholelithiasis)

Gallstone disease (GSD) is a pathology in which stones (calculi) form in the cavity of the gallbladder or in the lumen of the bile ducts. Initially, they are a suspension (sand), which accumulates and is not removed through the channels. The calculi differ in chemical structure, their appearance and treatment characteristics depend on this. They are classified into several categories:

  • bilirubin - are formed due to violations of pigment metabolism and accumulation of bilirubin;
  • cholesterol - the cause of their occurrence is malnutrition with excessive consumption of fats of animal origin;
  • mixed - appear for several different reasons.

Pain in gallbladder disease is often localized in the right side, but can spread to the back, neck and shoulder blade

Most often, stones appear in the gallbladder in women. At risk are overweight patients who do not follow a healthy diet. Also, the risk of stones in the cavity of the gallbladder increases after childbirth. In men, this disease is more often associated with natural aging and first manifests itself in old age. In children, stones are diagnosed, but rarely. They can be a symptom of the abnormal structure of the organ and the thickening of bile due to its constant accumulation.

Gallstone disease can be asymptomatic if the stones do not injure the mucous membrane of the organ. Its first signs appear when small stones begin to move along the bile ducts and irritate their walls. Pain syndrome can be observed constantly if the stones reach large sizes or in large numbers overwhelm the cavity of the organ.

Biliary dyskinesia

Biliary dyskinesia (JVP) is a functional disorder of the gallbladder, which is manifested by pathologies of its contractile function. In most cases, this syndrome occurs due to improper and irregular nutrition. Due to the fact that food enters the stomach with long interruptions, the processes of secretion and outflow of bile are disrupted. In this case, it cannot participate in the emulsification of fats in the small intestine, which is accompanied by digestive disorders. Another symptom is a sharp pain in the right hypochondrium. It is possible to establish the work of the biliary tract only by following a diet.


Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder. The disease combines several pathologies in which it is a secondary symptom. Inflammatory processes can develop in response to mechanical irritation of the mucous membrane, intoxication, or the action of infectious agents.

In most cases, cholecystitis develops against the background of cholelithiasis. With sharp edges, stones injure the walls of the organ, cause its chronic overflow and loss of elasticity of the muscle wall. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms in time and do not remove the stones in any of the ways, there is a risk of their further development. This may be the cause of the rupture of the gallbladder and the release of its contents into the abdominal cavity, which is dangerous with general intoxication and sepsis.

In 10% of patients, cholecystitis is not associated with cholelithiasis. Inflammation can begin for various reasons, among which are:

Gallbladder stones are one of the most common causes of gallbladder dysfunction.

To understand what causes provoked cholangitis, it is necessary to conduct additional diagnostics. Many diseases of the gallbladder are accompanied by pain and inflammation, but the methods of their treatment may vary. Allocate acute and chronic cholecystitis. In the first case, it is accompanied by a sharp pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea and vomiting. Chronic inflammation is periodically manifested by acute attacks, but the condition of patients can be controlled by a sparing diet and medication.


Cholangitis is an inflammation of the bile ducts. In most cases, it is associated with cholecystitis or develops when a stone passes through the lumen of the bile ducts. Also, the disease can occur after surgery, especially after removal of the gallbladder. The main signs of the disease are a sharp pain in the right side, digestive disorders in the intestines, weakness and fever.

Cholangitis is a dangerous disease. The inflammatory process is often complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection, which can contribute to the development of purulent inflammation. If the infection is not cured in time, it can provoke sepsis and even be fatal.

Neoplasms in the gallbladder

Gallbladder problems require detailed diagnosis because their causes can be serious. Neoplasms localized on the walls of the organ cause pain in the right hypochondrium and interfere with the normal functioning of the biliary tract. They can develop as a result of prolonged chronic inflammation or in severe gallstone disease. Such tumors are highly prone to metastasis, so it is recommended to remove them by complete cholecystectomy in the early stages.

Differential Diagnosis

Determining the cause of gallbladder disease and making an accurate diagnosis is not always possible on clinical grounds. Painful sensations are more often located in the right side, but can spread to the stomach, give to the back or collarbone. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract are closely related to the functioning of the digestive tract, and therefore are often accompanied by dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms.

Initial inspection

The symptoms of gallbladder disease are similar, but there are some differences between them. Even at the initial examination, one can assume which disease caused pain in the right hypochondrium and determine how to improve the patient's condition. At home, it is also worth familiarizing yourself with the data in the table, but you should not use them for self-treatment. The data of the examination and anamnesis must necessarily be supported by the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.

Signs of inflammation of the gallbladder and the presence of stones in it can be detected on ultrasound

sign cholelithiasis Cholecystitis JWP Cholangitis gallbladder cancer
Type of pain Sharp, attacks, aggravated after eating; until it passes - any movement is difficult Aching, pulling, increases after eating fatty foods or other harmful foods Either sharp pain that lasts no more than 20 minutes, or dull but constant Acute, sharp, if it is not calmed down, the condition may worsen up to a drop in pressure For a long time it can be asymptomatic, then the pain becomes intense and is poorly removed even with drugs
Location of pain In the right hypochondrium In the right side or in the epigastric zone In the right hypochondrium
Irradiation of pain In the right shoulder, in the collarbone or shoulder blade, sometimes in the left side of the body To the right shoulder, collarbone or shoulder blade
From the gastrointestinal tract Nausea, vomiting with bile, sensation of buckwheat in the mouth, diarrhea Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Constant nausea and repeated vomiting, after which the urge does not weaken Vomiting, difficulty eating
Itching May be present Missing May be present
Fever Occurs in less than half of patients Temperature rise up to 40 degrees The temperature may rise, but not much
Peritoneal irritation In the right hypochondrium Slight muscle tension on the right side In the right hypochondrium Muscle tension on the right side

Data of laboratory diagnostics

Blood tests will determine what processes are taking place in the body at the time of the study. In diseases of the liver and biliary tract, transaminases, bilirubin, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase and C-reactive protein will be the most important. These indicators can be obtained by biochemical blood tests. The table shows possible test results, as well as changes in the body and diseases that they may indicate.

Result What changes does Possible diagnoses
Increasing the level of bilirubin due to the free fraction Violation of the excretion of bile GSD, gallbladder tumors, acute and chronic inflammatory processes
Increasing the level of bilirubin due to the bound fraction Decreased bilirubin binding Hemolytic anemia and other genetic pathologies
Elevation of ALT and AST levels Inflammation and destruction of hepatocytes Hepatitis of various etiology, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, neoplasms
Elevated cholesterol Increasing fat metabolism Obesity, inflammation of the gallbladder, cholelithiasis, vascular disease
Reducing the amount of cholesterol Violations of the liver and a decrease in its building function Acute inflammatory processes in the liver and gallbladder, cirrhosis, neoplasms
Increased alkaline phosphatase activity Stagnant processes in the gallbladder Chronic inflammation of the gallbladder, cholelithiasis
Presence of C-reactive protein acute inflammation indicator Acute hepatitis, cholecystitis. cholangitis

If you suspect a malfunction of the gallbladder, be sure to donate blood for biochemical analysis

Instrumental diagnostic data

Changes in the composition of the blood require additional examinations. Despite the fact that the gallbladder is almost completely covered by the liver, there are several methods by which you can view it. Visualization of the problem is especially necessary if a decision is made to operate.

Index cholelithiasis Cholecystitis JWP Cholangitis Crayfish
Uzi Stones, weigh Enlargement of the gallbladder in volume Filling and expansion of the biliary tract Increased organ density
duodenal sounding Bile flow speeds up or slows down Cystic bile enters in insufficient quantities, its composition changes, bacteria may be present Cytological examination shows the presence of cancer cells
x-ray stones Inflammation, deformation of the walls of the organ is possible Within normal limits Uninformative With a contrast agent - an uneven formation can be detected
CT Additional diagnostic method to rule out cancer Can detect metastases in distant organs
ECT Additional diagnostic method to rule out myocardial infarction
Duodenoscopy Additional method to exclude gastritis

Scheme for the treatment of diseases

Treatment of gallbladder disease will differ depending on the specific diagnosis, form and stage of the disease, as well as the age of the patient. The basis of the treatment of all pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the liver and pancreas, is proper nutrition and normalization of weight. There are several tips from doctors about nutrition, which will help stabilize the patient's condition and normalize the outflow of bile:

  • eat at least 5-6 times a day, while dividing the daily allowance into small portions;
  • exclude animal fats, fried and high-calorie foods, pastries, alcohol and carbonated drinks;
  • boiled or steamed dishes are recommended, which include cereals and vegetables, lean meats and fish;
  • include in the diet decoctions of herbs that improve the outflow of bile.

The first advice of doctors for pain in the right hypochondrium is to eat regularly and correctly, and drugs are prescribed according to indications

Drug therapy is prescribed individually. These can be both anti-inflammatory drugs and those that increase the excretion of bile. In the acute stage of some diseases, drugs are prescribed that have analgesic and sedative effects. Antibiotics are used as indicated. They should be taken, including for aseptic inflammation for preventive purposes. There is also a separate group of drugs for resorption of stones. If the disease is not amenable to medical treatment, an operation is prescribed.

Diseases of the gallbladder are disorders of its work associated with inflammatory or other processes. Most often, they occur when suspensions or stones appear in the organ cavity, which may be the result of improper and irregular nutrition. During the diagnosis, it is possible to make a final diagnosis and determine the severity of the disease, and the treatment regimen will depend on this.

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