Which dog is the best to train? Small and large dog breeds that are easy to train. What about the hunters

There are dog breeds that are easier to train. But there are some species that are very difficult to train because of their stubbornness and other factors. Dog handler Leon Markelov talks about which breeds are best for training.

According to the expert, "even a devil" can be trained, the main thing is to use the right methods. "There are very naughty breeds, for example, the Afghan hound. In general, it is more difficult with hunting dogs, since the hunting instinct usually prevails in them. They require special training," the dog handler explains. The trainability of a dog to a large extent depends on the qualities of the owner - patience and character.

German Shepherd

Foto: PantherMedia/Scanpix

"I think no one has any doubts that the German Shepherd is very smart and easy to train. This dog has become a kind of icon. It is not for nothing that shepherd dogs are used all over the world as police dogs, rescue dogs, guide dogs. The German Shepherd is a versatile dog that easily adapts to any task, understands the owner very well. I think that with the right methods it can be taught absolutely everything, even to talk, "the dog handler jokes.


Foto: Shutterstock

Undoubtedly, the Rottweiler has one of the highest IQs of any dog ​​breed. Thanks to this, the animal lends itself perfectly to training. The Rottweiler grows up obedient and infinitely devoted to his family, provided he is well trained.


"Collies are easy to train. This is one of those dogs that really likes to learn. All you need is patience and the right approach, then the dog does everything with enthusiasm. But we can ruin everything that the animal has been taught for several weeks in one day. This applies not only to collies A typical example is the owner lost patience and hit the dog, what a desire to learn after that!

As for the collie, it is also a very beautiful dog. I think everyone recognizes this. The dog is very patient, quiet and intelligent, with a balanced character."

Border Collie

Foto: PantherMedia/Scanpix

"The Border Collie regularly appears at the top of the list of the most beautiful dogs, most often in the first place. This is a very athletic dog that enjoys various forms of activity, including agility and obedience training. The Border Collie has great potential. He can be safely raised a circus actor who performs the most incredible stunts." At the same time, it should be taken into account that the border collie, due to its activity, needs to expend a lot of energy. Otherwise, he may, for example, begin to gnaw on household items.

staffordshire terrier

Foto: Panther Media

"As smart and easy to train dogs, based on my own experience, I can recommend Staffordshire Terriers, Bull Terriers and Pit Bull Terriers. I myself have had such dogs. There is nothing better to wish for!

"The beginning of training may be quite difficult, but if you do everything right, you can achieve beautiful execution of commands even at a distance of 70 meters, using only gestures and voice signals."

bull terrier

"This is a very smart dog that is easy to train. A good friend and watchman at home. If necessary, he is ready to protect the owner. As I said, I myself had bull terriers, so I can say that these are real friends of a person. They can be taught almost everything. In the world, these dogs, for example, are used to detect drugs, explosives, smuggled cigarettes, etc."

pit bull terrier

"The Pit Bull Terrier has a bad reputation, but this is completely undeserved. Unfortunately, owners with an inferiority complex often choose these powerful dogs. They unconsciously try to compensate for them by showing their" omnipotence "next to such a dog. If they set the animal on other animals or even people , then the result, of course, is sad. It is these people who use pit bull terriers in dog fights, because of which the dog has a bad reputation. The fault of the animal is only that it is very strong.

If the Pit Bull Terrier is properly trained from childhood, then this is a wonderful dog, a true friend. They are good at everything - both the obstacle course and obedience training.

The only disadvantage of these breeds is their short coat, which makes dogs not tolerant of cold. But special clothing for dogs saves from this.

A person, like an animal, can be trained in order to form new behavioral skills in him, thanks to which he will be better controlled and predictable, and, in other words, convenient for the one who trains.

As you know, any training is based on the development of conditioned reflexes.

Positive and negative reinforcement is the main form of training.

A person is trained from childhood so that he is comfortable for society and can easily get along in it. Accordingly, the more conformal (compliant, dependent on someone else's approval) character a person has, the more neurotic he is.

A person becomes neurotic from early childhood.

First, the parents want to make him comfortable, change him "for themselves", and begin to impose various postulates on him, that he supposedly "d about false” to do at his age, and what not.

So, for example, a child of 3 years old eats cookies at his grandmother’s table, the crumbs fall both on the table and on the floor, the grandmother is not satisfied with the prospect of wiping the floor after the child, and she begins to grumble, they say, “I already ate at his age neat, and he should do the same."

Upon arrival at a kindergarten or school, training continues - for example, in the first grade, the teacher limits the natural mobility of the child, forcing him to sit at his desk for a long time and listen to a boring lesson, any activity not related to educational activities is condemned.

For example, according to SanPiN, a teacher should take children out into the fresh air during lessons, but in reality, few people do this, the child’s natural energy is not consumed, emotions are suppressed, which leads to generalization of tension and anxiety, eventually transforming into neurosis.

I often witnessed how teachers forcefully forced a child to eat, and if he refused, he was ridiculed or condemned in front of the group.

Thus, already from childhood, a person everywhere is faced with restrictions and prohibitions, both reasonable (“cross the road only at a green traffic light”, “do not put your fingers in the socket”, “do not touch poisonous mushrooms”), and devoid of common sense (“don’t scream”, “don’t cry”, “don’t laugh”, it’s not enough just to say “don’t live” for the full picture).

Since childhood, the majority of children suppressed the will and free thinking. The goal is to grow a man - a machine that will walk in formation within the framework of established rules and standards. An unformatted person who breaks the standard, out of habit, will be an outcast in society. In such conditions, he is either forced to endure loneliness, or to fit into the "system" - that is, to be neurotic, and a neurotic person, prone to anxiety and fear, is more predictable and manageable from the outside.

Such a system is indeed very similar to the matrix from the film of the same name, in which a person is a supplier of resources, living mainly in order to serve the needs of others.

When after school we come to the university, then there we are also taught how we should think what to say. And the media is a giant machine for controlling human consciousness... As Professor Preobrazhensky said in one novel:

“If you care about your digestion, my good advice is not to talk about Bolshevism and medicine at dinner. And - God save you - do not read Soviet newspapers before dinner.

- Hm ... Why, there are no others.

- Don't read any. You know, I made 30 observations in my clinic. And what do you think? Patients who do not read newspapers feel great. Those whom I specifically forced to read Pravda lost weight.

“Hm…” the bitten one responded with interest, turning pink from soup and wine.

- That's not enough. Decreased knee-jerk reflexes, poor appetite, depressed state of mind.

During this training, most people are not able to think critically and have a great fear of those they consider to be authorities for themselves. This fact was proved in the course of experiments conducted by the social psychologist S. Milgram, a former concentration camp prisoner.

During these experiments, most of the subjects could not object to a higher-ranking person who demanded that they hurt another "experimental" one, and the "performers" did not differ in sadistic inclinations, they simply could not say "no" to the one who was "more important".

Also, a person's desire for conformity was revealed during the experiment of psychologist V. Mukhina "I and others", which showed how people are able to succumb to the opinions of others, reaching the point of absurdity. Even if a person internally disagreed, he followed the opinion of the majority.

The same training is used in relationships between adults. In the book by K. Pryor "Do not growl at the dog" the technology of effective reinforcement is described. The point of reinforcement is that it is effective only when it occurs unexpectedly. For example, when we constantly praise a person for some action, he gets used to it, and therefore this reinforcement (for example, praise) ceases to act, is taken for granted. Positive reinforcement will only be effective when combined with frustration. In animal training, this is called "variable mode". How does it work on the example of relationships in a couple?

Everyone has met people who are inexplicably attached to spouses or lovers who mistreat them. We used to think that this only happens to women - she feels attracted to someone who is rude, inconsiderate, selfish and even cruel, she loves him anyway - but it happens to men too. Everyone knows people who, after a divorce or some other kind of loss, find another person exactly like the previous one.

Are these people eternal victims for some deep psychological reasons? Maybe. But maybe they are the victims of a regime with long intervals between reinforcements?

If you are in a relationship with a charming, charming, sexually interesting, cheerful and attentive person, and then he becomes more and more intractable, even touchy, but still shows his good qualities from time to time, you will live for these increasingly rare moments when you get this wonderful reinforcement: attention full of charm, charm, attractiveness and fun.

And paradoxically from a common sense point of view, but natural from a learning theory point of view, the rarer and more unpredictable such moments become, the stronger their reinforcing effect becomes, and the longer your behavior will persist.

In addition, it is easy to understand why a person who has once found himself in such a relationship often looks for its repetition: it may seem to him that in a relationship with a normal person who is reserved and benevolent most of the time, there is not enough sharpness of that rare, passionately desired and therefore doubly effective reinforcement.

Look at the situation from the perspective of the person directing the behavior:

I can keep her (him) in unconditional submission, so, “So that she (he) does whatever I want, for the sake of my convenience and peace of mind, as long as I give her (him) everything that she (he) wants... occasionally».

"Occasionally" here is the key word. In this context, it is interesting to explore what attracts another person to us so much that he is ready to put up with some not very good qualities of our character or actions.

In the same way, we can change the destructive behavior of a person to a more acceptable one, forming a new skill through reinforcement, among other things.

This technology is also used to form some kind of addiction, for example, gaming.

To make it difficult for a person to leave the game, he is encouraged to “work for the result”, “earn points”, in order to subsequently get some kind of “jackpot”.

For example, if every time you put 5 rubles into the machine, you get ten, then soon you will lose interest in this. Yes, you will make money, but what a boring way! People like to play with the machine precisely because it is impossible to predict in advance whether you will get nothing, or some small thing, or a lot of money at once, and when exactly this reinforcement will come (it can only be the very first time).

Why do some people get involved in gambling, while others can gamble and quit? It probably depends on the upbringing and degree of conformity of a person, that is, his need developed from childhood to strive to justify the expectations of others and the inability to stop to say “no” when you realize that you are simply being used for their own purposes.

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Are you planning to get a dog but don't know what breed to choose? In this article, we will introduce you to the breeds that are considered the most intelligent and easy to train.

If you decide to get a pet that will become a full-fledged member of your family, do not be too lazy to do research first, which breed of dog is best for you. Find out if this dog can get along with children? Can he live in an apartment? Is it difficult to care for wool? And most importantly, how receptive is this breed to learning? A dog that does not respond to the owner's commands can bring more trouble to your home than joy.

For our part, we have prepared for you a list of the 10 smartest dog breeds with a brief description.

10 Australian Cattle Dog

In tenth place is the Australian Cattle Dog. This breed is very friendly to people, but requires a lot of space to live and a lot of physical activity (at least three hours a day). For this reason, Australian Cattle Dogs are not well suited to living within four walls. The coat of these dogs is short and does not require special care.

9. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a very powerful dog that is famous for its high pain threshold. The muscular body is a hallmark of Rottweilers. On the one hand, they are very friendly, and on the other hand, they are the protectors of their master.

This dog can live almost anywhere, even in an apartment, if you give him the opportunity to expend energy on a daily basis. Easily trainable.

8. Doberman

If you decide to get a Doberman, then know that he needs a powerful owner. These dogs are powerful and highly trainable. All kinds of physical activities are important for them: Dobermans need to be constantly loaded with some kind of physical work or exercise so that they expend energy.

Dobermans are one of the most fearless and dangerous dogs in the world. However, they can make excellent pets if raised from puppyhood with children.

The coat of Dobermans is short and does not require special care. But you should be aware that these dogs are susceptible to the cold, so it is better to wear something for them on frosty days.

7. Papillon

The Papillon is a small but very energetic dog. A feature of the breed is the ears, which resemble the spread wings of a butterfly. Papillons are easy to train, but life in a confined space is difficult for them.

These little dogs can bark everywhere, which often creates problems for themselves. Papillon coat requires special care. She needs to be looked after and combed every day.

6 Labrador Retriever

Nature has endowed these dogs with webbed feet, which makes them excellent swimmers. Labradors are not afraid of the cold and can adapt to almost all living conditions.

The Labrador Retriever is a very friendly dog. If you have a large family and want a pet, a Labrador can be a good choice. Dogs of this breed are very good with children and do not bite.

5. Sheltie

Shelties are perhaps the most sensitive dogs on this list. They can even understand the tone of a person's voice. And if the owner communicates rudely with them, they simply do not respond to his commands. These are very kind dogs that need the same kind owner. They get along well with people and are easy to train.

Dogs of this breed tend to be wary of all strangers. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments, they should always be under the supervision of the owner.

Shelties can live with you in the house, but on the condition that you provide her with a daily opportunity to let off steam outside the four walls.

4 Golden Retriever

Perhaps this is the most popular dog breed. And the thing is that the retriever gets along very well with people and is very loving.

It is equally important that these dogs have a "soft mouth", that is, they can even tolerate raw eggs without damaging them. This is a trait you should consider if you have children in your family.

Dogs of this breed are excellent swimmers due to their webbed feet. They are easy to train compared to many other breeds. They can live in almost all conditions. They get along well in apartments and houses. But their coat requires daily care.

3 German Shepherd

This is truly a fearless dog. He does not care about any danger. Cold weather is not a problem for him. Learns very easily. You can teach him anything even faster than you yourself expect.

The German Shepherd gets along well with children and owners. But guests and strangers need to be careful when dealing with this dog, because by nature it is the protector of its owner. This dog can live in your house and even in an apartment. True, long hair can cause a lot of trouble.

2. Poodle

The poodle is a noble dog. The coat of the poodle is very specific, some even call it not wool, but hair. And this feature makes the breed a preferred choice for people with allergies and those who do not like tufts of wool on the floor and things.

The poodle ranks second in the list of the smartest dogs.

1. Border Collie

Border collies are considered to be the most intelligent breed of dog because nature has endowed them with a high ability to concentrate. You can teach them anything in record time.

Border collies are very active dogs that find it difficult to get along in an apartment. They need space and constant activity. If you have a large house, then this dog can become a member of your family. But border collie hyperactivity will be a problem if there are children in the house.

Hair care is pretty simple. Regular brushing is sufficient for this smart breed.

So, now you know which dog breeds are considered the most capable, and you can make your choice. What breed do you like the most?

It would seem that the answer to this question is quite obvious. Dogs are happy to try, but cats ... There is an opinion that they are not amenable to any training in principle. And in general, this is really close to the truth. However, any rule has a lot of exceptions, so let's get to the bottom of this deceptively simple question.

dog happiness

The word "training" is actually unpleasant. It immediately evokes associations with a circus, an iron grate and unfortunate tigers who are forced to jump over a burning ring with a whip. But this is exactly what we should not and would not want to do with our beloved animals. In addition, this will not help you achieve the desired result - a calm and joyful understanding with your pet.

You can force a living being to do something with violence, but this will kill those sprouts of love and trust, from which only real, long-term cooperation can grow. I prefer to use other words instead - education, training and, in the case of dogs, work.

Yes, dogs are really able to enjoy work, treat it as the most important business of their lives. No wonder their service and working breeds are so numerous. Look at the German Shepherd that works at the airport. She has a keen eye, she holds her ears up, she wears a stylish police vest.

This is a professional, a sentry on duty, she has no time to be distracted by nonsense, the smells of food and lapdogs passing by. At this moment, the dog is at the peak of happiness - people need it, it serves faithfully, its life is not in vain.

It is the readiness to serve man willingly and joyfully that underlies the excellent trainability of dogs. They themselves strive to understand what we want from them, we can only calmly, patiently explain and show them until they understand. Well, and to give yummy, of course. Not because the dog is mercenary and tries only for a treat, just with a treat it is even more fun and joyful to learn.

Difficult characters

But despite the above, even dogs are different. Service dogs are designed to solve sometimes very complex intellectual tasks. Just as, if not more intelligent, are some decorative breeds and companion dogs.

And there is nothing surprising here, because these breeds were formed in close and constant communication with a person, which means they have unsurpassed perception and communication skills among dogs. In addition, companions tend to have an even, patient nature, which is why they often make excellent guides for the blind and canis therapists.

Shepherd dogs also have a lively and sharp mind, but not those of them whose function is exclusively in protection, but those who graze the herd and manage it. The shepherd dog has to constantly control the situation, solve emerging problems and maintain non-verbal contact with the shepherd. It is no coincidence that border collies become the winners of various dog competitions more often than other breeds.

But what about the hunters?

But hunting breeds sometimes do not want to learn. Try it, teach something to a Beagle, Bloodhound, Afghan or Russian Hound. You will get an honest look, a wagging tail and zero results. And it's not that the dog is not smart enough. It’s just that these dogs were bred for completely different purposes, selected for traits that were not particularly compatible with learning.

Hunters are easily excitable, emotional, they, as a rule, have a very mobile psyche. And, which is very important for successful hunting, they are very independent, independent in their decisions and judgments. But these excellent working qualities make their character not the easiest in everyday life.

Dogs of these breeds are irrepressible adventurers, adventurers and hooligans. They are rarely distinguished by patience, attentiveness and obedience. And frankly, apart from hunting, they have little interest in anything. It should be noted that dogs are deeply right in this: they have their own profession, and they are superstars in it. What else do you want from them?

Aristocrats do not work well

There are other breeds that are not particularly fond of following someone's commands. And among them there are quite a "dog of mental labor." For example, the Pekingese is very poorly trained, but this is the dog of the emperors of China, for thousands of years they have not been trained in learning, since they have never done any work. Also, breeds such as chow-chow, mastiff, basenji or bulldog are not well suited for training. It's just below their dignity.

feline manners

But what about cats? Cats can't be trained. Cats are not trained. But you can play with cats and train them in the game, stimulating them with treats, affection and praise. The reward for the cat is obligatory, because the cat has absolutely no need for service and the desire to do anyone else's will, except his own.

The cat will not obey you, but may agree to do what gives her pleasure and brings a pleasant reward. Therefore, training a cat begins with learning her favorite games. If the cat shows any inclinations, you can, by playing with it, develop its talents and teach it to perform an already characteristic action for a cat after your command.

For example, a cat that wears a toy in its mouth all the time can be trained to fetch, and a high jumper can be trained to jump through a hoop. But in order to achieve at least some result, you will need an abyss of patience and tact, because the cat will only work when she is in the mood, and the slightest discontent or irritation on your part will not only nullify all your previous efforts, but and ruin your relationship with your pet.

And, of course, the cat may not have the slightest desire to perform any tricks at all. Then you just have to put up with it, because you love her, after all, not for that.

It is rather difficult to single out any breed propensity for learning in cats, but in general, breeds with a more pronounced sociality are considered to be more prone to training - Abyssinians, Ocicats, Siamese, Sphinxes, Chartreuse, Bombays, etc.

Outbred cats can turn out to be carriers of the most unusual abilities, such as the world famous cat Didja. Or not to be, then how lucky ... However, a lot depends on the personality of the owner, his patience and ability to negotiate with the animal.

If you decide to get a pet that will become a full-fledged member of your family, do not be too lazy to do research first, which breed of dog is best for you. Find out if this dog can get along with children? Can he live in an apartment? Is it difficult to care for wool? And most importantly, how receptive is this breed to learning? A dog that does not respond to the owner's commands can bring more trouble to your home than joy.

For our part, we have prepared for you a list of the 10 smartest dog breeds. A short description is attached.

10 Australian Cattle Dog

In tenth place is the Australian Cattle Dog. This breed is very friendly to people, but requires a lot of space to live and a lot of physical activity (at least three hours a day). For this reason, Australian Cattle Dogs are not well suited to living within four walls. The coat of these dogs is short and does not require special care.

9. Rottweiler

The Rottweiler is a very powerful dog that is famous for its high pain threshold. The muscular body is a hallmark of Rottweilers. On the one hand, they are very friendly, and on the other hand, they are the protectors of their master.

This dog can live almost anywhere, even in an apartment, if you give him the opportunity to expend energy on a daily basis. Easily trainable.

8. Doberman

If you decide to get a Doberman, then know that he needs a powerful owner. These dogs are powerful and highly trainable. All kinds of physical activities are important for them: Dobermans need to be constantly loaded with some kind of physical work or exercise so that they expend energy.

Dobermans are one of the most fearless and dangerous dogs in the world. However, they can make excellent pets if raised from puppyhood with children.

The coat of Dobermans is short and does not require special care. But you should be aware that these dogs are susceptible to the cold, so it is better to wear something for them on frosty days.

7. Papillon

The Papillon is a small but very energetic dog. A feature of the breed is the ears, which resemble the spread wings of a butterfly. Papillons are easy to train, but life in a confined space is difficult for them.

These little dogs can bark everywhere, which often creates problems for themselves. Papillon coat requires special care. She needs to be looked after and combed every day.

6 Labrador Retriever

Nature has endowed these dogs with webbed feet, which makes them excellent swimmers. Labradors are not afraid of the cold and can adapt to almost all living conditions.

The Labrador Retriever is a very friendly dog. If you have a large family and want a pet, a Labrador can be a good choice. Dogs of this breed are very good with children and do not bite.

5. Sheltie

Shelties are perhaps the most sensitive dogs on this list. They can even understand the tone of a person's voice. And if the owner communicates rudely with them, they simply do not respond to his commands. These are very kind dogs that need the same kind owner. They get along well with people and are easy to train.

Dogs of this breed tend to be wary of all strangers. Therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant moments, they should always be under the supervision of the owner.

Shelties can live with you in the house, but on the condition that you provide her with a daily opportunity to let off steam outside the four walls.

4 Golden Retriever

Perhaps this is the most popular dog breed. And the thing is that the retriever gets along very well with people and is very loving.

It is equally important that these dogs have a "soft mouth", that is, they can even tolerate raw eggs without damaging them. This is a trait you should consider if you have children in your family.

Dogs of this breed are excellent swimmers due to their webbed feet. They are easy to train compared to many other breeds. They can live in almost all conditions. They get along well in apartments and houses. But their coat requires daily care.

3 German Shepherd

This is truly a fearless dog. He does not care about any danger. Cold weather is not a problem for him. Learns very easily. You can teach him anything even faster than you yourself expect.

The German Shepherd gets along well with children and owners. But guests and strangers need to be careful when dealing with this dog, because by nature it is the protector of its owner. This dog can live in your house and even in an apartment. True, long hair can cause a lot of trouble.

2. Poodle

The poodle is a noble dog. The coat of the poodle is very specific, some even call it not wool, but hair. And this feature makes the breed a preferred choice for people with allergies and those who do not like tufts of wool on the floor and things.

The poodle ranks second in the list of the smartest dogs.

1. Border Collie

Border collies are considered to be the most intelligent breed of dog because nature has endowed them with a high ability to concentrate. You can teach them anything in record time.

Border collies are very active dogs that find it difficult to get along in an apartment. They need space and constant activity. If you have a large house, then this dog can become a member of your family. But border collie hyperactivity will be a problem if there are children in the house.

Hair care is pretty simple. Regular brushing is sufficient for this smart breed.


So, now you know which dog breeds are considered the most capable, and you can make your choice. What breed do you like the most? Write in the comments.

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