How to prepare medicine from dead bees? Tincture of bee subpestilence: a recipe for preparation and features of the reception

Bees are such amazing insects that they benefit not only the living, but also the dead. The healing properties of dead bees explain the popularity of this beekeeping product in folk medicine. It is widely used for the preparation of medicinal tinctures and decoctions, and is also used for the manufacture of ointments, balms and other products for external use.

In this article, you will learn what dead bee is and how to use it correctly to maintain health.

What is a dead bee

Dead bees are the bodies of dead bees that could not survive the cold season in the winter hut (Figure 1). It happens in winter and spring. Winter is collected in a hive in winter, but such bees are recommended to be used only for external use, since feces could remain in the digestive tract of insects. Spring and summer are harvested in the warm season and used as the main component for decoctions and tinctures.

Note: It is difficult at first glance to believe how useful bee death is. But in fact, the bodies of dead insects contain as many useful substances as in other bee products.

Figure 1. Appearance of the natural death of bees

The quality of the product directly depends on the cleanliness of the beekeeper. If the hives were harvested before wintering and additionally cleaned before the new season, in spring and summer you can collect really high-quality raw materials without garbage.

The author of the video will show you how to properly assemble this product for future use.

Podmore bee: medicinal properties

The use of dead bees began in antiquity. Our ancestors used it in cosmetology to strengthen hair, improve skin and fight toothache.

Modern scientists have proven that its application is more extensive(picture 2):

  • Chitin and melanin, which are part of the product, are used to heal wounds, eliminate scars, relieve external inflammation and pain, and also as a hemostatic agent.
  • It is used for the prevention of atherosclerosis, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and effectively removes toxins.
  • It is used to strengthen the heart and blood vessels, kidneys and prostate.

Figure 2. The use of dead bees in folk medicine

In addition, it perfectly strengthens the immune system, tones the body and makes it more resistant to colds.

Application for men

This is widely used to treat men. Bee bodies collected in summer and autumn are excellent for making tinctures and decoctions. It is this product that is most often used to treat male diseases - adenoma and prostatitis.

To prepare the tincture, dried bees are ground into powder and poured with vodka (2 tablespoons of powder per 500 ml of liquid). The container with the mixture is shaken daily. After two weeks, the tincture is filtered and consumed twice a day, 15 drops each.

Note: Some apitherapists advise using as many drops of the remedy as the patient is full years old. Due to differences of opinion, a doctor should be consulted before taking.

The course of treatment for prostatitis lasts 3 months. During this time, the remedy perfectly eliminates pain, discomfort and other signs of prostatitis.

You will find step-by-step instructions for preparing a medicine from this raw material in the video.

With oncology

Dead bee is used in folk medicine to fight cancer. Properly prepared tincture can not only stop the growth of the tumor, but also completely eliminate small neoplasms.

Note: The benefits of this substance in the fight against cancer are explained by the fact that insect bodies are able to quickly and effectively remove toxins from the body, activate the immune system and set the body to fight cancer.

To prepare a tincture against cancer, you need to do the following(picture 3):

  • Select dead bees in summer or autumn, and sift them through a large sieve. This will help remove debris, wax residue and other foreign matter.
  • The smell of quality raw materials should be fresh and pleasant. If there is even a slight shade of mold, the substance cannot be used.
  • The product is dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees for half an hour. Then grind in a coffee grinder or mortar.

Figure 3. Preparing a decoction of dead bees

The preparation of tincture based on this substance is very simple. Three tablespoons of crushed bees are poured into a glass of medical alcohol, poured into a container with a lid and placed in a dark place for two weeks. After that, the liquid is filtered and drunk 3 tablespoons a day. However, this remedy is not suitable for patients with oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Water decoction is suitable for all patients. Its only drawback is a short shelf life (only 3 days), so the medicine will have to be prepared constantly. To do this, a teaspoon of raw materials is dissolved in a glass of water and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Next, cover the container with a lid until it cools completely. The finished product is filtered and taken 2 tablespoons three times a day.

For joints

The use of dead bee for the treatment of joints and methods for preparing balms and ointments based on it have been known since ancient times. For this, not only dried crushed insects are used, but also other bee products (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Use for joint and muscle pain

For example, the crushed product is mixed with beeswax and propolis, a little natural butter is added and heated over low heat for an hour, avoiding boiling. After hardening, such an ointment is used as a drug for relieving joint pain.

If discomfort bothers you only periodically (for example, after intense physical exertion), you can use compresses from a crushed substance mixed with olive oil. The same mixture is used to prepare therapeutic baths. But it is important to remember that you can be in such a liquid for no more than 15 minutes.

Allergy treatment

Despite the fact that most beekeeping products are contraindicated in case of allergies, deadness in the form of ointments and balms is effectively used to eliminate the signs of allergies.

It is used to eliminate itching, hives and redness, as well as an adjuvant in the treatment of skin diseases (for example, psoriasis). However, it should be borne in mind that the product cannot be used to treat children under three years of age due to the risk of serious side effects.

Bee death: benefits and harms

Before using the dead bee, you need to objectively evaluate the benefits and harms of the substance. Despite the numerous healing properties, the product has certain contraindications.

His bees cannot be used in such cases:

  • With heat (if the temperature has risen above 38 degrees);
  • Patients with exacerbation of tuberculosis, blood diseases and acute thrombosis;
  • People with heart failure, aneurysm, heart attack, and angina pectoris.

How to prepare medicine from dead bees

Folk prescriptions for medicines based on subpestilence are very diverse. Each such remedy is used to treat certain diseases and pathologies.

To properly apply the substance, you need to know how to prepare tinctures, decoctions and ointments based on dried dead bees.

Raspar from bee subpestilence

The tool is used externally to eliminate the manifestations of mastitis, with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and to relieve headaches.

To prepare the medicine, 100 grams of raw materials are poured with a small amount of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. The mixture should not be too thin. The finished medicine is squeezed through gauze and left in it.

The diseased part of the body is covered with a bandage, gauze with bees is laid on top, covered with a plastic bag, fixed and left to cool completely.

How to make a decoction

A decoction of dead bees is used to treat prostatitis, increase potency and general strengthening of the body. But it should be borne in mind that in order to achieve positive results, the remedy must be taken for a long time, in some cases - about a year.

Figure 5. The order of preparation of the decoction

The recipe for the decoction is simple. You need to take a tablespoon of dried raw materials, pour 0.5 liters of boiled water, put on fire and bring to a boil. After that, the remedy is boiled over low heat for an hour and allowed to cool at room temperature (Figure 5).

The finished liquid is filtered and a little honey is added. The remedy is taken in a tablespoon twice a day before meals for a month. To improve the healing qualities, the course is repeated after 6 months.


Dead Bee Liniment is an ointment that is used to relieve muscle and joint pain. In addition, it is used as a compress against headaches and neurological disorders.

Figure 6. Instructions for preparing the ointment

To prepare, you need to mix 4 tablespoons of grated dried bees with heated olive oil. The finished product is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator and used symptomatically to relieve pain. Before use, the mixture must be warmed up (Figure 6).

Podmore tincture

Alcohol tincture from this product is used to normalize blood pressure, as well as for diseases of the heart, kidneys, circulatory disorders of the brain and obesity. In addition, it is used to strengthen the immune system and prevent colds.

Figure 7. Preparation of alcohol tincture at home

Alcohol tincture is prepared as follows: a glass of raw materials is poured into 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka, poured into an enameled container and heated over low heat for 10 minutes. The finished broth is cooled and poured into a glass container. The tincture will be ready in 2 weeks. During this time, it should be shaken daily, and taken a teaspoon per day (Figure 7).

Roasted Podmor, ground into powder

Dried bee powder, roasted in an oven over low heat, is considered an excellent dietary supplement. It increases the tone of the body, strengthens the immune system and has virtually no contraindications.

Dried insects are fried, then crushed and added a pinch at a time to ready meals. Despite the benefits of the substance, it is advisable not to abuse it. It is enough to use it once or twice a day.


To protect the body from diseases, prevent cardiovascular disorders, cancer and pathologies of the digestive tract, cryopowder from dried bees is used. To prepare it, they take a glass of subpestilence (bees cannot be crushed), mix it with a tablespoon of natural honey and leave it for a day.

During this time, the bodies of the bees have time to soak with honey. The cooled product is fried over low heat, cooled and ground into powder. To strengthen the body, it is enough to eat a pinch of the remedy three times a day before meals.

Contraindications for use

Numerous useful properties of podpes do not make it absolutely harmless. Because it is a bee product, it can cause severe allergic reactions. For this reason, funds should not be given to children under three years of age and people with intolerance to honey or other similar products.

In addition, drugs based on this product are contraindicated in patients with systemic blood diseases, heart failure and serious heart rhythm disturbances. Also, it can not be used by people with nervous disorders and mental disorders.

Due to the high ability to cause allergies, deadness and medicines based on it are contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Even when dead, the bees do not cease to be of benefit to humans. Beekeepers collect them, dry them and turn them into the so-called subpestilence. Treatment with this bee product does not belong to the list of traditional methods, but its healing effect cannot be denied. Let's find out what exactly caused it.

Each dead bee is a storehouse of useful trace elements. The composition of the grated product includes:

  • honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, wax and particles of other bee products
  • chitin
  • melanin
  • apitoxin, better known as bee venom
  • alimentary fiber

The benefits of bee products in the composition are obvious. They contain vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, H, K), trace elements (potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium and others), organic acids (formic, citric, oxalic and others) and many other healing substances. Thanks to them, the use of tincture of dead bees and other means based on it is a strong immunity, a powerful charge of vivacity every day and excellent performance.

Related article: Treatment with bees: how does it work?

The chitinous cover of small workers is a source of heparin and heparinoids. These are chemical compounds that contribute to the normalization of the heart and blood flow. Therefore, treatment with bee pestilence is effective in case of pathologies of the liver, kidneys and blood vessels. This element also contributes to the removal of radionuclides and metal salts. Its healing effect on the endocrine system has been proven.

In combination with melanin, chitosan breaks down fats. This helps to reduce cholesterol in the blood, which is the prevention of various diseases: from obesity to atherosclerosis.

Related article: What is the benefit of a bee sting?

Scientists call the fat in the body of a dead bee a product even more valuable than fish oil. Its medicinal properties are currently being researched. However, it became known that it is thanks to this component that the treatment with dead bees is possible for diabetics. It helps food to be absorbed and does not cause fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Dietary fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, excess cholesterol. In addition, they free from external "pollutants": pesticides, salts, antibiotics, etc.

So let's recap. The combination of all of the above components makes the medicine from dead bees effective for the prevention and treatment of diseases:

  • cardiovascular system (hypertension, hypotension, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis)
  • gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, ulcer, cholecystitis)
  • pancreas and thyroid glands
  • kidney
  • liver
  • eye organs (myopia, conjunctivitis, cataract, glaucoma)
  • respiratory system (pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, asthma)
  • nasopharynx (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, laryngitis)
  • oral cavity
  • musculoskeletal system (arthrosis, arthritis, pain in the joints and spine)
  • genitourinary system in men (prostatitis, prostate adenoma, cystitis, impotence, infertility)
  • female reproductive system (uterine fibroids)
  • skin (wounds, scars, ulcers, neurodermatitis, psoriasis)

Contraindications for tincture of dead bee and other remedies based on it include: high temperature (from 38 degrees), as well as syndromes of cardiac, vascular, hepatic, renal or respiratory failure.

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Folk recipes

There are several recipes for the preparation of bee subpestilence. It can be consumed in its pure form, fried, infused with alcohol or water, ground, boiled and much more. We will talk about the most popular folk recipes for the treatment of various ailments.


The easiest way to improve health is to consume the product in its pure form. You can buy dry dead or toasted. In the first case, the beekeeper will provide you with the product ready for use, it does not need to be further processed.

Related article: Dry bee death: how to use?

To prepare a fried bee product, you need to grind one teaspoon of dead bee. Pour 50 ml of unrefined sunflower oil into a heated pan. Roast over medium heat for a few minutes. Be sure to cool before use.


One of the most effective recipes for external use is steam. The whole cooking process will take you only 15-20 minutes. You need: Pour 100 g of dead wood with hot water in a ratio of 1:2. Please note: the water temperature should be no more than +80 degrees. Insist for 15 minutes.


The decoction, in its healing properties, resembles a tincture of dead bees, but is recommended for those who are contraindicated in the use of alcohol. For cooking, you will need: pour 2 tablespoons of dry bee products into a saucepan. Pour 500 ml of warm water and bring to a boil. Then cook on low heat for 2 hours.


Among the recipes for the treatment of dead bees, the most popular is alcohol tincture. For the purpose of prevention, you can use the following cooking option: pour one tablespoon of dry bee product with 200 ml of 60-degree alcohol. Infuse the mixture in a dark bowl for 3 weeks. Shake contents daily. In some cases, for the treatment of serious diseases, it is recommended to increase the proportions of podmor on vodka to 1:1. That is, a glass of death for a glass of alcohol. The cooking rules are the same.


Recipes for dead bees also include the possibility of preparing an ointment for subsequent external use: one tablespoon of dry bee products should be thoroughly rubbed with 100 ml of petroleum jelly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.


Each of the above means is not enough to cook according to the correct recipe. You also need to know how and in what doses to use them.

Dry subpestilence one pinch should be taken twice a day. This should be done half an hour before meals. Gradually increase the dose to one teaspoon. This will help cleanse the body and remove toxins.

Treatment roasted bee product follows the same rules. This method is especially effective in case of vision problems.

Related article: Honey vs cataract: victory will be sweet!

Raspar helps externally - with varicose veins, migraine, mastitis and various skin diseases. Wet gauze well with it and apply to the affected area. The procedure can be repeated 4-5 times a day.

Decoction strengthens the immune system, has a tonic effect on the body, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, genitourinary and other systems. How to apply water tincture of Podmore:

  • internally - use one tablespoon 2 times a day: half an hour before breakfast and before bedtime
  • externally - in the form of lotions or compresses, applying to a sore spot 3-4 times a day

The course of treatment is one month. Between them, you need to take breaks of the same duration.

Elevated cholesterol, liver dysfunction, prostate adenoma, tuberculosis - in these and many other cases will help tincture of dead bees on alcohol . Take it as follows: you need to divide your age by two. As a result, you will get the number of drops that you should use at a time. For example, if you are 30 years old, then you need to drink 15 drops at a time. They can be diluted with a little water. Apply twice a day immediately after meals.

Full course - one month. Between them, you need to take breaks of 2-3 weeks.

With pain in the joints and spine, with various skin diseases, varicose veins will help ointment to be used externally. Before use, it is recommended to warm up the product a little. Apply in a thick ball to the affected areas and rub in with gentle massaging movements.

Related article: Treatment of joints with dead bees

Please note that the above dosages are approximate. Before taking dead bees, we strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor.


All of the above funds should be stored in the refrigerator, out of the reach of children. But each of them has its own expiration date:

  • raspar - 2 days
  • decoction - up to 3 days
  • alcohol tincture - up to 12 months
  • ointment - up to 3 months

Related article: How to store bee products: instructions and expiration dates

This method has both its fans and opponents. In any case, you will never know which group you belong to until you try. Perhaps, for you, this bee product will become a happy deliverance from health problems.

Video "Bee subpestilence: how to cook and use?"

During the period of cleaning the hives after wintering and the first flight of bees, beekeepers collect a fairly large number of bodies of dead bees. It is they who are called bee subpestilence. The drugs prepared from them have a huge number of useful properties. Of course, insects die not only in winter, so you can collect dead wood at any time of the year, but only after winter, dead wood is a storehouse of vitamins.

The use of dead bee in alternative medicine has been found for a very long time, and more recently, doctors, thanks to the confirmation of scientific research, recommend preparations for dead bees to patients. It can be used to make tinctures, decoctions, ointments and rubbing.

The chemical composition of the subpestilence

Alcohol infusion of dead bees to buy in our store

This beekeeping product is completely unique in its composition. This is explained
the fact that during its life a bee accumulates in its body all the most useful things - honey, pollen, bee venom, perga, wax, propolis and much more. Due to this, the composition of the subpestilence includes 18 amino acids, about a dozen protein components, peptides and much more. It is rather difficult to list everything, but an approximate list looks like this:

  • inorganic acids - hydrochloric, phosphoric;
  • histamine;
  • heparin;
  • chitin - only it contains a lot of valuable components;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin PP;
  • folic acid;
  • melanin;
  • antioxidants;
  • chemical elements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, aluminum, barium, chromium, selenium and much more.

Properties rendered by subpestilence

The complex and unique composition of this product determines its beneficial properties. Therefore, the use of dead bees is so effective in medicine. It has a positive effect on the whole body:

  • removes toxins from the body;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • normalizes sugar;
  • slows down the aging process of cells;
  • has an analgesic effect;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • enhances the effect of vitamins;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • stimulates brain activity;
  • has a regenerating and healing effect.

Indications for use

Preparations aged on bee subpestilence are a universal remedy in the treatment of many ailments.

Important! The use of dead bee is not an independent treatment, this product should be part of complex therapy.


Podmor-based medicines have several contraindications:

  • children under 1 year old;
  • pregnancy;
  • elderly age;
  • allergy to bee products.

How to prepare medicines from deadness

For the preparation of medicines, only a fresh and thoroughly dried product is needed. From it you can make a tincture, decoction or ointment.

Vodka tincture

The dead bee should be crushed to a dusty state and poured into a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Pour all this with vodka or diluted alcohol, based on such proportions - for 100 grams of raw materials you need to take about 300 - 400 ml of vodka. Place the container for three weeks in the dark, shaking it occasionally. After 21 days, the tincture is ready.

Tincture on water

To make an infusion on water, you need two tablespoons of raw materials and half a liter of clean water. Simmer everything on low heat for about an hour.

Attention! Water infusion is stored in a cold place for no more than two weeks.


To prepare the ointment, you can use any fat, badger, bear or mutton. You can also take a fatty cosmetic cream as a basis. Mix 100 grams of fat with a tablespoon of crushed dead bees. Transfer the medicine to a jar and store in the refrigerator.

How to treat bee deadly

To get rid of any ailment, you should know how to take a cold. In the treatment of various diseases, there is a regimen of administration.

  • Diseases of the genitourinary system. This recipe is suitable for both men and women. Alcoholic infusion of dead bees should be drunk 10 ml twice a day before meals for about a month.
  • Bruises and sprains. For this kind of damage, lotions from the alcohol tincture of bee deadness are very effective. Moisten the gauze bandage with infusion, apply to the injured area, cover with polyethylene on top and secure with a bandage. Change lotion every two hours until recovery.
  • From pressure this kind of treatment will help. Pour about 200 grams of dead wood with 2000 ml of water and put it on a small fire. After 40 - 50, turn off the mixture, cool and strain. This medicine should be treated for at least 14 days, taking it three tablespoons a day before meals.
  • For vascular diseases the following method of treatment is effective - pour 20 grams of subpestilence into a glass with heated vegetable oil. Mix and sue the mixture a little. Moisten the swab liberally and apply to the affected area. Change the compress when it cools down, for re-applying the oil can be heated.

You should know it! To prepare this recipe, any vegetable oil is suitable - linseed, corn or sunflower .

  • Diabetes. It takes time to get rid of this disease. Dilute the alcohol infusion of dead bees with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and take 15-20 drops every day until the sugar returns to normal.

Dead bees for diabetes in our store

  • With myopia you need to grind 20 grams of fresh product. Then heat 20 grams of oil in a frying pan and fry the podmor in it, stirring, for 8 minutes. When the medicine has cooled down, eat it 10 grams in the morning and evening before meals. Each time prepare a fresh mixture, the recommended treatment time is 30 days.
  • To remove Giardia will help use of bee killer in alcohol form. You need to take it 20 drops every day for about a month.

Dead bees with genitourinary problems in our store

  • To strengthen the immune system you need to take the tincture every day for about a month. The dosage is calculated in this way - one drop per year of life. Treatment is carried out every six months.
  • For joint pain and lesions of the musculoskeletal system, rubbing and lotions from the dead are well suited. Pour pounded and fried raw materials with 150 ml of any oil. Mix and let stand for three hours. Then heat the oil, not too much, so that the skin is tolerable. Rub the sore spots with this mixture or make lotions and compresses with a gauze swab. Such procedures are carried out until recovery.

Podmore bee Arthrosis-control in our store

  • For the treatment of angina you need to dilute 20 grams of alcohol tincture in 200 ml of warm water. Gargle with this mixture every 2 to 3 hours until the abscess disappears. If there is no high temperature, inhalation from an alcohol or water tincture of a bee product will help very well. Pour 20 ml of tincture into 200 ml of boiling water and inhale until the mixture cools down.
  • With a runny nose, polyps and adenoids you need to prepare an oil solution of subpestilence. Pour 20 grams of dry raw materials with 150 grams of oil and boil everything together over a fire for 5-10 minutes. Cool the mixture and drip into each nostril 2 drops 2-3 times a day. The medicine must be kept in the refrigerator and heated each time before use. Also, with these ailments, washing the nasal cavity with an aqueous solution of subpestilence effectively works. Dilute 10 drops of tincture in 100 ml of warm water and irrigate each nasal passage with a small rubber bulb. Treatment is carried out until complete recovery.
  • For the treatment of conjunctivitis you need to wash your eyes with an aqueous tincture of subpestilence. To do this, you need a cotton pad dipped in medicine, rinse to the inner corner of the eye. The procedure is carried out until complete recovery.

It is interesting! To make the medicinal value of the medicine in the seaside higher, you can add a little propolis to it.

In the apiary, the bodies of dead bees can be found throughout the year. To collect high-quality dead bees, it is best to do this in the spring, performing a “revision” of the hives. During this period, beekeepers remove dead individuals from bee houses after wintering. To ensure the proper use of dead bees, it is worth paying close attention to its freshness, quality: the presence of mold, an unpleasant odor is excluded, plus everything, it should not be treated with chemicals. As a rule, in spring, beekeepers get a clean, fresh podmor, the characteristics of which fully meet the requirements.

The most valuable composition of unique raw materials

Scientists managed to thoroughly study the chitinous cover of bees, thanks to which conclusions were drawn about the extraordinary value of the substances present in it, such as chitosan, heparoids. The bee body itself contains useful propolis, the most valuable honey, wax, pollen, drone, royal jelly, amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, valuable minerals. In addition, the content of poison, hormone-like substances is noted in the composition of the subpestilence.

It is noteworthy that the fatty substances contained in the sea have properties that are superior in healing properties to the famous fish oil. As a result, medicinal preparations from dead bees are in many cases used for therapeutic, and often for preventive purposes. In particular, heparin, obtained by extracting from the chitinous covers of honey plants, is used for the production of very expensive, effective drugs.

Widest Application

Today, the medicine from dead bees is in demand in various fields. In particular, it is used, if necessary, to improve the condition of blood vessels, to stabilize pressure, and eliminate inflammatory processes in the body. It has the ability to increase immunity, rid the human body of worms, tuberculosis bacillus, giardia, mycoplasma. With the help of preparations with a base - bee subpestilence, it is possible to remove toxins - heavy metals in the form of salts, radioactive isotopes. Possessing anti-radiation properties, subpestilence serves as the basis for the creation of drugs for cancer.

The use of dead bees

The effective use of dead bees has been known for a long time. Galen, a famous doctor from ancient Greece, practiced the treatment of carbuncles, various gum diseases using deadly. The eminent thinker Pliny managed to heal dysentery, eye diseases.

Today, there are many options for how to use dead bees - effective decoctions, tinctures, alcohol solutions, powders.


In order to prepare a decoction without problems, you will need to pour water (0.5 l.), Podmore (1 tbsp.), Boil for 2 hours on a weak flame. After that, it is necessary to infuse the decoction for another two hours, and then strain. The monthly course of admission involves the use of 100 grams of decoction 1 - 2 times a day. After a ten-day break is made, and then the course is repeated.


To prepare the steam, you will need to steam the dead sea (100 gr.) With hot water (15 min.). Next, the resulting mass is well squeezed through gauze. It is recommended to apply gauze to the sore spot. It is also possible to set up compresses with bee mass laid on top of gauze. The compress is fixed with a bandage, after which it is covered with a cellophane film and left to cool.


Podmore powder is made by frying bee bodies (1 teaspoon) for 5 minutes in vegetable oil (50 gr.). Then the mixture is cooled, crushed, taken on an empty stomach - 1 tsp. (1 - 2 months).


For proper preparation of the ointment, the dead (1 tbsp) is kneaded into powder, poured with vegetable oil (1 cup). The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Alcohol tincture

About the means alcohol tincture from dead bees: application and reviews are positive, since its entry into the human body occurs very quickly. There are no difficulties in preparing an infusion of dead bees with an alcohol content. To do this, you will need to grind the subpestilence (1 tbsp), which should be poured with vodka (400 grams) or other liquid (containing 40% alcohol), insist 3 weeks, periodically shaking the infusion. It will undoubtedly be necessary to practice the use of alcohol tincture from dead bees, depending on a particular disease. As a rule, the remedy is taken as follows: 15 - 20 drops after meals (twice a day).

It is quite logical that the answer to the question: “What diseases will tincture from dead bees most effectively help against?” - the answer will contain a large list of diseases. In particular, it helps to stabilize blood pressure, improve the state of the cardiovascular system, and heal kidney diseases. Also effective is the treatment of cerebral vessels with dead bees, which is noted by many medical workers.

Women suffering from manifestations of mastopathy are recommended in the mornings and evenings to lubricate the chest with a remedy - an effective tincture from dead bees, in addition, it is necessary to take the infusion inside (1 tbsp - three times a day on an empty stomach).

In the presence of edema, tincture from the death of bees on vodka is taken on an empty stomach. You should start with 10 drops, then the dose is increased by a drop (after 2 days). Having brought the intake to 20 drops, the remedy must be taken for three weeks. Next, you need to make a monthly pause, and then resume the reception according to the old scheme.

The first flu symptoms are a signal to initiate treatment with dead bee tincture plus wax moth (equal parts). This infusion is taken three times a day. To enhance the effectiveness, it is recommended to drink the infusion with honey water.

In order to guarantee an increase in immunity in the elderly, to carry out the prevention of senile dementia, it is useful to use tincture from dead bees (six months - a year). The dose is calculated on an individual basis - the patient's age is taken into account (the number of drops corresponds to the years already lived). According to studies, tincture from dead bees on vodka: the use and reviews of older people indicate a positive result. The tool increases activity, makes the course of chronic ailments easier.

The unique healing properties of the tincture on the dead bees will come in handy in the treatment of varicose veins, goiter, and fibroids.

Man's health

With the use of bee subpestilence, it is possible to achieve healing of problematic male ailments. In particular, the treatment of the prostate by dead bees, an unpleasant adenoma, is very effective. Patients who use podmore regularly, there is a decrease in tumors, restoration of the functions of the outflow of urine, the secretion of the prostate gland is normalized. As a rule, the greatest effectiveness is given by a course conducted for several months.

Very effective decoction, including honey, propolis. Podmore (1st.l) is simply filled with water (half a liter), boiled for two hours on a weak flame. After settling (2 hours), the broth is filtered, there are added: honey (2 tablespoons), propolis (2 tablespoons). This decoction is taken for a month 2 times a day. After a week break, the reception should be resumed. The greatest effect is observed from taking at least four courses.

With prostatitis, adenoma, the healing properties of the tincture from dead bees will be enhanced if equal proportions of drone homogenate, wax moth extract are added to the product. The remedy is taken three times a day (1 tsp each).

Faced with the problem of impotence - you need to know how to treat dead bees. To heal sexual dysfunction, you need to learn how to make a tincture of dead bees: 1 tsp. powder means is poured with boiled water (0.7 liters), then boiled on a weak flame (2 hours), infused (3 - 4 hours), filtered. The following are added to the decoction: pollen (1 tsp), May honey (2 tbsp), propolis alcohol extract 10% (3 tsp). The funds are taken 2-3 times a day (1 tbsp each). Recommended course 2 - 3 months.

Recipes for joints

Today, in practice, effective treatment of joints with dead bees is noted, these diseases are perfectly healed with the use of alcohol tincture, ointment.

Dead bees - contraindications

Absolutely all drugs have a certain list of contraindications for use. It is logical that this also applies to dead bees. Proper use of the remedy eliminates any negative side effects.

The use of podmore is not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding. Also, this tool is not suitable for people who have noted cardiovascular insufficiency, mental disorder. Dead bees are not recommended for patients suffering from a heart attack or stroke. It is not necessary to resort to the use of the product by persons with intolerance to any bee products. Toddlers (up to three years old) are included in the list of persons for whom bee death is not recommended due to the high risk of a negative reaction of the body.

How to prepare medicines from dead bees

Podmor bee in folk medicine has been used for a long time and has established itself as a proven and reliable remedy for various diseases.
Many are interested in how to cook a dead bee. Below we give examples of the preparation of dead bees.

A decoction of bee dead.

For a decoction of dead bees, you need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of bee subpestilence, pour 500 ml. cold water. Bring to a boil, simmer for 30 minutes over low heat, leave for 1-2 hours at room temperature. Strain the finished decoction of the subpestilence through 2-3 layers of gauze. Take a decoction of dead bees, 1 tbsp. spoon 2 times a day. In the morning 20 minutes before meals and in the evening an hour before bedtime, for a month. You can store a decoction of dead bees in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, then do not use it. Podmore decoction has a beneficial effect on the liver and helps to remove Giardia from the body. Podmore decoction is a good general tonic.

Alcohol tincture of dead bees.

So, how to cook a stalemate on alcohol? To prepare an alcohol tincture of dead bees, it is necessary to grind the dead. You can use a coffee grinder or blender for this, then pour it with 40 degree alcohol or vodka (take 250 ml of alcohol or vodka for 1 tablespoon of dead bees). The bottle, where the deadly alcohol is placed, should be made of dark glass and tightly closed with a cork. We put the alcohol tincture of dead bees in a dark place for 2 weeks and periodically shake it 2-3 times a day. Store in a place protected from light. Take an alcohol tincture of deadness 15-20 drops after meals once a day for 1-2 months. This alcohol tincture of dead bees stabilizes blood pressure, helps with cardiovascular diseases, and improves the condition of blood vessels.

Roasted bee dead.

To prepare fried podmore, take 1 tsp. chopped podmore and fry it in a pan for five minutes in 50 ml. unrefined sunflower oil, then cool. How to use podmore? It should be consumed 1 teaspoon 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals with milk. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a break for 2 months and the course can be repeated. Very effective in the treatment of myopia.

Dry bee dead.

Dry the podmore in the oven or microwave to such an extent that it crumbles in the hands. How to take bee dead in dry form? Take a cold, starting with 1/5 tsp, gradually increasing to 1 tsp, in 30 minutes. before meals 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening with water. This technique of subpestilence helps to cleanse the intestines, removes toxins, toxins and excess cholesterol.

Raspar bee subpestilence.

So, how to cook submor? To prepare a podmor, you need to take 100 g of podmor, pour 200 ml of hot water, but not boiling water. Infuse for 15 min. Squeeze the resulting mass lightly through a triple layer of gauze or cotton fabric. In this form, the wrung out subpestilence is applied to the sore spot, covered with cellophane on top and secured with an elastic bandage. Leave this compress to cool. It is used to relieve inflammation with mastitis and felons.

Ointment from the dead bees.

The use of bee subpestilence is also possible in the form of an ointment. To do this, grind 1 tablespoon of dry bee deadness into powder and mix with 100g. vaseline (purchased at a pharmacy) or olive oil. How to take podmor? It must first be warmed up and rubbed into a sore spot for joint pain, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins. Store the ointment from the dead in a glass container in the refrigerator.

Cooking Podmore in this way kills all pathogens (bacteria, fungi, viruses), which has been tested in clinical laboratories.

Podmore bee contraindications.

Podmore contraindications - this is an individual intolerance. Therefore, before using Podmore, it is necessary to do a tolerance test. At home, you can take a dry bee and grind it on the elbow bend, if there is no redness on the skin within 3-5 minutes, then you have no contraindications for the use of bee deadly.
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