How to prepare for the exam in history from scratch on your own - recommendations and universal questions. How to prepare for the exam in history

Students in grades 10 and 11 are thinking about where they will go after graduation, what subjects they will need to take to enter a higher educational institution, and how best to prepare for the exam in history, mathematics, Russian language and physics.

Most of the students belong to the humanities, which means that, in addition to the Russian language, they pass social studies, literature and history. However, preparation for these subjects is no easier than an exam in physics or chemistry, so it is worth knowing a few important points in order to successfully pass the exam.

What are the features?

How to prepare for the exam in history? Every year the structure of assignments in various subjects, including history, changes, but the essence remains the same. For example, considering the features of the history exam in 2017, it is worth noting that it will consist of 2 parts and 25 tasks, where 19 questions need to be given a short answer, and 6 - a detailed one. All tasks have their own level of difficulty: from basic to high, each is assessed by points.

For a correct answer to a simple question, you can get 1 point (for example, for the first task), and for a complete, correct and detailed answer to the last questions of the list (for example, for task 25), you can get from 1 to 11 points, so it is important to understand how to prepare for the exam in history.

4 hours are allotted to complete the entire examination work, and the student needs to correctly allocate his time, spending from 1 to 7 minutes on simple questions, and up to 40-60 minutes on complex ones.

Features of preparation for the second part in history

Separately, it is worth noting that the second part of the history exam is more difficult and requires a detailed answer to the question. It will not be enough to know the exact date of the event, the student will be required to reason on various topics, so it is important to decide how to prepare for the exam in history.

For example, you need to analyze a specific event or problem. To do this, it is necessary to identify historical facts and phenomena, point to historical objects, draw a causal relationship, compare objects or processes, and draw a definite conclusion.

The second part of the exam requires a long and special preparation, a deep knowledge of history with the points of view of several experts and the expression of one's opinion.

How long do you need to prepare for the exam in history

The questions that come up on the exam can be very different, including topics that were covered in the 5th or 6th grade (for example, about Ancient Egypt, Greece or Rome). Therefore, you need to give yourself the installation that we are preparing for the exam in history from scratch, studying the most ancient worlds. It is recommended to start in the 10th grade in order to slowly work through all the issues: read the information, solve various tests, complete assignments.

Before starting the study, it is worth drawing up a work plan, creating a chronological table where important dates and events will be recorded, which may be a hint for repeating the material covered.

In the process of studying a certain period, it is recommended to look for information not only from the textbook. A good addition to gaining knowledge would be watching a documentary or listening to a report by a famous scientist.

If preparation for the exam begins only in the 11th grade, then it is more than likely that there will be no time left for an in-depth study of the subject. Then the material must be divided into large periods in which it is important to remember the main events, key persons, wars and reforms.

What are the ways to prepare

Each student knows that Someone is able to study independently and does not need extraneous control. Someone remembers the material better if they study with a tutor. Before you start preparing for the exam, decide how you feel comfortable studying the subject and what result you expect in the end. Some will be satisfied with the minimum score, others need a high score, for which it is better to prepare for the exam with a teacher.

In any case, you need to read, constantly solve tests, watch movies. You can work through the tasks of past years, which are publicly available on the Internet. This will help to understand their structure, determine your level of knowledge and evaluate your own training.

Preparing for the exam in history from scratch on our own

Independent learning requires some effort, faith in your knowledge and the ability to properly allocate time. Before you start studying the material, you need to understand how to prepare for the exam in history, stock up on textbooks, maps, tests, a notebook and a pen.

The next step is to determine how much time it will take to study a topic where it is important not only to read, but also to carefully analyze the information received, comparing it with a map of the time being studied, writing out important dates, names and events. Then you can take a test that will help consolidate knowledge.

You do not need to memorize all the dates in a row, because it is unrealistic to remember all of them. It is important to create a system by linking dates to periods of history and key personalities that figured at that time. Such associative memory will help to remember the material much more and more widely.

Using time management in preparation

Time management is the science of time management, which can be used both at work and in life, in particular, when preparing for exams. You can use different techniques, but they all come down to a few simple rules:

  1. If you have to analyze a large topic, then it is better to break it into several small ones, which will allow you to study it deeper and more thoughtfully.
  2. It is worth doing it “correctly”, measuring, for example, 30 minutes for mastering the material. Even if during this time it was not possible to study the entire topic, then you should definitely take a break for 5 minutes, and then, after a short rest, continue learning again.
  3. It is definitely recommended to create a working mood, for example, to settle in a place where the topic is best remembered. Not everyone can study while lying on the couch or listening to music. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a desktop where books, notebooks with pens and cards will lie.

Basic Mistakes

All students make certain mistakes in preparing for the exam, but they can be avoided if you approach the study of the subject correctly. Let this be the history of Russia. We prepare for the exam and do not make common mistakes.

You should not start preparing a week before the exam, even if you need to score the minimum number of points. When reading all the material in a few days, memory will retain little information.

If you just read the materials on history, without fixing them, then, most likely, most of them will be forgotten. Therefore, after studying the topic, you can take a test on the topic studied or ask friends or parents to ask specific questions, and you give detailed answers.

If you start preparing for the exam in advance, you should not study all day first, and then take a break for several days. Spend 2 hours every day, and the information will be easier to digest.

Most of all high school graduates are humanities students. Therefore, they pass history, literature and social studies as part of a single exam. But preparing for the delivery of such items is difficult. A large amount of material does not allow you to take and remember everything. Therefore, it is possible to prepare for the exam in history on your own only with the help of certain tricks.

How not to prepare for the exam in history?

There are a number of mistakes that graduates make when preparing for exams. The most common of them:

  1. Reading all history material. Too much information. You won't remember;
  2. Fast learning. Start preparing 6-12 months in advance. before the exam, not a few weeks before;
  3. Remembering only all dates. It is not right. You cannot just take and memorize all the numbers;
  4. Refusal to take tests. Be sure to take the tests. This will get you used to the format of the exam.

You also need to be able to plan. Plan your own way of preparing for the exam in society or history and stick to the plan.

Self-preparation for the exam in history

If you do not want to rush, then prepare from about 10th grade. So you can repeat the whole history, from ancient times. In doing so, you will need:

  • Textbook;
  • USE tests;
  • Maps (geographic);
  • Notebook and pen.

So you will learn how to work with materials on history on your own. And your short answers will be good tips for you in the future.

Quick preparation for the exam

If you do not want to prepare for the exam on your own for a long time, then you can start working only in the 11th grade.

There is no time for you to carefully disassemble everything. Just divide the history course by period:

  1. Ancient Russia;
  2. Time of Troubles;
  3. The reign of Peter the Great;
  4. War of 1812, etc.

You should be interested in reforms, wars, bright personalities of those times. All this can be on the exam. B should write down brief information about important points in their notebook.

And don't forget the tests. Solve them every day. Then you definitely won't need a history tutor.

Difficulties of the history exam

The main difficulty here is the large amount of information. Therefore, you should resort to a historical sense. You live in Russia, which means you know its history even if you don't want to.

For example, when was Yeltsin's rule? In the 90s. And when did Catherine II rule? Somewhere after Peter the Great.

From such scraps of information you can put together a clear picture. And you don't have to memorize everything.

Take yourself a couple of different history tests. If you all learn how to solve them, then the exam will be yours. After all, the exam will be exactly what is in the test, only in a slightly modified form.

Remember that you can prepare for the exam in history on your own. Do not spend money on tutors ahead of time. The main thing is to set a goal and go for it. If you yourself do not want, then even the best teachers will not help you.

How to prepare for the exam in history?

G one will fly by unnoticed, and in the head there is only fragmentary knowledge about individual facts and names, so if you decide to take the exam in history, you need serious preparation during the year. Starting to prepare, it is important from the very beginning to properly allocate time and effort.

Preparation should not consist in simply reading manuals or textbooks. We need not only theoretical training, it is sometimes not enough, but also practical - ability to perform specific examination tasks. And here the main help will be provided by standard USE assignments, which are presented in abundance in the network and bookstores. The most reliable option is to take materials from the official FIPI website (, where demo versions of tests from previous years are posted. You can also take a trial test online.

There are two preparation options available.

First option.

Thoroughly work out historical material on a specific historical period or one topic.

Preparation for each question should begin with an introductory (viewing) reading of the corresponding chapter or paragraph of the manual, textbook. In the reference literature, clarify the definitions of terms, write out the obligatory dates for remembering on a separate sheet. Then it is necessary to proceed to a thorough study of the content of the manual: underline individual thoughts and fragments with a pencil, highlight the most important thing with various icons. If any issue is covered in the manual insufficiently or confusingly, then you should turn to other sources of information.

After such a deep acquaintance, it is best to create various tables, charts, maps. In any case, your notes should represent a consistent development of thought, and not a chaotic heap of extracts. It is best to keep them on separate sheets of paper with large margins (remarks, corrections, additions, material for answering additional questions of examiners that are not included in the main text are placed on them). According to this summary, you can quickly restore the content of the answer on the eve of the exam. In addition, writing a summary of the answer sharpens the logic of its construction, separate formulations, accustoms to the clarity of thought, highlights the gaps. Yes, and the material is remembered much better.

Second option.

Armed with textbooks and sample tests, you can begin to prepare. You can make it a rule to work through one entire test every day, be sure to check your own options with the proposed answers.

And finally, before you choose the most suitable option for preparing for the exam, I advise you to watch the video consultations of the PhD consultant. Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History of Pre-Revolutionary Russia, PetrSU Ruzhinskaya Irina Nikolaevna. Of the many different presentations, I especially liked these.

Experts do not advise schoolchildren to study university textbooks

The country overcame the first - early - wave of the Unified State Examination and froze in horror before the next - the main one. About how to prepare more effectively for one of the most popular exams - history - 118 thousand applicants who chose this subject, with the help of "MK" told a senior lecturer at the Faculty of History of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Olga Yumasheva.

- I'll start, perhaps, with sedition. It is necessary to prepare for the exam in history not according to university Talmuds or manuals for applicants, but according to ordinary school textbooks! The reason is purely prosaic: only in school textbooks you can find answers to all the questions of the exam. And among them, I note, come across the most unexpected.

So, in this year's USE sample there is a question: who wrote the piece of music "Flea"? (I leave the choice of this very “Flea”, and not “Ruslan and Lyudmila” or, say, “Boris Godunov”, to the conscience of the compilers of test items). So, in the school textbook it is. And in some universities you can not find it. And there are many such examples.

Now about how to read the material. This should be done not on one topic of the textbook, but in blocks of 3-4 topics, since too few tasks are given for each topic. For example, block I: "Eastern Slavs in antiquity"; "Kievan Rus"; "Feudal Fragmentation". Block II: "Mongol-Tatar yoke", etc. And so that nothing from what you read is "lost", be sure to answer all the questions in the textbook. On their basis, the tasks of the exam are formed.

To “knock out” the maximum number of points for the simplest part “A” or the more detailed part “B”, you must definitely learn the dates. Moreover, in some cases, not only a year, but also a month. Take, for example, the Patriotic War of 1812. And the point is not only that there are a lot of questions in the test part "A" on the dates. The USE assignments in history are designed in such a way that knowing at least one of the dates very often will allow you to guess even what you don’t know. I saw, for example, in the assignment 1581, 1597, 1694, and from one familiar date - say, 1597 - I guessed: yeah, we are talking about the enslavement of the peasants. And earned extra points.

There are also geographic hints. Take, for example, the war of 1812 again. Everyone understands: Smolensk lies to the west of Moscow. And, therefore, the sequence of battles with the troops of Napoleon is obvious. Well, if you absolutely know the answer to the question - act by the method of elimination: first discard everything that cannot be exactly, and guess the rest. Just think! And use common sense.

Part "C" is a special conversation. It is considered creative, but much here raises serious questions. For example, the task of the probe: "Compare the system of governance of the Old Russian state under the first princes Oleg and Igor and Yaroslav the Wise." One of the correct answers to the question of what they had in common is considered to be "The capital of the state in Kyiv." First of all, it just might not come to mind. Secondly, this answer is not unambiguous: Oleg just went to Kyiv. But in order to get an extra point, you must answer in this way. Therefore, a lot, without further ado, you just need to memorize.

In principle, passing the exam in Russian history is easy. Moreover, so much so that no individual tutors or lectures at school are needed for this. By and large, this is a wiring: a normal student may well prepare himself. Only you need to practice not in the last month or two - this inevitably condemns you to the very coaching that is so rightly scolded - but in advance. Better - during the entire last academic year. Then, without straining, you can read the entire course of history the required number of times. Three or four is enough to get a high score.

Oh well, that's easy enough if you're in 10th grade right now. If at 11 - woke up a bit late, of course, but there is still a chance and quite a big one.

First you need to set yourself a goal in terms of points and steadfastly go towards it. My goal was 100, I started from the very beginning of the 11th grade. I had very little luggage, mainly formed on the basis of the course of Russian literature of the 19th century and the work of Karamzin in the retelling of my father-historian. So you should sit down and clearly assess what you can hope for. I was preparing together with a friend who was an applicant for a provincial law school, who did not try very hard, but he just had to overcome the threshold of 50 points, which he successfully did.

1. The best textbook for passing the exam is the Moscow State University textbook on the history of Orlov and Georgiev. It can be bought almost everywhere, it is very convenient. On it we learn "theory".

2. Then you need to buy benefits. I took the usual ones from FIPI, plus a separate allowance for complex tasks. Take a book with KIMs and solve them, write part C completely in a specially wound notebook. It is desirable - to find a teacher who can check them. Or by keys. Solve as many tests as possible and get your hands on it.

3. Learn the codifier. Or at least read it carefully. You must know how each task is done. What points are given and taken away. I highly recommend that you find materials for teachers who check the exam on the Fipi website - there are samples of assignments completed for medium and high scores (part C).

4. Buy manuals with pictures and maps. Most often, Slavic tribes, major battles and uprisings are asked on the cards. It is highly desirable to know what each ruler of Russia looks like (I am not talking about Rurik and Svyatoslav, but it is necessary to distinguish Khrushchev from Andropov and Chernenko).

5. Maintain spreadsheets. From the largest battles of the Second World War to the reforms of Alexander I. If convenient, take notes. I didn’t lead and just circled the right places in the textbook, because it’s easier for me.

6. If you want a good score, don't skimp on culture. A lot of people are cut off on it, especially those who are not preparing for the exam in literature. Feofan Grek, Andrei Rublev, Falcone, Ton, Feofan Prokopovich and others, others, others. Learn famous churches, buildings, paintings, artists. There is a lot(!!!) of everything here. Don't forget the culture of the 80s and 90s. Including TV shows.

7. Hang above the table excerpts from the most disliked and difficult topics. For me, all sorts of officials of the USSR were like that (this question is very popular at the Unified State Examination) and the Pugachev uprising, I don’t even know why.

8. Be prepared to study one topic 8, 9, 10 times. History is forgotten terribly quickly, because there is a lot of information. I advise you to start with the most ancient and end with Putin, it is also desirable to learn it, you never know what they will come up with.

9. Find a friend and train together. It's fun, interesting, especially if a friend knows much more than you.

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