How to teach a dog a voice command: the basic secrets of training. Three Ways to Teach Your Dog the Voice! How to teach a dog the voice command

If a four-legged comrade has appeared in the house, it is imperative to create comfortable living conditions for the dog. Start with a visit to the veterinarian who will tell you how to properly care for the dog, what to feed. A new stage will be training, classes begin at an early age of the puppy. Get ready for a hard learning, be patient. In the article we will try to tell in detail how to teach a dog a voice command, in what situations the dog is allowed to give it.

When to start exercising

From the moment the pet first entered the house, it is supposed to explain the permitted and prohibited actions to the puppy. Try to make it clear from the first moment who is the boss in the house. For a better understanding, try to prepare in advance a separate place for the puppy to sleep and play. If you get a very tiny puppy, you should take care of installing a specialized aviary and conduct the necessary training in a fenced area. In the worst case, chaos will soon reign in the house.

  • The dog found an object or a person, and the search is set by the owner, and is not performed spontaneously at the request of the dog.
  • If the pet feels the approach of danger, for example, strangers approach the owner.

Study your dog's behavior carefully before training. Take a closer look at what specific situations the dog reacts to by giving a voice. The best option for clarifying this issue are games that are mandatory held on the street. Watch the behavior of the dog, barking can be caused by irritating factors, excitement during the game.

How and where to exercise with a dog

Achieving results, stock up on patience and time. You will have to deal with a dog of any breed every day, regardless of the weather conditions outside the window. For training, it is desirable to find a sparsely populated area with a fence. It will turn out to let the dog off the leash and let him feel the will. Do not take strangers to training, the dog will become distracted, will not listen to the demands put forward.

It is far from always possible to teach a dog a voice command on its own. Breeds are known that are simply not amenable to training, this includes most of the hunting dogs. If you own such an animal, don't waste your time.

The pressure of the owner on the dog can negatively affect the mental state, leading to severe aggression, in some situations to diseases. If you want the dog to understand the “voice” command, contact the dog handler. A professional knows how to approach stubborn pets and be able to achieve obedience and a positive result.

If you want to train your dog on your own, get a consultation and learn how to teach a dog the voice command correctly.

Important! Dog training should not be accompanied by punishments; it is undesirable to beat a pet during training. In a similar way, the owner causes aggression in the dog, discouraging the desire to listen to the demands put forward.

Basic training methods

When training a puppy it is necessary:

  1. To interest the dog, as they say - to tease. Usually dry food is used, a favorite treat or a toy that the dog has been playing with since childhood. Start teasing your pet and in the process require the dog to perform the “voice” command. It is required to speak strictly, but not loudly, so as not to frighten the animal. When the dog barks, reward it.
  2. Do not remove the leash from the dog, step on the rein so that the pet cannot run away. Take any object that can interest the dog. For example, lift a toy or food above the dog's head so that the pet can smell it, but cannot reach it. The voice command to the dog is pronounced clearly and calmly, upon receipt of the result, reward the animal.

If both methods do not work, try simply listening to your pet. During walks or games, when the animal begins to bark, constantly repeat the “voice”. Gradually, the pet will get used to it, however, in addition, you will need to constantly praise and encourage the dog.

How to understand that you have achieved the desired result

If the pet from the first time began to repeat what was required, you should not flatter yourself, perhaps a temporary phenomenon has taken root, and with a new training, the dog will simply ignore the person. It will take a long time to teach the dog the voice command. Remember, commands are supposed to alternate with others: “sit”, “lie down”, “give a paw”.

When the dog begins to execute commands in any order of pronunciation at a distance of at least 15 meters, it is possible to say with confidence that the pet knows the command “voice”.

Interesting! Often there are cases when the dog cannot be trained, the dog is simply not attracted to the proposed delicacy. Working with these pets is much more difficult, people resort to the help of professionals. How are the masters doing?

To teach the voice command to a dog that does not respond to encouragement follows the imitation method. This is interesting and at first glance it will seem ridiculous. Look for a pet among the neighbor's dogs that clearly responds to the execution of the required commands and take it with you to training. Having planted both dogs at a short distance from each other, a command is given to the trained one, then the stubborn puppy will repeat what is required. By choosing this method of training, you will need to encourage a pet that listens to your requirements, it is supposed to do this defiantly. When you achieve the desired result, do not forget to thank the dog trainer so as not to offend the dog's pride.

According to cynologists who constantly work with dogs, the best age for training is 2-3 months, when the pet has been without a mother for a long time and does not yearn. At the indicated time, the puppy becomes curious, it is required to put the overflowing energy into a peaceful direction. Take advantage of the indicated time period, now your dog is extremely attentive.

Remember to clearly pronounce the instruction commands. Watch the intonation, do not yell at the dog, do not hit the dog if you do not understand the requirements. With fruitless attempts to cope with the dog, even in the lessons of a professional, leave the dog. It is not uncommon for a dog to respond to commands on its own.

As a stimulation, try to walk the dog more often in places where relatives gather. The kid will begin to observe the actions of adults, perhaps soon he will begin to repeat commands. When walking in public places, remember that not all pets are vaccinated, try to prevent communication with suspicious animals.

Do not forget that often the dog cannot be trained due to the presence of diseases. Be sure to visit a competent veterinarian who can examine your pet and give useful recommendations.

A dog that performs commands is a pride for the owner. The training process is not easy and requires patience. How to teach a dog the command "Voice!"? It is best to start training a dog from the first months of life, while he is still a puppy. The owner needs to understand the psychology of his pet, to know how to train the dog, how he remembers commands.

Training should be regular and consistent. You can't train a dog with rudeness and abuse. Relationships with pets must be built on respect and love. A person must be a leader and a friend, but by no means a tyrant.

How to start learning

One of the main commands that people want to teach their dogs is "Voice!". Not all dogs are able to learn this order. But in no case should you scold and punish the dog for this. Due to mistreatment, the animal can become aggressive. Training should begin only after the pet already knows other orders perfectly: “sit”, “lie down”, “give a paw”.

Dog owners, turning to cynologists, think that pets will immediately become obedient. To begin with, the cynologist must work with the owner of the dog. Experts explain how to understand dogs, how to find an approach to animals. How to teach a dog to give voice on command at home? You can find out about this by contacting the cynologist.

Training can take place in different formats:

  1. Individual training is a good option for training a dog at home.
  2. Training in a group with other dogs. Such activities will teach the dog to concentrate more on your commands, despite the noise around.
  3. Today, training with living with a cynologist is common. The dog lives for about a month with the trainer, but part of the training takes place with the owner.

Home workouts

Not all owners want to go to specialists for training. The question arises: how to teach a dog the command "Voice!" at home? For training, it is better to choose a quiet place so that the pet is not distracted by extraneous sounds. At the beginning of the training, it is allowed to show a treat that you need to take with you, but it is forbidden to treat. Only as a reward can you offer to eat a piece of cheese or crackers.

Reward Method

This method is one of the most effective (especially at home) for owners who do not know how to teach a dog to perform the “Voice!” command. Take the dog treat and let it smell. Lift up so that the dog cannot jump, and say: "Voice!". The dog should not jump on you, let him know that he is doing something wrong. Step on a leash or tie it to a tree to limit your pet's jumping ability. Usually dogs start barking in such a situation, praise him for giving a voice and give him a treat. Repeat 3 times, the dog should understand the essence of the exercise.

Imitation method

If the reward method does not work, you can try the imitation method. You need to find a dog trained in the “Voice!” command and put it next to yours. Command the first dog and reward him defiantly. You need to repeat such actions several times so that your pet understands what is being asked of him.

Training with resentment

You can use the trick in relation to the dog. When the pet feels the time of the walk, he starts to bark. Gather all the necessary things that you take with you for walking your four-legged friend and pretend that you are leaving this time without him. Before leaving, look at the dog and give the command “Voice!”. The dog will begin to bark from worries and resentment, at this moment you need to praise and stroke it. And then you can go for a walk together. You can try a similar method on the street by tying a pet to a tree, and start to leave yourself. Then act in the same way: when the dog barks, give a command and reward.

Eavesdropping Method

This is the easiest way of all. You need to watch the dog and when he barks, command: “Voice!”, And then treat him with a treat. After a while, the pet will understand what he needs to do by hearing your command. On the first day, it is unlikely that you will be able to wait for barking on command. Repeat the exercise daily for 15 minutes, and gradually the dog will understand your commands. Later, the dog will give voice without treats.

Dog training equipment

What equipment should be used to teach a dog to speak on command? To facilitate training, you need to purchase the following things:

  1. Collar. To control the dog, the owner must show an advantage.
  2. Leash. Needed for certain types of training. And also for the safe walking of the dog in public places.
  3. Delicacy. To encourage the dog so that she understands that she is doing everything right, take tasty treats: crackers, pieces of cheese, pieces of meat, dry food. Training is best done when the dog is not full, otherwise he will ignore food.
  4. Mood. Dogs are sensitive to changes in human mood. It is important to show your love and pay attention to your pet.

adult dog training

Some people take an adult dog for themselves, for example, they find it on the street or take it from a kennel. It will take more effort and patience to train an adult dog than to teach a small puppy. How to teach an adult dog the command "Voice!" fast?

First you need to make it clear that you are his owner and have authority. It can take a month, sometimes two, for an adopted pet to get used to a new owner. It is necessary to pet the dog more often, play with it, pay attention and take care, feed it with your own hands in order to speed up the addiction process. At the same time, you need to feel the edge of kindness and discipline, to remain strict on the street. As a rule, adult dogs have already formed their own character and demeanor. The manifestation of character depends on the upbringing of the old master. Therefore, sometimes dogs can be angry or frightened.

The process of taming an angry and nervous dog is complex and requires a special approach. It is recommended to restrain the negative emotions of the animal, do not make sudden movements in front of the pet, play a lot and take care, talk to him, do not raise his voice. The training of an adult dog needs to be approached more seriously and patiently, and the process itself is no different from ordinary training.

How to teach a dog the command "Voice!"

The German Shepherd is an extremely intelligent animal and is highly trainable. Dogs of this breed are able to make their own decisions about the protection of their owner and do not like to bark for no reason. Sheepdogs control their emotions, but they show strong love and affection for their owners.

It is easier to teach a puppy discipline and commands than an adult dog. Training requires a professional approach, so you should contact the cynologists. Training must take place strictly and confidently. Already from 2-3 months you can learn simple commands. Later, you can learn the command "Voice!".

There is no need to rush, it is better to learn the command without pressure on the dog, take about six months for the team. You should not expect instant results, you will have to be patient. The obligatory reward of a shepherd dog for diligent behavior is the basis of training.


When the pet begins to understand you and give a voice on command, it is worth polishing his skills. You need to teach the dog to follow the order at your first word. When you notice that the animal understands the essence of the command, say the command "Voice!" once and wait for it to complete.

Do not encourage barking without command. If you want to teach your dog to bark three times, treat him only after he has barked three times. It is usually not necessary to teach barking more than three times, since animals generally only count up to three accurately.

You have to be careful about training your dog. It is important to know that the animal should not bark unless there is danger. Many owners make mistakes when teaching commands on their own, so it is better to contact a dog handler. We hope you now know how to teach your dog the command “Voice!”.

"Voice" is considered one of the basic commands that a dog should know. True, if a four-legged friend is simply a pet, then learning to bark at the request of the owner is more entertainment than a mandatory requirement. However, this cannot be said about service and hunting dogs, for which the “Voice” command is a necessity for doing their job. Thanks to this skill, they can attract the attention of their owner in time by barking, for example, by attacking the trail of an animal, smelling a robber or finding a lost person, in case we are talking about rescue dogs.

Very often the question arises, is there a difference, for example, in how to teach a German Shepherd the command "Voice" or a Husky, or any other breed? Or are the rules the same for everyone?

There are no special differences. The only problem is that not all breeds are equally predisposed to barking, therefore, for example, when teaching a husky, basenji, akita inu and others, some difficulties may arise. But they can be dealt with with the right approach. The easiest way is to teach barking at the request of the owner:

  • german shepherd,
  • labrador,
  • Chihuahua and other common dog breeds.

By their nature, they willingly carry out the "Voice" command. How to teach this to your pet?

Where to start learning?

Before you start teaching your four-legged pet to bark on command, you need to find out what his temperament is. Depending on the personality of the dog it will be possible to choose exactly the method that suits her best. There are four psychotypes:

It's important to know, what is the fastest way to vote at the request of the owner choleric and sanguine types can be taught, since by their nature they are very fond of barking. However, unreasonable barking in four-legged "cholerics" is a sign of poor training. As for dogs of a melancholic or phlegmatic psychotype, if they do not see the point in training, it will be almost impossible to make them give a voice on command, especially for adult animals.

How to teach a puppy the voice command?

Experienced dog handlers are advised to start training a puppy at an early age - at about 2-4 months. This is the period when the dog is easiest to instill the need for training and show him the simplest commands. However, it is "Voice" considered one of the most difficult. If you say "Lie down", "Sit", "Stand" and so on, you can physically show what to do, then everything is a little different.

To start training, it is preferable to choose a deserted place so that it is quiet and that nothing distracts the four-legged student. Later, it is better to fix the team on the grounds where other dogs walk. So how should training take place? Here are some options.


You need to take your favorite treat or toy, call the puppy to you and show them to him. Then, if this is a toy, she needs to tease the pet a little, if it’s a treat, then give it a sniff or treat it with a small piece, and then show that there is more. It is important to remember that the new piece should be in the same hand from which the baby was fed for the first time.

After the puppy has shown interest in the food or toy, you will need to raise your hand with the object clamped in it over the head of a small pet and tease him a little. At the same time, you need to say “Voice” to him with excitement. The puppy will begin to bounce or even stand up on its hind legs, trying to get the desired object. Since he will not be able to do this, he will begin to bark . It is at this moment that you will need to treat him or give a toy and praise.

To consolidate the team, it will be necessary to immediately repeat these actions one or two more times, while not forgetting to vigorously praise the baby each time. It is not recommended to do more than three repetitions, as the puppy may get bored with this, and he will switch his attention to something else. It is better to train every day, then the baby will definitely remember what the owner requires of him.

Calling resentment

During the walk, we tie the pet to a post, tree, etc., after which we begin to slowly move away from it. Since he will not be able to follow you, he will begin to bark to attract the attention of the owner. It is at this moment that you need to clearly give the command "Voice" and then give a treat. After several repetitions, the puppy will have an association of this team with the requirement to vote.

How to teach an adult dog the voice command

Seizing the moment

We are waiting for the moment when the dog himself begins to bark, and it does not matter whether it is a perky canine voice or a threatening bark at a stranger. The main thing is to have time to say “Voice” in time and accompany the command with a snap of your fingers. After that, be sure to switch the pet's attention to yourself, praise him and give him a treat. In the next similar case, you should repeat the same steps so that the dog understands what they want from it. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the owner must definitely attract the attention of the animal, otherwise the dog may associate aggressive behavior with praise, and not barking.


To do this, we invite a friend for training, whose pet already knows how to bark at the request of the owner. The dogs must be seated next to each other, after which the appropriate command is pronounced to the animal, which has already been trained to voice. However, it must be accompanied by a mandatory gesture. After the correct execution, a treat is defiantly given. Then the same is repeated for the pet that needs to be trained. As a rule, he does not immediately understand what is being expected of him, but his learned friend will immediately begin to bark and receive a well-deserved encouragement for this.

Some trainers use their own example instead of another dog, teasing the animal with delicious food and eating it after the command. The dog is not allowed to run away, jump on the owner or lie down . As a result, she will be offended and start barking.. It is at this moment that she needs to be encouraged.

It is important to remember that until the pet begins to unquestioningly carry out the command, it must be constantly trained: during a walk, at home, in the presence of strangers and animals. Over time, it will be necessary to move away from performing it by voice and gesture and leaving only a gesture. This is usually done with a snap of the fingers or by raising the left hand to the level of the trainer's head and bending it at the elbow.

How to understand that the dog remembered the command?

Even if the pet fulfills the necessary requirement the first time, this does not mean that he has fully mastered this command. It may turn out that this is only a temporary phenomenon, and the next day the dog may not even remember it. Therefore, it is necessary to repeat it regularly., however, like all other commands, at the same time make sure that the requirement is fulfilled unquestioningly.

How to make sure that the desired result is achieved? If your dog follows the command at least fifteen meters away, in any order and without delay, then you can be congratulated, you have succeeded!

And finally: four-legged pets learn especially easily and quickly only when the learning process is a pleasure for both themselves and their owners. Therefore, it is very important to show enough patience and perseverance during training, then you can, without a doubt, get the desired result.

Attention, only TODAY!

For service dogs, the ability to bark is very important. Teaching a dog the command "Voice" is not so difficult. The basic commands “Place”, “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Fu”, “Place” if desired - “Give a paw”, are mastered up to 4 months of age, and honed up to a year. This is used to perform complex and responsible tasks such as searching for drugs and other prohibited items at the border or at the airport, while searching for people in the forest or other areas. Voiced barking will be a signal for the owners. This skill is useful in rural areas, but in the city it will become a source of pride and an indicator of the level of dog training.

Which breeds are easy to train and which are not?

Service breeds are much easier to learn commands. And learning to bark on signal is no exception. Sheepdogs, Dobermans, Retrievers, Rottweilers, Poodles understand much faster what the owner wants and, accordingly, learn to follow the command earlier.

Indoor dogs are more obstinate, so the owners have difficulty with training. However, if the learning process is built correctly, then absolutely any breed can be trained.

When should you start?

Training begins at about 2-3 months of age, when the puppy is no longer so attached to the mother and does not get bored without her. This is the optimal age to start learning the simplest commands.

Barking for no reason

If you live in a city, you probably met with the discontent of the people around you because of the barking of your pet. That is why it is worth paying attention to ensure that barking is not erratic or does not start at the slightest provocation. Do not praise the dog when he starts barking.
Do not react, let alone encourage such behavior. However, do not scold your pet. Your goal is not to teach the dog to bark loudly, but to do it only after a certain command.

Execution of simple commands

Before you teach your dog to voice, you need to remember that the “voice” command should not be the first one your puppy learns. Start with simpler and more practical skills that you will practice with your pet. First, the puppy will understand what training is. Secondly, he will gain experience and understand what is required of him. Thirdly, such a command is not the most necessary, unlike “fu”, “stand”, “home”, “face”. Start with the main one, and in the process, you can include secondary commands, such as “voice”.

Where to train?

Training is an activity that requires concentration. It is difficult to achieve a result if children, other animals run around your dog and distract him. The presence of any irritants is generally undesirable. Choose a quiet place where the dog can run freely and focus on communicating with the owner.

One person should train the dog, but gradually it is necessary to ensure that the dog obeys each member of the family.

Training can take place both at home and on the street. It is very important to use both, because then the dog will obey you anywhere, and not just at home.

Full training should occur at least 3 times a week. In order not to overwork the animal, it is worth starting with short time periods of half an hour, gradually increasing the activity.

Team training

Depending on the psychological characteristics, character, and preparedness of your animal, you can choose the best method that will be most effective. You can combine several learning methods.

Do not forget to repeat the learned commands to consolidate the result!

Treat Method

Using this method, choose the most desired treat for your pet. Ideally, you should have a special treat that the dog receives only after correctly executed commands. Instead of a treat, you can use a separate toy that you do not allow to play at normal times.

Before starting the exercise, make sure that the dog will not be able to jump up and grab the treat from your hands. You can step on the leash, preventing the animal from getting up on its hind legs. Raise the treat above the dog's face and say firmly and sternly, "Voice." Most likely, the animal will not immediately, but will bark. After that, praise the student and treat him with a treat. Repeat the procedure several times. Do not repeat the command if the dog does not respond to it. Make sure that the reaction follows after a single utterance of the command.

Imitation method

If the training does not go well, you can invite a dog that has been trained in the "Voice" command to the lesson. The puppy will watch what is happening and see how you praise and treat a competitor. Most likely, he will also want to receive praise and begin to repeat after the four-legged teacher. After the student successfully completes the command, treat him with a delicious treat, praise and stroke him.

If among the familiar dogs there is no one who could set an example for your pet, you can also use a person. He will bark on command. This method causes laughter, but it is very effective.

The methods listed above are basic, but other methods can be used. Observe your animal and find out what provokes his barking. Before you provoke a pet, give him a command and be sure to praise.

Complicating classes

After the dog has begun to learn the ability to bark on command and understands what the owner expects from him, saying “voice”, you can complicate the command, achieving not a single “Woof”, but three or continuous. The training methods remain the same and differ only in the result you expect from the dog.

These methods are suitable not only for puppies, but also for adult dogs.

It is believed that the result is achieved and the command is learned when the animal responds to the command given by the owner at a distance of 15 meters. Achieve this by gradually replacing treats with praise, as well as increasing the distance between you and the dog.

Mistakes in learning

With the wrong training, you may experience a lack of results or negative consequences, so it is extremely important to avoid common mistakes.

If there are problems…

If you are thinking about how to teach your dog the Voice command at home, then remember that you are not a professional trainer and you may have problems. This is fine! Questions arise during the learning process. Look for answers on the forums or from specialists in your city. Perhaps you should try to go to at least one lesson with an experienced trainer.

Are you facing serious problems? Is the training in place? The dog started barking at everyone and everything? Be sure to contact a professional who will identify and correct errors in education and training. This is important in order not only to hone the knowledge of teams, but also to raise an adequate and intelligent animal.


We offer you a video "How to teach a dog a voice command", which will clearly demonstrate training sessions.

Dogs tend to bark for a variety of reasons. How often she does this depends largely on the breed.

we have a well-mannered and obedient dog, ready for higher education to master the useful skills for which its breed was bred. If our dog belongs to indoor breeds, we can stop here and enjoy the results of the work that has given us a well-mannered and obedient four-legged friend.

The decision to continue training depends on your free time, the age of the dog and its breed, as well as what you want to achieve from it. In any case, repeat the exercises daily so that the dog does not forget the acquired skills. Remember that the work should be pleasant and interesting for everyone who takes part in it. Therefore, do not work if you and the dog are tired, tense or excited, for every moment of your work should be filled with harmony and the joy of communicating with each other.

Team "Voice!" not included in the list of basic commands, but it will come in handy in many cases. The ability of a dog to give voice is regarded as a way of communicating with the owner. For example, she wants to draw his attention to some incident or person. Or the owner uses barking dogs as a specific signal.

But most owners want to teach their four-legged friend this command for general development, as a dog that barks at the request of the owner always has a very serious look, which looks funny and cute. To teach the command "Voice!" you will need:

  • delicacy;
  • fetch item;
  • leash.

Team "Voice!" it is better to teach the dog after mastering the basic commands. Some breeds that are prone to excessive barking love this command, silent dogs, on the contrary, are very reluctant to issue their first "Woof!" on command. But the main thing is to be persistent, and then everything will work out. Education .

This is necessary so that the dog is not distracted by external stimuli and does not run away from the trainer. But mainly the leash is needed for another purpose: to restrain the dog, preventing it from reaching the irritant.

The 1st way of teaching the “Voice!” command

As an irritant, an object is usually chosen that causes a keen interest in the dog. It may be, or an object for fetching, perhaps it will be a favorite toy. The dog is allowed to sniff the object chosen for training, when it is interested in it, they raise it above its head.

The dog sees it well, but cannot reach it due to the fact that the trainer steps on the leash with his foot, preventing him from jumping after the object. The trainer shows the object to the dog and says the command "Voice!". The dog begins to behave excitedly due to the fact that he cannot reach the object he needs.

As a rule, the dog starts to bark out of irritation and annoyance. As soon as she cast her vote, she is immediately given an object. Sometimes the situation is complicated by the fact that the dog is not interested in anything. She looks at a treat or a ball, obviously not expressing a desire to get them, or she may even lie down and turn away. With such a dog, you will have to show more patience and choose a different method of training.

The 2nd way of teaching the “Voice!” command

The dog should give a voice not out of interest, but out of irritation. In this case, an assistant is involved, who begins to tease the dog with gestures, but in no case beat him, but simply make sharp movements with his hands in front of his nose. Usually even the calmest dog loses his temper and barks.

During the actions of the assistant, it is necessary to clearly repeat the command “Voice!”. As soon as the dog barks, it is encouraged. Sometimes dogs quickly learn the “Voice!” command, but then they cannot calm down for a long time and instead of a one-time “Woof!”, they make noise for a long time, causing the owner’s displeasure.

Therefore, if you decide to teach the dog the “Voice!” command, then do not forget about the “Quiet!” command. This will help you stop barking your talkative pet on demand. Some owners are not limited to this command and teach the dog the shades of colloquial speech. For example, on the command "Swear!" the dog begins to growl, and at the command "Speak!" produce melodic sounds, vaguely reminiscent of human speech.

But still, among dogs, as well as among people, there are both talkers and silent people. The latter can also be taught the "Voice!" command, but this will require increased perseverance and more time. There are breeds of dogs that, in principle, should not bark,. Probably, it is still better and more expedient to teach such dogs to other commands than to do experiments on their vocal cords.

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