If a mother dreams of getting married, what will happen in life? Why dream of getting married? Detailed interpretation of the dream

Why does mom dream - the presence of a mother in a dream is not entirely suitable for interpretation if the owner of the dream regularly sees his mother. In other cases, in the dream book, the mother has the main interpretations: A mother who appears in the house of a sleeping person who lives separately from his mother - a dream portends an encouraging result of some business.

Why is a young mother or a beautiful mother dreaming - for a girl this is a very positive dream, as it indicates the development of her femininity, reconciliation with her nature, recovery from illness, the birth of a child. For a man, such a dream speaks of the need to show more gentleness in real life, not to abuse power and position.

Dream about dead mother. Why dream of mom's death

Dreams about the dead may be a projection of memories of them, but from the point of view of the occult, the connection between mother and child does not disappear after her death, therefore - why does a dead mother dream - the mother's soul protects the sleeping one. It might also be time to visit the mother's grave.

It is worth listening to the words of a deceased mother in a dream, and her appearance and emotions can tell whether the sleeping person chooses the right direction in his affairs, whether his new undertaking will be successful, etc.

If you dreamed that your mother died, do not be afraid. Most often, a similar image in dreams arises as a symbol of growing up and independence. A person learns to stand firmly on his own feet, without resorting to maternal help in difficult situations. Such dreams also indicate increased anxiety and a loss of a sense of security. Sometimes such a dream can warn that it is better not to carry out what you have planned, as everything will turn into failure and a sense of shame for what you have done. Often such a dream is an expression of the unconscious desires of a dreamer who has a difficult relationship with his mother or a strong dependence on her. Seeing a dead mother in a dream means the same thing.

Why dream about mom getting married

As the dream book interprets, if the deceased mother dreamed alive and tells or advises you something, then it is recommended to listen to her words. Often such dreams have a mystical meaning, and following the advice of the deceased helps to avoid some problems in reality. When the deceased mother often dreams, you should order a prayer service in the temple. Also, such a dream often accompanies depression, apathy, inability to adequately assess and accept the situation. You should take care of yourself, strive to restore harmony, change something in your life, do spiritual practices.

The second version of the dream - when a dead mother dreamed and she cries, in real life promises about the negative consequences of the dreamer's actions, which will have to be repented of. Feeling lost, following the wrong path.

The dream book interprets the funeral of the mother in the same vein as death - it is a symbol of independence. In some cases, humility before change. In most cases, it is a symbol of depression. Something new is knocking into life, requiring independent decisions.

Dreams in which the mother was killed, the dream book recommends analyzing individually, depending on the details of the events taking place - who did it and how, what feelings the dreamer experiences. In general, such a dream indicates difficulties in achieving the goal, the inability to freely defend one's point of view and follow one's own principles.

Sad or sick mother

Seeing the mother saddened or scolding - in his life the dreamer is doing something wrong.

If a crying mother dreamed, something threatens the dreamer. However, one should not exaggerate the negative of such a dream, because a common nuisance or malaise can also threaten the owner of the dream. But to see a mother sick or crippled is a really bad omen. Soon you can get sick or experience great disappointment.

If you dreamed that your mother was crying, then often it says that your plan will not come true. If something bad happened recently, all the consequences will soon pass and turn into good.

The image of a sick mother in a dream book, if the dreamer is a girl, may portend illness in the female part or a denial of her female role. If the dreamer is a guy, this indicates a lack of energy, some undesirable events that you have to get involved in.

What is the dream of a stepmother

The appearance of the guy's mother in a dream is considered by the dream book as a projection of a real relationship with her. Therefore, such a dream must be analyzed individually. The image of the guy's mother can be caused by anxiety before the upcoming acquaintance, the fear of not being liked by her.

If the mother of an ex-girlfriend dreamed, one should wait for some news from the past that could affect the future.

Why is the godmother dreaming - the image of the godmother is an appeal to the deep unconscious. If the birth mother is a part of earthly life, then the godparents are forced to turn to spirituality. Such a dream can be a direct indicator of the need for spiritual development; there is not enough harmony in your life.

Why is someone else's mother dreaming - it is important whose mother it is. Often this is an indication of relationships with real people (the mother of a boyfriend or girlfriend, mother-in-law or mother-in-law, mother of a friend, friend, etc.). The character traits of people who dream are always accentuated and tell the dreamer something about himself (in other words, they are projected onto the behavior of another person). If someone else's mother in a dream appears in the guise of a stepmother, the dream speaks of the intervention of outsiders in your affairs, which can ruin everything. It is also a sign of crisis, loss of oneself.

Quarrels and other problems

Why is a drunk mother dreaming - an indication of an unconscious dependence on her and excessive admiration for her. Such a dream makes it clear to the dreamer that one should rethink the influence of the mother on his life and begin to think on his own.

Beating your mother in a dream means an attempt to get rid of parental addiction. The meaning of such a dream for a teenager is clear. For an adult, such a dream predicts impotence in achieving some goal. A quarrel with mom or fighting with mom in a dream means the same thing. Such dreams take a person back to childhood, returning unconscious feelings to parents who are called upon to protect and protect the child while he himself cannot do this. The appearance of such images in adulthood is always a sign of a personal crisis, hence the motive of independence and security.

What is the dream of an angry mother or if a mother swears - in reality, you should moderate your selfishness and stop indulging your whims. The inability to get out of a difficult situation due to their own passivity and insecurity.

Looking for a mother in a dream is interpreted by a dream book as a long series of troubles and problems falling one after another, like dominoes. You will need to seek help from someone. In some cases, such a dream is the result of a person’s active work on his personality, unconscious changes occur that have not yet manifested themselves.

What actions did you dream about

Talking to your mother in a dream can have many meanings. It all depends on what and how the conversation is going on. If in a raised tone, it means that the person already feels guilty or he has to do something that he will later regret. Also, such dreams can simply be the result of a conflict. A conversation in which the dreamer does not hear what his mother says to him means an unwillingness to understand and listen to other people's advice. The topic of conversation is also of great importance, since only something very important, although not always realized, can be discussed in a dream. If only the loud voice of the mother is heard in a dream, this means fear and a desire to transfer control over one's life. A conversation with a mother in a dream is also often dreamed of receiving news.

Hugging your mother in a dream can mean longing for her or reconciliation. When the dreamer seeks to find protection in the arms, then it is precisely this that he lacks in real life.

Calling mom in a dream means loss of control over some situation, powerlessness, fear of the unknown.

If you dreamed that your mother left, this means a loss of authority and a call for independent action. In other cases, the dream also warns of some real danger to family members or the need to be careful in some situation, since there will be no one to help.

Kissing mom in a dream means regression, a desire to return to childhood. For people leading an active busy life, this is a call to stop for a while and forget about problems. For passive people, this is an indicator of infantility, the need to grow up.

If mom gives money, a person will be forced to accept other people's values ​​and principles. Also, a dream can mean sudden and unexpected help. In some cases, this is an indication that in solving a problem one should go the traditional way, and not the innovative one.

Other dreams related to mom

Why does a mother’s pregnancy dream, or if she dreamed that her mother gave birth or is giving birth - such dreams take the dreamer to the ancient unconscious image of the mother, as a symbol of birth and fertility. The positive context of such a dream portends success in business, financial well-being. Negative - respectively, failures, problems.

A mother with a child in a dream portends the emergence of new opportunities, perhaps the dreamer will discover previously unknown abilities in himself. A person in life will have a chance to start a new life.

If you dreamed that your mother was getting married, this indicates liberation from influence, the onset of a new life. However, a person should set new guidelines for himself and establish new rules, otherwise someone else will set the limits. Also, a dream may portend the need for rivalry.

Mom in a wedding dress in a dream may, on the contrary, have a negative connotation. This portends an illness or some unpleasant changes in life, a difficult transition to a different quality.

The image of a cheerful mother in a dream can portend empty chores or, on the contrary, a series of idle days filled with peace and joy.

If a girl had sex with her mother, this indicates a strong desire for love and fear of her. The same in a man's dreams speaks of his repressed perverse desires (not related to incest), the search for mother traits in a partner, and also the desire to relieve himself of responsibility for something.

If you dreamed of a naked mother in an unsightly form, the dream book interprets such a dream as an unwillingness to recognize your desires and aspirations, shame in front of them, fear of the assessment of others, unwillingness to grow up. The positive context of sleep, respectively, indicates the opposite, about self-acceptance, reconciliation. A dream can also refer to a deep image of naked femininity and sexuality, then it speaks of the presence of immoral desires repressed by consciousness.

Why dream of cheating on your mother - undermining foundations, fear of deception, betrayal, collapse of beliefs.

Mom's birthday in a dream means some kind of event that will require a lot of attention. Many guests at a party are often a sign of the need to compete for a place in the sun. Sitting next to your mother at the table is an addiction to her.

Why does a sleeping mother dream - changes in life will come with some delay, you should not rush into making a decision, it is better to wait and ask for advice from more experienced and competent people.

Marriage is a long-awaited, happy and solemn event in the life of every woman. And this period is accompanied by positive emotions and expectations of something new, good. Dreams in which you see that you are getting married have a similar emotional characteristic.

If you want to get information about why you dream of getting married, check out the interpretations below, which provide information about events taking place in the present and in the future. If you know what the dream is about, in which you dreamed that you were getting married, you can prepare in advance for possible difficulties, or gladly accept the happy moments prepared by fate.

Why dream of marriage?

If a woman got married in a dream, then this is a very good sign. Of course, on the one hand, he points to loneliness, the absence of a loved one nearby, sexual dissatisfaction and, possibly, misunderstanding on the part of acquaintances and friends. But on the other hand, this indicates an upcoming meeting with a new person with whom you will fall in love and, perhaps, marry. In general, changes for the better and a lot of positive emotions are expected in life.

A dream in which you dreamed that you agree to marry your chosen one speaks of a respectful attitude towards you from people whose opinion is very dear to you. In the dream book, this dream is interpreted as a serious right decision.

A woman who got married while sleeping in the future will face big changes. But this is not always associated with romantic relationships and family life. If you dreamed that you would have to get married in the future, it means that in the future you can wait for promotion through the ranks, as a result of which new responsibilities may appear.

Getting married. How wonderful it sounds, but only if you marry your spouse. Such a dream is a warning. Perhaps at this moment you are most vulnerable and there are gaps in your energy protection.

I am marrying a foreigner. Often such news is pleasant, but not in this case. Such a dream should be regarded as an alarming sign. It is likely that your loved ones and friends may soon have serious problems.

A dream in which you dreamed that it was not the first time you had to marry a guy with whom you used to have a serious relationship, leaving vivid impressions, indicates unpreparedness for a new relationship and longing for an unfulfilled past. Your subconscious mind wants to return to what was previously familiar and pleasant for you.

I'm getting married no matter the cost. Such a dream reflects the negative mood of the girl. The dream book also speaks of loneliness, isolation, a depressed and unsatisfied state. It is important to find the cause of such thoughts and eliminate them.

If in a dream you were to marry your lover, then you dream of a strong and happy family. But in the dream book, this dream has nothing to do with real events, it is neutral.

If in a dream the daughter got married, this indicates the upcoming separation from a close relative. But in general, the dream book regards the daughter's wedding as a positive sign that promises well-being.

She married a man she didn't love. The dream book on this subject speaks of problems in relationships with the opposite sex, of falsehood and hypocrisy. Your openness and readiness for new acquaintances and romantic relationships is regarded by the dream book as an option to compensate for such feelings.

The dream book warns women. When an offer is made in a dream, you agree and get married, then you will definitely achieve your intended goal. However, the result obtained may not justify the effort.

What else do the dreams in which we get married talk about

In Miller's dream book, the luckiest ones manage to get married. As a rule, this is someone who can find a way out of any life situation. Therefore, if you already had such a dream, then you will cope with any difficulties in life.

I'm getting married soon. Dreamed of something similar? Get ready for the wedding. Who knows, maybe in the future you will find yourself at a wedding celebration, but not as a bride. You may be invited as a witness or guest. Sometimes such a dream may indicate the cancellation of the wedding of your close friends, which should take place soon.

The dream in which you marry a dead person with whom you previously knew speaks of danger. The dream interpretation strongly recommends that you be more careful so that you do not experience any accident associated with injury or illness. Although, on the other hand, the dream book interprets such a dream as the intention of the dreaming spirit of the deceased to patronize you.

If a woman saw her wedding in a dream, this is not a guarantee that she will have to get married very soon. Sometimes such a dream indicates problems in a relationship, the consequences of which can be unpredictable. The dream interpretation recommends letting go of the situation so that nothing connects you with an already obsolete relationship.

Getting married. In ancient times, such a dream did not bode well. It was believed that a woman who was to marry while sleeping was in for big problems.

If you saw that in a dream your mother got married, then you are depressed. Probably the relationship with your mother gave a "crack", or you are worried about her.

If you marry with reluctance during sleep, it is possible that in reality you cannot correctly prioritize. The dream book in this case advises to listen to your intuition.

The dream in which you dreamed that you refused your chosen one to marry him is a warning. Therefore, before doing anything, think carefully about everything, since it will be impossible to return everything back.

A married woman married a second time in a dream. This is a positive dream. It is quite possible that your married life will become more intense and vibrant, and relations with your spouse, which have noticeably cooled down, will gain a second wind.

A dream in which, being in a position, you get married, may indicate that you may have too high demands on your spouse, and you expect the impossible from marriage. The dream, in this case, on a subconscious level, as it were, tells you that family life is not a solution to all personal problems.

I'm getting married to my brother. Such a dream is regarded as future changes that should happen soon in your life. Close relatives will play an important role in this.

If you marry in a dream without a groom, then this indicates an overestimated self-esteem and a tendency to narcissism. Accordingly, there are problems with finding a life partner, since many do not meet your requirements.

Whatever dream you have, use the dream book, but remember that there are interpretations based on popular observations.

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Why dream at night about how your daughter gets married? According to the dream book, there are several interpretations of this event. For the main character of the vision, the plot promises changes in heart affairs, even a wedding is possible. The dreamer is waiting for success at work, the onset of a new period, worries about arranging housing. But also dreaming in a dream warns of trouble or sad incidents.

Well-being, a good sign

Had a dream that your girl was going to connect fate with her beloved? Such a plot portends a long journey to one of the close relatives.

A mother seeing her daughter's wedding ceremony in a dream is often a good omen. The dream interpretation promises children prosperity and a good life.

Why does a mother dream that her daughter is getting married? If the atmosphere of a night dream was pleasant, and the sleeping woman experienced positive emotions, she had good changes ahead. The worries and troubles that have plagued you lately will cease.

Miller's Dream Interpretation: You Can Solve Difficulties

Did you dream about the marriage of your own child? Find a way out of a difficult situation that has been causing discomfort for a long time.

What was she like?

The interpretation of sleep depends on its details:

  • little daughter - will delight you with her successful studies;
  • marriageable - her loved one will propose marriage;
  • married - family troubles;
  • in a red dress - serious setbacks await my daughter;
  • in a white dress - her wedding is really coming soon;
  • not dressed festively - the expected changes will not bring the desired result.

New stage, prospects, pleasant chores

To dream of your own daughter in a wedding dress at her main celebration means: a new life period will come. It will bring bright colors and positive emotions.

What is the dream of the daughter who said she was getting married? The dreamer will begin to improve at work, excellent prospects will open up.

Had a dream about how your daughter is getting married? The dream book tells you: take care of the arrangement of your house or apartment. Perhaps soon you will make repairs or furnish your home with new furniture.

In a dream, did the daughter you don’t really have announce her future marriage? Wake up will have to do important things with all responsibility.

Beware: danger awaits you

But the dream book also gives several warnings after such a dream. So, being at the daughter's marriage ceremony is a harbinger of some danger, a hopeless situation.

Had a dream that she was a bride, and you are depressed and do not feel joy? This means: failures will begin, some sad incident will happen. Exercise caution in business and in the workplace.

Welfare, good deal

Why dream of a daughter getting married, moreover, she is a very beautiful bride, and are you proud of her? The dream interpretation promises: your cherished desire will come true. Also, a dream promises prosperity and success.

Every girl dreams of a wedding since childhood - it is not surprising that a child can dream of this ceremony in a dream.

Growing up, the girl still dreams of meeting the best man and going down the aisle with him in a beautiful snow-white dress, holding the most beautiful bouquet in the world in her hands. For men, the preparation for that ceremony turns into a headache.

Why dream of getting married? Such a dream can have an ambiguous interpretation. Much depends on who takes on the role of the newlyweds, on the details of the ceremony, the bride's attire, and the dreamer's emotions.

In the article you can familiarize yourself with the interpretation of a dream about a wedding, taking into account the smallest details. What such a dream can mean will also help you find out the most famous dream books.

What do dreams of marriage promise?

Such a dream is a positive sign that predicts positive changes in life.

  • If people in old age see a dream of marriage, then they should prepare for the arrival of relatives.
  • Seeing marriage in a dream or talking about it means that you will soon receive a tempting offer.
  • It can also symbolize global changes in life. If in a dream you got married, then in reality you should expect a break in relations, which will happen solely through your fault.

The dream in which you received a marriage proposal predicts an important conversation about some profitable business or plans for the future. The dream book will also tell you that you will not have any serious relationship with this person in real life.

If in a dream you doubt whether to accept a marriage proposal, it means that in real life others consider you a frivolous person. Dream Interpretation, what dreams of one's own marriage, interprets as imminent changes in work. For people who often throw money down the drain, a dream is a warning that this could end badly for you.


General interpretations

  1. In a dream, marrying a married woman to her own husband means a quick addition to the family. Also, such a dream can promise the adoption of some difficult decision in an important matter, which will affect the whole future life of a woman. This may be related to work or family matters.
  2. Also, such a dream is interpreted as fidelity of the spouses to each other, a happy and strong marriage, a strong emotional relationship.
  3. This is a sign that vivid memories of the day of their marriage still live in the hearts of the spouses, their feelings are still hot and tender. They do not care about any life's hardships.

If you had a dream after a quarrel with your husband, then the interpretation of such nightly dreams will be slightly different. This promises reconciliation with her husband after a recent quarrel. The dream suggests that it is worth thinking about your attitude towards your husband, about your actions and behavior, as well as about the main reasons for disagreements in the family.

Remarrying with your life partner suggests that the feelings of the spouses have become cooler, and if you do not take any measures, you can lose your soulmate. In order to correct the situation, you need to introduce something new into the relationship.

If a woman clearly sees the engagement ring that her husband gives her when making an offer, then marrying her husband is a favorable sign that soon all grievances and misunderstandings in the family will be forgotten and long-awaited peace will come in the family.

Interpretation depending on who the groom is

  • If in a dream you marry your husband again, this may warn of danger if the woman at that time is in a quarrel with one of her acquaintances or enemies. She is very vulnerable and can fall under the negative energy impact of her ill-wishers.
  • Why dream of marrying an ex-husband in a dream? This speaks of nostalgia, longing and painful memories of his wife. She still loves him deep down and cannot forget.
  • According to the dream book, marrying a loved one means that the girl thinks a lot about him and this is mutual. In most cases, just a girl’s dreams of a desired marriage can provoke the appearance of this kind of dream. However, there is a possibility that her young man will soon decide to take a responsible step and ask her hand and heart.
  • Marrying a stranger to a young girl is a good sign that foreshadows an early new acquaintance or marriage. In any case, the girl's personal life will change for the better. A different interpretation of sleep promises the emergence of a new interesting hobby that will bring many pleasant and interesting minutes in life.
  • Why dream of marrying a stranger for a married woman? Such night dreams are an unfavorable sign that portends a possible scandal with your soulmate or marital betrayal.

Another interpretation of such a dream is that someone from relatives or friends has serious problems.


See the wedding from the side

In your dream, did you watch someone get married? This is a very good sign, promising happiness, prosperity, good changes and enjoyment of life.

  1. Watching your friend walk down the aisle? Favorable events await you in the future. Perhaps this will be news that will delight you unspeakably.
  2. What if in your dream a woman you do not know is getting married, and you somehow become involved in this significant event? You are waiting for the fulfillment of desires, a cloudless future, joy and luck in everything.
  3. Are you a guest at your sister's wedding? This means that your relationship with your sister will soon deteriorate. The reason will be different views on a particular situation.
  4. Why does mom dream of getting married? If in your dreams you visited your mother's wedding, then this means spiritual experiences. Perhaps your relationship with the most dear and dear person is no longer the same.


Dreaming of marriage proposal

A dream in which a loved one makes an offer predicts serious life changes.

For a married woman, such a plot is a warning that you should be on the alert and not draw too much attention to yourself.

If a man gets down on one knee and holds out a ring, this is a symbol of sincere feelings. For lonely people, such a dream promises the appearance in the life of a person who will capture all the attention and give a lot of emotions.

  • If you dream that the proposal to marry caused indignation, then the existing relationship will soon end.
  • When the proposal made you happy, this is a good sign indicating an unexpected turn in your personal life.
  • Night vision, where a marriage proposal causes confusion, means that in the eyes of others you look frivolous and unreliable.

A dream in which a proposal was received to marry from an unfamiliar man is a harbinger of a meeting with a worthy man for a young girl. Another such plot may mean receiving a tempting offer that will help to significantly improve the financial situation and acquire a high status in society. For a girl to give consent to get married in a dream means receiving respect from others. Another such plot portends a serious decision, and what is important, the right choice will be made.

  1. If you made a marriage proposal, then you should expect minor problems that will not upset you, but will give you even more self-confidence.
  2. A dream where they made an offer to marry, but it was an unloved person, indicates that there are doubts about making an important decision. Before some important event, such a dream is a negative sign.
  3. If you refused an offer to marry, this is a good sign indicating popularity among members of the opposite sex.
  4. To receive a marriage proposal from a familiar person means that some positive changes will soon occur.


Who is the newlyweds

If the dreamer sees herself as a bride, then each interpretation will concern her inner world and feelings of herself in it. If this is a dream on the eve of a real wedding celebration, then you do not need to look for a dream book for an explanation. This is the work of the subconscious, which is waiting for this happy moment.

To see the preparations for the wedding or the main celebration, where the dreamer is far from being in the lead role, means that the subconscious mind suggests problems with communication. It is possible that relations with someone have been damaged, and what this will lead to on the eve of an important event is very difficult to predict.

The dreamer herself had to marry

This is a very exciting dream for young girls and absolutely incomprehensible to married women. The dream book says that its explanation is simple - it means that the change in life will be so radical that it is possible to change the place of residence (which the dreamer has been striving for for a long time), work, or even her main goals.

  • To receive an offer to marry - respect from people significant to the dreamer;
  • a woman dreams of preparing for a wedding - a serious event in which the dreamer will play a secondary role;
  • why marry a stranger from a dream - to trouble in the family or among friends;
  • for a loved one - the unattainability of a dream;
  • to doubt whether it is worth marrying your current boyfriend, and still choose another one - the plan will come true, you don’t need to worry and change your decision;
  • marrying an ex-boyfriend - longing for unfulfilled opportunities, a desire to return part of a past life;
  • for a dead or deceased guy - one of the warning dreams, promises a long illness, malaise;
  • for a brother - inconstancy, obstinacy.

Dreaming about a wedding for a married woman

In the modern world, people often do not betray the meaning of their dreams, considering them unimportant. But their correct interpretation makes it possible to understand how to behave in real life. One of the most common dreams is a wedding. And she dreams not only of young ladies who dream of jumping out to get married.

If you dreamed of a married wedding, details play an important role in understanding the meaning of this dream. Therefore, it is necessary to remember them all, but it is better to write them down. Whether it was your own wedding or someone else's. What role does the sleeping woman play on her, and even in what mood is she at the wedding. You also need to understand who the groom is. Young or old, husband or new partner. You also need to remember all the guests at the wedding. How close they are to a married lady. Are there dead people among them?

After all the details are fixed, it will be easier to understand what a married wedding is dreaming of. This is due to the fact that the correct understanding of their own sleep will depend on them. Often married women are ashamed to tell such dreams, thinking that relatives will decide that something in family life does not suit them. Although this is not so, and in no way corresponds to the meaning of such dreams.

In old dream books, you can often read that a married woman dreams of her own funeral. Today, this interpretation is considered erroneous, as the attitude of modern women towards this rite has changed. This means that the understanding of sleep should be different.

Who was the groom

If a married woman dreamed of her own wedding, then it is important what mood she was in and who was the groom.

  1. If she becomes engaged to her husband and she is happy about it, then this portends either good events or a new upsurge in family relationships. But a bad mood, on the contrary, indicates an imminent discord or misunderstanding in the family.
  2. If she marries a new partner and he is not young, then this is a big trouble or illness. It is quite another matter if the woman likes the groom. It is possible that she is not satisfied with her real husband and is looking for new sensations in life. In such a situation, it is imperative to discuss this with your other half. You also need to pay attention to the mood of the guests at the wedding in a dream. Guests are sad and bored - to bad news, on the contrary - the news will be good.
  3. If the married woman herself acts as a guest at the wedding, then the interpretation of the dream changes dramatically. She plays a minor role in quite one of the most important events in every person's life. It is possible that in the near future a woman will have to participate in a very large-scale event, but they will not change her life situation. True, it will make her very nervous.
  4. Walking in a dream at the wedding of your loved ones or friends is already a good sign. Most likely, the woman will see them soon, or good news will come from them. Moreover, the happier she is in a dream, the faster the prediction will come true. But if she acts as an honored guest, they may require her help in some important matter. You should not refuse - it will come out sideways to the lady herself.

A wedding is a significant event in the life of every woman. Perhaps for this reason, this is the most frequent dream among others. And understanding such dreams is the key to solving many problems in her personal life. Do not neglect such an opportunity.

No matter how strange the dream was, you don’t just need to discard it. Often this is the only way to understand your "I" without resorting to the help of psychoanalysts. In ancient times, it was believed that in this way the spirits are trying to tell us the solution to the problems that have arisen. Perhaps they were right about something.


Dream of a married woman about a wedding with her husband

A dream about a wedding that has already taken place also suggests that a married girl in an already held family life has completely cloudless times. To relive the day of marriage again is a dream, which means that the real choice of a woman and a man was absolutely correct. So getting married again in a dream for a married woman is a completely auspicious sign, which does not bode well.

Still, it is worth remembering the details by which you can understand the meaning of the omen. Namely, the number of guests, the interior, the weather and the overall emotional coloring.

  • If you dreamed that in her own husband acts as the groom, this suggests that the woman is happy with everything and enjoys every day of family life.
  • The option when you dream of a past wedding with a real man sometimes speaks of the possibility of new circumstances in family life. One of the possible ways of development of events is pregnancy, which has already come or is about to come.

A wedding with your own husband in a dream is the expectation of a new stream in a relationship, which can be the birth of a child. A new stage in a relationship is periodically necessary for all couples. A dream about a wedding that has already taken place suggests that the relationship needs to be refreshed and filled with new sensations.

Dream of a married woman about a wedding with another

Unfortunately, if among the dreams there is a plot that a married woman has to marry an unfamiliar or familiar man who is not a husband, this is a bad sign. There is no definite answer to the question of why one dreams of getting married again, but it is absolutely certain that the subconscious sends a signal about the problems that exist in the relationship.

The interpretation of dreams varies in different dream books. You should not take the meaning of sleep from one source as the only possible one. It is worth taking into account your own situation, familiarize yourself with all the interpretations, and choose the most appropriate one.

Dream Interpretations give the following interpretations of dreams if you dream of marrying a stranger:

  1. betrayal, infidelity of the spouse;
  2. betrayal;
  3. unpleasant conversations, conflict.

From a psychological point of view, a dream means that a woman does not trust her other half, suspects betrayal and fears betrayal.

Obviously, in real life, such a couple has real problems that need to be addressed in order to save the family. Having received a message from the subconscious, you need to start acting.

It is advisable not on your own, but to resort to the help of a specialist who will help determine how justified the suspicions are and what to do if it really exists. In general, the appearance of a stranger in a dream speaks of the uncertainty of a woman in a companion. Perhaps she suspects that she does not know him as well as she previously thought.

If you dreamed that the wedding took place with an ex-man, this is information from the subconscious that, deep down, a woman regrets a relationship that has ended long ago. It is quite possible that the final point was not once set, the last conversation did not take place, therefore, in the depths of the soul there is hope, if not to restore relations, then at least to finally clarify them.


If a relative or friend gets married

When in a dream the main role does not belong to the dreamer herself, this already indicates some problems with the outside world. Perhaps she is too self-confident or likes to insist on the truth of only her opinion.

In any case, you need to pay attention to whether, even by accident, some kind of severe insult was inflicted on your friends or relatives.

  • Seeing in a dream how a friend is going to get married is good news. Perhaps the dreamer will be invited to a celebration that has nothing to do with marriage.
  • She dreams that a friend is going to marry your ex-boyfriend or husband - old memories, a feast, a feast.
  • For the current boyfriend or husband - a sharp competitive struggle for the position.
  • If in a dream the bride is the dreamer's daughter - a long separation from someone from the family.
  • She dreams that her sister is going to marry her beloved dreamer - a solution to family problems.
  • As a bride from a dream, to see a mother in a dream - a dream indicates unresolved conflicts and problems. Mom is also worried about this, but it is the dreamer who needs to start the conversation.


In a dream, marry the deceased

If a married woman marries the deceased, then the dream warns of danger, of possible problems with the human psyche.

Perhaps nervous exhaustion, overexcitation. It is necessary to look into yourself, understand the sources of your problems and anxieties, and also be careful in everything, since injuries, health problems, and an accident are possible.

If the deceased, whom the woman knew during her lifetime, acts as a groom in a dream, then perhaps the spirit of the deceased will become a patron for this woman.

To understand why a married woman dreams of her wedding, you should pay attention to the color of the dress in which she marries.


Ceremony details

Bride's outfit and hairstyle in a dream

It is very important to pay attention to wedding accessories. If you dream of getting married in a white, very beautiful dress, then you should expect a deterioration in your health in reality.

But if a married woman sees herself in a red dress, then this warns of a possible betrayal of her husband. If there was a high beautiful hairstyle on the bride’s head in a dream, then this symbolizes enrichment in reality. At the same time, there is a high probability of not only receiving a well-deserved reward, but also an unexpected inheritance.

Wedding rings

  1. If in the dream in which you got married, attention is focused on the wedding ring, then this is a very good omen. Such a dream indicates that in reality in your personal life everything will turn out very well.
  2. It is highly likely that life changes will bring you the long-awaited peace.

Why is the groom dreaming

If you dream of getting married, then to decipher the dream, you should pay attention to the groom:

  • Dangers in real life are foreshadowed by a widower or a dead man who acts as a groom.
  • If the groom is a stranger, then in reality you can expect a surprise from a loved one.
  • When the groom is a decrepit old man, you can soon get sick.
  • When you are going to marry a foreigner, then in the near future, moving is planned in the family.
  • If you marry a brother, then amazing changes are planned in life, and the closest relatives will become direct participants in the events taking place.
  • Marrying an unloved person indicates that there is a lot of insincerity in your relationship with your partner and you are unlikely to be bound by true love.

The time of the wedding event - the interpretation of sleep

To correctly decipher the dream, you need to remember what time the celebration took place:

  1. If the marriage takes place in the winter, then this indicates the love and tenderness of your loved one for you. But if at the same time you see yourself in a blue or green wedding dress, then expect disagreements with your partner. If you dream that you are marrying your husband in winter, then this portends fun and joy.
  2. When in night dreams you have to get married on a pleasant spring day, then in real life you should expect pleasant surprises in the business sphere. If during the marriage you heard thunder in a dream, then this warns that your partner does not want to continue the relationship with you. When in a dream attention is focused on a large amount of greenery, then news from relatives should be expected in reality.
  3. A dream in which you have to get married in the summer heat indicates your desire for changes in your personal life. If the wedding event takes place on the sand, then this warns that your loved ones need your care. When the wedding ceremony takes place in a flower bed, then one should expect news from good old friends in reality.
  4. If you see in night dreams that you are getting married on an autumn rainy day, then this may portend marriage in real life. But if the day was sunny and clear, then this indicates that in real life the dreamer will be disappointed in his partner.

Not wanting to get married in a dream

If you do not want to get married in a dream, then this indicates that you are not always able to correctly prioritize life. If you do not learn how to do this, then your path to the goal will not be successful.

And if, according to the plot of the dream, you still refuse to get married, then this dream warns you against rash acts in real life. You need to understand that everything that you do in this life period will be difficult to change.

Get married pregnant

When you dream that you are getting married pregnant, this indicates that you expect a lot from your future marriage. Such a dream warns that family life is not able to solve personal problems, it only focuses attention on them.

marriage proposal

A dream in which you receive an offer to marry is a very good sign. It indicates the successful completion of the work begun. After having such a dream, he will come confidently in the successful achievement of his goals.

Marriage without a groom - dream book

A frequent question is why do you dream that you are getting married without a groom? Such a dream indicates that you are too passionate about yourself. And this prevents you from correctly assessing the situation that has developed in real life and repels people from you.

Such a dream may warn that if you do not change, then it will be very difficult for you to find a life partner.


The color of a wedding dress in a dream

  • If in a dream the bride flaunts in a snow-white beautiful dress, then in the present she will have a good and bright future;
  • To be in a black dress is to wait for news that will entail a deterioration in relations with your soul mate;
  • During the ceremony, being in a red dress speaks of sincere love and serious intentions, but unfortunately, there will be several marriages in the life of this woman;
  • During the wedding, showing off a blue dress speaks of an imminent cold relationship with the chosen one;
  • The dream interpretation says that being in a pink dress is a symbol of your frivolity and a frivolous attitude towards marriage in reality.

White dress

Although it is believed that a white dress is a symbol of purity, light and purity, in a dream it will bring good luck only to an unmarried girl. If a married woman marries in a white dress in a dream, then this indicates that there are some problems in her relationship with her husband that need to be resolved in order to save the family.

Red dress

Red is a symbol of passion, bright intimate relationships. If a woman marries in a red dress in a dream, then this means that she is not satisfied with her intimate life with her husband. We need bright colors, new sensations and variety in bed.

You should not be ashamed of your desires, but you should tell your husband about them, otherwise it may happen that vivid sensations can happen outside of marriage.

If the details and details of the dream are forgotten, then you should familiarize yourself with how different dream books interpret the wedding of a married woman.

Interpretation of various dream books

  • the Wanderer's dream book interprets that positive emotions are guaranteed over the next two days;
  • The family dream book warns against possible betrayal or betrayal;
  • Z. Freud's dream book says that this dream means dissatisfaction with relations with a spouse, something new needs to be introduced into family life;
  • G. Miller's dream book predicts that this dream speaks of a woman's internal maturation, of her refusal from frivolous and frivolous actions;
  • the 21st century dream book promises family troubles and unplanned financial costs.

Black dress

A black wedding dress is a harbinger of sadness, anxiety, tears and parting with the object of adoration. And sometimes such a dream can promise the death of a beloved spouse, so you should listen to the voice of the subconscious and prevent trouble.

  1. A black wedding dress dreamed of by a girl or woman who is about to get married promises the death of her lover. Also, such a dream may portend an imminent separation due to the jealousy of one of the partners. As a rule, nothing can be done about it, so you should accept it and put up with it.
  2. Seeing a black wedding dress on your girlfriend means misfortune will befall her. The dreamer should lend her a helping hand, and in no case gloat, otherwise she risks being in a similar position, and then it will be very difficult for her to get out of such a situation as a winner.
  3. If a girl or woman saw herself in a dream looking in a mirror and admiring a black wedding dress, then in reality she is closed and unsure of herself. She should try to get rid of her complexes, then she can become happy.

If a man dreamed of a black wedding dress, then he should expect trouble in the service. He is envied by many colleagues, and they try to do harm with a good opportunity. In such a situation, one should be vigilant and repulse negligent colleagues.

To see a dog tearing a black wedding dress to shreds - in reality, a threat hangs over a person, but he will be able to avoid it, and all thanks to his best friend, who will point out his mistakes. Also, such a dream suggests that the dreamer has good friends who will help him in a difficult situation.

Why dream of a black wedding dress in different dream books

Thinking about what a black wedding dress is dreaming of, you should look for an answer in the dream books of famous dream interpreters, for sure, in one of them you will be able to find a suitable interpretation.

  • Miller advises to be careful when making deals, carefully reading every sentence of the contract.
  • Hasse advises to bring joy and fun into your life, otherwise the dreamer will fall into depression, which may prompt him to commit suicide.
  • A modern dream book portends a loss to a person, and Ukrainian sadness for a failed marriage.

If a man had a dream in which he appeared at a celebration in a black wedding dress, then this means that he is very afraid of something or someone. He should get rid of this fear, because it interferes with his life, and the sooner he does this, the sooner his life will improve.

A black wedding dress is a negative symbol that portends only troubles and pain to a person. However, do not be upset, because it is in the hands of the dreamer to listen to the dream and prevent bad events in your life and become happy.


Pink dress

A pink wedding dress in a dream means romantic feelings, if in a dream a woman put on a pale coral-colored wedding dress, then in real life she will have a good job, but the dreamer should not be naive, because she will make the woman vulnerable.

For a man trying on a wedding dress in a dream, fate has prepared unpleasant surprises, incidents and various misunderstandings await the dreamer, but in order to correctly interpret what a pink wedding dress is dreaming of, one must remember the basic details of night vision.

If the dreamer admired in a dream the wedding decoration of the color of strawberry ice, looked at him in the store, then his character contains romanticism, tenderness, naivety, dreaminess, he looks at the world through rose-colored glasses, the dream books are convinced.

The pink gamma evokes thoughts of warmth and comfort, intimacy, quivering tones are charming and very attractive, psychologists call them shades of happiness. The color is associated with the delicate skin of newborn babies, blooming spring gardens, the sweet and alluring fragrance of roses - this shade got its name in honor of the royal inflorescences.

  1. When in a dream a man saw a flamingo-colored wedding dress on his chosen one, this indicates his warm feelings for his chosen one, the desire to tie the knot with her. If a man in real life does not have a chosen one, and he dreamed of a girl in a charming wedding dress, then pleasant surprises can be expected from fate, it is possible that in the near future the dreamer will meet his love, move up the career ladder, improve his health.
  2. In a dream, an unmarried girl saw herself in a wedding dress the color of a tea rose - she was destined to be a bride, according to dream books, the groom will love her for the rest of her life. When a married lady visits a similar plot, he tells her about a new round of romantic relationships with a missus, the revival of previously lost feelings, spiritual renewal, and promises gifts from loved ones.

Get married in a dream according to different dream books

Miller's dream book

Miller, regarding the marriage he saw in a dream, states that:

  • to marry in a dream means to be dissatisfied with the lack of attention of men;
  • when a girl dreamed that her fiancé walked past her with a reproachful look during the ceremony, this could portend changes in relations with her friends in real life;
  • if a girl marries an elderly man, trouble awaits her;
  • to have a beautiful hairstyle during the ceremony - to good news and promotion at work;
  • if you choose a ring in a dream, then be careful - failures and deceptions may await you;
  • when a woman dreams that she is a bride, but is saddened, she will be disappointed in amorous affairs.

If an already married woman dreamed about how she got married again, then this indicates a rejection of frivolity, frivolity. If a girl, being a bride in a dream, puts on a wedding dress with pleasure, she will receive an inheritance; if, on the contrary, there is no pleasure, disappointment and suffering await her.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  1. When another, someone else's wedding is dreamed, such a dream is considered as a kind of test of feelings for your partner.
  2. To see your wedding in a dream is to be not only legally firmly connected with the young man with whom you will go through a joint path, family ties, but also spiritually shackled with him.
  3. When you dream that you are married, you are likely to have to make a difficult decision that will change your life in the future.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Miss Hasse believes that a dream about marriage (marriage) means different things depending on what exactly is being dreamed of:

  • if you marry or marry someone, a happy future awaits you;
  • if you yourself get married (marry) - mutual love awaits you;
  • if you dream of a white dress, expect a marriage union in the near future.

Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud claims that

  1. if you get married in a dream, then you feel dissatisfied with your personal life;
  2. if a girl shows off her wedding dress, it means that she is happy with her body;
  3. when she looks at this dress in the mirror, it means that she strives for self-satisfaction;
  4. if the girl in the dream is the bride of her young man, then changes will soon await her (it is possible that this will be establishing contacts with the person with whom she is in a long quarrel);

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to Tsvetkov's dream book:

  • if a married woman sees in a dream how she remarried, unpleasant changes will soon await her - her competence will be called into question, which she will have to deal with on her own;
  • if a man dreams of a bride, then he will have long expectations and prospects in business;
  • if a girl dreamed that she was a bride, then disappointment and sadness awaited her.

Loff's dream book

Psychologist David Loff believes that a dream about marriage can say whether this commitment is really right for you and how important it is to you:

  1. when you dream that the marriage process is successful, then you perceive your union as reliable;
  2. if the wedding turns into a disaster, then you should reconsider the obligations placed on you.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about “getting married” dream about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to get married in a dream in Miller's online dream book.


Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Getting married is an unkind sign for a young girl, a harbinger of crafty love;
  • for a married woman - intrigues at work; for a widow - unrealizable hopes.

If a woman or girl dreams that she has married a widowed man, this may be a warning sign in reality - there is a man in your male environment who is trying to deceive you. Marriage with a foreigner will warn of troubles in the family associated with quarrels and omissions.

A married woman, if she dreams that she has married another, can warn a dream about treason.

Intimate dream book

  1. If you dream of your own wedding, but relatives are unhappy with something on it, then your family is against your marriage with your chosen one.
  2. If you dream that you married someone else, then in life your wedding will take place and everyone will be happy with the holiday.

Love dream book

In general, such a dream does not bode well in life. Such dreams (about marriage and wedding tinsel) warn you that you need to reassess your own behavior and look at yourself differently from the outside. Other people's opinion of you is false and flattering.

  • If you see a wedding in a dream with a loved one, then in life this choice is not yours. Because this may be followed by disappointment in family life.
  • In a dream, you see yourself as a bride, but marry someone else - in life this is your right choice, you should not worry about anything.
  • Came to someone's wedding, watching the wedding - a good dream, promises success, good luck, good news, well-being.
  • Seeing yourself in a happy marriage - desires and dreams will come true if you change your mind about others and rethink your behavior.

Family dream book

Dreaming: they make a marriage proposal - expect changes in life (in a good way), there will be peace and stability in business.
I dreamed of a failed wedding (cancelled or changed my mind), which means that in your life you are making a rash act that will lead you to a dead end. Seeing yourself in a white wedding dress is a bad harbinger of illness.

  1. Trying on a wedding ring - beware of quarrels in the family, and at work, be prepared for bad news, you may be fired or demoted.
  2. You are late for your own wedding celebration - there may be financial losses in life.
  3. If a student dreams of a married good life, then in reality you will pass the session or complete your studies at an educational university well.
  4. For a woman who works, such a dream promises promotion, career advancement, success at work or in business affairs.



Dreams should not be taken as an unconditional guide to action. Dreams are subconscious hints from the inner self that not all is well in real life. Having received such a signal, it is necessary to act competently and accurately.

Do not cut relations off the shoulder, but try to comprehend the disagreements that have arisen and find solutions. The ability to understand oneself and solve the problem in time is the path to a harmonious personal life, the preservation of the family and the revival of fading relationships.

  • Of course, you don’t need to completely trust dreams, but you definitely need to listen to your own self, try to understand and accept yourself in order to fill everyday life with harmony and happiness. Timely consultation with a psychologist can really help maintain and improve existing relationships.
  • It is not easy to talk frankly about fears, feelings and dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, if you decide to take such a step, you can really help yourself to understand and accept a relationship that may be on the verge of collapse. In this case, by listening to yourself, paying attention to sleep, you can save and revive relationships.
  • The main thing is not to treat dreams as a panacea that can point to all existing problems. It is necessary to resolve disagreements and problems in a timely manner and in stages.

The story of every marriage is unique. Problems in family life are inevitable, they should be solved in stages, by no means alone.

You need to remind yourself more often why once a positive answer was given to a marriage proposal, and a woman married this particular man. The joint resolution of disagreements speaks of a mutual desire to save the family and restore harmony to the relationship.

Efforts made by both sides will surely be crowned with success. A dream can help save relationships, most importantly, listen to yourself and your own inner voice in time, the reflection of which our dreams are.

Get married according to a dream book

If in a dream you accepted an offer to marry, such a dream promises you the respect of people whose opinion is very important to you. The dream book says that you will soon make a serious decision that will turn out to be the right one.

If you happen to get married in a dream, changes await you in the near future, and it’s not a fact that they will be somehow connected with romantic relationships or family life. A dream can mean a promotion or another option for changing your status to a higher one, as a result of which you will have new responsibilities.

The dream in which you are going to marry your husband is strongly recommended to be taken as a warning. This is a very dangerous dream, indicating that you are very vulnerable at the moment. It is possible that your energy protection is broken as a result of an occult attack.

Marrying a stranger in a dream should be seen as a warning sign. a dream indicates possible problems that one of your relatives or close acquaintances may have.

Why dream about how a friend got married? The dream book believes that you will soon hear news that will inexpressibly please you. There is a very high probability that significant events will occur in your life. The dream symbolizes pleasure and joy.

If in a dream you had reasons to marry another, such a dream suggests that you are now on the right track. You have to make a difficult decision, the dream book claims that you will make the right choice.

If in a dream it’s not the first time you marry your ex, and such a dream leaves a bright imprint, then it reflects your longing for the unfulfilled and your unwillingness to start a new relationship from scratch. At the subconscious level, you strive for what seems familiar to you, and where you once felt good.

When you dream about how a strange or unfamiliar girl is getting married and you are somehow involved in this event, the dream book promises you a cloudless future: fulfillment of desires, a full house, dizzying success and recognition of others.

For a girl who dreamed that I was getting married at all costs, the dream is a reflection of her negative moods, which she tries to hide from others. The dream interpretation mentions a feeling of isolation and loneliness, depression and dissatisfaction. The dream book advises you to try to find the root causes of such thoughts and reminds you that the night is darkest before dawn.

If you were lucky in a dream to marry your loved one, the dream book interprets this symbol as a reflection of your dream of marriage and family. The dream interpretation does not connect this dream with real events, its meaning is neutral.

Why dream that the daughter is getting married, the dream book explains the upcoming separation from one of the relatives. The dream interpretation believes that the daughter's wedding is a positive sign, portending well-being to you and her.

A dream in which you have to marry an unloved one indicates that your relationship with the opposite sex is a lot of falsehood. The dream considers your openness to new acquaintances and flirting as an attempt to compensate for the lack of true feelings.

Be careful with your desires - they can come true, - the dream book reminds of a well-known saying. If in a dream you were made an offer to marry, and you accepted it, the dream promises that you will achieve your intended goal, only the result of your efforts may not be at all what you imagined it to be.

Why else dream of getting married in a dream

As Miller's dream book predicts, those who in reality know how to find a way out of the most difficult situations succeed in getting married in a dream. The dream suggests that you will be able to disperse the thunderclouds hanging over you.

Going to get married in a dream means that soon you will really attend a wedding, but not as a bride. Perhaps you will be invited as a witness or guest. A dream can also mean that the upcoming wedding of your friends will be upset for some reason.

A dream in which you happened to marry a dead person whom you knew during your lifetime warns that you are in danger. The dream book advises to beware of an accident, injury or illness. At the same time, the dream book believes that the spirit of the dreaming deceased may intend to patronize you.

Why dream about how a sister gets married, the dream book explains the upcoming separation from her. The dream interpretation admits the possibility that the sister will still be there, only your relationship will not be as warm as before.

When you dream of a wedding, it is not at all necessary to get married in reality, - the Erotic Dream Book believes. Such a dream may mean an upcoming showdown, the consequences of which are unpredictable. The dream says that it makes no sense to fetter yourself with connections that have already outlived their usefulness.

In ancient times, there was a rather strange interpretation of sleep: getting married in a dream for our superstitious ancestors was like death. Such an unexpected interpretation is associated with outdated wedding traditions, according to which the bride “died” for her relatives in order to be “reborn” in the house of her future husband.

Why dream that mom is getting married, the dream book explains by your depressed state for no apparent reason. Perhaps you are depressed by the fact that your relationship with your mother has recently deteriorated, or you are worried about her.

Not wanting to get married in a dream means that in reality you are not always able to correctly prioritize. The dream calls to trust your own intuition and listen to the voice of reason if you have to make a serious choice.

The dream in which you made the decision to refuse to marry is trying to warn you against rash acts. Remember that everything you do during this period will no longer be retroactive.

If a married woman in a dream happens to get married a second time, the dream promises that her married life will gain a second wind. Suddenly, the relationship with her husband, which began to fade away, will not only resume, but will sparkle with new colors.

If in a dream you happened to marry a pregnant woman, the dream suggests that you expect too much from marriage. The dream tries to make it clear that family life does not create or solve personal problems, but only reveals them. Such dreams are often seen by girls who, due to their beliefs, do not want to marry pregnant.

Why dream about how lucky you are to receive an offer to get married, the dream book explains by the successful completion of an important business for you. Having seen such a dream, you don’t have to worry: you will have enough strength to achieve your goal, good luck will accompany you.

When the plot of the dream develops in such a way that you have to marry your brother, the dream promises amazing changes that are about to happen. Your next of kin will be directly involved in the upcoming events.

If in a dream you were going to marry the deceased, the dream reflects your rejection of the wedding ceremony or family life as such. Due to generally accepted or your own stereotypes, you consider it necessary to marry. That's just as a groom, you choose someone who really does not exist. Such a compromise, - explains the dream book.

The dream in which you had to get married without a groom reflects your tendency to narcissism. Dream Interpretation believes that you have every reason for high self-esteem. At the same time, it is not easy for you to find a life partner to match yourself.

I dreamed that I was marrying an ex with whom I had not communicated for a long time and would not want to communicate. Now I have a boyfriend whom I love very much. In a dream, when my ex offered to marry me, for some reason I happily agreed, although in a dream I was with my boyfriend, I mentally realized that I didn’t want to be with anyone else besides my boyfriend. At the same time, I had the choice of either marrying an ex, or giving the life of my beloved or my own. And when my ex and I were already at the registry office, I abruptly refuse and run away, and literally in a couple of seconds I was supposed to be hit by a car. But I woke up at this moment from a phone call and now I think what it could mean ...

I dreamed that I was going to marry a former young man. But when I was asked whether I agree to become his wife, I refused.

I dreamed that I married my own husband in ordinary clothes, then she asked a friend for a beautiful dress, but not a wedding dress.

I had a dream that I was getting married to someone I didn’t love, but at the last moment I changed my mind and I cried a lot in my dream. What is it for?

In a dream, I was supposed to marry a husband with whom I have not lived for a long time.

I dreamed that I was marrying my boyfriend, while changing my white dress to black.

And I dreamed that I was marrying a stranger, but everything was so natural: we took pictures, kissed, well, in general, as usual, but for some reason I see all my dreams from the outside. Weird…

She didn't marry her lover. Not of my own free will, but for the sake of my mother (I don’t know why). And the beloved looked at my wedding from afar.

Your dreams are much simpler. I married one, and still couldn’t get to the wedding, some guys tried to catch up with me, who were looking for a car that I stole to get to the wedding. I still remember writing a speech to the groom so beautiful, I shed a tear in my sleep. And in short, some Anton saved me from these men. I arrived, and the groom threw me. Then Anton was found killed. And I'm marrying another whom I didn't know at all, and that's all on the same day, suddenly Anton appears. And this guy understands everything and leaves. And I'm running after Anton .... And then the neighbors with repairs. Burn in hell. Anton I will find you.

And my sister had a dream that I was marrying a guy (or rather, for a friend, we talked for six months as friends, walked, and so he proposed, and we parted on the same day because of his problems). She scolded me in a dream and said I didn’t love him. And I said that his mother died (his mother is seriously ill and because of this we broke up, that he works seven days a week and does not wake up time) and so. I know for sure that if a person dies in a dream, it means that he will live longer in life, only this calms me down. And what is married. I do not even know.

I dreamed how my dad forced me to marry his best friend, and when he heard, he was delighted, but I didn’t want to get married. And I ended up giving up.

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