What is this pearl fish? Goldfish pearl in the aquarium Types of goldfish

The basis for the trouble-free existence of pearls in the aquarium is a properly conducted quarantine and appropriate conditions. After purchasing these fish, you must keep them in "active" quarantine for up to 60 days.

Water parameters

  • Water: fresh
  • Water temperature: 15-24°C
  • Acidity Ph: 6-8
  • Water hardness °dH: 8-25°

Water should be constantly fresh and clean, no ammonia, nitrites and an excess of nitrates. Pearls are very sensitive to water quality.

Goldfish love to dig in the ground, so powerful filtration is needed to keep the water clean in the aquarium. The filter is better to use biological.

Good aeration is also required. If the fish swim with their mouths up to the surface, trying to take in air, this means that the water is not oxygenated enough. Then you should increase the purge or change part of the water to fresh.

Aquarium device

  • The size and arrangement of the aquarium: from 100 liters per couple (no less!). The aquarium is desirable species and spacious.
  • Lighting: natural, closer to bright. Without sufficient lighting, the color of goldfish fades.
  • Aquarium setup: These fish like to dig in the ground, so it is better to use small rounded pebbles as it.
  • Plants: Plants are essential for keeping a goldfish. It is better to plant plants with a strong root system and hard leaves in the aquarium, because. goldfish can damage delicate plants.

Behavior and lifestyle of goldfish Zhemchuzhinka

  • Aggressiveness: peaceful
  • Behavior: calm, slow swimming fish
  • Compatibility: Goldfish are very slow and in the general aquarium may not be able to keep up with food, which often leads to exhaustion. Because of this, it is better to keep Pearls separately, in a species aquarium, although they can be kept with calm fish, as well as with other goldfish.
  • Daily activity: daytime
  • Sociality: single
  • Layers of water: all layers of water

Feeding the goldfish Zhemchuzhinka

Diet: omnivores

Feeding must be varied, with a predominance of plant foods. It is better to feed two or even three times a day. For adult fish, in comparison with juveniles, the portion is reduced.

Peculiarities: Pearls, like all goldfish, are extremely voracious, so food must be strictly dosed to prevent overeating. “It is better to underfeed than overfeed” - due to the special tendency of the Pearls to disease, in an aquarium with these fish this rule must be observed in the first place.

Pearl Goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus) differs in non-standard appearance and not without reason is loved by many aquarists. The pearl has a spherical or egg-shaped shape, a flowing tail and very beautiful scales. It is because of the large scales that the pearl got its name. They are convex and have a pearly sheen.

Regardless of what color the fish itself is, the scales are several tones lighter, so the pearl seems to be very voluminous. The body of the fish is short, with small fins, sometimes representatives of this species can seem very awkward. From the inside, the fish seems to shine, grows up to 10-15 centimeters, but there are specimens even more than 20 centimeters. Traditionally, the color of fish is red, orange or white, blue, chocolate and combined varieties are less common.

photo: Golden fish pearl grows up to 10-15 cm.

Keeping and breeding goldfish pearls

Pearls are very sensitive to lack of oxygen, so you need to choose a long, spacious aquarium equipped with a filter and aerator. For one fish you need an area of ​​​​10-15 liters. The neighbors of a goldfish can be friendly and calm individuals, since the pearl is spherical and of considerable size and moves more slowly, so it can be left without food. Once a week, you need to change a third or a quarter of the water, the temperature can vary from 18 to 22 degrees. As a soil, choose coarse sand or gravel; you can also keep snails in an aquarium. The algae should be well rooted and the pH in the tank should be between 6.0 and 8.0. You can feed the fish dry, fresh or frozen food.

photo: Golden fish pearl (orange)

You can breed pearls in a spawning tank with a volume of 20-30 liters, small-leaved plants and sandy soil are placed in it. A female and two males are planted, before that they are kept separately and well fed. Stimulation for spawning is an increase in temperature from 24 degrees and above. The female throws eggs, the males fertilize them, after which the producers are planted from the spawning ground and wait for the fry to hatch. You can feed them with special feeds, brine shrimp nauplis, ciliates, rotifers.

Interesting facts about goldfish - pearls:

  • Since pearls are an artificially bred breed, they may have problems with immunity, most often fish suffer from digestive diseases;
  • If a fish damages its mother-of-pearl scales, then an ordinary one grows instead of it and the pearl seems to be peeled off;
  • The pearl was bred by breeders from China, appeared in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, it was called the "golf ball" because of its unusual shape.

Detachment -

cyprinids (cypriniformes)

Family -

cyprinids (cyprinidae)

Synonyms and names in other languages



Korea, China, Japan. The pedigree variety of goldfish "pearl" was bred at the end of the period of the Chinese Qing Dynasty (1848-1925) with the systematic crossing of various lines and careful selection. Does not occur in the wild.

Appearance and gender differences

The pearl has a rounded body. Each scale is bordered with a dark color, it is so convex and round (dome-shaped raised) that in the reflection of light it looks like small pearls. The dorsal fin stands upright, the other fins are short, often paired. The caudal fin is two-lobed, 1/3 of the length is cut out, does not hang down. The most spectacular are large specimens. The pearl is traditionally orange, red or white, although there are also chocolate, blue and combined colors.

It is quite difficult to distinguish a female from a male. Only with some experience can one distinguish small notches on the pectoral fins of males. In order to avoid premature spawning, it is desirable to keep females separately from males. The male ready for spawning has characteristic differences: a saw on the first ray of the anterior pair of pectoral fins in the form of a row of notches and usually warts the size of semolina grains on the gill covers. The female, mature and ready for marking, has a thick belly full of caviar. If you look at it from above, then the curvature of the body of the fish, caused by the presence of caviar, is noticeable. The resulting curvature often remains after spawning.


Due to the shape of their body, Pearls are quite clumsy. Neighbors for her should be selected very carefully - they should be calm and friendly fish who will not take away food from the Pearl. Goldfish are schooling, it is better to keep in groups of 4 - 6 individuals.

Preference should be given to long aquariums, rather than tall ones, since in this case the surface area, and therefore the amount of oxygen absorbed, is much higher. It is best to choose an aquarium of 30 liters and increase the size of the tank by 10 liters with each new fish. With an increase in the volume of the aquarium, the planting density can be slightly increased, but you should not get carried away too much. Short-bodied goldfish (veiltails, telescopes) require more water than long-bodied ones (simple goldfish, comet, shubunkin), with the same body length. The aquarium is better with a lid. It is advisable to purchase a compressor for additional flushing of water with air (sensitive to a lack of oxygen in water) and a filter for filtering turbidity, with a capacity of at least 3 volumes per hour, especially if there are many individuals in the aquarium, as these fish eat a lot and like to stir up the soil in search of extra food.

Aquarium size- 15 - 25 liters per fish.

Acidity of water- pH 6.0-8.0.

Hardness of water- dH 8-25°.

Optimal water temperature- 21-25°С.

Water change- weekly replacement of 1/4 volume.

Lighting- bright, love natural lighting.

Plants- with hard leaves and good root system. It is best to plant plants that do not require heating water (pod, vallisneria, sagittaria, arrowhead, floating elodea).

Priming- only rounded and without sharp edges. It is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not easily scattered by fish. The soil should be large - a fraction of 3-5 mm. It is even better to cover the bottom with pebbles, and give relief to the landscape due to large smooth surfaces and other rounded stones. It is better not to use various grottoes, driftwood structures and other similar items in the aquarium, as this will make it difficult to move. Any decorations with sharp edges that the fish can injure the body, fins or eyes are also excluded.


The pearl moves rather slowly due to its spherical shape and significant dimensions, so it can remain hungry. They are prone to obesity, so they should not be overfed. In general, the creation of a goldfish is quite voracious and will try to eat everything that you give it. Feed should be given so much that it was all eaten in no more than a minute or two, a maximum of five if you keep a breed famous for its sluggishness (telescope, celestial eye). Remains of uneaten food should be removed from the aquarium immediately, as it spoils quickly and can poison the water in the aquarium overnight.

It is better to feed the fish several times a day, but in small portions that will be eaten clean. The amount of food given daily should not exceed 3% of the weight of the fish. Adult fish are fed twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening. Goldfish need less protein and more carbohydrates. Therefore, it is better to feed them with specialized food for goldfish. In addition to essential nutrients with a higher proportion of carbohydrates, these foods contain natural additives that enhance yellows, oranges and reds. With pleasure they eat soft "tasty" plants. To reduce their craving for this bad business for the aquarium, food for goldfish should contain a large amount of greenery, you can additionally feed them with plant foods, including Riccia.

It must be remembered that when feeding dry food of any kind, they should be given in small portions several times a day, since when it enters a humid environment, in the esophagus of a fish, it swells up, significantly increases in size and can cause constipation and disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive tract. organs of the fish, resulting in the death of the fish. You can first hold dry food for some time (10 seconds - flakes, 20-30 seconds - granules) in water and only then give it to the fish. A sign of regular overeating in goldfish is their turning upside down, usually after eating. Goldfish have a long intestine instead of a stomach. Regular passage of a large amount of food through the intestines can cause it to rot, pressure on the swim bladder, which can have irreversible negative consequences for the health of the fish. In unopened cases, the fish can be saved by arranging a hunger strike and a diet for it.


Beautiful mother-of-pearl scales, with an improperly selected aquarium decor, are combed on gravel or plastic algae and later grow back into ordinary ones. Because of this, the Pearl takes on an untidy "ragged" look.

As with all artificial breeds, the immunity of the Pearls is not up to par. They are characterized by digestive diseases. Due to the unnatural shape of the body, the internal organs are squeezed, which is fraught with constipation. A healthy goldfish is mobile, has a bright color, shiny scales, and holds the dorsal fin vertically. She has a good appetite. Any deviation from the norm is a sign of the disease.

Raids in the form of semolina, formations that look like lumps of cotton wool, gluing of fins, swimming in jerks, fish rubbing against objects, impaired breathing, reddening of the fins - all signs of disease.


In March - April, young males begin to swim after females, holding on to their ovipositor. By this sign, it is possible to unmistakably identify mature and ready for spawning males and females. If this occurs before April, males and females should be separated to avoid early litter, which would be difficult to provide with natural live food. Females in this case must be kept so that they cannot rub against plants, which can cause excitement and spawning. Spawning can also be delayed by lowering the water temperature. It is best if spawning occurs in May - June, when it is easier to feed the fry. When preparing fish for spawning, they should be abundantly fed with live food, bloodworms, earthworms, and daphnia. In the absence of live food, ground meat can be given. If the growth of short-bodied young goldfish is forced by abundant feeding, this can lead to obesity and, as a result, to infertility.

Lifespan- 10-15 years.

Goldfish - Pearl (goldfish pearlscale) - aquarium fish of the Cyprinidae family (Cyprinidae).


Goldfish Zhemchuzhinka is a selectively bred form of the Goldfish (CARASSIUS AURATUS).

Appearance and gender differences

Conditions of detention

Calm in nature, peaceful Pearls get along well with the same calm neighbors. You need to keep goldfish - pearls in an aquarium with a volume of at least 50 liters per one fish, it is better if it is an aquarium of at least 100 liters, in which a couple of fish will be placed. With an increase in the size of the aquarium, the population density can be slightly increased, so 3-4 fish can be placed in a 150-liter aquarium, and 5-6 in a 200-liter aquarium, etc. But with an increase in population density, attention should be paid to good aeration of the water. These aquarium fish love to dig in the ground, so it is better to use pebbles or coarse sand as it, then it will not be so easy for the fish to scatter it. The aquarium itself is desirable species and spacious, in which you need to place large-leaved aquarium plants. However, pearls quickly spoil delicate plants, or the surface of the leaves is polluted by sedimentation of waste particles suspended in water. To avoid this, plant plants with a strong root system and hard leaves in the aquarium. Plants such as egg capsule, vallisneria, sagittaria, or elodea, as the most hardy, are very suitable. Goldfish - pearls are kept in the same aquarium along with calm species of aquarium fish. The aquarium needs natural light and good filtration. All varieties of goldfish prefer good aeration. The fish are not particularly sensitive to the parameters of the water in the aquarium. Water hardness should be 8 - 25 °, with an acidity of 6-8. It is advisable to change part of the water in the aquarium regularly. In general, the pearl is not very demanding in terms of maintenance. However, there are a number of points that beginners may not be able to cope with when keeping this delicate fish. The pearl is prone to gill rot and intestinal diseases. Ammonia and nitrites must not be present in the aquarium water. In food, pearls are unpretentious, they eat everything and a lot. Their diet should contain both live and plant foods. Despite the voracity of goldfish, they should not be overfed. The amount of food they consume daily should be approximately 3% of the weight of the fish. Adult fish should be fed twice a day - the first time in the early morning, and the second in the evening. The amount of food is calculated for 10-20 minutes of feeding, then the remains of uneaten food are removed from the aquarium. Adult fish that receive proper nutrition can endure a long week-long hunger strike without harm to their health.


All goldfish, including Pearls, can spawn in an aquarium with a capacity of 20 - 30 liters. It is necessary to place sandy soil in it and plant small-leaved plants. It is customary to plant one female for two or three two-year-old males for spawning. Before spawning, they should be kept separate for 2-3 weeks. In a spawning aquarium, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 24 - 26 ° C. To stimulate spawning, it is necessary to gradually heat the water until its temperature rises by 5-10 °C. At the same time, the males begin to quickly rush and chase the females, which lose their eggs, scattering them around the entire perimeter of the aquarium, mostly on the plants. In total, the female spawns about 10,000 eggs. As soon as spawning is over, the producers must be removed from the aquarium. The initial food for the hatched fry will be "live dust". They can also be given special foods, which are now commercially available in abundance, designed to feed goldfish fry, such as Sera Mikron.


Detachment, family: carp.

Comfortable water temperature: 20-23 oC.

Ph: 5,0- 8,0.

Aggressiveness: not aggressive 10%.

Compatibility: with all peaceful fish ( zebrafish, thorns, speckled catfish, neons, etc.)

Helpful Hints: There is an opinion (especially for some reason among the sellers of ZooShops) that when buying fish of this species, you should be prepared for frequent cleaning of the aquarium (almost with a vacuum cleaner))). This opinion is substantiated by the fact that the "Goldfish" gnawed and left a lot of "poop". So, THIS IS NOT TRUE!!! I myself have repeatedly started such fish and at the moment one of the aquariums is occupied by them ... there is no dirt - I spend light cleaning of the aquarium about once every two weeks. So, do not be afraid of the tales of sellers !!! The fish look very nice in the aquarium. And for greater cleanliness and fight against “poop”, bring more catfish into the aquarium (speckled catfish, ancistrus catfish, acanthophthalmus kyuli) and other aquarium orderlies !!!

It is also noticed that these fish are very fond of eating vegetation - the conclusion is not to buy expensive plants in the aquarium.


The pearl is one of the fish included in the so-called "Goldfish" family. The fish is unusual and very beautiful. It was bred in China. The body is round (7-8 cm), the dorsal fin stands upright, the other fins are short, often paired. The caudal fin is two-lobed, 1/3 of the length is cut out, does not hang down. The fish does not swim clumsily like a "barrel".

The fish is colored gold or orange-red. Completely white varieties are found. Each scale is convex, which in the reflection of light looks like small pearls.

These fish are not very demanding on the conditions of detention. The main thing with its content is proper feeding - the key to success is the balance of feed. The fish is prone to intestinal diseases and gill rot.

Comfortable water parameters: temperature 20-23 ° C, aquarium water hardness 6-18 °, pH 5.0-8.0. Enhanced aeration and filtration.

A feature of the fish is that it loves to dig in the ground. As a soil, it is better to use coarse sand or pebbles, which are not so easily scattered by fish. The aquarium itself should be spacious and specific, with large-leaved plants. Therefore, it is better to plant plants with hard leaves and a good root system in an aquarium with pearls.

Fish are unpretentious in terms of food . They eat quite a lot and willingly, so remember that it is better to underfeed the fish than to overfeed them. The amount of food given daily should not exceed 3% of the weight of the fish. Adult fish are fed twice a day - early in the morning and in the evening. Food is given as much as they can eat in ten to twenty minutes, and the remains of uneaten food should be removed.

Feeding aquarium fish must be correct: balanced, varied. This fundamental rule is the key to the successful keeping of any fish, be it guppies or astronotus. Article How and how much to feed aquarium fish talks about this in detail, it outlines the basic principles of the diet and feeding regimen for fish.

In this article, we note the most important thing - feeding fish should not be monotonous, the diet should include both dry food and live food. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the gastronomic preferences of a particular fish and, depending on this, include food in its diet either with the highest protein content or vice versa with herbal ingredients.

Popular and popular food for fish, of course, are dry food. For example, all the time and everywhere you can find on the aquarium counters the food of the Tetra company - the leader of the Russian market, in fact, the range of food of this company is amazing. Tetra's "gastronomic arsenal" includes both individual food for a certain type of fish: for goldfish, for cichlids, for loricariids, guppies, labyrinths, arowans, discus, etc. Also, Tetra has developed specialized feeds, for example, to enhance color, fortified or for feeding fry. You can find detailed information about all Tetra feeds on the official website of the company - here.

It should be noted that when buying any dry food, you should pay attention to the date of its manufacture and shelf life, try not to buy feed by weight, and also store food in a closed state - this will help to avoid the development of pathogenic flora in it.

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