Morgellons disease is curable. Strange Morgellon's disease: filamentous dermatitis. Possible Causes of Morgellons Disease

Someone crawls and moves, and some strange creatures crawl out of his body and fly away or crawl out and crawl back, were the first signal for referral to a psychiatric clinic. But now the situation has changed radically, and such patients are treated more carefully, trying to differentiate a mental disorder from a new and mysterious disease, which is called "Margelon". Until recently, this disease was not accepted by official medicine, but finally, a number of scientific studies have shown that it is not caused by a mental disorder, but by a previously unknown fungus.

Margelon's disease is rare, but alarming signals from Ukraine about several dozen cases (this figure may be higher) make Russian doctors think about the need to study this mysterious disease. The first episode of this disease was recorded 25 years ago. In the world, this disease is detected in approximately 20 thousand people. Mostly these are people aged 30 to 50 years. And in addition to the unbearable physical suffering caused by the mysterious fungus substance, they experience severe depression. Some of them are constantly on the verge of suicide, unable to work and unsure of the success of the treatment of this debilitating and mysterious disease. In this article, we will present the facts known to modern medicine about the causes, symptoms and methods of treating Margelon's disease. This knowledge will be useful to you, because the opportunity to encounter it is quite real.

The reasons

For the first time, the causative agent of Margelon's disease was identified in a patient's blood test. It turned out that this is a fungus previously unknown to science, which is at an unfinished stage of mutation. The causative agent is extremely resistant to many external factors:

  • almost unaffected by chemicals and drugs;
  • can exist even when frozen to -196 ° C.

But the most unique property of the causative agent of Margelon's disease is the fact that this microorganism has a bioelectric nature and is capable of emitting light. In some cases, before the first symptoms appear, patients see luminous fibers-substances in or near their home, and sometimes the patient notices such incomprehensible fibers on his body.

Scientists suggest that the fungus spreads in the air and, getting into favorable conditions (i.e., in the human body), begins to mutate and grow. Most likely, only those people who have become infected with it.

Some researchers believe that the development of the causative agent of Margelon's disease is associated with an increase in the number of products containing GMOs and that its appearance is associated with animal and plant transgenes that form plasmids. It is plasmids that resemble, in their structure, tumor-forming soil bacteria of the genus Agrobacterium, which are used in the biointroduction of foreign genes into cultures. So far, this is only an assumption, and research in this direction is still ongoing.

Usually the first symptom of Margelon's disease becomes unbearable, which is accompanied by sensations that someone is moving under the skin. In the future, redness and pustules appear on the surface of the body. The fungus eventually penetrates into all soft tissues (muscular, connective, nervous) and is able to penetrate into the brain. As it spreads, the symptoms of the disease also change.

Wounds and ulcers appear on the skin, which heal very poorly and for a long time. The wounds contain fibers a few millimeters long, which resemble elastic plastic or cobwebs. They can be white, purple, black or blue.

In this article we will give some quotes from the complaints of patients:

  1. “The pain is excruciating, the eyes fall out and it seems that the hoses of snakes are moving under the skin. I took them out with a needle, and they hung like threads, and liquid dripped from them, like kefir.
  2. “The whole body is wrapped around. They move under the skin, want to break out and bite so that you want to tear all the skin on yourself.

In most cases, patients cannot unambiguously describe their suffering. They can describe about 20 or more symptoms, and this significantly complicates the diagnosis of Margelon's disease. That is why such patients can be treated completely for other ailments or referred for a consultation with a psychiatrist.

Margelon's disease can last about 8-10 years. In some cases, it is never recognized by doctors, and the patient is left alone with his illness. With the successful diagnosis of this mysterious disease and attempts to treat it, drug therapy provides only temporary relief.


Margelon's disease is not well understood, and doctors and scientists are trying to use various medications to treat it. The treatment regimen may include such drugs:

  • antifungal;
  • antiseptic;
  • detoxification;
  • immunostimulating;
  • symptomatic.

In some cases, their use makes it possible to achieve a temporary improvement in the state of health, but doctors cannot yet guarantee a complete cure for the patient. At a certain stage of the disease, patients have to apply for disability and refuse work for which they have neither physical nor moral strength.

Scientists continue to work on the invention of drugs for the treatment of Margelon's disease. There is evidence that a solution of colloidal silver nanoparticles can affect the fungus. This drug is called NutraSilver, but research into its use is still ongoing.

Which doctor to contact

If a person is worried about excruciating skin itching, he should first of all contact a dermatologist. In some cases, a psychiatric consultation is required.

Thanks to the talk show, the general public began to learn about the disease. Watch the video:

Morgellon's disease appeared in the 17th century. The first who managed to detect this disease were children from the Morgellon family from Languedoc (the disease has the same name with the first cases).

It manifested itself in the form of black hair sticking out of ulcers on the body. Infection occurred in ponds and polluted reservoirs. Some spores fell into open wounds on the body, which subsequently developed in the human body, enveloping the body under the skin with long fibers that looked like black hard bristles. The growth of a foreign body caused severe pain for a person. Further, the grown organism left the body through the same ulcers that appeared on the body, leaving behind offspring that developed again.

In Russia, horsehair is considered an analogue of this organism. In the villages, children were forbidden to swim in places where cases of infection were recorded, and those already infected were treated with alder or aspen ash, sprinkling the ulcer, through which they pulled out the “horse hair”, which was attracted to the ashes. This is the real story of Morgellon's disease. What is happening today is of a completely different nature.

First case of Morgellons disease

The first who went to the doctors in 2003 with symptoms of a strange disease was Mary Leitao, a resident of America, who discovered a strange foreign body in an abscess above her lip in her two-year-old son Drew.

The worried mother visited many doctors, and when it turned out that her son could not be diagnosed, she panicked. She began to demand that doctors conduct research and analyzes, so that they would understand the causes of a strange illness. All she managed to achieve was a diagnosis for herself - Munchausen's syndrome (a psychiatric illness in which a parent pretends that his child is sick to get the attention of doctors).

In complete desperation, the mother decided to look for help on the Internet, but to her great surprise, she found thousands of messages with similar symptoms. People, just like her, were looking for an answer, what it is, but there was none. However, she still managed to find something similar to what happened to her son. That's how she found out about Morgellon's disease.

Symptoms of Morgellon's disease

The symptoms of Morgellon's disease were only partially similar to the new disease, which proceeded quite terribly. Non-healing ulcers appeared on the patient's body, through which fibers of different colors stuck out. Sometimes they resembled hair, cobwebs, threads, and sometimes granules, seeds, and even small bugs. The worst thing is that they behaved like absolutely living organisms with a developed intellect.

When trying to pull them out, they often turned around and "went" deeper into the tissues, leaving behind a trail of a drop of almost coagulated blood. In places where it was still possible to remove a foreign body, the ulcer healed, leaving a scar on the skin. A person who fell ill with Morgellon's disease suffered both physically and mentally experiencing:

  • Unbearable itching and pain under the skin
  • Uncontrolled seizures
  • Joint swelling
  • Memory losses
  • Loss of hair and nails
  • Weakness
  • Difficulties in communication
  • Alienation from relatives
  • Depression leading to suicidal thoughts

Despite the rather rapid pace of the spread of Morgellon's disease, the doctors were inactive, stubbornly diagnosing a mental disorder. Only when it became known that the number of sick people was no longer in the hundreds, but in the thousands, did doctors begin to understand that it was stupid to consider everyone unexpectedly crazy. Some experts began to build versions of the appearance of the disease.

Morgellon's disease: versions of the appearance

According to one version, the cause of the disease is Genetically Modified Organisms, which, when they enter the human body, cause gene mutation, as a result of which Morgellon's disease syndromes appear.

As proof of the second version, we can cite an article by Daniel Elkan published in the journal New Science. In it, he described one patient who, for years, had found “filaments like flexible plastic, some zigzagging. They are as thin as the silk of cobwebs, but strong enough to even break through the skin if they are pulled.

Well, both versions sound pretty convincing, but the truth, as always, is somewhere nearby.

The first researchers of Morgellon's disease

The first scientist to take the rare disease seriously and study it was Randy Wymore, head of the Morgellons Research Foundation's research program. After conducting a series of studies, the scientist stated that this is not a mental disorder, this is not GMOs, and not even the textile industry:

In 2008, the scientist managed to get a grant to study the disease. The fibers extracted from the bodies of patients were sent to Oklahoma for deeper study. After a series of analyzes, scientists said they did not know what it was. Then the material was handed over to forensic scientists for study, who first conducted a spectroscopic analysis, which did not give results, since the fiber did not resemble one of the 800 fibers that were in the database. And then they did a chromatographic analysis, which also did not reveal any matches with any of the 90 thousand organic substances in the database.

A more accurate answer, what is it, was given by Vitaly Tsitovsky, a professor of biochemistry and cell biology from New York University. He found that the fibers contain a genus of gram-negative bacteria capable of genetically transforming not only plants, but also human cells! However, he cannot say with absolute certainty that these bacteria are the cause, since additional studies are required to provide the necessary statistics.

Sources of infection with morgellon's disease

Having found out that some bacteria can be the causative agents of a terrible disease, scientists have a reasonable question. How do they enter the human body? The answer came unexpectedly. It turned out that the primary sources of the spread of this disease are very mysterious and mysterious chemtrails.

Chemtrails are traces of chemicals left in the air by mysterious planes. Previously, people did not understand why chemicals were sprayed from airplanes. There were many versions from fertilizer to military testing of chemical and bacteriological weapons. Subsequently, those who fell under the pollination suffered from asthma, allergies, headaches, nausea and rashes. People became afraid of Himtrails, moreover, several people decided to give up the precipitation that had settled on the earth from chemical clouds, thanks to this, scientists were able to find out a terrible secret.

When samples from Chemtrails were compared, and people who fell ill with Morgellon's disease, it turned out that Chemtrails over Texas and, say, over Australia are almost the same in composition. But this is not important, but the fact that the fibers sprayed from aircraft are, as it were, a “rudimentary” version of those that grow from the body of patients. That is, it is, as it were, their “pre-Morgellian stage”. In victims of Morgellons disease, these fibers are more developed and resemble the thinnest nanowires.

The established relationship made it possible to study in more detail the process of infection and the incubation period of the disease. Some time later, the well-known radio host Jeff Rens officially announced that Morgellon's disease is nothing more than a product of nanotechnology invading human tissues from the outside, manifesting itself in the form of self-replicating tubes, wires and colored fibers, with many sensors or "antennas" and objects of other visible configurations, part from which they transfer what may be genetically modified and/or spliced ​​DNA/RNA.

In other words, no matter how fantastic it may sound, these nanorobots penetrate the human body, copy its cells, modify it to suit their own needs and program DNA to produce such cells. In the future, the thinnest wires are built from ready-made, reprogrammed bacteria (material), which envelop the entire body. The process of construction a person feels like someone's fuss under the skin.

It is also interesting that all these nanorobots act as a single organism on the principle of a beehive. For their work, they use the bioelectric energy of the human body, its minerals and other elements. In addition, they are equipped with their own autonomous power supply, with the help of which communication with the outside world is carried out, that is, they are able to receive information through microwaves, electromagnetic fields and ultraviolet radiation.

With a long stay in the human body, Dr. Staninger believes, these nanorobots are able to penetrate the lungs, the brain and any other parts of the body. There, they copy the DNA of the microbes or cells they come into contact with, producing more bacteria, more cells, and - by self-assembly - turning into full-length pseudo hair and/or pseudo skin.

What is all this for?

According to Dr. Castle, from one to twenty million Americans already have these sensors, antennas, wires, probes, matrices, grids, gratings and so on in their bodies - all in nano-parameters. The rate of spread of Morgellon's disease is approximately 1,000 people a day. These rates will increase every year. To date, it is known that foci of the disease have been recorded in all 50 states, Great Britain, Australia, the Netherlands, Ukraine and, unfortunately, Russia.

It is hard to believe that the governments of the leading shits infect their own citizens, but the prospects for such pollination are very tempting. Judge for yourself, a person treated with nanorobats is able to receive and execute commands over long distances. That is, it means complete total control over the situation in the country. The governments of many countries dream of such psychotropic weapons.

What is morgellons disease, you will hear two opinions: conventional doctors believe that morgellons disease does not exist, that it is just a psychosomatic disorder.

If you ask a sufferer of Morgellon's disease, or the rare doctors who have encountered such patients and have shown interest in the nature of this disease. You read another story.

Morgellons disease is a systemic disorder that includes many symptoms, from general to autoimmune:

Symptoms of morgellons disease:

Chronic fatigue

Joint pain

Neurological problems: memory and cognitive impairment: dizziness, brain fog

Frequent unexplained mood changes

In the same way, a person feels as if something is crawling under the skin and biting

Feeling itchy

Skin rashes, lesions in the form of small black dots

Fungal-like fibers or filaments growing from the skin

Popular Canadian singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell has been hospitalized due to Morgellons disease. She described her feelings as follows: “Fibres of various colors protrude from the skin, like mushrooms after rain, no one knows what they are of vegetable, animal or mineral origin.”

Mostly middle-aged women (white women in America), although the University of Oklahoma states that women and children are equally affected. In a family, one person may be affected by this disease, while others remain healthy, several people from the same family may suffer. Scientists do not know whether this disease is hereditary or contagious, or the result of a glitch in the genes.

Causes of Morgellons Disease

There are three main hypotheses regarding Morgellon's disease

First theory: Morgellons disease is caused by Borrelia, a spirochete bacterium associated with Lyme disease.

The third theory: the disease is infected from the air, the planes pollinating cities and towns, so-called chemical trailers . What is sprayed and for what purpose no one knows. On the right in the photo you see the nanoparticles contained in the substances for spraying.

Treatment of morgellons disease

Many are treated on their own, as official medicine is powerless against this disease, since its existence is not even recognized.

Then a healthy diet, saturated for the most part with raw, organic products. This helps to significantly boost the immune system. For, the basis of health is the intestines, and many diseases are born here.

Healing begins with balancing the internal system.

Neutralize Candida - a yeast-like fungus that lives in the body of everyone, it is he who, with a decrease in immunity, provokes candidiasis. Why exactly, “neutralize”, because it is not possible to get rid of it, there are a lot of forms of candida, many of them are part of the neutral microflora (not pathogenic and not good), while the immune system performs its function. But, it is worth freezing or overheating, immunity decreases, which is what neutral and pathogenic microflora use, trying to “win back” a place in your body.

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Official medicine for a long time did not recognize this mysterious disease, considering it a myth or clouding of reason. However, the symptoms of Morgellon's disease are quite real and tangible: people itches all over the body, there is a feeling that someone is constantly crawling under the skin, in some places abscesses appear, from which some fibers and dark grains come out.

Some wounds heal, but others immediately appear. Scientists still do not know why thousands of people around the world have these mysterious and inexplicable symptoms, how the disease is transmitted and what is its causative agent.

A woman shows traces of the movement of "worms" under the skin

Official data on the phenomenon: Morgellons (English synonyms: Morgellons disease; unexplained dermopathy; incorrect tracing paper "Morgellons' disease" is common in the Russian-language media) - the name of a potential disease - dermopathy, proposed in 2002 by Mary Leitao. Patients complain that insects or worms crawl and bite on their skin, and also claim that they find some fibers under their skin. Most professionals, including dermatologists and psychiatrists, consider Morgellons to be manifestations of known diseases, including dermatozoan delusions.

The name of this mysterious disease comes from the surname of the first sick children from the Morgellon family, who lived in Languedoc in the 17th century. It manifested itself in the form of abscesses on the skin, from which black hairs protruded. Then the doctors decided that the infection was due to swimming in polluted waters.

In Russia, a similar disease of the grandmother healer was called horsehair and was treated with aspen or alder ash. But that's all history. The current nature of Morgellon's disease is completely different.

The Revelation of John the Theologian says: “The first angel went and poured out his cup on the ground: and cruel and disgusting festering wounds became on people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image.” And this revelation began to come true.

Today, the first alarm bell rang in 2001, when an American Mary Leitao discovered an abscess above her little son's lip, from which a fiber resembling dandelion fluff protruded. Later, the wounds began to appear all over the child's body, they burst and white, black and blue threads came out of them. The boy complained that insects seemed to be crawling under his skin.

The alarmed mother showed her son to the doctors, demanding that he be treated with antibiotics, but the doctors unanimously claimed that the child was not sick at all, and the mother was suffering from Munchausen's syndrome, thus trying to attract attention. One doctor at Johns Hopkins wrote to a colleague: “I found no signs (anything suspicious) in Andrew. I would recommend that Mrs. Leitao seek psychiatric advice whether Andrew is ill or not. I hope she stops using her son to exploit this far-fetched problem."

Since Mary worked as a laboratory assistant before the pregnancy, she was able to examine under a microscope the hairs extracted from the sores on her son's skin. This allowed her to conclude that the fibers are not part of the clothes, bed or toys - all that her child came into contact with. The woman began searching for information. Soon she was able to find hundreds of people on the Internet with similar symptoms. Mary called the mysterious disease that united them Morgellon's disease.

One of the patients describes the symptoms as follows: “A person has a feeling that something is crawling over the skin and under the skin, and the multi-colored fibers appearing from the skin seem to be living beings, moreover, intelligent. All this is accompanied by a sensation of tingling, burning and, most importantly, unbearable itching. It's such pain that, if it were possible, I would go for amputation of the legs, just to get rid of all this.


Despite the fact that today the number of people affected by Morgellon's disease is already in the thousands (16 thousand people, there are patients not only in all 50 American states, but also in the UK, Australia, the Netherlands), doctors have been inactive for a long time, not taking seriously the obvious symptoms, explaining everything with a mental disorder. And only recently, some experts began to show interest and build versions of the appearance of the disease.

Symptoms of the disease are similar to scenes from a horror movie: ulcers on the body with fibers of different colors sticking out of them, resembling hairs, cobwebs, threads, and sometimes granules, grains or small bugs. But the worst thing is that these formations behave like living organisms that have some kind of mind. When trying to extract them from wounds, they go deeper into the tissues, and a drop of instantly clotted blood remains at the site of their appearance. In those places where they still managed to pull out, there were scars on the skin.

Morgellons disease brings a person not only physical suffering, but also moral. It is characterized by chronic fatigue, forcing patients to quit work and stay at home; a sharp decline in mental abilities, especially memory; severe depression, leading to thoughts of suicide; joint swelling, muscle spasms and hair loss. In addition, the patient experiences difficulties in communicating even with relatives.


There are many versions and conjectures as to where this attack came from. Some researchers argue that the reason lies in genetically modified agricultural products. After all, it is known that to create it, animal genes are inserted into the genes of plants. Others blame the bacteria characteristic of plants: supposedly a person becomes infected from the soil or through ticks. Some people adhere to the version that these are textile fibers that got into sores from clothes and miraculously came to life.

Daniel Elkan, in New Science, described one patient who, for years, finds “fibers that look like flexible plastic, some zigzagging. They are as thin as the silk of cobwebs, but strong enough to even break through the skin if they are pulled. And some claim that Morgellon's disease is a new type of biological weapon.

One way or another, there is no exact answer, and in the meantime, patients are taking drastic measures: they burn furniture, clothes, etc., move to other houses, but the strange ailment does not recede.


However, even after a series of analyzes, the scientist could not determine the nature of the fibers. The material was handed over to forensics, they conducted a spectroscopic analysis, but it also did not reveal any similarity with any known fiber, as did a later chromatographic analysis for organic origin. But all the fibers from different patients were very similar to each other.

Some success in this area was achieved by V. Tsitovsky, professor of biochemistry at New York University. He determined that a certain genus of gram-negative bacteria, Agrobacterium, was present in the fibers. These bacteria can transform plant and animal cells using a special plasmid.

The result of the work of these bacteria can be clearly seen in the form of growths on tree trunks; they are also used in genetic engineering to create GMOs. According to researchers at the State University of New York, Agrobacterium is a versatile machine for transferring genes and creating foreign proteins. Therefore, they can also change human DNA. Thus, it can be considered one of the probable causes of Morgellons disease. But this is just a theory.

And as recently as 2012, Morgellons disease was finally recognized as a real problem. Skin, hair, tissues and other material from patients were studied using modern equipment. Genetic errors have been identified in the DNA of hair and skin cells. In addition, it became known that the fibers contain keratin (a structural protein of the skin), that is, their creator is the human body itself. They are not implanted in the skin. Perhaps their origin may be due to cross-contamination of human DNA from GMOs.


Having determined that bacteria can be the causative agents of the disease, scientists asked themselves the question: how do they enter the body? Thus, another, perhaps the most exotic version appeared, that the so-called chemtrails are the cause - chemical traces left in the sky by some mysterious aircraft. Surprisingly, no one knows for what purpose and what exactly these planes spray: either this is a new type of chemical weapon, or the intrigues of aliens.

And the most incredible assumption: microscopic, nanotechnology-based sensors are sprayed from the sky, which enter the human body with air and food. Be that as it may, people who fall under the chemical trail have a headache, nausea, fever, skin rashes, etc.

And what we found out next sounds quite scary. When samples of chemtrail fibers were compared with those extracted from the wounds of victims of Morgellon's disease, it turned out that the fibers sprayed from the plane are a kind of embryo of those that grow in the body of patients. That is, they are in the “pre-Morgellian stage”, and those that are removed from the wounds of the sick resemble the thinnest nanowires.

And now, some time later, Jeff Rene, radio host and winner of the prestigious Peabody Journalism Award, made a shocking statement: he came up with a new definition of Morgellons disease.

Rene argues that Morgellon's disease is the product of an invasion of nanotechnology into a person from the outside, manifested in the form of self-replicating tubes, wires and colored fibers, with many sensors or "antennas" and objects of other visible configurations, some of which carry what may be genetically modified or spliced ​​DNA. To put it simply, nanorobots, when they enter the human body, copy its cells, modify them and program DNA to create such modified cells.

Nanoparticles can penetrate the bloodstream into the lungs, brain and any other parts of the body. There, they copy the DNA of the microbes or cells they come into contact with, producing more bacteria, more cells, and through "self-assembly" turn into full-sized nanowires. And perhaps it is this growth and construction that a person feels like someone's fuss under the skin.

Nanorobots act in a coordinated way, as a single organism, according to the principle of a beehive, being recharged from the bioelectric energy of the human body, nourished by its minerals and other elements. In addition, they are able to receive information through microwaves, ultraviolet radiation and electromagnetic fields. Dr. Staninger believes that nanofibers can break down into nanoparticles and penetrate into the lungs, brain and other human organs with the blood.

It is difficult to hide from this disease. One of the researchers, Dr. Castle, believes that millions of Americans are already carriers of nanorobots. According to him, Morgellon's disease affects about 1,000 people a day.

It is possible that all this is being done in order to remotely carry out psychotropic treatment of the population. It is very convenient, because "smart dust" can penetrate anywhere, especially since it can be chemically programmed, that is, directed to a certain substance. Some sensors found in chemtrails can detect a target by smell or taste.

Then the information received from them is scanned using various rays: ultraviolet, x-ray and others - and processed. Currently, work is underway to create sensors that can identify a person by his individual smell. It's hard to believe, but nanosensors are already capable of not only hearing, but also smelling and touching.

What are we to expect? Technologies do not stand still, they develop, and unmanned aerial vehicles that are created to read sensors located on Earth, including those in the human body, can be both a huge space platform and the size of a fly. In addition, these same technologies allow them to be invisible to radar. What we read about in childhood in the books of famous science fiction writers gradually comes into our lives. And Morgellon's disease, which is also called the nanotechnological epidemic, is already here with us.

For a long time, official medicine refused to recognize Morgellon's disease. People affected by it were even recorded as mentally ill

Morgellon's disease is characterized, in fact, by such strange, incomprehensible and unpleasant symptoms that it is hard to believe in it. Even today we do not know the true causes of its occurrence, we do not know how to treat it, but now we at least know that it really exists.

Her symptoms are reminiscent of a horror movie. It begins with severe itching, which is accompanied by the sensation of crawling under the skin of some creatures. The body itches so that the patients are ready to skin themselves alive. One fine moment a man, to his no small horror, sees the movement of a certain creature under this skin. That's when you want to turn it inside out, not just figuratively.

All over the body, more often on the arms and legs, abscesses begin to appear, from which sprouts seem to sprout, most often similar to synthetic fibers. They are so strong that they can even be pulled out of the wound without damaging them.

Worst of all, these fibers are tough to the touch, like fishing line, alive. They, if left on the surface of the body, make vigorous attempts to burrow back under the skin.

These fibers or threads have a wide variety of colors. The wounds formed by them partially heal, leaving scars, but soon appear elsewhere.

Still not to send. When many patients claim that from abscesses and wounds on the skin, not only certain processes and other incomprehensible substances appear, but also bugs, butterflies and other entities fly out. At the same time, the moral and mental state of the patient is difficult to describe in words, he is on the verge of insanity.

In fact, they disowned the obvious, which could be seen with the eyes, and even examined under a microscope. The fact is very eloquent for the characterization of our reality and the contribution of science to the mass brainwashing of people.

Here is what the naturopath doctor writes about this disease Oleg Nikishin:

The oddities of the disease do not end there. It defies explanation, from the point of view of classical medical physiology, that the presence and development of a foreign organism inside the body tissue does not cause a very acute inflammatory process. Inflammation is observed local and very moderate. The fact is that the immune system of our body has a mechanism for recognizing a foreign organic substance with the mark “friend or foe”. In a normal reaction of the body, a foreign protein substance is invariably recognized by our body as "foreign" and causes inflammation of the tissue around it. Inflammation is aimed at blocking, decomposition and removal of a foreign substance from the tissue and the body.

Isn't this the reason for the unwillingness of official science to recognize this disease? But, as they say, a drop wears away a stone. A new independent study, conducted in January 2012, sheds light on the problem. According to a publication in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, Morgelon's disease is, in fact, a real disease. Based on extensive studies involving microfluorescence of skin, hair, tissues, calluses, and other material from patients, the researchers reported several interesting facts.

Patients with Morgelon's disease have abnormal functioning of follicular keratinocytes. Fixed genetic errors in the DNA of hair follicle and skin cells.

The fibers in the wounds have a unique floral composition and contain keratin (a structural protein in the skin), which means that the fibers were created by the human body. Thanks to immunohistological staining of antibodies, it became clear that the patient's threads are produced by keratinocytes.

Changes in keratinocytes (skin) are most likely caused by spirochetosis, Lyme disease.

According to scientists, the fibers are clearly biological in nature. They are not implanted in the skin. This new study opens the door to recognizing the problem of Morgellons disease and investigating in detail its causes.

We will talk about the probable causes of Margelon's disease and their nature tomorrow.

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