Isa underwent surgery on her ass. Aiza Anokhina - photos of the ex-wife of rapper Guf after numerous plastic surgeries. Photo by Aiza Anokhina before plastic surgery

Aiza Dolmatova is known as the ex-wife of Alexei Dolmatov (rapper Guf), as well as a blogger and fashionista.

Having ended her relationship with Alexei, she not only took up business, but also her appearance.

According to recent posts on social networks and Twitter, it was made clear to fans that Isa underwent plastic surgery to correct the shape of her nose.

Many did not like her for excessive unnaturalness - enlarged lips, extended hair, as well as unsuccessfully made breasts.

She nurtured the idea of ​​a rhinoplasty for more than a month or two. As you know, she always criticized her nose and did not like it for its excessive width, she also had problems with nasal breathing. The profile was truly amazing.

Aiza decided to get rid of these two problems in an instant - by doing rhinoseptoplasty, thereby correcting aesthetic moments, as well as restoring nasal breathing.

“I completely change my image, I want to finally become feminine” Isa says.

“I won’t have a normal selfie for a long time. Because hell is happening to me. I have never experienced such extreme discomfort. I can not do anything! I just can’t breathe for several days now ((and how right my son was, talking about how cool it is to breathe. Peace be with you people! But soon they promise a beautiful, not nasal nose without snot! Peace ", - Isa's words.

In the photo on Instagram, Aiza's face is completely closed, but on Twitter she posted a much more piquant option - plaster and bruises on her face. “I didn’t feel anything painful (((and I can’t cry, it hurts even more (”, the star complained.

Today, March 30, Ayse had her cast removed. Although they planned to do this on April 1, 10 days after the operation. The plaster was removed on the 9th day.

Drumroll. Result before and after plaster removal.

"The photo was taken 10 minutes ago) you judged early as always) and as always I like to make excuses) my cheeks are pure banter to suck) the nose is still swollen, but there is almost no difference with the previous one, although there is no .. I began to breathe better) peace be with you, dear people !" Isa's words.

Of course, it is still too early to evaluate the result, the rehabilitation process after rhinoplasty is long, up to a year.

Aiza Anokhina is the ex-wife of rap singer Guf, and now a popular fashion blogger. The girl actively posts information about fashion and style on her Instagram, and in addition, she runs a network of beauty salons and travels the world. The appearance of a secular lady has always remained in sight, and gradually sharpened to the standard canons of show business beauty.

Biography of Aiza Anokhina

Biography at an early stage is shrouded in mystery. The girl hides the details of her early years, although she is a fairly popular person. Aiza's maiden name is Vagapova, she was born in the city of Grozny on December 10, 1984. Until now, many journalists have questions about the origin of the future star, but most tend to believe that she is a Chechen. At an early age, the Vagapov family moved to Moscow. There, the girl was fond of dancing, music, she graduated from high school and the Moscow School of Health.

Subsequently, the girl studied at the Moscow State Linguistic University at the Faculty of Economics and Law. Like many young students, she had fun and went to clubs during her student years. After her first marriage, wild popularity came to her, the girl worked as the host of the show "Neformat Chart", often appeared on the screen of other projects. At all times, the faithful friends of the secular lioness remained and.

Now the enterprising young lady lives in Moscow and Bali. From there, a businesswoman runs a business, without leaving her family. All events from life, as well as fashion recommendations and advice, the Internet figure uploads to the network to thousands of loyal subscribers.

Aiza Anokhina's plastics

Aiza Anokhina's plastic surgery became public thanks to the most fashionable blogger. The lady never hid the ongoing procedures, explained each operation and frankly answered subscribers' questions.

  • Lip augmentation. On the net you can find hundreds of photos of Aiza Anokhina from her youth, in which her appearance has not yet been touched by surgeons. In 2010, the rising star of the screen made the first attempts to bring his face to the ideal of Moscow beauty. A modeling gel was pumped into the lips, which created a push up effect, and long hair was extended. Lip augmentation is a common procedure among rappers' girlfriends, remember only and.

Fans admitted that if we compare what Aiza Anokhina looks like before and after plastic surgery, then the early photos are much more attractive. The gel stayed in the lips until 2013. Then the aspiring beauty blogger decided to completely change her style, follow the fashion and get rid of the vulgarity. In the same year, the girl took off the extended strands.

  • Breast augmentation. Aiza Anokhina before plastic surgery did not differ in curvaceous forms, and the breast of the second size suited the blogger quite well. Only after the birth of the first child of Seven in 2010, the young mother turned to plastic surgeons for help, as the shape of her breasts was affected by childbirth and feeding. The implanted implants did not take root, the girl felt discomfort and painful feelings. In 2013, the implants were removed.

Aiza Anokhina, after the operation, which ended so unsuccessfully, vowed to deal with silicone in her breasts in the future. Until now, the bust remains modest, only lingerie with an increasing effect gives volume to it.

  • Rhinoplasty. The operation of Aiza Dolmatova (namely, this was the name of the girl during her marriage to rapper Guf) in the nose area caused a lot of gossip. The secular lady herself commented that there was no rhinoplasty, only a deviated nasal septum was corrected, and the bone tissue was not affected. The defect of the respiratory organ bothered the woman for a long time, prevented her from breathing properly and caused frequent ARVI.

  • Cheekbone correction. Looking at the photo, which depicts Aiza Anokhina before and after the operation, it can be noted that the woman has noticeably changed. The cheekbones are especially striking. Fillers have been injected into this area to contour the face. Pronounced cheekbones are dissonant with sunken cheeks. Fans noted that now the shape of the girl's face is already very elongated, which gives her a haggard state.

  • Chin. Along with the cheekbones, the chin was also corrected. The filler was introduced with the aim of drawing the lower part of the face.

  • Liposuction of the arms, thighs and abdomen, buttock augmentation. The height of the girl is 162 cm, and the weight before the birth was always within the normal range, but the next pregnancy took its toll. After the birth of her second child, the woman decided to come to grips with the transformation of her own body. Aiza Anokhina gained a little weight before the operation, especially in the abdomen and hips.
The worries and concerns about children did not give enough time for a caring wife and mother to take care of themselves. A young mother of two children decided to go to extreme measures, because massage and physical activity only slightly improved the situation.

Contrary to the ban put forward by her second husband, she studied the work of plastic surgeons on the Internet for a long time, followed the changes in patients, compared and analyzed. As a result, the girl opted for Seymour Aliyev. Aiza Anokhina after plastic surgery lost half a liter of fat from the back, abdomen, hips and arms. Enter the extracted substance into the buttocks, since lipofilling is quite common among rap fans. Isa is far from volumes, but some changes in the buttocks are still noticeable.

The general changes in the appearance of Guf's ex-wife are striking. From a pretty, rather attractive girl, she turned into a sophisticated society lady. Plastic surgery did not disfigure a pretty face, but they gave coldness and threw a dozen years.

Personal life of Mrs. Anokhina

Like every famous person, the personal life of a celebrity has always been in the public eye, and it cannot be called completely smooth.

  • The first acquaintance with the future husband Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) happened in one of the capital's nightclubs. There, the couple exchanged a couple of phrases and exchanged phone numbers. Alexey Dolmatov was captivated at first sight. The acquaintance continued after some time on vacation, where she skillfully taught the rapper several lessons in snowboarding. After a short conversation, young people confessed their love to each other. Exciting for the chosen one was the first meeting with his beloved father, because the future father-in-law was an FSB general. The family accepted Guf, and in 2008 the couple legalized the relationship. In the process of family life, the son of Seven was born, but the unexpected happened. Alexei told his wife that he had been using drugs for a long time. A loving wife did not leave her husband, but decided to support him in a difficult situation. Until the last day of her life together, she struggled with Guf's addiction, but in 2013 she finally left.

  • In 2015, after a six-month romance, Aiza Dolmatova married for the second time. The new husband was 36-year-old surfer Dmitry Anokhin. In 2016, a second child appeared in the family, whom the beauty gave birth to live on one of the Russian TV channels. They named their son Elvis. Now the children live with their mother in Bali, have fun and have fun.

In Andrey Malakhov's program “Let them talk,” the girl frankly spoke about the details of life with the scandalous rapper Guf, told about how one beauty salon turned into a successful business and about happy moments in a new marriage.

Now Aiza Anokhina has got rid of the shadow of her ex-husband, is trying to be creative, shoots videos, but leaves the lion's share of her time to her beloved family.

Video: Aiza Anokhina in the operating room before liposuction

Aiza Anokhina, according to Dolmatov's first husband, is a very active blogger. In recent years, the woman has been working in her own company. She specializes in jewelry making.

Aiza's personal life began to attract the attention of strangers from the time she became the girlfriend of the famous rapper Buf. Soon the family was replenished with a son, whom the parents named Sami. But this did not save the family. The marriage fell apart due to her husband's drug abuse.

Currently, the Internet star is happy in her second marriage. She and her husband are raising two sons.

Height, weight, age. How old is Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova)

Many subscribers of the page of the popular blogger diva are interested in the girl's height, weight, age. How old is Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) is not difficult to calculate, knowing the date of her birth. The girl was born in 1984, therefore, after performing mathematical calculations, it becomes clear that in 2018 she celebrated her 34th birthday.

Aiza Anokhina, a photo in her youth and now which is laid out quite actively by the girl herself, weighs 48 kg, which, with a height of 162 cm, is ideal. The former lover of DJ Buf adheres to a healthy lifestyle. In the life of a woman, a large place is given to sports and design.

Biography and personal life of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova)

The biography and personal life of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatov) attract many fans who read the girl's blog.

In 1984, the baby was born in one of the Grozny maternity hospitals. Parents decided to name their daughter Aiza, which translates as beauty and happiness. The father and mother decided that the family should not live in troubled Grozny. When the girl was only 6 years old, the family moved to the capital of the Soviet Union. It was here that Anokhina subsequently went to first grade.

In her school years, the girl showed herself reasonable. She loved humanitarian subjects. But the exact sciences were an inaccessible stumbling block for her. Isa loved physical education. The girl defended the honor of the school at various sporting events.

After graduating from school, Dolmatova studies at a health school, after which our heroine became a student of one of the most prestigious universities in the country without any problems. This period of Aiza's life is unknown. She herself prefers to hide that she loved what she did.

The general public became interested in the girl at the time when she became the lover of the then-popular musician and rapper Guf. The meeting of the future spouses happened by chance. The young man fell in love at first sight. Soon the lovers began to meet. The guy dedicated songs to his passion. But Isa perceived him as just a good guy with whom you can be friends.

After the approval of Aiza's parents, she becomes the rapper's bride. Our heroine did not want only Guf's girl to talk about her. She began to sew clothes. Soon Anokhina became famous as an excellent fashion designer.

After the wedding with Guf, Aiza devoted herself entirely to caring for her husband and little son, who was soon born. A few years after the wedding, disagreements began to arise in the rapper's family between him and his beautiful wife. The reason was the abuse of Alexei drugs. Tired of fighting the drug addiction of the star, Isa decided to leave him, taking her son.

After a divorce from her husband, the woman began to conduct a television show program on one of the Russian channels. In 2014, Anokhina played in one of the films, and also tried herself as a singer. She began to blog on social networks, which is incredibly popular with the public.

Currently, the blogger lives with her second husband in Bali and has two children. The family comes to Moscow very rarely. They spend all their free time on the coast, basking on the sandy shores of the ocean. Aiza often uploads sketches from the rest of the family on her page.

Family and children of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova)

The family and children of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) currently live in Bali. It was for the sake of the happiness and health of her children that the Internet star made such a decision with her husband. But the woman does not exclude that in the future she may return to the capital of the Russian Federation.

The family of our heroine lived for some time in the Chechen Republic. In the early 90s of the last century, it was restless in Grozny, so the parents decided to move. They chose Moscow, because it is here, according to their understanding, that the children will receive a good education.

Aiza's father was a general in law enforcement agencies. Currently, the man serves in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The girl's mother took care of the house and raised the children.

Currently, Anokhina has a beloved husband and two small children. Spouses spend all their time on the island of Bali.

In 2011, a woman became a mother for the first time. The boy was born in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals. The name of the baby was not chosen by chance. It was named Sami, which means light in Chechen.

The eldest son of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Sami Dolmatov, after the divorce of his parents, was brought up by his mother. Currently, the boy lives with her and her new husband in Bali. Soon the boy will be 7 years old. This is the time to go to school. At first, the woman decided to teach her son herself. He can already speak English and French. Does not let the baby forget his native Russian.

The son of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Elvis Anokhin

At the end of 2015, it became known that a popular blogger would soon become a mother. The woman took part in the project. The TV crew filmed how Aiza's pregnancy proceeded. The birth of the baby was also broadcast on the TV channel.

The woman decided to name her son Elvis in honor of the popular American singer Elvis Presley. When the son was a few months old, his parents moved him to Bali. It is here that the youngest son of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) grows up - Elvis Anokhin. He recently turned two years old. Photos of the boy, unlike his older brother, cannot be found. But his mother often shares the achievements of the baby with users.

Former husband of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Alexei Dolmatov

For the first time, lovers met near one of the nightclubs. The young man was attracted by the girl. She stood and just smiled. Rapper Guf was so intrigued that he wanted to come up and introduce himself, but the girl suddenly disappeared for him. The man, who was called Alexei Dolmatov in everyday life, realized that he was in love. But where to find it, I had no idea.

The lovers were destined to meet again. They were introduced to each other by a mutual friend. The young man soon met Aiza's parents, who approved of their daughter's choice. After the wedding, the lovers lived happily for several years. The woman did not notice that her beloved had somehow changed. It turned out that Anokhina's ex-husband became addicted to drugs. For the sake of her son, Aiza fought for two years, but still decided to leave her husband, taking the boy with her.

The ex-husband of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Alexei Dolmatov is currently struggling with drug addiction. He also performs rap songs, acts in films. The man does not communicate with his son.

Husband of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) - Dmitry Anokhin

Shortly after her divorce from her ex-husband, Isa left for the island of Bali. Here she met a man who attracted her attention. He quickly found a common language with the young son of the girl.

For a long time, the beloved of the Internet star was not known. Only after the birth of the second son it became known that the new husband of Aiza, whose name is Dmitry, became the father of the baby.

Currently, the husband of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova), Dmitry Anokhin, is a very successful businessman. He built a house on the island of Bali, in which he lives all the time with his wife and children.

Photos of Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatov) before and after plastic surgery cannot be found in the Internet community. The woman herself has repeatedly stated that she is against correcting the figure, resorting to the services of a plastic surgeon.

With users, our today's heroine shares the secrets of how to become beautiful and gain health for many years. On the Instagram page, Aiza lays out exercises for body shaping. In addition, here you can view files that tell about the blogger's healthy food recipes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova)

Instagram and Wikipedia Aiza Anokhina (Dolmatova) are filled with various information. In particular, there is a lot of information about fashion trends and style, in line with which the communication of the Internet star with fans is built.

Wikipedia contains information about the biography of a woman. Here you can find out where Anokhin was born, where her family lives, what are the names of the wife and children of the heroine. But this source does not provide information about Aiza's parents.

On the Instagram page, Anokhin very often uploads photos and videos. Here you can see how the Internet star spends his free time. She shares design secrets and fashion trends with subscribers.

Just a few days ago, 32-year-old Aiza Anokhina told her fans that she was going to do liposuction. The star has revealed how much she dislikes "hatefully fat" arms and that she is seriously thinking about getting rid of excess fat after childbirth surgically. Only a few days have passed, and Isa has already posted a photo of her updated belly on social networks. She also admitted that she did three operations at once: she reduced the volume of her arms, abdomen and enlarged her buttocks. She boasted that she now "can't look at herself in the mirror."


Posted by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) May 31, 2017 at 1:00 AM PDT

It turns out that since childhood, the star did not like her hands and she had long wanted to improve her forms surgically.

For half my life I run away from myself, for half my life I do not recognize myself and I try to reach the state in which I am comfortable as much as possible.

The operation took place in one of the clinics near Moscow and took about two and a half hours. Isa was pumped out fat from the sides, back and from the breeches zone, and her buttocks were given more appetizing shapes. True, some fans of the pet’s impulse did not understand, saying that she always had a good figure anyway.


Posted by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) Jun 2, 2017 at 8:54 PDT

Now the celebrity is recovering after undergoing surgery. True, rehabilitation cannot be called easy: in one of the last interviews, Aiza admitted that the postoperative period is not easy. According to Anokhina, her body was simply not ready for such interventions. The Instagram star takes painkillers and antibiotics, but the pain only dulls, not disappears.


Posted by A I Z A A N O H I N A (@aizalovesam) May 18, 2017 at 6:41 pm PDT

However, just two years ago, Anokhina publicly repented that she decided to have a breast augmentation operation. The ex-wife of rapper Guf went under the surgeon's knife after giving birth. The business woman wanted to return the bust to its previous shape, but the implants did not take root, and Aiza had to undergo a second operation to remove the silicone. Also, the girl then stated that the guarantee of beauty is a sport, not a scalpel. Apparently she changed her mind.

I very often swore in my life) so often that sometimes I don’t believe myself. But one thing is for sure, there will never be anything foreign in my chest again in life. I still regret that I ruined my once very perfect chest (well, nothing! This is my big lesson and some kind of karma for my vanity in relation to my body. For an ideal body, you need sports, not a doctor's scalpel. Although I do not rule out a circular lift persons at the age of 60.

  • Aiza Anokhina (maiden name - Vagapova) was born on December 10, 1984 in Moscow. After graduating from high school, from 2000 to 2002 she studied at the Moscow School of Health No. 1941. She graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Law at the Moscow State Linguistic University (MGLU).
  • In a recent interview, Aiza's ex-husband is rapper Guf, who cheated on her more than once while she was pregnant.

You can find many photos of Aiza Dolmatova before the plastics of this particular period: the girl was often photographed and posted her pictures on social networks. At the wedding with rapper Guf, young Aiza looked fresh and natural without a ton of makeup. In early 2010, fans noticed Aiza's desire to bring the body to perfection. Aiza, as a person who is fond of, decided to try the beauty novelties that were popular at that time and enlarged her lips and increased her hair. Other girlfriends of domestic rappers went through similar transformations - Alena Shishkova and Oksana Samoilova. By 2014, in her microblog, the girl shared information about the procedures performed with subscribers and showed a video after visiting cosmetologists.

Photo by Aiza Anokhina before plastic surgery

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Plastic surgery of Aiza Dolmatova

Aiza Dolmatova never hid her plastic surgery from the audience. For the first time, Isa sought the help of plastic surgery after the birth of a child. After mammoplasty, the implants did not take root, and Aiza Anokhina needed a second operation. In 2013, the girl got rid of silicone and, having regretted the intervention done earlier, she swore to do plastic surgery.

After a divorce from Guf in 2013, Aiza corrected her deviated nasal septum, corrected her cheekbones and chin with fillers, and also removed the gel from her lips and removed hair extensions.

The desire to look more natural obviously benefited Aiza Anokhina: not only did the detailed photos before and after the operation on Instagram bring thousands of subscribers to her, but they also helped to gain a foothold in the title of a fashion blogger.

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Aiza Anokhina before and after plastic surgery 2017

Aiza Anokhina, before plastic surgery, dreamed of an ideal body, like that of young fit athletes. The 32-year-old Instagram star had a complex since childhood because of the large size of her shoulders, and after the birth of two children, she noticed problems with her stomach and hips. Physical activity and massage temporarily corrected these shortcomings, but work and childcare did not allow Aiza to devote enough time to her own body.

In pursuit of a dream and love for herself and her body, Aiza Anokhina thought about a large-scale plastic surgery. For about a year, the blogger watched the work of the chosen plastic surgeon on Instagram, compared photos before and after, and more and more trusted the doctor. In May 2017, despite her objecting husband, Aiza Anokhina underwent liposuction of her arms and abdomen, and also enlarged her buttocks.

Later, a video appeared on the Web in which the doctor showed the figure of Aiza Anokhina before and after plastic surgery and spoke about the intervention. During the operation, one and a half liters of excess fat was pumped out from the abdomen, breeches, sides and back, and then the hips were rounded. After plastic surgery, Aiza Anokhina endured the rehabilitation period well, and now she pleases subscribers with photos and videos of a new body. The business lady says that plastic surgery has added self-confidence and gave new sensations.

What is Isa doing today?

Aiza Dolmatova managed to get away from the scandalous past and the prefix "Guf's ex-wife" - now she is a self-sufficient media person and a successful business woman. Behind him is the creation of a fashionable brand of youth accessories and jewelry, the opening of a beauty salon, participation in fashion shows, promoted accounts on social networks, shooting in the reality show "Pregnant".

But the question is: would Aiza Dolmatova achieve such success without plastic surgery? Maybe. But one cannot deny the fact that it was a radical change in image that helped the girl change her life dramatically and take up a career in show business after a divorce. By the way, after plastic surgery, her personal life also improved: after a series of novels (and well-known DJs and musicians were recorded as Aiza’s beloved), she found “the one” in the person of surfer Dmitry Anokhin, whom she married in October 2015 and in 2016 gave birth to a son.

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