Why do you dream about Matches? Match dreams Box of matches in a dream

Dream interpretation of matches

Matches are not a toy for children. Many of us may have heard such a phrase, but what exactly it means could not be immediately understood. What do matches really mean in dreams? What does this sign portend?

General understanding

The correct decoding can only be obtained by referring to a large number of little details, and therefore it is so important to analyze each one and draw the appropriate conclusions. As the dream book writes, matches have some symbolism that can only be revealed with the help of imagination and intuition.

Lighting a match in a dream

Miller's works

Turning to the works of psychologist Miller, you can see several interesting ideas. He believes that a box of matches foreshadows decline, and if the dreamer begins to light matches, then he will receive a large sum of money.


Why do you dream of a burning match? Such a sign is trying to tell the dreamer that enemies have appeared in his closest social circle, waiting for a certain moment to strike. If you yourself start lighting a match, then your future problems will be associated with wrongful actions.

Goes out

Burnt matches symbolize the dreamer's wisdom. He will be able to stop at the right moment using his mind. Before making any decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons.

Especially for men!

I dreamed of a smoldering match

When answering the question of why a match is dreamed of, it is worth considering its significance for a representative of the stronger half of humanity.

Bright flame

If the match burns with a bright flame, it means that the potential of a lover is hidden in the dreamer. Frequently lighting and throwing matches is a sign demonstrating that in reality a man has many women.


You may dream of a barely smoldering matchstick, characterized not in the best way. The dreamer should worry about his health, since impotence may lie in wait for him.

Inner essence

As the dream book writes, the dreamed match must be correctly deciphered, and for this you will need to remember their number:

In addition, a burnt carcass will be interpreted negatively, but a whole carcass will be interpreted on the contrary.


The dream can also be interpreted to characterize the immediate environment:

  • finding a match means making new acquaintances;
  • light up - to a long and strong friendship;
  • break - to an upcoming quarrel;
  • extinguish - to big problems between old friends.

It makes sense to consider some distinctive features.

Your actions

If the dreamer accidentally scattered matches, it means that he will actually be awaiting a move for which he had not prepared in any way. Such a decision may be made by your superiors, and therefore you need to be extremely careful in your wording. Start collecting scattered sticks - to restore order.

Lighting a match and then getting burned means a quick love relationship.

Other people's actions

If someone starts lighting a torch and then gives you a light, it means you may receive the long-awaited news. Matches scattered due to someone's fault - to the loss of a good chance.

Other meanings

Among the variety of interpretations, it is difficult to settle on one, since each dream has its own unique features. Some dream books say that small burning sticks personify the dreamer himself: both internal and external states.

If you manage to see a large box filled with identical matches, then such a sign indicates that the sleeping person is in good shape and is not afraid of any illness. Seeing burnt carcasses in a box is a sign of health problems. The optimal solution is regular exercise.

Thanks to the signs that we see in our nightly dreams, we have a real chance to change our lives for the better, as well as accept all the gifts prepared by fate. Such an ordinary object as a match has a very strong symbolic meaning in a dream. Why do you dream about matches? The dream book will help you find the answer to this question and tell you what such an image portends to the dreamer.

  • Burning matches in a dream warn of the appearance of serious enemies on the horizon. Perhaps they will be able to unite with your old ill-wishers. The fight against them will be very long and will bring many losses;
  • Light a match yourself - you will have to answer for all the sins and misdeeds of your past. They will also become known to the public, and they will have to suffer a well-deserved punishment;
  • Seeing matches that went out before your eyes. You will be able to cope with all difficulties, and enemies and ill-wishers will be forced to admit defeat;
  • Matches personify the internal state of the dreamer himself. This means that if in a dream you managed to see a filled matchbox, it means that in real life you are full of vital energy. All illnesses bypass you, and your soul is filled with positivity. That is why all difficulties and obstacles cannot lead you astray from your intended course. You just have to maintain this state. You are also trying to diversify your life with all sorts of interests and hobbies. The fewer matches you can see in the box, the more boring a person’s life and inner world;
  • Completely burnt matches indicate that you need to engage in sports and self-development. This dream warns that you may become seriously ill if you do not change your lifestyle;
  • If the match burns with a bright flame, it means you are leading a vibrant sex life. Light and throw away matches. This image symbolizes that you often change sexual partners. This will play a bad joke on you in the future;
  • Accidentally find a match. In reality, new useful acquaintances await you. The time you spend with new friends will forever remain in your memory;
  • Breaking a match means a quarrel. In real life, a serious conflict awaits you, both with family and friends. The conflict will happen through your fault. Dream interpreters recommend forgetting about your pride and taking the first step towards a truce;
  • Dream books believe that if you get burned by a match in your night dreams, it means that in real life you will fall in love very much. But this will only bring great disappointment. Perhaps after these events you will experience deep depression;
  • Light a cigarette in a dream. You will receive favorable news or a promising job offer;
  • If you scattered matches in a dream, it means that you often miss the opportunities that fate presents to you. But putting scattered matches back into the box is a favorable symbol. You will be able to make friends with your own “I”, find answers to your questions, and you will also begin to do what you love, which will bring you good profit and unimaginable pleasure;
  • Buy matches at the store. This image means that you will soon receive a lucrative job offer that will help you realize your goals. Also, now will begin the period when all investments will bring profit.

Interpretation of the dream image according to Miller's dream interpreter

  • Seeing a box of matches in a dream means difficulties and obstacles on the path of life. Miller believes that in order to overcome all obstacles, you will need to ask for help from your comrades. But do not forget that you will have to pay for this service in the future;
  • Light a match. This image marks the dreamer receiving a large amount of profit. Perhaps your superiors will notice you, and this will give you the first step to climb the career ladder;
  • The match burns with a bright flame. You will have a meeting with your enemies and ill-wishers. Don't count on an easy victory. On the contrary, this war will bring many losses and disappointments;
  • Extinguishing matches. To overcome all the obstacles on your life's path, you will need to rely on your experience and intuition. Only they will help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

Freud's Dream Book

Matches in a dream symbolize masculine strength. If you saw whole matches in your night dreams, it means that you do not have any intimate health problems. But burnt or broken matches are a cause for concern. Perhaps you often change partners, and this can lead to serious illnesses.

Why do you dream of matches - interpretation of the image according to Miss Hasse’s dream book

Seeing a matchbox in a dream is an auspicious symbol. This image marks career success and financial independence. But lighting matches means trouble. Perhaps the cause of your troubles is the dirty tricks of your enemies and deceitful comrades. It is worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, since even the closest friend can turn out to be a “wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Interpretation of a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Esotericist Tsvetkov is sure that matches dream of betrayal. Perhaps you are unable to bring your plans to life because deceitful friends are doing their best to prevent you from doing so. If you had to light a match, it means that in real life you will have to find yourself in the midst of a serious conflict. Lighting a cigarette with a match means disappointment in love affairs.

Ordinary matches, which we use in everyday life, represent completely different symbolism in our nightly dreams. In order to find out what a dream about them means, the interpreter advises to rely on intuitive feelings and include a little imagination, and also take into account all the nuances, even the most insignificant.

According to Miller

Miller's dream book provides a fascinating interpretation of the dream. He believes that seeing a box of matches in a dream means certain difficulties in any enterprise, and lighting a match means receiving money.

When you dream of a match blazing with fire, there are many ill-wishers around you plotting intrigues. And if you yourself set it on fire, this is a sign that everything happened as a result of wrong actions.

It’s not difficult to figure out why matches go out in dreams. You will have enough strength and intelligence to overcome all sorts of problems and difficulties.

Physical state

According to another dream interpreter, matches in a dream represent a sleeping person. In addition, they express his spirituality and physical state.

So, a huge box overflowing with beautiful, even matches indicates an excellent state of health and the absence of illnesses in your life. But, if you dreamed of burnt matches, you need to focus on your health and devote time to sports activities.

Male power

The dream book indicates that similar dreams are of significant significance for representatives of the stronger sex, because they embody the masculine principle.

For example, a brightly burning match expresses stormy. It’s not difficult to figure out why you dream of setting fire and throwing away matches. This means that in real life, a man quite often throws women around.

Seeing burnt remains of matches in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Unfortunately, they indicate illness and impending impotence.

Inner world

In the hope of finding out what matches mean in dreams, it is important to remember how many of them you saw. A filled box speaks of various hobbies, broad knowledge and the greatest spirituality. Therefore, we can summarize that the smallest number indicates the dreamer’s poverty.

The condition of the match indicates character. For example, burnt matches indicate negative traits, while new ones indicate positive ones.

At the same time, when you dreamed of a sliver of wood burning like a candle, the dream can be classified as prophetic. After all, a fiery flame, according to the dream book, characterizes the life of the soul itself.

Friends, buddies

Matches can embody the surroundings of a sleeping person, and in general his friends. So finding a match means meeting new people, lighting it in person means a long and devoted friendship, seeing a broken one means , and extinguishing it completely means complete disagreement between devoted friends.

If you see a scattering of matches, it means you are leaving, and flaming matches mean a stable relationship. When you dreamed that you accidentally burned yourself on a burning match, the dream book believes that in reality you will soon fall in love.


Actions help you understand what this or that story means. Only matches - to difficulties, to purchase goods at a retail outlet - to a new enterprise, to put away the scattered ones - everything will be in order, and to light matches - to significant changes in fate.

As the dream book indicates, light matches and then use one of them - in reality they will tell you something important. However, scattered pieces of wood warn that you are threatening to miss a good opportunity.

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Ordinary matches, which we use in everyday life, represent completely different symbolism in our nightly dreams. In order to find out what a dream about them means, the interpreter advises to rely on intuitive feelings and include a little imagination, and also take into account all the nuances, even the most insignificant.

Miller's dream book provides a fascinating interpretation of the dream. He believes that seeing a box of matches in a dream means certain difficulties in any undertaking, and lighting a match means receiving money.

When you dream of a match blazing with fire, there are many ill-wishers around you plotting intrigues. And if you yourself set it on fire, this is a sign that everything happened as a result of wrong actions.

It’s not difficult to figure out why matches go out in dreams. You will have enough strength and intelligence to overcome all sorts of problems and difficulties.

Physical state

According to another dream interpreter, matches in a dream represent a sleeping person. In addition, they express his spirituality and physical state.

So, a huge box overflowing with beautiful, even matches indicates an excellent state of health and the absence of illnesses in your life. But, if you dreamed of burnt matches, you need to focus on your health and devote time to sports activities.

Male power

The dream book indicates that similar dreams are of significant significance for representatives of the stronger sex, because they embody the masculine principle.

For example, a brightly burning match expresses a stormy intimate life. It’s not difficult to figure out why you dream of setting fire and throwing away matches. This means that in real life, a man quite often throws women around.

Seeing burnt remains of matches in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Unfortunately, they indicate illness and impending impotence.

Inner world

In the hope of finding out what matches mean in dreams, it is important to remember how many of them you saw. A filled box speaks of various hobbies, broad knowledge and the greatest spirituality. Therefore, we can summarize that the smallest number indicates the dreamer’s poverty.

The condition of the match indicates character. For example, burnt matches indicate negative traits, while new ones indicate positive traits.

At the same time, when you dreamed of a sliver of wood burning like a candle, the dream can be classified as prophetic. After all, a fiery flame, according to the dream book, characterizes the life of the soul itself.

Friends, buddies

Matches can embody the surroundings of a sleeping person, and in general his friends. So finding a match means meeting new people, lighting it personally means a long and devoted friendship, seeing a broken one means conflicts with friends, and putting it out completely means complete disagreement between devoted friends.

If you see a scattering of matches, it means you are leaving, and flaming matches mean a stable relationship. When you dreamed that you accidentally burned yourself on a burning match, the dream book believes that in reality you will soon fall in love.


Actions help you understand what this or that story means. Only matches - to difficulties, to buy goods at a retail outlet - to a new enterprise, to put away the scattered ones - everything will be in order, and to light matches - to significant changes in fate.

As the dream book indicates, light matches and then light a cigar with one of them - in reality they will tell you something important. However, scattered pieces of wood warn that you are threatening to miss a good opportunity.

People rarely manage to independently understand the meaning of their night dreams. They can find the necessary information in dream books. For example, why should men and women? Interpretation depends on details that must be taken into account.

Why do you dream about matches: the Wanderer’s interpreter

What information is contained in this guide to the world of dreams? Why do representatives of both sexes dream of matches? If the sleeper simply sees them, this promises him difficulties. There will be a dark streak in life, problems will have to be solved one by one.

Does a man or woman light a match in a dream? In reality you can count on getting rich quickly. If they burn, then this prophesies the appearance of dangerous enemies. At first, the dreamer may not attach much importance to their actions. However, these people are capable of seriously harming him.

Why do you dream about a box of matches? Such dreams promise events that will make the sleeper experience anger. It is better for a person to suppress this outbreak, as the consequences can be extremely unpleasant.

Miller's opinion

Why do you dream of matches, if you rely on the interpretation of an Austrian psychologist?

  • Burnt. Such a symbol promises quarrels and conflicts for a man or woman. An outburst of anger will cause a person to lose the ability to control himself. He will say a lot of unpleasant words to someone, which he will regret for a long time. The relationship with the injured person will deteriorate.
  • Damp. She prophesies the conclusion of a profitable agreement. It must be borne in mind that a man or woman will have to make every effort to make this prediction come true.
  • Broken. Such a symbol predicts a break with the chosen one for the dreamer. Most likely, he can only blame himself for what happened.

Light it up

Why do you dream of lighting matches? Such dreams promise a man or woman a change. The dreamer will be faced with the need to make a difficult choice. The decision a person makes in the coming days will determine his future. To avoid a fatal mistake, it is better not to rush. It may be worthwhile to consult with a person competent in the required field. A look from the outside will help the sleeper make the right decision.

What does trying to light a match in the wind symbolize? If it ends in failure, then this should be taken as a warning. The dreamer must be extremely careful, as in the coming days he risks making a serious mistake. A man or woman manages to light a match and the fire does not go out? Such dreams are a good omen. In the near future, the old dream of the sleeper will come true.


Why do you dream of a burning match? Such a plot promises amazing adventures for a man or woman. If a lot of matches are lit in night dreams, then in reality a person will take part in a social event. Visiting him will allow him to acquire useful connections. New acquaintances will take an active part in his fate. Thanks to their intervention, the life of the sleeping person will begin to change for the better literally before our eyes.

Does a burning match go out quickly? A person should not delay in resolving an important issue. There is a danger that circumstances will begin to develop not in his favor. If it burns for a long time, then the dreamer needs to pay attention to his well-being. The lack of energy indicates that he is tired and dreams of rest. Now is the right time to take a vacation and allow yourself to relax and let go of your worries. This is the only way a man or woman can prepare themselves for new achievements.

A lot of

Why do you dream of matches in a box? Such dreams indicate that a non-standard approach will help a man or woman achieve success. If there is only one match in the box, this indicates the sleeper’s inability to find a common language with others. The times will come when people will appreciate a person’s creative thinking, and he will have comrades-in-arms.

What does it mean to step on a matchbox. Such a plot warns that clouds are thickening over the sleeper’s head. A person has ignored his problems for long enough; he will have to deal with the consequences of such a strategy. The dreamer should gather his strength, as he will definitely need it.


Why do you dream of matches if a man or woman in their dreams goes to the store to get them? In reality, the sleeper will have to work hard. He will have to not only do his job, but also help other people. If a person does this from the heart, then one day providence will reward him for this.

What does it mean to stock up on matches for use? In the coming days, the dreamer's financial situation will stabilize. If a person has debts, he can finally pay them back. Sources of income can be different, ranging from receiving an inheritance to winning the lottery. Wherever the money comes to the sleeping person, there will be a lot of it.

Various stories

Why dream of matches if a man or woman scatters them in their dreams? In reality, the sleeper should prepare for the fact that life will begin to change before our eyes. There is a high probability that this prediction concerns the romantic sphere. Single people can meet their other half. Married persons are capable of separating from their partner.

What does it mean to collect matches that have scattered? For representatives of both sexes, such dreams predict the receipt of long-awaited news. There is a high probability that they will turn out to be good.

If there are a lot of matches in night dreams, then in reality the dreamer’s social circle will expand. New acquaintances have every chance of turning into friends.

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