The value of ca 125 52 in which diseases. Diagnostic value of CA125 as a marker of ovarian cancer

In a significant number of laboratory diagnostic methods, there are those that everyone who has ever looked into the clinic knows about (for example, a complete blood count or biochemistry), but a large number of specific studies remain out of sight. One of these methods is a blood test for the CA 125 tumor marker. This specific study allows you to detect a malignant ovarian tumor in the early stages. How to prepare for the sampling of material, what is the essence of the diagnosis, the norm and pathology - discussed in the article.

Oncomarkers are substances of protein nature from the class of glycoproteins. They are found in the body and in a healthy person, performing a number of important functions, however, with the appearance of a malignant tumor process, the indicators of tumor markers increase sharply. Moreover, protein synthesis can occur both by tumor cells and by healthy cells of the body.

It is valuable that the analysis allows you to determine the presence of the disease even before the appearance of its first symptoms. But not always a high level of oncomarkers can accompany the oncological process, such results can be a concomitant manifestation of inflammatory diseases, hormonal imbalance, mechanical damage to internal organs. The diagnosis is made on the basis of an assessment of the clinical picture, the results of additional laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods.

SA 125

This is a high molecular weight oncofetal protein that is produced by the fetus in large quantities. In an adult organism, the epithelium (inner layer) of the following anatomical regions is “engaged” in the synthesis of CA 125:

  • uterus;
  • ovaries;
  • pericardium;
  • abdominal cavity;
  • pleural cavity.

The entry of a large amount of oncomarker into the bloodstream occurs only when natural barriers are destroyed.

Indicators above the norm

In the case of a diagnostic appointment, most patients are interested in the question of what the CA 125 blood test means and under what conditions it can go beyond the acceptable limits.

Significant indicators in the blood of CA 125 indicate the presence of a tumor process in the ovary. The norm is also exceeded in inflammatory processes of the reproductive system (adnexitis, salpingitis, endometritis), with an ovarian cyst, during menstruation and in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The results of the CA 125 blood test are significantly higher than the permissible ones and are observed in the following pathologies:

  • mammary cancer;
  • malignant processes of the uterus, fallopian tubes;
  • tumor of the rectum, liver, stomach;
  • lungs' cancer;
  • malignant formation of the pancreas;
  • non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Slightly increased performance:

  • with an ovarian cyst;
  • endometriosis;
  • with sexually transmitted diseases;
  • against the background of pleurisy, peritonitis;
  • with liver pathologies (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • on the background of chronic pancreatitis.

A blood test for tumor markers is not a point in making a diagnosis. The study is considered a link in complex diagnostics, and also with the help of it, the effectiveness of the treatment process is monitored in dynamics.

When does the doctor prescribe an analysis?

A specialist is assigned to take a blood test for CA 125 when the following symptoms appear on the part of the patient's body:

  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • frequent nausea of ​​unknown etiology;
  • periodic hyperthermia with no apparent cause;
  • false urge to defecate and urinate;
  • spotting spotting;
  • pain in the abdomen with irradiation to the lower back;
  • painful intercourse;
  • an increase in the size of the abdomen;
  • enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

A combination of several signs may indicate the presence of ovarian cancer or other tumor processes of the reproductive system. Long before this, there is constant weakness, decreased performance, fatigue, loss of appetite. In most cases, the first signs are ignored by a woman, attributing everything to chronic fatigue and constant workload, and therefore the visit to the doctor is delayed.

Older women should include this analysis in their preventive examination, since the risk that oncology may appear increases every year. Also, the determination of CA 125 indicators is necessary for those whose closest relatives have or had a history of tumor processes.

If ovarian cancer is diagnosed, the oncomarker will show the effectiveness of the treatment. If the therapy was successful and a state of remission was achieved, the analysis makes it possible to detect the occurrence of a relapse in time (several months before other diagnostic methods can do this).

Preparation for the collection of material

In order for the results of the study to be correct, it is necessary to prepare for the delivery of the analysis:

  1. Donate venous blood before 11 am, on an empty stomach, you can only drink water.
  2. For three days, eliminate fatty foods and alcohol from the diet.
  3. Stop smoking on the day of the test.
  4. Stop taking medication for a day (be sure to discuss with your doctor).
  5. Refrain from sexual intercourse for 5 days before the analysis.
  6. Do not take material on the same day as other laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods.

Conducting research

The analysis is carried out using the immunochemiluminescent method (ICLA). The specificity and sensitivity of the diagnosis is 90%. The method is based on the interaction of an antigen with an antibody. To bind the oncomarker (antigen), specific microparticles with antibodies are used. They are added to the blood serum. For some time, the formation of the antigen-antibody complex occurs. After a series of specific manipulations, a special substance with luminescence is added to the complexes.

Luminescence intensity is measured with a photomultiplier. The indicators are directly proportional to the number of tumor markers.

Deciphering the results

The norm of a tumor marker in the blood is up to 15 U / ml. During menstruation, the norm increases to 30 U / ml. During the menopause, the maximum allowable result is 20 U / ml. Women who have a history of removal of the organs of the reproductive system should have a CA 125 not higher than 5 IU / ml.

The transcript of the results for a young middle-aged woman says the following:

  • up to 30 U / ml - the norm;
  • 30-40 U / ml - borderline;
  • above 40 U / ml - pathology.

The presence of a malignant ovarian tumor is accompanied by indicators from 120 to 1200 IU / ml. Benign processes, inflammation, condition with an ovarian cyst - up to 130-150 U / ml. Hormonal imbalance, sharp jumps in estrogen (the sex hormone of the ovulatory phase) and progesterone () may be accompanied by an increase in rates up to 50 U / ml.

The decoding of the tests performed by the attending physician allows you to determine the approximate malignancy of the tumor. The higher the malignancy and the larger the primary tumor, the higher the results of the study.

The highest rates can occur when ovarian cancer is accompanied by ascites. In this case, CA 125 is produced not only by the epithelium of the female gonads, but also by the inner layer of the abdominal mucosa. It will not be possible to understand the approximate malignancy of the process.

In any case, the prerogative to interpret the results of the diagnosis is given to the attending physician. Based on the indicators of this and other analyzes, the specialist chooses further tactics for managing the patient.


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Tumor markers are commonly called substances in blood plasma that indicate the growth of a malignant tumor of a particular organ. There are several of them, and they are used in different fields of medicine. A tumor marker that shows a cancerous tumor of the ovaries and uterus is called CA 125.

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At its core, the CA 125 oncomarker is a glycoprotein, i.e., a protein compound. The presence of this protein in the body is a completely normal phenomenon for every person, but only as long as its indicators do not go beyond the permissible norms. In healthy women, CA 125 is found in small amounts in the cells of the inner surface of the uterus, in the free fluid that fills it, in the ovaries, peritoneum and other organs of the reproductive system. The norm of CA 125 in the blood of healthy women is from zero to 30 units per liter of blood. There are a number of situations when the oncomarker is elevated, but we are not talking about a malignant formation. This happens with endometriosis, during menstruation in women and in the first three months of waiting for the baby. As a rule, the norm CA 125 at this time is not greatly exceeded. But if the decoding of the analysis for the CA 125 oncomarker shows a significant excess of the permissible limits, this means the presence of an oncological disease of the patient's reproductive system.

The presence of tumor markers, including CA 125, gave a huge boost to medicine. This analysis helps to identify diseases of many internal organs, not always related to the reproductive and reproductive systems of men and women.

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And although the CA 125 protein is also called a tumor marker for ovarian cancer, it can be elevated in malignant tumors in the following organs:

  • in the uterus and ovaries;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • endometrium of the uterus;
  • lungs and bronchi;
  • organs of the digestive system.

If the CA 125 tumor marker is slightly elevated, this may be due to an inflammatory process in the organs of the female reproductive system, including with endometriosis. Norm CA 125 in our country ranges from zero to 30-35 U / l. There is no single international standard, and therefore each laboratory sets its own limits. But the general upper limit is the same - 35 U / l. It is quite difficult to detect CA 125 in the blood at the earliest stages of the development of ovarian oncology with the help of this study, since the analysis shows acceptable values ​​for a long time. The norm of protein is rarely exceeded in case of recurrence of malignant formation. Therefore, it is unacceptable to rely only on the data of a blood test for a tumor marker when examining a patient.

What will tell the excess of permissible norms

What are the reasons for the increase in the level of CA 125 protein in the blood of women? The first preliminary diagnosis established by a gynecologist is ovarian oncology.

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If the analysis is carried out for women during the menopause, and the transcript of the study says that the norm of the tumor marker is exceeded twice or more, then one can speak about ovarian cancer with absolute certainty. But the analysis is carried out at any age and is relevant not only for women, but also for men. The decoding of the obtained studies is carried out by the attending physician who wrote out the referral for analysis. An increased rate of CA 125 in the blood in men means the presence of a cancerous tumor in such organs:

  • lungs and bronchi;
  • rectum;
  • stomach;
  • liver;
  • pancreas.

In women, organs of the reproductive system and mammary glands are added to this list.

An interesting fact is that the protein can be slightly increased even in the acute phases of these ailments or in the incurable stages of diseases. So, high values ​​of the tumor marker, when the protein is increased three times or more, are observed in no more than 80% of women and men.

Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a blood test for the CA 125 tumor marker only in combination with other analyzes and examinations of the body: a biochemical blood test, puncture, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, etc.

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Deciphering the protocols of all procedures will allow you to get a complete picture of the patient's health, identify the affected organ, determine the diagnosis and select the optimal therapeutic therapy.

If the tumor marker is slightly exceeded

Often, the results of a blood test indicate that the protein is slightly elevated, and therefore there is no reason for special concern. This is not entirely true. Of course, a slight deviation can be attributed to a lack of preparation for analysis or an error in diagnosis, but it is advisable to retake the analysis. After all, even a slight deviation can be a sign of a serious illness, which later turns into an oncological disease, as is the case with an ovarian cyst. Many patients ask - will the tumor marker be elevated with a cyst, because this is a benign disease? Yes, it will. Regardless of the nature, a cyst is a tumor, a neoplasm, and therefore it secretes a glycoprotein that is found during diagnosis. Deciphering analyzes for ovarian cysts almost always indicates an excess of CA 125 two times or more. So, the norm of CA 125 in the blood can be slightly exceeded in case of ovarian cyst and endometriosis, inflammatory processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

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Contribute to exceeding the permissible values ​​of venereal diseases and infections of the genital organs. The norm of CA 125 is exceeded with pleurisy and peritonitis, while the general state of health deteriorates sharply. The norm was also rejected in severe pathologies of the liver (cirrhosis, acute hepatitis) and pancreas (pancreatitis). Since the transcript of the study cannot indicate which particular organ suffers from inflammation or the presence of a malignant tumor, and the variety of potential foci of inflammation is large, the CA 125 tumor marker cannot be attributed to specific studies. Therefore, this study is always supplemented by other diagnostic procedures.

Features of this study

In order for the results of the CA 125 glycoprotein test to be accurate and reflect a complete picture of the patient's health status, it must be carefully prepared for it. It is important to take the biomaterial strictly on an empty stomach, and the patient is forbidden not only to eat, but also to drink any drinks other than pure water, and also to smoke. If the patient suffers from chronic diseases and takes life-saving drugs, they should also be reported to the laboratory assistant, as some of the drugs may affect the diagnostic results.

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In addition to the primary diagnosis of the disease, the analysis for CA 125 can be carried out as a screening, i.e., preventive study of the state of health, as well as to monitor the dynamics of the development of the disease and control the quality of ongoing therapeutic therapy.

Preventive diagnostics is extremely important, since the detection of oncological diseases in the early stages has a high probability of their complete cure. This analysis provides such an opportunity. And even if the deviation from the norm is very slight, additional examinations should be carried out to make sure that there are no pathologies or to confirm their presence. CA 125 is an analysis that does not give accurate results, but it is able to complement the complex of studies, determine the system in which the organ suffers, and in the future, control therapeutic therapy.

At this stage in the development of medicine, it is possible to confirm or exclude various diseases using a simple blood test. Due to the discovery of many tests, it is difficult to say when and what kind of research should be done.

The indication of tumor markers serves to identify and confirm the presence of neoplasms. Various factors other than tumors affect the result of the analysis. You need to know and follow the rules for passing the test. In gynecology, the most important oncomarker in ovarian tumors is CA-125.

Tumor markers and their significance

tumor markers- specific proteins that are produced by malignant tumors or normal tissues in an amount exceeding the limits of permissible values ​​due to the ingestion of cancer cells.

With their help, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis, but the detection of these substances in the blood and / or urine allows:

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  • suspect cancer and its localization;
  • to distinguish a malignant tumor from a benign one;
  • to investigate the effectiveness of ongoing tumor therapy;
  • early detection of recurrence of the disease;
  • detect metastases before their clinical manifestation.

Types of tumor markers

Currently, more than 200 types of oncomarkers have been identified by scientists. all neoplasms secrete their antigens.

The most commonly used tumor markers in diagnostics include:

What is the SA-125?

CA-125, or mucin-16, carbohydrate antigen 125 is an antigen located on the cell membranes of ovarian cancer cells.

Ovarian tumors are a serious gynecological problem in all age groups of patients.

There is no such histological diversity of tumors in any human organ as in the ovaries.

The CA-125 protein belongs to a specific type of epithelium; it is normally found in the endometrial tissue of healthy women of reproductive age.

In this situation, changes in CA-125 depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle: a slight increase in its level is observed during menstruation (especially in the presence of endometriosis), as well as during normal pregnancy during the third trimester.

Physiological is the content of CA-125 in the uterine fluid, while it does not penetrate into the bloodstream. The minimum amount of glycoprotein can be found in the mesothelial tissues of the chest and abdominal cavities. Reference (threshold) protein values ​​in laboratory diagnostics are up to 35 U/ml.

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Who needs to be tested?

  1. First of all, this test must be taken by every woman who monitors her health. For screening purposes, the analysis is carried out for early detection and the most effective treatment of cancer. The sooner an increase in the level of a tumor marker is detected, the greater the chances for successful treatment of the disease.
  2. It is also important that the test is passed by those women whose relatives were found to have oncopathologies. For this purpose, it is recommended to carry out the analysis once a year.
  3. If a woman has previously been diagnosed with benign neoplasms, such as leiomyoma, fibromyoma, functional ovarian cysts, neoplastic lesions, the doctor may prescribe a blood test for tumor markers in order to diagnose and differentiate tumors.
  4. It is mandatory to pass the test for women who have symptoms of a malignant neoplasm. However, do not forget that a positive analysis for tumor markers is not a specific and 100% confirmation of cancer, so additional instrumental research methods (ultrasound, tumor tissue biopsy, MRI) will be prescribed.
  5. After diagnosing a malignant tumor and performing conservative (chemotherapeutic, radiotherapeutic) and surgical (radical removal) treatments, the doctor prescribes repeated blood tests for CA-125 tumor markers. This is done in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy.
  6. Subsequently, the analysis is carried out to detect metastases in distant organs, as well as for the purpose of early detection of tumor recurrence. To do this, the test is given monthly in the first year after the treatment, then 1 time in 2 months during the second year, and 1 time in 3 months in the third year. In the absence of relapses and metastases, the test is performed 1-2 times a year until the end of the woman's life.

How to take an analysis for a tumor marker?

To obtain the most accurate test result for a tumor marker, you need to prepare and follow simple but very important rules:

Subject to all these rules, the analysis will be clearly and correctly interpreted by the doctor. The result can be expected within 1-2 days after delivery.

My personal history

With premenstrual pain and unpleasant discharge, it's over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared experience:

It is scary when women do not know the true cause of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state of gynecological health of our women is simply catastrophic, every second woman has some kind of problem.

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Interpretation of CA-125 analysis results

After blood sampling, it is sent to the laboratory, where the level of the tumor marker is determined. After receiving certain numbers, a very important and crucial stage begins - deciphering the results. It requires a high level of professionalism for accurate verification of the diagnosis, and, accordingly, for the correct treatment of the patient.


  1. Threshold values ​​of protein in laboratory diagnostics are up to 35 U/ml.
  2. Under normal conditions, in the absence of pathology, the level of the tumor marker ranges from 10-15 U/ml.
  3. An increase in its level to 35 U / ml is observed in women during menstruation, as well as in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  4. If a woman during a screening examination found an increase in the level of the CA-125 tumor marker above 35 U / ml, one should not make hasty conclusions and think about the worst prognosis.

CA-125 analysis indicators

An increase in the CA-125 antigen in the blood up to 100 U / ml can give various non-tumor processes in a woman's body:

  • inflammatory changes in the abdominal cavity (chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, chronic pancreatitis, peritonitis),
  • small pelvis (pelvioperitonitis),
  • cystic abnormalities of the ovaries,
  • endometriosis,
  • adnexitis,
  • other gynecological infections, pleurisy, autoimmune diseases.

Cystic ovarian anomaly

Ovarian cysts are not true tumors, since in their presence blastomatous (cellular) growth in tissues is not observed.

They are formed due to a delay or accumulation in the cavity of various contents, the secretion of the glands. Cysts can form due to tissue softening due to hemorrhage, necrosis.

The presence of cysts in a woman can affect the level of the tumor marker CA-125 in the blood, which begins to reach 60-70 U / ml (up to 100 U / ml).

Very important is the correct differentiation of ovarian cysts, timely detection, examination of patients. To accurately confirm the diagnosis, a bimanual examination and ultrasound of the female genital organs are performed.

After the correct diagnosis, the doctor chooses the most appropriate treatment tactics: from conservative and expectant (functional cysts can resolve on their own) to surgical.

Women who have reached the age of menopause require a careful approach. If an elevated level of the CA-125 tumor marker is detected, it is necessary to regularly take tests to monitor the course of the disease and take the necessary measures.

This disease is benign and is characterized by the presence of endometrial (tissue inside the uterus) glands and cells outside the uterus.

In 75% of cases, it is observed in women aged 25-50 years, regardless of its location. The frequency of endometriosis in women in the reproductive and later period averages 10-15%.

The level of the CA-125 tumor marker in the blood in this pathology can reach 100 U/ml, which is much higher than the norm.

Given the fact that the disease is widespread, it is necessary to carefully differentiate it from malignant neoplasms when an elevated level of the CA-125 protein is detected.

A histological examination of the biopsy material, as well as ultrasound data of the female genital organs, can help with this.

It should be remembered that patients with endometriosis are not cured until the onset of menopause. Drug therapy is carried out with the aim of suppressing and reducing endometrioid lesions. To do this, use the right hormonal treatment. In the presence of indications, various surgical interventions are performed.

uterine fibroids

A benign tumor that develops from the smooth muscle tissue of the uterus and ranks first in frequency among tumors of the female reproductive system.

According to statistics, 20% of women over the age of 30 have uterine fibroids of various sizes.

The tumor usually does not appear until puberty, develops only during the reproductive years, and regresses after menopause.


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Scientists associate its development with hormonal disorders in the body of a woman.

After the development of this pathology, the indicator of the CA-125 tumor marker in the blood can reach 90-110 U / ml.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a bimanual examination and ultrasound of the female genital organs. Only a thorough examination and the high professionalism of the doctor will help to identify the cause of the increase in the oncomarker, as well as take the necessary measures to treat the pathology.

The first step in the management of patients with uterine fibroids is to clarify the shape and growth rate of the tumor. Depending on this, the tactics of treating the patient is chosen. The main component of conservative treatment is hormone therapy with progestogens.

In the presence of a large tumor, the development of complications from the uterus and adjacent organs, surgical treatment is indicated.

Oncomarker level during pregnancy

In some cases, elevated levels of CA-125 protein can be determined during a normal pregnancy in the first trimester.

This is due to the fact that during this period the female body undergoes significant hormonal changes, general changes in the body, and emotional instability.

Therefore, an increase in the level of CA-125 antigen in the blood is a physiological change. In addition, the cells of the fetus are able to produce this antigen, as a result of which its level in the blood grows.

Due to the above reasons, the level of CA-125 protein can reach the threshold of 35 U / ml in the blood and even slightly exceed it. However, this situation requires only careful monitoring of the level of the antigen, an additional examination of the woman. Subsequently, it is mandatory to re-donate blood for analysis.

Menopause (menopause)

After the onset of menopause (cessation of menstruation), a woman's body becomes more vulnerable, which is associated with a change in hormonal metabolism.

The detection of an elevated CA-125 oncomarker in the blood during this period will no longer be characteristic of pregnancy, menstrual disorders, endometriosis (the disease regresses) or functional cystic ovarian abnormalities.

Detection of deviations from normal values ​​requires additional studies: ultrasound of the female genital organs, bimanual examination, repeated testing for tumor markers in the blood.

In the case of an increase in the level of the CA-125 antigen and the absence of its increase, one can assume the presence of a benign tumor. A significant increase, together with the symptoms characteristic of the menopausal period (bleeding from the genital tract), will confidently indicate in favor of a malignant neoplasm.

Significance of CA-125 in ovarian cancer

The main purpose of the test for CA-125 in the blood is to laboratory confirm or exclude the presence of a malignant neoplasm in a woman.

In the case of ovarian cancer, the CA-125 antigen index rises more than 5 times compared to the threshold level, thus reaching figures of more than 100 U / ml. Do not forget that with ovarian cancer, the level of the CA-125 antigen may be normal.

This, in turn, should not be regarded as a clear exclusion of cancer. The diagnosis can be established only after a double analysis with an increase in indicators in dynamics.

To clarify the diagnosis, in the presence of controversial indicators of the CA-125 protein, it is useful to take a test for HE-4, which is more sensitive. The combined test with the calculation of a special index makes it possible to detect oncopathology at an early stage, as well as to differentiate malignant pelvic tumors from benign ones.

In the early stages of cancer, the CA-125 index increases slightly or does not change. With the growth of the tumor and the progression of the stages of the disease, its level in the blood may exceed the norm. The analysis for this antigen can be used to predict the course of the disease: if the level decreases after the start of treatment, patients significantly increase survival.

It is very important to monitor a woman after treatment in the stage of tumor remission. During this period, the level of CA-125 protein is reduced to zero. Increasing it even to the threshold value may mean a relapse even before its clinical manifestation. This condition requires careful examination.

In the case of establishing a constant level of antigen after the start of treatment, one can judge a poor response to ongoing therapy and continued growth of oncopathology.

False positive results when assessing CA-125

Diseases that do not have a tumor origin lead to false positive results when assessing the level of the CA-125 antigen. They are named as such because the main purpose of the test is to confirm and show the presence of cancer.

These pathologies include:

In the differentiation of these diseases and oncopathologies, additional examination methods help. It is important to timely confirm and cure, or exclude any damage to the internal organs.

What else can the CA-125 tumor marker indicate?

With the primary detection of a high level of protein, it is necessary to carry out qualitative and detailed differential diagnostics with other oncological diseases.

The CA-125 protein is not strictly specific for ovarian cancer; it is also detected in a number of other oncopathologies:

  • mammary cancer,
  • uterus, endometrium,
  • pancreas,
  • lungs
  • liver and stomach.

In the absence of signs of ovarian cancer on ultrasound, MRI, histological examination of biopsy material, it is necessary to conduct additional diagnostics of pathologies of other organs listed above.


When prescribing an analysis for a tumor marker, a woman should take the preparation before it very seriously, otherwise the result and further interpretation may be incorrect.

The following factors can affect the test, so it is worth preparing:

After eliminating these factors, it remains to correctly decipher the table of analysis results. This requires an excellent specialist and additional research methods. If necessary, the test is repeated.

In addition, an analysis for HE-4 can be additionally assigned. We must not forget that the absence or presence of an elevated level of antigen cannot completely exclude or confirm the formation of a malignant tumor.

A timely diagnosis and the right treatment tactics are the key to an effective and speedy recovery of the patient!

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We wish you good health!

An analysis of blood serum for the CA 125 tumor marker is performed to diagnose malignant neoplasms in the ovaries. Carbohydrate antigen CA 125 is very sensitive and often precedes the occurrence of a relapse of the disease. When deciphering the oncomarker CA 125, the research method used must be taken into account, since the norm indicators largely depend on it.

What does the oncomarker CA 125 mean in the analysis of blood serum?

Analysis of the carbohydrate antigen CA 125 is used for early diagnosis of serous ovarian cancer in high cancer risk groups, monitoring the treatment of patients with ovarian cancer, and detecting relapses.

CA 125 is a specific protein, a glycoprotein related to mucin-like tumor-associated antigens. It is the second (after CA 19-9) marker discovered as a result of the use of hybridoma technology. Its formation involves epithelial cells of fetal tissues (derivatives of the coelomic epithelium of fetal tissues). It is found in the cellular elements of serous adenocarcinomas, but not in ovarian mucinous tumors.

This antigen is also present in the epithelium of the fallopian tubes, cervix, trachea, bronchi, terminal bronchioles, pleura, peritoneum, and pericardium.

CA 125 is detected in blood serum, breast milk, cervical secretions of pregnant women and in amniotic fluid.

An increased concentration of the CA 125 tumor marker in the blood indicates that the tissues are affected by a tumor or non-tumor process. Also, high values ​​of CA 125 in the blood test are observed during pregnancy and menstruation.

Biological material: Serum (plasma) of blood.

Research methods: RIA, ELISA and others with OS 125 monoclonal antibodies to epitope groups A and BCA 125.

Normal and borderline values: The normal values ​​of the CA 125 oncomarker largely depend on the research method used. When deciphering a blood test for CA 125, the norm of the marker in the serum (plasma) of practically healthy adults is less than 35.0 U / ml.

The value of the carbohydrate antigen CA 125

Since the CA 125 antigen is a protein (glycoprotein) associated with serous ovarian cancer cells (in a large percentage of cases) and some other tumors (with the exception of mucinous and granulosa cell histological forms), the quantitative determination of CA 125 in serum or plasma is used to diagnose and monitoring of patients suffering from ovarian cancer. An increase in the concentration of the CA 125 oncomarker means that a tumor develops in the ovaries (it is already observed at the 1st stage of the disease in 82% of all cases of malignant ovarian neoplasms). The diagnostic sensitivity of a laboratory test depends on the stage of the tumor process and, according to various sources, ranges from 87 to 100%. Due to the relatively low diagnostic specificity when deciphering the analysis for CA 125 in blood serum, this marker has not found wide application for the diagnosis of ovarian cancer: in many women in the early stages of the formation of cancer of the birth canal, the concentration of CA 125 in serum does not go beyond normal values. The indications for this diagnostic test are similar to those for the CA 19-9 marker; this test has no advantages over the latter.

In clinical practice, the decoding of the CA 125 analysis is used mainly to assess the effectiveness of the treatment of patients with ovarian cancer and the diagnosis of its recurrence, an increase in the content of this tumor marker is very often several months ahead of the clinical relapse of the disease. The median lead time to detect recurrence of ovarian cancer (compared to other laboratory tests) is 3.6 months. However, the results of the determination of CA 125 should always be interpreted in conjunction with the results of other research methods and clinical data.

In ovarian cancer, the concentration of CA 125 in the blood serum may exceed 13,000 U / ml. After surgical removal of the tumor, a rapid (within a week) decrease in the concentration of the marker occurs, with normalization of the values ​​approximately three weeks after the surgical intervention.

The determination of CA 125 occupies a special place among the research methods preceding the diagnostic operation performed to determine the completeness of remission. False-negative results of CA 125 testing are detected in about 40% of cases, i.e. the level of CA 125 is within the normal range in approximately 40% of cases when tumor recurrence can be detected histologically. The advantage of the test is that at a certain level of this marker, no false positive results are observed, and a diagnostic operation performed after detecting an elevated level or a secondary rise in the level of CA 125 always reveals the presence of residual tumor tissue. Since the reoperation of patients with residual tumor does not significantly increase survival, such patients may be spared surgery and instead subjected to second-line therapeutic measures.

An increase in the content of the oncomarker was noted in malignant tumors of other localization, pancreatic cancer, and other gastrointestinal tumor diseases; tumors of the tissues of the birth canal, peritoneum, pleura, liver, lungs and breast. Periodically performed determination of the level of CA 125 is important for the diagnosis of malignant tumors from the fibrous lung tissue in patients with interstitial lung diseases.

It should be borne in mind that a high level of CA 125 may also indicate the presence of various benign diseases. It can increase, including with benign gynecological tumors, inflammatory processes in the tissues of the birth canal, peritoneum, pleura, chronic hepatitis and pancreatitis, endometriosis, autoimmune diseases. An increase in the level of CA 125 in plasma (serum) is also observed during pregnancy.

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Many types of oncological diseases in the early stages proceed with mild symptoms, women pay attention to the signs of a malignant process late. The result is neglected cases of pathologies, pain syndrome, long and not always successful treatment.

For early detection of a dangerous tumor process, you need to donate blood for the CA 125 tumor marker. The norm in women depends on age, phase of the cycle, and the development of pregnancy. There are other factors that affect the value of the carbohydrate antigen CA 125, for example, active tissue inflammation. An article about a specific substance that helps diagnose cancer and pathological processes in the body will be useful to women who are interested in diverse information for maintaining health.

Oncomarker CA 125: what is it

A special substance indicates deviations in the processes occurring in the body. Carbohydrate antigen CA 125 is a component that rises against the background of epithelial neoplasms in the ovaries.

A high level of a tumor marker with a high degree of probability indicates:

  • a tumor has formed
  • there is a development of a component indicating the presence of a neoplasm.

The higher the CA 125 values, the greater the likelihood of negative changes. If the indicators reach 100 U / l and above, then the development of oncological diseases can be assumed with 100 percent certainty.

A specific component in a low concentration is present in the blood of women, even in the absence of inflammatory and tumor processes. If the values ​​of CA 125 are slightly increased, then it is necessary to understand the psycho-emotional and physical state of a woman: often stress, overload at home and at work, hard physical labor affect the health and the value of the main markers of pathologies.

To diagnose a malignant process, one analysis for the level of CA 125 is not enough: the antigen is elevated in many non-tumor diseases, inflammation of tissues of an acute and chronic nature. False positive results cause many women to panic, believing that high values ​​necessarily mean advanced cancer. There is another drawback of the study: low sensitivity in the early stages of a dangerous process. True positive results appear 8-10 months before the development of clinical symptoms and the definition of a tumor on ultrasound.

Indications for analysis

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a characteristic feature in many types of cancer. If you constantly get sleepy, your efficiency decreases, apathy appears, weight decreases for no reason, then you cannot attribute all negative manifestations to a lack of rest and nervous overload. It is important to be examined, donate blood for a tumor marker in order to find out if there is an initial stage of a malignant tumor process.

The direction for analysis to clarify the level of carbohydrate antigen 125 is given by a narrow specialist in the presence of a complex of specific signs:

  • for two or more months the temperature stays at around 37.2-37.3 degrees;
  • enlarged lymph nodes for no apparent reason;
  • Nausea worries, vomiting occurs periodically, regardless of food intake;
  • discomfort when urinating or defecation;
  • there are painful sensations of different strength during intercourse;
  • pain syndrome occurs in the ovarian zone;
  • a woman notes the presence of bloody or brownish discharge outside the period of menstruation.

A complex of negative signs indicates a high probability of pathological processes in the ovaries, including malignant complications.

On a note! Carbohydrate antigen 125 analysis is an effective method for detecting cancer in ovarian tissues.

Additional diagnostic methods

With elevated values ​​of the important oncomarker CA 125, it is impossible to say with certainty that it is the cancerous tumor that produces the specific substance. To make a diagnosis, a specialized specialist prescribes several studies and analyzes.

Diagnostic methods to determine the cause of the increase in carbohydrate antigen 125:

  • biochemical and general blood test;
  • gynecological ultrasound;
  • biopsy of ovarian or uterine tissue;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy (in difficult cases).

To clarify the nature of the pathology, ultrasound is most often sufficient, if a tumor process is detected, tissue biopsy and a comprehensive blood test. Laparoscopy is performed less frequently: with an unclear picture of the disease. Often, the study is combined with the necessary surgical treatment, for example, removal.

The norm in women

The indicators depend on many factors:

  • in pregnant women, the values ​​\u200b\u200bare higher in the first trimester;
  • in the period of premenopause, the level is higher than during the onset of postmenopause, the permissible limit is 46 U / ml;
  • during menstruation, the indicators of the specific substance CA 125 are higher than in other phases of the menstrual cycle;
  • with excessive consumption of coffee and strong black tea, other items containing caffeine, the values ​​of the carbohydrate antigen CA 125 are reduced. If a woman often drinks coffee, then an artificial underestimation of indicators can interfere with the early diagnosis of oncopathologies: the concentration of CA 125 is normal, but the effect of caffeine makes it difficult to reveal the true picture of the state of health.

Norm and deviations:

  • admissible values ​​- 10-15 U/ml;
  • weak inflammatory process - values ​​16-35 U/ml;
  • exceeding the level of 35 U / ml requires a comprehensive diagnosis to find the causes of high rates of CA 125;
  • at an ultra-high level of 90 units or more, doctors suspect the development of cancer.

Reasons for the increase

What does the oncomarca CA 125 show? Malignant processes - cancer develops:

  • lungs;
  • cervix;
  • endometrium;
  • sections of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, the level of CA 125 is much higher than normal in women with the development of the process of metastasis. The more actively distant pathological foci appear, the more the values ​​of the cancer antigen increase.

Non-tumor diseases and the formation of benign formations also affect the level of carbohydrate antigen 125. Pathological processes develop not only in the female genital organs, but also in the elements of the respiratory and digestive systems. The tumor marker is higher than normal with an active inflammatory process, for example, pericarditis.

Reasons for the growth of CA 125 indicators:

  • active stage of hepatitis;
  • benign lesions of the liver parenchyma;
  • diseases of the pleura;
  • inflammation of the intestinal mucosa of a chronic nature;
  • peritonitis;
  • pathologists of the digestive system;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • postoperative inflammatory process;
  • cervicitis;
  • metaplasia or ovarian cyst;
  • Meigs syndrome;
  • salpingitis;
  • endometriosis.

Note! A physiologically acceptable increase in CA 125 is possible in the first phase of the cycle and at the initial stage of pregnancy. Also, the value can change with chronic overwork, high physical exertion, frequent stress - conditions that cause a decrease in immunity and general weakness of the body.

Analysis for tumor markers requires standard preparation:

  • giving up alcohol and smoking;
  • a day before the study, be less nervous, do not overwork;
  • come to the laboratory on an empty stomach, do not drink liquid in the morning either.

With a transcript of the oncomarker CA 125, you need to visit the doctor who sent you for analysis: a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, an oncologist. If deviations are identified, the profile specialist appoints additional types of research.

On the page, read about how and how to treat chronic pancreatitis of the pancreas.

Reasons for the decline in performance

If the analysis shows the level of carbohydrate antigen 125 less than 10 U / ml, then this result indicates a high probability of the absence of a pathological process in the body. Also, a decrease in values ​​indicates a positive dynamics of therapy.

There are other options for interpreting the analysis:

  • tumor cells do not produce a specific antigen;
  • the level of the tumor marker is not so high that the study showed the content of the component in the blood.

Ovarian cancer and tumor marker CA 125

A malignant process in paired organs is often detected in the later stages. The condition is serious, the survival rate is low. Ultrasound, laparoscopy, conventional tests do not show the presence of abnormal cells until the tumor grows to a certain size. If a malignant pathology is detected at the first and second stages, until the negative process has spread beyond the ovary, then the treatment is successful in most cases, relapses are rare.

It is dangerous that a cancerous tumor in the ovaries develops asymptomatically for a long time or specific signs are weak. A standard gynecological examination does not indicate a pathological process, but metastases often spread to the uterus, liver, intestines, and abdominal cavity.

In the instrumental diagnosis of malignant lesions of ovarian cells, in 80% of women, the tests showed the presence of high values ​​of the cancer antigen. The tumor marker is produced by the structures of the affected organ. In some cases, even when determining a tumor in the ovaries using ultrasound, the carbohydrate antigen 125 does not exceed the permissible limits.

To confirm the malignant nature of the tumor process, it is necessary to pass an analysis for another marker: HE 4. The specific component allows you to identify zero stages of cancer 3 years before the instrumental confirmation of the negative process. At the same time, CA 125 helps to diagnose the appearance of atypical cells later: the level of the tumor marker rises only 7-10 months before the tumor is detected by ultrasound.

In the first stage of ovarian cancer, CA 125 is higher than normal in 50% of women, in IV - in 94%. In the serous form of the pathology, the oncomarker is higher than the optimal values ​​in 80% of patients, in the endometriotic form - in 78%, in the mucinous form - in 69%.

The combination of tests for HE 4 and CA 125 is the best option for a complete and accurate early diagnosis of ovarian cancer. During the study, experts calculate the ROMA index.

If signs appear that indicate a tumor or inflammatory process in the body, you need to contact a specialized doctor. The specialist assesses the patient's condition, directs for a comprehensive diagnosis. Among other studies, it is important to donate blood for the CA 125 tumor marker. Based on the test results, the doctor selects a treatment regimen and tactics. Timely determination of high values ​​of a specific antigen helps in the early detection of cancer.

Specialist of the Moscow Doctor clinic about the features of testing for ovarian cysts, including the CA 125 tumor marker:

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