Name meaning: Tamara. Name in history: famous and successful people. The secret of the name Tamara and its meaning

Purposeful Active Caring

Tamara Lissitskaya, TV and radio presenter

What does the name Tamara mean?

Taking into account the meaning of the name Tamara, it is impossible not to say about his extraordinary strength, even masculinity. It is endowed with powerful energy, strong-willed, devoid of any ornateness and allegory.

It is believed that this name has Hebrew roots and is translated as "fig tree". But often, for its interpretation, they turn to the Phoenician language, in which there is a very close-sounding word "tamar", that is, "palm".

The sound of the name is quite solid. It already on a subconscious level inspires respect for its owner and is associated with something regal and majestic.

At the same time, there is a lot of tenderness and comprehensive care in the name. Tamara, being a self-sufficient person, always provides support and assistance, but she practically does not need them herself.

Would you name your child by this name?

The legendary Georgian queen Tamara, who ruled her country in the distant 12th century, brought worldwide fame to this, in fact, Jewish name.

Although the origin of the name Tamara has more ancient roots, the biblical story mentions it in a slightly different form - "Tamar". That was the name of the woman who gave rise to the lineage of the great Israeli kings: David and his son, the legendary Solomon.

We can say that Queen Tamara was the brightest representative of her name. She had a clear mind, strong character and extraordinary fortitude. However, her generosity and generosity knew no bounds.

It was during her reign that Georgia reached its peak: in the state itself, any strife was stopped, corporal punishment was abolished. At the same time, no external enemy could resist her strength.

In Russia, this name also appeared in the 12th century. It was very popular in the countries of the former USSR, however, these days it has become a rarity.

Name Forms

Simple: Volume Full: Tamara Ancient: TamarAffectionate: Tomochka

From an early age, Tamara will be distinguished by her lively character, activity and an irresistible desire to learn all the riches of the world around her.

The mystery of the name Tamara is practically indecipherable, because this woman will try on various images every minute of her life. Today she can be a compliant prude, and tomorrow - a shocking rebel.

She knows the measure in everything. Since childhood, she loves to be in the center of attention, in every possible way to show her indefatigable creative potential. This is a true favorite of the public and the queen of parties.

Her character is holistic and persistent, thanks to his strength, Tamara achieves everything she wants. Although often she can overestimate her abilities, trying to embrace the immensity. For her, success is of great importance both in her personal life and in her career.

Perseverance, a sense of duty and phenomenal diligence distinguish women with that name. But they manage to combine strong-willed qualities with gentleness and empathy, they are incredibly easy to communicate with.

Unbending strength and generous kindness - that's what the name Tamara means.

Among acquaintances, she is known as an iron lady, whom nothing and no one can stop. But also endowed with a deep inner world, she is an incorrigible dreamer.

Her character is quite complex: she is not used to obey, but rather she herself becomes the leader of any team. The characteristic of the name Tamara indicates that it is quite easy to piss her off. Then she will not choose words, boldly expressing her opinion, no matter how unpleasant it may be for the interlocutor.

She quickly loses her composure in difficult situations: if something really terrible happens, Tamara becomes completely helpless and loses the initiative.

However, the owners of this name easily leave, quickly go to reconciliation. Thanks to the great demands on oneself, they never repeat the same mistakes twice.

Character traits


The meaning of the name Tamara: this name for a girl means "fig tree", "date palm". It is the feminine form of the male Hebrew name Tamar.

Origin of the name Tamara: Hebrew.

Diminutive form of the name: Tamarka, Tom, Tomulya, Musya, Tata, Tusya.


  • Zodiac - Scorpio
  • Planet - Pluto
  • Color - purple
  • Auspicious tree - date palm
  • Cherished plant - rosemary
  • Patron - wasp
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate

Angel Day and patron saints named after Tamara: Name days in the week of the myrrh-bearing women. The name Tamara celebrates name days twice a year:

  • April 29
  • May 14

Characteristics of the name Tamara

Positive features: The name gives Tamara openness, honesty, willpower, caring. Tom is a bright personality, gifted with creative abilities, analytical mind, imagination and emotionality. Since childhood, she loves to patronize animals, younger brothers and sisters. She is not indifferent to the experiences of loved ones, she is able to provide them with effective assistance. As a rule, Tamara does not stop at higher education, she studies in graduate school, and is engaged in scientific work. This girl is engaged in self-education if she did not manage to study at the university.

Negative Traits: The name brings excessive demands, straightforwardness, firmness and conciseness in communication. Tom is respected in the team, but many are limited only by official relations with the strict and fair Tamara. Often she is prevented from completing the case by her too broad interests.

The nature of the name Tamara: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Tamara? Tom is a resolute, imperious, adamant woman. She does not rely on anyone but herself, and does not make major mistakes - either at work or in love. A woman named Tamara can forgive a man a lot, but not giving her a coat or not opening the door in front of her is fraught with deadly cooling.

Tamochka chooses her husband herself, preferably from creative natures, who do not claim to be the leader in the family. Even if he turns out to be a nonentity or starts to drink too much, Tamara will never leave her chosen one and will carry her cross with dignity.

The meaning of the name Tamara in childhood. This girl usually grows up as an inquisitive child, whose interest in anything can hardly be called superficial. Already at a very young age, she strives to get to the very essence of the matter. True, she has many such interests and this prevents her from concentrating. Toma has a well-developed imagination, she is dreamy, receptive, a little sly. She is artistic, with obvious pleasure she performs in front of the guests, having matured a little, she participates in theatrical performances. She constantly plays a role: either an obedient and diligent girl, or an adult aunt, or a character in a film she likes. Mila is friendly with people she knows well, she is wary of strangers. At school, Tom studies averagely, she is not interested in studying, but she reads a lot of books outside the school curriculum.

Tamara and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Alexander, Bazhen, Belyay, Boris, Zakhar, Mikhail is favorable. The name Tamara is also combined with Ratmir, Semyon. Difficult relations of the name are likely with Alexei, Athanasius, Vladimir, Grigory, Igor, Oleg, Seraphim, Philip, Yaropolk.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Tamara promise happiness in love? She can remain lonely if she does not meet a person who deserves her respect. In relations with him, Tom will show his feminine potential, become gentle, passionate, compliant.

Tamara needs love and tenderness, she cannot stand loneliness. She is soft, supple, agrees to a lot for the sake of a loved one. For her, the main thing is home comfort, peace. Everything that concerns the household, she does very well: wash, wash, cook, take care of her husband and children, receive guests. But she will leave work for them only in case of special circumstances. Toma is strongly influenced by her husband, she adapts her lifestyle to him. A woman named Tamara is a devoted wife, even if he turns out to be far from her ideal, she will not leave him and will carry her cross with dignity. With outwardly complete subordination to her husband, she is a secret leader. Everything in the house is carried out with her consent, the problem of material support for the family is on her, spending on children does not stop her. The name may have breakdowns with tears and screams, but a smart husband will understand that such a wife should be guarded and protected.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A girl with this name can prove herself as the head of a large company, a bank. She can manage the male team and enjoy great respect. Tamara is a born researcher and teacher. Her rich inner world and creative talent make her famous as an actress, musician, singer, ballerina, and writer. She is not interested in the work of a housewife. Even in the summer cottage, the one with the name is engaged in construction with more pleasure than working on the ground.

Business and career: Tamara does not attach great importance to anyone's help and always counts only on herself. She devotes most of her time and energy to her work. Toma knows how to raise money and invest it in promising businesses and enterprises.

He is a man of diverse interests. She is very charming, generous, very responsive. Easily disappointed, deeply worried not only by his own, but also by other people's failures, misfortunes. She is not very obligatory, but diligent. She is fair, quick-tempered, but quickly calms down. This is a creative person, she is an actress, singer, artist, musician. She is interested in medicine and early childhood education. Toma is not very active, but enjoys the trust and respect of her colleagues. She likes to work as a librarian, administrator, secretary.

The girl's mind is broad, although somewhat mundane, not recognizing abstractions. For her, intuition is of particular importance. She allows the girl to ensure her well-being.

Health and Energy

Health and Talents: She Tamara is disposed to diathesis, most often it is a reaction to sweets. "July" Tom grows weak, often suffers from pharyngitis, bronchitis, although there may be no temperature. Health largely depends on what time of day she was born: if at night, she suffers all diseases with a slight temperature or without it at all; if during the day - her immune system is very weak and with any diseases she has a high temperature. Such a girl is afraid of the slightest drafts.

She is somewhat closed, unsociable. It is difficult to get in contact with children. The nervous system is weakened. Tom needs a strict daily routine, long walks, sleep. If she goes to kindergarten, she often suffers from respiratory diseases, she has a weak immune system. Often there is a runny nose. The name may have adenoids in the nose that should be removed.

"December" Toma may suffer from heart disease, but after the operation everything is getting better. If Tamara was born in the early morning, then her immune system is stronger, she gets sick less often, viral diseases do not stick to her. As a child, Tomochka can undergo surgery to remove an appendicitis.

The "December" Tamarochka has a weak nervous system, she needs to pay more attention. At fifteen, you need to be attentive to gynecological diseases: it can chill the ovaries. The "winter" one has a mental disorder, she is married several times. "January" pregnancy is difficult, after childbirth there may be varicose veins.

The name is located to gynecological diseases, there may be a cyst on the ovaries. Myopia develops early, prone to liver disease. She may suffer from infertility due to inflammation of the ovaries. Tamarochka is prone to skin diseases, she often gets lichen in childhood, she loves animals very much.

The fate of Tamara in history

What does the name Tamara mean for female fate?

  1. Tamara is the famous Georgian queen (1184-1213), whose name is associated with one of the best periods in the life of Georgia. She came from the Bagratid dynasty and was the only daughter of George III and the beautiful Burdukhan, compared by the chronicler with Penelope. Modern queen poets praised her intelligence and beauty. She was called not a queen, but a king, a vessel of wisdom, a smiling sun, a slender reed, a radiant face, glorified her meekness, diligence, obedience, religiosity, enchanting beauty. The people believe that the queen is not dead, she is sleeping in a golden cradle; when the voice of human sorrow reaches her, she will wake up and reign again.
  2. Tamriko Gverdtsiteli - Soviet, Georgian and Russian singer, actress, composer, Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR (1989), People's Artist of Georgia (1991), People's Artist of Ingushetia, People's Artist of Russia (2004).
  3. Tamara Makarova - Soviet and Russian actress, winner of the Stalin Prizes (1941, 1947), People's Artist of the USSR (1950).
  4. Tamara Sinyavskaya (born 1943) opera singer (mezzo-soprano) - People's Artist of the USSR, soloist of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia.
  5. Tamara Khramova - married Dernyatin, Finnish singer of Russian origin.
  6. Tamara Karsavina (1885 - 1978) - famous Russian ballerina. She was a soloist at the Mariinsky Theatre, was a member of Diaghilev's Russian Ballet and often danced in tandem with Vaslav Nijinsky. Sister of the historian and philosopher L.P. Karsavin.
  7. Tamara Lazakovich - Soviet gymnast, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1972), repeated champion of the USSR, Europe and the world in artistic gymnastics, champion of the XX Olympic Games in Munich (1972).
  8. Tamara Tkachenko - Soviet singer, teacher of the Bolshoi Theater, professor, People's Artist of the RSFSR. Author of books, manuals for amateur performances, curricula on folk stage dance.
  9. Tamara Press - Soviet athlete, discus thrower and shot putter, three-time Olympic champion, world record holder, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, multiple champion of Europe and the USSR.
  10. Tamara Taylor - Canadian television actress, played in the television series Bones, had a cameo role in the television series Lost.
  11. Tamara Mello is an American film actress.
  12. Tamara Akulova is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.

Tamara in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a similar sound. Translated in English as Tamara, in Italian: Tamara, in Czech: Tamara, in Danish: Tamara.

At the school, everything was revealed when 14 people from the teaching staff and schoolchildren were taken to the hospital at once. Four people died, including two sixth graders. Working through one of the versions related to eating, the police suspected a dishwasher. And when it was revealed that she was working on false documents, Ivanyutina's house was searched, as a result of which they found a box with a substance containing thallium. As the pathologists found out, it was thallium that caused the death of the hospitalized. An investigation began, during which the story acquired a Shakespearean scope. Ivanyutina poisoned sixth-graders because they did not want to arrange chairs in the dining room at her request. Adults somehow offended Tamara. It turned out that at least twice people were taken away from the same school in an ambulance, two of them died.

Further more. The police determined that Ivanyutina and her parents had regularly used thallium for poisoning since 1976. The substance was taken from a friend who worked in geological exploration, where it is used to determine the density of minerals. 40 episodes were proven, resulting in 13 deaths, on the conscience of Tamara - 20 attempted murders and 9 dead people. She poisoned her first husband because of the apartment, the parents of the second, whose inheritance was a private house with a plot on which Tamara raised pigs. Oleg Ivanyutin himself was on sick leave, with pain in his legs and losing his hair on his head. Those hospitalized from school No. 16 also became bald.

Unfortunately, there is no universal algorithm for choosing a name for a child. There are only a number of descriptions of general principles and several types of interpretations of the interpretation of a particular name. Pragmatic parents have their own examples of solving the issue of choosing a name for their child. For example, they are named after a saint whose memory falls on the date of birth of a child, or they give a name in honor of some relative. You should figure out what the name Tamara means for women.

In the 21st century, the name Tamara is very rare. But still it is common, since this name was often called girls in the 50-60s of the twentieth century. This name has a very good characteristic.

The history of the origin of the name Tamara has always been a topic of controversy among researchers. There are two versions of the origin and meaning of the name Tamara:

  1. From the ancient Greek word "tamar" - "date palm".
  2. From the Finnish word "famar" - "fig tree", "palm tree".

In our culture, this name has become known since the XII century through Georgia and Armenia. The most famous person with this name was the Georgian queen.

The full name Tamara has a number of abbreviated forms: Tamarochka, Toma, Tomul, Tomun, Tomka, Tamuna.

Childhood and youth

Since childhood, Tamarochka is a real angel, a joy for all relatives. The girl is obedient, calm and accurate. Very attached to parents. So that Tomochka does not feel lonely, adults need to constantly pay attention to her. But excessive indulgence in the whims of the daughter can lead to constant whims, resentment and even aggression. For any of her actions, the demand for admiration, praise and encouragement will grow. For any reason, he can begin to act up and even throw a tantrum. In general, Tomochka's character is unpredictable and difficult.

But despite the complex character, Tomulya is a very hardworking girl. She is always happy to help her mother with household chores.

Tomunya is doing well at school. Loves to read. Her main passion is creativity. Plays in school productions and almost always in the lead roles. But in life he does not take off the mask of the actress. In front of her parents, Tamara plays the role of an obedient daughter. She likes her friends and everyone around her to pay attention to her and admire her. Toma is a cheerful, perky girl who can't stand monotony, so she tries all the time to diversify her boring everyday life.

Over the years, the character of the girl whose name is Tamara, the meaning of the name and fate are transformed. From a soft girl who depends on her parents in everything, she turns into a strong-willed, principled girl with a difficult character. But he still loves and appreciates his parents. He cannot compromise, often argues, defending his opinion. Tom never admits he's wrong.

In his youth, the plus of Tomochka's character can be called kindness and high morality. These character traits are manifested in Tamara in communication with friends and family. If she is friends, then one hundred percent. Tamuna can never betray. There is no selfishness in her actions. But some unkind people can take advantage of this. And then Tom learns what betrayal is.

Tamara is a straightforward person, does not like intrigues and does not participate in them. If Tom does not like the person, then she will stop any communication with him. But it is possible manifestation of incitement on her part. Tamara loves to incite others in those acts that she herself would never have done. And these actions are not always positive.

In adolescence, Tamara begins to develop intuition. A favorite thing appears - a hobby. Thinking is widely developed, but a little mundane, does not recognize abstraction.


With age, the owner of this name becomes more eloquent, diplomatic, reasonable, prudent and domineering, fair in nature. Tamara is a strong woman who, at the right time for her, can be weak and show her defenselessness. It's impossible to carry it out. She easily calculates people who communicate for the sake of some kind of self-interest. Tom chooses simple, open people for communication. Friends and acquaintances always listen to her authoritative opinion.

This woman is very strict with herself. Does not allow emotions and some momentary weakness to go beyond the edges, no matter what happens in life. Tamara can be called a "leader from God", as she is not afraid to take responsibility, solves any tasks, does not reject problems. But status in society is not important for her. Tome, the main thing is the moral benefit from doing what you love, and not financial.

Despite all this, a woman with this name constantly needs love, does not like loneliness. For the sake of a loved one and relatives, she is ready for anything. Tom has many friends. She values ​​loyalty in friendship. There are also many suitors. Tamara treats their sympathy with respect.

Cons in the character of adult Tamara are also available. Since she is kind in communication, she requires the same attitude towards herself. Tom does not like harsh and rude statements, not only in his own direction, but also in the direction of relatives and friends, or those who have been offended for no reason. In this case, she wakes up hard, one might say, cruel character. Evil and betrayal will surely answer the same.

In the life of a woman with this name, there can be serious upheavals and moments of absolute happiness, ups and downs. But all this is an integral part of her destiny. Tamara is inherently a very emotional person. Therefore, without all this, her life will become boring and monotonous, which is in no way acceptable for her.

Sometimes even the date and month of a person's birth has an impact on his fate. Here is what the name Tamara means, depending on the time of her birth:

  1. "Winter" Tamara reveals herself as a gentle, sweet and attentive person. Can easily adapt to any conditions. Trying to be strong and confident as well. For the future chosen one, she will be an excellent wife and caring mother.
  2. "Spring" gave Tamara the features of a true woman - bright, beautiful and independent. Lover of bright emotions, constant movement and sports. He does not like loneliness and boredom. Spring Toma has many fans.
  3. "Summer" Tamara is hysterical. Behaves calmly with strangers. But relatives experience the full power of her emotionality. Tom is easy to piss off - it starts with a half turn. But despite this, it is distinguished by its honesty.
  4. "Autumn" gave Tomula a multifaceted character. On the one hand, she is a vulnerable girl with high self-esteem, and on the other, a true leader. Likes to have fun and be the center of attention.

Love and marriage

Love for Tomochka is of great importance. In appearance, a calm and cold-blooded girl is filled with warmth and emotions. Having met a worthy person, Toma will make him happy. Her chosen one will always feel loved and needed. Tamara will never demand from her loved one to change for herself, since she does not change this world, but rather adapt to it. Whatever Tomochka's family life is, she will never betray her husband and leave her family. She gives her all to her husband and children.

Tamara always has a feeling of hidden passion. However, he treats sex with restraint and even a little fear. Tom is afraid of his desires. She does not fully reveal herself to men, because they are all far from ideal. Tomulya is waiting for that one and only, with which he will reveal himself to one hundred percent and show himself from a completely unexpected side.

Immediately after Toma gets married, she tries to take a leading position in the family. But not every man can handle it. This situation can lead to divorce in some cases. Tomulya can choose a person slightly younger than himself as a life partner. She is very jealous, so scandals on this basis in the family are not uncommon. She will not even be ashamed of a public scandal if she sees that someone is encroaching on her chosen one.

Despite some shortcomings, Tamara is a good, economical housewife, loving and faithful wife and mother. Her house is always clean, cozy and comfortable. Cooks deliciously.

Here are the names of those lucky ones with whom it will be possible to build a successful family union with Tamarochka: Alexander, Boris, Vladimir, Vitaly, Grigory, Zakhar, Mikhail, Oleg, Ratmir, Semyon, Yuri. Well, the list of those with whom relations will not be so rosy and carefree: Vadim, Nikita, Roman.

Tamara's health

Tomochka's health has not been very strong since childhood. In childhood, a predisposition to diathesis, which is a consequence of a great love for sweets. The immune system is also weak. Tamara has weak bronchi, intestines and genitals. The nervous system is also weakened. Often the general state of health depends on the mental state of the woman.

Career and business

Tamara is able to successfully prove herself in both women's and men's professions. She chooses one thing for life. Changes jobs in very rare cases, due to serious circumstances.

Tomochka is attracted by pedagogy, medicine, psychology or some other creative profession. She can even become a driver. But for her alien: economics, law, analytics and finance.

Tomunya has a strong mind and developed intuition, so she can do her own business. It is possible that a private matter will have a creative inclination.

Name Numerology

In numerology, this name has a soul number: 1. It is necessary to understand what the name Tamara means with such a soul number.

Units are extraordinary, creative personalities. A lot of innovative ideas are constantly lurking in their head. In life, gambling people, but fortune does not leave them either. Easily enter into something new and unknown. Failures are taken with pride. All these qualities help Units in society to achieve great success and become leaders.

For a woman, such a number of the soul means her ambition and love of freedom. It is always very difficult for men to find a common language with female Units. Cold and indifferent externally, inside they are gentle and romantic people. For those around them, the soul is darkness. Units are not open to everyone. Communicate only with those who are worthy of their attention and meet high standards.

Name Tamara in astrology

There is an interest not only in the compatibility of the name Tamara with certain people, dates, months, but also what designation it has in astrology. How this or that zodiac sign affects this name:

It must be remembered that the name affects the morality of a person. Therefore, you should not be sure that a child named after an outstanding relative will be a copy of him in character, and fate will also turn out well. The name not only affects the life path and fate of a person, but also carries a number of indicators, such as: features of thinking and health, belonging to a profession, compatibility with other names in work, love and friendship.

Attention, only TODAY!

Tamara is a female name that exudes unshakable confidence and fortitude. It is quite popular in many countries, including Russia.

What is the origin and meaning of the name Tamara? What fate awaits women with this name? What is the character of Tamara? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

History of occurrence

The name Tamara originates from the ancient Jews and is a modern interpretation of the name Tamar. This biblical female name was formed from the expression "Tamar", meaning "date palm".

The name came to our culture in the 12th century from Georgia thanks to Queen Tamara. It turns out that the Russian version of the name is of Georgian origin. That is why some people interpret the meaning of the name Tamara as "royal."

Wikipedia reports on Queen Tamara of Georgia as the greatest and most revered bearer of this name. Her reign is associated with one of the best periods in the history of the country, otherwise called the golden age of Georgian history. The queen is canonized in the Orthodox religion.

According to the church calendar, Tamara's name day is celebrated several times a year:

  • May 3 and 14 - the day of memory of Queen Tamara of Georgia.
  • On February 8, December 15, the memory of the Monk Martyr Tamara Provorkina is venerated.
  • On May 1, Abbess Tamara is venerated.

The name Tamara is synonymous with Tomar. Other interpretations - Tom, Tata, Mara, Tamarka, Tamusya. The most common variation in our country is the abbreviated name Tom. The full name is also used very often.

Lucky mascots for women named Tamara:

  • The lucky stone is the pomegranate.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign -.
  • The lucky tree is the date palm.
  • The ruling planet is Pluto.
  • The lucky color for women is purple.

Temperament and fate

As a child, Toma has a rather curious character. The girl wants to get to the bottom of everything in everything. But the fact that she has a lot of such interests can prevent the child from concentrating.

From an early age, Tom has a love for creativity.. The child has a well-developed imagination, she is often interested in literature or other forms of art. Tamara loves to perform in front of others, is a born artist.

The child is strongly attached to his parents. Their attention is especially important to her. With the upbringing of a girl, mom and dad, as a rule, do not have problems.

The character of the child does not contain a drop of cunning and cunning. The baby is very straightforward, which can sometimes put parents in an awkward situation. However, the charm of the child will not allow others to be offended by the excessive directness of the girl.

Tamara is doing well in her studies. Her industriousness, desire to get to the bottom of the issue and craving for knowledge help here. Simple memorization is not for her. The stubborn nature of the girl helps her to succeed in school. Particularly interesting subjects for the student are history, the Russian language and other humanitarian disciplines. But the exact sciences are also easy for her.

A very attractive area in the life of a school for a girl is competitions, dances and other types of creative activities. This is an artistic child who is not shy about public speaking.

As a child, Tamara has a rather restrained character, the child often keeps emotions in himself. Parents should teach the girl to share her experiences with loved ones so that negative emotions do not accumulate inside her.

The girl will not have health problems if her parents monitor her emotional state. If the child learns to ignore the minor troubles that fate throws up, then Tamara's physical condition can be envied.

Women named Tamara have a very strong and domineering character. They are independent and confident. The fate of a woman develops successfully. Possessing very great willpower, Tamara is used to relying on herself in everything.

At the same time, Tamara is sweet and sympathetic towards her loved ones. Her character has such a valuable trait as compassion. She is sensitive not only to her feelings, but also to the problems of other people. A woman is able to listen, help and give valuable advice.

Thanks to these qualities, people are drawn to Tamara. People around respect and appreciate a woman for her sincerity and desire to help. But the straightforward nature of Tamara does not disappear with age. She still clearly expresses her thoughts, often makes critical remarks, which sometimes leads others to bewilderment and even shock.

Love for continuous development contributes to the fact that a woman does not stop learning even after receiving a diploma of higher education. If she failed to study at a university, the girl is not too lazy to engage in self-education.

Such a woman is very demanding of herself. Her perseverance and hard work often help to achieve everything she aspires to. At the same time, Tamara is rather quick-tempered, but quickly departs. She is somewhat reminiscent of a child who needs attention and care.

Tamara has an analytical mindset and strong intuition, she is able to ensure her own well-being. A woman is not used to sitting still, she loves outdoor activities: traveling, hiking, meeting new people.

Career and love

The most important thing in work for Tamara is to have fun. If a woman is not satisfied with the team, occupation or attitude of her superiors, she will not tolerate it and leave.

She can work in different industries and is able to prove herself both in the “female” and in the “male” position. Being a creative person, she often finds herself in such professions as an actress, writer, dancer, musician, etc.

A woman knows how to earn money and manage it wisely. Often she is attracted to the pedagogical or medical field. Sometimes such women become research assistants.

Tamara is a born leader. As a leader, she is able to gain respect even in the male team. If such a woman decides to start her own business, then she will certainly achieve success here, because a huge part of Tamara's time and energy is devoted to work.

For such a woman, it is important to be loved and desired, she does not tolerate loneliness. With her chosen one, Tom is able to be gentle and sweet. But, nevertheless, in relationships, the girl is used to taking on the role of leader.

This somewhat narrows the circle of potential chosen ones for Tamara, because infrequently a man is able to give the reins of power to a woman. That is why fate, as a rule, brings her together with a wise and calm man who will allow her to consider herself the head of the family.

In a man, she appreciates romance and responsiveness. It is critically important for a lady that they always give her a hand when leaving the transport and help her put on her coat. If the gentleman does not do this, he risks losing the girl's affection.

The girl is in no hurry to get married. She chooses a partner for herself rather meticulously, it is important for her that a man meets all the requirements and deserves her respect.

Tamara is a wonderful hostess! Her house is always clean and comfortable, a delicious dinner is prepared. The woman's culinary skills never cease to amaze her husband and guests. Despite this, she does not see herself as an eternal housewife at all, since her career remains very important for her even after marriage.

The hostess manages the budget of the family very competently. Even if a woman is used to living in luxury and dressing beautifully, she spends money on it only when she can afford such expenses.

But when it comes to shopping for her children, here she will stop at nothing. Even the high price will not prevent her from pampering her kids. Tamara is an excellent mother, she does not have a soul in her child and always tries to give him the best.

At the same time, she is quite demanding on the education of her children, and also often sends her kids to sports clubs. For such a mother, it is important to raise a person whom she can be proud of.

Being completely devoted to her husband, such a wife is also very jealous, so it is better not to give her reasons. Due to her temper, the spouse can arrange a scene of jealousy even with strangers.

Despite the emotionality of a woman, her husband does not have a soul in her. Tamara believes in her man, always supports him in all endeavors. She is a good friend and adviser, an excellent hostess, a gentle and faithful wife.

So, the meaning of the name Tamara speaks of the strong, but at the same time sensitive character of a woman. Such a person has a large number of friends, succeeds in building a career and creates a happy and loving family. Author: Maria Shcherbakova

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