Julia Rupert is an actress. The way Yulia Rutberg looks after plastic surgery shocked the public .... Julia's personal life and latest creative news

52-year-old Russian actress Yulia Rutberg has changed after plastic surgery.

After 50 years, the People's Artist of Russia decided to radically change her appearance, for which she resorted to plastic surgery.

Rutberg changed the oval of the face, the shape of the nose and lips. Now the features of her appearance are not as sharp as before. Of course, they also corrected the woman's wrinkles, or rather, they tightened the skin so that they (wrinkles) disappeared. Some commentators believe that Yulia has become more feminine, while others, on the contrary, criticize the artist, saying that she has lost her individuality.

Julia's transformation was noticed at the opening of the new season at the Vakhtangov Theater. Fans were quick to note that Rutberg has changed almost beyond recognition.

A number of fans of 52-year-old Yulia believe that her face began to look like a mask and that now it will be much more difficult for the artist to express emotions.

“Why correct yourself so obviously? You need to grow old beautifully, this is a natural process”, “Julia, stop, you are losing your natural beauty”, “And as for me, she looks great. He looks after himself, and there is nothing wrong with that, ”they write in social networks.

The actress herself has not yet commented on the metamorphoses that have occurred. The star rarely goes out and does not lead social networks. That is why fans know almost nothing about her personal life.

Rutberg became famous in the late 1980s after her role in the film Seaside Boulevard. In general, the actress starred in almost a hundred full-length films and TV shows.

In recent years, Rutberg has been involved in theatrical productions. So, the cabaret "All the Vanity" with her participation is very popular. The last film with her participation - "And there was a day" - was released in 2015.

In 2017, Rutberg starred in the film "Fishing".

Fans of the work of the famous Russian actress accuse the woman of abusing the services of plastic surgery. Photos of Yulia Rutberg before and after plastic surgery are confirmation that the actress nevertheless conducted experiments with her own appearance.

Yulia Rutberg is a famous actress, a happy mother, and just a beautiful woman.

A little biography:

  • Name: Julia Rutberg
  • Date of Birth: July 8, 1965
  • Zodiac sign: Crayfish
  • Age: 53 years old
  • Place of Birth: Moscow
  • Growth: 173
  • Activity: Theater and film actress
  • Family status: Married to Anatoly Lobotsky

Julia Rutberg has always had a large army of fans, and attracted attention not only with her acting talent, but above all with her bright appearance. After the recent appearance of a celebrity at the opening of the theatrical season at the famous Vakhtangov Theater, her fans were shocked.

According to most friends and acquaintances, the woman has changed beyond recognition. Evil tongues unanimously talk about rhinoplasty and facelift.

The natural beauty of the actress made her charming and sweet.

Did the transformation actually spoil the actress, or was this measure necessary? Today, the screen star is 52 years old and was previously known for her natural beauty. Many believe that Julia made a terrible mistake by turning to the achievements of modern aesthetic medicine.

Previously, the face of the actress really looked different. Rutberg had thin cheekbones, against which the large eyes of a woman stood out beautifully. Did not spoil the actress, according to fans, not even the smallest nose.

Wrinkle beauty injections

This year, the name day of Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya gathered many guests at the Vakhtangov Theater. The invited persons were pop and movie stars. Julia Rutberg amazed everyone. Photos after the plastic surgery of this celebrity simply stirred up the network and became one of the most discussed events of the theatrical season.

Looking at the photos of the star, the plastic surgeons of the capital unanimously declare that the woman definitely gave herself Botox injections. Natural beauty and naturalness have been valued at all times, but the years inexorably take their toll.

Having exchanged her sixth decade, Rutberg had a large number of facial wrinkles on her face, which can be said with certainty by looking at her old photographs.

The skin of the actress has lost elasticity over the years, especially considering the constant use of theatrical makeup. And if we talk about mimic wrinkles, they can appear even in young girls if their face constantly expresses a large number of emotions. Actors are especially susceptible to this problem. The time has come for Rutberg to come to the clinic.

The actress got rid of small wrinkles on her forehead, neck and around her eyes. How could she do it? Definitely using Dysport or Botox. An alternative could be hyaluronic acid.

Injections with Botox or Dysport help block nerve impulses in the muscle fibers of the face. It is because of this blockage that the muscles will be relaxed for a long time, and the skin on the face will age more slowly.

The use of hyaluronic acid in addition to other procedures helps to get rid of deeper wrinkles. And the effect of such a procedure lasts longer - up to 6-8 months.


It is not completely clear whether Yulia Rutberg did rhinoplasty. The opinions of fans, colleagues and plastic surgeons who have studied photos of the star are ambiguous on this score. The fact is that the famous actress did not go out in public for more than two years and did not attend social events. That is why the changes are so striking.

The photographs of Yulia Rutberg show such changes in appearance after plastic surgery:

  • the bridge of the nose has become wider;
  • eyes have become narrower;
  • the cheekbones look puffy and have acquired a round shape, having lost their former attractive thinness.

The shape of Rutberg's nose has also changed a lot. The tip of the nose has become more rounded, not so thin. If it's not rhinoplasty, the reason lies only in facelifts, namely beauty injections, which gave the heroine's face such an unattractive look.


The effect of the swollen face of the actress, according to beauty industry experts who carefully examined her photo, was given by anti-aging procedures. An interesting point is that earlier the Russian actress spoke extremely negatively about plastic surgery.

In her early interviews, Rutberg said that the artist's face should be mobile and clearly convey the emotions experienced on stage. It should display the imprint of the years lived, transferred and lived images.

What made the woman change her mind and decide, if not for surgery, then for injections of fillers? Of course, at 52 she looked attractive, but at the same time she repeatedly told her friends that she would like to get rid of the fine wrinkles that had recently appeared, to restore her former youth and elasticity to her face.

The opinion of the fans on this matter is unambiguous. Nobody likes Rutberg's new look. Yes, and youth, according to fans, these procedures did not add to her. Most likely, there was no facelift. And with injections, cosmetologists definitely overdid it.

How else did Rutberg improve her appearance?

The appearance of Yulia Rutberg at the celebration at Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya made a splash. Changes in her appearance were noticed by all the guests without exception. Hair and makeup have not changed. But the face of a woman has become radically different.

Moreover, acquaintances do not recognize her photographs that appear in the yellow press and on the pages of social networks. They look like a completely different woman.

The oval of the face has changed. Previously elongated and narrow, it now looks smoother. The sharp aristocratic chin rounded, as if the actress had gained a few extra pounds, although her figure did not undergo any visible changes.

Rutberg went too far in her desire to smooth out her sharp features. She lost her unique individuality and natural thinness, which distinguished her from other stars of Russian cinema.

Unfortunately, this appearance of the actress may be the result of poor-quality procedures. And fortunately, the drugs that are used in modern cosmetology and beauty medicine are short-lived and are perfectly excreted from the patient's body.

The naive (natural) hyaluronic acid takes the longest time to be excreted from the body. But even here the opposite effect is possible, if, of course, Rutberg really did only injections, and not a facelift.

Yulia Rutberg - photo after plastic surgery

Photos of Yulia Rutberg after undergoing plastic surgery are already circulating on the network with might and main. On them, the chic big eyes of a woman are more narrowed, her cheeks are round, and there is no trace of high taut cheekbones. The nose of a famous actress looks puffy, like the consequences of rhinoplasty or unsuccessfully performed beauty injections.

Rutberg Julia. Photo after face plastic surgery

Yulia Rutberg's friends defend the actress and say that a woman's desire to remain beautiful at any age is commendable. They diligently avoid the question of whether they like the way Yulia looks now, and what led to this result.

Fans in this regard are more categorical and say that now their idol cannot be looked at without tears. Rutberg herself does not react in any way to attacks, preferring to remain silent.

In addition to a round and unnaturally motionless face, no other changes were noticed in the woman's appearance. Except that the eyebrows have now become thinner, which was also met negatively by the fans.

How much do actress surgeries cost?

It is not known for certain how much Yulia Rutberg's experiments with her own appearance cost, and what procedures she used. But if we talk about a facelift, the average prices in Moscow are 250 thousand rubles (meaning a complex facelift with endoscopy). Blepharoplasty, or eyelid lift - 80 thousand rubles. And the same with the use of a laser - 96 thousand km.

After injections of fillers Julia Rutberg.

High-quality rhinoplasty in the capital will cost about 140 thousand rubles. This includes the correction of the tip of the nose. If the patient requires nasal septum correction, the cost will be slightly higher. On average - 230 thousand rubles.

Speaking about beauty injections, and according to many Moscow specialists, the actress used this service, their price varies depending on the type of procedures. Injections in the space between the eyebrows cost an average of 8.5 thousand rubles, and near the eye space - 7.5. Correction of the corners of the mouth will cost less - 4 thousand, and the chin on average - 3,000 rubles.

Julia's personal life and latest creative news

Today, Honored Artist of Russia Yulia Ilyinichna Rutberg is 52 years old. According to the sign of the Zodiac, she is a cancer, which means a person who never loses heart and is always optimistic, no matter what surprises life would bring him. This is the creed of the actress, and she tries to follow it.

The personal life of a star, especially in his youth, was stormy. Around her always revolved bright and charismatic men of creative professions - singers and actors. The woman had a long affair with the vocalist of the popular Russian group "Accident" Alexei Kortnev. But she married someone else.

Julia's first husband is Alexander Kuznetsov. Rutberg married him legally and even bore him a son, whom she named Gregory.

The marriage was short-lived, as the man left his family and emigrated to the States. Then Julia started an affair with theater and film actor Anatoly Lobotsky. Their relationship ended in marriage, while for a man it was the fifth marriage in a row. Unfortunately, this relationship has come to an end.

The reason was the serious illness of Yulia's father, the famous Soviet actor Ilya Rutberg, who died in the fall of 2014 from a heart attack. A few years before that, Ilya Grigorievich was ill, and his loving daughter sacrificed everything, including her own marriage, in order to spend more time with him.

The woman, like many representatives of the older generation of actors, is a small lover of social networks and does not have her own personal page on Instagram.

What Rutberg says about the changes that have taken place

The creative career of Yulia Rutberg began back in 1988. Many years have passed since then, and sufficient creative baggage has accumulated behind the woman's back. The viewer has always appreciated Rutberg primarily for her love of life and ability not to give up and, most importantly, to remain natural.

What could make a woman change her own principles and go under the knife of a plastic surgeon? Previously, her opinion in this regard was extremely negative. Moreover, she condemned colleagues in the creative workshop who turn to the services of plastic doctors. Therefore, it is unlikely that the changes occurred under the influence of plastic surgery.

The celebrity definitely used Botox injections, and most likely fillers that do not smooth out wrinkles, but rather fill the space between the folds of the face and thereby remove unnecessary wrinkles. The woman prefers not to talk about the changes that have happened to her face.

The popular actress was left alone again

For nine years, the civil marriage of two famous actors has cracked more than once. As a rule, Anatoly LOBOTSKY left, and Yulia RUTBERG regularly returned him, forgiving absolutely everything to her beloved man. Today, Julia has completely different problems, and her personal life has faded into the background.

In contrast to the creative in his personal life, the prima of the Vakhtangov Theater Julia Rutberg things are not going my way. It just so happened that for the most part her life partners married others. The only exception is the actor Aleksandr Kuznetsov, who went with Yulia to the registry office and became the father of their child Grigory. But the first and strongest love of Rutberg was none other than the then student of GITIS, a graduate of the directing department of the Tambov Institute of Culture, and now a favorite of many women Anatoly Lobotsky.

Girls need to be protected

A handsome man would hardly have paid attention to the clumsy girl, who read the lists of applicants with bated breath, if not for her loud surname. Julia's father, unsurpassed master of pantomime Ilya Rutberg, taught at his course.

The girl looked at him with adoration, to which Lobotsky had long been accustomed. By the time they first met, Anatoly had one marriage and a bunch of broken women's hearts behind him.

The first time he married as a student on a classmate Nadezhda Smirnova.

One day, Tolya came home and right from the doorway he was taken aback: “Ma, I'm getting married. I have to, Nadia is pregnant. After all, you taught me that girls should be protected. Mom answered him: “Yes, but not after, but before.”

Their romance was born on the collective farm, ”recalls a classmate of the couple. - A little later they played lovers on stage. At the end of the passage, Tolya circles Nadia in her arms - both of their cheeks are burning, their eyes are shining. Oh, I think, well done, they play well! And then it turned out that they really were in love. On May 5, 1979, their son Stanislav was born.

In 1979 Anatoly came to Moscow. But he entered GITIS only the second time. In his last year, having played great in course performances, he went on ... academic leave. According to eyewitnesses, Lobotsky started a "romance" with a green serpent and once almost disrupted an exit student performance. When asked if he had a problem with alcohol, the actor simply answers:

Who didn't have them?

The former family (the couple broke up after the birth of a child) remained in Tambov, and new hobbies awaited the handsome man in Moscow. Julia Rutberg became one of them.

In the year of their first meeting, the future star of the Vakhtangov Theater entered GITIS in the pop department. And her paths and paths diverged from Lobotsky.

Fatyushin took his wife away

It is unlikely that Anatoly seriously looked at Rutberg then, because he had a civil marriage with a classmate Elena Molchenko. After graduation, they came together to the Mayakovsky Theater, where they were given a room in a hostel. It was during this period that the actor began to look after Lena. Alexander Fatyushin. Lobotsky did not seem to notice anything.

- Tolya - says Elena Fatyushina, - was introduced to the main role in the play "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District", and was so carried away by the role that ... stopped coming home to spend the night. He is generally a "grandmaster" in love! I admire how he manages to play at least four boards. Moreover, each "partner" is sure that he is fighting for the title of world champion, and for the "grandmaster" this is just a simultaneous game session. Bravo! It's funny, but when Lobotsky came to the phone, Fatyushin began to speak in a female voice. It turned out not very convincing, because Tolya, holding out the phone to me, each time said with a grin: “This is you Fatyushin. Ha ha!" Like, an honored artist, but playing the fool. “Well,” he asks sarcastically. "And what did he tell you?" I am silent. Back then, I didn't understand what was going on. And then Tolya with his smirk - where, they say, are you going to go! I became quite embarrassed. After all, I loved Tolya and even told Sasha about it. When Sasha and I signed, I heard Lobotsky throw the following phrase backstage: “Fatyushin stole my wife from me.”

After breaking up with Elena, Anatoly went abroad for several years. Unlike many, he correctly placed the accents. Knowing full well that in the West the Russian actor is in demand only for the roles of bandits and scum, he did not try to take Hollywood by storm.

Returning to Moscow, the artist immediately started an affair. New passion Natalya - was far from the world of art, did not burden her with creative problems.

But ... as soon as his wife gave birth to her daughter Anna in 2000, the newly-made dad again began to look to the side. Ironically, in the same year, but a few months earlier, Anatoly became a grandfather - the eldest son Stanislav gave his father a grandson. And here fate again pushed Anatoly with Yulia Rutberg.

“They don’t marry people like Yulia”

That's exactly what he said Alexey Kortnev in one of the interviews about his ex-civil wife, with whom he lived for almost 10 years. Before meeting with Kortnev, Yulia had one marriage and a romantic story that ended in failure.

With Alexander Kuznetsovona met within the walls of the Shchukin school. The guy was in his last year, Yulia, after long ordeals, entered the first year. The fact is that, while studying at GITIS at the pop department, she entered the Pike every year. Ilya Rutberg was always waiting at the entrance to pick up her crying daughter after another failure. Finally, the parent's heart trembled, and he called the head of the department of the Shchukin School Vladimir Shlesinger with a request to listen to the daughter personally. As a result, Julia was enrolled in the course Alla Kazanskaya.

And ... fell in love with the main "fuck" Pike. Students of that time, now quite famous actors, remember that Kuznetsov did not miss a single skirt. Julia bit the bit, and after some time a feast took place in the Sovietsky restaurant (now renamed Yar) - Ilya Rutberg married his daughter. Not only relatives were walking, but also fellow students.

Julia naively believed that after the stamp in the passport, her husband would love her alone. But even the birth of a son did not change him. Rutberg tried to save the marriage, turning a blind eye to her husband's intrigues. Once Alexander came home and from the threshold announced that he was leaving for America. Knowing in advance the answer of his wife, he offered to go together. Naturally, Julia refused.

An actor and director helped a woman heal a spiritual wound Igor Minaev. They gossiped that only Yulia sincerely loved in this tandem.

Julia met Alexei Kortnev in the early 90s at the Actor's House. At that time, both were free: Alexey left his first wife - Irina Bogushevskaya, Julia broke off a short, but painful connection with Minaev.

The novel spun with incredible speed. They were considered the perfect couple. The actors led a fairly free lifestyle. Alexei sometimes even joked that his marriage to Yulia was outpatient.

In the sense that they see each other no more than two or three times a week. Everything changed when a famous gymnast came to the concert of the group "Accident" Amina Zaripova with a friend. According to Kortnev, he saw the incredible beauty of the legs and ... disappeared. Julia guessed about the new hobby of a common-law husband, but, like a wise woman, she didn’t find out anything, she thought that with time the hobby would pass: after all, they are so connected! Until Kortnev announced that he was going to lead the gymnast down the aisle.

old love

Lobotsky helped Rutberg survive the betrayal, they began to be seen everywhere together. This union turned out to be even stranger than with Kortnev. A few years ago, Rutberg complained to a friend: “Can you imagine, the press divorced Tolya and me. Like, together we don’t appear anywhere else. We would be happy, only this year we saw each other a couple of times.”

Julia threw herself into her work. Her father was seriously ill, and she threw all her strength into his treatment. She filmed wherever she was invited, traveled around the country with creative evenings, played in entreprises. And she spent all her free time with her father. It is clear that Anatoly did not like this alignment.

Skirmishes happened more and more often, and Yulia, in order not to lose her beloved, began to build a house near Chekhov.

“Tolya and I are building a house,” she shared the news with her friend. - You can't imagine, I don't see any money now. I take the envelope from the producer and immediately give it to the foreman.”

A few months after this conversation, the same girlfriend, having come to the premiere of a new performance, found Lobotsky in the auditorium. Sitting next to him was a young woman with a small child. Lobotsky carefully wiped the baby's nose. Yulia's friend did not say anything.

Apparently, Yulia's fate is this - to wait, endure and ... love. Lobotsky left her several times, but returned again. After another flight of her beloved, she tried to have an affair with a certain businessman, but quickly broke up with him. Judging by the fact that two months ago the answering machine of their home phone offered to call Yulia and Anatoly back at such and such numbers, they were still together. And not so long ago, the news of the next separation of the couple spread around the acting party.

I am now free as the wind, - Lobotsky told me on the phone in a pleased voice. In response to a request for an interview, he warned that he would only talk about creativity.

On the topic of personal life, I do not communicate with journalists, - the actor explained. “But I won’t refuse to have a cup of coffee with you.”

Anatoly knows how to charm women. For fear of becoming another victim of a heartthrob, I refused coffee. Moreover, one actress friend told me that Anatoly seemed to have returned to his former family - to his wife Natalya and daughter Anna. And with Yulia, he, like Alexei Kortnev, will now just be friends.

Julia Rutberg- a wonderful actress, which many people remember for working in TV shows"Don't be born beautiful", "Heiress"and others. You can also admire her work on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater and not only.

Recently, a new season was opened at the Vakhtangov Theater. It was there that Julia appeared before the fans in a new way. The appearance of the actress caused an uproar among her fans. They say that it was not without plastic surgeries, and even not the most successful ones ...

One of Julia's fans wrote: “Tear off the hands of the one who did this!”

At the same time, reviews about the actress herself are mostly positive. Everyone blames negligent surgeons ...

About the cost of the transformation of the actress, no one can say anything for sure. But it is safe to say that the fans did not like the new image of Yulia. Knowledgeable people write that for sure there was no surgical intervention. Treated with injections of beauty.

Everyone who spoke about how the actress looks now unanimously agreed that in the future Yulia should no longer experiment with her appearance. Otherwise, everything can end even more deplorably ...

The appearance and deep, low voice of the alto tessitura distinguish Yulia Rutberg from the mass of Russian actresses. The woman jokingly calls herself a double bass and a girl with a dubious appearance, and in an interview she is surprised at the paradox of the profession, when flaws and shortcomings turn into a kind of chip.

In the theatrical environment, Rutberg is known as a "Mohican", since for over a quarter of a century he has been faithful to the name theater.

Childhood and youth

Yulia Rutberg, People's Artist of Russia, was born in an exceptionally creative family. Father Ilya Rutberg is a famous theatrical figure, founder of the world's first department of pantomime and plastic art, co-founder of the Nash Dom theater and author of numerous textbooks on pantomime. Yulia's mother, Irina Suvorova, worked as a music teacher in the piano class, and her maternal grandparents once performed in the dance ensemble of the NKVD "Dance Island".

Mother insisted that the future actress graduated from the music school at the Gnessin Academy. After graduating from school, Yulia decided to enter the Shchukin Theater School, but for the first time she did not succeed. Then the girl submitted documents to GITIS, where she was successfully enrolled. For two years, Rutberg tried to get into the Pike and achieved her goal. The student was assigned to the workshop of Alla Kazanskaya.


After graduating from college, the girl became part of the troupe of the Vakhtangov Theater. The theatrical biography of Yulia Rutberg has developed perfectly. The actress played Zoya Denisovna in Bulgakov's "Zoyka's Apartment" and Maureen in McDonagh's scandalous play "Queen of Beauty", the main roles in productions of "Miss Julie" and "Medea". For her work in the latter, the artist received the Crystal Turandot award.

High acting skills and amazing diligence did not go unnoticed - Rutberg fell in love with the theater audience. The actress began to be invited to participate in productions of other theaters. So, Yulia played Anna Andreevna in the play "Khlestakov" on the stage of the theater named after, performed in the experimental "Seagull" of the Theater of Nations, played several times on the stage of the St. Petersburg Theater "On Liteiny".

The subtle psychological portrayal of the role and the drama of Yulia were applauded in the Russian Entreprise, the International Theater Center "Rusich" and the Modern Entreprise Theater. Among the directors with whom the actress collaborated, one can find such loud and famous names as Andrey Zholdak and.

Julia Rutberg in the play "Cry of the Lobster"

Yulia Rutberg was remembered by the audience for a solo performance staged in 2004. The actress wanted to go on stage and play in her own project, so she staged the play "All this fuss" in the style of a cabaret. According to the plot, the main character communicates with world stars -,.


In the cinema of Yulia Rutberg, various genres are subject, from comedy and farce to drama and adventure. In many ways, this is the result of many years of hard work of the actress herself. True, the directors trust the main roles to insultingly little. Yulia's film debut took place in 1989 with the episodic role of Fernanda in the Soviet musical television film The Rouen Maiden, Nicknamed Pyshka.

Yulia Rutberg in the film "Primorsky Boulevard"

In 1999, the detective television series "" with the title role was released on wide screens. Rutberg starred in one of the episodes. Thus began the successful serial career of the actress: she played in the action-packed film "Empire Under Attack", in the telenovelas "Moscow Windows" and "Family Secrets". In 2002, the Ukrainian-Russian melodrama Atlantis was released, in which Rutberg played one of the main roles. After 2 years, Marina Migunova offered the actress the main role in the debut project "Farewell, Dr. Freud!".

Truly widespread fame came to Yulia Rutberg with the sensational romantic comedy telenovela "", a Russian adaptation of the series "I, Betty, the Ugly Girl".

Julia Rutberg in the series "Don't Be Born Beautiful"

In this series, Rutberg played the eccentric sister of Alexander and Kira Voropaev, who knows little about the affairs of the company and is fanatically fond of yoga.

The actress participated in the medical drama "Doctor Tyrsa", which tells about the everyday life of the department of sports and ballet injuries, as well as in the biographical film "Anna German. The Secret of the White Angel", which introduces the viewer to the life of a popular singer. Rutberg performed superbly in this poignant film.

“Speech, of course, was not about portrait, physiognomic similarity - it was flair, angles and nothing more. It was important for me to get the message across."

Yulia Rutberg in the film "Orlova and Aleksandrov"

In the melodrama about the famous creative tandem Orlova and Alexandrov, Yulia got the legendary character. Plunging into the image, Rutberg experienced pleasure and fear at the same time, tried to reliably convey the sparkling humor, facial expressions and pleasure from the profession inherent in Ranevskaya. Colleagues appreciated the desire of the actress by presenting Yulia with a name award.

In 2014, the film directed by Vitaly Vorobyov "Moths" was released, telling about love against the backdrop of the largest environmental disaster of the 20th century - the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In the drama mini-series, Rutberg appeared as the doctor Sofya Mikhailovna.

Julia Rutberg in the movie "Moths"

In March 2016, an important event for any actor happened in the life of the actress. Together with, and Yulia Rutberg was awarded the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation". The presidential decree stated that Rutberg and her colleagues received this honorary title for "great merits in the field of theatrical, cinematographic and musical art."

Personal life

The personal life of Yulia Rutberg was often discussed in the press. This was due to the fact that in her youth the actress literally attracted representatives of the opposite sex, and all the men in a woman's life are bright and extraordinary personalities.

For 8 years, the heart of the actress was owned by the charismatic frontman of the group "Accident", whom Yulia met at a student skit at the Actor's House.

Rutberg and Kortnev did not officially sign, but for a long time they positioned themselves as husband and wife. The life of the couple did not leave the pages of glossy publications until the break, which, according to rumors, was due to Kortnev's romance with a gymnast.

The first official husband of Rutberg was an actor, with whom the girl studied together at Shchukinsky. Despite Kuznetsov's reputation as a ladies' man, the affair ended with a wedding and the birth of his son Grigory. However, Alexander then decided to immigrate to America. Yulia stayed with the child, saying that a person who speaks Russian and was brought up in Russian culture has no place across the ocean.

Another chosen one of the artist also turned out to be a colleague in the acting workshop, known for the films "Zhiharka" and "Envy of the Gods". Due to her father's illness, Yulia spent all her free time with him, which negatively affected her relationship with her husband. The marriage eventually fell apart.

The only son of the actress Grigory graduated from the International Institute of Advertising, studied for 3 years at the Shchukin Theater School. Mom hoped that the desire to become an actor would outweigh, although she did not specifically push for this. The young man went on stage, but then said that in the future, cinema might be interested. The theater, he said, is not bread for a man.

In the filmography of Kuznetsov Jr. - the action movie "Code of Honor", the musical picture "Courage" and the popular project "". Now the man lives in America, started a family and twice made Rutberg a grandmother.

Julia once shared the secrets of how to maintain appearance and inner harmony. The actress does not use makeup in everyday life, avoids envy and aggression, chooses dishes with a lot of vegetables and does not eat late at night.

“First solve the psychological problems, and then take on the physical ones. Smile more. A smile cures diseases better than medicines.

Yulia Rutberg was often compared to a singer. But in 2017, there was no trace of the former similarity. Those present at the anniversary of the photographer suspected that the actress invited as a guest overdid it with plastic. Rutberg's face was noticeably swollen, and the media were quick to report that due to unsuccessful filler injections, the artist had lost her zest.

Julia is not a fan of social networks, but the page in "Instagram" started. True, the number of photos of fans does not indulge. The actress does not consider Internet communication, when you do not see the eyes of the interlocutor and there is no energy exchange, normal. He even reads scripts not on gadgets, but on paper - you can make notes there.

Julia Rutberg now

The theater still occupies the main place in the creative biography of Yulia. Rutberg travels around the near and far abroad with productions of "Carnival Night, or Hello, Maniac!" and "Medea", with a new solo performance "Listen!". In the latter, the actress reads poetry and sings songs that have sunk into the soul since childhood and accompany to this day.

Anna Kazyuchits

  • 2012 - "Anna German"
  • 2013 - "Private Pioneer"
  • 2014 - Maryina Grove 2
  • 2015 - "Orlova and Alexandrov"
  • 2018 - "Caviar"
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