East European Shepherd. East European (VEO) Shepherd Dog: Breed Features Description Care About Veo Breed

Unfortunately, old age always comes to us and our pets. When you get a puppy, you absolutely do not want to think that your pet will leave you sooner or later. There is an assumption that a dog lives 7 times less than a person. Based on this assumption, if the dog is 7 years old, then by our standards she is about fifty years old.

In addition, the life expectancy and rate of aging of dogs of different breeds is not the same: the life span of giant dogs is almost 2 times shorter than that of dwarf compatriots.

East European Shepherd: how long they live and how to ensure longevity

breed standard

It states that the average life expectancy should be 12-14 years old. There were no significant differences between female and male individuals in longevity.

But these data describe only a certain average variant, and how many years a particular pet will spend next to the owner depends on several conditions.

Longevity conditions

To factors affecting life expectancy should include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • physical health;
  • conditions of detention;
  • emotional background.

Each of these factors can influence both positively and negatively.

A puppy taken from trusted parents who received quality veterinary care, including vaccinations and check-ups according to age, nutritious food, provided with the necessary physical activity and grew up in an emotionally safe environment has every chance of becoming a "long-liver" reaching the age of 15-16 years.

Therefore, no one can say exactly how many years the East European Shepherd has been living, it all depends on the above factors and their execution by the owner.

Sexual activity plays a role- sterilized individuals have a slightly longer lifespan.

Age changes

The life of a dog can be conditionally divided, like a human one, into several stages, each of which will have its own physical and behavioral characteristics.

In the early period, the puppy's eyes have not yet opened, it feeds only on milk, and cannot survive without extraneous care (on average, up to 12 days).

By 20-21 days there is a gradual rejection of milk, teething begins.

At 4-7 months, teeth are replaced, and ears should stand up at 4 months.

By the year the dog reaches adult size, the proportions of the body are built according to the parameters of the breed and individual characteristics.

Interesting! Further find out how long the Eastern European Shepherd Dogs live it is possible in the teeth, more precisely, by the presence of tubercles on them, which are gradually erased.

So, in a year on white teeth, the tubercles are clearly visible, by the age of 5, the teeth can change color to more yellow, and the tubercles begin to wear off. By the age of 10, a shepherd dog may already experience problems with loose and worn teeth.

However, these features are private and are highly dependent on the quality of care and nutrition.

Psychologically shepherd reaches maturity at the age of about 3 years. She loses in many ways puppy mobility and restlessness, learns the norms of living together with the owner.

After 8 years of life, they talk about the onset of old age. Diseases characteristic of this breed may appear– diseases of the joints, limiting mobility, diabetes.

The decrepitude of the dog is evidenced by: low mobility, sagging skin around the mouth, strong gray hair.

Becoming the owner of an East European Shepherd Dog, should be remembered that the dog's age is short-lived. But caring care and harmonious construction of the pet's living conditions will allow him to live the years allotted to him productively and with pleasure.

One of the few breeds of dogs bred at one time in our country is the European Shepherd Dog. Today it is an example of a classic. It can often be found next to a policeman or a military man, she is an excellent guard duty and is an incorruptible watchman, devoted to only one owner.

Breed features

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by physical endurance, strength, combined with elegance and nobility.

They attract the attention of dog breeders primarily for their working qualities. They are usually used to carry out patrol service, for protection. The special physique of the European Shepherd allows her to work productively both in the harsh Russian winter and in the hot desert.

History of the breed

It was bred from the breed of German shepherds, brought to Russia at the beginning of the last century. Then the breeding work began, as a result of which the first lines of the dog breed were created, which quickly won recognition as a service dog. From the German Shepherd, these dogs received most of the positive qualities. Therefore, one of its species has long been considered the East European Shepherd Dog. Photos and descriptions of dogs of these breeds are quite similar. Only in 1964, the first standards of the European Shepherd Dog were determined by Soviet dog handlers and it was recognized as a separate breed.


The European Shepherd is a brave, courageous dog that is both very alert and even-tempered. Remaining outwardly calm, she constantly keeps the environment under control. This dog is owner-oriented, it gives her great pleasure to serve, follow commands, she is very easy to train. Alertness towards strangers is combined with the absence of unreasonable aggression. The Shepherd is self-confident and will never raise the alarm unless there is a special reason for it.

This is a serious dog that requires an appropriate approach to education from a very young age. With the right training, even a child can easily cope with it. The shepherd dog never demonstrates its strength, plays very carefully, trying not to cause harm.

Dogs of this breed need exercise. They need them for the development of intellectual and physical inclinations. Therefore, an important condition for keeping such a dog as a European Shepherd is visiting training grounds or active long walks.

Description of the breed

Unlike the German Shepherd, these dogs are larger. The height at the withers is 66-76 cm in males and 61-66 cm in females. The length of the body is 12-15 percent greater than the height of the dog. The short and wide loin smoothly passes into the croup. The withers and croup in a trot should be on the same level. The head is massive, slightly elongated, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly expressed. The nose should be black. Ears of medium size are set high, have a wide base and tips pointing up and forward. A strong, muscular neck is at an angle of 45 degrees in relation to the line of the back. The saber tail is carried down when at rest and slightly raised, as if continuing the line of the back when the dog is excited.

Strong shoulders with a well-defined shoulder-scapular angle are well developed. The forelimbs when viewed from the front are parallel to each other. Muscular hind limbs set obliquely.

The color may be different in representatives of such a breed as the European Shepherd. Photos of dogs of black, black-and-black colors can be found especially often. Zone colors are also allowed - red, gray. The coat is harsh to the touch, dense, of medium length, slightly shorter on the head and legs. It protects the dog from cold and overheating thanks to a well-developed undercoat that has a lighter shade.

Disqualifying vices

A serious fault that disqualifies a dog and excludes it from breeding is unilateral or complete cryptorchidism. Representatives of the breed who have a tail that is too short or bent into a ring, with a nose that is not black, but of some other color, bright eyes, undershot or overshot, the absence of one of the fangs, are not allowed for breeding work.

Significantly reduce the quality of the dog and other deviations from the standard: friability of addition, weak muscles, too long hair, curvature of the limbs, black-and-black color in combination with red tan.

It is a service dog, so its character and behavior must meet the requirements that apply to this breed. Unprovoked aggression, hysteria, cowardly, indifferent or too fussy behavior of the dog is a reason for disqualification.

and content features

The European Shepherd is considered one of the most unpretentious breeds. Therefore, caring for her is absolutely not burdensome. During the molting period, the animal needs careful combing. Periodically, you should examine the eyes, ears and paws of your pet, not forgetting about hygiene procedures. Wash your dog only when necessary. It is important to provide with the necessary vitamins and minerals. The dog should always have free access to water and the opportunity to hide from direct sunlight.

Animals are great for keeping both on the street and in the apartment. Given that the breed was bred as a working, service dog, the main thing for these dogs is regular exercise, jogging, training and just communication. If there is enough time for walks and classes, then not only experienced owners, but also novice dog breeders can keep a dog like a European shepherd dog. Orientation to the owner, unpretentiousness and a high degree of learning contribute to the creation of a real tandem owner-dog.

European Shepherd puppies

You should be very responsible in choosing a puppy if you plan to participate in exhibitions and breed in the future. It is preliminary recommended to study the information on nurseries, individual breeders, visit several exhibitions where you can see what requirements are placed on a breed such as a European Shepherd. Photos in magazines, according to which the parents of their future dog are sometimes chosen, do not give any guarantee of obtaining good offspring. If it is not possible to see them live, then you should at least look at the older siblings from previous litters.

From the first days, the puppy becomes a very devoted member of the family, becoming attached to the owner and enjoying communicating with children. It requires a lot of attention. It is necessary at first to adhere to the diet that was in the breeder's house where the dog was purchased. This will help avoid indigestion. It is imperative to ensure that the puppy receives all the necessary vitamins and, in combination with active activities and walks in the fresh air, this will allow him to maintain health and cheerfulness.


This breed is distinguished by good health, so there are no special problems here. In order to prevent the bites of blood-sucking insects, which are very often carriers of any infection, it is necessary to treat with special preparations for dogs and be regularly examined by a veterinarian.

The European Shepherd is a working dog with a great need for exercise. You should not start such a breed for people who are very busy, who do not have enough free time for walks and classes.

In the first photo, a dog named Taif White Feng. Owner Natalia Polishchuk, Kyiv, Ukraine

Brief description of the breed East European Shepherd Dog

  • Other possible dog names: VEO, East European Shepherd.
  • Adult dog height: 63-75 cm.
  • The weight: 32-58 kg.
  • Characteristic color: black-and-white, gray, red, darkened "mask" on the muzzle.
  • Wool length: medium length, straight and stiff.
  • Lifespan: 12 years.
  • Breed advantages: bold, strong dog, a good protector. Easily gets along with other animals.
  • Breed Difficulties: once a dog has become aggressive, it is almost impossible to correct it.
  • What is the price: the price for an East European Shepherd is about $250.

The history of the origin of the East European Shepherd Dog

This breed appeared not so long ago - only in the thirties of the 20th century, on Russian territory. Initially, the breed was bred as a versatile working dog that would be able to serve in a variety of weather and climatic conditions.

The progenitors of this breed are. As a result of long-term selection and competent mixing with other breeds, the East European Shepherd Dog arose. The breed standard was formed by the seventies. To date, these dogs have already gained well-deserved popularity due to their many advantages.

East European Shepherds are doing great as service dogs. They were specially bred for police and military service. Many years of selection work have led to the appearance of a brave, loyal dog, which is still used to this day for guard and guard duty.

In addition, representatives of this breed can be wonderful companions and even rescuers. They are full of inner confidence and dignity, thanks to which they become not only excellent bodyguards, but also full members of the family.

The main feature of this dog is owner orientation. At any moment she is ready to give her life for him. She does not trust those around her, but, thanks to her strong nerves and balanced psyche, she treats them calmly and does not show aggression if this is not necessary. When a dangerous situation arises, the dog instantly takes an active defensive position.

The breed lends itself well to training, demonstrates obedience and willingness to obey the owner. She rarely shows independence. The dog is friendly to other pets, especially if they grew up together.

East European Shepherds have good character- they are devoted friends of man, they love children and are ready to play with them at any time. These dogs will never offend a child, even someone else's. The only condition for the formation of all these positive qualities is the correct upbringing from puppyhood.

Video review of the East European Shepherd breed

This video tells about the history of the origin of the East European Shepherd Dogs, about their temper, advantages and disadvantages. The plot reveals the basics of raising a dog of this breed, proper care and maintenance. Any dog ​​breeder will benefit from the information presented in this video review.

According to breeders and veterinarians, you can take a puppy of this breed not earlier than 1.5 months of age. By this time, puppies are no longer so dependent on their mother and can easily become attached to a new owner.

According to the rules, up to 45 days the dogs are tested - an examination for the presence of various defects and disqualifying signs. It is allowed to purchase an older puppy, but if he is already 5 months old, it will be quite difficult to accustom him to new habits.

When choosing an East European Shepherd puppy before you buy, you should pay attention not only to the availability of all necessary documents, but also to breed standards:

  • Head. It should be in proportion to the body, massive, wedge-shaped, with slightly rounded cheekbones. The skull is flat, with a small longitudinal groove. The forehead is somewhat rounded when viewed from above and from the front.
  • Muzzle. It has a wedge-shaped shape, gradually tapering towards the nose. The length of the muzzle should be equal to or slightly less than ½ the length of the head.
  • Lips. Tightly close to each other, dry, dark shade.
  • Teeth. Large size and scissor bite. The incisors are located on the same level.
  • Eyes. Dark in color, oval in shape, dry, tightly touching eyelids.
  • Ears. Erect, of medium length, set high. The shape of the ears is pointed, the tips are pushed up and forward.
  • Back. Broad, strong, slightly convex. The withers are well defined, the croup is rounded, wide, with a slight inclination towards the beginning of the tail.
  • Breast. Oval, medium width.
  • Front paws parallel, straight. The hind legs are set slightly back. The shape of the paws is oval.
  • dog movements well balanced, free. When a shepherd dog trots, the croup and withers are in line.

Nicknames for the East European Shepherd

It is customary to name puppies of the same litter of this breed with the same letter. The nickname is chosen so that it emphasizes the features of the dog. This is a very serious dog and her nickname should be appropriate. Well suited nicknames such as: Arwen, Agate, Palmyra, Tokay, Buran, Versailles, Blizzard.

For males you should choose a nickname that will not be very long, but sonorous, for example: Kim, Asgard, Ruslan, Zeus, Boy, Pirate, Prime.

females East European Shepherds are much smarter and smarter than males. They are suitable for such nicknames as: Grace, Agatha, Jasper, Walda, Cora, Montana, Aurelia, Marcy, Tara.

Nicknames can be of a geographical or fantasy nature: Tasmania, Narnia, Astana, Tauriel. It is very important that the nickname was liked by all family members, and the dog itself.

East European Shepherds not picky about living conditions. They are able to live in open-air cages, and in a private house, and in an apartment. The only condition is that the dog must have its own place. It is recommended to lay down a bedding that will be soft and easy to clean. If you plan to keep a dog on the street, you must definitely build a booth with insulation for it.

food and water should be given in different bowls, and it is advisable to install the bowls on special tripods - this will save the dog from disturbing the exterior.

Shepherd hygiene needs to be given a lot of time: brush your teeth, give special rubber bones to gnaw, if necessary. It is recommended to wash the dog no more than once every six months. In the warm months, it is advisable to go with the dog to rivers or lakes, where she can swim and frolic to her heart's content.

What to feed an East European Shepherd

To keep your dog strong and healthy her diet should be balanced corresponding to the activity and . The basis of nutrition should be animal feed: chicken, duck, beef meat and cartilage, low-fat sea fish, eggs, milk. Food should be given only fresh and always raw.

In the diet of puppies must attend fermented milk products and calcined cottage cheese, as well as cereals, vegetables, herbs and vitamin supplements.

Feeding frequency depends on the age of the dog: up to 2 months - 6 times a day; 2-4 months - 5 times; 4-6 months - 4 times; 6-9 months - 3 times; 10 months and older - 2 times.

It is recommended to feed the dog strictly at the same time. The food should be served warm and thick in consistency. Immediately after eating, you can not take the dog for walks, she needs to rest for about 2 hours. Access to water the pet must be permanent.

Dogs of this breed require, and to deal with it recommended to a professional. East European Shepherd Dogs are a very serious breed and it is necessary to properly educate it from a very early age.

In doing so, certain regulations:

  • the puppy should not be allowed to do what was not allowed before;
  • scolding a dog is not recommended, you need to talk to it strictly, but without unnecessary emotions;
  • if the dog becomes stubborn, you need to repeat your demands to her again and again - over time, she will understand what the owner wants and that he must be obeyed;
  • we must not forget about the encouragement of the dog after the correct execution of the commands.

If the dog trained to protect the owner, before going for a walk, you must definitely put on a muzzle for her and walk with her on a leash. Any careless movement of the surrounding people can be perceived as a threat and provoke an aggressive reaction.

Pros and Cons of the East European Shepherd Dog Breed

Advantages. Dogs of this breed are loyal defenders and best friends. They lend themselves well to training, know how to get along with other animals and adore children. For decades, the qualities cultivated in them make excellent bodyguards and devoted "servants" from East European Shepherd Dogs.

To disadvantages These dogs can only be attributed to the fact that with improper upbringing, they will often show their character, obey poorly, and sometimes show aggression. In addition, the standards of this breed are extremely strict and improper care can spoil the appearance of the dog.

The German Shepherd has left its mark on the creation of many modern breeds. But, no one imagined that her heirs would fit so well into our harsh conditions.

Established in 1924, the Krasnaya Zvezda kennel gave a start to the life of more than one breed. The East European Shepherd Dog has become not just one of them, it has become one of the symbols of service dog breeding, retaining its position today. The service orientation of the nursery largely predetermined the priority of working qualities and psychological balance over other qualities. This breed is still in demand in power structures. Easterners differ in appearance from their ancestors, but their strength lies not only in the size and strength of the jaws. The main advantage is the character, the inner spirit, if you like. It is impossible to say otherwise about this serious dog.

Photo of an East European Shepherd Dog

Intelligence and character of the East European Shepherd Dog

She was always trusted with the most valuable thing that a person would have: the protection of important objects, law and order, the state border. Thanks to their progenitor, the German Shepherd, which is one of the ten most intelligent dogs on the planet, Easterners initially had a high chance of success. And any doubts on the issue of working qualities, the range of their application were dispelled by the professional work of the dog handlers of the Red Star. Even at the dawn of the formation of a new breed, both cowardice and uncontrollable aggressiveness were recognized as disqualifying signs.

Due to its youth, the breed has not received recognition from the International Cynological Federation. This makes it impossible to comply with all the formalities and take the easterners their rightful place among the recognized breeds. But, their long service in various structures made it instead of the IFF. In 2002, the Russian Cynological Service officially recognized the East European Shepherd Dogs, breed standards were established.

An inexperienced eye can confuse an Oriental with a German Shepherd

By their nature, Eastern shepherds are balanced, among them there are fewer choleric people than among German shepherds. They have a later psychological development compared to them, closer to the age of three. Easterners require a more consistent and persistent upbringing than their closest relatives. If all conditions are met, taking into account the obligatory passage of OKD and ZKS courses, then the owner receives a strong, stress-resistant, well-controlled dog. She gets along well with other family members, pets living under the same roof with her.

Distrustfulness and alertness to strangers in the blood of representatives of this breed. Unlike their German relatives, the Easterners were originally created to work in various harsh conditions. The typical working environment of the Germans is urban.

Breed standard and main characteristics

Males of this breed reach at the withers up to 66 - 76 cm, for females a height of 62 - 72 cm is considered normal. This is an average of 6 - 8 cm less than that of German shepherds.

Cynologists of the kennel "Krasnaya Zvezda" initially created a dog that would have excellent protective and sentry qualities. The weight of the dog reaches 45 to 60 kg, which gives an advantage over the German counterpart from 5 to 15 kg. This difference gives the Easterners a tangible advantage in the fight against the intruder, his successful detention. During training with dogs of this breed, it is advisable not to use light types of training sleeves.

Resistance to hip dysplasia is due to a less pronounced fit of the body. This gives an advantage over the Germans in working at long distances, makes them more enduring, although it somewhat reduces agility and mobility.

The head of the Easterners is proportional to the body, has a noticeable transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The nose has a large black lobe. Eyes of medium size, set obliquely. The ears are of medium size, stand up by 6 months from birth, have the shape of an isosceles triangle. The neck is of moderate length, muscular, set at an angle of 45 degrees. The teeth have a scissor bite, where the incisors are in one line. Number of teeth - 42, all large. Any deviation from a scissor bite is a breed disqualification.

East European Shepherd black

The coat of shepherd dogs is thick, has a thick undercoat, which allows you to feel great from Central Asia to the Far East and Kamchatka. She is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature during the day. In the spring, during the molt, you need to comb your pet at least twice a week. The predominant color is black-backed, black shepherds are less common.

Training and education

The German Shepherd is often held up as the benchmark for handling working dogs. But, it turned out to be not so in demand in the Soviet Union, where it was enough for only one owner to be perfectly perceived. Yes, the formation of character takes more time, but the return is higher. The conditions in which the breed was formed were more difficult in relation to the climate, the severity of the tasks facing it. Initially, she had to successfully work to detain the offender, including doing it on her own, without the support of an instructor.

The size of the dog predetermined sufficient physical strength, not only to hold the leash. Young dogs begin to show character, leadership qualities already closer to a year, when their active growth is almost completed. A dog weighing more than 50 kg, with high intelligence and a psyche in the formation stage, is a serious animal. In order for the owner to be perceived unquestioningly, the makings of a leader and stable knowledge about raising dogs are needed. It is better not to start this breed for beginners, or, without fail, take OKD courses (or IPO-1). An experienced instructor will tell you how to behave in various situations, what to look for, and help put the dog owner in the role of an unconditional leader.

An experienced trainer is required for the East European Shepherd

Care and maintenance of the East European Shepherd Dog

The recommended type of content is aviary. A private home with an interior perimeter will work well for these dogs. They were specially created for service in the harsh conditions of the vast Soviet state from the Kazakh steppes to the Magadan taiga. Washing is carried out 1-2 times a month, and also as needed. During the shedding period, you need to comb out the outgoing undercoat 2 times a week.

Feeding is carried out both with dry food and cooked in the kitchen. The basis of the diet is cereals, vegetables, meat, offal, dairy products in puppies. Priority should be given to home feeding or a service kitchen.

German Shepherds are more prone to housing. Their smaller size, the orientation of training courses for use in urban conditions, the official recognition of the breed made these dogs hostages of urban housing. They also feel good in an aviary, but they cannot be compared with easterners in this ability, especially in most climatic zones of our country.

This once again confirms that in the Soviet Union it was possible to create a new breed in the shortest possible time, both in terms of physical qualities and in character.

Choosing an East European Shepherd Puppy

The criteria are the same as when choosing the Germans. Do not consider the lack of constant activity as a disadvantage. Orientals differ in character from birth. But, if, when attracting attention, the puppy got up and went to you, then you should not think about it - he has already made his choice. It remains only to decide the owner. For guardian use, apply to puppies born first. They are larger than their brothers and sisters, which, with proper care and feeding, will continue into adulthood.

Due to the lack of official recognition, Easterners do not have the opportunity to express themselves at international competitions. If on the territory of the former Soviet republics they have established themselves as a strong, balanced breed, with high learning abilities, then outside of them it is little known.

East European Shepherd puppy

The unbridled fashion for German Shepherds, which came in the 90s, led to the fact that it began to disappear from exhibitions, from among the participants in the competition. It was possible to save its best representatives only in departmental and some private nurseries. Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the parents of your future ward, be sure to ask “where does he come from”, ask for Russian-style documents. This will save you from disappointment in the future.

How to dispel doubts when choosing between a German or East European Shepherd

Choosing a German is easy. It has many advantages on its side:

  • Compactness for apartment living;
  • IFF breed recognition, which opens the doors of many exhibitions and competitions;
  • The German Shepherd is a wonderful and active companion;
  • Excellent for training.
  • Easily tolerates heat and cold;
  • Less prone to a number of diseases inherent in Germans (for example, colds, hip dysplasia);
  • Due to greater balance, it is resistant to various stressful situations, which makes it more suitable for service;
  • It is able to successfully resist a serious intruder, due to its physical capabilities and character.

Fashion for a certain breed and the possibility of recognition in the show ring plays a big role. But, do not forget that the same German Shepherd was bred as a dog with high working qualities. And it is in relation to its representatives that a large number of questions arise. Still, Max von Stephanitz wanted a slightly different fate for his pupils. He always relied on the maintenance of working qualities, and not on the exterior. Perhaps, over the 90s, the East European Shepherd was able to keep them better, even with the decrease in the number of herds and the lack of official recognition. And in terms of its adaptability to the conditions of service in our country, it has no equal among service dogs.

The first representatives of the East European Shepherd were bred during the existence of the USSR. They were fearless and loyal dogs, they faithfully served and defended the borders of our homeland. Shepherd is in great demand today, which significantly affects the annual increase in its number.

The East European Shepherd Dog (VEO) is distinguished by powerful muscles and developed bones. The hind limbs are located at a right angle in relation to the body. Males are always larger than females, they are taller and more powerful. The color of a shepherd dog does not have certain standards, it can be black, with red patches, gray, black-backed, and so on.

Many fanciers closely associate the VEO and the German Shepherd, and some even believe that they are representatives of the same breed. To what extent this may be so, because the Germans are considered the direct ancestors of the Easterners. The latter were bred into a separate breed on the territory of the former USSR.

The difference between the German Shepherd and the East European is as follows:

  • the region of the thorax of the oriental is much wider;
  • Germans tend to be more active and playful;
  • Easterners have a light background in color;
  • Easterners are several centimeters taller than Germans;
  • VEO are used for official purposes, the Germans can become faithful companions;
  • a strong reference shock is noticeable in the motion of the VEO.

Origin story

In the 30s of the past century, it was decided to breed a new Soviet breed, whose representatives could protect the state border and fight crime. A universal dog had to adapt to different climatic zones, that is, to serve faithfully both in severe frost and in sultry heat.

It was decided to “put” the qualities of the German Shepherd known at that time as the basis of the new breed, and already closer to the beginning of the 40s, a huge number of their representatives appeared in the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The war years became the reason for the extermination of many pets, only a few nurseries of purebred animals managed to be preserved within the Urals. After the war, at one of the Moscow exhibitions, experts noticed a large male Ingul. From communication with him, offspring were always born, similar to their father.

It is the Ingul line that is easy to breed in the USSR. In the 60s, the Germans of the East European type changed significantly, as a result of which experts started talking about creating a new breed. Animals became noticeably taller, as evidenced by elongated limbs, weight increased, and gait and psychological characteristics also changed.

In the 90s of the last century, representatives of the breed survived a period of extermination, in most dog breeders' clubs it was generally forbidden to appear with them. And only 10 years later, a gradual restoration of the livestock of the Easterners began.


The question of how long shepherd dogs live will definitely come before you if a long-awaited pet appears in the house. According to the standards, the easterner lives up to 10-13 years, provided that there is proper care and quality nutrition.

East European Shepherd Breed Standard

The standard indicators include the following characteristics of the VEO:

  1. The neck is muscular, closer to the shoulders is expanded.
  2. Saber tail.
  3. Triangular shaped ears, set high, erect.
  4. The head is wedge-shaped, in proportion to the body.
  5. The body is stretched. There are insignificant differences in the height of the sacrum and withers. The shape of the back is straight.
  6. The nose and lips are black, the jaw forms 42 teeth, the cheekbones are not very prominent. The eyes are oval-shaped, medium, dark brown.
  7. The legs are straight, the hind legs are slightly wider apart.
  8. There are sweeping movements in the gait.
  9. The coat is strictly straight.

The average weight indicators of females are from 30 to 50 kilograms, males are heavier by 10-15 kg. Males grow up to 76 cm, females, as a rule, are 5-6 cm lower.

Purpose and character of the dog

VEO is distinguished by devotion to his master. For him, she can go to the most desperate deeds and sometimes even ready to give her life. To all strangers, the pet shows a distrustful attitude, but due to a well-balanced psyche, he will never show his aggression.

The following indicators are characteristic of the nature of the breed:

  1. Great for training. Shepherd will never try to dominate his master, she is obedient and devoted.
  2. The Oriental is not aggressive towards other pets.
  3. Dogs have an innate guard instinct. If there is a threat to the owner or his property, dogs from friendly pets go into the stage of combat readiness.

The character of the breed is well developed in all respects. The pet always has a cheerful, active look, he is devoted to the owner and is ready to protect him in any situation. Easterners adore children, they are ready to play with them and in no case will they be harmed. But such indicators can be achieved only with the right education. If the dog is not educated, then you will not be able to achieve the desired results.

Puppy Selection Criteria

If you decide to get a VEO puppy, study the breed standards to know what points you need to pay attention to when choosing a pet. Dogs are very similar to Germans, so you need to know their main differences.

It is best to buy an animal in a well-known nursery. It is there that you will be able to provide full information about its origin, as well as show the necessary documentation.

It is best to pick up a puppy after he is 45 days old, this time is necessary for adaptation, as well as for identifying possible deviations. Pay attention to his behavior. The kid should behave actively and playfully, have a healthy appearance and a good appetite.

The advantages of the Oriental are that it does not require any special skills in care. The only thing you need to pay due attention to is nutrition and regular active walks. Pets will feel comfortable both in apartment conditions and in a private house. If you put the dog in a booth, then make sure that it is spacious, as shepherd dogs are large. It is not advisable to change the dog's living conditions. If initially she lived in your apartment, then it is no longer possible to move her to a booth or aviary.

It is enough to bathe the dog once every 6 months and then as needed. Try to comb the animal as often as possible, this will avoid contamination of the coat. During this process, you give your pet a kind of massage that can improve blood circulation.

Check your ears, eyes and teeth regularly. The auricles are cleaned twice a month with a cotton swab. Regular brushing of teeth is the prevention of the formation of tartar. The eyes are cleared only if there is a discharge on them.

Give dewormers regularly. It is necessary to get rid of fleas twice a year - at the end of spring and in the middle of autumn.

In order for an animal to develop properly, it needs a balanced diet. The emphasis should be on protein foods, including meat. Do not forget to include porridge with vegetables in the diet, give river fish (it is especially necessary for puppies). Fish must be boiled, this will help reduce the risk of infection with worms. You can also give dairy products to your dog.

Please note that milk is allowed only up to 6 months of age. For adults, it is contraindicated.

If you do not know how to properly formulate a diet for your pet, you can feed him dry food, which is sold in specialty stores. However, give preference only to trusted manufacturers.

How to train an East European Shepherd

As a rule, VEO training is a pleasure. Dogs love to learn. Sometimes it seems that they look into the eyes of their master, thereby trying to understand what will be required of them. Such features allow you to train a pet at home without the help of a professional dog handler.

You need to teach the Easterner commands from a young age. At first, the process should take place at home or in the yard, and only after the dog begins to respond to basic requirements, training can be transferred to the park. The latter is necessary in order for the dog to carry out all the commands surrounded by irritants, that is, in places of large crowds of people and great turmoil.

The strengths of the breed include:

  • high level of intelligence;
  • excellent defensive performance;
  • devotion to his master;
  • balanced psyche;
  • obedience;
  • excellent attitude towards children of any age;
  • ease of learning and training.

Minus breed:

  • needs constant long walks;
  • requires mandatory training;
  • quite costly content;
  • shows a distrustful attitude towards strangers.

VEO is an excellent guard, defender and companion all rolled into one. A dog will demonstrate all its positive qualities with a competent approach to its upbringing.

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