Gastev's contribution to the science of labor organization. Alexei Kapitonovich Gastev how to work. Alexei Kapitonovich Gastev and his "last work of art"


Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev (1882-1941) - an outstanding Soviet theorist and practitioner of the scientific organization of labor and production management, a major public figure, poet.

In the eventful biography of A. K. Gastev, the brightest pages are associated with his activities as the founder and head of the Central Institute of Labor (CIT). CIT - the main and favorite brainchild of A.K. Gastev, was formed in 1921 by merging two institutions: the Institute of Labor under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Institute for the Experimental Study of Living Labor under the People's Commissariat of Labor.

In the activity of Gastev, first of all, attention is drawn to the scale in the formulation of labor issues. The entire scientific school of A.K. Gastev did not reduce them only to increasing labor productivity, improving quality, reducing costs, etc. For socialist production, the author and his colleagues at the institute believed that this was not enough.

The task, wrote A.K. Gastev, is how to restructure production so that in its very organizational technique there is a constant call for continuous improvement, continuous improvement both in production and in that limited field in which each individual leader works.

A. Gastev associated the solution of such a grandiose task with the development of the socialist science of labor and production management, designed to identify and formulate specific principles, as well as to develop methods of organizing labor that are immanent to a new type of economic basis and allow radically reorganize the labor process itself, which must turn into<из тяжелого ярма для рабочего>in<положительный творческий процесс>.

According to Gastev, NOT in its procedural and methodological part is based on the following elements:

preliminary analysis of the object; decomposing it into components;

choosing the best elements, which are then laid out in functionally interconnected rows;

layout of the selected options according to the principle of their economical location in the labor process on the general synthetic scheme (drawing) of the object under study.

A. K. Gastev proceeded from the fact that before changing one or another way of working, they must be carefully studied.

AK Gastev's concept is a concept of a truly socialist organization of labor. The bourgeois systems of NOT are completely alien to the defining idea that forms the foundation of the Gastev concept, the idea of ​​the Socialization of the labor process, the idea of ​​the decisive role of the human factor.

The ultimate goal of scientific research for the bourgeois NOT is the establishment of some unchanging standard of operation, method, movement, accepted, but not necessarily understood by a person who uses such, in the words of A.K. Gastev,<застывшей нормой>. Methodically<принцип стандарта>, being brought to its logical conclusion, turns into its own negation. Becoming a dogma, and not a guide to action, such a standard leads to the ossification of the once established, previously acceptable, but not justified in the changed conditions of methods and methods of work. As a result, it ceases to give impulses to improve the organization and turns into fetters for a given operation, movement, production as a whole.

Of exceptional interest are the rules that have not lost their relevance and anticipate a number of ideas.<Как надо работать>proposed by A.K. Gastev. basic rules for all work. Nr:

1. you need to think over the whole work.

2. Do not get down to work until all the working tools and all the devices for work have been prepared.

3. There should not be anything superfluous in the workplace, so as not to poke around in vain, not to fuss and not to look for the necessary among the unnecessary.

4. During work, it is necessary to rest.

5. At the end of the work, everything must be cleaned up, etc.

A. K. Gastev

Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev (1882-1941) - an outstanding Soviet theorist and practitioner of the scientific organization of labor and production management, a major public figure, poet.

A. Gastev associated the solution of such a grandiose task with the development of the socialist science of labor and production management, designed to identify and formulate specific principles, as well as to develop methods of organizing labor that are immanent to a new type of economic basis and allow radically reorganize the labor process itself, which must turn into<из тяжелого ярма для рабочего>in<положительный творческий процесО.

A. K. Gastev understood well (unlike researchers of a later time) that the process of forming such a concept cannot take place autonomously, away from the main road of world scientific thought. He believed that in order to create his own concept, it is necessary to critically rethink the theoretical achievements and practical experience accumulated in industrialized capitalist countries. A. K. Gastev proceeded from the fact that before changing one or another way of working, they must be carefully studied.

The third common point is that the scientific study of the material and personal factors of production is predominantly laboratory in nature and ends with experimental testing of the solutions found. The fourth point of contact is the preliminary calculation and preparation of all factors of production in time and space, ensuring maximum acceleration and compaction of production processes. Finally, the fifth unifying moment is changes in the qualification groupings of personnel with a pronounced tendency to limit the functions of the bulk of workers to narrow special tasks (based on an in-depth division of labor) and the simultaneous strengthening of the organizational role of lower and middle administrative and technical personnel, the introduction of briefing and various organizational devices.

A. K. Gastev proposed a research program for the organization of labor, which would be as close as possible to the needs of large-scale social production. Taking the standard as a specific form for a given production, he placed even higher the ability to quickly redesign production and all those skills that are associated with this production. From this, it was concluded that it was necessary to constantly train the physical and mental abilities of workers, such, in particular, as observation (education of the sense organs, especially the eyes and ears), will, motor culture (mobility, speed of reaction), fine arts (the ability to accurately display the phenomenon in a word, a letter, a schedule), a regimen (accounting for spending time), etc. All this, according to A.K. Gastev and his colleagues, will make it possible to maximize the human factor and at the same time save the strength and health of workers, economically spending their energy.

Aleksei Kapitonovich Gastev (1882-1938) was a prominent figure in the field of scientific organization of labor and production, an outstanding researcher and organizer of science, and the author of over 200 scientific papers. His main scientific works: "How to work" (1921), "Labor installations" (1924). "Rationing and organization of labor" (1929), "Scientific organization of labor" (1935). A. K. Gastev was an original scientist and writer. But his main “work” was the Institute of Labor he created under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which he created in 1920, transformed in 1921 into the Central Institute of Labor (CIT), the permanent leader of which he was until his arrest and tragic death as a result of the political repressions of the Stalinist regime. He dealt with the issues of improving the theory and practice of labor organization. He formulated and substantiated the concept, called "labor installations". The most important place in the implementation of the methodology of labor movements was given to instruction. The disadvantage of the concept of labor installations. Gastev is the weak development of the very methodology of labor attitudes, the choice of a too narrow research base, and an orientation towards the individuality of the worker.

Gastev A.K. Labor settings. M.: Economics, 1973. S. 133.

A.K. Gastev formulates a number of principles that help to solve the set tasks: the principle of instructing, the principle of organizing work, the principle of continuous involvement of the entire working mass in the production initiative.

The scientific ideas and views of A.K. Gastev were realized in the works of TsIT. The first policy document of the institute was the rules formulated by A.K. Gastev in the book “How to work”. A.K. Gastev emphasized that attempts to create a so-called organizational science out of touch with the specific tendencies of mechanized mass production are inevitably doomed to failure. In his works, he paid the main attention to the rational organization and work culture, laid the foundation for an integrated approach to management theory.

Culture of work and management of Gastev

The main merit of Gastev lies in the development of theoretical and experimental ideas of a new science - social engineering, which combines the methods of the natural sciences, sociology, psychology and pedagogy. Under his leadership, dozens of enterprises introduced innovative methods of organizing labor and production, more than 500,000 skilled workers, thousands of management and technical consultants were trained according to the methods.

Gastev outlined his main ideas and views in the most concentrated form in the famous 16 points of rules and instructions on how to work correctly and culturally.

The 1920s represent, perhaps, the brightest page in the history of national management science. This period strikes the imagination of contemporaries not only with the grandeur of ideas, the number of new ideas, projects and theories, the fierceness of ideological discussions, but also with the grandeur of the personalities that the “Silver Age” gave to the Fatherland.

Undoubtedly, A.K. Gastev. A few words about his biography.

Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev (1882-1941), economist, sociologist, was an active figure in the revolutionary and labor movement in Russia, was repeatedly arrested and exiled. In 1905, he led a combat squad of workers in Kostroma, spoke at rallies exposing the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, and participated in the work of the III and IV congresses of the RSDLP. Gastev has not only revolutionary, but huge production experience behind him: a locksmith at factories in Russia and France (where he graduated from the Higher School of Social Sciences), and after October - one of the leaders at enterprises in Moscow, Kharkov and Gorky, and finally, secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Metalworkers . He is also known as a poet, his literary work was highly appreciated by V.V. Mayakovsky and A.V. Lunacharsky. Gastev was one of the theorists and leaders of the proletarian movement.

From 1921 to 1938 he headed the Central Institute of Labor (CIT) in Moscow. The main merit of Gastev lies in the development of theoretical and experimental ideas of a new science - social engineering ("social engineering"), which combines the methods of natural sciences, sociology, psychology and pedagogy. Under his leadership, dozens of enterprises introduced innovative methods of organizing labor and production, more than 500 thousand skilled workers, thousands of management consultants and NOTs were trained according to the CIT methods. His contribution to the development of the ideas of cybernetics and general systems theory is significant. Gastev's developments have received worldwide recognition; they are being studied in the USA, England, France and other countries.

The concept of cultural attitudes

The industrial revival of Russia, according to Gastev, is inseparable from the cultural revolution. The concept of labor education and cultural attitudes involves the destruction of the "spontaneous licentiousness" of a person, which begins with Gastev's physical and everyday culture - a rational daily routine, proper nutrition, rest and movement, then is fixed in the socio-psychological culture of behavior, the art of owning oneself and one's emotions , relationships, areresulted in the rise of the general culture of production. The work culture begins with a gradual getting used to a single pace sustained throughout the day. Labor endurance is best formed during the operation of the operating room and more difficult - during the editing, non-repeating or having a ragged rhythm.

In hard, irregular work, Gastev believes, more diseases and bad habits are acquired. On the one hand, what the Russian worker lacks most of all is an elementary performance culture: the ability to obey, to strictly observe his official duties, regardless of whether he is pleased or not. The art of teamwork, according to Gastev, is based on the ability to adapt personal goals to common tasks, on the ability to accurately and timely fulfill orders. The first act of "organizational training" is learning not to lead others, but to obey oneself. Gastev builds a new science on this principle - “training pedagogy”. Its methods and laws are based on accurate calculation, which takes into account all the little things and details, it has three stages: "general gymnastics, imitation of work and, finally, real work." If gymnastics acts as a “pure technique of movement”, then the task of the imitation exercise is to accustom a person to the load. At the final stage, the student proceeds to real labor operations, which must be rehearsed to automatism. For the leader, Gastev proposed a six-month probationary period, during which the candidate for nomination would be subjected to thorough socio-psychological observations and, on the basis of them, a “psychological passport” would be drawn up. The business initiative required from the leader will be met with great enthusiasm if he first shows himself as an executive and disciplined worker. Authority in the team, based on a high personal work culture and professional competence, is the foundation of the art of management. According to the logic of this approach, the leader is not invited from outside, but is brought up in his own team.

Labor training

The initial stage of the manager's labor training is performing work, simple "obedience, for only here is it checked what a person is capable of." Performing work is more difficult than administrative work and requires more time, effort and will. It brings up the speed of reactions, the speed of movements, the clarity and rhythm of labor; the future leader should be tasked with “quickly laying out the table, furnishing the room, searching for telephones, finding addresses ... not a single assignment without a deadline, not a single task without measurements.” Only after passing through the school of organizational and managerial activity, an employee can be allowed to take on more complex, planning functions. Gastev was convinced that it is more difficult and longer to master the simplest and most elementary than the most complex and incomprehensible. Therefore, he suggested starting with performing activities and moving on to managerial, starting with the organization of labor and moving on to understanding its content. In this case, not only managers or ordinary workers, but also any citizen must go through the NOT school in his life. Such an approach to the education of a labor culture (and, according to Gastev, it should begin not at the age of 14, but at 2 years old) was in tune with the era. At the same time, it is impossible to create a new culture only on obedience, which turns a person into a “cog” in the production mechanism. Gastev requires a creative approach to the most ordinary things - a hammer, tongs, a pencil. In production, it is not the machine itself that is important, but the installation on it, i.e. focus on constant, everyday design, invention. In order to infect the working masses with the “relentless demon of invention”, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective system of methods for attracting workers to management. It is they, as well as the daily attention from the administration (training, assistance), that will create the preconditions for the worker to think about his every movement and technique, to be able to understand his “anatomy” and device. The worker learns from the machine, absorbing the logic of its movements, and does not memorize the rules. Therefore, the labor culture is not the sum of acquired knowledge, but active “dexterity”. It is necessary to start with a simple maintenance and adjustment of the machine, with training your movements, and only then proceed to the assimilation of theoretical knowledge and formulas.

Labor training as a way of educating a new person in Gastev begins with the formation of the foundations of motor and physical culture, dexterity and economy of movements. Method - household and industrial gymnastics. The training of the basic human qualities necessary for him in his work activity - observation, resourcefulness, will, perseverance, discipline and organization - takes place along three lines: regime, work and organization. The motor culture of a person should be worked out to automatism: the worse the movement is perfected, the more "element of inhibition" in it. With good control of the body, a person does not think about the technical aspects of his work, freeing up time for creativity. Automatism (lower forms of movements is a prerequisite for freedom for higher, spiritual movements of a person.

One of the specific tools for educating NOT in everyday life was Gastev's chrono-map, i.e. a kind of accounting document for recording the time budget. The following stages of time use were proposed: sleep, food, work, rest, self-service. Time tracking brings up thrift, discipline, the ability to plan your working day, improves the general culture of a person. For science, its usefulness is that it reveals the "social skeleton" of labor and people's daily activities.

Work culture

Work culture also has an economic dimension: thus, with the right arrangement of tools, the worker wins an hour during the day; a cultured person "always has everything at hand." Thus, NOT for Gastev is also a culture of the workplace. The culture of movements organically passes into the culture of behavior, personal culture - into the collective. The relationship of people at work, according to the Gastev concept, requires a certain "cultural convention" that softens our hostel. To show tact in relations with others, friendliness, even conditional, instead of “deliberately emphasized rudeness,” is the duty and right of every person. These qualities, along with discipline, the ability to obey a common task (otherwise

performance), enthusiasm and the ability to infect others with the work that you are currently doing is called social attitudes that make up the “art of teamwork”. The basic rule of joint work is to hide, and not expose one's individuality, to be able to put not one's own "I", but common interests in the first place. Learning this is more difficult than mastering a personal trainer.

Gastev outlined his main ideas and views on labor education in the most concentrated form in the famous "Reminder-Rules", containing 16 points of rules and instructions on how to work correctly and culturally.


Before undertaking work, it is necessary to think over all of it so that the model of the finished work and the whole order of labor methods are finally formed in the head. If it’s impossible to think through everything to the end, then think through the main milestones, and think through the first parts of the work thoroughly.

Do not get down to work until all the working tools and all the devices for work are ready. At the workplace (machine, workbench, table, floor, ground) there should not be anything superfluous, so as not to poke around in vain and not look for the necessary among the unnecessary.

All tools and devices should be laid out in a certain, if possible once for all, order, so that you can find it all at random.

You never have to take on a job abruptly, right away; not to break away from the spot, but to enter the work gradually. The head and the body will disperse and work on their own; and if you start right away, then soon you will slaughter yourself, as they say, and you will “screw up” the work. After a steep initial impulse, the worker will soon give up: he himself will experience fatigue, and will spoil the work.

In the course of work, it is sometimes necessary to fit hard: either in order to master something out of the ordinary, or in order to take something together, in an artel. In such cases, you don’t have to lean right away, but first you need to adjust, you need to tune your whole body and mind, you need to recharge, so to speak; then you need to try it a little, find the required strength, and after that, fit in.

It is necessary to work as evenly as possible so that there is no ebb and flow; rash work, attacks spoil a person and work.

The landing of the body during work should be such that it is convenient to work, and at the same time, forces would not be wasted on completely unnecessary keeping the body on its feet. If possible, work while sitting. If it is impossible to sit, the legs should be kept apart; so that the leg put forward or to the side does not break away, it is necessary to arrange a fortification.

During work it is necessary to have a rest. In heavy work it is necessary to rest more often and, if possible, to sit; in light work, shortness of breath is rare, but uniform.

During the work itself, you should not eat, drink tea, drink as a last resort, only to quench your thirst; do not smoke, it is better to smoke during working intervals than during the work itself.

If the work does not work, then do not get excited, but it is better to take a break, change your mind and apply again quietly again; further on purpose to slow down in order to withstand.

During the work itself, especially when things are not going well, it is necessary to interrupt the work, put the workplace in order, diligently lay down the tools and material, sweep away the rubbish and start working again and again gradually, but evenly.

It is not necessary to break away in work for another matter, except for what is necessary in the work itself.

There is a very bad habit, after the successful completion of the work, immediately show it; here it is imperative to “endure”, so to speak, get used to success, soften your satisfaction, make it internal, otherwise, in case of failure, the will will be “poisoned” and the work will become disgusting. In case of complete failure, one should look at the matter lightly and not be upset, starting work again, as if for the first time, and behave as indicated in the 11th rule. At the end of the work, you need to clean everything up, put everything in a certain place.

A.K. Gastev

A major organizer of science, the original original poet A.K. Gastev, who tragically died during the years of Stalinist repressions, believed that all work in the field of scientific organization of labor (NOT) and management should begin with an individual, no matter who he was - a leader or an ordinary performer. The methodological basis of this approach was the concept of labor installations developed by him and his colleagues - employees of the Central Institute of Labor, of which he was director for many years, which contained in the embryo the foundations of cybernetics, engineering psychology, and ergonomics. The constituent elements of this concept were: the theory of labor movements in the production process; organization of the workplace; methods of rational production training, etc. With the help of the practical provisions and conclusions contained in them, it was possible to set certain standards for production operations, facilitate the adaptation of workers to their continuous change, and stimulate their personal initiative.

Here are a few recommendations of this kind: “first think over your work thoroughly, prepare all the necessary tools and fixtures”; “when working, look for a comfortable position of the body; monitor the entire installation; sit down if possible; if you stand, then spread your legs so that there is an economical support ”; “do not work until you are completely tired, take regular rest”; “Do not eat, drink, or smoke while working; do it during your work breaks”; “If the work doesn’t work, don’t worry; you need to take a break, calm down and get back to work”; "finished work - clean up everything to the last nail, and sweep the workplace." Of course, from the point of view of today, these formulations may seem naive in some ways, but in essence they retain their meaning even now.

Unlike Western specialists, Gastev and his students believed that the introduction of NOT and management is possible and necessary not only in technically equipped production, but

and in “any barn”, in the most “unsettled back corner of Russia”, which was extremely important in the period of the pre-industrial level of the country's development. True, this thesis was subjected to very sharp criticism, because contemporaries saw in it an attempt to preserve the technical backwardness of domestic production.

Gastev not only looked for ways to rationalize labor movements and optimal organization of the workplace, but tried to activate the employee, develop in him the need for self-improvement, instill in everyone an "organizational labor bacillus." This should have been facilitated by the methodology he developed for the rapid training of highly qualified workers, which made it possible to reduce the time of the latter by 6 times - from 3-4 years to 4-6 months. Another direction of Gastev's creativity was the development of the concept of a narrow base, the essence of which could be expressed by the words "the worker who operates the machine is the director of the enterprise, which is known as the machine", and the patterns of management of the latter can be extended not only to the enterprise, but also to the state generally. These patterns, according to Gastev, operate in the following order: "calculation - installation - processing - control - accounting - systematics - calculation"

Gastev extended this formula to the management of both things and people, since he believed that, like the operations performed with the help of equipment, the work of any worker can be decomposed into these kinds of elements that can be easily regulated.

Gastev's ideas formed the basis of the science of labor and management he proposed - "social engineering", in which the mathematical apparatus, formulas and drawings were widely used. Practice of A. Gastev

Another outstanding figure in Russian science can be considered Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev(1882-1941), author of more than 200 works, teacher of many researchers. He can be called the spiritual creator of the all-Russian direction of NOT. He became its popularizer, brought the conclusions of science to the leaders of the state, and put their wishes into the subject of the institute. He headed the CIT - "the scientific and combat center, as he called it, of the organization of labor." Allocation of four directions in it; technical, economic, political and pedagogical, made the CIT a unique, experienced and consulting center that has no analogues in Europe. The approach of the Zitovites to their activities is noteworthy. They considered it as the most important contribution, a condition for the speedy restoration of the economic and economic power of the country.

The culture of work was considered by Gastev as the core of his organization. He proposed a systematic vision of the NOT, linking the technical and economic processes of labor organization, theoretical and practical issues of its study. All this is stated by him in the work "Scientific Organization of Labor" (see "Organization of Labor", 1935, No. 5 or the collection "Sociology of Labor", part 1. Collection of texts, St. Petersburg, 1998). In it, he described the NOT not only as a production phenomenon, but also as a socio-political one. It was to her that he assigned the role of the main factor transforming production and the worker.

Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev - revolutionary, communist, statesman and public figure, poet, creator of "social engineering" - the science of rational, organized, productive and beautiful human labor.

The works of A. K. Gastev, included in this collection, are part of the richest material contained in the works of the founder of the Soviet school of scientific organization of labor, production and management.

The book will be read with interest by wide circles of workers, foremen, engineers, economists, scientists, teachers and students; party, Soviet and trade union activists.

Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev
How to work

Alexei Kapitonovich Gastev and his "last work of art"

When the morning horns are buzzing on the outskirts of the workers, this is not at all a call for captivity. This is the song of the future. We used to work in squalid workshops and started working in the mornings at different times. And now, in the morning, at eight o'clock, the horns are screaming for a whole million. Now minute by minute we start together. A whole million take the hammer at the same moment.

Our first blows thunder together. What are the horns singing about! - This is the morning hymn of unity!

Work Strike Poetry

We spend the best part of our lives at work.

One must learn how to work in such a way that the work is easy and that it is a constant life school.

How to work

Gastev Aleksey Kapitonovich - a revolutionary, a proletarian poet and a prominent figure in the field of labor rationalization - was born on September 26, 1882 in the city of Suzdal, Vladimir province. His father was a teacher and died when Gastev was two years old. Testev's mother was a dressmaker. At the end of the city school, and then technical courses, Gastev entered the teacher's institute, but was expelled from there for political activities. Since 1900 he has been participating in the revolutionary movement. Having given himself up to political work, he wandered through prisons, exiles (Vologda province, Arkhangelsk province, Narym) and worked as a mechanic at factories in St. Petersburg, Kharkov, Nikolaev, as well as in tram depots.

Until 1917 he was in an illegal position. He emigrated several times to Paris. He worked in factories abroad. Since 1901 - a member of the RSDLP. Since 1906 - an active worker of trade unions. From 1907 to 1918 he was a member of the board of the Petrograd Union of Metalworkers, and in 1917–1918. - Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Metalworkers. From the moment of the October Revolution, he worked as a professional, manager of industrial enterprises and a journalist.

Artistic things Gastev began to write in the 1900s. For the first time his work was published in 1904 - the story "Beyond the Wall" from the life of political exiles. Collections of works of art were published several times under the heading "Poetry of the Work Strike". The last collection was published in Moscow in 1923. In the early 1920s, Gastev left his work in the field of fiction and devoted himself entirely to work on the organization of labor. Gastev considers his last work of art to be the CIT (Central Institute of Labor) of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions organized by him in Moscow in 1920, which he manages and which embodies all the legendary ideas invested in his artistic work.

The main scientific work of Gastev is the book "Labor Installations" (published in 1924), which outlines the CIT methodology for teaching labor techniques.

In solving its main task - the training of the workforce - the CIT applied the method of analyzing labor movements using "cyclography", that is, photographs of individual elements of the movement of human working organs. Starting with the study of the simplest working operation - a blow, Gastev established the "normal" (the system of the most correct movements) for cutting with a chisel. The study of cutting with a chisel for several years caused a number of criticisms from critics of the CIT, who saw in this slowness an organic defect of the "narrow base". However, already in 1925, Gastev fully developed a method for training a locksmith, and the CIT moved on to training turners, fitters, blacksmiths, construction workers, textile workers, aviators, etc. Having developed the methodology, Gastev moved on to mass retraining of workers, establishing for this joint-stock company "Installation". Training of workers according to the CIT method requires 3-6 months.

Gastev wrote a number of books in which he expounds his views on the issues of the professional movement, the scientific organization of labor and the construction of a new culture: "Industrial World", "Trade Unions and Labor Organization", "How to Work", "Time", "The Rise of Culture", "Youth, go!", "New cultural installation", "Installation of production by the CIT method", "Reconstruction of production", etc. Edits the journals "Organization of labor", "Installation of labor force" and "Bulletin of standardization" ...

Behind these protocol lines (taken by us from the autobiography of A.K. Gastev in the 41st volume of the encyclopedic dictionary "Granat" and biographical information in the 14th volume of the first edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia), broken through by the metaphor of the "last work of art", the image of a revolutionary, worker, a poet who became one of the founders of the Scientific Organization of Labor, a true nugget from a scattering of talents born of the Russian Revolution and creating it.

For many years after the thirty-eighth year that ended the life of this remarkable man, his deeds were consigned to oblivion. Generations grew up who did not hear not only the name of Gastev, but also the words "NOT" and "CIT". And more than understandable, therefore, is the exceptional interest now being shown in questions of the scientific organization of labor, the most valuable heritage of the twenties and thirties.

In 1964, "The Poetry of the Work Strike" was republished. The fantastic hyperbole and class pathos of Gastev's poems and journalism, which his peers associated with the "proletcult" twenties, unexpectedly and organically "fit" into today's reality. Gastev's calls for a "remake of man", for the construction of "social engineering", which seemed to many of his contemporaries to be fantasy, turned out to be understandable and close to people of the sixties with their "cybernetic" way of thinking. The preface to the new edition of "The Poetry of the Work Strike", articles in magazines and newspapers, memoirs of friends and contemporaries recreate the stages of Gastev's wonderful biography, so sparingly told (alas - not completely) by himself: 1900 - the first exile, escape, Switzerland, Paris , return to Russia. 1905 - leadership of a fighting squad in Kostroma, Bolshevik organizations of Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Yaroslavl. IV Party Congress (Gastev-"Lavrenty" - a member of the Bolshevik, Leninist faction), again arrest, again exile, again escape, again emigration, again return ... And all the time - work in factories ("dismissal" always went according to stage ...), and in the intervals - "rest" and classes in "belles-lettres" in transit. In the Narym exile - the first thoughts about "social engineering". Again Paris, and again Petrograd... A revolution that returns Gastev from yet another exile, the intensification of work in the trade unions. Then Ukraine - the leadership of the "Council of Arts" and interrupted by Denikin's plans for the organization of the "School of Social Engineering Sciences" (the prototype of the CIT). In 1918, Gastev was sent to Nizhny Novgorod as the Extraordinary Commissar of the Sormovo Plant. Work at factories again (Moscow, Nikolaev, Kharkov). Work at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. The last "constructive-poetic" experience - "Bunch of Orders" (published later, in 1921).

And, finally, the organization of the Institute of Labor at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (1920). In August 1921, the Institute became known as the Central Institute as a result of a decree of the Council of Labor and Defense signed by V. I. Lenin. Shortly before this, Gastev met with Ilyich for the last time. “I would like to help comrade Gastev, head of the Institute of Labor,” Lenin wrote then to Deputy People’s Commissar of Finance A. O. Alsky. “... We still, even in a difficult situation, must support such an institution.”

It is to this - the last and main "work of art" of Alexei Kapitonovich that this book is dedicated.

Alexei Kapitonovich himself will be the narrator. We will neither interrupt it nor supplement it with importunate explanations. The reader himself will be able to see for himself the comprehensibility (and relevance) of the thoughts and deeds of those not so long ago days and make his own judgment about them. Let us recall only the most basic facts.

The first policy document issued by the Central Institute of Labor was the rules formulated by A.K. Gastev, which gave the name to this book - "How to work":

“Whether we work at the office table, whether we saw with a file in a locksmith's workshop, or, finally, we plow the land - everywhere we need to create labor endurance and gradually make it a habit.

Undoubtedly, Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev was the leader of the domestic science of management and NOT in the 1920s. , tragically died during the Stalinist repressions. A.K. Gastev (1882–1941), economist, sociologist, was an active figure in the revolutionary and labor movement in Russia. He graduated from the city school and technical courses in Suzdal, entered the Moscow Teachers' Institute, from where he was expelled for political activities, was repeatedly arrested and exiled, until 1917 he was in an illegal position. During this period, he emigrated to France, where he studied at the Higher School of Social Sciences (Paris) and worked in factories. Gastev has not only revolutionary, but huge production experience behind him: a locksmith at factories in Russia and France, and after October - one of the leaders at enterprises in Moscow, Kharkov and Gorky, and finally, in 1917-1918 secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Metalworkers. He is also known as a poet, his literary work was highly appreciated by V.V. Mayakovsky and A.V. Lunacharsky. Gastev was one of the theorists and leaders of the proletarian movement.

Gastev headed the Central Institute of Labor (CIT). The Institute was the largest and most productive research institute in the field of labor organization and management. A. Gastev wrote more than 200 monographs, brochures, articles. Under his leadership, the Institute has become a leading research, educational and practical center of Russia in the field of scientific organization of labor and management. The Institute combined a research, teaching and consulting institution, which was not yet even in Europe. Thus, A. Gastev and his associates managed to make one of the most valuable discoveries in the history of world organizational and managerial thought, namely, to formulate and test in practice the idea of ​​a triune mechanism for the development of scientific management.

The main merit of Gastev lies in the development of theoretical and experimental ideas of a new science - social engineering(social engineering), which combined the methods of natural sciences, sociology, psychology and pedagogy. Under his leadership, dozens of enterprises introduced innovative methods of organizing labor and production. More than 500,000 skilled workers, thousands of management consultants and NOTs have been trained according to the CIT methods. His contribution to the development of the ideas of cybernetics and general systems theory is significant.

Gastev and the staff of the institute understood that in conditions of extreme devastation and complete cut off from the entire cultural world, they were expected to give practical instructions on how to plan production, stimulate labor, how to work effectively in a specific situation in order to restore the country's industry. However, according to A. Gastev, the problem facing the country was much more radical, because it required a complete organic reconstruction of the entire production structure and, above all, the main productive force - the worker.

The CIT associated the solution of this grandiose task with the development of the science of labor and production management, which was supposed to identify and formulate principles, as well as develop methods of organization that would radically transform the labor process from a heavy yoke for workers into a positive creative process. A. Gastev was convinced that in order to create his own theory, it is necessary to critically rethink the theoretical achievements and practical experience accumulated in industrialized countries: the scientist considered equally unacceptable not only an obsequious attitude to the latest Western scientific systems, but also an absolute rejection of this knowledge. In this regard, it can be noted that the ideological postulates of the CIT were formed as an original, original, but at the same time, it absorbed all the most valuable Western management thought (primarily F. Taylor) concept. It covered in a complex the spheres of engineering and technology, biology, psychophysiology, economics, history, pedagogy, and also contained the rudiments of such sciences as cybernetics, engineering psychology, ergonomics, which were widely developed and disseminated in subsequent years. It is no coincidence that the authors themselves called their concept technobiosocial.


In the eventful biography of A. K. Gastev, the brightest pages are associated with his activities as the founder and head of the Central Institute of Labor (CIT). CIT - the main and favorite brainchild of A.K. Gastev, was formed in 1921 by merging two institutions: the Institute of Labor under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Institute for the Experimental Study of Living Labor under the People's Commissariat of Labor.

In the activity of Gastev, first of all, attention is drawn to the scale in the formulation of labor issues. The entire scientific school of A.K. Gastev did not reduce them only to increasing labor productivity, improving quality, reducing costs, etc. For socialist production, the author and his colleagues at the institute believed that this was not enough.

The task, wrote A.K. Gastev, is how to restructure production so that in its very organizational technique there is a constant call for continuous improvement, continuous improvement both in production and in that limited field in which each individual leader works.

<из тяжелого ярма для рабочего>in<положительный творческий процесс>.

According to Gastev, NOT in its procedural and methodological part is based on the following elements:

preliminary analysis of the object; decomposing it into components;

choosing the best elements, which are then laid out in functionally interconnected rows;

layout of the selected options according to the principle of their economical location in the labor process on the general synthetic scheme (drawing) of the object under study.

A. K. Gastev proceeded from the fact that before changing one or another way of working, they must be carefully studied.

AK Gastev's concept is a concept of a truly socialist organization of labor. The bourgeois systems of NOT are completely alien to the defining idea that forms the foundation of the Gastev concept, the idea of ​​the Socialization of the labor process, the idea of ​​the decisive role of the human factor.

The ultimate goal of scientific research for the bourgeois NOT is the establishment of some unchanging standard of operation, method, movement, accepted, but not necessarily understood by a person who uses such, in the words of A.K. Gastev,<застывшей нормой>. Methodically<принцип стандарта>, being brought to its logical conclusion, turns into its own negation. Becoming a dogma, and not a guide to action, such a standard leads to the ossification of the once established, previously acceptable, but not justified in the changed conditions of methods and methods of work. As a result, it ceases to give impulses to improve the organization and turns into fetters for a given operation, movement, production as a whole.

Of exceptional interest are the rules that have not lost their relevance and anticipate a number of ideas.<Как надо работать>proposed by A.K. Gastev. basic rules for all work. Nr:

1. you need to think over the whole work.

2. Do not get down to work until all the working tools and all the devices for work have been prepared.

3. There should not be anything superfluous in the workplace, so as not to poke around in vain, not to fuss and not to look for the necessary among the unnecessary.

4. During work, it is necessary to rest.

5. At the end of the work, everything must be cleaned up, etc.

A. K. Gastev

Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev (1882-1941) - an outstanding Soviet theorist and practitioner of the scientific organization of labor and production management, a major public figure, poet.

A. Gastev associated the solution of such a grandiose task with the development of the socialist science of labor and production management, designed to identify and formulate specific principles, as well as to develop methods of organizing labor that are immanent to a new type of economic basis and allow radically reorganize the labor process itself, which must turn into<из тяжелого ярма для рабочего>in<положительный творческий процесО.

A. K. Gastev understood well (unlike researchers of a later time) that the process of forming such a concept cannot take place autonomously, away from the main road of world scientific thought. He believed that in order to create his own concept, it is necessary to critically rethink the theoretical achievements and practical experience accumulated in industrialized capitalist countries. A. K. Gastev proceeded from the fact that before changing one or another way of working, they must be carefully studied.

The third common point is that the scientific study of the material and personal factors of production is predominantly laboratory in nature and ends with experimental testing of the solutions found. The fourth point of contact is the preliminary calculation and preparation of all factors of production in time and space, ensuring maximum acceleration and compaction of production processes. Finally, the fifth unifying moment is changes in the qualification groupings of personnel with a pronounced tendency to limit the functions of the bulk of workers to narrow special tasks (based on an in-depth division of labor) and the simultaneous strengthening of the organizational role of lower and middle administrative and technical personnel, the introduction of briefing and various organizational devices.

A. K. Gastev proposed a research program for the organization of labor, which would be as close as possible to the needs of large-scale social production. Taking the standard as a specific form for a given production, he placed even higher the ability to quickly redesign production and all those skills that are associated with this production. From this, it was concluded that it was necessary to constantly train the physical and mental abilities of workers, such, in particular, as observation (education of the sense organs, especially the eyes and ears), will, motor culture (mobility, speed of reaction), fine arts (the ability to accurately display the phenomenon in a word, a letter, a schedule), a regimen (accounting for spending time), etc. All this, according to A.K. Gastev and his colleagues, will make it possible to maximize the human factor and at the same time save the strength and health of workers, economically spending their energy.

Aleksei Kapitonovich Gastev (1882-1938) was a prominent figure in the field of scientific organization of labor and production, an outstanding researcher and organizer of science, and the author of over 200 scientific papers. His main scientific works: "How to work" (1921), "Labor installations" (1924). "Rationing and organization of labor" (1929), "Scientific organization of labor" (1935). A. K. Gastev was an original scientist and writer. But his main “work” was the Institute of Labor he created under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which he created in 1920, transformed in 1921 into the Central Institute of Labor (CIT), the permanent leader of which he was until his arrest and tragic death as a result of the political repressions of the Stalinist regime. He dealt with the issues of improving the theory and practice of labor organization. He formulated and substantiated the concept, called "labor installations". The most important place in the implementation of the methodology of labor movements was given to instruction. The disadvantage of the concept of labor installations. Gastev is the weak development of the very methodology of labor attitudes, the choice of a too narrow research base, and an orientation towards the individuality of the worker.

Gastev A.K. Labor settings. M.: Economics, 1973. S. 133.

A.K. Gastev formulates a number of principles that help to solve the set tasks: the principle of instructing, the principle of organizing work, the principle of continuous involvement of the entire working mass in the production initiative.

The scientific ideas and views of A.K. Gastev were realized in the works of TsIT. The first policy document of the institute was the rules formulated by A.K. Gastev in the book “How to work”. A.K. Gastev emphasized that attempts to create a so-called organizational science out of touch with the specific tendencies of mechanized mass production are inevitably doomed to failure. In his works, he paid the main attention to the rational organization and work culture, laid the foundation for an integrated approach to management theory.

Culture of work and management of Gastev

The main merit of Gastev lies in the development of theoretical and experimental ideas of a new science - social engineering, which combines the methods of the natural sciences, sociology, psychology and pedagogy. Under his leadership, dozens of enterprises introduced innovative methods of organizing labor and production, more than 500,000 skilled workers, thousands of management and technical consultants were trained according to the methods.

Gastev outlined his main ideas and views in the most concentrated form in the famous 16 points of rules and instructions on how to work correctly and culturally.

The 1920s represent, perhaps, the brightest page in the history of national management science. This period strikes the imagination of contemporaries not only with the grandeur of ideas, the number of new ideas, projects and theories, the fierceness of ideological discussions, but also with the grandeur of the personalities that the “Silver Age” gave to the Fatherland.

Undoubtedly, A.K. Gastev. A few words about his biography.

Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev (1882-1941), economist, sociologist, was an active figure in the revolutionary and labor movement in Russia, was repeatedly arrested and exiled. In 1905, he led a combat squad of workers in Kostroma, spoke at rallies exposing the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, and participated in the work of the III and IV congresses of the RSDLP. Gastev has not only revolutionary, but huge production experience behind him: a locksmith at factories in Russia and France (where he graduated from the Higher School of Social Sciences), and after October - one of the leaders at enterprises in Moscow, Kharkov and Gorky, and finally, secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Metalworkers . He is also known as a poet, his literary work was highly appreciated by V.V. Mayakovsky and A.V. Lunacharsky. Gastev was one of the theorists and leaders of the proletarian movement.

From 1921 to 1938 he headed the Central Institute of Labor (CIT) in Moscow. The main merit of Gastev lies in the development of theoretical and experimental ideas of a new science - social engineering ("social engineering"), which combines the methods of natural sciences, sociology, psychology and pedagogy. Under his leadership, dozens of enterprises introduced innovative methods of organizing labor and production, more than 500 thousand skilled workers, thousands of management consultants and NOTs were trained according to the CIT methods. His contribution to the development of the ideas of cybernetics and general systems theory is significant. Gastev's developments have received worldwide recognition; they are being studied in the USA, England, France and other countries.

The concept of cultural attitudes

The industrial revival of Russia, according to Gastev, is inseparable from the cultural revolution. The concept of labor education and cultural attitudes involves the destruction of the "spontaneous licentiousness" of a person, which begins with Gastev's physical and everyday culture - a rational daily routine, proper nutrition, rest and movement, then is fixed in the socio-psychological culture of behavior, the art of owning oneself and one's emotions , relationships, areresulted in the rise of the general culture of production. The work culture begins with a gradual getting used to a single pace sustained throughout the day. Labor endurance is best formed during the operation of the operating room and more difficult - during the editing, non-repeating or having a ragged rhythm.

In hard, irregular work, Gastev believes, more diseases and bad habits are acquired. On the one hand, what the Russian worker lacks most of all is an elementary performance culture: the ability to obey, to strictly observe his official duties, regardless of whether he is pleased or not. The art of teamwork, according to Gastev, is based on the ability to adapt personal goals to common tasks, on the ability to accurately and timely fulfill orders. The first act of "organizational training" is learning not to lead others, but to obey oneself. Gastev builds a new science on this principle - “training pedagogy”. Its methods and laws are based on accurate calculation, which takes into account all the little things and details, it has three stages: "general gymnastics, imitation of work and, finally, real work." If gymnastics acts as a “pure technique of movement”, then the task of the imitation exercise is to accustom a person to the load. At the final stage, the student proceeds to real labor operations, which must be rehearsed to automatism. For the leader, Gastev proposed a six-month probationary period, during which the candidate for nomination would be subjected to thorough socio-psychological observations and, on the basis of them, a “psychological passport” would be drawn up. The business initiative required from the leader will be met with great enthusiasm if he first shows himself as an executive and disciplined worker. Authority in the team, based on a high personal work culture and professional competence, is the foundation of the art of management. According to the logic of this approach, the leader is not invited from outside, but is brought up in his own team.

Labor training

The initial stage of the manager's labor training is performing work, simple "obedience, for only here is it checked what a person is capable of." Performing work is more difficult than administrative work and requires more time, effort and will. It brings up the speed of reactions, the speed of movements, the clarity and rhythm of labor; the future leader should be tasked with “quickly laying out the table, furnishing the room, searching for telephones, finding addresses ... not a single assignment without a deadline, not a single task without measurements.” Only after passing through the school of organizational and managerial activity, an employee can be allowed to take on more complex, planning functions. Gastev was convinced that it is more difficult and longer to master the simplest and most elementary than the most complex and incomprehensible. Therefore, he suggested starting with performing activities and moving on to managerial, starting with the organization of labor and moving on to understanding its content. In this case, not only managers or ordinary workers, but also any citizen must go through the NOT school in his life. Such an approach to the education of a labor culture (and, according to Gastev, it should begin not at the age of 14, but at 2 years old) was in tune with the era. At the same time, it is impossible to create a new culture only on obedience, which turns a person into a “cog” in the production mechanism. Gastev requires a creative approach to the most ordinary things - a hammer, tongs, a pencil. In production, it is not the machine itself that is important, but the installation on it, i.e. focus on constant, everyday design, invention. In order to infect the working masses with the “relentless demon of invention”, it is necessary to develop and implement an effective system of methods for attracting workers to management. It is they, as well as the daily attention from the administration (training, assistance), that will create the preconditions for the worker to think about his every movement and technique, to be able to understand his “anatomy” and device. The worker learns from the machine, absorbing the logic of its movements, and does not memorize the rules. Therefore, the labor culture is not the sum of acquired knowledge, but active “dexterity”. It is necessary to start with a simple maintenance and adjustment of the machine, with training your movements, and only then proceed to the assimilation of theoretical knowledge and formulas.

Labor training as a way of educating a new person in Gastev begins with the formation of the foundations of motor and physical culture, dexterity and economy of movements. Method - household and industrial gymnastics. The training of the basic human qualities necessary for him in his work activity - observation, resourcefulness, will, perseverance, discipline and organization - takes place along three lines: regime, work and organization. The motor culture of a person should be worked out to automatism: the worse the movement is perfected, the more "element of inhibition" in it. With good control of the body, a person does not think about the technical aspects of his work, freeing up time for creativity. Automatism (lower forms of movements is a prerequisite for freedom for higher, spiritual movements of a person.

One of the specific tools for educating NOT in everyday life was Gastev's chrono-map, i.e. a kind of accounting document for recording the time budget. The following stages of time use were proposed: sleep, food, work, rest, self-service. Time tracking brings up thrift, discipline, the ability to plan your working day, improves the general culture of a person. For science, its usefulness is that it reveals the "social skeleton" of labor and people's daily activities.

Work culture

Work culture also has an economic dimension: thus, with the right arrangement of tools, the worker wins an hour during the day; a cultured person "always has everything at hand." Thus, NOT for Gastev is also a culture of the workplace. The culture of movements organically passes into the culture of behavior, personal culture - into the collective. The relationship of people at work, according to the Gastev concept, requires a certain "cultural convention" that softens our hostel. To show tact in relations with others, friendliness, even conditional, instead of “deliberately emphasized rudeness,” is the duty and right of every person. These qualities, along with discipline, the ability to obey a common task (otherwise

performance), enthusiasm and the ability to infect others with the work that you are currently doing is called social attitudes that make up the “art of teamwork”. The basic rule of joint work is to hide, and not expose one's individuality, to be able to put not one's own "I", but common interests in the first place. Learning this is more difficult than mastering a personal trainer.

Gastev outlined his main ideas and views on labor education in the most concentrated form in the famous "Reminder-Rules", containing 16 points of rules and instructions on how to work correctly and culturally.


Before undertaking work, it is necessary to think over all of it so that the model of the finished work and the whole order of labor methods are finally formed in the head. If it’s impossible to think through everything to the end, then think through the main milestones, and think through the first parts of the work thoroughly.

Do not get down to work until all the working tools and all the devices for work are ready. At the workplace (machine, workbench, table, floor, ground) there should not be anything superfluous, so as not to poke around in vain and not look for the necessary among the unnecessary.

All tools and devices should be laid out in a certain, if possible once for all, order, so that you can find it all at random.

You never have to take on a job abruptly, right away; not to break away from the spot, but to enter the work gradually. The head and the body will disperse and work on their own; and if you start right away, then soon you will slaughter yourself, as they say, and you will “screw up” the work. After a steep initial impulse, the worker will soon give up: he himself will experience fatigue, and will spoil the work.

In the course of work, it is sometimes necessary to fit hard: either in order to master something out of the ordinary, or in order to take something together, in an artel. In such cases, you don’t have to lean right away, but first you need to adjust, you need to tune your whole body and mind, you need to recharge, so to speak; then you need to try it a little, find the required strength, and after that, fit in.

It is necessary to work as evenly as possible so that there is no ebb and flow; rash work, attacks spoil a person and work.

The landing of the body during work should be such that it is convenient to work, and at the same time, forces would not be wasted on completely unnecessary keeping the body on its feet. If possible, work while sitting. If it is impossible to sit, the legs should be kept apart; so that the leg put forward or to the side does not break away, it is necessary to arrange a fortification.

During work it is necessary to have a rest. In heavy work it is necessary to rest more often and, if possible, to sit; in light work, shortness of breath is rare, but uniform.

During the work itself, you should not eat, drink tea, drink as a last resort, only to quench your thirst; do not smoke, it is better to smoke during working intervals than during the work itself.

If the work does not work, then do not get excited, but it is better to take a break, change your mind and apply again quietly again; further on purpose to slow down in order to withstand.

During the work itself, especially when things are not going well, it is necessary to interrupt the work, put the workplace in order, diligently lay down the tools and material, sweep away the rubbish and start working again and again gradually, but evenly.

It is not necessary to break away in work for another matter, except for what is necessary in the work itself.

There is a very bad habit, after the successful completion of the work, immediately show it; here it is imperative to “endure”, so to speak, get used to success, soften your satisfaction, make it internal, otherwise, in case of failure, the will will be “poisoned” and the work will become disgusting. In case of complete failure, one should look at the matter lightly and not be upset, starting work again, as if for the first time, and behave as indicated in the 11th rule. At the end of the work, you need to clean everything up, put everything in a certain place.

A.K. Gastev

A major organizer of science, the original original poet A.K. Gastev, who tragically died during the years of Stalinist repressions, believed that all work in the field of scientific organization of labor (NOT) and management should begin with an individual, no matter who he was - a leader or an ordinary performer. The methodological basis of this approach was the concept of labor installations developed by him and his colleagues - employees of the Central Institute of Labor, of which he was director for many years, which contained in the embryo the foundations of cybernetics, engineering psychology, and ergonomics. The constituent elements of this concept were: the theory of labor movements in the production process; organization of the workplace; methods of rational production training, etc. With the help of the practical provisions and conclusions contained in them, it was possible to set certain standards for production operations, facilitate the adaptation of workers to their continuous change, and stimulate their personal initiative.

Here are a few recommendations of this kind: “first think over your work thoroughly, prepare all the necessary tools and fixtures”; “when working, look for a comfortable position of the body; monitor the entire installation; sit down if possible; if you stand, then spread your legs so that there is an economical support ”; “do not work until you are completely tired, take regular rest”; “Do not eat, drink, or smoke while working; do it during your work breaks”; “If the work doesn’t work, don’t worry; you need to take a break, calm down and get back to work”; "finished work - clean up everything to the last nail, and sweep the workplace." Of course, from the point of view of today, these formulations may seem naive in some ways, but in essence they retain their meaning even now.

Unlike Western specialists, Gastev and his students believed that the introduction of NOT and management is possible and necessary not only in technically equipped production, but

and in “any barn”, in the most “unsettled back corner of Russia”, which was extremely important in the period of the pre-industrial level of the country's development. True, this thesis was subjected to very sharp criticism, because contemporaries saw in it an attempt to preserve the technical backwardness of domestic production.

Gastev not only looked for ways to rationalize labor movements and optimal organization of the workplace, but tried to activate the employee, develop in him the need for self-improvement, instill in everyone an "organizational labor bacillus." This should have been facilitated by the methodology he developed for the rapid training of highly qualified workers, which made it possible to reduce the time of the latter by 6 times - from 3-4 years to 4-6 months. Another direction of Gastev's creativity was the development of the concept of a narrow base, the essence of which could be expressed by the words "the worker who operates the machine is the director of the enterprise, which is known as the machine", and the patterns of management of the latter can be extended not only to the enterprise, but also to the state generally. These patterns, according to Gastev, operate in the following order: "calculation - installation - processing - control - accounting - systematics - calculation"

Gastev extended this formula to the management of both things and people, since he believed that, like the operations performed with the help of equipment, the work of any worker can be decomposed into these kinds of elements that can be easily regulated.

Gastev's ideas formed the basis of the science of labor and management he proposed - "social engineering", in which the mathematical apparatus, formulas and drawings were widely used. Practice of A. Gastev

Another outstanding figure in Russian science can be considered Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev(1882-1941), author of more than 200 works, teacher of many researchers. He can be called the spiritual creator of the all-Russian direction of NOT. He became its popularizer, brought the conclusions of science to the leaders of the state, and put their wishes into the subject of the institute. He headed the CIT - "the scientific and combat center, as he called it, of the organization of labor." Allocation of four directions in it; technical, economic, political and pedagogical, made the CIT a unique, experienced and consulting center that has no analogues in Europe. The approach of the Zitovites to their activities is noteworthy. They considered it as the most important contribution, a condition for the speedy restoration of the economic and economic power of the country.

The culture of work was considered by Gastev as the core of his organization. He proposed a systematic vision of the NOT, linking the technical and economic processes of labor organization, theoretical and practical issues of its study. All this is stated by him in the work "Scientific Organization of Labor" (see "Organization of Labor", 1935, No. 5 or the collection "Sociology of Labor", part 1. Collection of texts, St. Petersburg, 1998). In it, he described the NOT not only as a production phenomenon, but also as a socio-political one. It was to her that he assigned the role of the main factor transforming production and the worker.

His main idea is the creation of a "labor setting", an internal concentration that precedes work, permeates and comprehends the labor process, making it as rational as possible, and labor the most efficient. One cannot but agree with the basic principles that he formulated as a reflection of the "labor attitude":

1. think over future work, its sequence, elaboration of details;

2. pre-prepare all fixtures;

3. give up everything superfluous in the workplace;

4. maintain order in unfolding the tool and everything you need;

5. gradually enter into work;

6. to think about the work, if necessary, to make additional efforts;

7. maintain an even pace of work;

8. find the convenience of planting the body, head;

9. obligatory rest;

11. giving up the habit of showing off results;

12. obligatory cleaning of the workplace at the end of work.

The simplicity of these requirements contributed to the accusation of Gastev and his school of narrowness of approach. However, despite the apparent obviousness, it was these principles that formed the basis of "social engineering" - a science that in many respects anticipated the development of the NOT by scientists of the 60s and 70s. As the initiator of a new direction, Gastev wrote: "this is a holistic, calculated inclusion of certain human masses in the system of mechanisms and will be nothing more than social engineering." In it, a person is considered not as an independent disparate unit, but as a part of the whole organism, a labor organization, but the part is decisive, the main one.

16 rules of Gastev

1. Before undertaking work, it is necessary to think through it all, think it over so that the model of the finished work and the whole order of labor methods are finally formed in the head. If everything cannot be thought through to the end, then think over the main milestones, and think through the first parts of the work thoroughly

2. Do not start work until all working tools and all work accessories are ready

3. At the workplace (machine, workbench, table, floor, ground) there should not be anything superfluous, so as not to poke around in vain, not to fuss and not look for the necessary among the unnecessary

4. All tools and devices must be laid out in a certain, if possible, once and for all established order, so that you can find it all at random.

5. You should never take on work abruptly, immediately, do not break away, but go into work gradually. The head and the body will disperse and work on their own; and if you start right away, then soon you will slaughter yourself, as they say *, and work<запорешь>. After a steep initial impulse, the worker soon gives up: he himself will experience

fatigue, and the work will spoil

6. In the course of work, sometimes it is necessary to fit hard: either in order to master something out of the ordinary, or in order to take something together, in an artel. In such cases, you don’t have to lean right away, but first you need to adjust, you need to adjust your whole body and mind, you need to recharge, so to speak; then you need to try a little, find the required strength, and after that, lie down

7. It is necessary to work as evenly as possible so that there is no ebb and flow; rash work, bouts spoil both the person and the work

8. The position of the body during work should be such that it would be convenient to work, and at the same time, forces would not be wasted on completely unnecessary keeping the body on its feet. If possible, work while sitting. If it is impossible to sit, the legs should be kept apart; so that the leg put forward or to the side does not break away, it is necessary to arrange a fortification

9. During work, it is necessary to rest. In hard work, you need to rest more often and, if possible, sit; in light work, rest is rare, but uniform

10. During the work itself, you should not eat, drink tea, drink in extreme cases only to quench your thirst; do not smoke, it is better to smoke during work breaks than during work itself

11. If the work does not work, then do not get excited, but it is better to take a break, change your mind and apply again quietly again; even deliberately slow down to endure

12. During the work itself, especially when things are not going well, it is necessary to interrupt the work, put the workplace in order, diligently put the tools and materials, sweep away the rubbish and start working again and again gradually, but evenly

13. It is not necessary to break away from work for another matter, except for what is necessary for the work itself.

14. There is a very bad habit after the successful completion of the work now, but show it; here is a must<вытерпеть>, so to speak, get used to success, crush your satisfaction, make it internal, otherwise it will turn out another time in case of failure<отравление>will, and the work will be disgusted

15. In case of complete failure, one should look at the matter lightly and not get upset, start working again, as if for the first time, and behave as indicated in the 11th rule.

16. At the end of the work, everything must be tidied up; and work, and tool, and workplace; put everything in a certain place, so that when you start working again, you can find everything and so that the work itself does not oppose

1. "How to work" (1921)

2. "Labor Installations" (1924)

3. "Rationing and organization of labor" (1929)

4. "Scientific organization of labor" (1935).

In 1920, he created the Institute of Labor under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which was transformed in 1921 into the Central Institute of Labor (CIT), the permanent leader of which he was until his arrest and tragic death as a result of political repressions. Scientific ideas and views of A.K. Gastev were realized in the works of TsIT. The first policy document of the institute was the rules formulated by A.K. Gastev in the book "How to work". There were extensive comments, explanations, additions to the rules. The rules themselves were widely published in the form of posters and leaflets. The relevance of these rules has not been lost even today.

According to Gastev, the following qualities should be inherent in the labor type of personality:

observation, figurativeness (the ability to depict, display and fix in a word, in writing, in graphics and photography);

will (readiness for action, ability to switch);

motor culture (body culture, labor, sports, everyday movements);

possession of the regime (time, life, labor);

the art of rest and recuperation;

skills and culture of the organizer;


GASTEV Alexey Kapitonovich

26.9 (8.10). 1882, Suzdal. - 1941, scientist and poet, one of the founders of pedagogy prof. education and science. organization of labor in the RSFSR. Studied in Moscow. teacher's institute (expelled in 1901 for revolutionary activities). Secretary of the Central Committee of All Russia. union of metalworkers (1917-18). In 1918-19 head. Department of Arts of the People's Commissar of Millet of the Ukrainian SSR. Organizer and leader of the Center, Institute of Labor at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (CIT; 1920-38). In 1924-26 deputy. prev. Council on NOT under the People's Commissariat of the RCP An active participant in discussions on the problems of proletarian culture and the preparation of qualified. workers. The organizer of the joint-stock company "Installation" (1928), which prepared personnel for industry on a self-supporting basis. A proletarian poet who sang of the era of "triumphant machinism" and the industrial heap, the new high-speed man, G. sought to create an industrial pedagogy capable of putting an end to the psychology of handicrafts. At the heart of ped. G.'s doctrines the idea of ​​"social engineering", built on the study of man in the labor process and trends in the development of production, social and labor experimentation, the use of psychophysiol. and other research.

It was embodied in the "installation method of the CIT", which G. regarded as the basis for the reform of the entire system of education and upbringing, obshcheped. method of forming human abilities. He proposed to introduce pedagogy into the "framework of instruction", opposing scientific teaching to empiricism. approach, to the "subjective" art of the teacher - the "objective" impact of "settings" that create and correct "chains" of reactions. As a matter of fact. G. put forward the idea of ​​algorithmization and programming of training and education, anticipating the ideas of S. Pressy (1926) about learning automata. The "social-engineering machine" created at the CIT assumed that the teacher would be replaced by guides and templates that form attitudes.

I The concept of “setting”, introduced by G., had in mind the formation of personality orientation, leading to automatism of activity through “cultural settings”, “bio-settings”, “organizational settings”, etc. G.’s ideas about the “new cultural setting” expressed his goal to educate a new generation of people who love technology, active, creatively developed, owning the culture of production, movement, body, etc. organizational techniques, skills, "reflexes", combined into dynamic complexes of movements, brought to automatism. G.'s concept served as one of the sources of the theory of activity. Your ped. system G. called "training pedagogy", overestimating the possibility of limitless impact on the human body. Man in the system of G. acted as a product of the environment. At the same time, G. believed that the automatism of behavior does not negate the creative principle, but creates the necessary reflex basis for it. However, the creative components of the G.'s concept did not receive proper development, which gave rise to criticism (N. K. Krupskaya, A. V. Lunacharsky, S. E. Gaisinovich, V. N. Shulgin, and others). Technocratic prevailed in his views. tendencies, proletarian fascination with "machine aesthetics", underestimation of the social consequences of the "mechanization" of personality education.

G.'s ideas had a special influence on the development of the theory and methods of production and education. The system he proposed was distinguished by the rigid unity of all elements: qualifications. characteristics, exercise programs (designed for the gradual complication of technologies), the method of labor training and its subordinate demonstrations, demonstrations, instructions, etc. and tech. teaching aids. A special element of the CIT system was the stage-by-stage control and examination of the quality of education. Installation workshops were created to organize training. CIT was led by a specialist. training of instructors who are proficient in teaching methods.

The TsIT methodology formed the basis of accelerated forms of training qualifiers. workers and was a great success. Noting this, G. spoke out against long-term forms of vocational education, primarily schools of trade and educational institutions, pointing out that general education in them is an unnecessary tribute to "humanitarianism." G.'s position was perceived as a speech against the social security of youth.

In the spirit of the installation doctrine, G. developed the ideas of polytechnics, education, focusing on "multiple possession of industrial skills." He divided polytechnics into general, giving orientation in the entire scope of technology, and private, focused on one of the branches ("mechanical", "chemical", etc.) and giving core training in the group of kinship. professions. He proposed new approaches to the design of polytechnics, equipment for schools (1930).

Ped. G.'s concept was one of the original directions in the development of pedagogy in the 1920s. and had an impact on her. His works contributed to the formation in the USSR of the physiology of movements (Y. A. Bernshtein), the psychology of labor, and ipzh. psychology, etc. Mn. G.'s provisions were not always deeply perceived by his contemporaries, although the accusations of "hyper-industrialism" and "technocratism" were justified.

Unreasonably repressed; rehabilitated posthumously.

Cit.: Revolt of culture, Kharkov, 1923; Modern equipment. culture, Kharkov, 1923; How to work, M., 1922; M., 19722; Labor installations, M., 1924, [M., 19732]. Lit .: Krupskaya N.K., On the issue of training the workforce, Ped. soch., v. 3, M., 1979; Lunacharsky A.V., Education of a new person, in his book: On upbringing and education, ML, 1976; Gastev 10.A. From "social engineering" to cybernetics, About methodological. concepts of TsIT, in the book: Gastev A.K., Labor installations, [M., 19732]; CIT and its methods NOT, M., 1970; Osovsky EG, Development of the theory of prof.-tech. education in the USSR (1917 - 1940), M., 1980, ch. 3-4; Katkhanov K. N., A talented worker of vocational education, "Socialist Labor", 1982, No. 10; Boguslavsky M., Tsirulnikov A., Iron Echo, PTO, 1988. No. 7.

Gastev, Alexey Kapitoyovich - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Alexey Kapitonovich Gastev ( September 26 (October 8) 1882 , Suzdal - April 15, 1939, Kommunarka) - Russian revolutionary, trade union figure, poet and writer, theorist scientific organization of labor and leader Central Labor Institute.


Born into a family teachers and dressmakers. His father died when Gastev was two years old. At the end schools and technical courses enrolled in Moscow Teachers' University but was expelled from there for political activities. AT 1901 enters into RSDLP, drops out of school and becomes professional revolutionary. AT 1903 exiled to Ust-Sysolsk, Vologda province (now the city of Syktyvkar), from where he successfully fled. AT 1904 The first story from the life of the exiles was published. During First Russian Revolution- chairman of Kostroma advice workers deputies and leader of the combat team. In 1906 he was elected delegate to the 4th congress RSDLP. For some time he lives, works and studies in paris. AT 1908 d. leaves the ranks Bolsheviks.

AT 1914 d. again exiled to Na rymsky region. February revolution meets in escape and exits underground(With 1901 before 1917 d. in an illegal position). AT 1917 -18 years old Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Metal Workers. Works in management factories in Moscow, Kharkov, Nikolaev, actively engaged in trade union and cultural-organizational (in the All-Ukrainian Council of Arts) work. AT 1920 d. becomes the creator and leader Central Labor Institute. AT 1926 awarded Order of the Red Banner"for exceptional energy and dedication." September 8, 1938 G. arrested by the NKVD and April 15, 1939 G. shot.

Literary creativity

He wrote poetry in 1913-1919, the main form - poems in prose. AT 1918 Proletcult Gastev's collection of poems, The Poetry of the Working Strike, was published, which went through six reprints until 1926. From 1920 he wrote only articles.

Poetic works are closer to gimp prose than to poetry without rhyme and meter. Often they lack even an organizing rhythmic basis. This is poetry about the working masses or poetry symbolizing the working masses: realistic details are mixed in it with bold metaphors and motifs bordering on fantasy. ( Wolfgang Cossack)


Gastev, A.K. The poetry of the working stroke. ML, 1971. Gastev, A.K. How to work. M., 1966. Gastev, A.K. Labor settings. M, 1973 Gastev Aleksey Kapitonovich, participant of the revolutionary movement in Russia, one of the founders of the scientific organization of labor (NOT) in the USSR, poet. Born in Suzdal in the family of a teacher. Member of the RSDLP since 1901, Bolshevik: in 1908 he left the party. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1931. For revolutionary activities expelled from the Moscow Teachers' Institute. During the Revolution of 1905-07, chairman of the Kostroma Council of Workers' Deputies, head of the combat squad. Delegate of the 4th Congress of the RSDLP (1906). From 1906 he worked in the Union of Metal Workers. Repeatedly subjected to repression. In 1917-18 he was secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Union of Metal Workers. In 1920, he organized in Moscow the Central Institute of Labor under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (TsIT), which he led until 1938, at the same time in 1924-26 he was deputy chairman and chairman of the Council for Scientific and Technical Work under the People's Commissariat of the RCT, in 1932-36 he was chairman of the All-Union Committee for Standardization under the STO of the USSR. Author of works on rational organization and work culture. Some of G.'s ideas were subsequently developed in the section of management science - cybernetics. As a poet, he began to publish in 1904. He published collections of poems: “The Poetry of a Work Strike” (1918) and “A Bundle of Orders” (1921). G.'s prose poems "We grow from iron", "Beeps", "Rails", "Tower" were very popular in the early years of Soviet power. G. combined bold hyperbolic images with the pathos of scientific progress. He published the publicistic work "How to work" (1921), "Youth, go!" (1923). “Equipment of modern culture” (1923), “Revolt of culture” (1923), “New cultural setting” (1923), as well as works on the scientific organization of labor: “Labor installations” (1924), “Installation of production by the CIT method” (1927 ), "Rationing and organization of labor" (1929).

Vol.: Poetry of the working blow. [Foreword. 3. Paperny], M., 1964; How to work, M., 1966.

Lit.: Gastev A.K. - founder and head of the Central Institute of Labor of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, in the book: CIT and its methods of NOT. M., 1970.

Gastev A.K. (1882-1938 or 1941; autobiography) - was born on September 26, 1882 in the mountains. Suzdal, Vladimir Province. His father was a teacher and died when G. was 2 years old. G.'s mother was a dressmaker. After graduating from the city school, and then technical courses G. entered the teacher's institute, but was expelled from there for political activities. Dropping out of school at 18. he devoted himself to political work, wandered through prisons, exiles and worked as a mechanic at factories in Leningrad, Kharkov, Nikolaev, as well as in tram depots to repair trams. Until 1917 he was in an illegal position. Wandering life threw G. either to the wild north (exile to the Yarym region), or to Paris, where he emigrated several times, persecuted for political activities. He worked in factories abroad. From 1901 to 1917 he was a member of the RSDLP (b). He joined the trade union (VSRM) in 1907. From 1907 to 1918 he was a member of the board of the Leningrad Union of Metalworkers, and in 1917-18. - Secretary of the CCVSRM. Since the October Revolution, he has been working as a professional, manager of industrial enterprises and a journalist. Artistic things G. began to write in the 1900s. For the first time his work was published in 1904 - the story "Behind the Wall", from the life of a political. exiles. Collections of works of art were published several times under the headings "Poetry of the Work Strike". The last collection was published in Moscow in 1923. At present, G. left his work in the field of arts and literature and devoted himself entirely to organizing the pile. G. considers his latest work of art CIT (Central Institute of Labor of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions), which he manages and which embodies all the legendary ideas invested in his artistic work. The main scientific work of G. is the book "Labor Installations" (published in 1924), which outlines the CIT methodology for teaching labor techniques. He wrote a number of books on the issues of the professional movement, the scientific organization of labor and the construction of a new culture: "Industrial World", "Trade Unions and Labor Organization", "How to Work", "Time", "The Rise of Culture", "Youth, go! "," New cultural setting "and others. Ed. the journal "Organization of Labor" and the collection "KIU" ("Designer-Inventor-Installer"). [In 1931 he joined the CPSU (b). He headed the CIT until 1938, at the same time in 1924-26 deputy chairman, chairman of the Council for the Scientific Organization of Labor under the People's Commissariat of the RCT of the USSR, in 1932-36 chairman of the All-Union Committee for Standardization under the SRT of the USSR. Unreasonably repressed, rehabilitated posthumously.] (Granat) Gastev, Alexei Kapitonovich - proletarian poet. Genus. in Suzdal, in the family of a teacher. As a child, he lost his father and began to live independently at an early age. He worked as a locksmith, was imprisoned several times for participation in the revolutionary movement, then was exiled to the Narym Territory, from there he emigrated to France. In 1900-1907. - Member of the RSDLP, currently non-partisan. In recent years, G. has not been published as a poet, having completely gone into the leadership of the Central Institute of Labor (CIT) he created. G. began his literary activity in 1904 under the pseudonym Dozorov, when his first story from the life of exiles was published in the Yaroslavl newspaper Severny Krai. Together with other working poets, G. goes the way of a kind of self-determination, the release of the proletarian artist from the oppression of the ideological and artistic norms of the ruling class. At first, this is the work of a worker who has not yet realized his class tasks, expressing the psychology of the oppressed classes in a number of lyrical complaints about his bitter fate ("Thoughts of a Worker"), if he dreams of an uprising, then as a rebellion in which both the oppressor and the rebel will burn ("I love"). This first period of Gastswa's labor poetry is dominated by the naively journalistic, artistically unpersuasive forms of populist poetry. They are replaced by an extremely vague symbolism, depicting a revolution in the form of spring conquering a harsh winter. In later phases, this naive-idealistic symbolism is saturated with the masculine rhythms of the poets of the capitalist city (Verhaarn, Whitman) to finally become the expression of the sentiments of the industrial worker, conscious of his collective power. Most of G.'s works can be called poems in prose: their rhythm is not organized to the degree of poetry, there is no rhyme, and they are written in the form of prose passages. However, the focus on lyrical expressiveness, the special organization of syntax, the repetition of periods, etc. - all this brings them closer in type to poetic works and gives every right to speak of G. as a lyric poet, departing in the sense of form from Whitman and Verharn. The best part of G.'s works refers to the first years of the revolution and corresponds to the "proletcult" period of proletarian poetry. These poems G. are an expression of the will of the most advanced industrial part of the working class. This is not yet an artistic display of the psyche of the advanced worker in all its complexity, it is only a lyrical expression of individual motifs characteristic of him. G.'s poetry is, first of all, a hymn to heavy industry, the deepest sense of the worker's connection with it, and faith in the creative, world-changing forces that it contains. For the Futurists (Marinetti), such a glorification of industrial power was only a glorification of capitalist power, which, with the help of war and the machine, will sweep away weak humanity from the earth, leaving only the strongest. For G., this industrial power is closely soldered to its creator - the working class, is saturated with its will, and the will of the poet himself is saturated with iron and steel of the machine. Particularly acute in G. is the feeling that all these giants of the industry are a matter of labor feat: "Concrete is the idea of ​​​​our working building. I work, feat, nourished by death." The individualism of the bourgeois urbanist is opposed in G.'s poetry by the self-awareness of the collectivist: "I go everywhere with my hammer, chisel, drill - All over the world ... I walk across borders, continents, oceans. I make the whole globe my homeland." Bibliography: 1. Poetry of the working blow, P., 1918 (2nd ed., 1919; 3rd ed., 1921); 11 pack of warrants, Riga, 1921. The latest editions of "The Poetry of the Work Strike" (ed. All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, Moscow, 1923 and ed. 5th and 6th, 1924 and 1925) include both of the above-mentioned collections. Strike, staged by V. Pletnev. M., 1922; Equipment of modern culture, with appendix, art. A. Lunacharsky "The New Russian Man", 1923; The rise of culture. Kharkov, 1923. G. participated in magazines and collections: "Proletarian collection", "Future", "Proletarian culture". P. Kalinin F., The Path of Proletarian Criticism, "The Poetry of the Working Strike" by A. Gastev, "Proletarian Culture", 1918, IV (and in the collection Bessalko P. and Kalinin F., "Problems of Proletarian Culture". P.. 1919 ); Friche V., Proletarian poetry. M., 1918; Lelevich G., About proletarian lyrics, "October", 1925, III - IV. III. Vladislavlev I. V. Literature of the Great Decade, vol. I. M. - L., 1928; Writers of the Modern Age, vol. I, ed. B. P. Kozmipa, ed. GAKhN, M., 1928. S. Malakhov. (Lit. Enc.) Gastev, Alexei Kapitonovich (1882-1941). Rus. poet and scientist, politician. Genus. in Suzdal, entered Moscow. teacher's in-t, but did not finish his studies, became a professor. revolutionary, repeatedly arrested, sent into exile; several once found himself in exile abroad, in Paris he worked as a mechanic at a factory, studied at a higher school of socialist. sciences; delegate of the IV Congress of the RSDLP in Stockholm. After Oct. revolution dealt with scientific issues. organization of labor, anticipated some ideas of cybernetics; in 1917-18 - First Secretary of the All-Russian. Union of metalworkers; in 1920 organized the Center in Moscow, Institute of Labor at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, led the Crimea until 1938, when he was arrested. Died in custody. He began to print in 1904. The first book of G., The Poetry of the Work Strike (1918), which is in smallpox, is related to the history of utopias. from poems written before the revolution. Peculiar rhythmic poems in prose - "The Tower", "Rails", "Crane", "Express" and others - together constitute a romaitico-socialist utopia about the fundamental transformation of the Earth with the help of working hands and Ch. arr. - titanic mechanisms created by these hands. G.'s "Siberian" fantasy is also known - "Express", in the center of which is the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. V. R. Gastev, Alexey Kapitonovich Rod. 1882, mind. 1938 (1941?). Poet, publicist, scientist. Author of poetry collections "The Poetry of the Work Strike" (1918) and "A Bundle of Orders" (1921). book "How to work" (1921). He was engaged in rational organization and work culture. Created the Central Institute of Labor (1920). Repressed.

GASTEV Alexey Kapitonovich

26.9 (8.10). 1882, Suzdal, -1941, scientist and poet, one of the founders of pedagogy prof. education and science. organization of labor in the RSFSR. Studied in Moscow. teacher's institute (expelled in 1901 for revolutionary activities). Secretary of the Central Committee of All Russia. union of metalworkers (1917-18). In 1918-19 head. Department of Arts of the People's Commissar of Millet of the Ukrainian SSR. Organizer and leader of the Center, Institute of Labor at the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (CIT; 1920-38). In 1924-26 deputy. prev. Council on NOT under the People's Commissariat of the RKI. An active participant in discussions on the problems of proletarian culture and the training of qualifiers. workers. The organizer of the joint-stock company "Installation" (1928), which prepared personnel for industry on a self-supporting basis. A proletarian poet who sang of the era of "triumphant machinism" and industrial labor, a new high-speed man, G. sought to create an industrial pedagogy capable of putting an end to the psychology of handicrafts. At the heart of ped. G.'s doctrines the idea of ​​"social engineering", built on the study of man in the labor process and trends in the development of production, social and labor experimentation, the use of psychophysiol. and other research.

It was embodied in the "installation method of the CIT", which G. regarded as the basis for the reform of the entire system of education and upbringing, obshcheped. method of forming human abilities. He proposed to introduce pedagogy into the "framework of instruction", opposing scientific teaching to empiricism. approach, the "subjective" art of the teacher - the "objective" impact of "installations" that create and correct "chains" of reactions. In fact, G. put forward the idea of ​​algorithmization and programming of education and upbringing, anticipating the ideas of S. Pressy (1926) about learning automata. The "social-engineering machine" created at the CIT assumed that the teacher would be replaced by guides and templates that form attitudes. I The concept of “setting”, introduced by G., had in mind the formation of personality orientation, leading to automatism of activity through “cultural settings”, “bio-settings”, “organizational settings”, etc. G.’s ideas about the “new cultural setting” expressed his goal to educate a new generation of people who love technology, active, creatively developed, owning the culture of production, movement, body, etc. organizational techniques, skills, "reflexes", combined into dynamic complexes of movements, brought to automatism. G.'s concept served as one of the sources of the theory of activity. Your ped. system G. called "training pedagogy", overestimating the possibility of limitless impact on the human body. Man in the system of G. acted as a product of the environment. At the same time, G. believed that the automatism of behavior does not negate the creative principle, but creates the necessary reflex basis for it. However, the creative components of the concept of labor did not receive due development, which gave rise to a qualitative improvement in the organization and regulation of labor, the establishment of comprehensively substantiated labor standards / measures of labor / equal intensity at an optimal level of labor intensity.

During these years, certification of workplaces, teams, sites and workshops was developed in order to effectively use the production and labor potential.

In connection with technical progress, in the conditions of updating the machine park of industrial enterprises, etc. the issues of labor organization on machines with numerical and program control / CNC /, in flexible production systems, etc. become relevant.

In the early 1980s, specialty 1753 "Organization and regulation of labor" was created in the country, according to which labor specialists were trained in 15 universities of the country.

By the 90s, domestic scientists, specialists and practitioners created a theory and methodology for making effective decisions in the field of labor regulation and organization, as evidenced by the available methodological developments, special literature, monographs and

However, excessive centralization of labor management, as well as the action of a number of subjective and objective reasons, hindered the solution of specific production and economic tasks, causing a negative attitude towards the system of state regulation of labor issues. As a result, information on the regulation and organization of labor became more and more unclaimed, the services dealing with these issues at enterprises were liquidated or reduced, and the advanced training and training of labor specialists ceased.

In recent years, as a rule, there were no problems of labor organization in the subject of research and design institutes, NOT centers and many branch institutes were liquidated. Complex brigades, characterized by the division of labor, the interchangeability of workers of different professions / specialties / and the combination of heterogeneous functions by them, were widely used in these years, which contributed to the solution of economic and social problems.

New tasks to improve the organization of labor on a scientific basis arose in connection with the development of technological progress and new forms of organization of production, scientific developments were aimed at improving the organization of labor of workers serving the main production, engineering and technical workers and employees.

The traditions of the CIT were continued by the Labor Research Institute, established in 1955 in accordance with the Government Decree.

The Research Institute of Labor carried out a large volume and complex of scientific research in the field of labor problems, incl. his scientific organization.

The expansion of the scope of the work carried out was facilitated by the creation of branches of the Institute of Labor in the republics and regions. In connection with the 45th anniversary of the Institute of Labor, a team of authors created a monograph "Modern Labor Economics", which outlines the theoretical foundations of this science, considers the processes of reforming social and labor relations in Russia, systematizes international experience in implementing social policy, and also, inter alia, issues of organization, regulation and productivity of labor, conditions and labor protection, organization of wages.

An important milestone in the development of work in the sphere of labor was the All-Union

conference on the organization of labor in industry and construction, convened in June 1967.

The participants of the meeting developed and adopted Recommendations containing the main directions of the scientific organization of labor, measures for the introduction of scientific work in production. The recommendations were the basis for the continuation of research and practical work in the field of labor organization and remain relevant to this day.

In the 1980s, the tasks of accelerating the socio-economic development of society were of particular importance, the solution of which required practical issues such as work on NOT in production, in transport, in economic and state institutions, in the education system, etc.

The Stakhanov movement that unfolded in the 30s was closely connected with the further improvement of the organization of labor based on the rationalization of technological processes, the division of labor, the release of skilled workers from auxiliary work, and the improvement of the organization of jobs. The theory of "saving time" for labor is spreading, technical means / oscillography, photography and filming, etc. / are more widely used in the study, design and implementation of advanced labor methods that ensure productivity growth, the development of new technology, etc.

The military situation made new demands on the organization

labor. During these years, in connection with the ever-increasing needs of the front and the shortcomings of labor resources, it was necessary to find the possibility of maximizing the use of equipment, etc. New forms of labor organization are being developed, including brigade, multi-machine service, combination of professions / jobs, functions / and

Work to improve the organization of labor had a huge

importance in the postwar years. Further development is being received by multi-machine service, rationalization of labor processes based on the use of advanced technology, new tools, universal devices, improvement of the organization of workplaces and working conditions.

The method of engineer F.L. Kovalev. The essence of the method was the selection of the most rational methods of work used by advanced workers, their further improvement and subsequent mass introduction. The method turned out to be effective for increasing labor productivity and in the 1950s was widely used not only in the industry of our country, but also in the socialist countries. At present, the essence of the method is relevant and it can be recommended at many economic facilities. Z. At the workplace / machine, workbench, table, floor, earth / there should be nothing superfluous, so as not to poke around in vain, not to fuss and look for the necessary among the unnecessary.

4. All tools and devices must be laid out in a certain, if possible, once and for all established order, so that you can find it all at random.

5. You don’t have to take on work abruptly, right away, don’t break away, but go into work gradually. The head and body will then disperse on their own and start working, and if you start right away, then soon you will slaughter yourself, as they say, and you will ruin your work. After a steep initial impulse, the worker soon gives up; and he himself will experience fatigue and spoil his work, etc. /total 26 rules/.

The 1920s and 1930s were characterized by the publication on a large scale of literature on questions of the scientific organization of labor. Journals /"Time", "Organization of labor", "Issues of organization of labor and management", etc./, monographs on issues of organization, psychophysiology, occupational health, etc. were systematically published. Some of them were reissued in the 70s. For example, the works of A.K. Gastev - "How to work", "Labor installations", "Rationing and organization of labor", etc. Many of them are of interest in relation to modern conditions, taking into account specific organizational, technical, economic and social tasks.

In order to develop the organization of labor, the achievements of foreign science and practice were used, and, in particular, the work of such researchers as F. Taylor, Frank and Lillian Gilbert, G. Emerson, A. Fayol, G. Ford and others.

Similar information.

As a poet of the Bolshevik era, this man became an innovator in the management of the production process and the organization of work. He made attempts to develop a theory of industrial pedagogy, which once and for all leveled the role of the psychology of craftsmanship.

And Gastev Alexei Kapitonovich became famous in the field of versification. In addition, this person spent a lot of time helping ordinary people. His numerous scientific monographs are still relevant today for personnel managers who are trying to competently organize the work process. So who is he, Gastev Alexey Kapitonovich, and what is generally known about this, of course, a talented person? Let's consider this question in more detail.

Years of childhood and youth

So, the hero of the article is Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev. A brief biography of this public figure, poet, revolutionary and labor organization theorist will certainly be useful at least for general education.

He was born in the city of Suzdal. Gastev Aleksey Kapitonovich (date of birth - September 26, 1882) very early lost his father, who taught at a regular school. Left with his mother, who earned money by sewing clothes, he helped her from childhood so that their family would not fall below the poverty line. And, despite the difficult financial situation, the boy still went to school.

The prospect of becoming a teacher

Moreover, after graduation, Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev first enters the school, and then becomes a student of technical courses. The young man shows diligence in his studies, so he has every chance to become a student of the capital's teacher's institute, and he does not miss this opportunity. However, in his younger years he became very interested in the revolutionary movement, so he did not graduate from the above university due to his exclusion from it.

A supporter of the ideas of the revolution

At the age of eighteen Gastev Aleksey Kapitonovich becomes an ardent activist in the political life of the country, supporting the "radical left" movements.

He joins the ranks of the RSDLP. Naturally, the young man falls into the field of view of the gendarmerie and is subjected to numerous arrests and exiles, serving his sentence in Arkhangelsk, Vologda,

In between links, he works as a worker at industrial enterprises in Kharkov and St. Petersburg. In 1906, the young man began to promote and support the trade union movement. Until the October Revolution, Alexei Kapitonovich, being at home in the status of an illegal immigrant, repeatedly hid from the authorities abroad, in particular in Paris.

In 1907, Alexei Kapitonovich Gastev, whose biography contains a lot of interesting and remarkable information, joined the board of the Petrograd Union of Metalworkers and soon after that became secretary of the Central Committee of this structure. But after the revolution, his emphasis in professional activity shifted somewhat.

Field of writing

At the beginning of the 20th century, Alexei Kapitonovich Gastev, whose photo has not yet appeared in the press, begins to reveal his talent as a poet.

His debut work, which appeared on the pages of print in 1904, was called Behind the Back. It was a story that tells about the difficult life of political activists who were exiled to remote corners of the Motherland. Some time later, collections of works by Gastev began to be published, the last of which was published in 1923 in Moscow.

New Horizons

In the early 1920s, Aleksey Kapitonovich gradually left the field of fiction and began to get more and more interested in the problems of labor rationalization. He initiates the creation of the Central Institute of Labor (CIT) under the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and himself heads his offspring.

It is thanks to this structure that Gastev manages to realize all his ideas outlined in scientific monographs. During the time that he headed the CIT, the ex-revolutionary managed to train hundreds of thousands of personnel in his methods, and, according to the directors of enterprises, they became the most competent specialists in their field.

The fame of the institution, headed by Alexei Gastev, began to spread with great speed, and soon the CIT teachers began to instruct personnel in the most remote regions of the USSR.

Topical issues of the organization of the workflow

Naturally, in the 30s there were serious flaws in the system of labor organization in Soviet enterprises.

It was precisely on them that Aleksey Kapitonovich Gastev paid close attention. "How should you work?" - this is the name of his scientific work devoted to the issues of competent planning of the workflow. Its author emphasized that a working person does not initially know how to work in a team, and often opposes obeying a person who is higher up the career ladder.

And, of course, sometimes the employee neglects the instructions that come from above, not seeing anything shameful in this. It is these problems that Gastev examines in detail, and, as practice shows, after reading the literature, a person really wants to become an executive and disciplined worker.

"Spontaneous promiscuity is the root of evil"

The author considered for the development of industrialization, a revolution in culture is needed. And cultural education will not be developed if there is no fight against “spontaneous promiscuity” and the planting in society of the rules of everyday culture that regulate the regimen of proper nutrition and rest, planning the day. But this alone is not enough to remedy the situation.

It is necessary to improve the socio-psychological atmosphere in society, which will allow the individual to control his behavior and emotions.

"Lean Thinking"

In 1924, another fundamental work by Gastev was published. It's called "Labor Installations". In this monograph, Aleksey Kapitonovich analyzed in detail the CIT theory that teaches labor techniques.

His scientific doctrine became a prerequisite for the creation of modern principles of lean thinking. Gastev published several methodological recommendations for the training of a number of specialists, including: a locksmith, a textile worker, a fitter, a blacksmith, an aviator, a turner. In his study, the purpose of which was to prepare the workforce, Alexei Kapitonovich used the method of studying movements in the performance of a particular job.

As a tool for analysis, he chose cyclography (pictures of some elements of the movement of human organs involved in labor). Having achieved success in his research, he moved on to a global retraining of specialists, establishing for this purpose the commercial company "Ustanovka". The colossal experience of the pre-war and post-industrial years, trips abroad to advanced enterprises, made it possible for the scientist to produce a theory, the principles of which were adopted even by the United States.

But Soviet officials were skeptical about Gastev's thrifty principles, and his scientific research, set out in many monographs, was ignored by them.

In the early 1930s, Aleksey Kapitonovich became the editor-in-chief of the Bulletin of Standardization magazine. He also worked in the publications "Installation of the workforce" and "Organization of labor".

The scientist tried to perceive the world creatively. In his scientific works, he no longer touches on the themes of the world revolution and cosmopolitanism, he is more concerned with the problems of the common man. Their practical significance is enormous even today.

In 1938, the scientist was taken into custody on a false denunciation by the “Chekists”. And in 1939 Alexei Gastev was shot.

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