Animal shelter webcams. Samoyed dog. Features of the Samoyed Laika

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The Samoyed Laika, which is also called the Samoyed, Arctic Spitz, is one of the most ancient breeds that originated in the North of Russia and Siberia. Nature, creating this dog, definitely tried. The dog received a very spectacular appearance and unique working qualities. Today, they often act as a family dog ​​and do an excellent job with this job.

As already noted, the Samoyed dog is the oldest breed, named after the native northerners of the Samoyed, who once lived in the regions of the Urals and Siberia. The Samoyeds were nomads, so they needed loyal and hardy helpers. Animals grazed cattle, participated in hunting, nursed children and drove sleds through deep snow, they were absolutely not afraid of frost.

The development of the breed outside the tribes began due to the fact that zoologist Ernst Kilburn-Scott drew attention to the Samoyeds and, after another expedition to the North, brought several dogs to England. These individuals are still considered the founders of the Western Samoyed breed.

Ernst Kilburn-Scott owned the first kennel of this breed, he also became the founder of the first club in the world. In the same year, 1909, an official standard was established.

It is worth noting that, despite the long history of the breed, the dogs have not changed much. They are distinguished by developed intelligence, endurance and the ability to execute commands the first time.

Description of the breed Samoyed dog

Pedigree representatives are of medium size, muscular, strong, but at the same time graceful. They have no rudeness in appearance. Growth males vary between 50-58 cm, females - a little less than 46-55 cm, the weight yat dogs from 20-30 kg.

Their physique is quite harmonious:

  • Head wedge-shaped with a fairly short, smooth coat between the lips and ears, pigmented in black.
  • Dogs are characterized by a black earlobe, but there are also individuals with a brown or flesh-colored lobe.
  • auricles dense, of medium length, with rounded tips, widely spaced. The inner surface of the ears is covered with a thick coat. In older dogs, they are in a standing position.
  • Almond-shaped eyes, set slightly obliquely, with a dark iris. They are very expressive, look lively and smart.
  • Since the corners of the lips of the Samoyed dog are slightly raised, it seems that he is smiling. Naturally, a smiling animal evokes tenderness and uplifts the mood.
  • limbs the dogs of this breed are strong, have well-developed muscles. The paws are flattened and covered with wool. Tail It is distinguished by a decent length, has a luxurious long coat and is located on the back.

In total, there are 7 breed standards of the Samoyed husky in the world, but only two types are distinguished:

  • Bear - animals with a short back, downed physique. The head of the dog is large and wide.
  • Wolf - dogs have a lean physique, a chest of medium width, a wedge-shaped head and some elongation.

With good care and proper nutrition, the Samoyed can reach 14-15 years.

Coat and color

Samoyed males have a chic collar, besides, males have coarser and longer hair. This is especially noticeable on the hind legs and tail.

As for the colors, there are three of them: individuals with snow-white wool, white with sand-colored spots and cream. All pale, dirty, brownish tones of the coat lead to disqualification.

The nature of the Samoyed

Representatives of this breed have lived side by side with humans for thousands of years, participating in many aspects of life. This made them friendly, gentle, compromising animals. The Samoyed is a great family dog ​​and companion dog. They are distinguished by playfulness and enthusiasm, they communicate well with everyone - people and animals.

If something alarms them, they will give a voice, but because of the friendliness and gullibility, thoroughbred representatives do not make effective guards. Samoyeds do not like to be alone, they feel great in the family circle and participate in all events. These dogs require attention, so people who do not have free time should not get such a pet. If the dog is not properly exercised, he will get bored.

In addition, prolonged loneliness can lead to psychological problems of the animal, the disorder can manifest itself in the form of excessive barking and chewing. Owners of the Samoyed will not face any special problems in training their pet, as these animals are very smart and quick-witted. But there are individuals that are distinguished by an independent and stubborn character. Such dogs are suitable only for experienced owners who know how to communicate with such dogs.

Samoyeds get along with children, but their assertiveness is not suitable for toddlers. They can also be kept with other pets, however, they may regard small animals as prey. If you need a quiet, calm pet, then the Samoyed dog is not your option. They are noisy, active, need intensive training and constant contact. Samoyed puppies are too hooligans, and their mischief lasts for at least 2 years.

Raising and training a Samoyed

It may seem that Samoyeds already have the foundations of correct behavior, but this is only partly true. Existing skills require adjustment and consolidation. Training should be done from the age of 3 months, however, education begins from the first days of the appearance of a pet in the house.

It is important to use various methods - forcing the pet to action and encouraging the correctly completed tasks. Moreover, it is important to ensure that the puppy performs one command 3-4 times without taking off, otherwise one-time disobedience will develop into a systematic one. Owners are advised to avoid physical impact, as this can significantly affect the pride and dignity of the pet.

In training, the “wolf pack” method is used - the owner takes a leading position. This principle should be supported in all aspects, including feeding a pet after all family members have eaten. It is the owner who crosses the threshold of the house first, and only after him the dog. So that the four-legged friend does not interfere, it is important to provide him with a personal place.

Care and maintenance of a Samoyed dog

Samoyeds are versatile - they get along well in a house or apartment and are great for outdoor content. They are not afraid of heat and cold. But a street pet will need an aviary, a booth with bedding. Already acquiring a dog, the owner must determine whether it will be just a house friend or a show star. Naturally, caring for a show class dog will be more difficult.

As for the domestic dog, the pet will have to be every 6-12 months, since the coat has the property of self-cleaning. . Dogs of this breed practically do not emit specific aromas. They shed depending on the sex - males once a year, females - twice. A thick coat requires brushes or slickers, and during shedding, this will have to be done daily, especially if the dog lives in the house.

Ears need to be examined a couple of times a week and, if necessary, using cotton pads soaked in cleansing compounds. , when necessary, and long hair near the toes must be cut off.

Since Samoyeds have long been used as working dogs, they still require intense exercise. It is recommended to walk them 2 times a day, and these should be active walks. Despite the fact that Samoyeds tolerate heat well, they should not be trained at this time, it is better to take them out in the morning and evening.

To brighten up the loneliness of a pet, you can offer him special devices - balls, toys, squeakers, and more. Samoyed dog needs constant communication - this is one of the most important conditions in keeping a pet of this breed.

Feeding the Samoyed

When taking a puppy from a breeder, it is worth feeding him the same way as he ate before, so the new pet will have less reason to stress, and he will adapt faster. It is worth consulting about the further feeding of a dog of this breed.

Giving food from your hands or placing it on the floor is not recommended. The puppy should eat from its own bowl, which is placed on a stand of the appropriate height. This contributes to the development of correct posture and eliminates the curvature of the limbs. As the pet grows, the bowl should rise.

The meat is given boiled or raw - previously scalded with boiling water. It is cut into small pieces, but experts do not advise feeding the pet with minced meat. In addition to meat, well-cooked offal can be included in the dog's menu. They are rich in protein and beneficial trace elements.

Puppies should definitely be given cottage cheese, as the calcium contained in it contributes to the full growth of the baby. This microelement can be purchased at a pharmacy or you can add eggshell powder to food. Also, dogs should be treated with dairy and sour-milk products. Milk is fed only to babies, teenage puppies and adult dogs are given kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, boiled milk, yogurt without additives.

Eggs are included in the diet in boiled form, but they should be given no more than once a week. In addition to protein foods, animals need to eat carbohydrate foods. These include cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) cooked in meat, vegetable broths or water. Salt should not be added and legumes should also be discarded.

Another useful component for excellent digestion is fiber. It is found in vegetables, which can be given raw and boiled. Not the most useful vegetable is potatoes, as it contains a lot of starch.

You should follow the regime, the dog should get used to eating at the same time. Food should be given fresh and warm. If the dog does not eat the offered portion, consuming only the most attractive, in his opinion, pieces, you need to remove the bowl and offer the pet a smaller portion at the next feeding.

Do not indulge your pet if he begs for food. Treats are used only as a reward for correctly completed tasks, and not just to pamper the dog. Otherwise, a smart dog will become a “professional” beggar, or even get the hang of stealing “bad” food.

Feeding a pet with natural food or ready-made dry rations is decided by each owner individually. Of course, the second option saves time, and dry food contains useful substances, but you should choose premium and super-premium products. Only then will the food be truly complete. In this case, you can diversify the diet with canned food of the same brand, give your pet pieces of boiled meat or offal, fruits - apples and pears as snacks.

However, there are a number of products that are strictly forbidden to give to animals, this list includes mushrooms, pickles, sweets, smoked meats, and sausages.

Photo of a Samoyed dog

Video about the Samoyed dog

How much can you buy a Samoyed puppy

Despite the fact that Samoyeds belong to the original Russian breed, there are catastrophically few representatives of this breed in Russia. But still, in large cities there are kennels that breed Samoyed dogs. As for prices, they vary in a fairly wide range. For example, you can buy puppies without a pedigree for 5,000-10,000 rubles. Naturally, their purebred lies solely on the conscience of the breeders.

The cost of a puppy with a pedigree depends on the class to which it belongs:

  • A pet-class puppy - a puppy suitable only for the role of a pet, and not for exhibitions and breeding, costs from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles.
  • Puppies from the breed class are actively used in breeding - the price is from 25,000 to 35,000 rubles.
  • Puppy "show" - a dog that 100% corresponds to the standard characteristics, has titled parents and is itself capable of receiving champion titles - from 35,000 to 65,000 rubles.

The Samoyed dog is a beautiful, spectacular appearance, a lively mind and extraordinary mobility. Such a pet is suitable for active people who love dogs and long walks.

Samoyed dog kennels

  • Moscow
  • St. Petersburg
  • Kyiv
  • Minsk

The snow-white and thick coat with an expressive fox muzzle hide the good-natured and one of the most caring dogs in the world - the Samoyed dog. Samoyed, or as it is also called Samoyed, attracts the attention of people at any age, and it is simply impossible not to fall in love with the breed.

Breed characteristics

History of the Samoyed dog breed

Readers are interested in why the Samoyed dog is interesting, why was this harmless and such an attractive dog called that? The Samoyed dog got its name from a group of small peoples of the Far North of Russia. For the first time, the Samoyed dog was used by the peoples of the Samoyed group as a companion. Among the Enets, Nenets and other peoples from the Samoyedic religious group, it was impossible to use dogs as sled dogs. But some tribes living on Novaya Zemlya used the breed in teams. The second version of the origin of the name is associated with the snow-white color of the dog. A dog harnessed to a sleigh merges with snow-white snow and it seems that the sleigh is going by itself. Hence the name - Samoyed.

The breed is outwardly similar to the white polar wolf and it is believed that the dog originated from a domesticated wild beast. Among the nomadic tribes, the dog played the role of a shepherd for deer, helped to babysit small children, and warmed the owner on polar nights. Samoyeds have a well-developed freezing instinct. If you hug a dog, he will try not to move, so as not to disturb the sleep of a person.

The first conformation of a dog was registered in 1959. The breed was classified as driving.

Features of the Samoyed Laika

The Samoyed is an elegant and confident dog. The dog loves to bark and is considered one of the most "talkative" breeds. Under the soft and thick snow-white coat, a well-developed dog is hidden, medium in size with good muscles and excellent endurance. At the same time, the dog has a gentle character and loves its owner.

An unusual face is remembered for its smile. The corners of the dog's mouth are slightly raised, and the eyes have a sly squint.

The Samoyed can have a different head structure. On this basis, the breed is divided into three types:

  • Bear type. The head is more round in shape, the ears are slightly rounded, the muzzle is short.
  • Fox type. The head is light with a sharp and long muzzle, like a Spitz. The ears are pointed and set high.
  • Wolf type. The skull is powerful, but the muzzle is more elongated than that of the bearish type.

A dog of any type has an accommodating character and a developed intellect. Samoyed will become a true friend for a person at any age.

Breed standard (appearance)

There is a single standard under which the description of the breed should fit:

  • Body building. A stocky body with a developed skeleton, of medium size.
  • Back. Straight, not long, not wide, slightly more than the height at the withers. Scapular joints are well defined.
  • Paws. Straight, long, wide apart. During the rack are parallel to each other. The hind legs have a developed hock joint, muscular.
  • Neck. Slightly curved in front, medium in size, not thin.
  • Head. Wedge-shaped, with a powerful skull.
  • Forehead. Wide, slightly rounded.
  • Muzzle. Deep planted, has a strong structure. The length of the muzzle corresponds to the width of the skull. Tapers slightly towards the nose. Dogs with a square and blunt muzzle are rejected.
  • Nose. The bridge of the nose is straight, the lobe with well developed nostrils. Has a black color. In adult dogs, it may fade into a "snow nose", but the edging should still fade into black.
  • Lips. Meaty, have a slight fullness. The corners of the lips are slightly lifted up. Lips are always black.
  • Bite. Correct - scissor. The teeth are well developed, the grip is strong.
  • Ears. Thick and small in size, erect. They have a triangular shape, the tips are slightly rounded. Due to the broad head, the ears are set far apart but high on the top of the skull. Samoyeds have movable ears.
  • Eyes. Almond shaped, with an intelligent expression. Set wide apart, set deep. They have a dark brown color, the edging of the eyes is always black.
  • Tail. Fluffy, high profile. When moving or in an excited state, the tail is thrown up or to one side, in a calm state it is lowered.
  • Wool cover. Double with short and soft undercoat, thick and long guard hairs. The longer coat forms a chic collar around the dog's neck and completely covers the tail. Shorter hair on the paws and head of the Samoyed. On the back of the hock joint are thick and long trousers. The awn is not rough, but soft and pliable. When cold, the coat becomes more fluffy.
  • Color. Only white or with small areas of biscuit or cream. Puppies are rejected, the color of which goes into light sand or brown.
  • Height at the withers in males from 53 to 60 cm, in females from 53 to 56 cm. A deviation from the norm of 3 cm is allowed in the smaller direction.
  • The weight from 17 to 30 kg. Bitches are always smaller than males in all respects.

Average life expectancy is 10 to 15 years. How long a dog will live depends on the way it is kept and fed.

The nature of the Samoyed

The characteristic of the breed is similar to the description of any driving breed:,. The capricious Samoyed has the following character traits:

  1. One of the funniest sled dogs. Just like the Spitz loves to play with the ball and in any active games.
  2. A friendly dog ​​will not rush at strangers and will gladly let himself be stroked.
  3. The dog is attached to the owner, but from time to time shows him his independence, running away from home or during a walk, vagrancy is in the blood.
  4. The fluffy northern husky is easy to train and suitable for a beginner breeder. But from time to time the dog shows stubbornness, so during training, the owner must be patient.
  5. Playfulness retains until old age.
  6. He takes well other animals in the house, with cats and small dogs quickly becoming close friends, considering them his pack.
  7. The dog loves children, it was not in vain that nomadic peoples left the dog as a nanny near the cradle. The pet is gentle with a small child and will be motionless while the baby is sleeping.
  8. An attentive breed and suitable for people in old age as a companion. The pet monitors the behavior of the owner and reacts to a change in the mood of a person.
  9. The dog responds adequately to noise, claps and other unexpected stimuli, and is suitable as a guide for a blind person.

Of the minuses, the good-natured behavior of the dog stands out. Samoyed will never become a security guard or bodyguard. The breed, like any sled dog, does not know how to show aggression towards a person.

How to care for a pet with such fluffy hair? It is recommended to comb the dog once a day with a special hard brush. During shedding, the undercoat is removed with a metal comb.

Once a year and before the show, the dog is washed with a special detangling shampoo. But soft and thick wool dries out for a long time. Therefore, after the procedure, it is dried with a hairdryer.

After each walk, it is necessary to examine the paws of the pet. Samoyed loves to run and is curious, so he often cuts the pads. The damaged area is treated with hydrogen peroxide and lubricated with fucorcin.

The dog is not afraid of drafts and low temperatures. Woolen cover is better in animals that are kept on the street. But the enclosure must be reliable enough, the dog digs and easily jumps over high fences.


Samoyed huskies are not artificially bred and have high immunity. But up to a year, a puppy must be vaccinated against viral diseases: plague, enteritis, parainfluenza, hepatitis. By one year, an active dog is vaccinated against rabies.

The Samoyed dog has a predisposition to the following pathologies:

  1. Eye diseases: cataracts, retinal atrophy. Diseases develop against the background of untreated conjunctivitis, appear in older dogs. As a preventive measure, once a week, the eyes are treated with an antiseptic or chamomile infusion, dirt and mucus are removed.
  2. Endocrine diseases: diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism. Most often develop in dogs on natural food.
  3. Dysplasia of the kidney tissue. congenital pathology.
  4. Joint dysplasia is more common than in other breeds of the Far North. In a mild form of the disease, it practically does not manifest itself, the dog has a slight lameness.

Before buying a puppy, you should ask what pathologies the pet's parents, grandparents, suffered from. If the parents were in excellent health, but the grandmother shows joint dysplasia, then your dog may well get the disease.

Samoyed dog training

Easy to train, a puppy up to a year old can be taught the most difficult tricks and commands. On their own, the owner can teach them to follow commands: sit, fu, come to me, walk.

After three months, the Samoyed is enrolled in OKD courses. Under the guidance of an experienced instructor, the dog will learn to walk side by side, lie down and stand, and will follow the commands given by the signs. It is important to combine training with sports activities. The sled breed needs to make a daily run, and the track with obstacles will cause only joy in the pet. A light dog jumps over the highest barriers and keeps balance well on a log.

If the puppy starts to become stubborn, do not insist on the command. Punishment will also not bring the desired result. It is better not to insist and change the workout with a walk-rest or a ball game. After a while, you need to return to training.

Samoyeds, like other sled dogs, are not allowed to the guard-guard course of training. A dog of this breed will not learn security qualities.


The good condition of the coat, and the physical activity of the dog depend on the right diet. It is easier to feed with specialized feeds: ABBA Premium Adult, ProNature Classic, Perfect Fit, Monge Dog Medium.

Natural feeding is more problematic as not all foods are suitable. What to feed a pet - the choice of the owner.

The diet on natural food consists of the following products:

  • meat and offal of low-fat varieties;
  • fermented milk products: kefir, cottage cheese;
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal;
  • vegetables, any except potatoes and onions;
  • fruits and berries.

It is forbidden to give the dog confectionery, pastries made from wheat flour, smoked and salted, semi-finished products.

  1. Puppies are weaned from mother's milk at 1-1.5 months.
  2. Up to 2 months, the puppy's diet consists of liquid porridge on a milk mixture and a small amount of sour-milk products. Puppies should be fed every 3-4 hours.
  3. From 3 to 4 months, cereals in meat broth and a small amount of lean meat are added to the diet. The number of feedings is reduced to four.
  4. From 4 to 6 months, the dog is transferred to three meals a day. Vegetables and fruits, cartilage and offal are gradually added to the diet.
  5. From 6 to 8 months, the puppy is transferred to two meals a day. An adult dog is fed in the morning and in the evening.

Vitamins are added to the dog's diet on natural food.

Suitable brands:

  • In 1 Excel Deter;
  • Beaphar Laveta Super;
  • Doctor Zoo;
  • Polidex Super wool plus;
  • Beaphar Vitamin B Complex.


A photo

In the photo, the Samoyed is standard white in color, with fluffy and thick hair.

The photo managed to capture the traditional "Samoyed smile", which makes the expression of the dog's face even more intelligent and cute.

Puppies are more like plush toys.

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