Drathaar dog - features and description of the breed. FCI breed standard German Drathaar Drathaar weight by months

The drathaar dog is a good hunter, a devoted pet, an excellent friend and watchman. These are strong hard workers who have a constant need for active movements. Fans of calm dogs lying at the feet of the owner, it is better to give preference to another breed. The nature of the dogs is energetic, the dogs are created for active people who love to relax in nature, hunters and just owners who love active animals.

The Drathaar dog is a good hunter, a devoted pet, an excellent friend and watchman.

A bit of history

According to researchers, the ancestors of the Drathaar breed are German cops. The appearance of these dogs in Germany falls on the 19th century. The Drathaar breed was artificially bred, as hunters needed an assertive helper dog. Cynologists believe that when breeding such a workable dog, hounds and hunting dogs living in Switzerland, Germany and France participated in mating.

Barbets - this was the name of only dogs that appeared in Germany. With the development and research of a new species, drathaars appeared by the end of the 19th century.

During the Second World War, the entire population was destroyed due to tough policies. After the end of the war, cynologists from Belgium, France, Germany and Austria restored the historical breed. It took 10 years for the population to regenerate.

Features of the breed (video)

Appearance and character

Ignorance of the characteristics of the breed has formed a stereotype among dog lovers about the presence of unbridled aggressiveness in the character of a hunting dog. Due to this erroneous opinion, for many years the German drathaar was used only for hunting. But recently, more and more people make them friends, because with proper training, drathaars make loyal pets, affectionate and kind life companions.

But before you buy a pet, you need to know the description of the breed.

According to breed standards, an adult should have a mass in the range of 27-32 kg.. Height for males should not exceed 68 cm, for females - 64 cm. Drathaar hunting dogs have a unique appearance that cannot be confused with other breeds.

Drathaar (deutsch drahthaar) is a breed of hunting dog, also known as the Wirehaired German Hound. It was bred in Germany at the end of the nineteenth century on the basis of such breeds as the Pointer Poodle, Shtichelhaar and Korthals Griffon. The closest relatives of the Wirehaired German Hound include the Langhaar and Shorthaired Pointer breeds.

The history of the origin of the breed

In order to create the Drathaara breed, breeders used several breeds popular with hunters and dog breeders at once, including the English Pointer, Foxhound, Griffon Kortals and Poodle. Initially, the main attention was paid exclusively to the working qualities and endurance indicators of the bred dog, and a little later, work was done on the pedigree exterior. The external data of modern drathaars is the result of many years of painstaking work.

It is interesting! Despite the fact that the first dogs of this breed became known at the end of the nineteenth century, it was only in the twenties of the last century that the German Pointer was officially recognized by the specialists of the International Cynological Federation.

For the bred breed, hunting abilities, endurance and pressure became a characteristic difference.. The dog works great in pairs with the hunter and is distinguished by innate obedience, and also has a waterproof and self-cleaning coat. At the beginning of the last century, the Drathaar Society was created by fans of the breed, which united connoisseurs of the German Wirehaired Hound. This breed deservedly proved itself perfectly in any kind of hunting activity.

Description of the Drathaar

A dog of medium height, most often having a dark brown color with gray hair, or a black and piebald coat. The ratio of the length of the body to the height of the animal at the withers is 10:9. The height of an adult male is within 61-68 cm, and females - 57-64 cm. The breed has medium-sized and, as a rule, not cropped ears. The tail may have dogs kept for hunting purposes.

breed standards

The coat is hard and short, wiry, with a thick and tight undercoat that perfectly protects the animal from moisture. Drathaart has an athletic and strong, lean, well-muscled physique, as well as a slightly stretched body. The movements of the dog are energetic, vigorous and mobile.

Established breed standards for the Wirehaired German Hound:

  • wedge-shaped head with pronounced eyebrows, beard and mustache;
  • forehead smoothly turning into the muzzle with a slightly convex and narrow parietal part;
  • the eyes are brown, but a slight yellowish tint is allowed at an early age;
  • hanging type, widely spaced and adjacent to the cheeks, ears with rounded edges;
  • the nose is quite developed, with wide open nostrils, often dark brown;
  • teeth with a scissor bite, strong and powerful jaws;
  • lips of a fleshy type, not hanging down, well pigmented;
  • strong and muscular, rounded paws with tightly pressed fingers and fairly hard pads;
  • the thoracic part is deep, developed and wide;
  • powerful and muscular, strong back with a wide loin;
  • tail set on the dorsal line, carried horizontally or slightly raised.

The coat of the drathaar can be represented by four colors:

  • brown color with a characteristic white spot in the chest area;
  • gray color;
  • brown color with gray hair;
  • black with gray hair.

It is interesting! Drathars of German origin or the so-called "Deutsch Drathars" are larger in size and noticeably more hardy than dogs bred in Russia in the middle of the last century.

It should be noted that in the English standard the presence of white spots in the color is considered to be a defect.

dog character

By their nature, drathaars are active and intelligent dogs, cheerful and loyal, as well as incredibly obedient. Despite the fact that the breed is used to choosing one owner, such a pet will love and obey absolutely all members of its family.

It is interesting! Drathaars are very fond of children and all kinds of outdoor games, and are also characterized by a complete lack of aggression towards people or other pets.

The dog is very mobile and efficient, well trained and perfectly coping with security or watchdog service.


Post-war breeding work was aimed at breeding a strong and capable hunting dog based on individuals with suitable working characteristics, which affected the overall life of the animal. The average life expectancy of a Drathaar is 13-16 years.

Drathaars are versatile dogs, ideal for keeping at home or for hunting. Such a four-legged pet has an inquisitive mind, is able to independently notice and easily memorize many useful skills.

Care and hygiene

Standard drathaar care is not too laborious, so it does not take much time or effort.. In a private house, molting is seasonal, a couple of times a year, and when kept in apartment conditions, where the air is too warm and dry enough, the animal molts almost constantly. The German Hound should be combed once or twice a week with a stiff massage brush. It is advisable to bathe a pet no more than twice a year, due to the ability of the drathaar's coat to self-clean.

More frequent washing, even with special gentle shampoos, causes the wool to lose its stiffness and natural qualities. The dog's eyes are examined quite often for preventive purposes and are wiped weekly with cotton pads dipped in a weak chamomile solution or ordinary tea brewing. Visible pollution of the ears and excess accumulation of sulfur in the ear canals are eliminated with special pharmacy lotions. Redness of the ears or the appearance of discharge in them with a sharp, unpleasant odor will require a visit to the veterinarian.

Important! The paws of the dog, which, after walking, are examined for wounds, cracks or splinters, will require special attention.

What to feed drathaar

There are several options for feeding a drathaar, but most often natural products and ready-made dry food are used in the diet of such a dog. The second method is more preferable due to its complete balance and ease of use. The portion is determined according to the age and weight of the pet. A diet based on natural products should be presented:

  • buckwheat, rice and oatmeal;
  • lean meat;
  • seasonal vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • chicken or quail eggs.

Drathaar puppies should be fed 4-5 times a day, in relatively small, equal portions.. For an adult dog, it is enough to give food in the morning and in the evening. Until the formation of teeth, dry ready-made rations are given exclusively in the soaked form. Food products completely prohibited for the German Hound, regardless of age, are:

  • spicy and fatty foods;
  • spices and smoked meats;
  • salt;
  • tubular.

An active and healthy, as well as a hard-working companion and pet grows up only with full compliance with the rules of keeping and providing a quality diet.

Diseases and breed defects

Due to their breed characteristics, German Drathaars are prone to several diseases, including hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism, as well as eczema and dermatitis, otitis media and volvulus. Somewhat less often, pets of this breed suffer from cataracts and aortic stenosis, inversion of the eyelid and mast cell cancer, as well as melanoma.

Particular attention will be required for gross breed defects observed in continental pointers with mandatory working type tests, or Schwere Fehler, which are represented by:

  • short or narrow, as well as a sharp mouth;
  • weak bite;
  • poorly closed unprotected eyelids;
  • lowered or carp-shaped sides;
  • sloping croup;
  • too short and shallow sternum;
  • strongly wrapped inward or outward elbows;
  • barrel-shaped, widely set or narrowly set limbs;
  • lack of free movement, including mincing or stiff gait;
  • fine hair and lack of undercoat.

Animals with gross defects that exclude the dog from breeding work or Ausschiessende Fehler in the form of lack of hunting data for hunting, deviations in behavior or character, abnormal bite or non-standard tail, as well as entropy, ectropion and different eye colors are disqualified. Males with cryptorchidism are also not allowed for breeding.

Education and training

Drathaars are quick-witted and intelligent dogs with high IQs, but it is not recommended for novice dog handlers to start such a breed. The training process should be based on perseverance, patience and consistency, and coercion and cruelty should be completely excluded. You can start training young drathaars from the age of six months, focusing on one direction.

First, a hunting dog is trained in the shuttle movement, the search for prey and the stand, and the full course of training takes, as a rule, about a year.

(German Wirehaired Hound)


Height at the withers



Price of puppies

from 15 thousand rubles

The Drathaar is a wire-haired breed originating from Germany, whose ancestors were pointing breeds. Drathaar is famous for its versatility: it is an unsurpassed hunter, a vigilant watchman, and a devoted friend.

  • the weight: 27- 32 kg;
  • growth: height of males - from 60 to 68 cm, bitches - from 56 to 62 cm;
  • wool: short and very harsh, this breed does not freeze, and the available dense undercoat is impenetrable;
  • color: varies from brown to black with gray. Spots are allowed.

In addition to external characteristics, the working abilities of the drathaar, its strength and endurance are also evaluated at exhibitions.

Related to this breed is the short-haired German Hound.

Description and characteristics

Until recently, this dog was used for specific purposes: protection or hunting. It was difficult to imagine the drathaar as a four-legged pet, as there was a stereotype about the aggressiveness of this animal and its unpredictability. However, more and more dog breeders, when choosing a pet, give preference to this breed, proving to the doubters that When properly trained, Drathaars make loyal, loving, affectionate dogs..

It is unrealistic to confuse the Drathaar with another breed, they have a unique appearance.

They have an elongated square body with a harmoniously planted head and an elongated muzzle. Expressive, dark-colored eyes and bushy eyebrows give the dog a meaningful and understanding look. The dogs of this breed are characterized by wide-set ears of medium shape, muscular neck, strong back and loin. They have strong, straight legs. The forelegs are strongly boned, with muscular forearms and shoulders, and the elbows pointing backwards. The hind limbs are also distinguished by muscularity, the hocks are low lowered.

There are no wrinkles on the skin. From weather conditions, this breed is protected by thick and strong, like a wire, wool, 2 to 4 cm long, and thick undercoat. However, the coat does not hide the outline of the body. In the region of the chest, abdomen and on the paws, the coat is longer and thicker; on the muzzle, the hair is shorter, but thicker. A characteristic feature of this breed is a shaggy mustache and beard, giving this dog a philosophical and understanding look.

The dog moves smoothly and gently, can pick up speed with lightning speed and move from a gallop to a trot.

Drathaars are just as trainable, and able to perform not only standard commands, but also various tricks. It is important to teach the commands “to me” and “lie down”, “give”, this will greatly simplify the dog’s stay in urban conditions. These commands must be carried out unquestioningly and at any distance from the owner. A very smart and quick-witted dog does everything to make the owner satisfied and happy.

This pet is strongly attached to the owner and requires maximum attention to itself. This breed gets along well with children, loves active outdoor games, and in winter weather can amuse them with sledding. Drathaar is a dog - a partner, it is important for him to be a friend, to help with work, to hunt, to play often, you can run, ride a bicycle, swim with him. He misses his master very much, in his absence, and is jealous of other animals or even people. With insufficient attention, it can become uncontrollable and require care with loud incessant barking.

It is important to teach your dog to obey and develop his trust in other people. With the right approach, an intelligent, perky, and smart dog will grow out of a drathaar, with excellent watchdog qualities.

These dogs are unsurpassed hunters with a delicate scent, versatile endurance and enviable activity. They show the best results in hunting game that lives in the water, but they are often used in the pursuit of a large animal. Thick wool protects when running from branches of trees and bushes, they can go on the trail in the most impenetrable thickets. These animals are fearless and equally good in different hunting conditions and in any weather. Drathaar - the leader among all hunting breeds.

This breed has established itself as successful athletes. They excel in skijoring, bikejoring, dryland, and many other modern sports.

Choosing a puppy

In most cases, puppies of this breed are of interest to hunters who are not interested in the appearance of the dog, but in its natural working characteristics. Every year, only a few hundred Drathaar puppies are born in the country with a pure pedigree and supporting documents. So it's best to make your choice based on the recommendations of experienced hunters who are familiar with the characteristics of the mother or father of the puppy.

You can safely acquire a puppy whose parents have diplomas and awards in competitions. Such a puppy will definitely have a hunting instinct.

For hunting, it is more practical to purchase a male, since a female drathaar may miss hunting due to estrus or pregnancy.

It is desirable to buy drathaar at the age 3.5 months when with confidence it is possible to determine compliance with all the standards of this breed by appearance and character. A small drathaar should be active, sociable and not show cowardice in case of external stimuli. The price of a puppy fluctuates in the area 15000 rubles.

Video about the breed

Video about the breed

Features of maintenance and care

Despite the overall dimensions, this dog is suitable for keeping both in an aviary and in an apartment. A well-bred dog will always be able to cope with hunting instincts when living in a family in a small area. The main thing is to find the use of his activity and liveliness. An excellent option would be to visit special clubs, where such hunting dogs splash out all their energy, show all their talents.

It is important to monitor the appearance of the pet: comb the hair at least 2 times a week, shorten the claws if they do not wear down, clean the ears.

These dogs are very hardy and strong, however, and they are prone to disease. There is a predisposition to arthritis, skin diseases, ear infections and eye problems. The lifespan of a Drathaar is 14 to 16 years if properly maintained.

The dog's diet should be balanced, you can feed both dry food and homemade products. It is useful to use cereals, meat products, sour-milk.

Advantages and disadvantages

Breed advantages:

  • devotion to the owner;
  • compliance with training;
  • energy and activity;
  • excellent security and hunting characteristics;
  • unpretentiousness in maintenance and care;
  • benevolence.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • excessive nervousness in the absence of attention;
  • caution and shyness when communicating with strangers;
  • desire to dominate and control their territory.

The Drathaar breed is perfect for active people who love movement and sports. There are much more advantages in acquiring such a pet, and the disadvantages can always be smoothed out with the right approach of the owner and the innate restraint and intelligence of the dog.

Every hunter needs a hardy and strong dog nearby, able to smell the desired prey at great distances. The Drathaar dog breed is perfect for such purposes.

Understanding the owner from a half-word, the four-legged hunter will become a reliable companion and devoted comrade. Becoming a family favorite in a matter of moments, the drathaar will not only accompany you in the forest, but will happily stay at home to babysit small children.

The history of the origin of the breed

The German drathaar appeared in the 19th century in Germany. The breed began to be bred in order to produce an assertive hunting dog with high performance. The ancestors of the drathaar were the shtichelhaar, poodle-pointer and kurtshaar. In the course of crossing these breeds, a completely new dog with unique hunting skills was obtained, which conquered the country and the whole world in a matter of years.

Drathaar: description of the breed

With such a pet, you can safely hunt in the forest and on the water, as drathaars are excellent swimmers. Possessing a firm and balanced character, the dogs respond well to commands and are ready to rush in search of prey a second after the shot. They are not shy before the game and never run away until they get a rabbit or a duck for the owner.

The Drathaar breed is distinguished by a hard coat 2-4 cm long, which is quite easy to care for. A smart and purposeful dog is an excellent guard, as it understands commands perfectly and always does everything that the owner requires of it.

The growth of an adult drathaar is 60-69 cm, and the weight can reach up to 35 kg. The small head is in proportion to the body of the animal. Despite its power, the four-legged hunter moves very smoothly and gracefully. The dog has a strong jaw with well developed teeth. The structure of the body is quite muscular, due to which wrinkles are completely absent. The color of a purebred Drathaar is either brown and white or black and white.


The dog is completely unpretentious in keeping, besides, it perfectly gets used to urban conditions and does not require much space. The German Drathaar can live both in an aviary and next to your household. However, the dog is in dire need of communication with people because of his natural sociability and need for society. If you have to leave your pet alone for a long time, he may become depressed.

The Drathaar dog breed is distinguished by its love of an active lifestyle, so such a pet will be an excellent partner for morning runs, swims in the lake and afternoon walks in the park. On top of that, Drathaars have a well-balanced psyche, which will save you from stressful situations if you meet stray dogs or cats on the street.

Thanks to the sensitive sense of smell, the dog perfectly finds prey on the hunt, so you definitely won’t return home empty-handed.

dog character

The Drathaar hunting dog is an intelligent and very active creature. The pet gladly helps the owner in all his affairs, even if they don’t need his help at all. In order for the dog not to become uncontrollable and begin to harass you by running around the house, it is enough just to take him for an active walk every day.

If the dog is frightened or bored, he will try to draw attention to himself by barking or starting to play dirty tricks. Also, in the case of a long separation, the dog may begin to gnaw on shoes or leave a couple of heaps on the carpet. You should not be offended by the pet for such tricks, but it is necessary to explain that this should not be done.

If you need a watchman, there is no better candidate than a drathaar. The description of the breed is filled with excellent characteristics. The only thing worth noting is that four-legged hunters are not very easy to train. It will take a long time for the puppy to start following commands, but after that there will be no problems.

Drathaars are quite skeptical of strangers and are very wary of them. In order to avoid subsequent aggression, it is important to immediately begin to engage in the social life of the dog. Take your pet for a walk where there will be other people besides you, introduce a new family member to your friends, etc. When the drathaar gets used to constant company, he will no longer be shy and will become the favorite of all your friends.

Due to the fact that the animal's coat is very dense and hard and has the ability to self-clean, it is often not recommended to wash the dog. Enough 1-2 water procedures per year for a pet. It is also not necessary to cut the dog, it will only be enough to comb out the coat occasionally with a stiff brush.

Among other things, the Drathaar breed is perfect for exhibitions. In order to prepare the winner, it is necessary to periodically cut the protruding hairs on the head and neck of the dog. Also trim your nails and brush your pet's teeth regularly.

In everyday life, dogs are unpretentious, but if the pet lives in a small apartment, make sure that he is outdoors as often as possible.


The well-being of a pet directly depends on how often the drathaar happens on walks. The description of the breed above repeatedly indicates that dogs are very dependent on physical activity. Therefore, it is desirable not to limit the hunter in these aspirations. Despite their endless energy and good physical condition, Drathaars are prone to the following diseases:

  • Diabetes.
  • Otitis.
  • Bloating.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Eczema.
  • Dermatitis

In order to reduce the risk of these diseases, it is important to monitor the health of the dog and periodically show it to the veterinarian.


It is best to feed the future hunter with natural products. Drathaars are not capricious in food, so they will happily eat porridge with meat, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Specialized dry food is also recommended to be included in the pet's diet. Young puppies should be fed often and in small portions, as they cannot control themselves yet and may eat too much.

Such overeating is undesirable and, moreover, can lead to an adult dog being fed less frequently and in larger portions. It is recommended to wash the bowl after each meal, as harmful bacteria will accumulate in the leftover food.

The diet of the Drathaar should contain the protein needed by such an active animal. A growing puppy should be treated with mineral supplements and feeds that contain chondroitin, this will favorably affect the dog's ligaments.

Raising and training a drathaar

Despite the fact that you will most likely want to nurse and pamper a small puppy, you should not forget that this breed belongs to a hunting breed, so it is important to remember that this is not a small child, but a future drathaar hunter. The description of the dog's skills indicates that from the very first days of life, the pet must learn to feel its instincts and follow them.

In addition to the basic commands, the puppy must be accustomed to the sounds of gunshots, and should not be afraid of water. Despite the fact that drathaars are excellent swimmers, sometimes it happens that the dog literally cannot be dragged into the water. What to do in this situation?

How to teach a puppy to water?

Of course, in no case should you use physical force and yell at the dog. Only patience and love will help the pet overcome its fears. To begin, take the puppy to a small pond and sit down by the water. A curious toddler will, of course, be interested in what you are doing and will try to join. On your next walk, try to go into the water up to your ankles and call the dog. To interest a pet, you can throw a ball into the water and ask him to bring it - most likely, the desire to chase the ball will prevail over unreasonable fears.

Each time it will move further and further, and eventually you will see how the drathaar swims. The description of the breed indicates that even if at first the dog will not be an excellent swimmer, over time he will cope with this mission perfectly and will be happy to bring you game even from the deepest reservoirs.

What else do you need to know?

If you are thinking about continuing the lineage of the Drathaar dog breed, mating should take place in accordance with some rules. For example, you cannot cross a brown Drathaar with a black-and-silver dog, or two silver-and-black dogs. Such a ban was imposed by the German breeding charter due to fears that the resulting puppies would begin to revert to their mother's forms and resemble pointer poodles. Of course, no one will follow you and your dog, but nevertheless, such relationships are not recommended.

In custody

The German Drathaar is an amazing dog that will become your devoted companion and a full-fledged member of the family. With proper care and proper training, you will raise a born hunter who will gladly accompany you into the forest or guard your home. With a dog, you can go for walks and workouts in the fresh air, leave small children with her, without fear that she will attack them. A true friend will always try to please you, expecting praise.

Breed Deutsch Drathaar (German Wirehaired Hound) was bred in Germany at the end of the 19th century. It is known for sure that her ancestors were German short-haired cops, stichelhaars and. The main distinguishing feature of the breed was hard wool, which is reflected in its name: drathaar in German means “wire-haired”.

Despite the fact that the Drathaar is considered a German breed, in the books of German hunters of the 16th-18th centuries there are no mentions or descriptions of dogs with rough hair. But such dogs were in Northern France, from where they most likely came to the territory of Southern Germany.

Rough-coated French Griffons crossed with smooth-coated German Hounds, gradually forming a new breed. Since the ancestors of the breed were similar in appearance, the formation of a new breed species occurred very quickly. In addition to coarse wool, they were characterized by brooding - the presence of eyebrows, mustaches and beards on the muzzle.

Guard qualities
Security qualities
The size
Attitude towards children

The first information about bristly cops is found in 1797, and in 1813 Baron Borch gives a description of bristly dogs. In 1829, there is another confirmation that even then smooth-haired and bristly cops were distinguished as two different breeds. Karl Kegel talks about this in his dog training manual.

In the 30s of the 19th century, undeserved persecution began on wire-haired cops. German hunters are fond of setters and other English dogs, forgetting about their own breeds. So, Ziegler, in his book, calls them ugly in appearance and with mediocre hunting qualities, advising to cross them with setters.

This led to the fact that bristly dogs survived only in the south-west of Germany: in the Bavarian mountains, in the upper reaches of the Rhine and Main, in Nassau and Hesse. Here they were valued as versatile dogs that brought great benefits to humans. In the summer they pastured herds, in autumn they hunted hares with them, and in winter they hunted wild boar.

They were also indispensable guards and watchmen, looking for hidden or lost things by smell. Even then it was noted that they have a very developed hunting instinct, which is inherited. Even if the dog was not used for hunting, but lived in the yard of an ordinary peasant, then as soon as she fell into the hands of a hunter, she became an excellent assistant to him. They were especially valued for their silent search, which is so important in forest hunting. Then drathaars were also called hard-bearded.

A lot of valuable information about the breed was left by the researcher Beckman, who described these dogs and accompanied the descriptions with drawings. A serious contribution to the development of the breed was made by a chocolate manufacturer from Frankfurt am Main, a Frenchman by birth, Franz Bontan. This man had sufficient funds to breed and popularize the breed.

It was not easy, because among the hunters there were many Anglo-lovers, whose camp was headed by Prince Solmse, the owner of pointer and setter kennels. Therefore, Bontan often had to distribute puppies to familiar hunters, as they say now, on conditions. He took great care of his dogs and demanded that they be brought back if they could not be used for hunting due to injuries.

In 1878, an exhibition was held in Berlin, clearly showing the decline of German dog breeds. The answer to this was the formation of societies in Germany and Austria, which set themselves the goal of reviving national breeds. In the same 1878, the Frankfurt Dog Show was held, at which only 2 bristly cops were presented. In 1882, they were recognized by local dog breeders as a special breed, one after another, breeders began to appear, looking for typical producers. Soon the Drathaar breed comes into fashion and spreads throughout Germany.

The breeding of these dogs is very active, as evidenced by the Munich Exhibition of 1886, in which 30 representatives of the breed participated. At this time, breeding experiments are carried out, based on various visions of the breed. In particular, a version is put forward that wire-haired cops are an older breed compared to smooth-haired ones.

It is also proposed to unite all pointers, regardless of the type of coat, into a common breed, which will be called the continental pointer and include French, German and Italian varieties. There are statements that French Griffins and German Wirehairs are one breed, and their puppies should not be considered mestizos. Such versions were of practical importance: most hunters were not satisfied with the prospect of paying big money for puppies of a new pure bristly breed.

But, despite this, at the congress of cynologists in 1885, decisions were adopted that determined the fate of the breed.

  1. Wirehaired Pointers are dogs of German origin, which are different from French and Italian Griffons and Polish Water Dogs.
  2. A new breed of dog called bristle-haired.
  3. Any mating of German bristle-haired dogs with other cops is considered illegal, and puppies from such matings are called mestizos.

But after the decisions of the congress, a clear breed standard was still not established. After a long period of crossing with smooth-haired and long-haired, broad-haired cops, there were many heterogeneous specimens that did not meet the same standard.

The first breed standard was developed and adopted only in 1890. Then breeders began to unite in organizations whose goal was to improve the breed. The official birth of the breed is considered to be 1902, when the drathaar was first introduced to the public.

The first Deutsche Drathaar Association was founded in 1904. After the first breed standard was adopted in 1924, dogs began to be exported abroad. During the war and in the post-war years, there was no time to carefully monitor the breeding of the breed, so the gene pool became more diverse. In 1949, a new standard was adopted, which allowed a single blood infusion of other German cops, only in 1965 the infusion of other blood stopped, and the breed was fully formed.

In the USSR, the breed became popular after the Great Patriotic War, when many trophy dogs were brought in. Currently, in our country there are clubs that unite connoisseurs of the breed, for example, the St. Petersburg club "German Drathaar". The breed is popular in Europe and America.

Drathaar breed standard: main characteristics

According to the FCI standard, a typical drathaar looks like this. This is a noble dog belonging to the group of pointing gun dogs. At exhibitions and tests, not only the exterior is evaluated, but also working abilities.

The movements are smooth, sweeping and noble.

The body is approximately square. The stretch index cannot exceed the height at the withers by more than 3 cm. Height at the withers: males: 61-68 cm, females: 57-64 cm.

The head is harmonious in size in relation to the body. Has a wedge shape. The skull is moderately broad with somewhat rounded lines and well-defined brow ridges.

Nose with open nostrils, fully pigmented.

The muzzle is long and deep, with a slightly noticeable hook-nosed nose.

The lips do not droop, but fit snugly to the jaw.

Scissor bite. The teeth are strong, their location and number fully correspond to the dental formula.

The eyes are desirable dark, not protruding and not deep set. The look is expressive and attentive, conveys the energy of the dog.

The ears are medium in size, set wide apart and set high.

The neck is muscular, slightly arched.

The withers are well expressed. The line of the back is slightly sloping from the withers to the croup.

The back and loins are muscular and strong.

The tail is of medium thickness, it is desirable to stop it for hunting. If it is not docked (in some countries there is a ban on docking of the tails of dogs), then it should reach the hock.

The forelegs are straight, standing firmly under the body. The shoulder blades are set obliquely. The shoulders are long and dry, with well-defined muscles. The feet are well-knit with hard pads.

The hindquarters look parallel both in the stance and in motion.

The coat is short and very hard. Adheres tightly to the skin. The contours of the body must be clearly visible and not obscured by hair. There is a dense undercoat that is impervious to water. The muzzle should have eyebrows and not too long beard.

Color allowed brown with gray, black with gray and gray. The first two types of color can be spotted. A brown color with a white spot on the chest is also possible.

Drathaar never get cold. With them you can hunt in any weather in the most inaccessible places.

Character of the German Drathaar

The nature of this breed is closely related to its hunting purpose. Therefore, it is very important that the dog has a typical character for the breed. Otherwise, she will not be able to show her hunting qualities. A real drathaar is distinguished by a firm and fearless character, at the same time he is easily controlled and obedient. All his determination and energy is realized on the hunt, and not in order to try to dominate the owner.

Drathaar is neither cowardly nor aggressive, although he is more vicious and distrustful of outsiders than other cops. He has a developed sense of territory, and he is able to be a good guard. The docile nature of the drathaar makes it a good friend not only to hunters, but also to their families, especially children. Therefore, this breed even began to start up as a companion, and not for hunting.

But still, only a drathaar who has the ability to hunt can truly reveal his character. These dogs adore their owner, but before the moment when a complete understanding arises between a person and a dog, a difficult path must be passed. Drathaar is quick-witted and smart, but training him is not as easy as you might think. A person will need perseverance, consistency, patience and experience.

This dog is not one of those who can lie and look out the window all day long. They definitely need to be occupied with some business, their vital energy is so great that they can work or play all day long. The dog needs the company of a person, is nervous and bored when alone, which outwardly manifests itself in chewing on interior items or shoes forgotten in the hallway.

Drathaars love to play with children: football, chasing and other fun activities. With such a dog, you will never be bored. They are so attached to their master that a person constantly feels their attentive gaze on himself. They lie nearby and watch you: suddenly you will give them some task in the next second.

This breed is designed for hunting, but can perform many other functions. It can be said that the drathaar can do everything: from circus performances for children to protecting its territory and owner. But still, it is of particular interest to hunters.

In terms of the number of awards in working trials, the drathaar leads among the cops.

Hunting with a Drathaar

Drathaar is an excellent all-round hunter, which is confirmed by real hunting situations and awards in competitions among hunting dogs. In terms of the number of victories in competitions, the drathaars have long been ahead of other cops. They are especially promising when hunting waterfowl. But if you wish, you can train them in the hunt for a large animal: wild boars and elks, hunt quails in the field.

Photo: Drathaar or German Wirehaired Hound

Drathaars are helped by their coarse coat, which makes them insensitive to the branches of trees and shrubs through which they have to wade in search of game. In dogs of this breed, their ability to silently search in the forest and the ability to get to the most inaccessible places in swamps or in impenetrable thickets is valued. They are trained to collect game by gestures and whistles, which increases the efficiency of hunting.

Drathaars are also able to lead the owner to a wounded large animal. They are characterized by a leisurely search with elements of the riding and tracking manner of chumming. Drathaars can be used for driven and battue hunting only after serious training, since at the sight of the beast they break off into the chase too early, which is dangerous by getting injured from the beast or getting into the line of fire from hunters.

In general, this breed is unpretentious and does not cause difficulties in care. They can be kept in an apartment or in the yard of a house, but if kept outdoors, they grow a thicker undercoat. The presence of such an undercoat will protect dogs from colds while hunting waterfowl in the cold season.

The wool of the drathaar is self-cleaning, so they need to be washed only in exceptional cases. Moreover, it is not at all easy to wet such a dog because of the characteristics of the coat. It is enough just to brush them once a week with a stiff brush. Some owners prefer to simply shear their coat several times a year to make maintenance less hassle. Drathaars shed a lot, so if they are not combed during such periods, there will be a lot of wool in your house and on your clothes.

Traditionally, in domestic cynology, it was believed that dogs, especially hunting ones, should be fed only with natural food. However, foreign experience has proven that feeding ready-made dry food does not impair the hunting abilities of dogs. Therefore, the choice of food remains with the owners.

Although these dogs are unpretentious in food and eat almost everything, you should not save on food because of this and put them on bread and water. They need a complete diet, high in protein, which will fuel the dog's natural energy. At the same time, they should not be overfed, as a loose, slow-moving drathaar is a sad sight for all lovers of hunting.

The drathaar differs from other cops in its fiery temperament and the presence of protective and protective qualities.

How to choose and where to buy a puppy?

Of course, most drathaars are bought by hunters for whom the working qualities of the dog are important. Therefore, they acquire puppies on the recommendation of other hunters from working parents. If you are a novice hunter or just planning to become one, then you need to take an experienced person with you, or buy a puppy from trusted breeders who are breeding according to all the rules. There are not so many registered drathaars in our country, and only a few hundred puppies with documents are born a year.

It should be noted that the presence of RKF metrics in a puppy is not just a piece of paper for exhibitions, but a confirmation of its hunting origin. Although on the other hand, the possibility of fakes is not ruled out. Therefore, it is better to purchase a puppy from people who are members of breed clubs. Ideally, the puppy's parents should have certificates of participation and awards in various hunting competitions, for example, diplomas in field or swamp game. In this case, there is no doubt in the puppy's hunting instinct, which will definitely manifest itself under the condition of special training.

For a hunting dog, gender matters. If you only have one dog, then it is better to take a male that you can always take on the hunt, and then you will not have to miss the season due to estrus or pregnancy of the female Drathaar.

When choosing a puppy, it is recommended to pay attention to his behavior. Normally, he should be sociable and not show signs of cowardice with various external stimuli. An important point is the age at which you need to purchase a puppy. This breed has a high culling rate at an early age. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a puppy at the age of 3.5 months, when it is already possible to say for sure about the availability.

The cost of puppies

Average price of Drathaar puppies purchased through breed clubs is 15,000 rubles.

Interesting Facts

Drathaar wool is compared to wire in terms of stiffness.

Drathaar's photo

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