How long can you store open cytovir 3. Positive feedback. How to prepare an oral solution

- a drug of the group of immunomodulators, which has an effective effect on the body's immune system, restores natural defenses and helps prevent colds and viral diseases. It is widely used in pediatrics, since children are most at risk of complications during periods of the spread of influenza and ARVI viruses.

Dosage form

The drug is available in the form of a ready-made syrup, the volume of the bottle is 50 ml. The bottle is equipped with a first opening control system.

The syrup is a light yellow or almost colorless liquid. Complete with a bottle of syrup, a convenient dosing spoon is included, for the exact dosage of the drug, as well as instructions for use. Everything is packed in a cardboard box.


The composition of the drug syrup for children includes the following active ingredients:

  • sodium salt of alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan - 0.15 mg;
  • vitamin C () - 12 mg;
  • Bendazole hydrochloride () - 1.25 mg.

As additional substances, the syrup contains water, fructose.

Pharmacological group

The drug belongs to the group of immunostimulating agents.

It is used in pediatrics, during etiotropic, immunomodulatory therapy, has an active effect against influenza A and B viruses, as well as other types of viruses that cause acute respiratory infections and upper respiratory tract diseases in children. The syrup is intended and widely prescribed not only as a prophylactic, but also as a drug that reduces the severity and severity of the main symptoms of respiratory infections and influenza. Helps to reduce the duration of the course of the disease.

Bendazole hydrochloride () stimulates the production of the child's own body, has an immunomodulatory effect, enhancing the body's defenses. Enzymes produced in cells and tissues of various organs, under the action, contribute to the death of viruses.

Alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan has a supportive, complementary effect, normalizes the T-cell link of the child's immune system.

Improves the function of capillary permeability, has an antioxidant and regenerative effect, producing an anti-inflammatory effect. Oxygen radicals formed in the tissues during the inflammatory process are successfully neutralized by the action, as a result, the resistance of the child's body to viral infections increases.

Indications for use

It is prescribed for children for the prevention of respiratory infections and influenza. Also, it is used as an adjuvant during the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, reducing the duration of the disease and reducing the severity of symptoms. It is used in children over the age of 12 months.


  • hypersensitivity to one or several active substances that make up the syrup;
  • diseases that occur against the background of a decrease in muscle tone, as well as accompanied by a convulsive syndrome;
  • severe forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system, heart failure;
  • bronchial asthma (atopic form);
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • reduced blood pressure;
  • tendency to form sclerotic plaques and blood clots;
  • renal failure, especially in severe form;
  • stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer, especially against the background of bleeding;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • children's age (under 12 months).

Regarding possible contraindications and doubts about the effectiveness and safety of treating a child with syrup, it is better to consult a pediatrician before starting therapy.

Method of application and dosage of the drug

The drug is designed specifically for children over 12 months old, the release form in the form of a syrup is most convenient for taking. The drug is taken orally, it is first recommended to use a dosing device to more accurately adhere to the dosing regimen of the drug.
The syrup should be given to the child in undiluted form, half an hour before meals. The amount of the drug depends on the severity of the disease, the age of the child and clinical manifestations - it is determined by the doctor. If the doctor has not prescribed a different dosage, then the following rules for taking the drug in children should be followed:

  • children over the age of 12 months - 2 ml of syrup three times a day;
  • children aged 3 years and older - 4 ml of syrup three times a day;
  • children aged 6 years and older - 8 ml of syrup three times a day;
  • children aged 10 years and older - 12 ml of syrup three times a day.

The duration of the drug is individual for each child and is determined by the doctor. According to the instructions, it is necessary to take the drug as a complex therapy for respiratory diseases for 4 days.

For preventive purposes, the course of taking the drug is repeated after 3-4 weeks.

Side effects

In children prone to the manifestation of vegetative-vascular dystonia, a temporary decrease in blood pressure may be observed. Also, after taking the syrup, in very rare cases, the child may experience the following side effects:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - the appearance of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, nausea;
  • from the side of the kidneys - crystalluria, the formation of stones in the kidneys and the cavity of the bladder;
  • allergic skin rashes, itching, Quincke's edema;
  • from the endocrine system - disorders in the pancreas (hyperglycemia), risk of development;
  • on the part of the cardiovascular system - a decrease in the value of cardiac output, a change in normal ECG parameters, dystrophy of the heart muscle, a decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia;
  • on the part of hematopoiesis - a decrease in the level of erythrocytes, an increase in the level of platelets and neutrophils in the blood;
  • from the side of the central nervous system - excitability, sleep disturbances, headache;
  • on the part of the respiratory system - the development of cough, shortness of breath.

General reactions can be observed in the form of fever, redness of the skin, excessive sweating.

The described side effects develop in extremely rare cases, usually the syrup in children passes without complications, the drug is well tolerated.

Cross interactions

Cross-action of alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan with other medicines was not detected during drug trials.

Bendazole in combination with beta-blockers can provoke general peripheral vascular resistance. Enhances the effect of drugs designed to lower blood pressure, as well as diuretic drugs. The effect of bendazol, which lowers blood pressure, is enhanced by taking Fentolamine.

With the simultaneous administration of Cytovir 3 with drugs of the tetracycline and benzylpenicillin groups, their concentration in the blood increases. Iron preparations begin to be intensively absorbed under the influence. and indirect anticoagulant drugs lose their effectiveness. Absorption and assimilation is reduced when taken simultaneously with oral contraceptives in women, as well as when using freshly squeezed fruit juices and alkaline drinks. The risk of crystalluria increases, the excretion of acids by the kidneys slows down. The time of excretion from the body of drugs with an alkaline reaction increases. Isoprenaline, when used simultaneously with, loses some of its chronotropic properties. Drugs - neuroleptics and antidepressants lose their enhanced effect under the influence of vitamin C. Excretion in the urine increases when taken with barbiturates and primidone.

Use with other antiviral drugs in a child is allowed, but prior consultation with a pediatrician is recommended.

special instructions

If the doctor considers it appropriate to conduct several courses of treatment in a child with syrup, as well as prolonged treatment with the drug, it is necessary to carefully monitor the level of glucose contained in the blood plasma.

In the event of the development of unforeseen reactions to taking the syrup, you need to inform the doctor about them in order to cancel the drug and prescribe symptomatic therapy. Allergic reactions require the appointment of antihistamines.

It can be taken during lactation in nursing mothers with the permission of a doctor if the intended benefit to the mother's body outweighs the risk of complications in the child.

Features of the effect of the drug on the ability to drive a car have not been studied.


With an overdose of syrup, the following symptoms may develop:

  • temporary decrease in blood pressure;
  • increased sweating;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • nausea;
  • temperature rise;
  • headache.

Symptomatic treatment is carried out, and it is also necessary to consult a doctor about the further administration of the drug and its appropriateness.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the drug is 2 years (unopened vial) and 10 days after opening. It is not recommended to store the drug in the open sun, the air temperature in the room should not be higher than 25 degrees. Do not use after the expiration date.

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to the doctor's prescription, during the period of use it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosages and frequency of administration recommended by the attending physician.

The price of the drug

The cost of the drug is about 276 rubles

Drug analogues

You can replace it with the following medicines:

  1. - an antiviral agent whose active substance is rimantadine hydrochloride. It is produced in syrup, which is designed specifically for children aged 1-7 years. It is used to treat and prevent influenza A.
  2. refers to substitutes for Tsitovir 3 in the therapeutic group. It is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza. The drug is in suspension allowed for children older than a year and capsules can be from 12 years old. is a homeopathic preparation produced in granules for oral administration. It belongs to drug substitutes according to the pharmacotherapeutic group. The agent can be prescribed for the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections. Before giving the granules to babies, they must be dissolved.

During seasonal colds, every parent wants to protect their child from the onslaught of viruses. Modern pharmacology every year offers more and more new means of fighting infections.

Recently, the drug "Citovir 3" has become very popular. This tool effectively affects the immune system, increases the body's defense against viruses, develops resistance. For children, it is best to use the product in the form of a syrup or emulsion.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Cytovir 3 is an immunomodulator, the action of which is due to the complex of substances that it contains.

The syrup consists of 3 biologically active components:

  • Ascorbic acid is an antioxidant substance that stimulates cells to develop resistance to viruses.
  • Bendazole - promotes the synthesis of enzymes that blunt the replication function of viruses, is a catalyst for the production of natural interferon.
  • Thymogen sodium - affects the T-cell link of the immune system, enhances the immunomodulatory effect of bendazole.

Indications for use

Tsitovir 3 is used for various purposes. It is effective for the prevention and treatment of viral infections at an early stage. The syrup is given to children during the period of active spread of viruses.


  • prevention and treatment;
  • prevention of influenza type A and B, as well as their treatment as part of complex therapy.

Syrup and suspension can be prescribed to children after 1 year.


  • children up to a year;
  • diabetes;
  • Lyme disease;
  • ascariasis;
  • amoebiasis;
  • individual intolerance.

Possible side effects

In most cases, the syrup is well tolerated by children. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms may appear:

  • nausea, heartburn;
  • allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, itching, redness of the skin;
  • pancreatic dysfunction (hyperglycemia, glucosuria);
  • changes in blood composition (decrease in red blood cells, increase in platelets);
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • excessive excitability;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • sweating;
  • hypertension.

Note! Side effects occur with an overdose of Cytovir syrup. Therefore, you must strictly follow the instructions for use. If symptoms of an overdose appear, stop taking the syrup and inform the doctor about it.

Read about Orvirem antiviral syrup; an article was written about the use of Vibrocil for children.

Instructions for use and dosage

For children, syrup is a more convenient form of medicine than capsules or tablets. According to the instructions, you need to take half an hour before meals. So the drug is better absorbed by the body. When compiling the dosage, it is necessary to build on the age of the patient. In addition to the dosage, the frequency of administration must be observed. The most optimal - three times the use of syrup per day.

Dosages of the drug:

The syrup is sold in a pharmacy ready-made. But children can use the suspension. To prepare a suspension for children from a powder, you must:

  • boil and cool water;
  • pour 40 ml of warm water into a container with powder;
  • close the bottle with a lid and mix the contents thoroughly so that the powder is completely dissolved;
  • suspension should be 50 ml.

Interaction with other drugs

The components of the drug can interact differently with medications. How thymogen is combined with other drugs has not been fully studied. It is not recommended to use drugs with phentolamine with Tsitovir 3. When combined with bendazole, the hypotensive effect increases.

Ascorbic acid in the composition of the drug reduces the effectiveness of heparin, anticoagulants. Aspirin helps to reduce the absorption of ascorbic acid in the body. Barbiturates accelerate the excretion of vitamin C from the body in the urine. If Cytovir is used in parallel with antibiotics of the tetracycline or penicillin series, the level of antibacterial substances in the blood may increase.

Cost and analogues

The price of Cytovir 3 syrup is 350-400 rubles, the volume of the bottle is 50 ml. Complete analogues of the drug in composition today do not exist. Similar pharmacological agents:

  • Wobenzym;
  • Ribomunil;
  • Zadaksin;
  • Engystol;
  • IRS-19;
  • Deoxynate.

Before changing the drug, you should consult with your doctor. Unauthorized selection of analogues can lead to unpleasant consequences. Almost all immunomodulators have their own contraindications and side effects that must be considered.

Immunomodulatory drug Cytovir-3, which affects the reactions of cellular, humoral immunity and nonspecific resistance of the body. It has an interferonogenic effect.

Bendazole, which is part of the drug, induces the production of endogenous interferon. Enzymes induced by interferon in cells of various organs inhibit viral replication. In addition, by activating immunocompetent cells, the drug contributes to the normalization of the immune status.

Thymogen acts on the T-cell link of immunity. Ascorbic acid activates the humoral link of immunity, normalizes capillary permeability, thereby suppressing the inflammatory process.



After oral administration, Tsitovir-3 is completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The bioavailability of bendazole is about 80%, thymogen is not more than 15% and ascorbic acid is 90%.


Thymogen, under the influence of peptidases, is cleaved into L-glutamic acid and L-tryptophan, which are used by the body in protein synthesis.


Metabolites of ascorbic acid and bendazole are excreted in the urine. T 1/2 components does not exceed 3 hours.


prevention and symptomatic treatment of the early stages of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.

Instructions for use / dosage

The drug Cytovir-3 is taken orally 30 minutes before meals.

For the purpose of prevention and treatment, adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed 1 caps. 3 times / day for 4 days.

Children aged 1 to 3 years are prescribed 2 ml of syrup 3 times / day for 4 days; children aged 3 to 6 years - 4 ml 3 times / day for 4 days; children aged 6 to 10 years - 8 ml 3 times / day for 4 days; children over the age of 10 years - 12 ml 3 times / day for 4 days.

For prophylactic purposes, repeated the course of treatment can be carried out in 3-4 weeks.

Side effect

From the side of the cardiovascular system: short-term decrease in blood pressure (in patients with neurocirculatory dystonia).

Others: allergic reactions .


diabetes mellitus (for syrup);

children's age up to 6 years (for capsules);

pregnancy (for capsules);

lactation period (for capsules);

hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Application for violations of kidney function

With prolonged use, periodic monitoring of kidney function is necessary.

special instructions

With prolonged use of the syrup, periodic monitoring of kidney function and blood glucose levels is necessary.


Data on drug overdose Cytovir-3 no.

drug interaction

Drug interaction of the drug Cytovir-3 not described.

Used for the prevention and treatment of SARS and influenza. It is considered one of the most effective means to speed up recovery and alleviate the course of the disease, as well as effectively carry out prevention.

Composition, release form, packaging

The drug has alpha-glutamyl-tryptophan (thymogen), ascorbic acid and bendazole as active ingredients. Available as:

  • Capsule;
  • Powder for solution;
  • syrup.

Capsules and tablets are packaged in blisters of 12 pieces per plate. In the package from 1 to 4 blisters. The powder is packaged in packs of 20g.

The syrup is distributed in vials with a measured dispenser. The volume of the bottle is 50 ml.


The manufacturer is the Russian branch of the Finnish company Cytomed.


Indications for use are:

  • Prevention of SARS and influenza;
  • Therapy for SARS and influenza.

When antivirals are needed, Dr. Komarovsky says:


Contraindications for use are:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Lactation;
  • Diabetes mellitus (for syrup);
  • Age up to 6 years (for capsule form);
  • Age up to 1 year (for solution).

The drug and its components easily penetrate not only into the blood, but also into breast milk and through the placental barrier. Since it has not been tested on pregnant and lactating women, it is not prescribed for this category of patients.

In the case of lactation, if necessary, the issue of refusing breastfeeding for the period of treatment is considered.

Mechanism of action

This is used for immunostimulating and etiotropic therapy. It has an indirect antiviral effect against influenza types B and A, as well as other viruses that provoke the occurrence of SARS.

Bendazole promotes the production of endogenous interferon with an immunostimulating effect. The component contributes to the normalization of the body's immune response.

As a result, enzymes produced under the influence of interferon help to suppress the replication of the viral pathogen. Thymogen is a synergist of the immunomodulatory effect of bendazole, which helps to normalize the T-cell links of the immune system.

Ascorbic acid helps to activate the humoral links of immunity, improve the permeability of small vessels, which helps to reduce the inflammatory process in tissues. Ascorbic acid also has an antioxidant effect, neutralizing oxygen radicals that always accompany the inflammatory process. Thus, the body's resistance to viral-type pathogens in general increases.

The maximum concentration of substances in the blood is observed within 4 hours after ingestion.

Instructions for use

I have been using capsules one three times a day since the age of 6. Reception is carried out before meals about half an hour. Treatment and prevention according to the scheme of application are identical.

The course of treatment or prevention is an average of 4 days, but the doctor can change these periods depending on the indications.

A syrup or solution is used in children in the same dosage three times a day:

  • From 1 to 3 years - 2 ml;
  • 3-6 years, 4 ml;
  • 6-10 years - 8 ml;
  • Over 10 years old - 12 ml.

Side effects

Side effects are extremely rare, mainly in the form of allergic reactions on the skin (). From the side of the cardiovascular system, a slight decrease in blood pressure may occur.


There were no cases of overdose with the drug. But theoretically, in this version, the side effects will be more intense. The drug is canceled, symptomatic treatment is carried out.

special instructions

If re-treatment with syrup is carried out, then it is necessary to conduct an analysis to control the level of glucose in the blood. Effects on driving or control of mechanisms have not been identified.

drug interaction

Thymogen does not interact with other drugs. Bendazole is able to enhance the hypotensive effect when taken together with diuretics or antihypertensive drugs. Phentolamine is able to enhance the hypotensive effect of the component (meaning a decrease in blood pressure).

Ascorbic acid increases the concentration of benzylpenicillin or tetracycline substances in the blood.

Affects the absorption of iron in the stomach, increasing this figure. Helps reduce the effectiveness of anticoagulants and heparin. The absorption of ascorbic acid decreases when taken simultaneously with acetylsalicylic acid, oral contraceptives, alkaline drinks and freshly squeezed juices.

ASA helps to reduce ascorbic acid by 30%. At the same time, the substance mutually reduces and accelerates the excretion of the substances of the listed drugs.

When used simultaneously with short-acting sulfonamides or salicylates, it increases the risk of development. ASA contributes to a decrease in the effectiveness of neuroleptics.

The benefits and harms of antiviral drugs:

Reviews about the drug

The drug received generally positive reviews. He showed his efficiency and speed. Two cons that some users highlighted: the shape of the syrup and the cost. In the case of syrup, many refused to use it precisely because of the sugary taste. In terms of cost, many consider it excessively high.

Price for Tsitovir

Capsule price:

  • Packing with 1 blister - 255 rubles;
  • Packing with 2 blisters - 533 rubles;
  • Packing with 4 blisters - 850 rubles.

A package of syrup costs about 420 rubles.

A package with powder costs approximately 320 rubles.


The analogues of the funds are:

  • Orvirem - 350 rubles;
  • - 250 rubles;
  • Ergoferon - 320 rubles;

Antiviral drugs during epidemics make good revenue for the pharmacy business. As soon as the first influenza patients appear, as soon as medicines for viruses and flu “melt” from the shelves of pharmacies. The modern patient knows that these drugs not only destroy the viral infection, but are also able to make the immune system work better as a whole.

Therefore, quite often, when a high percentage of cases is widely reported, antiviral drugs are also purchased for prevention. There are disputes on this score, not all doctors see the effectiveness of these preventive measures.

In our article, we will talk about the combined drug, which is called cytovir-3, find out why this remedy was created, and determine if it has cheaper analogues.

Pharmacological affiliation and composition

Cytovir-3 belongs to the group of immunostimulating agents with antiviral action. The main active ingredients of the drug contribute to the restoration of all parts of the immune system. So, cytovir-3 consists of:

  • bendazol - enhances the body's immune defenses by improving the production of endogenous (internal) interferon. Due to the internal reserves of the body, immune processes are restored.
  • thymogen - enhances the effect of benzadol, affects T-cells;
  • ascorbic acid - helps to realize the reactions of the humoral link of immunity, reduces inflammation, improves the condition of blood vessels, and exhibits a pronounced antioxidant effect.

Release form and price

Tsitovir-3 is produced by the research and production complex MBNPK (Russia). The drug is presented in three forms: capsules, syrup and powder for solution.

The price of cytovir-3 in pharmacies today is as follows:

  • syrup (50 ml) - 360 - 400 rubles;
  • capsules (12 pcs., 24 pcs., 48 pcs.) - respectively 400, 580, 880 rubles;
  • powder for preparing a solution of 20 g (orange, strawberry, cranberry) - about 300 rubles.

If for some reason the price of Cytovir-3 does not suit the patient, it is necessary to look for cheaper analogues.

In what cases is cytovir-3 prescribed?

SARS, influenza (A and B) are direct indications for the use of cytovir-3. The drug can be used as a prophylaxis and treatment.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

With caution, cytovir-3 should take hypotension, tk. The drug can lower blood pressure. In rare cases, skin reactions in the form of a rash may appear, they are more common in children, therefore, for successful therapy, it is better to replace Cytovir-3 with an analogue.

The course of treatment pleases many patients, it is only 4 days. Capsules are recommended to be taken before meals, in about 20-30 minutes, with a sufficient amount of water, it is not necessary to chew. The dosage is as follows: 1 capsule three times a day.

The syrup is popular in pediatrics, so the doses depend on the age of the kids. Babies from one to three years old are prescribed 2 ml of syrup three times a day, then the dosage is doubled, this is described in detail in the instructions.

Doses for the prophylactic course are the same.

What is the best way to replace Cytovir-3 - analogues are cheaper?

What is best for the particular patient is better. Choosing an analogue just because it is cheaper does not always live up to expectations. First of all - quality, and a minimum of side effects.

There are many different opinions among scientists who do not at all recognize the effect of antiviral agents, considering the recovery of the patient as an independent act.

It's hard to disagree here. Imagine you "caught" SARS. Runny nose, tears, cough, fever, so about 5 days. Take only antipyretics and drink warm drinks. Sooner or later, five, maximum ten days, and the disease recedes. Who cured the patient? Temperature pills or warm tea?

A neighbor, for example, drank Ingavirin, and it took him the same number of days to get sick as it did for you. It turns out an incomprehensible situation. The neighbor took an antiviral drug, and was sick as much as you are.

There are other reviews indicating that antiviral agents are still able to shorten the active phase of the disease, and this makes it easier to tolerate the disease.

Tsitovir-3 cannot be called a cheap or very expensive remedy, but in pharmacies you can hear a request for the selection of an analogue of this remedy. Let's make a list of antiviral drugs that will not exceed the cost of cytovir-3.

List of cheap analogues

Worthy substitutes for Cytovir-3 are also considered such drugs as amixin, Tamiflu, Ingavirin, Isoprinosine, but the price for them, unfortunately, is more expensive.

Cytovir analogues are found not only in tablets, but also in syrup. These include:

  • orvirem (100 ml) - 330 rubles;
  • immunoflazid (50 ml) - the price and availability must be specified.

Does cytovir-3 have a structural analogue?

The preparation in question has a combination of three agents. There is no exact copy (structure) of this composition in other antiviral agents. Therefore, cytovir-3 has its own uniqueness, and, consequently, it has no structural analogues.

A replacement should be sought according to the therapeutic effect, taking into account all indications and contraindications. For children, it is better to use syrups, for adults, capsules or tablets are suitable.

Doctors, when prescribing funds, often say: "Take Cytovir-3 or Orvirem." Or, for example, you can hear: "Any of three antiviral agents will suit you: arbidol, amixin or ingavirin." This is where the doubts begin, which is better?

Patients study reviews, go to forums, consult with pharmacists. To clearly understand which choice will be the best, you should compare the instructions for the drugs. Only there you will find the truth. Read only the official instructions for the funds.

Anaferon or cytovir-3 - which is better?

Let's start right away with the composition of these funds. Cytovir-3 is a combination of three chemicals. Anaferon is a homeopathic preparation based on antibodies to gamma interferon.

Anaferon has more indications for use. In addition to acute viral infections and influenza, anaferon is effective against herpes, tick-borne encephalitis, rotavirus, infectious mononucleosis and other infections.

Like Cytovir, Anaferon has adult and child forms. Tablets are prescribed only from the age of 18, and drops are used already from the age of one month. No side effects were observed while taking Anaferon.

The price of Anaferon is much lower, and amounts to 200 rubles for 20 tablets. Tsitovir-3 (24 tablets) costs about 600 rubles. The difference is undoubtedly significant.

As a safety and atoxicity - plus in the direction of anaferon, so pediatricians are more inclined to prescribe the latter.

It is difficult to say clearly which remedy is better, probably, if the disease goes away without “surprises”, it is better to do with the homeopathic preparation Anaferon. Although, some experts still advise it more for prevention, and cytovir-3 for treatment.

Trust your doctor and discuss the pros and cons of prescribing these drugs.

Arbidol or cytovir-3 - what do we choose?

The composition of the preparations is different. Unlike cytovir-3, arbidol is a mono agent, which contains the active substance umifenovir. Arbidol is produced in tablets, capsules and powder for suspension.

Arbidol has a pronounced antiviral effect and belongs to fusion inhibitors. The immunomodulatory property of arbidol is moderate, but despite this, it has an excellent effect on all parts of the immune system. The toxicity of arbidol is lower than that of cytovir-3.

Indications for the use of Arbidol are wider: SARS, influenza, immunodeficiencies after illnesses, SARS. The drug is also prescribed in complex treatment regimens for herpes, intestinal infections and diseases of the lower respiratory system.

Arbidol tablets and capsules are indicated from the age of three (with Cytovir from the age of 6). Arbidol suspension is allowed to be taken after two years (arbidol syrup from one year).

Arbidol has practically no side effects, their appearance is associated only with individual intolerance.

As for the price, the issue is debatable. A package of Arbidol (10 tablets) costs 220 rubles. A course of treatment with Arbidol requires at least 20 tablets (440 rubles). ARVI can be cured with one package of Cytovir (12 tablets = 400 rubles). At first glance, arbidol is cheaper if we compare prices only on boxes, but as a result we get a completely different picture.

The right to choose the drug always remains with the doctor, of course, taking into account all the wishes of the patient.

The composition of ergoferon includes the following active substances: antibodies to γ-interferon, CD4 and histamine. All of them are placed in lozenges or oral solution. Cytovir-3 has a higher toxicity than ergoferon, and this is its minus.

Ergoferon compared with cytovir has more indications. It is prescribed for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, whooping cough, rotaviruses, enteroviruses, herpes, pseudotuberculosis, and other viral infections.

A contraindication to the use of ergoferon is individual intolerance, a tendency to allergies, lactose intolerance, diabetes mellitus and children under 6 months of age. You need to be especially careful when prescribing ergoferon to infants, because. recently there has been a frequent lactose deficiency in babies.

On average, a package of ergoferon (20 pieces) costs about 320 rubles, and 24 tablets of cytovir-3 cost 580 rubles. From the data presented, it can be seen that the course of treatment with cytovir will be 180 rubles more expensive. Usually, a package of each product is enough for a cycle of therapy.

Of course, having learned the price, most patients will choose ergoferon, but in this case, only the experience of the doctor will tell you which drug is better to buy.

Kagocel or cytovir-3?

Kagocel, unlike cytovir-3, is a mono-drug, the active substance of which is kagocel (12 mg). Refers to interferon inducers, non-toxic, well tolerated by patients.

The drug can be used even on the 4th day from the onset of a viral infection, but no later than this period. Unlike Cytovir-3, herpes is also an indication for the use of Kagocel.

Kagocel is available only in tablets, it does not have other dosage forms. The drug is prescribed only after the age of three.

It is undesirable to use Kagocel during pregnancy and lactation, although there is evidence that the drug does not have a teratogenic effect. Also contraindications include lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption.

In extremely rare cases, individual intolerance to Kagocel and allergic reactions may occur.

Now let's talk about the price. The course of treatment with Kagocel will cost 500 rubles, i.e. you will need two packs of the drug, and therapy with cytovir-3 will cost 400 rubles. Hence the conclusion: treatment with Kagocel is 100 rubles more expensive.

Which of these drugs is better is difficult to answer. Not every specialist is immediately able to assess how the beginning of the development of the infectious process will go, and it is rather difficult to guess what kind of virus we are dealing with. Therefore, the choice of remedy is likely to depend on the severity of the symptoms. According to the therapeutic effect, cytovir-3 is stronger.

Orvirem or cytovir-3?

Orvirem is an antiviral agent with a detoxifying effect. The drug contains one active ingredient - rimantadine. Unlike Cytovir-3, Orvirem is a purely children's drug (syrup). The drug has no other dosage forms.

Orvirem is prescribed from the age of one. The main indications are acute viral infections and influenza conditions. According to studies, it has been proven that the prophylactic use of Orvirem reduces the incidence of diseases by 4 times.

Therapeutic therapy with Orvirem reduces the duration of the disease by three days. Body temperature normalizes faster, intoxication phenomena stop literally from the first two days.

One bottle of syrup (100 ml) is enough for the course of treatment. Its price is 330 rubles.

Tsitovir-3 or orvirem - ask the pediatrician this question.


Antiviral agents are those medicines around which there is a lot of controversy. Someone scolds them, arguing the futility of therapy, and someone is delighted with the quick healing. In our article, you learned about Cytovir-3 and its possible analogues.

Cheap analogues - does not mean those that are right for you. Therefore, you should not grab the first cheap flu drug that comes across, and even more so drink it at work.

The first thing a patient with SARS or influenza should do is go home, go to bed and call a doctor, and only after the doctor arrives will he decide on antiviral therapy. Only such an approach to therapeutic therapy will bring a quick effect and prevent the complication of viral pathologies.

Choose analogues together with the doctor, ask about everything that interests you, so that after the specialist leaves, there are no unanswered questions. Be healthy!

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