Self-training of dogs at home. Dog training at home: teaching basic commands How to train a dog at home

It does not matter that the puppy appeared in the house not so long ago, and one of its appearance is tender. Emotions should not distract from the main thing - raising a pet from the first moments of meeting him. Not all inexperienced dog breeders know how to train a dog at home correctly. The dog handlers recommendations below will help you understand the basics of a broad question.

Dog training performed by owners usually serves several purposes. Starting an occupation, the owner must set himself a specific goal, which he intends to achieve in the end. In general, any training of a four-legged friend is based on the following "whales" of training:

In the learning process, motivational means are used that play the role of some kind of gratitude for work. The maximum returns from the four-legged are achieved if he is immediately rewarded after the action done by order. Since it is correct to train a dog - it is not to make excessive hitches in actions, all the attributes involved in training are prepared in advance.

Restraining methods are called objects that attract attention. Why use things that extract a sharp sound - whistles, rattles from tin cans with stones, a bunch of keys. If the pet does not comply with the master's order, deserved attention is excluded for him - praise, stroking. They send him to the place, uttering the order in a stern voice.

When punishing a puppy, it is better to use the method of ignoring, which is recognized as more effective than punishing with physical force. Spanking is regarded by the dog as a game signal.

Since training a dog is considered a rather laborious task, the owner can also motivate himself for the training process. It is important to realize that it is always easier to teach a dog to proper behavior than to correct behavioral deviations later.

Preparing for training

For the first lesson, a collar with a leash and a favorite delicacy of the four-legged are prepared. In no case can dishes from the master's plate be considered as such. For this it is appropriate. For fussy eaters, you can buy “snacks” in pet supplies that are intended for training classes.

At first, it is advisable to conduct classes in an area familiar to the pet thoroughly. But there should be no distracting objects on it. In unfamiliar territory, the puppy is given time to get used to it.

An important principle of training is the absence of strangers and animals during training lessons. This makes the task easier, allows the puppy to concentrate better.

Teams for initial acquaintance

Training from the first minutes of mutual residence of the puppy with the owner is extremely necessary.

With a well-bred puppy, it is easier to organize walks and you do not have to be upset by his domestic pranks. First of all, it is important to teach the pet to know and respond to its name, not to respond to the order “Come to me!”, To know the place.

Before accustoming a dog to a nickname, they try to pronounce the name of the four-legged more often aloud in a tone in which favorable emotions would be heard. The regular naming of a nickname should serve as an incentive for the development of a response to recall to one's own name. After the appearance of such a reflex, the pet must be thanked at the initial stages.

Primary orders for training

"Beside". Since teaching a dog to walk nearby on a leash is just as important as the previous command, they train it systematically, conducting 4-5 sessions.

"Ugh". Means the order given to the dog when it is necessary to distract from the collected garbage. The implementation of the formulation allows you to save the health of the four-legged and the mass of nerve cells of the owner.

Exposure begins to train from the age of four months. This quality is useful at all training events with a pet and contributes to the control of the dog, the development of obedience in him.

In addition, important in the first training lessons are commands, the observance of which they certainly try to achieve from the puppy: give, sit and lie, stand, fetch, place, face.

"Give". The command is useful for any trained dog. This technique is of particular importance for service guards, whose purpose in life is solely to protect their master.

This team achieves not so much the ability to neutralize the attacker, but to release him upon arrest.

"Place". The dog must know about the existence of its own corner in the home. And by order of the dog breeder, an obedient dog must immediately go there. A puppy can fall asleep anywhere, but he must know his own.

"Aport". With the help of the wording, service pets are sent to search the area. That allows you to make their walk more active.

"Fas". Dangerous wording, it is categorically not recommended to teach it to a naughty animal. Before an adult dog can be trained with this command, it must diligently execute the commands noted before.

These orders reflect the list of commands for the basic four-legged pet training course.

Introduction to the elements of ammunition

Since it is recommended to accustom a dog to a leash and a collar when it reaches 1.5-2 months of life, taking the puppy home, they immediately start the educational process. It is much easier for a pet to adapt to unusual objects of ammunition at this time. They put them on the baby after the initial acquaintance and after the fall of interest in them.

First, ammunition on a small pet is left for a few minutes. At the same time, they try to distract the baby with a game maneuver. Teaching moments are made short, but regular.

Before you teach your dog to a leash, the animal must already be familiar with the collar. When the baby gets used to the idea of ​​wearing the first, you can move on to fastening another element - a leash. It is necessary to ensure its free hanging, trying to distract the quadruped.

Introduction to the place and booth

Some are interested in whether it is possible to train an adult dog, how to do it competently. You can teach something, but not everything. But you will have to stock up on a lot of time and remarkable patience. Therefore, it is recommended to attach a pet to the place from an early age. The main thing is to constantly keep the puppy's behavior under control, not to allow him to be in the house wherever he likes.

The task of the owner in this situation is to organize the place. Here it is allowed to place anything - a pillow, a rug, a blanket or a special soft house. The puppy is introduced to the place in advance. After falling asleep, the baby is transferred there every time. In this place, it is forbidden to do manipulations that provoke and leave unpleasant memories in the pet’s memory - cleaning the ears, combing, for example, if he is not a fan of these actions. All toys after the games are returned back to this corner. We must try to inspire a four-legged friend that this space is the most comfortable and safe of all in the apartment, belonging to him alone.

If you plan to keep it outdoors, you need to know how to accustom a dog to a booth in the yard.

You should not immediately put the dog on a chain. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to experience new living conditions and get used to them.

You can not immediately close the puppy or adult dog inside the booth. So the animal can develop a phobia for dark spaces.

It is necessary to choose suitable weather conditions before accustoming an adult dog to a booth or to a cage near the entrance to the dwelling. For example, pouring rain will help teach a dog to go inside on its own.
Whereas in the heat, nothing will make the animal do it.

It is best to engage in dog training in special courses. But not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, you have to take on the matter yourself. But don't worry. Dogs are intelligent animals and are easy to train with the right approach. What and how to do - read below.

Puppy training: where to start?

Before you demand something from a dog, you need remember a few simple rules:

  • Study the character of your pet. All dogs are different, each needs an individual approach to improve the effectiveness of training.
  • Clearly define the tasks that the dog must perform in the lesson.
  • Develop certain gestures and signals that your dog must obey. In no case do not change them during the learning process.
  • Reward each achievement of your pet with a small piece of treat.
  • Try to make the activities interesting for the dog. Play with her during breaks.
  • Dogs get tired too. Don't delay the lessons.

So that the dog obeys you and is easily trained, you need to befriend her. Your pet must trust you and not be afraid of anything. If you achieve this, then you can not worry about training. It will be all plain sailing.

Basic dog training methods

  1. Teaching with voice. This method is the best known. You need to teach your dog to respond to the sound of your voice. The pet must understand - if you said something, then your team must be followed by some action. Do not forget that dogs are good at distinguishing intonations. Practice your voice. When you give the command, he should be even, calm and unemotional. Do not change the intonation for commands, then the dog will get used to it and will understand that he must obey when you speak in this particular tone. Never yell at a dog, otherwise you will get the opposite effect of what you want.
  2. Training using a clicker. A clicker is a keychain with a clicking button. The click lets the dog know that he did exactly what he needed to do. To do this, you need to reinforce each click with a treat, then the pet develops a positive reflex to the clicker. This method prohibits the application of punishment. If the dog fails to execute the command, then you need to wait for the moment when he does everything right, and praise him with a click and a treat.
  3. Force training. If you decide to train your dog in this particular method, be sure to learn how to use the stimulus correctly. As an irritant, a jerk by a leash is usually used. In no case should the jerk cause harm to the dog! If the dog does not obey you when performing the command, then first make a light jerk. If it still doesn't work, then increase it until the pet completes the command. You don't need to make a big push. But too much softness will not bring results. You have to be tough, but not cruel. And don't forget about encouragement.

What is included in the obedience course

Basic training includes basic commands such as "to me", "near", "fu", "sit", "lie down". It is needed so that you can control the dog in any situation.

Also, the basic course is aimed at developing the skills necessary for further teaching the dog more serious commands that will make a real protector out of your friend.

Basic commands:

  • "To me". The most important command that allows you to keep your pet away from other dogs, cats and people. Also eliminates the need to catch up with a runaway dog.
  • "Place". This command is useful when you want the dog not to interfere and sit quietly in his corner, for example, if you are cleaning.
  • "Ugh". The pet should not chew foreign objects and skirts of women passing by. So this command is vital.
  • "Beside". Any dog ​​should be able to walk correctly next to the owner. Without this command, you simply cannot get out into the street for a walk: the dog will not let anyone pass.
  • "Walk". When you give the command, let your pet off the leash. It is better to do this in a place where an uneducated dog will not harm anyone.
  • "Sit" and "lie down". Usually used when traveling by public transport. Or when the dog has to wait a long time for you.
  • "It is forbidden". Don't let your dog bark, beg for food, or snap at you for no reason. This command is needed in such cases.
  • "Face". Any dog ​​will always protect its owner. But she can draw the wrong conclusions and try to attack the wrong person. Train your dog to protect you when needed.

Getting Started with Dog Training

First of all the dog is accustomed to the place. They do it at home, of course. We also teach the pet the “come to me” command when we call him to eat. Be sure to call him by his nickname, he must respond to her. After that, at home, we teach the dog the commands “sit”, “lie down”, “fu”, “no” and others.

Problems usually arise when the pet goes outside. If he obeyed you at home, then outside his walls he, drugged by sudden freedom, can behave unpredictably. In general, dog training at home and on the street are two different things. At first, you definitely can’t do without a leash.

Time for training you can choose any, the main thing is that it is not hot outside. Stock up on plenty of treats, take water, and find a quiet spot to keep your dog as little distracted as possible.

The first lessons should last no more than half an hour, gradually increase their duration to an hour or an hour and a half. Spend no more than twenty minutes learning one command, otherwise the pet will get bored. Let the dog walk for a bit and move on to the next one. Try to mix the order of learning teams every day - this has a positive effect on the effectiveness of training.

  • Before you start training your dog outside, let him familiarize himself with the area. So she will feel calmer, and training will go easier.
  • It is also helpful to let the dog run before the activity. Tired, she will concentrate better on commands, which will greatly simplify the learning process.
  • No need to repeat the command five times in three seconds, otherwise your pet will be confused.
  • Make sure that all commands are carried out with pleasure and without fear. If you notice that the dog is frightened, then most likely you were being unnecessarily strict. Stop training to let your pet calm down. The next day, start again, making everything a little softer.
  • Gradually complicate the situation. The dog should obey you not only in a quiet place, but also in case of unforeseen situations.
  • Make sure that the dog obeys all family members.

Video about dog training at home

Other questions, such as when and how to apply a strict collar or how to deal with your pet's aggression towards other dogs, you can discuss with our readers. Share with us your experience dog training!

Beginning dog breeders do not know how to train a dog at home. Many of them think that it is completely impossible. In fact, home training is possible. But for her success, a novice dog breeder must work with a puppy, and not with an adult dog. Of course, an experienced trainer will cope with an adult dog, but beginners cannot do it.

Even when training a puppy at home, the owner of the animal will have to show remarkable diligence and patience. Without these qualities, it is simply impossible to achieve obedience and fulfillment of all commands even from a puppy.

What do you need to train your pet at home? The article will tell about it.

Dog breeds that are easy to train

Before buying a puppy of a certain breed, beginners are advised to find out how well it will respond to training. Dogs, like people, have their own personalities. Some are naturally obedient, while others are stubborn or play pranks.

It's believed that The following breeds are best suited for training:

Goals and methods of training

Puppy training at home needed to achieve the following goals:

  • The dog must learn to obey his master unquestioningly. She must understand that this is a real leader;
  • during training, the owner will get to know his pet better and will know how he will behave in various situations;
  • social adaptation of the pet. Training will teach your puppy to get along with other pets.

Before the start of training, the owner of the puppy must clearly understand what he intends to receive after the end of the training course.

During class you can use special items: motivational or restraining. 2 main training methods are based on their use.


This method is considered the main one. It allows you to quickly teach the dog the right commands, this work will be extremely enjoyable. When using encouragement, a trusting relationship is established between the owner and the puppy.

During training it is necessary to encourage all the actions of the animal leading to the achievement of the set result. Incentives can be used:

  • various delicacies;
  • reassuring stroking;
  • voice praise;
  • short game.


The owner of the animal must be prepared to contain the pet. You can do this using the following methods:

  • the use of objects that distract the attention of the dog: keys, rattles, special clickers, etc.;
  • if the animal does not follow the command, the owner stops paying attention to it.

It is worth noting that restraining methods only work on older puppies no younger than 4 months old. If the animal is unbalanced, this technique should not be used.

You can not train a pet using physical force. It has been proven that the usual ignoring effect on the dog is much more effective than physical punishment.

But in some cases, the use of physical force is indispensable. For example, the owner scolded the puppy, but he growls and bares his teeth in response. In this case, you can take him by the scruff of the neck, shake him well and scold him. If, after such a punishment, the pet takes a pose of submission, it means that he understood everything, and he can be trained further.

It should also be remembered that reward, like punishment, should be immediate. If you punish or reward a puppy half an hour after the act, the animal will not be able to link the event with the owner's action. As a result, the dog breeder got a nervous pet who will not know what to expect from the owner. Perhaps in the future it will develop into aggression.

Preparation for training

Before you begin to teach a dog, its owner must thoroughly prepare. You need to understand that training is not entertainment, but real, sometimes hard work, which can stretch for many months of daily training. Therefore, a person must make his own schedule. For the selected hours, the owner of the dog should have no other business than training.

For the first lesson, you need to prepare the following items:

You need to start training your dog by choosing a place. It should be quiet, away from roads and preferably fenced. If the puppy has never been to this place before, you need to give him a few days to get to know him.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no strangers and dogs nearby during classes. They will distract the pet from training.

How to train a dog at home?

Practicing basic commands

Primarily, the pet must remember its name. To do this, you need to start communicating with him, as with a small child. That is, when serving food, be sure to call the puppy with your voice, calling him by his nickname. Attached the leash to the collar, again called the puppy by name. All phrases should be as short as possible, and then the dog will remember the nickname very quickly. After that, it is enough to call the pet so that he immediately turns his head towards the owner or runs towards him.

After learning the nickname, the puppy should be taught to the leash. If the pet belongs to the decorative breeds of dogs, he needs to buy not a collar, but a harness.

When putting on a harness or collar for the first time the pet can be very frightened. You should be prepared for this. In order for the pet to get used to the new accessory, you need to let it walk around or play with it. After that, the accessory can be removed and immediately reward the puppy for good behavior. After the pet understands that putting on a collar or harness is associated with a walk, he himself will bring this accessory to the owner.

As for the leash, the dogs do not pay attention to it.

Fu Team

You also need to teach your pet the basic prohibition. Without this command, many dangers lie in wait for the dog on the streets of modern cities.

The puppy must remember what is forbidden to him:

To stop the unwanted actions of the pet, its owner gives the command "Fu" by voice. In the event that the training takes place on the street, the voice command is accompanied by a short jerk of the leash. At home, you can slap the puppy on the butt with a newspaper. It is necessary not to forget after unconditional submission to praise and encourage the pet.

Team "Come"

You can teach the puppy this command only after he learns his own nickname.

Training takes place in the following order:

  • the owner pronounces the name of the pet - he must look at the person;
  • after that, the owner shows the animal a delicacy and steps aside, after which he says the command “Come to me”;
  • if the dog runs up, you need to give her a treat and praise.

It is best to start training indoors. Strengthen the team should be during training in the fresh air. There, the pet will be hindered by distractions, but if he copes with them, this means that the command is finally learned.

You can not call the command "Come to me" a pet for punishment. Otherwise, the dog will simply stop obeying.

"Sit" command

You can train this team both at home and on the street. For this you need call the dog with a suitable command, and when it comes up, start pressing on the pet's croup with the palm of your hand, forcing him to sit down. With your free hand, you need to show the puppy an open palm, placed vertically. After the animal sits, you need to remove your hands and say the command “Sit.” several times. If the pet remains in place, it should be encouraged. If the animal gets up after lowering its arms, it must be stopped with the “No” command. After this, the exercise is repeated.

"Stop" command

To train her pet should be in 2 stages.

At the first stage, the puppy is forced to stand up. Then put on a leash and give the command "Sit". After that, pull on the leash, forcing the pet to stand up. At the same time, they give the command “Stand” and show the animal an open palm directed parallel to the floor.

In the second stage, the pet must learn to stop when any threat appears. The best way to teach your dog is outdoors using a leash. You need to give the command "Stand" and move away from the pet. If she remains in place, then she needs to be praised and encouraged. If it follows the owner, you need to stop it with the “No” command and start the exercise again.

Team "Place"

The easiest way to teach a puppy this team. You need to take the pet to its bedding, give the “Place” command and reward it with a treat. After a couple of weeks, the puppy will quickly run to the litter, having heard a familiar command.

Team "Aport"

To get started you need simply teach the animal to take an object in its mouth and give it back on the “Give” command. For each correct task, the puppy should be given a treat.

At the second stage of training you need to put the subject on the floor and give the command "Aport". The dog must take the object in its mouth and not let go until the owner gives the “Give” command.

At the third stage of training the owner orders the puppy to “Stand”, and he himself steps aside, where he puts the bait on the floor. After giving the command “Aport”, the dog must pick up the object and take it to the owner.

The fourth stage of training - final. The owner throws the subject to the side and at the same time holds the dog by the collar. Then he gives the command "Aport" and releases the pet. The latter must bring the subject to the owner.

Finally some practical advice from training professionals:

It's no secret that dogs are smart animals. They are easy to train, so you can teach the dog to follow commands even at home. You just need to know the basics of the psychology of training.

Where to begin

In order to prepare for the first lesson, you will need to stock up on a collar, a leash and a dog treat. Treats during training are mandatory and necessary for additional motivation of the animal. After all, how else can you show your pet that he is doing the right thing?

Where are dogs trained? The place must be chosen based on whether the dog knows the area. If the place is unfamiliar, then before starting, you should give the animal the opportunity to sniff it to make sure it is safe and not a threat. This is important because it will be difficult for the dog to train in an unknown place.

During training, you need to stay alone with the dog. This condition must be observed so that the animal is not distracted from the execution of commands.


Dry food can be used as a treat. It is well transported and does not get your hands dirty. But if your dog does not want food, then you can use any other treat that your pet prefers. Now you can even buy special cookies for training.


To prepare your dog for the training process, run a few laps with him around the stadium and walk him well. But as for the time, it is better to choose it for yourself. In the summer, during the daytime, it is better not to train, but if that's when you have free time, stock up on water.

Basic principles of training

The total time of classes should not exceed an hour, but it is better to split it into several small approaches. For example: give her a command, after completing it, let her run, and then continue what she started. For the entire time of training, the dog must fulfill all your commands.

The main commands that are included in the basic training complex include:

  • Team to me. This is the first task that the dog must perform. She studies in a complex with a call by nickname. Call the dog by its name and lure it with a treat, after completing it, be sure to praise the animal.
  • The team is nearby. For this task you will need a collar.
  • Sit command. Can be learned in tandem with the previous task.
  • Lie down command. Be sure to teach this dog only after learning to sit, a treat will come to the rescue.
  • Aport. This is a more complex command, along with it you can teach the dog to guard the place.
  • Exposure for the dog. This is the main thing that an animal needs to learn. After all, your dog will need endurance to complete your other tasks.
  • Fu and give commands. The first is needed in order to prohibit the dog from doing anything, and the second to wean it from picking up unnecessary things from the ground.

At what age are dogs trained?

If your dog is still a puppy, then you need to train him from the first days of being in the house. However, the age of the dog must also be taken into account. Training should start from three months, until that time teach him to walk with a collar, respond to the nickname, follow the command to me and teach him to use the toilet.

After the dog has mastered the initial commands, move on to the next step, but repeat the steps. As a new task, teach the puppy the command give. This can be useful after he picks up something from the floor or the ground.

After reaching the age of three, repeat everything previously learned. At this age, the dog is easy to train in a playful way.

Small dog training

If you have a small dog, then it will be easier to train it than a large one. Since small dogs love to run at any age, the very first command may be "to me." This will definitely come in handy if your pet runs too far.

Usually small breeds become real family members. And so the next command should be "place". It is she who will teach your dog in the future not to run around the beds or not to sleep with the owners.

You can also teach your dog the commands: fu, close, and hold. These are the main tasks that a small breed dog should face.

Should you train an adult dog?

It often happens that not a puppy is taken into the house, but an adult dog. Can an adult dog be trained? It is possible, but it will take more time than usual. If the dog is old, this means that you will first need to eradicate his old habits, and only then accustom him to new ones.

How to train an adult dog:

  • All commands are pronounced in a clear and calm tone.
  • For the correct completion of the task, praise her, stroke or treat her with delicious treats.
  • Pay attention to gestures. A dog needs to understand more than just voice commands.
  • During training, never use aggression towards the animal. Do not scold the dog and do not beat. This can lead to the development of fear.

How to train a hunting dog

As for the training of hunting dogs, then you have to work. In such breeds, some manifestations of character should be suppressed. A dog of a hunting breed will not work without proper training and education.

Azam should devote time from 6 to 9 months. During this period, dogs need to be trained to obey, taught clearly, you can’t follow commands and quit, and also teach a team to me by whistle or horn.

As early as 10 months, you can start learning special teams. That is to teach the dog to hunt. The connection between the dog and the hunter is important here. On the one hand, she should not be afraid of the owner, and on the other hand, be obedient and not get lost in different situations.

Hunting dogs have the ability to accumulate experience and match behavior, so you should not treat such an animal as a collection of reflexes. Hunting breeds are characterized by the presence of a powerful intellect.

Most trained dogs

Everyone knows that each type of dog is characterized by certain traits of character, behavior and learning ability. The best dog breeds that are easy to train include:

  • German bear. Good-natured and calm. It is necessary to train from a very early age, in order to avoid the manifestation of a difficult character in the future.
  • Italian Cane Corso. An ideal watchdog, remembers a large number of commands, but may have difficulty communicating with other breeds.
  • Basset hound. Mobile, agile and hardy. They love children.
  • German Shepherd. Balanced and dedicated.
  • Russian black terrier. Aggressive and distrustful. It is easy to train, but only a strong-willed person who can show the dog a place should train.
  • Maltese. They are easy to train, but belong to decorative breeds.

General rules for self-training

With the right approach, any breed of dog can be trained, regardless of age. To learn the commands correctly, you must follow the following rules:

  • Carry out training in stages.
  • Reward the dog.
  • Show firmness of character in relation to the animal, but not aggression.
  • Understand the nature of your pet.

If you are persistent and devote a lot of time and attention to your four-legged friend, teaching him commands, rules of conduct, then he will definitely become the best companion for you on the path of life. Remember, it's never too late to start training! In addition, you can teach your pet all the necessary skills yourself if you listen to our recommendations.

A story about dog training at home.

How to train a dog at home

Dog training at home is the training of an animal in certain disciplines, skills and exercises. It is necessary to engage in the upbringing and training of a dog from the moment it appears in the house. From the first days of communication with the dog, it is necessary to let her know that she must always obey her master.

Dog training at home is a responsible and time-consuming task, however, by following simple rules, you can quickly achieve the desired result. How to train a dog at home, you will be prompted by simple rules, the implementation of which will give the desired result.

The most suitable period for mastering commands is considered to be the period. It falls on the puppy's age period from 8 to 12 weeks. The first lesson should not be long, but effective. Exercising with a dog for more than 5-10 minutes is not recommended. It is better to repeat the workout several times a day. Your behavior and tone of voice should arouse interest in the puppy. During this period, he must master the commands “Come to me!” and "Location!". After each successful execution of the technique, the dog should be encouraged with a treat and stroked, repeating the word "good". When the puppy gets used to this word, a treat can be given after a few repetitions of the reception.

Team "Place!" should appear in the puppy along with his nickname. Each time you say this word out loud, lay your pet on its bed. It is good if in the place allotted to him there is some kind of soft rag that the puppy can get used to. In the future, it can be used to indicate the place of protection.

The basis of the dog's obedience to the owner is the command "Come to me!". Saying the puppy's name, say the command. If the pet approaches you slowly, then run back, this will speed up its movement. The assimilation of this command is very important, since its use will be everyday.

Violent methods of correcting behavior and training are not acceptable. Pay close attention to the dog's reactions and do not injure his nervous system. Before training, do not feed the animal, it is better if it is a little hungry. By following these simple rules, dog training at home will be easy and effective.

Starting from the age of two months, the puppy can be taught to the “Sit!” command. Call your pet to you, show him a treat in your hand and raise it so that the puppy can only see it while sitting. As soon as the pet sits, give the command “Sit!”, praise him and give him a reward. If the dog does not sit down on its own, you can push it a little.

The command "Lie down!" performed from the sitting position of the dog. To do this, hold the puppy by the withers and take his front paws forward, while repeating the command "Lie down!". After completing the technique, the dog is encouraged with a treat. To train the “Stop!” command, lift the puppy by the belly with your hand and hold it so that it does not lie down again, while repeating the command.

At the age of 3 months and older, the puppy can be taught to the team "Near!". To teach this command, put a collar with a short leash on the puppy and place it at the left leg. Hold the leash about 20 cm away from the collar. Clearly give the command "Next!" and pull up the leash. When the puppy tries to move away from you, pull on the leash and give the command. Then loosen the leash and let the puppy move freely around you.

If you do not start training and raising a dog for up to a year, then in the future you can get a completely uncontrollable animal. Dogs can be trained at any age, but the later you start to do this, the more difficult it will be to achieve results. Dog training at home can be carried out as part of a general training course and include simple ones, including the commands described above. To train a dog for a special training course, you will need the help of an experienced instructor, and training dogs at home here will not bring the desired result.

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