Recipe for a soft hookah with milk: the best proportions. Hookah with milk - distinctive features and preparation

Smoking hookah has become for many a great way to relax and unwind after a hard week of work. A milk hookah is a great way to improve the smoking process, making it softer and more gentle than a regular water hookah. Everyone knows how to cook a hookah, but how exactly to make it remains a mystery to many. This is exactly what will be discussed in our article.

Differences from a hookah on the water

The differences between hookah on water and on milk are significant. Due to its structure and higher density, milk is much better at filtering out the smoke passing through it. This is what makes it more tender and pleasant. Moreover, dizziness and sore throat when you smoke a hookah with milk are practically absent.

But do not think that if milk filters the smoke more deeply, then it becomes harmless.

In the homeland of the hookah, filling the flask with milk was considered a mortal sin, for which they could easily be executed.

There are no exact studies on this issue, and it is impossible to say with absolute certainty, but there is an opinion that because of such a filter, substances that enter the body along with smoke are absorbed by the walls of the mucous membranes of the body much more strongly. But in general, smoking a hookah on water and on milk equally affects the human body.

But the question is whose milk, cow's or goat's, is suitable for a hookah with milk. The answer is simple, anyone. The difference lies only in the smell, in the case of goat's milk, its smell will completely discourage the desire to repeat the evening, and even the aroma of tobacco is unable to kill this stench. Cow's milk is more forgiving and you won't smell much. Otherwise, there is no difference.

Another common misconception is that, unlike hookah, which is made on water, the milk version may be suitable for pregnant women. As mentioned above, there is no difference in the effect on the body, and everything that the mother inhales with smoke directly goes to the baby. Moreover, during pregnancy it is not advisable to even be in the same room with smokers, not to mention direct smoking. Such myths cannot be trusted.

How to cook a hookah with milk

Cooking hookah with milk is quite simple. Its difference from the classic version is in filling the flask with different liquids, and everything else remains unchanged. But the preparation and choice of the milk itself play a significant role in the pleasure received.

The first is the choice of milk. Please note that this is not water and tends to churn, spoil and foam while bubbling. To avoid this, you need to choose only skimmed milk, it will foam much less, the fat content should be 0.5-1%, more is not desirable.

If you want to achieve the perfect result, hookah with milk needs to be made a little diluted. Milk in its pure form will not give you the desired result, so dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 2, where milk is 1. You can also add some ice and cool the milk in the refrigerator just before smoking. So the smoke will become even softer and softer.

It is very important that water is poured into the flask first, and after that, milk is already added to the water, otherwise the fact that you diluted the contents does not matter, and there will still be a lot of foam.

If you feel sorry for the money for milk, you can use dry. Just dilute it in water and pour the required amount of liquid into the flask, the result will surprise you. To emphasize the taste of tobacco and make it even more interesting, you can add a little instant coffee, cocoa or a coffee drink to the milk, not all tobacco flavors are suitable for this.

To become a master on a par with professionals and cook a hookah no worse than experienced specialists, you need to have skill and dexterity. To do this, try to cook hookah as often as possible and each time make some changes and try something special. It is experience that makes a hookah master a master of his craft! To please yourself and your loved ones, find an individual way to cook the perfect hookah!

Hookah with milk is becoming more and more popular every day. Milk in the flask contributes to the fact that the hookah is more tender and softer than usual. Smoke when inhaled is thick, rich and more pleasant to the taste.

Most importantly, this hookah will appeal to both men and women, and its smoking will appeal to both experienced smokers and beginners who picked up a pipe for the first time. In this article, we will tell you how to make a hookah with milk, what kind of tobacco to use, what proportions of water and milk should be, and other nuances.

What kind of milk for hookah should be used?

There are many opinions about which milk is better to use for hookah. Experienced hookah users prefer milk with a low fat content, since using a product with a high fat content can lead to excessive foaming, as a result of which the entire hose will fill with foam.

When smoking a hookah, the liquid in the flask begins to boil, clearing the smoke. If there is pure milk in the flask, then from seething it will begin to whip and foam will form. A fatty product will whip faster and instead of smoking a hookah and a pleasant smoke, you will get a milkshake in a flask and even in a hose. That's why it's important to use low fat milk.

Also, to reduce the amount of foam, milk is diluted with water. Therefore, if the substance in the hookah starts to foam, just add some more water to the flask. In some hookahs, milk is added only for color, using a small amount of it. But such a hookah will have a different taste.

Any milk can be used, only you need to take into account that cow's almost does not smell, and goat's has a peculiar smell and in most cases they will refuse it.

To make a hookah with milk, you can take the following proportions.

Fill one third of the flask with milk, and the remaining two thirds with water. If you take fatter milk, then the proportions must be changed and take one-fourth of the product and three-fourths of water. You can try a different aspect ratio to your liking.

You can also use dry milk. To do this, before use, it must be diluted with water.

Hookah with milk which tobacco to use.

We figured out the proportions of the liquid in the flask, now let's start choosing tobacco. Here you can experiment and try the taste that you like or something new.

I would like to note that when using the same tobacco, the taste of a hookah with milk and smoke will differ from a classic hookah. The most delicious solution would be to put tobacco with coffee, chocolate, cappuccino flavors into the bowl and at the same time add a small amount of coffee or cocoa to the flask. This action will change the taste of your hookah, give it a unique aroma.

As for fruit flavors, it is worth giving preference to banana, strawberry, peach, raspberry, orange or apple.

How to cook a hookah with milk

The most important thing when preparing a milk hookah is to follow the correct sequence of actions.

First, fill the container with water, then check the amount of water poured using the shaft. Next, slowly add the milk in a thin stream. ? The answer is simple, the shaft should be immersed in the cocktail formed by us no deeper than 2-3 cm.

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Adding milk to water is a must, since the reverse action will produce a large volume of foam.
Experienced hookah workers advise adding ice to the flask. Hookah will become softer and more tender, and you can smoke it longer. You can also add a tablespoon of salt to the flask. The liquid will not foam and the taste will not be affected.

You can smoke such a hookah for about 5-6 hours, until the milk turns sour. But the liquid in the flask is worth changing if you want to try another tobacco.

Any new taste is welcome. However, real gourmets and connoisseurs of this type of smoking, over time, get tired of different tastes and mixes, and start looking for something more interesting. For example, they will learn how to properly prepare a hookah with milk in order to get the desired taste. To do this, you need to know how to cook a hookah with milk, what proportions to use, how much milk to add to a hookah flask, what kind of milk to use, how to fill a hookah with milk, how to fill a hookah with milk correctly and what tobacco is suitable for this recipe.

What is the difference an ordinary hookah from a hookah with milk? In the second, the filtering liquid is not water, but milk. Now such a hookah is gaining popularity, and collects quite good reviews.

How best to make a hookah with milk - tips

If you are making a hookah for the first time, then before you start, you can watch various videos and photo instructions that will help you better understand the cooking process. Also, be sure to use the following tips:

  1. First of all, the hookah should be washed well and thoroughly. To do this, you need to lower the flask under the waste water for some time, as well as substitute other hookah parts under the water. Only then can you start assembling;
  2. the next step is to pour milk into the flask, then attach it to the shaft by immersing the tube two to four centimeters into the milk. Important! It is better to dilute milk with water, as it is too thick and will significantly impede cravings, bringing only discomfort.Remember that the deeper you lower the tube into the liquid, the cleaner the smoke will be, but the draft will also be heavier;
  3. Next, you need to heat up the coal. To do this, it is necessary to place the cubes on a heated tile and leave it there for 5-7 minutes. You will understand that the coal can already be removed when the third part of the fire turns orange. Then you can shift the coal into the hookah bowl;
  4. be sure to pay attention to the choice of tobacco for smoking. Now in the world you can find a variety of tastes that can also be combined into mixes. The most important thing is to buy tobacco of a good and high-quality company, since the taste when smoking a hookah depends on it;
  5. a hookah bowl already filled with tobacco should be covered with foil, making small holes in it. Some like to make up to 20 gypsy holes, others like to make many very thin holes. It practically does not affect smoking, the main thing is to leave the middle whole.

That's it, you can start smoking hookah with milk. Interestingly, hookah prepared with this liquid tastes much softer than any other. Also, if you have followed all the steps correctly, then you will get white and thick smoke, the shisha will not be bitter. By the way, water can also be replaced with other drinks - tea, juices or alcohol, for lovers of extreme smoking.

Nowadays, one of the ways to relax or even just kill time is to visit hookah bars. They are colorful, with soft sofas, calm music and light smoke - a real atmosphere of relaxation. You can smoke a hookah, drink a cup of tea, chat with friends.

But do not forget that hookah, like cigarettes, is harmful to your health!

If you have a hookah at home, then you do not need to spend money on hookahs. You just need to properly prepare the tobacco and fill it.

But it is very important when buying a hookah to understand operating principle and its components. It consists of:

Operating principle:

Hot coals heat tobacco, and evaporation and smoke formation occurs, it consists of essential oils and glycerin. Further, the smoke passes through the shaft and cools in it, falling into the water. Water is a filter and also a cooler, and oils condense, a suspension forms. This is what the smoker inhales through the pipe.

Hookah on the water

No special tricks are needed to make it at home.

The main thing is to buy good quality tobacco:

  • A. L. Fakher
  • Fumari
  • Starbuzz

These brands of tobacco are expensive and good. In general, there are a lot of types of tobacco and many different tastes. The range is very large!

The most common is Serbetli. This is Turkish tobacco, famous and inexpensive. Slightly worse in quality than the brands outlined above. But even with it you can cook a delicious hookah. It's just that tobacco burns out faster, and it has less strength, more aromatic additives, and less nicotine.

How to brew hookah at home:

You can fill the flask with different liquids: water, milk, wine, champagne.

Cooking with milk

Milk should be low fat. And you will still need to dilute it with water. Proportions: 1 part milk and 2 parts water. Dilution with water prevents foaming.

There is no evidence that milk softens anything. Slightly changes the taste when smoking.

How to brew hookah

Tobacco should not be heated with coals, but with hot air.

Is hookah harmful?

A hookah is a vessel for smoking with a filter - water. A 50g pack contains 25g of nicotine. One pack is enough for 4 times. It turns out that at one time you consume 6.25 g of nicotine. And in cigarettes it contains 0.8 g, everything else is resin. But there is less tar in tobacco, and tobacco is considered purer than that added to cigarettes. This smoking device can be used by more than one person at a time, so the 6.25 g dose can also be divided by the number of people who smoke with you. But still it will be more than in cigarettes.

However, there are tars in cigarettes that cause direct harm to health. And they are not in tobacco. And the hookah is not smoked all the time, but once a day or even less often, unlike cigarettes, and the water absorbs some of the smoke. It is best to smoke it on the water. Alcohol is doubly harmful. Since smoking constricts blood vessels, and alcohol dilates, it introduces your body into stress.

Visiting hookahs or just smoking a hookah is a good reason to relax. If this is not abused, then the harm to the body will be minimal.

Hookah with milk different from other types of soft and delicate taste, which will appeal to everyone. The simplicity of its preparation allows both experienced smokers and beginners to enjoy a light and pleasant smoke.

Choice of milk

For hookah, you can use cow, goat or mare's milk. A person who is not accustomed to the specific smell and taste of the last two types should refrain from using them.

Milk with a low fat content (less than 1%) should be chosen so that foam does not form when the liquid is bubbling.

You can mix milk and water in any proportions, while the optimal ratio is 1:2, i.e. water should occupy at least 2/3 of the total liquid volume. This will reduce the chance of foam formation.

The more water added to hookah with milk the stronger the flavor will be. At the same time, a thinner mixture will not foam. In some establishments, milk is added quite a bit, just for color. Such a narghile will almost not differ in taste from a simple one on the water.

The liquid is cooled before being poured into the flask. This does not affect the degree of filtration, but cool smoke is less harmful to the body. To keep the mixture at a low temperature, some ice is added to it.

The liquid is changed as often as possible (every 3-4 hours) so that it does not have time to turn sour. Also, the flask is refilled when changing the flavor of the tobacco mixture.

You can cook nargile with dried milk. To do this, in a separate container 1 tbsp. l. product pour 2 tbsp. l. water and mix thoroughly. The resulting slurry is diluted to a liquid consistency, after which it is poured in a thin stream into a flask filled with water.

How to cook hookah with milk

To get a good narghile, you need to use cold skimmed milk. Otherwise, a cocktail is formed in the flask. Reduce foaming will help 1 tbsp. l. salt. The addition of seasoning will not affect the taste in any way.

Do hookah with milk at home is not difficult. To do this, cool water is poured into the flask. Then, observing the proportions, add milk. There should be enough liquid to cover the smoking pipe by 3 cm. The filled hookah is tightly closed.

The bottom of the bowl in the upper part of the hookah must be covered with a layer of thin foil, after which holes should be made in it with a needle or any other thin sharp object. Such additional protection will protect the throat from burns and make the hookah taste softer.

Before putting tobacco into the bowl, you need to straighten the leaves. This is done so that it burns evenly. The tobacco placed in the bowl is covered with another layer of foil with holes. 2 pieces of coal heated over an open fire are placed on top.

Before submitting hookah with milk, it must be lit.

In the process of smoking, you need to monitor the coal: periodically turn it over with tongs and shake off the resulting ash.

It is important to remember that after each session, all the elements of the hookah must be washed, since the remains of the mixture dried in the flask are difficult to wipe off. The slightest stain left can cause an unpleasant sour smell the next time you use the hookah.

For a good milk narguile, changes in the flask alone are not enough, since some types of tobacco are only suitable for smoking on water.

The hookah recipe with milk involves the use of tobacco with delicate sweet flavors - strawberry, melon, coconut or vanilla. When choosing a chocolate or cappuccino flavor, it is recommended to add 1 tsp. cocoa or instant coffee.

Is it harmful hookah with milk?

Many believe that milk narguile is not harmful. However, on the contrary, this type of hookah has a more tangible negative effect on the body. This is due to the fact that the harmful components that enter the lungs with milk are not excreted from the body, but settle on the walls and begin to decompose over time. That's why hookah with milk do not smoke often. To make narghile on water have a milder taste, just add a slice of lemon to the flask or pre-cool the hose.

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