Treatment of the common cold in dogs. What to do if the dog has snot - the necessary treatment

Probably, there is not a single person on Earth who would not know about such a problem as a runny nose. A constant flow from the nose, a burning sensation and dryness of the mucous membranes, the inability to freely inhale air - these are just some of the symptoms of a runny nose or rhinitis, as the disease is otherwise called. But a runny nose happens not only with us, but also with our four-legged pets - dogs. And of course, animals suffer from the inability to breathe well no less than people.

Causes of dog runny nose

There are plenty of reasons why a dog has a runny nose and an animal sneezes a hundred times a day. Here are the most common ones:
  • Hypothermia. If the dog got wet and froze in the rain; for a long time I walked on the street, where the temperature is below zero; bathed, but not dried; slept in a draft, a runny nose can easily appear due to a violation of thermoregulation. In this case, the discharge from the nose will be transparent, maybe (up to 39-39.5 degrees) and fever, sneezing and coughing;
  • Bacterial and viral infections. If rhinitis provoked the introduction of viruses or bacteria into the body, initially transparent nasal discharge a few days after the onset of the disease will turn into purulent (yellow or greenish, sometimes with red blood streaks), and their consistency will change from liquid to thick. In addition to runny nose, the dog may have watery eyes, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Animal oppressed, and sometimes water. Dry crusts may appear on the nose, which, together with a runny nose, will make breathing difficult, this will make the dog breathe heavily, possibly even through the mouth;
  • Allergy. The dog's immune system can perceive as an enemy, for example, house dust, plant pollen, care products (shampoos, sprays, etc.). In addition to clear discharge from the nasal passages, the animal will most likely experience sneezing, swelling of the mucous membrane, coughing, inflammation of the eyes and tearing. In some situations, with allergies in animals, even stomach and intestinal disorders are observed;
  • Reaction to strong-smelling substances. The scents of the owner's perfume, campfire smoke, gasoline, thinner, chemical cleaners with chlorine, and many other odors can cause the animal to produce increased secretion of clear mucus from the nose. The dog scratches its nose with its paws, sneezes, does it have snot? Perhaps the situation is that the pet has inhaled some strong and unpleasant (for a dog's sense of smell) smell;
  • The introduction of a foreign object into the nasal passages. Pets, in order to recognize what is in front of them, explore unfamiliar objects with the help of their scent. It is not surprising that, quite calmly, a dog can inhale, for example, small parts of a children's designer, blades of grass, pebbles, threads. In this case, the animal is likely to flow from only one nostril (if the mucous membranes are damaged, there may be bloody discharge from the nose). The dog will sneeze, rub his nose with his paw, shake his head;
  • Neoplasms in the nasal cavity (tumors, polyps, cysts). If there are problems of this kind, in addition to nasal discharge, the animal will have pain, difficulty breathing. The dog will try to bring air into the nostrils with frequent rubbing with its paws. Allocations can be either transparent or purulent or bloody;
  • Mechanical damage or congenital disorders of the oral cavity and nasal sinuses(cleft palate, broken nose or jaw). If the dog has ever been in a bind with damage to the olfactory organs, it may have a runny nose, have breathing problems (the animal sniffs and snorts, often breathes through the mouth);
  • Organ diseases genitourinary and endocrine systems, liver, heart, inflammation of the ears and eyes, helminthic or flea infestations. By themselves, these ailments will not cause rhinitis, but they will negatively affect the state of the dog's immunity. In other words, the body of an animal exhausted by a disease (for example, kidney problems) will not be able to resist an infection that can cause a runny nose. In addition, rhinitis can develop in a too young or old animal, whose immunity is not so strong.

Common cold symptoms in dogs

As we found out, nasal discharge can vary in intensity, consistency, color, depending on the cause of the runny nose. However, common symptoms of a runny nose in dogs are:
  • Nasal discharge (clear to yellow or green, sometimes bloody);
  • Labored breathing;
  • Snoring, snoring during sleep;
  • Attempts to improve breathing with paws;
  • The appearance of painful crusts on the nose with a prolonged runny nose;
  • Decreased appetite;
  • Deterioration of scent;
  • sneezing;
  • Lachrymation.

How to help a dog with a cold

What to do if your dog has a runny nose? How to help a pet without harming it? First, first you need to find out what exactly caused the runny nose. Did your dog get caught in a torrential downpour a day or two ago? Perhaps it's the cold. Or, for example, did the nose of an animal recently get hurt in a fight? Then a runny nose could cause the injury.

Secondly, the owner should carefully examine the pet, illuminating the nasal passages with a flashlight. If a foreign body is stuck there, it is necessary to remove it with tweezers, trying not to hurt the dog. If you can't manage on your own, you should contact your veterinarian.

Thirdly, it is important to observe the animal. Thick viscous discharge from the nose, apathy, refusal to eat, gastrointestinal disorders, heavy breathing are serious reasons to see a doctor as soon as possible to save the dog. With a "harmless" runny nose, this does not happen.

If the dog is cheerful, active, has not lost interest in food, and transparent snot flows from its nose for no more than 2-3 days, you should not worry: the animal will most likely overcome the runny nose on its own. However, if the dog's nose has been flowing for more than 3 days, and the discharge has changed color and consistency, it's time to take action. Consider, how to treat a runny nose in a dog:

  1. If it is difficult for the dog to breathe from the secretions present in the nose, you can remove them with cotton swabs (preferably with a limiter) dipped in warm boiled water;
  2. When crusts form on the nose of an animal suffering from a runny nose, they should be carefully removed with a cotton pad soaked in water, chamomile decoction, 3% hydrogen peroxide. To prevent the appearance of dry crusts in the future, it is advisable to smear the nose with petroleum jelly or oxolin ointment after treatment (removal of the crust);
  3. If, with a runny nose, the animal's nose constantly dries, it is treated with crushed tablets or streptocide powder;
  4. You can help the dog by putting a bag of heated salt (or sand) on his nose for a few minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day;
  5. Human nasal drops for dogs from a cold should not be instilled. The only exception is natural-based oil drops or sprays (like Pinosol or Eucasept). They can be used for dogs in rare cases, if the nose completely "refuses" to breathe;
  6. Strengthen the immunity of the animal, and at the same time start the fight against infection, you can use the "Maxidin" tool, which should be instilled into the dog's nostrils (1-2 drops) 2-3 times a day;
  7. Sometimes the animal is treated with folk remedies: alternate or chamomile decoctions, carrot or beet juice are instilled into the nostrils. Coltsfoot or violet decoctions can be used to wash the dog's nose;
  8. It is not bad to support the animal's body with vitamins A and E, which are contained in food or special supplements;
  9. It is advisable to give food to a dog with rhinitis in a warm liquid form. If the dog is accustomed to ready-made food, it can be soaked in water to make it easier for the dog to chew (it is sometimes difficult if the nose does not breathe);
  10. Do not give your dog cold water. It is advisable to slightly warm the drink before serving to the dog;
  11. It is important to protect a dog with a runny nose from hypothermia: minimize or cancel walks if it is cool outside; refuse to bathe until recovery; exclude drafts. If the apartment is cool, you can cover the animal for the rest with a warm blanket.
All of the above measures can be used to treat a runny nose in dogs, if there are no serious symptoms of ill health (refusal of food and water, lack of physical activity, vomiting, etc.). If the dog is really ill, there is only one way out: rather contact a veterinarian.

A runny nose (rhinitis) in a dog is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It appears not only as a result of a cold. Discharge from the nose may indicate that there is an infection in the animal's body that can affect such important organs as the liver, heart, lungs and kidneys. In order to prevent the progression of the disease, it is necessary to seek help from a veterinary clinic, where they will establish the cause of rhinitis and prescribe treatment.

Symptoms and causes of a runny nose in a dog

Runny nose in animals can be acute or chronic. Acute rhinitis with proper treatment goes away within a week. If the causes of its appearance are not eliminated in a timely manner, then it acquires a chronic form, which cannot be completely eliminated. Symptoms of a runny nose in a dogsimilar to human and appear as the disease develops:

  • Liquid discharge from the nose thickens over time, mucus clogs the nasopharynx.
  • The dog has a stuffy nose, causing it to breathe through its mouth and sniffle.
  • The muzzle of the animal swells, and the white of the eye becomes reddish.
  • Polyps can form in the ears and mouth.
  • In some cases, shortness of breath appears, the behavior of the animal becomes lethargic, and appetite disappears.
  • Sometimes there is an increased body temperature.
  • The dog begins to grunt, sneeze frequently and lick its nose.
  • A dry crust appears under the nose.

Causes of rhinitis include:

Treatment of rhinitis at home

At the first signs of the disease, the dog must be shown to a veterinarian who will examine and prescribe the necessary medications. During treatment, the owner must observe the following rules:

  • reduce walking time (especially in winter);
  • protect the dog from drafts and insulate its place with rugs or mattresses;
  • regularly ventilate the room in which the animal is located;
  • maintain a humidity level of at least 60% so that the mucous membrane of the dog does not dry out;
  • introduce into the diet of the animal products that contain vitamins A, B, C, E (meat, cereals, dairy products, boiled vegetables);
  • give the dog means to increase immunity, for example, Immunal or Gamavit.

You can treat a runny nose in a dog with the following drugs:

Name and photo of the drug Description and method of application
Drops Maksidin
The drug has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, as a result of its use, the dog's immunity increases, the body copes with infections faster. Drops are prescribed for parvovirus enteritis and distemper, and helminths are also removed with their help. The medicine is applied into the nasal passages 3 times a day, 2 drops, the treatment is stopped when the symptoms of the common cold disappear completely.
Anandin intranasal drops
The drug is used for a runny nose and conjunctivitis, it can be instilled both in the nose and in the eyes. With rhinitis, the animal is given medicine in the nose, 2 drops 3 times a day. The drug is addictive, so they can be treated for no more than 10 days
Oxolinic ointment
Oxolin has an antiviral effect. With a runny nose provoked by an infection, the nasal passages are lubricated with a thin layer of the drug 3 times a day for 4 days
Furacilin has an antibacterial property, it is not recommended for use in allergic rhinitis. With a runny nose, one tablet is diluted in a glass of warm water and applied to each nasal passage 2 drops 2 times a day for a week

You can clean the pet's nose from dried crusts with a cotton pad dipped in hydrogen peroxide. After the procedure, it is lubricated with petroleum jelly to prevent the formation of new crusts. Chapped skin around the nose can be treated with streptocide powder. In the chronic form of rhinitis and severe drying of the mucous membranes, the dog is allowed to lubricate the nose several times a day with 1% menthol ointment. To get rid of congestion, you can put warm sand poured into a bag on the bridge of your pet several times a day for 2 minutes.

At home, it is allowed to treat a runny nose in dogs with folk methods. Juice is squeezed out of onion, diluted with warm water in a ratio of one to one, tampons are moistened with the prepared solution and injected into the nostrils for 10 minutes 3 times a day. To wash the nose, use a decoction of beets or freshly squeezed juice, diluted in boiled water one to one.

Prevention measures

In most cases, rhinitis is caused by colds and various infections. To minimize the risk of a runny nose, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. 1. Several times a year, undergo an examination at a veterinary clinic and vaccinate in a timely manner.
  2. 2. Feed your dog only quality food and include vitamins for animals in the diet.
  3. 3. Eliminate hypothermia of the pet, the dog should not be in a draft, and he needs to sleep on a dry one. When walking in cold weather, small breed dogs, such as Chihuahuas or Spitz, should be dressed in warm clothes.
  4. 4. Protect the pet from contact with sick animals.
  5. 5. Harden the dog, gradually increasing the time of walking in bad weather.

Discharge from the nose of a dog may not always be a sign of a common cold. Quite often, the cause is a serious infectious disease. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to seek help from a veterinarian, since there are an incredible number of reasons that cause snot from the nose of a dog.

Snot is mucus, which is characterized by a different consistency and color, is secreted out through the sinuses. It is formed as a result of exposure to adverse environmental factors on special glandular cells in the nasal mucosa. The pathology itself is called a runny nose or rhinitis.

Causes of the problem

Main symptoms

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, it may be The following points need to be clarified:

Treatment Methods

Treatment of a runny nose in dogs directly depends on the type and cause of its occurrence. It is best to seek the advice of a veterinarian.

Allergic reaction

As a rule, with allergies, lacrimation and sneezing are added to the abundant discharge from the nose. And also, a rash and itching is possible throughout the body of the animal. Characteristics - tears do not sour in the corners of the eyes, discharge from the nose is serous, liquid and transparent.

The nasal sinuses do not need to be washed, but it is necessary to take antihistamine medications:

In a serious condition, steroid and / or hormonal drugs are indicated for use.


Resting on cold floors or drafts is detrimental to your pet's health. In acute rhinitis, when the runny nose is watery and transparent, frequent washing of the sinuses is not required. It is enough to purchase and use nasal drops Pinosol or Derinat(herbal preparations on an oily basis) - 2-3 drops per day, the duration of the course of treatment is up to two weeks. To warm up, you can put bags with buckwheat, salt and warm sand on the bridge of your nose - up to three times a day.

Please note that if the snot is thick and green, then heating is strictly prohibited.

If the snot stops flowing strongly, thickens, acquires a yellow-green hue and begins to dry around the nose, then you should be careful before washing remove crusts. It is recommended to rinse the nose well with a combined solution of 0.5% tannin and 1% soda. Drip chloramphenicol eye drops up to 2-3 drops twice a day, the duration of the course is no more than 10 days.

Dogs should not take vasoconstrictor drugs. It is especially not recommended to use human drops, for example, Nasol, Sanorin, Naphthyzin and Galazolin.

Foreign bodies

Blockage of the dog's nasal passages is not uncommon. This is due to the fact that dogs love to dig everything and poke their nose wherever there is such an opportunity. This can be understood by the absence air movement from one nostril, puffing breath or expiration, from one nostril. In addition, they say that most dogs begin to actively shake their heads and rub their faces with their paws, letting their owner know that something is wrong.

It is better not to consider the option of self-extraction of objects, we recommend that you seek help from a specialist. The structure of the nasal passages in a dog is such that with inept extraction, there is a high probability of pushing this object even deeper into the nasopharynx.

Infectious diseases

Only a doctor can determine the type of infection based on the examination. The causative agent can be not only viruses and bacteria, but also fungi. Depending on the type of infection, specific treatment will be given- antifungal, antiviral and antimicrobial drugs. In parallel, it is recommended to give the pet remedies that stimulate the immune system and tonic.

If the snot is yellow-green, thick and makes breathing difficult, then washing the nose is indicated. Healing drops are similar to those for colds, for example, Levomycetin eye drops, Derinat and Pinosol. In order to increase local immunity of the mucous membranes of the nose, Timogen drops are often used, 2-3 drops for a dog whose weight does not exceed 10 kg, the duration of use is 7-10 days.

The following diseases deserve special attention: plague and adenovirus. Therapy should be started as soon as possible. Calculate the disease can only be a specialist, based on the methods of diagnosis and clinical examination used.

local irritation

Dogs can pick up scents that humans can't. Their susceptibility to odors is much higher. Powders, vapors of household chemicals and acrid smoke can cause local irritation of the nasal mucosa. The therapy is similar to that for allergies, but with local irritation, it is necessary to rinse the nose.

Furacilin is used for washing, pharmacy saline or homemade salt solution.

Of the antihistamines, they are indicated for use: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin, Diphenhydramine in dosages, as in allergies.

Restorative treatment

As you already understood, the causes of rhinitis can be very diverse, but in each case, general strengthening treatment will not be superfluous to stimulate the activity of the immune system. This is especially true in the course of viral diseases:

  • Gamavit;
  • Cycloferon;
  • Immunofan;
  • Fosprenil;
  • Ribotan.

The preparation and the scheme of application should be determined by a veterinarian.

Flushing a dog's nose

Small dogs, as a rule, do not wash their nose, but clean it with cotton swabs abundantly moistened with a solution. Dogs of large and medium breeds can rinse the nose using special solutions preheated to the pet's body temperature using a rubber bulb or a syringe without a needle. Manipulation must be carried out after removing the dried crusts around the nostrils. Soak the crusts with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or warm water.

Manipulation should be carried out together - one holds the pet, and the second rinses the nose. The dog should be fixed in a sitting position. It is useful to wear a muzzle that does not fix the nasal mirrors. It is quite possible that the pet will sneeze - this is quite normal, even good, the procedure contributes to the discharge of mucus and thick masses from the deep passages. Allow the dog to sneeze and continue the procedure until a clear solution begins to flow from the nostrils.

Attention, only TODAY!

Rhinitis in dogs is a symptom of an infection that occurs when the immune system fails. Temperature fluctuations, not hypothermia, make the dog vulnerable. The predisposition of some breeds to the occurrence of rhinitis is explained by the anatomical features of the structure of the dog's nose.

The reasons

Runny nose is caused by the following factors:

There are acute and permanent runny nose. The first form of the disease responds well to treatment. Chronic inflammation of the dog's nasal passages is accompanied by the development of mucosal defects, exacerbations, and complications.

A hypersensitive reaction in a dog can occur to food, the smell of paint, perfumes, pollen. Allergic origin has contact irritation - caustic smoke, perfumes, household chemicals, other volatile substances. It's all about the dog's curiosity.

foreign objects

A foreign body - a straw, a blade of grass, a seed, a grain of sand, a pebble, a flea gets stuck in the nostril and undergoes further combing. Dogs suffer, scratching the ground with their noses and trying to take the trail.

Insects and helminths emit toxic waste products that can provoke rhinitis in a dog, turning into a prolonged purulent runny nose.

The most dangerous viral diseases with symptoms of a runny nose are:

  • Infectious tracheobronchitis (bordetellosis).
  • Canine adenovirus hepatitis.

Bacterial and fungal infections occur due to a weakened immune defense against a viral infection, or for other reasons.

chronic diseases

Chronic diseases weaken the immune defense, allow the banal microflora that lives in the nose - cocci and microscopic fungi, to cause an inflammatory process. Pregnancy, old age of the dog, stressful situations contribute to the occurrence of a runny nose.

The tumor interferes with breathing, closing the lumen of the respiratory tube like a foreign object and squeezing the vessels. Chronic rhinitis is not amenable to conservative treatment.

Anomalies of the nasal cavity

Distinguish congenital and acquired as a result of trauma or surgery defects. They represent deformities of the nasal septum, jaws, or palate. Congenital anomalies are typical for short-nosed dog breeds.


Acute rhinitis, with proper treatment, stops in a week. Otherwise, the runny nose will go into a permanent form with alternating exacerbations and incomplete remission. Defects appear on the mucosa - erosion or cracks.

As a symptom of an underlying disease, a runny nose may not stop for years. Rhinitis is accompanied by sneezing, licking the nose and trying to warm it with paws. Liquid transparent discharge gradually thickens and becomes cloudy. Crusts form in the nasal passages, preventing breathing. It becomes heavy, the dog tries to breathe through his mouth.

The nasal mucosa is hyperemic, and the general condition of the dog remains satisfactory or worsens.

allergic rhinitis

It is characterized by bilateral outflows, abundant and transparent. Upon contact with the allergen, they intensify, accompanied by tearing, coughing, itching or swelling. Sniffing objects of interest threatens to develop a runny nose. In such a situation, the symptoms rapidly increase.

foreign objects

The dog rubs his nose, sneezes, tries to inform the owner about building up a foreign object. Expiration one-sided, with impurities of blood. The irritant is found, removed with tweezers, or seek veterinary care.

It is characterized by hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membranes. The outflows are bilateral, plentiful, and in combination with mycotic lesions - smearing. Gradually, the liquid thickens, becomes gray or green in color, often with streaks of blood.

The nose is blocked, crusts form around it, conjunctivitis develops, sneezing, coughing. The dog lies, does not touch the food. Respiratory rales appear, accompanied by hyperthermia.

chronic diseases

A weakened dog is defenseless against a host of microorganisms, the uncontrolled reproduction of which provokes a stressful situation or a drop in outside temperatures. Symptomatic treatment of a runny nose brings short-lived relief, after which the ailment returns.

First aid

Illuminate the contents of the nose with a flashlight and record the presence of redness, swelling and narrowing of the nasal canal. The foreign object is carefully removed with tweezers. Trying to wash it with a jet of water under pressure should not be because of the threat of pushing deep into.

The dirt in the nostrils is removed with a damp swab. 2...3 drops of an immunocorrective anti-inflammatory agent, for example, thymogen, maxidin or anandine, are administered. The frequency of treatments is three times a day, unless otherwise provided by the instructions. The dog is kept in a warm room, not allowed to lie on a concrete base. They keep a diary in which they record pathological symptoms that the veterinarian may need. Feed a sick dog should be wet warm food.

What to treat?

The diagnosis is made by a doctor, and the dog breeder will have to perform medical procedures.

Popular medicines include drops: anandine, maxigan or thymogen.

In agreement with the veterinarian, the following medical devices are allowed to be used:

  • Derinat. Immunocorrector. Activates the protective mechanism that eliminates the common cold and conjunctivitis.
  • Dioxidine. Antiseptic. Effective for purulent rhinitis.
  • Naphthyzin, Galazolin. They have vasoconstrictive and antiphlogistic effects.
  • Pinosol. Drops antiseptic anti-inflammatory.


The prevention of a runny nose consists in observing the rules for keeping dogs. Complete nutrition with ready-made feed provides the body with vitamins and other biological activators of metabolism.

Prevention of infectious diseases consists in regular immunization of the pet in accordance with the proposed scheme:

  • The initial vaccination is recommended for an eight-week-old puppy.
  • For the formation of reliable immunity, re-vaccination is carried out 3-4 weeks later.
  • Subsequent vaccinations are carried out at the following times:
  1. 6…7 months
  2. Annually.

Complex vaccines "Nobivak", "Eurikan" and "Multikan" are in demand, which protect against the most dangerous infectious diseases of dogs.

Not always expiration from the nose of a dog is a sign of a common cold. The reason may lie in serious infectious diseases. There are so many reasons for causing snot from the nose of a dog that, alas, one cannot do without the help of a veterinarian in making an accurate diagnosis.

The main symptoms - what to look for

What a dog owner can observe with rhinitis:

  • Mucus comes out of the nose - of various consistency and shade. Green or yellow-green snot in a dog is a sign of a long course of the disease (longer than 1 week), when bacteria have already joined (it is they who change the color and consistency of the snot).
  • Along with snot, sneezing, attempts to scratch the nose or lick it are usually observed. With active attempts to constantly shake the head, one can suspect the presence of a foreign object in the nose.
  • Expiration on only one side may indicate a tumor, polyps, or foreign objects.
  • With advanced growths of tumor neoplasms, deformation of the bridge of the nose or the entire muzzle may be noted, and ichor may be mixed with mucus.
  • Eyes may turn sour, lacrimation may appear (the nasal and lacrimal canals are combined into a nasolacrimal canal, so all of the above symptoms often occur simultaneously). In some diseases, the eyes turn red at the same time, conjunctivitis develops.
  • Always with rhinitis, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity swells and becomes very red (this can be seen on its own only in large dogs with large nostrils, in other cases this is determined by the veterinarian during an instrumental examination).
  • Swelling and congestion of the nose are determined by breathing with the mouth - the cheeks are swollen or the mouth is open.
  • Curvature of the nose and / or nasal septum due to injuries, falls or blows - visible changes in the shape of the nose, the outline of the muzzle, the tip of the nose.
  • In severe diseases, body temperature may also rise, lethargy and weakness appear, appetite decrease or disappear completely, thirst appears (if the dog breathes with its mouth open).

For a more accurate diagnosis, you may need to clarify a few more points:

  • does the amount of snot change when the head is tilted, during sleep or wakefulness, in the morning / afternoon / evening, is it difficult to breathe after exercise;
  • when nasal discharges were first noticed, and over what period of time they thickened and changed color (if such a fact was noted);
  • the discharge is strong or scanty, does it have time to dry out and form crusts around the nose, or is it just constantly wet;
  • all the time snot came from one nostril or from two;
  • how the dog sleeps - with an open mouth or manages to breathe through the nose;
  • does rhinitis cause any inconvenience to the pet or does he not pay attention to it.

How to help if snot was found

A runny nose is not a separate disease, it is a symptom that something is going wrong in the body. Treatment of snot in dogs will directly depend on the cause that provoked them. Final comments are always up to the specialist!


With a true allergy, sneezing and lacrimation are added to the snot. Possible itching and rash on the body. What is characteristic - the discharge from the nose is serous (transparent, liquid), the tears do not sour in the corners of the eyes.

The nose does not need to be washed, but antihistamines must be prescribed:

  • diphenhydramine (0.3-1 ml/kg of animal weight, depending on size up to 2 times/day);
  • tavegil (0.5-1 table per animal every 12 hours);
  • diazolin (after feeding 1-3 tablets or tablets, selected according to the size of the dog, once or twice a day);
  • suprastin (1/2-1 tab. 1-2 times a day, depending on the size of the dog and the response to the drug).

In particularly protracted cases, hormonal and / or steroid agents may be prescribed.


Resting on a draft or cold floor often affects the pet's health. In acute rhinitis, when the snot is clear and watery, rinsing is often not required. It is enough to use drops for the nose Derinat or Pinosol (herbal preparations on an oily basis) - 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day for up to 2 weeks (but usually 7 days are enough). You can put bags with warm sand, salt or buckwheat on the bridge of your nose to warm up - up to 3 times a day.

It is forbidden to use heating if the snot is green and thick!

If the snot thickened, turned yellow-green and began to dry around the nose, be sure to carefully remove the crusts before washing and instillation (use hydrogen peroxide 3% or a mixture of glycerin with vitamin A). Rinse the nose well with a combined solution of 1% soda and 0.5% tannin (1: 1). Drip chloramphenicol eye drops - 2 times a day, 2-3 drops for no longer than 10 days.

Dogs do not use vasoconstrictor drops! Especially not recommended for use are such human preparations as: Galazolin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nasol!

Foreign bodies

Dogs are diggers and literally stick their noses everywhere, so blockage of the nasal passages by a foreign body is not uncommon. You can understand this by the snot from only one nostril (mostly), sniffling breath or no air movement at all from the clogged side. In addition, the dog may shake its head and rub its muzzle with its paw, clearly making it clear that something is wrong there.

If the dog is large with large nostrils, the object is visible, and the owner has no doubts about extracting it on his own, you can try to act. When lighting the nasal passages, be sure to cover your dog's eyes! But the most correct action is to seek help from a specialist. The peculiarity of the structure of the nasal passages in a dog is such that if the foreign body is ineptly removed, there is a risk of pushing it even deeper into the nasopharynx.

Tumors, polyps

After examining the nasal cavity and muzzle, a decision is usually made to remove the neoplasms. The type of tumor, the size and nature of the tumor is determined only by a specialist. Neoplasms deserve special attention, due to which deformation of the bridge of the nose or the muzzle as a whole is noted.

Before the operation, it is necessary to conduct additional studies for the correct selection of anesthesia and tactics of surgical intervention. Usually, rhinitis resolves after removal of the tumor and healing of postoperative wounds.

infectious diseases

Only a veterinarian can determine the type of infection, especially since not only viruses or bacteria, but also fungi can be the causative agent. Specific therapy is prescribed, depending on the type of infection - antiviral, antimicrobial or antifungal drugs. In parallel, general strengthening agents and stimulating the immune system are recommended.

Nasal lavage is indicated when the discharge is thick, yellow-green and makes breathing difficult. Medicinal drops are used similar to those for colds (Pinosol, Derinat, chloramphenicol eye drops). To increase local immunity of the nasal mucosa, Timogen drops are often prescribed - 2-3 drops for a dog weighing up to 10 kg once a day for 7-10 days.

Diseases such as adenovirus and plague (Carre's disease) deserve special attention. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. Only a specialist can determine that a dog has these ailments on the basis of a clinical examination and related diagnostic methods.

Cleft palate

When a palatine cleft is detected, only surgical help is provided. The effectiveness of the operation will depend on the severity of the anomaly. There are cases when it is impossible to help even promptly. The last word is always with the veterinary surgeon.

Secondary rhinitis in internal diseases

Mandatory cure of the primary disease. During the treatment of the underlying disease, Maxidin 0.15% drops can be used.

local irritation

Dogs can pick up scents that humans can't even smell. Those. their sensitivity to odors is many times higher. Acrid smoke, vapors of household chemical solutions or powders can cause local irritation of the nasal mucosa when inhaled with the occurrence of nasopharyngeal edema, snot and lacrimation. Help is similar to allergies, but with local irritation, be sure to rinse your nose.

For washing, use a pharmacy saline solution, furatsilin (1 tablet per glass of warm water) or homemade salt solution (half a teaspoon of salt per half liter of warm boiled water).

Deformations in the structure of the nasal passages

Any visible changes to the nose (such as deviated septum or fractures) are corrected surgically. The runny nose stops after the end of all procedures and the healing of postoperative wounds.

Physiological constriction of the nostrils

In short-faced dog breeds, the periodic discharge of transparent snot is considered a physiological feature. It is necessary to monitor the hygiene of the pet's nasal passages, washing them periodically. It is also important to monitor the general state of health in order to exclude the addition of a secondary bacterial infection and the development of harmful microorganisms in the "healthy" mucus.

Restorative therapy

The causes of a runny nose can be anything, but in each case, general strengthening therapy to stimulate the immune system will not interfere. This is especially true for viral infections:

  • ribotan (once intramuscularly 0.5-2 ml per animal, depending on the size; course duration - up to 5 days);
  • fosprenil (per day, the dose should not be more than 0.4 ml / kg; subcutaneously or intramuscularly for a week: if given orally, the dosage is doubled);
  • immunofan (1 ml intramuscularly or under the skin in the withers once a day; the course is up to 1 week, but at least 5 days);
  • cycloferon (dose depends on the weight of the animal: up to 3 kg - 0.4 ml / kg, 3-5 kg ​​- 0.3 ml / kg; up to 12 kg - 0.15 ml / kg, for very large dogs calculation 0.1 ml / kg Scheme: the first two days - daily, then - every other day; only 5 injections in 8 days);
  • gamavit (0.3-0.5 ml / kg once or twice a day every other day for 2-6 weeks).

The type of drug and the course of application is determined by the veterinarian!

Question answer

How to rinse your dog's nose?

Small dogs (puppies and small breeds) are usually not washed, but gently cleaned with cotton swabs well moistened with the right solution. Medium and large dogs can be flushed with body temperature solutions using needleless syringes (10cc) or a small rubber bulb. The procedure is carried out after removing the dried crusts around the nostrils and on the nose itself, if any. You can soak the crusts with ordinary warm boiled water or hydrogen peroxide.

It is better if two people do the procedure - one holds the pet, the other washes. The dog must be fixed in a sitting position. You can put on a muzzle that comes without fixing the nasal mirror. Gently inject small volumes of flushing solutions into each nostril and wait for them to flow out. You can blot the muzzle with a soft cloth, without rubbing or injuring the nasal mirror. Perhaps the pet will sneeze - this is good and contributes to the discharge of mucus and already thick snot from the depths of the nasal passages. Wait for the end of the sneeze and continue the procedure until a clear solution flows out of the nostrils.

What can be used as flushing fluid?

For dogs, you can use for washing the nose:

  • pharmacy saline solution 0.9%;
  • furatsilina solution (1 tablet dissolves in a glass of warm water);
  • homemade salt solution (1 tsp of ordinary table salt is added to 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for up to 2 minutes, cooled, filtered);
  • boric acid solution (not stronger than 3%);
  • a mixture of solutions of 1% soda and 0.5% tannin in a ratio of 1:1;
  • pure soda solution 1% (half a teaspoon of soda is dissolved in half a liter of boiled chilled water);
  • dixidine 1%, diluted with boiled water to a concentration of 0.5%.

It is better to check with a specialist for all instructions on the frequency of washing and dose.

Is the common cold contagious to humans?

The snot itself does not pose a danger to humans, i.e. the owner will not “run nose” from the fact that the pet is sick. But some causes of rhinitis can cause some inconvenience (for example, fleas and ticks can bite a person). It is not worth neglecting the elementary rules of hygiene when caring for a sick animal!

The dog's snot flowed - what should the owner of the pet do?

In the presence of transparent and watery outflows, you can try to help the pet yourself by examining the nasal passages for the presence of foreign objects, giving antihistamines and washing the nose. If the snot is accompanied by at least some other signs of general malaise, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory so as not to miss the development of a serious infectious disease!

If the dog has redness of the eyes and snot?

In almost any case, the eyes are involved in the process due to the connection of the nasal and lacrimal ducts. If the snot-tears are transparent, there is a high probability of an allergy, if the conjunctiva of the eye turns red and there is oxide, thick discharge from the nose is a sign of infection.

If the dog sneezes and eats snot?

Almost all runny noses are accompanied by sneezing and snorting. irritate the nasal mucosa. It is important to pay attention to other accompanying symptoms, if any.

Dog has cough and snot

If rhinitis is accompanied by any respiratory symptoms - coughing, hoarse breathing, sneezing, lethargy and, especially, fever, a visit to the veterinarian should not be postponed! Cough accompanied by snot in severe viral or bacterial infections!

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