How to use honey in cooking. Honey dishes. Spicy chicken wings

Sweets (from lat. confectum, “made”) are heterogeneous sugar or chocolate products, which include candied fruits, pralines. As a rule, sweets contain 60-75% sugar. They are divided into glazed (coated with a layer of glaze), unglazed and chocolate-filled sweets. There are also honey candies.

The term "sweets" comes from the professional jargon of pharmacists, who in the 16th century referred to fruits candied or processed into jam for medicinal purposes. Subsequently, the term began to refer to a wider range of confectionery products from different ingredients.

Coffee caramel (Croatian cuisine)

2 cups of sweetened condensed milk, 0.5 cup of strong black coffee, 2 cups of honey, 2 cups of sugar, a little salt, 0.5 cup of butter, a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.

Mix coffee with milk. Cook a thick syrup from sugar, honey and salt. Add to it gradually coffee with milk and then butter, reduce the fire to a minimum, boil slightly, add vanilla sugar at the end of cooking. Grease a mold 25 cm long and at least 2 cm deep with oil and pour the mixture into it. On the caramel with the tip of a knife, mark squares, put it in the refrigerator. Cut the hardened caramel into squares and put them in paper cuffs.

Honey sweets (Tajik sweet)

For 1 kg of honey sweets, 5 cups of honey.

Boil honey in a cast-iron cauldron for 15-20 minutes with continuous stirring until dark brown. Then put it on a greased tray, knead it and pull it out by weight until flagella form.

Honey sweets - poppy seeds

Honey and poppy in equal quantities.

Boil honey over low heat for 40 minutes to evaporate water. Pour the poppy seeds well washed in hot water into the hot syrup and boil until the poppy seeds stick to the spoon. Pour the boiled thick and frozen mass on a smooth board moistened with water, roll it out. to a uniform thickness and cut into pieces of a square or other shape. During boiling, crushed nuts (hazelnuts or curls) can be added to the mass.

Candy from nuts

350 g honey, 3 cups coarsely crushed nuts.

Boil honey and put nuts in it. Boil the nuts with honey until the mass lags behind the pan (the pan must be stainless steel). Readiness to check as follows: pour the mass on a piece of paper, put it in the air and, if it cools down, it is ready. The cooled mass should be so hard that it can be chopped with a knife.

Honey lollipops

Honey, sugar.

Prepare sugar syrup, as for jam, and add no more than 1/3 of honey by weight to it. Boil the mixture over low heat, removing the foam. When the sample taken will quickly harden, pour the finished syrup into small plates, pre-moistened in water or lined with paper, preventing the candy from solidifying, making indentations and cuts in it. The cooled lollipop is taken out and broken into pieces along the cuts. Store lollipops in a dry place, rolled in powdered sugar.

Caramel honey

350 g of honey, 200 g of granulated sugar, 3 tablespoons of milk or cream.

Honey, granulated sugar and milk are boiled while stirring until the mass thickens. The mass is ready if it is dropped into water and it easily rolls into balls^ The hot mass is poured onto a saucer greased with unsalted butter. When it begins to harden, it is cut into pieces and wrapped in parchment paper. To get chocolate caramel, 1 tablespoon of chocolate is added to the mass.

Apple pastille with honey

350 g honey, 2 cups applesauce.

In applesauce, add honey, previously pounded white, and mix until the mass becomes white and friable. Then carefully pour it into paper forms 3 centimeters high, which are laid out on a baking sheet sprinkled with bran, dry the marshmallow in a light heat, remove the paper, fold the finished marshmallow into a jar or put 2-3 layers one on top of the other, grease with honey and dry in a non-hot oven or oven.

Pastila lingonberry with honey

350 g honey, 2 cups lingonberry puree.

First, make puree from lingonberries. Add water to the berries so that they are covered, and boil until the berries turn white. Then put them on a sieve, let the water drain and rub the lingonberries through a clean sieve. Beat the puree, add pre-whipped honey to it and stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Put the mass into boxes of pine sticks 9 centimeters long and 7 centimeters wide, lined with paper, with a layer of 2 centimeters. Then it is dried for 24 hours at a temperature of + 40 ... + 50 ° C, after which another layer of 2 centimeters is added to the box and dried again. Top up the boxes with a mass until they are full. Then cover the boxes with boards, nail down with wooden carnations and put in a dry place. Pastila is very pleasant to the taste, it is well stored for several years. Some people prefer old marshmallows to fresh ones,

Cooked lingonberry pastille

700 g of honey, 4 cups of lingonberries.

Mix lingonberries with honey, cook until thick. Then pour the mass onto a dish, and when it cools down, cut into long plastics, sprinkle with sugar and put in jars or boxes.

Halva with honey and nuts

1 kg of honey, 1/2 cup of granulated sugar, 1 kg of walnuts.

Boil honey with continuous stirring. Dip the chopped walnut kernels into it, half the granulated sugar and boil until thick. Put the resulting mass on a board moistened with water, and level the layer to a thickness of 1-1.5 centimeters. After cooling, the resulting layer is cut into rectangular slices or squares.

Honey halva

To prepare the dish you will need: 450 g of honey, 800 g of premium flour, 400 g of ghee.

Sift flour, pour into a pan, add ghee, mix and fry until a crumbly yellow mass is formed. Then pour it with honey and boil for 5 minutes. Transfer the hot mass to a flat plate, cool and cut into small pieces of a square shape.

Halva with honey

For 2 kg of halva you need: 6 cups of wheat flour, 2 cups of ghee or mutton fat, 2 cups of honey, 1/2 cup of walnuts (kernels), 2 cups of water.

Fry the sifted flour in a cauldron with butter or lamb fat with continuous stirring until a homogeneous crumbly mass of light brown color is formed. Then add honey, water and cook for about 5 minutes more. Put the finished halva on a dish, sprinkle with chopped walnut kernels and cut into pieces of various shapes.

Halva with honey

350 g honey, 800 g wheat flour, 400 g ghee.

Sift flour, pour into a frying pan, add melted butter, mix and heat until a crumbly yellow mass is formed. Then pour it with honey and cook for 5 minutes. Transfer the hot mass to a plate, cool and cut into small pieces, 43.

Halva badrock

200 g honey, 200 g corn, 200 g walnut kernels, 1 teaspoon melted butter.

Roasted corn and roasted nuts pass through a meat grinder, put in a porcelain cup, greased with ghee. Melt honey in an aluminum saucepan and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then pour it into a cup with the prepared mass, knead, put on a dish with a layer of 1 centimeter. When the mass has cooled, cut it into diamonds and place on a vase.

Lamantsy with poppy seeds and honey

250 g flour, 250 g honey, 2 cups poppy seeds, 50 g bitter almonds, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Vegetable oil, salt, 6 tablespoons of water, knead the flour into a stiff dough. Roll out the dough thinly, place on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, cut with a sharp knife into square pieces and bake. Then take it out and break it along the cuts.

Boil the poppy seeds with boiling water, drain the water, rinse in cold water, drain it. Then grind the poppy in a stone bowl with a wooden pestle until it turns white. Put honey, crushed almonds into it, pour a glass of boiling water, stir, transfer to a salad bowl and stick dried lamants into the mixture.

You can serve lamants to the table like this. Put the lamantsy on a sieve, pour over boiling water, put in poppy seeds and mix.


350 g honey, 300 g granulated sugar, 100 pcs. roasted nuts, whites 5 eggs.

Melt the honey, put sugar in it and cook, stirring with a spoon, until the honey is reddened. Beat the whites, stirring them, and pour sugar-honey syrup into them in a thin stream. Move the pan to a lower heat and boil the mass, stirring gradually.

Clean the nuts and chop coarsely. When the mass thickens enough, pour in the nuts and immediately put the mass on a large sheet of oiled or waxed paper, and cover it with the same sheet on top and put it under the press. Then carefully cut the nougat into pieces.

Gooseberry marmalade

200-400 g honey, 40 g gooseberry puree.

Sort the ripe gooseberries, pour them into a bowl, pour 1 glass of water into it and cook over low heat, rubbing the berries with a spoon. When the gooseberries are boiled, wipe it through a sieve. Add honey to the puree and cook, stirring, until the mixture thickens and begins to solidify. Transfer marmalade to a jar, tie and store in a cold place.

Nuts on honey

50 g honey, 250 g nuts.

Dry the peeled nuts so that they almost crumble. Bring the honey to a boil and, while stirring, add nuts to it so that the mass becomes thick. Boil the mass until it solidifies on a spoon. Spread the finished mass with a spoon on a baking sheet and cool, and then put it in a jar and store in a cool, dry place.

Smolensk exiles

350 g of honey, 3 cups of a mixture of raspberries, nuts and crackers.

To powdered dry raspberries add crushed dry nuts and crushed rye bread crackers in the ratio 1:1:1. Boil honey, add the prepared mixture to it and boil until thick. Spread the mass on a baking sheet with cakes, cool and dry.

Mazurek almond

100 g honey, 400 g sweet almonds, 100 g bitter almonds, 300 g sugar, 5 egg whites.

Skip the almonds through a meat grinder and grind with the protein of 1 egg, add sugar and warm honey. Mix the mass with beaten whites of 4 eggs, make cakes out of it, which are baked on a light heat.

Housewives often ask themselves: “How can honey be used in baking if it cannot be heated to a high temperature?”. Indeed, in this case, fragrant pies and buns turn into a real carcinogenic poison! We hasten to assure you that this is not always the case. With proper preparation and strict adherence to the recipe, honey will retain its beneficial properties, and you can treat yourself to a delicious dessert. How to do it - read on.

In fact, using honey baking recipes allows the use of this product and even heating it in the oven. But this must be done strictly according to the rules.

Rule #1: Honey should be used less than sugar. That is, if you are trying to independently change the recipe for baking with honey, replacing the sweet ingredient with bee nectar, all proportions must be corrected. For example, if you need 1 cup of sugar, use only ¾ cup of honey. According to the same rule, the amount of flour and other ingredients is reduced.

Rule #2: Change the temperature in the oven. The mark for baking should not exceed 180 degrees. Even better if it is at the level of 150 degrees. In baking with honey, this is quite acceptable, since the recipes are quite simple. Unlike whimsical eclairs, apple pie dough or cake crust will not “fall” or lose its shape.

Rule #3: Increase baking time. This is logical, because we have reduced the temperature in the oven. As a result, more cooking time will be required. For example, if the baking time with honey is indicated in the baking recipes for 1 hour, increase it by 1.5-2 times. So, you will be sure that the dessert will not be raw or wet. However, be careful: there is one detail that is not written about in baking recipes with honey. The edges of such a dough quickly darken (which is quite normal), but they also burn easily. You can tell the difference by the characteristic unpleasant smell. If the dough starts to burn, there is a reason to reduce the temperature and increase the baking time.

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Honey cake vs sugar cake

You can buy honey directly from our apiary "Svіy honey":

Honey Baking Recipes

So we got to the most delicious part of our article. What can be cooked with honey? We offer you our own selection of the most delicious recipes for various delicacies. All baking recipes with honey are supplemented with photos, so you can immediately determine which dessert you would like to treat your loved ones to.

Cakes with honey

The honey cake recipe involves the use of both sugar and bee nectar. At the same time, both liquid and crystallized product can be added. In the case of baking, there is not much difference. And what will be the nail of the dessert table - you decide! We chose three candidates: honey cake, anthill and walnut cake.

honey cake

Honey cake is by far the most popular honey cake recipe. It is also extremely easy to prepare. You will need:

  • honey (3 tablespoons)
  • sugar (2 cups)
  • egg (2 pcs.)
  • flour (2 cups)
  • butter (400 gr)
  • sour cream 30% fat (500 gr)
  • nuts (100 gr)
  • soda (1 tsp)

To prepare cakes, cut off 100 gr from butter. Melt a little in a water bath, then add honey with sugar (1 cup). Stir until a homogeneous mixture appears. After that, you need to enter the eggs, add soda and mix. The final step in preparing the dough is adding flour.

Knead well, form into small balls (about the size of a large fist), then put in a bowl and cover with cling film. The test should “rest” for at least 15 minutes. Then roll out the balls into round cakes of the same diameter. Bake each "sheet" in the oven at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Let's make the cream. The remaining 300 g of butter must be melted, add sour cream and 1 more glass of sugar. Beat well with a mixer until the cream becomes fluffy.

Related Articles:

How to make a honey cake at home: a classic recipe

Honey cake: homemade recipe with custard

Honey cream cake: a recipe at home with a photo

Anthill with honey

The recipe for an anthill with honey is almost identical to the previous one - the difference is only in the cream and the final unfolding of the cakes. You will need:

  • sugar (250 gr)
  • honey (3 tablespoons)
  • egg (3 pcs.)
  • flour (4 cups)
  • soda (1 tsp)
  • milk (½ cup)
  • butter (200 gr)
  • condensed milk (1 can)
  • walnuts or almond flakes (50 gr).

The dough is prepared exactly as in the previous recipe. There is only one exception - before adding flour, you need to pour milk. When the baked cakes have cooled, they need to be crumbled into small pieces. Kind of like french fries.

To prepare the cream, you need to mix 100 g of butter, condensed milk and honey. Beat well with a mixer until smooth, then mix with pieces of dough. Form the resulting mixture into a hill and sprinkle it on top with chopped nuts or almond flakes.

Related article: How to make a honey cake: a recipe with condensed milk

Nut cake with honey according to the recipe for 99% repeats the honey cake (see above). The remaining 1% is chopped walnuts. They will need about 200 gr. You will mix them with the dough before baking the cakes. Thus, you get a delicious cake with nuts and sour cream.

Related article: How to make honey baklava at home

Honey pies

Pies with honey are easy to prepare, and they taste just excellent! As a filling, you can use different ingredients. Some people prefer sour cherries, others - an exotic mixture of plums and dates, others - curd filling. We offer classic options - apple and pumpkin pies.

Apple pie with honey or tart

The classic recipe for a pie with honey and apples has long been familiar to everyone. We'll show you how to make a gourmet French tart. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • apples (6-7 pcs.)
  • honey (100 gr)
  • ½ lemon
  • sugar (200 gr)
  • butter (150 gr)
  • egg (2 pcs.)
  • flour (250 gr)
  • cream 30% fat (70 gr)
  • vanillin (5 gr)

First, let's prepare the base of the test. To do this, melt the butter in a water bath. After you need to set aside the bowl, enter 1 egg and add flour. Shape the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for 4 hours. When enough time has passed, remove the dough, put it in a mold (if not, you can use a deep frying pan) and put it to cool again for 1 hour. The "empty" base is baked - at a temperature of 170 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

To prepare the filling: 3 apples need to be mashed, add cream, a little sugar and 1 egg. All this must be mixed with a whisk. Cut the remaining apples into thin slices, add lemon juice, honey and fry a little in a pan.

Lay the apples in several rows in the dough form, alternately lubricating with mashed potatoes. Put the tart in the oven and bake at 170 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Related article: Homemade desserts with honey in a hurry

To make pumpkin pie from honey, you will need:

  • cottage cheese (350 gr)
  • pumpkin (250 gr)
  • sugar (100 gr)
  • vanillin (5 gr)
  • cinnamon (1 tsp)
  • egg (3 pcs.)
  • honey (3 tablespoons)
  • biscuit cookies (10 pcs.)
  • pumpkin seed oil (1 tablespoon)

To prepare the dough, mix the cookies, 1 tablespoon of honey and pumpkin seed oil. Place the formed cake in a mold and place for 5 minutes in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.

In the meantime, prepare the pumpkin filling. To do this, you need to clean the pumpkin, cut it into cubes and put to boil for 15 minutes. When it is ready, it can be easily mashed with a fork, turning it into a smooth puree. In parallel, beat eggs with sugar and 2 tablespoons of honey. In the finale, mix pumpkin puree, cottage cheese and egg-honey mass. Add cinnamon and vanilla.

Put the finished filling on the form of dough and put in the oven. Bake at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Related article: Honey cake "Number" at home: photo and step by step recipe

Pies with honey filling

Of course, honey alone is not enough for the filling. Bee nectar is good in combination with contrasting flavors - especially sour.


Lemon and honey are the perfect combination for gourmets. And it is easily applicable in such a childhood dessert as lemongrass. And the recipe is very simple! For cooking you will need:

  • milk (150 ml)
  • flour (2 cups)
  • sugar (½ cup)
  • honey (½ cup)
  • lemon (1 pc.)
  • butter (200 gr)
  • dry yeast (7 gr)

Throw yeast into warm milk and stir until completely dissolved. Then add 1 teaspoon of sugar, softened butter and flour. Knead the dough, roll into a ball and wrap with cling film. While it is resting, prepare the filling.

To do this, three lemons on a grater to get the zest. Squeeze out the lemon juice. Add honey to the resulting citrus mixture. Please note that any other sour filling can be used instead of lemon. For example, cherries or currants.

Related article:Black and red currants with honey

There are a couple of strokes left - roll out the dough into two cakes, put one of them on the mold and cover with the filling. Top with a second "sheet" of dough and put in the oven, preheated to 70 degrees. Bake for half an hour, then raise the temperature to 150 degrees and cook for another 10 minutes.

Pancake cake with honey

Such an unusual dessert consists of ordinary pancakes. For cooking you will need:

  • flour (500 gr)
  • milk (650 ml)
  • egg (6 pcs.)
  • honey (1 cup)
  • butter (100 gr)
  • any berries (200 gr)
  • dry yeast (1 tsp)
  • vanillin (1 tsp)
  • cinnamon (1 tsp)

Pour the yeast into the warmed milk and stir until completely dissolved. Add salt, vanilla and cinnamon. Remove the yolks from 4 eggs and, together with the remaining 2 eggs, break into a separate bowl. After adding melted butter there, beat everything with a mixer until fluffy foam. Mix with milk-yeast mixture. Gradually add flour, kneading the dough thoroughly. Heat the pan well and brush the surface with oil. Pancakes should be fried over medium heat.

To prepare the filling, mix the berries with honey. Generously grease the surface of each pancake, roll it into a roll. Putting such "rolls" on a plate, gradually build a pyramid. It will turn out a kind of house of pancakes, which can be additionally poured on top of honey.

Related article: Honey in cooking: the most original recipes

To prepare gingerbread with honey you will need:

  • kefir (1 glass)
  • sugar (1.5 cups)
  • eggs (2 pcs.)
  • honey (2 tablespoons)
  • flour (3 cups)
  • soda (1 tsp)

The recipe for gingerbread with honey includes several steps. First, let's take up the preparation of the dough base itself. To do this, break the eggs, separating the yolks from the whites. Beat the yolks with one protein, honey and sugar with a mixer. After pour in kefir and beat a little more. Add baking soda and gradually add flour. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm, then squeeze out circles of the same shape and size with the help of molds. Spread them on a baking sheet at a certain distance from each other. Bake should be at a temperature of 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

In the meantime, let's prepare the fudge. Beat the remaining egg white together with ½ cup of sugar with a mixer until airy foam appears. When the gingerbread cookies are properly baked, take them out, grease with fudge and go to the oven for another 10 minutes.

Related article: Honey gingerbread: how to cook at home?

Cookies with honey

Cooking honey cookies will take you a maximum of an hour. And the ingredients from the recipe can almost always be found at home:

  • butter (75 gr)
  • honey (2 tablespoons)
  • sour cream (125 gr)
  • flour (350 gr)
  • sugar (150 gr)
  • soda (1 tsp)

Melt the butter in a water bath, add honey and sugar there. Take the bowl off the heat and then add the sour cream. Gradually add flour, mixing well. That's all! Roll out the dough and divide it into small pieces. In this case, you can use any molds. Bake at 170 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Related Articles:

How to make honey cookies: the best recipes

Homemade oatmeal cookies: recipe with honey

Enjoy your meal! As you can see, with the right preparation, you can not only get the most out of honey, but also enjoy first-class pastries with a special flavor!

Video "Honey cake and other baking recipes with honey"


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Honey is a natural product that is widely used in cooking and is quite common in the cuisines of probably all countries around the world. It has gained such worldwide popularity due to its amazing, useful and healing properties.

Honey is a natural sugar substitute and is very valuable because it consists of natural fructose and sucrose, without the presence of carbohydrates, which also earned fame and widespread use in medicine and cosmetology. In cooking, there are a great many recipes that include honey and each of them deserves attention.

Delicious and simple honey dishes

Honey dishes recipes with photos are offered to you by our website in large quantities and assortment, where you can choose a variety of delicious honey dishes for your loved ones, or guests, for the celebration and for every day. Honey is very useful for any person and must be eaten to strengthen the body's immune system. But remember the main rule: honey cannot be heated above 40-50 degrees, otherwise it loses all its beneficial properties. You should pay attention to this when preparing honey desserts and honey drinks that are heated or heat-treated.

This is especially true for baking cakes, pastries, honey cakes and gingerbread. In hot drinks, tea, milk, honey should be added when the drink has cooled down a bit. You will also find cold drinks with honey, cocktails, fruit smoothies and salads, milk yogurt with honey and honey kvass, juice and other simple honey dishes on our website. We also offer you recipes for a dish of honey and nuts in several versions: pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts with honey, a mixture of them, or each one is up to you to choose.

According to doctors, honey, unlike all drugs developed to date, acts in three directions at once: it envelops, softens and relieves irritation in the throat at the same time. At the same time, many prescribed cough medicines (most of them include dextromethorphan) have been found to be no more effective than no treatment. However, at the same time, scientists note that honey should never be given to children under 1 year of age, as this can lead to the development in the body of immature botulism, an acute infectious intestinal disease.

Honey has a bactericidal effect, enhances metabolism, accelerates tissue regeneration, has anti-inflammatory, resolving and tonic effects. Honey normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the function of internal organs, prevents sclerosis, normalizes sleep, stimulates the body's defenses, etc. It was found that bees, when making honey from nectar, add the substance inhibin produced by them to it, as a result, honey becomes a completely sterile product.

Ancient manuscripts contain a lot of information about the life of worker bees, who collect and process the “soul of delicacy” - nectar, enriching it with magical substances. Depending on the type of nectar, honey is honeydew (it is obtained as a result of the processing of honeydew and honeydew by bees - the sweet secretions of some insects that feed on plant juices) and flower. Thick honeydew honey is significantly inferior to flower honey in taste and aroma. Linden honey is considered the most exquisite among flower varieties - pale yellow, saturated with the aroma of blooming linden; meadow (it can be both light yellow and brownish); sweet clover, characterized by amber color; minty and delicate fruit honey - yellow-red hue, woven from the nectar of flowering fruit trees.

From time immemorial, honey has been considered a unique food product on earth. And the point here is not only the amazing taste of this delicacy or the ingenious organization of bee labor. In terms of a set of vitamins (by the way, their list will take several pages) and valuable trace elements, honey simply has no equal among products (however, people who suffer from allergies in one form or another, alas, it is better to refuse honey). The bee gift is rich in magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, phytoncides, which have an antibacterial effect (which is why honey is often called a natural antibiotic), valuable acids and trace elements that purify the blood and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart. The uniqueness of honey is also manifested in the fact that all these substances can be stored in it for a long time (for comparison: cut spinach loses half of its vitamin composition within a day). So that honey does not lose its beneficial qualities, it is worth using some secrets. Fans of adding this delicacy to tea should remember: at a temperature exceeding 35 ° C, the amount of honey vitamins will decrease significantly. Therefore, it is better to enjoy honey as a bite, and you need to store it in glass, ceramic or wooden containers, and tightly closed. Keep this delicacy as far as possible from spices and pickles, as it quickly absorbs odors. The wonderful properties of honey make it an indispensable ingredient in many dishes. For example, French sauce for roast meat is made from flower honey, lemon, red pepper and garlic. Honey gives a special charm to the hot Italian sauce for chicken and veal, which also includes sour cream, grated apple, a little flour and greens. In Mediterranean cuisine, honey with whipped yolks and dry wine is added to pastries and sweet soufflés.

Kozinaki "Assorted"

For 2 persons: honey - 2 tbsp. l., peeled sunflower seeds - 130 g, raisins - 40 g, peanuts - 90 g, sesame seeds - 30 g, flax seeds - 20 g, sugar - 5 tbsp. l., vegetable oil

Combine honey and sugar in a saucepan. Heat over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Dry sunflower seeds and peanuts in a pan without oil. Rinse raisins. Clean the peanuts. Send sunflower and flax seeds, peanuts, raisins and sesame seeds to the ready-made still hot syrup. Mix thoroughly until smooth. Cover the work surface with foil, grease with vegetable oil. Lay out the blank in portions, forming round kozinaki. Leave until completely dry.

Calorie per serving 495 kcal

Time for preparing from 90 minutes

7 points

For 8 persons: honey - 3 tbsp. l., ginger root - 3 cm, lemons - 3 pcs.

Wash ginger, peel. Grate on a fine grater. Wash the lemons, grate together with the zest (do not drain the juice). Mix ginger and lemon in a decanter. Add honey, mix. Pour in 2 liters of water. To cover with a lid. Insist 6 hours. Pour into glasses. Can be garnished with lemon slices.

Calorie per serving 70 kcal

Time for preparing from 6 hours

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

For 3 persons: honey - 4 tsp, eggs - 2 pcs., flour - 200 g, milk - 180 ml, bananas - 1 pc., walnuts - 6 g, sugar - 2 tsp.

Dry the walnuts in the oven, chop until crumbly. Combine eggs, milk and sugar. Mix until smooth. Send to blender. Mash the banana with a fork, send to the milk-egg mixture. Beat until smooth. Add nuts, honey and flour. To stir thoroughly. Heat up the pan. Pour in a small amount of dough, form a pancake. Fry on both sides over moderate heat until tender. Garnish with nuts and banana before serving.

Calorie per serving 315 kcal

Time for preparing from 25 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 4 persons: honey - 2 tbsp. l., chicken wings - 1 kg, mustard - 2 tbsp. l., sweet paprika - 2 tbsp. l., olive oil, salt, ground black pepper

Melt honey in a water bath. In a bowl, combine mustard, honey, paprika and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Salt and pepper. To stir thoroughly. Wash chicken wings and pat dry. Send to a container with marinade, mix so that they are completely covered with it. Leave for 30 minutes. You can fry in olive oil in a pan until golden brown or bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 200 ° C.

Calorie per serving 340 kcal

Time for preparing from 60 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 6 persons: honey - 2 tbsp. l., flour - 3.5 cups, eggs - 3 pcs., sugar - 2 cups, sour cream - 500 g, soda - 1 tsp, gelatin - 1 tsp, butter - 50 g

Beat eggs with 1 cup sugar. Add honey, soda and butter. Mix. Put in a water bath for 15 minutes. Cool down. Add flour and knead the dough. Divide into 8 equal parts. Roll each piece into a thin round layer. Bake the cakes separately for 5-7 minutes in the oven at 180 ° C. Cut blanks of the same round shape. Beat sour cream with the remaining sugar with a mixer. Dissolve gelatin in a minimum amount of water. Pour into the cream in a thin stream. Beat again. Lubricate the cakes with sour cream. Lay on top of each other. Grind dough scraps. Sprinkle the finished cake.

Calorie per serving 405 kcal

Time for preparing from 90 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 9 points

For 4 persons: honey - 0.25 cups, carrots - 1 kg, vegetable broth - 1.5 l, cream 35% - 0.3 cups, thyme - 2 sprigs

Wash carrots, peel. Send to the pan, pour the broth. Add thyme. Bring to a boil, cook for 45-55 minutes. Puree boiled carrots in a blender. Melt honey in a water bath. Add honey and cream to the carrots, mix thoroughly (for a less thick consistency, you can add a little broth).

Calorie per serving 135 kcal

Time for preparing from 70 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 7 points

For 4 persons: honey - 4 tbsp. l., apples - 4 pcs., almonds - 80 g, raisins - 50 g, ground cinnamon

Dry the almonds in a hot frying pan without oil. Grind to a state of large crumbs. Rinse raisins, dry. Melt honey in a water bath. Combine liquid honey, raisins and nuts. Add a pinch of cinnamon. Stir the mixture thoroughly. Wash apples. Carefully remove the core with a knife, making a long vertical indentation. Spread filling evenly over each apple. Send blanks to a preheated oven. Bake for 20-25 minutes at 180°C. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with tea.

Calorie per serving 280 kcal

Time for preparing from 35 minutes

Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 6 points

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