Why does an owl dream: a good sign or a gloomy harbinger? Why is the owl dreaming

Why is the owl dreaming? Everyone knows that this is a kind and wise bird, so seeing it in a dream is a very good sign. But you can understand exactly why you saw such a dream only if you carefully weigh absolutely all the details of the dream.

Different interpretations

An owl in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, portends that soon you will become the center of some important events and you will have the opportunity to feel like the "navel of the earth." If the eagle owl is not visible, but only his hooting is heard, then you should listen to the signs of fate, they will warn you against possible problems. If you dreamed of owls who died, do not be afraid - this is a sign that you will avoid failure.

As the Modern Dream Book says, the owl symbolizes a person’s ability to find out what awaits him in the future. If it sits on your shoulder, then you will go through all the trials with your head held high and gain not only important life experience, but also true friends who will help in different situations.

The white owl is a harbinger of the fact that possible troubles will surely pass by. A dream, in which an owl is very small and looks more like a chick, suggests that soon a person will be able to defeat all his enemies, and he will do this thanks to his intellect.

It happens that a person dreamed of huge owls sitting on his arm. This is an omen that soon the dreamer may discover extraordinary abilities - he will be able to predict the development of life events, not only his own, but also other people.

Therefore, if you had such a dream, you should pay serious attention to revealing your inner abilities - work on yourself, and who knows, maybe you can even compete with Vanga? But still, one must be careful not to fall into the occult.

Talk, talk

It happens that a person sees in a dream owls that hunt rodents. This, on the one hand, is a harbinger of victory in the fight against competitors, and on the other, a warning:

  • Don't pay attention to gossip.
  • In the near future, you need to try not to enter into conflicts with the authorities.

In a dream, a huge beautiful owl flew. What is it for? Most likely, in the foreseeable future, unexpected guests may come to you. Their visit will be so unexpected that it is not known how you will react to it.

If you dream of birds killed by poachers, such dreams have a difficult interpretation. Such a plot must be taken very carefully, since this is a warning about the need to be careful, as Hasse's dream book interprets.

It is very good if you saw an eagle owl that you feed. This is a harbinger that you will soon become a successful and lucky person.. Of particular interest is a dream in which the bird first sat on a tree, and then the owl turned out to be talking. Try to remember what he told you. Perhaps this will come true soon.

If in a dream you catch owls, then this is a sign of good luck, especially at work. Most likely, they will make you an advantageous offer that you should not refuse. If the owl, after being in your hands, flew away, it means that you should wait for some news. Author: Elena Ragozina

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

loneliness; night birds - danger warning; screaming - to the newborn, incredible news.


according to the Ayurvedic dream book

It portends illness, poverty, shame and grief. A person who sees an owl in a dream should not dream of further prosperity.

Owl in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing an owl in a dream is a sign that in the future you will meet a person who is fluent in black magic. If you dreamed of a lot of owls, then such a dream indicates that there will come a time when dark forces will rule the Earth. To kill an owl in a dream means that you will be able to get rid of the influence of an evil person. Hearing the cry of an owl in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream suggests that in the future you will receive terrible news that will bring you a lot of grief.

Dreamed of an owl

according to Miller's dream book

Heard in a dream, the gloomy, deaf cry of an owl warns the seer of this dream that sorrows are creeping up on him. After such a dream, precautions must be taken to protect your life and those of your loved ones. Bad news may inevitably follow this dream. To see a dead owl means that you will happily avoid a very serious illness. Seeing an owl portends that you will be secretly slandered or in danger of being attacked.

See an owl in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

The owl is the archetype of wisdom in many cultures. Often the owl symbolizes longevity and knowledge. This knowledge in most cases refers to the prediction of the future, as well as the solution to the mysteries of the night. Perhaps you are in search of such knowledge or receive a prediction that hints that you may have such knowledge. Is the owl in your dream mysterious or sociable? Does she speak to you? What does she say?

Why is the owl dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


Expert Answers


In a dream, I walk along the alley. Suddenly I realize that the trees are very tall, or rather the crowns of trees at an incredible height, I have to throw my head back. I look and think how big and fluffy the trees are. I took a closer look, and this set of owlets sit on each branch in groups, many, many, many. Precisely owls, fluffy and brown all. What could it be? I didn’t feel fear, rather, interest. (Firina)

A dream means that in reality you are trying to deal with some difficult problem or take part in some important business (large project), but it seems to you that you lack knowledge and experience or lack self-confidence.


I dreamed about the apartment in which I lived as a child. I stand at the window, close it. Suddenly a large bird strikes the glass, it looks like an owl. She almost flew into the house, but I closed the window a split second earlier. I experienced fear in my dream. What does it mean? (Sofya Rodionova)

In almost all religions, the owl has a dual meaning. On the one hand, this night bird is considered a symbol of wisdom, insight, extensive knowledge, on the other hand, a sign of death, gloom and darkness, solitude and sorrow. According to legend, a meeting with a winged predator in reality does not promise anything favorable, but what can her appearance in a dream mean? Why is the owl dreaming? Information about this sign collected over the centuries can be found in modern dream books. That's just what the owl that appeared in the dream indicates, the dream book interprets ambiguously.

General information about the dreaming owl

The appearance of this symbol in a dream, regardless of the situation and plot, can have both positive and negative meanings.

Positive interpretation

A dreaming owl (owl) means that a person in real life will have to show his wisdom. Or he wants this wisdom to appear to him, since in reality it is necessary to solve any problems. The second option is that a difficult situation already exists, but its elimination requires careful consideration, and not an instinctive decision.

The symbol also speaks of the possibility of acquiring the ability to recognize the truth in any situation, to see what others cannot notice.

According to another interpretation, an owl in a dream warns that intrigues are woven around a person. At the same time, they do not carry danger and will be easily revealed.

If an owl dreams with owls in a nest, it means that career advancement or an increase in wages awaits in reality.

Negative interpretation

An owl in a dream usually serves as a messenger of one danger or another. The night bird warns of the following:

  • in the near future you can not count on prosperity, success in any endeavors and a quick marriage;
  • a person is threatened with loneliness, illness of his own or a loved one, poverty, misfortune and dishonor;
  • a dangerous viral epidemic will appear in the area of ​​​​residence, which will affect many people;
  • on the day after the dream, one should be afraid of failure and loss;
  • a person can be attacked, secretly slandered, his position used for mercenary purposes, an event associated with a threat to life can also occur;
  • there is excessive negative guardianship of the mother or another woman, which does not allow wisdom and experience to be shown;
  • situations leading to shock and shock are possible;
  • in reality, overwork, malaise, insomnia will be felt, thoughts of death may appear.

What color is an owl in a dream?

A gray winged predator dreams of news, reasonable decisions, the discovery of something new.

If the owl is dark gray or black, then many things in life will need to be rethought. There may be information that will lead to an assessment of recent events from a different point of view.

A motley owl is a sign that the sleeper will have to do an unpleasant, forced business.

In another dream book, the presence of a gray, motley or black owl in the house means a misfortune that will happen to unfamiliar and not too close people.

The appearance of a white owl in a dream indicates two options for the development of events:

  • a close fatal date that will bring interesting surprises, exciting moments and can turn the worldview around;

  • quarrels, losses, futile efforts that do not lead to anything good. Diseases and troubles are also possible.

Still, it is much better to notice a snowy owl in a dream than an owl of a different color. Most often, white color does not mean anything bad, on the contrary, it is a symbol of purity, purity and clarity.

What actions does an owl perform in dreams?

Not only the very fact of the presence of an owl in a dream, but also its behavior, activities, and movements are subject to interpretation.

Owl cry

A screaming owl is a harbinger of misfortune. If she makes gloomy, dull sounds that literally haunt in a dream, then you should prepare for trouble, bad omens, bad news. Wake up needs to be as careful as possible.

A dreamer who was frightened by the sudden cry of an owl may receive unexpected news, both positive and negative. The bird fluttering right from under the feet has the same meaning.

The nocturnal predator, uttering lingering cries, prophesies of illness, poverty, or dishonor.

If an owl cry is heard near the house, then soon an addition to the family can be expected.

An owl, not screaming in a dream, but hooting, portends a meeting with a person from whom you can learn a lot, get useful advice and benefit from communication.

Owl with prey

To dream of a winged predator on a hunt means that a person is afraid of becoming a victim of some atrocity, while making a real cult out of fear.

If the bird dreamed already with prey, then the dreamer in reality can be exposed, revealing his secrets. When there is nothing to hide, the dream is deciphered as a hint that you should not say too much.

The dream showed how an owl attacks a small bird - you have to be an eyewitness of how a more powerful and influential person exploits a weaker one. The second option: the owner of the dream himself will become an accomplice of injustice.

A bird that has caught a large prey portends a complete victory over a stronger opponent, the destruction of evil.

owl attack

An owl flies into the owner of the dream, bites him - in reality there is a wise and insidious enemy who will soon confuse plans and knock the ground out from under his feet. In addition, a bird bite means “corrosive” thoughts from the inside, as well as unpleasant moments that can happen because of other people.

If the dreamer runs away from an owl or feels fear from an attack, then in life someone is trying to use his creativity and thoughts for personal purposes.

An owl attacking someone else warns that this person can cause harm and it is better to break off communication with him.

Owl in contact with humans

The interpretation of a dream depends on who the owl is associated with: the owner of the dream or another person. If the main character is the dreamer:

  • holding a night bird in your hands is a warning about a fire or trouble. At the same time, the common problem will serve as a rapprochement with relatives and acquaintances;
  • taming an owl, feeding from hands means that a person who sees a dream has wisdom and worldly experience;
  • the bird sits on its hand itself - good news awaits in reality, the solution of old problems, the arrival of love;

  • an owl caught by the wings portends trouble with property;
  • an owl sitting on its head announces that it will have to come into contact with a negative and mysterious force;
  • a night predator that sits on a certain part of the body may mean the need for medical examination and treatment.

If the owl interacts with another person:

  • the bird sits on the shoulder of a friend - he has a secret or useful data that will be useful to the owner of the dream;
  • the owl is going to sit on someone - complete understanding can arise with this person;
  • it is a bad omen that in a dream a loved one or a loved one tames an owl. If she listens to him, and treats the dreamer aggressively, then the partner is capable of betrayal or cruel betrayal.

A dream about an owl that itself behaves like a person or talks warns that the dreamer will receive important information in reality and cannot be ignored. According to another interpretation, the sleeper will learn some secret that will amaze him.

Owl in the house

If you dream that a night predator is sitting on the roof of a house or is indoors, then this portends misfortune. Flying through the rooms and hitting the glass, she warns of danger, illness and hard times for the family.

An owl that appears in a dream in a window and even beats against the glass outside means good news and the birth of a long-awaited child.

A dream showing a bird in a cage is a sign of untapped opportunities. It also speaks of submission to other people, the loss of freedom and independence.

dead owl

A dreamer who kills a night bird will be freed from the influence of a bad person in life. According to another version, he conceived a case that is not capable of solving the problem, and can only aggravate the situation. The dream serves as a hint that it is best to ask for help from knowledgeable people who are able to objectively assess the situation.

If the dream showed an already dead owl, then in reality the sleeping person will be able to avoid a serious illness.

Owl in flight

A dream with a flying bird portends imminent danger. If the night predator flies away, then the situation is not as serious as it seems.

The owner of the dream, watching the flight of an owl, plunges into the secrets of darkness.

If you dream that an owl or an owl confuses a person, while their eyes burn against the sky, this means the transformation of annoying thoughts into a real mania and the desire to get rid of it.

Other situations

In a dream, an owl without feathers was seen - in reality a situation will happen that will destroy the peace of mind of the sleeping person, will become an occasion for rash steps.

The owl turns its head and gazes intently into the eyes of the owner of the dream - some kind of negative will happen in life.

A dreaming owlet means someone's secret intrigue, which is not dangerous for the dreamer. If the sleeper found an owlet in the forest, then in reality he will receive wise advice.

The dream shows an owl in the zoo - the sleeper will not be able to realize his plans, as there are people who will try to interfere in order to advance themselves.

A double interpretation of dreams about owls can leave an unpleasant aftertaste and a bad feeling. But do not despair and panic. The owl, as a symbol of wisdom, should first of all call for the manifestation of this very wisdom in life. After reading the information from the dream books, you should analyze the general situation, and not rely only on the meaning of a particular dream. And, of course, in no case do not tune in to something bad. It is better to think about good news, because thoughts are material.

Why is the owl dreaming? In a dream, this is a rather rare, but very significant symbol. It reflects wisdom and secret knowledge, but at the same time warns of life's difficulties. Interpretation examples and popular dream books will help you find the right interpretation.

Miller's dream book opinion

If in dreams I happened to hear the deaf and gloomy cry of an owl, then troubles and sorrows are already close. The dream book advises to gather strength and exercise extreme caution in everything, because you have to go through one of the most difficult stages in life.

Dreamed of a dead owl? The dream interpretation is sure that you will avoid a serious illness or danger. A living owl in a dream symbolizes the slander and slander of enemies.

Interpretation of sleep according to Aesop's dream book

Why is the owl dreaming? She is a universally recognized symbol of wisdom. This bird reflects some mysterious force that influences the dreamer's life from the outside or dormant inside him.

Did you happen to see that an owl attacks another bird or animal? In reality, you will become a participant in events during which a powerful and strong person will subjugate a weaker one.

Had a dream that you found an owlet? The dream interpretation is sure that someone will give you wise and practical advice. Why dream of an owl without feathers? Certain circumstances will literally piss you off and force you to commit a stupid act.

In a dream, an owl sat on its head? Dream Interpretation believes that you have to face real Evil. The cry of an owl next to the house marks an addition to the family or, on the contrary, a tragedy.

Interpretation of the dream book of D. and N. Winters

What is the dream of an ordinary gray owl? She conveys a gloomy and dreary attitude towards life. Perhaps you really have reason to yearn.

However, the dream book believes that the negative will not help to cope with the blues and real problems. The image of an owl in a dream suggests acting decisively, but at the same time relying not so much on sober calculation as on your own intuition.

Prediction according to D. Loff's dream book

An owl is a symbol of longevity and secret knowledge in a dream, which is directly related to predicting the future. You may not even suspect that you have the talent of a real seer.

In addition, the image reflects spiritual searches and attempts to understand something incomprehensible. By the way the owl behaved in a dream, you can understand whether you are on the right track and whether you have the opportunity to learn something unknowable from the point of view of the inhabitants.

Interpretation of the dream book from A to Z

What is the dream of an owl, according to this dream book? He believes that you risk falling into bad society. If you dreamed that an owl flew right in front of your face, then a loved one will get sick. If in a dream an owl flies during the day, then in reality you will be able to avoid mortal danger.

It is bad to hear an owl's cry in a dream - this is a harbinger of the fact that you have to attend someone else's funeral. Had a dream that an owl flew into the house? There will be misfortune. A dead bird promises romantic experiences, and a stuffed owl predicts: you admit a mistake you made earlier.

Deciphering the image according to the dream book of the White Magician

Why is the owl dreaming? Be careful, ill-wishers dream of taking advantage of your weakness. The day following the dream will bring a lot of trouble.

Did you happen to see how an owl hunted in a dream? Your soul is filled with unfounded fears. Subconsciously, you are terribly afraid of being the victim.

Had a dream that you killed an owl? What you have in mind is not good. The act you are willing to take will make the situation even worse. To solve the problem, the dream book recommends contacting competent people.

What is the dream of an owl outside the window in the forest

Dreamed of an owl in the forest? You want to become a wise person or solve some difficult problem. Sometimes the interpretation of a dream indicates a certain female person who harms you unconsciously out of "good" motives or intentionally.

What else is an owl outside the window for? This is a reflection of personal spiritual quest. The vision hints that the answers are nearby, you just need to be able to consider them.

In addition, the owl outside the window in a dream reflects the secret side of the personality. Perhaps soon you will discover something in yourself that you did not even suspect before. Look around, the place where you had to see an owl will tell you which area of ​​life the coming changes concern.

I dreamed of an owl in the house, in my hands

If in a dream an owl was in your hands, then you can consider what was previously hidden. There will be complete clarity and absolute understanding of the situation. In fact, you are destined for a series of insights that will completely change your views on the world around you.

Did you dream of an owl in the house that rushes at a certain person? Remember this character - it is he who poses a threat to you in the real world. It is better to see that an owl calmly and voluntarily sits on someone's shoulder. In reality, an almost telepathic understanding will be established between you and him.

An owl in the house is a symbol of voluntary loneliness and even hermitage. But you deliberately hid from society, which opened up opportunities for comprehending the deep secrets of being and the universe. If the bird sat on some part of the body, then it is there that the dormant ailment is hiding.

What does a white, polar, ordinary owl mean in a dream

What is the dream of an ordinary gray owl? She warns of danger or fear. At the same time, the bird personifies a wise woman, receiving advice, her own intuition. Dreamed of a gray owl? Get the news or face the other side of the usual things.

A white owl in a dream marks the discovery of some secret and hints at an early romantic date. Dreamed of an unusual owl with burning eyes? These are obsessive thoughts of the dreamer, which over time can develop into a real mania.

I dreamed - an owl beats out the window, flies, flies away

Why dream that an owl beats out the window. Alas, you are destined for great misfortune. The same image reflects the intrigues weaving around your person. The owl that knocks on the window symbolizes fear.

Seeing an owl fly means that someone will take advantage of your ideas and plans. If in a dream an owl flies and loudly flaps its wings, then danger threatens a whole group of people, including you. If it flies away, then the threat will pass accordingly.

Owl in a dream - even more specifics

If you dreamed of an owl, then you will have to show wisdom in some delicate matter. This bird dreams quite rarely, because the dream can be considered prophetic in any case. Moreover, you should remember exactly the words that she might say in a dream.

  • watch the flight of an owl - dive into dark secrets
  • flying owl - occult knowledge
  • overhead - danger
  • flies to you - trouble is close
  • flies away from you - everything will work out
  • with small prey - getting rid of small worries
  • with a large one - victory over evil
  • sitting on a stone - poverty
  • on a tree - the advice of a loved one
  • in the room - a difficult situation
  • in a cage - unrealized opportunities
  • white - date
  • gray - woman
  • black is a threat
  • attacks you - an insidious enemy
  • caught a mouse - your secret will be revealed
  • small bird - problems in children
  • tame an owl - wisdom, worldly experience
  • hold in hands - fear
  • hear hooting - trouble, trouble, bad news

Why else is an owl dreaming? The interpretation of sleep depends entirely on the characteristics of the cultural traditions that the dreamer adheres to. Therefore, the same vision can warn of illness, failure and even death, or of healing (physical or spiritual), absolute success and wisdom.

An owl is considered a wise bird, but in real life a meeting with her or an eagle owl does not always portend good events, especially at night. For a long time they did not rejoice at the cry of an owl near the house. It is interesting to know whether these sensations in a dream coincide with the interpretation of what the owl dreams of, in reality.

An owl is considered a wise bird, but in real life a meeting with her or an owl does not always portend good events.

D. Loff's dream book suggests that the owl is not dreaming by chance: a person is destined for longevity and the purpose of doing something important in this life. Further, the interpreter suggests remembering every detail of the dream.

Every little thing matters:

  • how the bird behaves
  • what color is it
  • she is alive or dead.

It is on this that the absolute 100% explanation of what you see in a dream depends.

In the dream book from A to Z, an owl means the illness of a close relative, and the ability to avoid danger in life.

Tip: When you wake up, remember what the owl looked like in a dream.

What is the dream of an owl (video)

To dream of an owl in the hands, in the house, outside the window

A predator can be seen in a dream anywhere: caught in a cage, flying and not being picked up, calmly sitting on a tree branch outside the window.

  1. If in a dream an owl suddenly decided to sit on her hand, then an acquaintance with her love is approaching. Positive news will come and old problems that were before will soon be safely resolved.
  2. Holding a bird in your hands - to the expectations of a fire incident, other troubles can occur. But all this will only rally the dreamer's relatives and friends.
  3. If you managed to tame the owl and feed it from your hands, the dream says that in reality the sleeping person has wisdom.
  4. The "wise little head" decided to settle down on the roof of the house or dared to fly inside it. Such a dream does not bode well, it is worth waiting for trouble.
  5. If, in its flights around the house, the bird beats against windows and walls, it means that difficult times are approaching for the whole family, and we should expect possible illnesses.
  6. The owl presented its face in the window or knocked on the window - a child will be born, good news will arrive.

If this bird is in a cage, the dreamer has abilities that he does not use.

What is the dream of an owl sitting on a tree

An owl is, of course, a bird, so it can dream of both flying and sitting on a tree.

An owl is, of course, a bird, so it can be dreamed of both flying and sitting on a tree. It is impossible to say that you can see more often.

  • If an owl settled on a tree, this may mean that someone seems to be watching the dreamer, exerting a negative influence on him. No one likes being followed. But this is still a small problem.
  • If an owl leans out of its hollow, the one who sees this dream will have a lonely life.
    Such interpretations are obvious, and the help of dream books may not be needed.

Owl with prey in its claws

If a person saw prey in the claws, this indicates that he himself is afraid of becoming the prey of someone's dirty hands.

If a person saw prey in his claws, this indicates that he himself is afraid of becoming the prey of someone's dirty hands. Maybe this should be feared, because there is a high probability of revealing carefully hidden secrets. If the bird managed to catch a large prey, you should be glad: the evil will go away, and very soon it will be possible to celebrate the victory.

Why is the owl dreaming

The eagle owl is a night bird, it is difficult to imagine that she can be in a person’s house of her own free will

The eagle owl is a night bird, it is difficult to imagine that she can be in a person’s house of her own free will. But in a dream, this is not the case. Therefore, if you dream that this bird is in the house, who will soon see such a dream will experience indifference from the person closest to him.

  1. Owl suddenly decided to show his character and grabbed his hair - this is the approaching meeting that the dreamer has been waiting for so long.
  2. The owl's claws are dreaming - soon you should expect a quarrel in the family. By the size of the claws, you can find out whether it is large or not. Thus, long claws speak of jealousy, and short ones symbolize minor domestic troubles. Owl decided to sit on his shoulder - a test should be expected soon.

What does an owl mean according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book is considered one of the main interpreter books that people resort to for help. How does he interpret the owl and everything connected with this bird.

  • According to this dream book, hearing the hooting of an owl in a dream symbolizes that hard times, troubles, and troubles await ahead. It is worth paying attention in this case
    on loved ones and try to warn them against impending threats.
  • If you dreamed of a dead owl, then in reality you will be able to avoid the disease or ensure that it does not proceed in a severe form.
  • Just to see an owl - Miller interprets it as a warning: someone weaves intrigues behind the dreamer's back and tries to slander him in every possible way, there is even a possibility of an attack by ill-wishers.

The owl is ambiguously represented by this dream watcher.

Tip: In your dreams, you need to look for clues, but not a dogma for action.

What is the dream of a black owl

The black owl is not so bad, it's a chance to change everything for the better

A little earlier there was a conversation about the color of a bird, how can it affect the meaning of sleep. Just like in life, there is white and black, there is negative and positive. And in a dream it is presented like this:

  • If the dreaming owl is gray, then news may appear that will bring any discoveries with it.
  • The black color of feathers means that you will have to think over old decisions again, a new look will appear on many things.
  • White color predicts a romantic date.

So, a black owl is not so bad, it's a chance to change everything for the better.

Tip: be sure to remember the color of the owl.

Why dream that an owl attacks

Not in all dreams, an owl and an owl behave kindly. They can behave completely unpredictably, because it is still a bird of prey. But in a dream, such behavior is explained not by rapacity, but by the dreamer's warning.

You can explain why this is a dream:

  1. The owl behaves aggressively and violently attacked the one who has a dream, biting him with his powerful beak. Such a dream may mean that in reality somewhere there is a very cunning and incredibly smart enemy. It is worth preparing for his actions and protecting yourself.
  2. If they run away from this nocturnal bird or feel fear, then the enemy does not sleep behind their backs, but only waits for new brilliant ideas to be born, and then they will be stolen by any means.
  3. The owl attacks someone else, and not the dreamer - then you should take a closer look at him, he can do evil to the owner of the dream and it is better to stop communicating with him. The bird indicates this person, who can masterfully disguise himself.

Interpretation of dreams about an owl (video)

No need to be afraid of dreams, you need to act correctly. Study the interpretation and try to act in accordance with the warnings that the dream book predicted.
There are enough positive and negative interpretations of dreams with owls. Moreover, each dream book has its own vision of this problem. But any dream is only for that person who can change something in his destiny.

Attention, only TODAY!

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