Why do you dream about a petting dog? Why do you dream about small dogs - dream book. Kill a small dog in a dream

a dog caresses itself in a dream, what is this for?

He says that a dream about a dog being caressed represents new, excellent opportunities and a favorable period for accomplishing your plans. A big, white dog is your devoted friend. For women in a dream, a white, large dog means an influential gentleman. A kind dog is a symbol of good luck in business and love. But a black dog promises you betrayal against you from a loved one.

dog caresses according to dream book

A dream about an affectionate dog licking your hands is interpreted as a sign of great gratitude from the person you will help in life. A dream about a big white dog speaks of an old friend, perhaps you will meet him in reality. Or you will meet a person and become great and true friends with him - you can always rely on him. A black dog in a dream promises you disappointment in a close friend who will betray you and possibly reveal your secrets.

Why do you dream about a dog being caressed?

A dream in which you saw a big white dog speaks of an influential friend whom you can always count on in difficult times.

dog caresses according to dream book

Interprets a dream about a big white dog for women as an enviable gentleman. By the size of the dog in a dream, one can judge his wealth.

dreamed of a dog being caressed

If a dog pets you in a dream, this means meeting a new friend or loved one. A white dog portends stunning success in business, not without the help of your faithful friends.

dreamed of a dog being caressed

Designates an affectionate dog as a symbol of your friendship. A big white dog in a dream means great achievements in business and dizzying success in love.

An interesting dream with several interpretations. On the one hand, a dog in a dream often means a friend, lover or sexual partner, as well as a loved one if it is affectionate. But in some situations, the dream book interprets such a dream to mean that there is an insidious person who should not be trusted.

To understand what it means to see an affectionate dog in a dream, pay attention to the following points: where the animal was in your dream, what it did, who it belonged to, and what breed or color the dog was in the dream. This is what such a dream most often predicts in various situations.

Your pet or the one you would like to purchase

If the dog in a dream belongs to you and it is your real pet, then the dream book writes that it means loneliness and the need for a kind and friendly attitude. If a dog cuddles up to you in a dream and asks to sit on your lap, then the dream book writes that in reality you pay too little attention to it.

Sometimes such a dream is caused by the fact that the animal is sleeping in the same bed with you or is trying to wake you up. The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they are caused by natural causes. However, to see in a dream your dog, who is currently walking on the street, how he caresses you, means that he actually feels bad or he got into a fight with dogs or cats.

Sometimes your own dog appears in a dream to show you your own experiences and spiritual qualities, as well as the support that you lack at the moment. If your dog caresses you in a dream, then the dream book writes that seeing such a dream means your own need for kindness and participation. Sometimes an animal shows a friend who needs your support and love.

Do you dream about your dog being affectionate towards someone else? This dream often means that jealousy and betrayal will soon appear in your life. It is even possible to envy a person whom you know very well because he received more warmth and love from loved ones. Envy extends both to personal qualities and simply to a sympathetic attitude, love and tenderness.

Sometimes seeing such a dream means your own deprivation of love and warmth. Such dreams are often experienced by children who dream of a dog, but their parents are against it or simply do not give them the long-awaited warmth and love. That is why the increased need for affection is often dreamed of by children in the form of such dreams or by lonely people who do not have warmth in their lives.

In some cases, if someone else took your pet dog and it shows affection that was not intended for you, then the dream book writes that in reality you are not paying enough attention to the animal. Very often, such a dream predicts various betrayals of a friend who will be offended by you and stop communicating. Sometimes for guys, a dog that fawns on another person means jealousy, a quarrel, or simply a break in the relationship. For girls, seeing such a dream means that a guy is offended by you because of a whim or whim.

Alien animal

If you dreamed of a dog, whose owner you know, who caresses you, then the dream book writes that such a dream means that a friend will soon turn to you for help. Sometimes an animal can show that a certain person needs your communication and support. In some cases, a dog that caresses itself in front of you dreams that its owner will need your communication and help. However, for men, having such a dream does not always mean that you will have a friendly conversation with this person.

Very often, an affectionate dog means a friend’s wife, a girl who will show sympathy for you and is far from friendly. Girls and women dream of someone else's dog being caressed, a sign of communication with a married friend or a desire to receive support from a married man. But, if you know for sure that the owner of the animal is not married, then such a dream means romantic feelings that you are holding back because you are afraid of hearing a refusal. Often the dream book writes that seeing such a dream means a desire to make friends with this person, to find contact.

Why do you dream about seeing that someone else’s dog belongs to a friend or woman? Such a dream often predicts communication with a woman. The dream book writes that such a dream predicts friendly and friendly relations with your colleague and girlfriend. For a man to see that a friend’s or acquaintance’s dog is starting to caress him means this person’s interest in you, personal sympathy and readiness to start an affair.

But often an animal in a dream shows the soul of this person and his real aspirations. Sometimes the dream book writes that a dog can show a friend’s daughter or younger sister. Most likely, she will need not only your friendly support, but will also want to build a romantic and very pleasant relationship with you.

Why do you dream about seeing that your girlfriend’s dog has begun to show interest in you and caress you? If you are in a quarrel and do not talk to her, then the dream book writes that such a dream means her desire to make peace with you. It is possible that she would like to return your attention, but her pride does not allow her to approach you first.

Why does a girl see a guy’s dog starting to caress her? Such a dream means that a man will have a purely animal interest in you and nothing more. Even if from the outside the guy seems to you to be a faithful and devoted friend, a wonderful lover and partner. It is possible that he is not interested in anything other than sex.

Why do you dream that a stranger’s strange dog starts to caress you? The dream book writes that such a dream most often means your need for affection, revelation of the soul and tenderness. The dream also predicts various troubles, grievances and misunderstandings of your environment.

Sometimes a dog means friendship, tenderness, love and wonderful, romantic feelings. In some situations, this animal predicts a love victory for you or that someone will soon become interested in you as a potential partner.

Suit matters

A stray dog ​​or a purebred dachshund, a big shaggy friend or a small but very affectionate dog in a dream, if it is not clear exactly who its owner is, means the animal essence of a person and the need for affection. Sometimes the dream book writes that the appearance of such an animal mirrors your own state of mind.

An abandoned street dog, lonely and unhappy, who caresses you, often in a dream predicts loneliness for you or that a certain relative or friend is suffering and needs your help. Wounds, if any, show his mental wounds and the need for affection or love. Sometimes a homeless dog indicates an extremely poor person, a homeless person or an alcoholic who will need your care and attention.

Why do you dream of sheltering a stray dog? Such a dream means that someone will console you in trouble, and you yourself will help someone. If you have sheltered, warmed and fed an animal, then such a dream predicts friendly support and tenderness. The dream book also writes that such a dream predicts consolation for you in grief or that a person will soon appear who will not only provide you with material assistance, but also support you in a difficult situation.

Why do you dream that a large dog of a fighting breed, for example, a Doberman or a Great Dane, is caressing you? This dream means friendship with a treacherous, influential or very dangerous person. Sometimes such a dream shows a friend (for men) who will subsequently cause you great harm and trouble, bringing with him quarrels and perhaps even legal proceedings. The dream book also writes about the danger of getting into an adventure or making friends with a bandit, especially if the dog in the dream was black. For a girl to see a fighting dog caressing her is a bad sign. Such a dream predicts acquaintance, friendship or a love relationship with an intelligent, strong, powerful, but dangerous person. Very often, friendship and good attitude will later end in constant quarrels or lead to danger and persecution. It could also be a strong and strong guy who knows how to fight or is involved in criminal activities, or a dangerous girlfriend, a fashionista, but a rather cruel and insidious person who knows how to hide his true face.

A shepherd dog in a dream that fawns over you often means devotion and fidelity, honesty and security. A man dreams of such a dream to mean that he will soon have a faithful and devoted girlfriend or lover. She will be distinguished by strength, sincerity, a desire for openness, truthfulness and honesty. For girls, the shepherd predicts a reliable friend, a lover with whom it will be pleasant to spend time.

The Saint Bernard or Diver signifies a powerful, melancholy and sociable friend who values ​​family comfort and constancy. Often the dream book writes that his appearance in a dream means an elderly man, very experienced, kind and reasonable. The dream in which a Labrador dog caresses you in a dream has the same meaning. For girls, such a dream means flirting and a love relationship with a man older than himself, experienced, reliable, rational and good-natured, striving to start a family.

Small dogs such as lapdogs and dachshunds often predict the appearance of a woman in a man’s dreams. The color of the animal often shows the shade of a woman's or girl's hair. In women's dreams, a dog of this breed shows a friend, a gossip, a younger sister or daughter, as well as a person who does not have high social status and power. Cunning foretells a dream if a dog, which was caressing you in a dream, suddenly bites you.

Dogs such as a collie or a Scottish Shepherd dream of meeting an arrogant and arrogant girl who will be slender and ambitious. For men, such a dream predicts flirting, an affair with a model or a girl with such parameters, for girls - communication with an insidious, beautiful and arrogant person. Sometimes the collie breed predicts that you will have a touch of elitism, high circles and influential, glamorous individuals.

Yard dogs that cuddle up to you mean friends. However, if you stroked a dog and it bit you, you should be wary of treachery, especially if the animal was red, black or gray. The first means a brawler and a hot-tempered person, the second means cunning, deceit and danger, and gray means a secretive and silent aggressor, a traitor

So you should be careful and not believe false promises.

The dog from a dream is a very ambiguous symbol. It can portend a person both favorable changes and the activation of enemies. You can find more accurate clues about what a dog is dreaming of in modern dream books.

In Miller’s dream book, a dog for a representative of the fair sex usually symbolizes a reliable friend and protector. If she behaves friendly towards the sleeping woman or even tries to protect her from attack, it means that in real life you should not refuse the help of others and friends. Without the support of a close friend, the girl is unlikely to be able to cope with the problems that have piled up.

According to Tsvetkov’s work, the interpretation of dreams in which dogs appear will largely depend on the breed of the animal:

  • Small decorative dogs promise a girl a pleasant pastime. For example, a long-awaited meeting with someone from the past or a successful date. You shouldn’t expect any drastic changes after such an event. But the meeting will give the woman many pleasant emotions.
  • A Great Dane, Shepherd or any other large dog from a dream suggests that an old friend will have a great influence on a girl’s life. The dog symbolizes his devotion. After such a dream, a woman can be sure that her old friend will definitely not betray her.

Vanga’s dream book notes that a dead dog from a dream is an unfavorable sign. It promises danger to the dreamer’s loved one. This could affect a woman's spouse, boyfriend, or even her adult child.

I dreamed of a good and evil dog

The interpretation of a dream may even depend on the mood and character of the animal. Therefore, it is worth remembering whether the dog turned out to be good or evil in his night dreams. If the dog had a good-natured attitude towards the sleeping woman, it means that in reality the dreamer will find support and support in one of her old acquaintances. There is a possibility that the woman’s old friend has a strong sympathy for her, and therefore is ready to provide any help. If this is indeed the case, you should boldly consider a man as a potential spouse. He will become a faithful and reliable companion for a woman until the end of her life.

But a bristling angry dog ​​from a dream suggests that you need to reconsider your plans for the near future. It is likely that the sleeping person does not notice serious miscalculations and mistakes in them. A similar plot may also indicate that someone you know is openly jealous of the woman. To avoid this in the future, you should not tell others about your successes and achievements.

Small, large animal in a dream

Tiny loud barking dogs symbolize gossip about the sleeping woman. But you don’t need to pay attention to them; unpleasant rumors will not spoil the reputation of the fair sex.

But a small snow-white dog promises a girl a pleasant acquaintance. It can develop into a long-term love relationship.

A very large dog that licks the hands of a representative of the fair sex promises her a quick marriage with a financially secure man. If a huge dark dog behaved aggressively, you should expect difficulties on the path of life. You will have to spend a lot of effort to successfully overcome them.

Dog bites, attacks woman

Almost all modern dream books suggest that you should not expect happiness from aggressive attacking animals. Sometimes a biting dog is a symbol that a representative of the fair sex behaves incorrectly towards loved ones. She refuses to compromise, openly criticizes her family and expresses her attitude towards them very angrily. Close people tolerated this behavior of a relative for a long time, but now they are even ready to completely refuse communication with her. You need to realize your mistakes as soon as possible and sincerely ask for forgiveness from others.

If a seemingly kind dog suddenly bites a girl, it means that in reality she is mistaken about one of her friends. A difficult period of disappointment awaits the dreamer ahead. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this. New worthy people who can be trusted will take the place of ill-wishers.

It happens that in a dream a girl manages to repel a dog’s attack and prevent a bite. This is a clear sign that the enemies and their intentions will be declassified before they can do any harm.

Seeing a black, white, red dog in a dream

Did you see a black dog in a dream? This means that among the dreamer’s friends there is a person who should not be trusted indefinitely. He perfectly knows how to mask his negative qualities and flaunt exclusively positive sides. Of course, it is not at all necessary to immediately remove such a person from your circle of acquaintances. But it is advisable to figure him out and behave warily with this friend.

But a brown dog with shabby fur suggests that one of your friends is very tired mentally and/or physically. He urgently needs the support of his loved ones. Otherwise, a person may experience serious, prolonged depression.

The white dog always symbolizes good luck and fortune. They will come from a close friend or from a person whom the dreamer has known for a long time and well. If a white dog turns out to be pregnant, then the woman can safely decide to change jobs. The new place will allow her to significantly improve her financial situation and provide opportunities for further rapid professional development.

A red dog from a dream is a hint for a girl that she needs to be careful. This is especially true when dating men. Before you trust a new friend, you should test him in different situations.

Also, a red dog can serve as an indication of a mistake by the sleeping woman, because of which someone close to her is offended.

Woman petting a dog

Petting or feeding a large dog of any color means pleasant surprises from friends. They will be gratitude for the help that the dreamer once provided to close friends. But stroking a sick dog is not a good sign. He suggests that someone close to the woman may get sick.

If a dog is petted by a representative of the fair sex who is about to get married, such a dream is an important harbinger for her. The plot suggests that the dreamer chose the right life partner. She can safely connect her fate with him.

I dreamed about a lot of dogs - meaning

The most negative harbinger can be considered a plot in which a pack of barking aggressive dogs attacks a girl. This option promises her a very painful betrayal of a loved one. It won't be easy to get through it. It will take a woman a lot of time to return to her usual life rut and forget about her emotional experiences.

Did you dream about a lot of dogs of large noble breeds? This means that the girl will soon meet people who occupy a higher position in society. These connections will greatly help the sleeping woman in the future in different areas of life.

If a representative of the fair sex takes part in a large-scale dog show, then in reality she will have to make a public appearance. For it to be successful, you need to start preparing for the event in advance.

Why do you dream about small dogs? It is impossible to interpret such a dream unambiguously: its interpretation depends on many factors. Therefore, try to remember what happened in the kingdom of Morpheus in great detail and choose the appropriate interpretation.

Interpretations of popular dream books

Let's try to figure out what small dogs mean in dreams, according to the authors of various dream books.

Look for a suitable prediction in the list:

  1. An old Russian dream book. Dogs that appear in a dream are a symbol of devotion and fidelity to the people around you. Think about it, does everyone deserve this kind of treatment? Perhaps undeserving people are taking advantage of your good relationship.
  2. Longo's Dream Interpretation. If you dreamed of small dogs cuddling and trying to lick your hand, this is a favorable sign. After a long search, you will finally be able to find a decent job or get a promotion at your existing one.
  3. If you dream that puppies are sleeping, problems with children are coming. Perhaps they will get sick, which is why you will have to postpone planned activities or take sick leave from work
  4. Dream book of Simon Canonite. The authors of this dream book believe that seeing small dogs in a dream is a favorable sign. In real life, your efforts and efforts will bear worthy fruits, you will achieve success and be rewarded
  5. Italian dream book by Meneghetti. According to the authors of this dream book, seeing a dog in a dream is not a very favorable sign. In real life, you depend on someone, you are in a subordinate position, which is why you cannot be fully realized. The time has come to free yourself from shackles, become an independent person and act in accordance with your own interests, and not those of others.
  6. The famous predictor Nostradamus believed that dogs dream of financial problems. Moreover, global - serious difficulties with money are coming, and it may even get to the point where you won’t know what to buy food with. Get ready to solve problems and eliminate all sorts of complications to stay afloat
  7. Tsvetkov’s dream book states: if you saw small dogs in a dream, you will win in some life situation. You can handle any difficulty, you can solve any problem with dignity, success will accompany you in everything
  8. The famous psychotherapist Freud believed that the most devoted pets to humans dream of quarrels and conflicts. You will have a serious fight with someone close and dear to you. The outcome of the quarrel depends only on you: will you be able to make peace or will you have to break up forever?
  9. Loff's dream book indicates that homeless puppies dream of an impending insoluble conflict. A serious dispute will arise that cannot be resolved peacefully
  10. In the Muslim dream book, a dog is considered the personification of an enemy, an ill-wisher. In real life there is a person who plots and tries to harm you
  11. If you hit small dogs in a dream, this is a favorable sign. In real life, you have good health and are not afraid of illness. And minor illnesses will pass quickly
  12. According to the author of Miller's dream book, small dogs dream of favorable events and a successful outcome of affairs. Luck will accompany you in everything - both in financial matters and in your personal life. Seize the moment to realize your goals
  13. If a woman dreams of small dogs, she will soon meet her future husband. The marriage will be long, happy, the family will not need anything, you and your chosen one will have smart and obedient children

Watch the video to see what else dogs can dream about:

Why do you dream about puppies - other interpretations

It is very important to remember what happened in the dream: how many puppies there were, how they behaved, what you did in the dream.

The meaning of your dream also depends on this. We offer the following interpretation options, set out in popular dream books:

  1. The dog personifies the image of a close friend, a devoted person, a loving partner. Therefore, the more puppies there were, the more such people in your environment
  2. What color were the puppies? White ones dream of prosperity and success, black ones promise troubles and failures in real life, red ones foretell bright emotions and passionate sexual adventures
  3. What size were the puppies in your dream? Large, purebred dogs dream of a devoted and loving friend appearing in your life, who will always come to the rescue in any, even the most difficult situation.
  4. If the puppies were very small, in the near future you will find a reliable protector and patron who will offer his help in a difficult situation. Don’t refuse and let this person prove himself, don’t forget to thank him
  5. If an unmarried girl dreams of puppies, she will soon meet a worthy man who in the future can become a reliable companion in her life. He will court for a long time and persistently in order to achieve the favor of his chosen one.
  6. According to some authors, small dogs dream of unexpected gifts. Moreover, the more puppies there were in the dream, the greater the scale of the surprise. Get ready to rejoice and give thanks
  7. If small dogs are angry in a dream and try to bite or scratch you, this is an unfavorable sign that promises betrayal of a loved one. Possible deception from a friend or betrayal of a loved one
  8. The Egyptian dream book states that a dog bite in a dream warns: someone is trying to harm you using magic. They are trying to talk to you, bewitch you or put the evil eye on you. We recommend buying and wearing a reliable amulet that will protect you from evil spells
  9. If you dream of dead puppies, it means that you are a person with well-developed intuition. Pay attention to your premonitions more often and follow them

An angry dog ​​dreams of failure and the insidious machinations of your enemies. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends.

If you see yourself as the owner of a purebred dog, you can easily make a substantial fortune for yourself.

A sniffer dog following your trail warns you against dangerous temptations.

If a dog bites you, do not expect peace in the near future, either at home or at work.

A skinny and dirty dog ​​dreams of failure or illness.

Hearing dogs barking in a dream foretells bad news. The appearance of a hunting dog in your home means favorable business circumstances.

If in a dream you were frightened by a big dog, then you will have to resist your entire environment. After all, you have such a great desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity! And for a woman, such a dream promises a very worthy husband.

If in a dream you heard dogs growling behind you, then some intriguer may interfere in your interests. For you, this dream can mean both defeat and victory in case of your active resistance.

A cat and a dog suddenly throwing themselves at each other dream of failure in matters of the heart. But if you managed to spill water on the fighters, then everything will turn out well.

A white dog wagging its tail in a friendly manner portends great success in business and love.

If you were chased by a mad dog in a dream, you will have to mobilize all your strength to survive a serious fight.

If you drove her away or killed her, then everything will probably end well.

Walking with a dog, especially a purebred one, is a sign of happiness and prosperity.

According to Nostradamus, a dog is a symbol of devotion.

An absolutely white huge dog is a symbol of deteriorating living standards.

A man in the form of a dog is a symbol of new discoveries.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about dogs as follows.

A stray dog ​​seen in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a difficult situation. He doesn't ask you for help only because he doesn't want to burden you with his problems.

If you dreamed of a completely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream predicts a meeting with an old friend whom you have not seen for many years.

If you saw a black dog in a dream, in reality you will be bitterly disappointed in a person whom you have long considered your friend. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also use your secrets in order to publicly discredit your good name.

A gigantic dog seen in a dream is evidence that in the future you will meet a person who will later become your great friend. Sometimes such a dream prophesies support for your old friend.

If you fed a dog in a dream, you can be relied on in real life. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore those around you respect and love you.

Dreaming about an injured or killed dog is a bad omen. Soon you will receive very bad news about a terminal illness or even the death of your very good friend.

If a dog protects you in a dream, then in reality you are under the protection of higher powers. You have nothing to fear, because you are protected by guardian angels who monitor all your thoughts and actions from heaven.

If a dog attacks you, then in real life you will have a quick meeting with ill-wishers, but you will be able to resist them if you turn to your friends for help.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

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