Emergency appointment: what is the reason for the transfer of Anatoly Yakunin to the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Anatoly Yakunin was appointed head of the Federal Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Pavel Kochegarov

The daughter of the former head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow privatized an apartment in an elite building on Ostozhenka, which her father received from the capital authorities under a social rent agreement.

Former Moscow chief police officer Anatoly Yakunin is now settling into a new office in the Central Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. All checks on the general, including his income and expenses, have already been completed. According to Life, the inspectors were very interested in the Yakunin family’s apartment in a club house in the most expensive area of ​​Moscow - on Ostozhenka. The market value of such an apartment is estimated at 200 million rubles - one salary cannot buy it. However, the documents were executed flawlessly: the general received this housing under a social lease agreement from the Moscow mayor's office, and then privatized it for his daughter. The Moscow Property Department even resisted privatization, so the general's family received permission through the court. Yakunin is registered in an elite apartment, and his daughter, an official, lives there with her young and successful husband - the deputy prosecutor of the Kuntsevo district, whose career suddenly took off after the wedding.

We can say that General Anatoly Yakunin’s life was good. After the nervous and hectic work of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, he can now relax in the chair of the head of the Operations Directorate in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Everything is also good in his family: his wife works in a large company, his 29-year-old daughter Ekaterina works in government structures, her young husband Vadim Filippov works in the Moscow prosecutor’s office. Young people live like real oligarchs. Back in the spring of 2013, Ekaterina Yakunina became the owner of an apartment on "Golden Mile"- this is exactly how Ostozhenka was nicknamed in Moscow, the most prestigious area, where the cost of housing has long been measured in hundreds of millions of rubles.

House with cockfights

This apartment had an interesting fate. In the spring of 2012, the then head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, General Vladimir Kolokoltsev, was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia. His old office at 38 Petrovka did not stand for long without an owner. It was soon occupied by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod Region, Major General Anatoly Yakunin. The new chief police officer of Moscow needed somewhere to live with his family, and the capital authorities did not skimp. Yakunin received a three-room apartment in the Ostozhenka 11 residential complex at the address of the same name. The Moscow government received this apartment from the developer - the famous Austrian construction company Strabag SE.

The elite complex appeared on the site of an ancient building in which Shustrov's Dovecote tavern was located. At the end of the 19th century, this establishment became famous for illegal cockfights, which attracted merchants. The ancient building was demolished in 2007 to make way for the construction of Ostozhenka 11.

This is a six-story house of exclusive design. It has only 40 apartments. It is lined with three types of rare stone, which was brought from Germany. The walls facing the courtyards are partly clad in grappa wood: it is stronger than mahogany and resistant to bad weather. The glazing is such that the apartments always have a lot of light, and the penthouses offer excellent views of the city center. From the upper floors you can see the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Across the street is the Multimedia Art Museum.

Apartment owners and their guests are greeted by security and administrators. The transition to the elevators is made in the form of bridges. The interior of the entrance is reminiscent of Renaissance palaces.

Yakunin's apartment is on the fourth floor. It has two bedrooms, four toilets and two bathrooms. Its market value is estimated at 200 million rubles. In 2013, when the general acquired this apartment, he earned 2.6 million rubles according to his income declaration. His wife - 4.1 million. If the couple decided to buy such an apartment on their own at the market price, then with a family budget of 6.7 million they would have to save for an apartment for almost 30 years.

For a general and an apartment it’s not a pity

In December 2012, General Yakunin entered into a social rental agreement for this apartment on Ostozhenka with the Moscow government represented by the Department of Housing Policy.

Almost immediately, Yakunin’s daughter turned to the Moscow authorities for permission to privatize this apartment. The Housing Policy Department refused her on the grounds that she had not yet been registered as city property, a law enforcement source told Life. - In order to quickly resolve this issue, officials advised Ekaterina Yakunina to go to court, because the right to free privatization formally expired in March 2013 and it was unclear whether it would be extended again or not.

If the Russian government had not once again extended free privatization, the general’s family, like millions of other families, would have had to buy apartments from the state at the full market price.

Ekaterina Yakunina listened to the advice of wise officials. Two months later, in February 2013, the Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow decided the issue of privatizing the apartment in favor of Yakunin’s daughter. The question of the period of free privatization played a decisive role: the court indicated this as one of the arguments for its decision. “The court believes that the plaintiff, who lives in the apartment provided to her and wants to acquire ownership of it through privatization, cannot be held responsible for the untimely registration of property rights by Moscow,” says the reasoning part of the court’s decision.

Thus, on legal grounds, the Moscow property lost an asset worth about 200 million rubles. In this situation, there is no one to ask: the key decision was made by the court, and officials did not appeal it.

Apartment with an area of ​​148.1 sq. m has appeared in Yakunin’s declaration since 2013, but in 2014 it shrank by almost 6 square meters. m. In fact, we are talking about the same apartment. Just 148 sq. m it turns out, if you count with the summer premises - the loggia.

Anatoly Yakunin himself is now registered in this apartment,” a source told Life.

A parking space in the parking lot of an elite building, worth about 3 million rubles, was also registered in Ekaterina Yakunina’s name.

A gift of fate

A couple of years ago, Ekaterina married Vadim Filippov, then an ordinary employee of the prosecutor’s office of the capital’s Kuntsevo district, and took her husband’s last name. Now the general’s daughter has already submitted papers to the relevant authorities with a request to re-register all documents under a new surname.

After marrying the general’s daughter, the young prosecutor’s career magically took off: within a year, from an ordinary employee, he rose to the rank of first deputy district prosecutor. Now he is a 1st class lawyer. According to Life, the young Yakunin-Filippov family also owns an apartment in a new building in the Vnukovo area.

[Life.Ru, 10.20.2016, “The Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to comment on the information about Yakunin’s apartment for 200 million”: The Ministry of Internal Affairs did not comment on the information about the privatization of the apartment of the daughter of the former head of the Moscow police Anatoly Yakunin. The media relations department reported that they were not authorized to comment on this information, and, in principle, did not know what they were talking about.
The official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Irina Volk, was also unavailable for comment. - Insert K.ru]

Officials spoiled by housing issue

Experts say that the same rules apply for officials and ordinary citizens in Moscow for concluding a social rent agreement.

According to the law of the city of Moscow, an ordinary family of three, which includes spouses, is entitled to a two-room apartment with an area of ​​18 square meters. m per person,” explained Oleg Sukhov, president of the real estate lawyers’ guild. - To enter into a social tenancy agreement, a person still needs to have certain criteria. Namely - low-income and officially standing in line. In Moscow, this queue lasted for 25 years.

As of the summer of 2016, more than 74 thousand families were on the waiting list for free housing in Moscow alone. This number is regularly decreasing: until recently there were 200 thousand families on the waiting list.

However, there is also a special category of people to whom housing is allocated according to certain regulations: presidential decrees, government regulations. They are given apartments by the feds or local authorities, depending on the specific rule of law.

High-ranking officials and members of their families use similar schemes to solve the housing problem at the expense of the state.

In 2012, first deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Gorovoy filed a statement of claim in court against the Administration for the Maintenance of the Housing Fund of the Presidential Administration with a demand to transfer ownership of a service apartment on Michurinsky Prospekt to him. To move to Moscow, a high-ranking official formalized the donation of his living space in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in favor of the state, and in return received an elite apartment in the capital under a social lease agreement in the White Swan residential complex, which he wanted to take ownership of. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2013, Gorovoy, who became Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the summer of 2011, together with his wife owned an apartment of 158.6 square meters. m, and the total annual income of the family amounted to almost 10 million rubles. The cost of an apartment in the White Swan residential complex is 160 sq. m. m exceeds 80 million rubles, and a 166-meter three-ruble note costs almost 90 million rubles.

In 2014, Stanislav Balyukin, an employee of the Russian Ministry of Defense, was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison, who, thanks to fictitious rental agreements, was able to obtain seven service apartments with his accomplices.

In the same 2014, the prosecutor of Syktyvkar demanded the court to oblige the director of the State Public Institution “Center for Supporting the Activities of Justices of the Peace” Anatoly Kisel to return to the ownership of the Komi Republic a service apartment of 104 square meters. m, which was illegally obtained by him and privatized for his grandson. The court ultimately supported the prosecutor's request.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Lieutenant General Anatoly Yakunin, left his post. As reported on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main tasks of the Operational Directorate of the Ministry, where Yakunin will now work, are to analyze and evaluate the use of forces and means of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in emergency situations, as well as to determine the most important areas for improving their activities. The management functions also include coordinating the activities of the duty units of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“Operational management is the backbone, it is the foundation on which the entire law enforcement system is built. Yakunin has important and difficult work to do. First of all, restore personnel, attract new people to the service, look for professionals,” Alexey Filatov, retired FSB lieutenant colonel, vice-president of the international anti-terrorist association Alfa, comments on RT about the personnel reshuffle.

Political scientists consider Anatoly Yakunin’s transition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be an unconditional promotion. “It is obvious that Vladimir Putin trusts Anatoly Yakunin, since today he is entrusted with a very responsible area of ​​work,” Dmitry Solonnikov, director of the Institute of Contemporary State Development, told RT. — The main functionality of operational management is working with regions where emergencies occur. In essence, Yakunin is thrown into the hottest spots. This is one of the key positions today where the most competent people should work. Yakunin’s transition to the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is, naturally, an increase and a symbol of high trust.”

Anatoly Yakunin graduated from the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and later from the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation. He went from an ordinary employee to the head of police units at the district and regional level. He held the positions of head of the Department of Internal Affairs, head of the department for combating organized crime and first deputy head of the Department of Internal Affairs - head of the criminal police of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Oryol region. He was the first deputy chief - head of the criminal police of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate for the Voronezh region. Since June 2010, he headed the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod region.

The lieutenant general was succeeded by his current deputy Oleg Baranov, who has held his post since August 2012. Over the years, Baranov was the head of the operational investigative unit and deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate. He is well known for his joint work with the Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev. In the summer of 2012, Baranov was awarded the rank of police major general.

Experts interviewed by RT believe that the personnel reshuffle carried out on Friday can be considered part of the reform of the entire law enforcement system in the country.

“The appointment of Yakunin to the post of head of the Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is key,” adds RT Alexey Filatov. — The fact is that today the question is about liquidating the Ministry of Emergency Situations and transferring part of its functions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. That is why this direction is becoming even more serious in the current realities.”

The movement of Anatoly Yakunin is, apparently, part of a series of service rotations, which is directly related to the formation of a new image of the country’s law enforcement agencies, and the crown in this process may be the creation of a department with the working abbreviation MGB - the Ministry of State Security. This opinion was expressed by RT’s first vice-president of the Center for Strategic Development Modeling, Grigory Trofimchuk.

“It should be noted that against the backdrop of recent negative stories in which employees of various law enforcement agencies appeared, the head of the Moscow police looked decent, even just being in the shadows, without claiming to be on the front pages,” Trofimchuk noted.

“It’s very good that we no longer have “eternal” generals who create their own clans in regional power structures. This personnel policy is a consequence of successes in organ reform,” Gleb Kuznetsov, deputy director of the National Institute for the Development of Modern Ideology, noted in an interview with RT.

Mikhail Bely

The chief Moscow police officer, General Yakunin, is building a house “for five hundred thousand dollars, plus the price of the land.”

The Moscow region village of Veshki, located just outside the Moscow Ring Road, is a convenient access route along the Altufevskoye Highway, just two kilometers from Moscow, and has been known for the scale of cottage construction for a dozen years. And now in Veshki, or more precisely, in that place, which is indicated on the map as “the valley of the Zveronozhka River,” construction equipment is roaring with might and main.

The largest mansion is built of red brick. At the sight of a stranger with a video camera, the workers dropped their tools: some hid in the forest, others in a construction shed - apparently they mistook the NT correspondent for an FMS inspector who had arrived to check for registration and work permits.

“You’d better go to the foreman,” the tanned head that appeared in the doorway of the cabin immediately advised.

We managed to find the foreman in a foreign car with Ukrainian license plates.

“Who is building here?”

“General,” the foreman responded.

"Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich ( Head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate.-NT). He comes here every two weeks,” the foreman explained before his car began to gather dust in an unknown direction.


General Yakunin’s closest neighbors turned out to be the commander of a submarine and a Siberian businessman, whom, as NT managed to find out, local police were looking for for non-payment of alimony.

The general himself is building a house on a grand scale, for centuries. “There are 450 square meters of cladding here, all expensive, one brick costs 70 rubles, 400 cubic meters of concrete alone were spent on the basement,” one of the workers, who came out of his “hiding”, reported the details of the estimate. He estimated the total cost of construction at “one thousand five hundred dollars, plus the price of the land.” The scale is normal by Veshkin standards, the worker made it clear: “Look, the neighbor submariner built for the same money.”

According to an extract from Rosreestr, a plot of land called “Zveronozhki Valley” was originally intended to “locate a consumer service facility.” But in 2009, trucks suddenly appeared here and in four years filled the valley with a two-meter layer of soil.

Then this land became the property of the dacha non-profit partnership (DNP) “Dalnie Veshki” established in Mytishchi, which leased the land plots until 2060 - at a price of 690 rubles per year.



The construction of General Yakunin’s mansion is being carried out by M-2 LLC with a legal address in the Rumyantsevo business park on Kievskoye Highway. The owners of the company are Russian woman Marina Makarova and Ukrainian citizen 61-year-old Miron Kastran.

Mrs. Makarova, originally from Pyatigorsk, positions herself as a hereditary architect, conducts seminars on Russian architecture and took part in work on large objects in the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories.

According to SPARK, the “hereditary architect” Makarova, together with Kastran’s youngest son, Evgeniy, founded Proektstroyservis LLC in 2014. The general director of the newly formed structure at that time was Alexander Kudimov, who was wanted for beating a minor Muscovite. By the way, 14 more commercial structures were registered on Kudimov’s passport.

According to Ukrainian builders, they have never seen Mrs. Makarova herself in Veshki, and the construction is directly supervised by Miron Kastran and his son Evgeniy.

Castran the father, as NT found out, was born in Western Ukraine, and in the early 1990s, together with citizens of Slovakia, he registered the Euro-Carpati partnership in Uzhgorod.

In 2001, under the patronage of the then Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation Nikolai Aksenenko, the Ukrainian company began building a sports complex in Mineralnye Vody. In two years, the team completed about half of the construction and installation work, but at the beginning of 2002, Aksenenko fell into disgrace: he was accused of misuse of extra-budgetary funds from Russian Railways, fraud with apartments, and the Prosecutor General's Office calculated the total damage to the state at 11 billion rubles. Without waiting for a criminal case to be initiated, Aksenenko went to Germany for treatment, where he soon died. Funding for the construction of a sports complex in Minvody was, naturally, stopped - the unfinished facility, into which they managed to invest about 250 million rubles, now stands abandoned.

Soon the surname of Castran Sr. appeared in the constituent documents of the company “Rozkishni Budinki Ukraina” (“Luxury Homes of Ukraine”). Her assets include the construction of an elite residential complex on the “Ukrainian Rublyovka” - in the village of Kozin near Kiev, where the family residence of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko is located. In addition to Castran, the management of Luxury Homes included Muscovite Sergei Ponomarenko, well known among Russian luxury real estate builders. Thus, on the website of the Moscow company “Luxury Design” you can find out that Mr. Ponomarenko built several fashionable villas and palaces in Barvikha, Istra and Domodedovo with the participation of French, Italian and German consultants.


According to Ukrainian media, Miron Kastran was an assistant to Verkhovna Rada deputy from the Party of Regions Sergei Kivalov, and at his order he allegedly built a 4-story mansion in Odessa with a tennis court and a yacht pier, popularly nicknamed “Harry Potter’s Castle.” Officially, the owner of the building is the International Humanitarian University, but Odessa residents mention the “castle” as the residence of deputy Kivalov. Under President Viktor Yanukovych, he enjoyed considerable influence in government structures. After the change of power in Kyiv, Kivalov again entered the Verkhovna Rada - from the Opposition Bloc.

On August 30, 2015, Maidan activists stormed the “Harry Potter Castle” and found, among other things, portraits of the deputy Kivalov himself, busts of Stalin and chess sets with golden pieces.

Now employees of the Main Directorate of the Fiscal Service of Ukraine ( analogue of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.- NT) are conducting an audit of the financial and economic activities of the International Humanitarian University and finding out with what funds the pompous building was built.


Meanwhile, Mr. Kastran, apparently having lost lucrative contracts after the change of power in Ukraine, did not lose heart: as indicated on the website of M-2 LLC, in addition to the country house of General Yakunin, he built several mansions for officials in the Odintsovo district, a club hotel in Nalchik and the new academic building of the Russian University of Cooperation in Mytishchi near Moscow.


Kastran’s current employer is the head of the Moscow Main Internal Affairs Directorate, General Anatoly Yakunin, a native of the Oryol region, where he worked his way up from a district inspector to the head of the criminal police of the regional Internal Affairs Directorate. For many years, power in the Oryol region was held by criminal authorities, corrupt officials and police officers, and only one family was considered untouchable - Governor Yegor Stroev, who even bought his socks at the expense of the state budget. In 2007, the Oryol police was headed by the future head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Kolokoltsev: at his instigation, 74 criminal cases were opened against high-ranking police officers, officials and businessmen close to them, and, in the end, Stroev was sent into early retirement.

Kolokoltsev did not forget the executive Yakunin: having headed the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2012, he recommended to Putin to put the Orlovets in charge of Moscow. True, as a source in the Ministry of Internal Affairs told NT, soon the generals allegedly began to have conflicts, and Yakunin was often noticed on Old Square, in the reception room of Putin’s old colleague at the station in the GDR, Evgeniy Shkolov, who now oversees all Russian security forces.

One way or another, over these few years, General Yakunin managed to settle well in the capital. According to the income statement for 2015, he himself earned 2,221,501.67 rubles, and his wife Irina, who works as the head of the Department of Social Development and Corporate Culture at Rosneft, earned 9,715,556.27 rubles. The family owns an apartment in Moscow (142 m2), a UAZ Hunter car, a BMW K 1600 GTL motorcycle (1 million 800 thousand rubles) and a leased plot of land in Veshki with a total area of ​​20 acres.

The general’s daughter, 29-year-old Ekaterina Yakunina, in April 2016, by Putin’s decree, was appointed head of the Main Directorate of Housing and Social Welfare of the Presidential Administration, whose tasks include operational management of the activities of the President Hotel, the Golden Ring Hotel and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise " President-service".


As already mentioned, Russian officials and security forces have long chosen the elite Veshki. Here are the mansions of the former head of the Internal Security Service of the Prosecutor General's Office Valery Naniya, the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Moscow Closed Administrative District Andrei Puchkov, the plots of the former FSB general Filimon Sinyakov and several employees of the central office of the National Charitable Foundation (NBF), created in 1999 on the initiative of Vladimir Putin and which is the largest grant recipient from the government of the Russian Federation. (The main core of the NBF employees are people from the KGB-FSB; the supervisory board includes Patriarch Kirill, businessmen Vagit Alekperov, Mikhail Fridman, Viktor Vekselberg, Oleg Deripaska, etc.)

And just recently, the head of the Main Directorate of Internal Security (GUSB) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Alexander Makarov, acquired expensive real estate in the village.

Moreover, if the outlines of Anatoly Yakunin’s future mansion are not yet entirely clear, then the special officer’s house is not just his house, it is his fortress: massive gates, a high stone fence, external surveillance cameras everywhere. At the same time, judging by the declaration for 2015, General Makarov earned 3,150,645 rubles, and his wife has no sources of income.

NT sent an official request to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about what, strictly speaking, “shishi” the head of the ministerial “personal unit” built on. Soon the standard answer came: “On family savings and funds received as a bank loan.”

But, perhaps, what amazes more than others with its scale and scope is the huge mansion registered in the name of a relative of the former deputy director of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) Denis Naumchev: a 2-story house with columns looks more like a railway station or an administrative building, in which the entire administration could easily fit Mytishchi district. Rumor has it that Naumchev was going to build a personal chapel, but the neighbors were very indignant, and the construction had to be postponed.

However, now Mr. Naumchev has completely different concerns: he is a defendant in a criminal case about embezzlement of funds allocated for tax inspectorates in Crimea, and is hiding in France.

P.S. While working on this material, the editorial office received several calls from the capital's police headquarters. At the other end of the line they asked to remove the publication, citing, in particular, the fact that if criminal authorities find out the place of residence of the head of the main department, they will blow up his house. I also had to listen to accusations about the ordered nature of the article. Finally, Anatoly Yakunin himself invited the author of the material to Petrovka-38. During the meeting, he stated that he was ready to account for every penny invested in the country house and send an estimate of expenses to the editor. And in general, they say, due to lack of money for construction, he even had to sell his favorite BMW motorcycle.

The situation is clear - it happens. However, at the time of publication of this publication, the editors had not received the promised estimate.

Even without being a pop or film star, you can become famous throughout the country. People working in law enforcement agencies give their all so that the population of their native country can sleep peacefully and walk the streets of the city. General Anatoly Yakunin devoted his entire life to serving for the good of the Motherland and became one of the most prominent people in his field. Let's consider his career achievements, merits, and get acquainted with the general's family.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Anatoly Yakunin could have turned out completely differently. Throughout his childhood and youth, he dreamed of working in his native village of Krivtsovo-Plota, in the Oryol region, but military service changed his entire idea of ​​his future.

The future general Anatoly Yakunin was born in 1964, on February 11. His parents were simple people. My father, returning from the front, was practically blind, but was still able to create a large and friendly family. Anatoly Ivanovich has five brothers and sisters.

The boy studied diligently at school, was no different from his peers, just like all boys, after school he rushed into the yard to play.

When the time came, the guy was called up to serve in the USSR army, and Anatoly ended up in the border troops. He liked the soldier's life, and he decided that he would definitely connect his life with the army, wear his uniform with honor, and work for the good of the country.

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Unfortunately for the guy, it was not possible for him to remain in the army, since his parents were waiting for his son’s return in the village and needed his support, but Anatoly Yakunin nevertheless began to wear the uniform. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of his native region immediately accepted the former soldier into its ranks and appointed him a district police officer.

Anatoly Ivanovich liked the service, although it was not easy: he had to supervise two villages at once. But this was not a burden for the guy, he completely devoted himself to his work, and after only three months of his conscientious service he managed to independently detain the criminal. It happened like this: he and his partner went out in a company car to supervise the streets of the village, and they came across a suspicious-looking truck. The police spent a long time chasing the vehicle, which did not want to stop, but were still able to catch up with it. In the back there were five tons of grain stolen by the driver from the elevator.

After such a dizzying start to his career, Anatoly Ivanovich was transferred to the investigative department.

Further career advancement

From 1985 to 1991, Anatoly Ivanovich was quite successful at his place of service, and was appointed the new deputy head of the district police department.

Anatoly Yakunin, whose photo is provided in the article, did his work efficiently and conscientiously, so he quickly climbed the career ladder. In 1994, three years after occupying a high position, he was promoted again, and from then on Anatoly Ivanovich was already listed as the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

The department headed by Yakunin soon became one of the best, it had the highest indicators. Anatoly Ivanovich was known as a hardworking and conscientious person, and demanded full dedication to his work from his subordinates. Together the team was able to become the best.

Naturally, Yakunin’s perseverance and work were rewarded, and the subsequent promotion did not take long to arrive. The next position of the successful man was that of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Livny.

Already in 2002, Anatoly Yakunin was transferred to the OBOP of the Oryol region, and headed this department. This position required great strength and patience, because it was already on a regional scale.

Time to learn

Anatoly Yakunin knew that the position he received could be his last, and he would have to forget about further promotion if he did not study. Therefore, he became a student at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in 2003 he graduated with honors from this institution.

After receiving his diploma, Anatoly Ivanovich began to build his career faster, and in 2005 he was awarded the position of deputy chief of the Oryol regional police. By the way, by this time Anatoly Yakunin was already a colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he was only 41 years old.

Only a hardworking and responsible person, accustomed to being a leader in everything and achieving ideal results, can afford such career growth.

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs appreciated such an employee and tried not to forget about his merits, of which there were many over twenty years of service. In 2006, the colonel was appointed to the position of acting chief of the Oryol regional police. It would seem that he was worthy of taking this place on a permanent basis, but in 2007 he again had to become first deputy. Vladimir Kolokoltsev was appointed head.

Yakunin and Kolokoltsev

This tandem went down in the history of the Oryol police. Together, these people were able to completely change citizens’ opinions about the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many believed that the entire police force consisted of slackers and bribe-takers who turned a blind eye to the tricks of officials and gangster groups. Anatoly Yakunin and Vladimir Kolokoltsev occupied high positions, so they were also considered bribe takers. But they were able to prove their honesty to everyone, and soon high-profile cases were opened against officials, most of whom were close people of the governor. These cases were logically completed, and many famous people received a worthy punishment.

Yakunin and Kolokoltsev did not stop even when they received warnings and direct threats; they wanted to either bribe them or get them out of the way altogether. But they fearlessly continued to conduct business and administer justice. Thus, they managed to completely destroy one of the most aggressive and dangerous gangs, led by the well-known Sparrow.

Transfer to Voronezh region

Unfortunately for the Oryol police, and to the delight of unscrupulous officials, Anatoly Yakunin was transferred in 2008 away from Kolokoltsev, to the Voronezh region. There were many rumors about such a transfer. Some considered this a kind of revenge of high-ranking officials whose lives were ruined by Yakunin and Kolokoltsev, others thought that this transfer was connected only with the decision of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the need to transfer Anatoly Ivanovich, since Voronezh needed his strong hand. Other information also appeared, saying that the head of the Voronezh police himself asked this hardworking and responsible person to be his deputy.

The Voronezh region was three times larger than the Oryol region in population, so the area entrusted to Yakunin was much more complex and dangerous. In addition to the position of deputy chief, Anatoly Ivanovich was offered to head the criminal department. So, with a big stretch, this transfer could even be called a promotion.

Until 2009, the colonel served conscientiously and responsibly in law enforcement agencies, after which he was able to receive an actual promotion. Now the stars of the major general began to shine on his shoulder straps, about which the president signed a decree.

The long awaited guide

A person like Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin, Major General, cannot remain in secondary positions for a long time; this is, first of all, not fair. Apparently, this fact became clear to the main leadership, since in 2010 he was entrusted with the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod region.

In his new position, Anatoly Ivanovich again focused his attention on the fight against crime, but did not lose sight of other matters.

Reorganization of the militia into the police

In 2011, the major general successfully passed the general recertification. Anatoly Ivanovich also took the recertification of his employees under personal control. It was important for him to have true professionals working with him, whom he could fully rely on and entrust with complex and responsible work. His efforts were not in vain, and the department became famous for its qualified personnel.

I would like to note one more merit of Yakunin in his work in the Novgorod region. Before his arrival, the department was considered the weakest in Russia, the crime rate was off the charts. Anatoly Ivanovich was able to transform all the work, and under his leadership people began to work and achieve success. Soon, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Novgorod Region joined the ranks with the departments that had the highest indicators; the crime rate decreased significantly.

Yakunin has done a lot in this area, but the time has come to again accept a well-deserved promotion and move forward.

Destination - Moscow

Moscow is not only the capital of Russia, but also its face, the largest metropolis with a difficult crime situation. The Golden Head police should be headed by a person whose reputation is not tarnished by various unpleasant stories, with a good track record, a firm hand, tough character, and other positive qualities. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs saw precisely such a person in Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin, who proved not only in words, but also in many deeds that he was worthy of holding a high-ranking post.

But some of the higher-ups believed that the major general could not lead this region, since he had never worked in the capital and did not know the situation in it. There was a dispute over the appointments; they wanted to give the post to another person who had worked in Moscow for many years and was one of all police officers. But still, Yakunin’s track record, performance indicators and characteristics became the decisive factors in choosing a new leader. It was also noted that he quickly understands new things, easily adapts to a new region and successfully heads unfamiliar departments. Thus, in June 2012, a presidential decree was signed that Anatoly Yakunin would be appointed to the position. The Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate has received a new head.

It is worth noting that Kolokoltsev V.A., with whom Yakunin carried out many high-profile cases in his native Oryol region, before him headed the Moscow police. Kolokoltsev was promoted and appointed Minister of Internal Affairs, that is, the head of the entire Russian police. Thus, Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin again found himself subordinate to his former boss.

Yakunin now

Anatoly Ivanovich continued to work conscientiously in his new position. The successful union of Kolokoltsev and Yakunin was revived again, the crime situation in Moscow began to be completely controlled by police officers, and is now at a satisfactory level.

One of Yakunin's most famous cases in Moscow has nothing to do with organized crime, but news about it spread throughout the country. In the summer of 2013, an accident occurred on one of the roads involving the famous singer Vitas. He was driving his foreign car and hit a girl - a cyclist. The artist resisted the authorities, insulted them and witnesses, did not admit his guilt, but only loudly declared that now everyone would have problems. Yakunin was informed about this incident, and he said that despite the artist’s popularity, he must answer for his misconduct, insult to personalities and resistance to the police.

In September 2016, it was decided to relieve the lieutenant general from his post and appoint him head of the Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. A photo of Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin can be seen in this article. This man was able to achieve unprecedented heights in his career without high-ranking patrons, because even his parents were the most ordinary citizens.

Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich: family and income

The general does not really like to talk about the details of his family life and relatives. He understands the danger of his work, and the fact that he ruined the lives of many high-ranking officials and criminals, they may express a desire to take it out on his relatives. It is known that Anatoly Ivanovich has been married for a long time, since his service in the Oryol region. He met his wife at work; she worked as a passport officer in one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The daughter of Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich Ekaterina became a continuation of her father. Since childhood, she dreamed of being like him in everything, dad was an example of masculinity, an ideal person, which is why the girl, after graduating from school, went to study as a lawyer and, having received a diploma, began working as an assistant prosecutor in Moscow.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find a photo of Anatoly Yakunin’s daughter, so we can only guess what she looks like. Now this young and ambitious woman works in the capital. Rumor has it that she was able to achieve her transfer only thanks to a high-ranking patron in the person of her father. Whether this is true or not, we don’t know for sure, the only thing that is clear is that Ekaterina Anatolyevna is very similar to Anatoly Yakunin. She has the same steely character and a great desire to reach the top of the career ladder.

It recently became known that the Yakunin family owns a luxurious mansion, the cost of which exceeds half a million dollars. Many believe that this country house was built with money from bribes, since Anatoly Ivanovich himself earns about three million rubles a year, and his wife no more. However, it is worth noting that the family lives and works for more than one year, and they could have savings.

Also, Anatoly Ivanovich and his wife Irina own a large apartment in Moscow, a motorcycle and a UAZ Hunter SUV.

Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich is a fairly well-known personality in law enforcement agencies, as he heads the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even an ordinary police officer, conscientiously fulfilling his official duties, brings invaluable benefits to society and the Motherland. What then can we say about a person who occupies such a high position? Let's trace the life path that the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, Anatoly Yakunin, went through.


Anatoly Yakunin was born in 1964 in one of the villages of the Oryol region. His father, Ivan Yakunin, is a front-line soldier who returned from the war, having lost his sight, which, however, did not prevent him from creating a large family in the future, which included six children.

After graduating from school, Anatoly Yakunin was drafted into the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. He served in It was during this period that all his ideas about the world and his future fate were turned upside down. Before that, he planned to devote his life to work in the village, but now Anatoly Yakunin realized that his true calling was service to the Motherland.

First steps in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

True, he was unable to remain in the ranks of the Armed Forces after completing his military service due to problems with his parents, who needed the support of their son. However, this did not stop the guy from getting a job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 1985, as a district inspector who oversaw two village councils at once. Anatoly Yakunin really liked serving in the police, he realized that this was his calling, and completely devoted himself to the work that was interesting to him. An indicator of his dedication can be considered the fact that the first criminal was detained by him just three months after taking office.

A little later, Anatoly Ivanovich switched to investigative work.


In 1991, Anatoly Yakunin was appointed deputy head of his native Dolzhansky District Department of Internal Affairs. From then on, he began to rapidly climb the career ladder. So, in 1994 he was appointed ATC. As always, Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin approached the performance of his official duties very conscientiously, and demanded the same from his subordinates. Therefore, it came as no surprise to anyone that the department headed by this man had some of the best performance in the region.

It is natural that any effort and perseverance is rewarded. Anatoly Yakunin was no exception. The Ministry of Internal Affairs gave him a new position - head of the internal affairs department in the city of Livny. His responsibilities also included supervising the area.

A new appointment followed in 2002. Anatoly Yakunin received the position of head of the department for combating organized crime in the Oryol region. This was already a position not of a local, but of a regional scale, and in one of the most critical and dangerous areas. It is no secret that organized crime is often associated with high-ranking officials.


But further career advancement was impossible without obtaining a higher level of education. It was not a secret for Anatoly Yakunin either. Therefore, having already studied at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he entered the Academy of Civil Service, from which he graduated with honors in 2003.

As we see, there is a type of people who strive to be first in everything: in work, in family life, and in school. Anatoly Yakunin was such a person. His biography says that after graduating from the Academy, this man’s life took a sharp turn. In 2005, he was appointed deputy head of the Oryol region police. By that time, Anatoly Ivanovich already had the rank of colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Further career successes

Yakunin was not the kind of person to stop there. However, even if he himself did not set a goal for further career growth, his outstanding merits and qualities as a leader could not fail to be noticed by the highest ranks of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, which literally doomed Anatoly Ivanovich to the assignment of new ranks and promotions.

From 2006 to 2007, Anatoly Yakunin was temporarily the head of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Oryol region. But in 2007, another person was appointed to this position on a permanent basis - Vladimir Kolokoltsev, for whom Yakunin again became first deputy.

High-profile cases

It should be noted that this tandem worked very well, showing mutual understanding in working relationships, as well as uncompromisingness in the fight against the criminal world. It was during Kolokoltsev and Yakunin’s leadership of the Oryol regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that a number of high-profile cases were opened, which were brought to their logical conclusion.

They were not afraid to carry out investigative actions even against major officials if they broke the law. In particular, many cases were opened against persons close to the local governor. The defeat of the largest gangster group in the Oryol region - the Sparrow gang - also received resonance.

Transfer to another area

But, unfortunately, this successful cooperation between Kolokoltsev and Yakunin lasted a little more than a year. In 2008, their tandem broke up, as Anatoly Ivanovich was transferred to an equivalent position in the Voronezh region. It is difficult to say now what was dictated by this transfer: Yakunin’s personal desire, the machinations of officials whom he crossed the road, or simply the top leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs considered that it was in the Voronezh region that the firm hand of Anatoly Ivanovich was now needed. And they also say that this was a request from the head of the Voronezh police, who wanted to have such a professional as Yakunin as his assistant.

So, Yakunin became deputy chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Voronezh region. In addition, he was offered the position of head of the criminal police. The Voronezh region, due to the fact that its population was more than three times larger than that of the Oryol region, was considered a more complex and responsible area of ​​work. So, to some extent, this transfer could even be called a promotion.

In 2009, Yakunin was actually promoted to official rank. According to the presidential decree, he has now become a major general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Head of the regional department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

It was clear that such a professional as Anatoly Ivanovich could not remain in a secondary role for a long time, holding the position of first deputy regional police chief. In 2010, Yakunin received the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Novgorod region. In this position, as before, Anatoly Ivanovich focused on the fight against organized crime, although, naturally, he did not lose sight of other important areas of police activity.

In 2011, Yakunin successfully passed recertification related to the reorganization of the police into the police, thereby confirming his right to be the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Novgorod region. Anatoly Ivanovich took personal control of the re-certification of his subordinates, as he wanted to have truly qualified personnel on his staff that he could confidently rely on.

It should be noted that before Yakunin’s arrival, the Novgorod department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was considered one of the most lagging behind in Russia, but he managed to transform it into a truly effective crime-fighting agency. This was confirmed by excellent work results and indicators - one of the highest in the country. But the main achievement, of course, was the reduction in the crime rate in the region.

Appointment as head of the Moscow police

Demonstrating very high performance indicators in all positions that Yakunin held throughout his career, Anatoly Ivanovich proved not in word but in deed that the Russian government could not find a better candidate for the post of head of the capital’s police than him. Moscow is the largest metropolis with a rather difficult crime situation. In addition, we must take into account that the capital is the face of the entire country. The head of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs must have unprecedented professional characteristics and an unblemished reputation. Anatoly Yakunin turned out to be such a person.

It should be noted that his positive characteristics as a leader outweighed the negative factor that he had never worked in Moscow before. Many experts believed that the city’s chief law enforcement officer would be a person who had already worked in the capital’s law enforcement agencies for several years. Nevertheless, the management knew how quickly Anatoly Ivanovich got up to speed in a new region for him, which he had clearly demonstrated more than once.

Therefore, it was Yakunin who was appointed head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow. The decree on the appointment was endorsed by the President of Russia in the summer of 2012.

It is noteworthy that before Yakunin, this position was held by his long-time colleague from his time working in the Oryol region, V. A. Kolokoltsev. Now he has moved on to a promotion, becoming the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that is, the head of the entire police force of the country. Thus, Yakunin actually again found himself directly subordinate to him, only now their positions were much higher than before.

Job in Moscow

The head of the Moscow Ministry of Internal Affairs, Anatoly Yakunin, continues to show very high results in his activities, just as in the positions he previously held. The hopes that the tandem of Kolokoltsev and Yakunin, who handled their duties so brilliantly in the Oryol region, would not fail in the capital, were fully justified. The crime situation in the city is completely under the control of internal affairs officials.

Yakunin, as before, takes his responsibilities very conscientiously and professionally. He also received a new promotion: now Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin is lieutenant general.


Naturally, a person who selflessly devoted his entire life to serving the Fatherland cannot fail to be awarded various state awards. Lieutenant General Anatoly Yakunin is the owner of many distinctive signs of various ranks and dignity.

Omitting the less significant ones, it is worth noting the badge of an honorary employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a medal for achievements in the protection of law and order, as well as for services to the Novgorod region. Yakunin received his last award when he served as head of the Novgorod branch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Anatoly Ivanovich has countless smaller awards and encouragements, but, of course, what is more important for him is not the formal side of the award, but the sincere gratitude of people for the work done.


Anatoly Yakunin's family is small - his wife and daughter Ekaterina.

It is known that he met his wife back in the days when Anatoly Yakunin served in the Oryol region. His chosen one then worked as a passport officer in one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

However, Anatoly Ivanovich, like most other high-ranking government officials, does not like to talk too much about his relatives. First of all, this is due to the specifics of his work, because quite a lot of ill-wishers have personal scores to settle with Anatoly Yakunin, and, quite possibly, will want to take it out on his family.

Although sometimes, despite his steely character, Anatoly Yakunin cannot contain his words of pride for his daughter, who followed in her father’s footsteps. Ekaterina graduated from law school and became the first assistant prosecutor of one of the prosecutor's offices in the city of Orel, and in 2011 she was transferred to work in the capital.

Of course, Anatoly Yakunin is proud of his daughter’s achievements. Relatives are proud of his work for the benefit of the Motherland.

general characteristics

Anatoly Yakunin can be described as a man of unprecedented dedication to his work. He is very demanding of himself and his subordinates, which always allowed those structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that he managed to reach the forefront. Many high-ranking government officials and experts speak of Anatoly Ivanovich as a purposeful, hardworking and selfless person. The head of the Novgorod region has especially warm memories of his common work with Anatoly Yakunin. In addition, Anatoly Ivanovich has earned the reputation of an uncompromising fighter against organized crime and corruption. His merits have long been set as an example for all law enforcement officials in Russia.

We can say with confidence: if there were more people of this type in various government positions, then the development of Russia would proceed at a much faster pace than it does now.

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