Dressing for borscht for the winter: recipes for quick cooking. Dressing for borscht for the winter - simple recipes Dressing for borscht for the winter without tomatoes

Dressing for borscht for the winter is considered one of the most favorite “twists” among housewives, which makes life much easier in winter when preparing first courses. A mixture of beets, tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, salt and spices in one jar allows you to prepare borscht in literally 15 minutes and make it from “real” garden vegetables, not store-bought vegetables.

The editors will tell you how to properly and easily prepare this winter “lifesaver”, and also share recipes for the most delicious borscht dressings, which can be served both as a salad and as a vegetable side dish for meat dishes.

Dressing for borscht - cooking secrets

The recipe for a delicious winter borscht dressing in the traditional version involves the use of all vegetable components in a 1:1 ratio, which are crushed in any convenient way, boiled until tender and rolled into jars for long-term storage.

The main advantage of borscht dressing is that this “closer” can include vegetables for every taste, which will allow it to be used not only in borscht, but also in soups, vegetable stews and even pizza.

Secrets of the “correct” dressing for borscht for the winter:

  • An aromatic, tasty and healthy dressing for borscht for the winter is prepared from young, bright and juicy vegetables with thin skin;
  • It is best to choose the method of chopping vegetables depending on your preferences - if you like your borscht to be a beautiful vegetable mosaic, then it is best to cut the vegetables into thin strips. To simplify the process, all components can be grated on a fine grater or chopped with a food processor;
  • Fresh tomatoes in borscht dressing can easily be replaced with tomato paste, which will not degrade the taste of the finished dish;
  • Vinegar or citric acid are integral components of borscht dressing for the winter - they not only give it the necessary sourness, but also act as a preservative;
  • The borscht dressing should be cooked for about an hour and poured while boiling into sterilized jars with lids - it does not require additional sterilization.

Dressing for borscht for the winter - recipes with photos

In the cookbook of any housewife, borscht dressing for the winter has an “individual character”, since its components can be selected depending on the tastes and preferences of all family members. But they all boil down to the fact that one jar contains all the vegetables that are put in the borscht, except for potatoes and cabbage.

“Classic” dressing for borscht with beets


  • Beets, onions, tomatoes – 1 kg each
  • Carrots, sweet peppers – 1 kg each
  • Rast. oil – 300 ml
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp. with a slide
  • Salt – 2 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% or lemon juice – 50 ml
  • Allspice, bay leaf

Preparation: Grind the beets, onions, carrots and sweet peppers and transfer them to a container where the borscht dressing will be cooked. Pour 1 glass of water over the vegetables and boil for 15-20 minutes. After this, add tomato puree to the assorted vegetables (you can cut the tomato into cubes), spices and cook for no longer than an hour over low heat, stirring constantly. Place the resulting borscht dressing into sterilized jars, which must then be kept upside down for 2-3 days under a warm blanket.

A secret: from the same ingredients you can prepare a dressing for borscht without cooking - to do this, mix all the chopped vegetables thoroughly (without spices), put them into portioned bags and freeze them in the freezer.

Homemade dressing for borscht “Torchin”


  • Beetroot – 2 kg
  • Onions, sweet peppers, carrots - 0.5 kg each
  • Hot pepper (preferably red) – 1 pc.
  • Tomato juice or tomatoes – 0.5 l
  • Garlic – 6 teeth
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.

Preparation: Pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder, transfer to one container, add a glass of water and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. After this, add all the spices and boil for another 35-40 minutes, after which pour the dressing into jars and roll up the lids.

“Nourishing” dressing for borscht with beans


  • Beets, carrots, onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes – 2 kg each
  • Beans – 3 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 250 ml.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt – 4 tbsp.
  • Vinegar – 150 ml

Preparation: Cut onions, sweet peppers and tomatoes into strips (can be chopped in a food processor), grate carrots and beets. Meanwhile, cook the beans until half cooked and combine them with assorted vegetables. Pour all the ingredients with oil and water (1.5 cups), add spices and vinegar. Cook for 40-50 minutes over low heat.

Note: dressing for borscht for the winter can also include greens and herbs, celery and cabbage, the addition of which does not affect the process of preparing the “twist”. The desired ingredients are simply added to all components at the beginning of cooking and brought to readiness according to the general recipe.


  • Beetroot - 2 kilograms
  • Onions - 0.5 kilograms
  • Sweet red pepper - 0.5 kilograms
  • Carrots - 0.5 kilograms
  • Tomato juice – 500 ml
  • Hot pepper - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 5 cloves Vinegar 3% - 0.25 cups
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower) - 1 cup
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups
  • Salt - 0.5 tablespoons


What I like about this wonderful dressing for borscht “Torchin at home” is that you can not only quickly cook borscht and “don’t cry over onions,” as they say in the familiar advertisement, but also that this dressing can be used Just spread it on some bread and have a quick refreshment while our borscht is still in the cooking process.

Dressing for borscht for the winter


  • 3 kg beets
  • 1 kg onions
  • 1 kg carrots
  • 3 kg sweet pepper
  • 2 kg tomatoes
  • 1/2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1/4 tsp. citric acid
  • 150 ml. 9% table vinegar
  • 3/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1 bunch of parsley and dill

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

  1. Prepare products:

Place jars for sterilization. We peel a couple of beet tubers. We take young beets. Why young? We have beets, of course, throughout the year, but it is the young beets that carry the aroma, the color, and most importantly the thickness that is absent from the beets that have already “sat.” Peel the carrots. Young carrots should not be added to the dressing, as they are completely tasteless. It's better to take an old root vegetable. Peel the onions.
Grate the beets on a coarse grater. Grate the carrots. We add about ¼ of the weight of the beets to the carrots. You don't need to put a lot of carrots. It takes away the color from the beets and does not impart any particularly valuable qualities to the borscht.

Cut the onion into strips. It is better to take young onions for dressing. It is very juicy and aromatic. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes or puree them in a blender.

The skin will need to be removed. To do this, we blanch them. Place the tomatoes on the stem and cut the skin on top crosswise.

Pour boiling water for 10 seconds and transfer to cold water for the same time. Cold water, getting under the skin of hot tomatoes, will separate almost on its own and make cleaning easier for us.

2. Preparation:

Sauté vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil. Sauté the onion first. It is sautéing, not frying. Passaging is slow simmering in oil. And fry over high heat until golden brown. Here we will only have the golden color. Once the onion becomes transparent, add the carrots. After 5 minutes, add beets, then tomatoes and continue sautéing.

Add a little citric acid to balance the taste. But only a little, since we will add vinegar as a preservative, so we must not overdo it with citric acid. Add salt and sugar. The sugar will add flavor to the dressing and the beets will cook faster.

Simmer the borscht dressing for the winter over low heat for 25-30 minutes. The main rule when stewing beets for borscht is to never cover the container with a lid. It will lose its color. To make the borscht a bright raspberry color, simmer the beets with the lid open.

After 30 minutes, add bay leaf and vinegar. Cook for another 3-4 minutes, add finely chopped herbs and simmer for another minute.

Place the borscht dressing into a pasteurized jar and cover with a sterile lid. There is quite a lot of vinegar in the preparation for borscht, so additional pasteurization is not required. Can be stored in a dry and dark place at room temperature.

Universal vegetable dressing for the winter with beans

This dressing is suitable for preparing first courses (borscht, cabbage soup), second courses (vegetable stew) and can be used as a salad.


  • Beans – 0.5 kg
  • Tomatoes – 1.5 – 2 kg
  • Bell pepper – 1 kg
  • Carrots – 1 kg
  • White cabbage – 2 kg
  • Sunflower oil – 0.5 l
  • Salt – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar – 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - 150 g.

Yield: 12 half-liter jars.


First soak the beans in water for several hours and boil until tender. You don’t have to pour out the broth; if the dressing is too thick, you can add it.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. Peel the pepper and cut into pieces. Peel the carrots, rinse and grate on a coarse grater. Shred the cabbage.

Combine all prepared vegetables (except beans), add salt and sugar, pour in oil, mix well and put on fire. Cook for about 50 minutes, stirring occasionally.

In 15 min. until ready, add the boiled beans and cook for another 10 - 15 minutes, 3 minutes in advance. until ready, add vinegar and mix well.

Place the prepared dressing in sterile jars, place them on the lids, and wrap them up.

Vitamin borscht dressing

This dressing can be used in winter for first and second courses.

1 kg each of carrots, tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions and herbs (parsley, celery, leeks), rinse well, finely chop and mix thoroughly in a large bowl with 1 kg of fine salt. When the juice appears, put it in sterilized jars, close it with a regular lid, it is not necessary to store it in the refrigerator, you can just store it in a cool place. This amount of vegetables makes 4 liter jars of dressing.

Vegetable soup dressing for the winter

This dressing can be put not only in soup. I use it in preparing main courses instead of salt; I have fresh vegetables and herbs on hand all winter. The amount of vegetables can be changed, the main thing is to maintain the salt balance.
Well, the greens can be any kind you like. You can also chop celery and hot fresh pepper into the dressing.


  • 1kg carrots
  • 1kg onions
  • 1kg bell pepper
  • 1 kg of tomatoes.
  • 2 bunches of dill and parsley ~ 300g
  • 500-700g rock salt


Peel all vegetables. Finely chop the onion and pepper, chop the tomatoes into larger pieces, grate the carrots, chop the greens. Now we need to mix it all. To make mixing easier, I put half the ingredients except the tomato and half the salt in a bowl and mix gently. Add the tomatoes and mix gently again. Using your hands is so that you don’t crush the vegetables too much and don’t press the juice out of them. I load the remaining vegetables and salt into the basin and mix thoroughly again. Taste for salt - it should be very salty. Wash the jars with hot water and wipe dry. Place the dressing in jars along with the juice, tamping lightly. Seal the jars with lids and store in a cool place. Stored for three years

Recipe for making pickle soup for the winter

You will need:

  • 1.5 kg fresh cucumbers,
  • 500 g of onions and carrots,
  • 300 g tomato paste,
  • 250 g pearl barley/rice,
  • 125 ml vegetable oil,
  • 100 g sugar,
  • 50 ml vinegar,
  • 2 tbsp. salt.


How to make a preparation for pickle. Chop the cucumbers, place in a saucepan, add grated carrots, chopped onion into half rings, stir. Boil the pearl barley/rice until almost done. Combine the tomato paste and butter, sugar, salt, pour over the vegetables, mix thoroughly, simmer everything for 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly, add pearl barley/rice, simmer for another 5 minutes, add vinegar, mix, place in sterilized jars, roll up, cover the jars with a blanket, let cool.

By analogy with the well-known wisdom: “Prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter,” housewives act very wisely when preparing dressings for soups in the summer - from fresh, truly aromatic, vitamin-rich vegetables and herbs. Try it and appreciate the beauty of such preparations!

Dressing for borscht and winter soup with tomatoes

We will need:

  • Onion – 1.5 kg
  • Carrots (red) – 1 kg
  • Pepper – 1.5 kg
  • Tomatoes – 3 kg
  • Vegetable oil – 0.5 cups (less possible)
  • Salt - to taste


Peel and dice the onion, put it in heated vegetable oil, fry over medium heat until light golden brown, do not forget to stir so as not to burn.

While the onions are fried, we will wash the carrots, peel them and cut them into thin, beautiful strips; you can also grate them, but the appearance will be worse. Add to the onion and fry, remembering to stir so it doesn’t burn.

While frying the onions and carrots, wash the pepper (it’s better to take it in different colors - it’s more beautiful and tastier). Peel the seeds and cut into large strips (or as usual), add to the onion and carrots and fry again over medium heat until the liquid evaporates.

Now add the tomatoes (here again, there are no definite rules: you can peel them and cut them into cubes, you can twist them through a meat grinder or grind them with a blender) Simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes from the start of boiling.

Add a couple of tablespoons of salt (without the top), and 5 minutes before it’s ready, taste and add salt to taste.
I don’t add sugar and vinegar - because tomatoes have enough acid. And you look and make it to your liking. I don’t add beets either, because we are preparing a universal dressing for both soup and borscht.

During this time (while the tomatoes are stewing), you need to wash the jars and lids and sterilize them. Place the resulting dressing in jars (to the top), roll them up, and place the neck down under the blanket for 5-6 hours.
Can be stored even at high temperatures.

Recipe for spicy borscht dressing for the winter


  • 3 kg each of beets, tomatoes and sweet red peppers
  • 2 kg of onions and carrots
  • 6 heads of garlic
  • 4 pods of hot pepper
  • 2 cups vegetable oil
  • 1.5 cups sugar
  • 5 tbsp. salt

Cooking method:

How to prepare borscht dressing for the winter. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water, then grind in a meat grinder or puree with a blender, pour the tomato juice into a large saucepan, pour in the oil, add sugar and salt, bring to a boil, add beets, carrots, sweet peppers and onions cut into thin strips, simmer 15 minutes over medium heat.

Remove the seeds from the hot pepper, chop it along with the garlic and add to the vegetables at the end of stewing, stir, simmer for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly so that the mixture does not burn, because. it will turn out quite thick. Place the dressing in sterilized jars, seal with sterile lids, turn the jars upside down, cover with a blanket and leave for a day. This dressing should be stored in a cool place for up to six months.

Turning the cans upside down after rolling prevents the risk of damage to the product, so it is very important to do this procedure after preparing the dressing. If desired, vinegar (table vinegar) can be added to the dressing in an amount of 50 to 100 ml - to taste.

Winter dressing for borscht with cabbage

Many housewives prefer to prepare preparations for soups. After all, in the summer it is much easier to buy all the necessary products, and you get a ready-made dish that you just need to add to the hot broth and the borscht will be ready within a few minutes.


  • Tomatoes -1 kg;
  • Beetroot - 1 kg;
  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 700 grams;
  • Cabbage - 1 piece; ·
  • Onion - 700 grams;
  • Hot pepper - optional;
  • Vegetable oil;·
  • Salt and sugar to taste.


To remove the skin from tomatoes, wash them in cold water, then plunge them into boiling water for a few seconds. After this, immediately cool the tomatoes by placing them in cold water and you can immediately remove the skins. If you do not use tomato paste, then it is best to grind the tomatoes with a blender or meat grinder.

The carrots need to be washed well, peeled and cut into thin strips or grated on a coarse grater - according to your taste.
It is advisable to take burgundy beets so that the taste and color of the borscht is more intense. We cut the beets into very thin strips or also grate them. Finely chop the onion in the same way.

If you like the sour taste of borscht, then you can also add a little vinegar to the necessary ones, which will need to be added to the jars before rolling. However, if you like the sweetish taste of the soup, it will be enough to use ripe tomatoes or tomato paste to season borscht for the winter. Also sweet bell peppers.

Vegetables need to be fried in vegetable oil - first fry the onions, carrots, add pepper, then lay out the beets and pour it all with the resulting tomato juice. Try to simmer the vegetables over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes to avoid overcooking them.

Shred the cabbage into thin strips. Add the cabbage at the very end and cook for another five minutes. Prepare clean jars and lids, fill them with hot mixture and close immediately. You can roll it up. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool. Store in a dark place to prevent the dressing from losing color.

Borscht dressing for the winter from beets

It’s very convenient in winter - you open a small jar and the borscht is ready in half an hour! It can be vegetarian, it can be made with broth, it can be made with stew – it’s a matter of minutes!

Yield: about 12 0.5 l cans


  • beets 3 kg
  • carrots 1 kg
  • onion 1 kg
  • sweet pepper 1 kg
  • tomatoes 1 kg
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 3 tbsp. salt
  • 1 cup vegetable oil
  • 125 ml (half a thin glass) vinegar 9%


Wash, peel all vegetables, then place them in layers in a basin in the following sequence:
Cut the onion into half rings. Grate the beets on a coarse grater (you can also use the Korean style). Grate the carrots in the same way
Cut the pepper into thin strips. Tomatoes in half rings. Add salt, sugar, vinegar, oil

Mix everything and put on low heat, as soon as the juice comes out, turn up the heat and cook for 25 minutes.
Place hot in sterile jars and roll up. In winter, just boil the broth, season with cabbage, potatoes (I cook without them), boil a little and send the contents of the jar, after 7-10 minutes the borscht is ready! At the end, I prefer to add chopped garlic directly to the saucepan and add more greens and sour cream to the plate for those who wish.

Freezing green borscht prepared for the winter will help you out in the winter when you want tasty and healthy green borscht with a summer flavor. This dish will be enjoyed by both adults and children if you make it with chicken broth and add half a boiled egg to the plate. Stock up on such preparations in the spring and summer seasons, when fresh greens are cheap on the market, there is a lot of it and it is grown in open ground, and not in greenhouses, fed with nitrogen fertilizers!

Many of you probably have vegetable gardens and summer cottages, so buy bags or plastic containers and freeze the preparation for green borscht in the freezer. To prepare the first course, you only need to boil the chopped potatoes in chicken broth for 15-20 minutes, add the chopped cabbage and such preparation, without even defrosting it. Boil for 5-7 minutes, add salt and pepper to taste and the green borscht is ready!

So, prepare the necessary ingredients. Thoroughly rinse picked or purchased greens, especially sorrel leaves. Remove the stems, leaving only the succulent leaves.

Cut the sorrel leaves into ribbons or strips and place the slices in a deep container.

Chop the washed fresh parsley on a board and add to the bowl. Determine the size of the cut according to your taste: some people like coarsely chopped greens in borscht, some like finely chopped ones.

Do the same with fresh dill, removing the stems and cutting the fragrant branches.

Gently mix the contents of the container together. If desired, you can add green onions and green garlic to it, but then you will have to store the preparation in a separate container or freezer, since the garlic aroma will be absorbed by the preparations adjacent to it on the shelf: meat, fish, etc. Place the chopped greens in bags or plastic containers, seal carefully and place in the freezer. Freezing green borscht for the winter is ready. The shelf life of the product is about 1 year.

Borscht dressing for the winter is prepared not only to quickly and without hassle in winter cook such a complex dish as borscht. First of all, borscht dressing for the winter is an option for preserving for the winter the pleasing harvest of beets, carrots and other ingredients growing in our plots and gardens. Not everyone, you must admit, has the opportunity to preserve all the root crops throughout the long winter. But borscht in a jar will last all winter without any problems. And, by the way, you can eat it not only as aromatic borscht, but also as a cold appetizer.

There are many options for dressing borscht. This can be borscht dressing for the winter in the form of regular stewed beets, or beets with onions and carrots, or real borscht with cabbage, when all you need to do is boil the broth and potatoes in it. Choose for yourself what is more convenient for you to cook, and we offer you all the options.

1.5 kg beets,
1 kg of fleshy tomatoes,
500 g onions,
500 g carrots,
1 stack vegetable oil,
1 tbsp. salt,
2 tbsp. 9% vinegar.

Grate the beets and carrots, cut the onion into cubes, and grind the tomatoes into a puree (with a blender or through a meat grinder). Pour the tomato mixture into a salad container and let it boil. Remove the foam, put carrots and beets in it, bring to a boil, add onion and bring to a boil again, stirring. Add salt, vegetable oil, a spoonful of vinegar, stir and cook over medium heat for 30 minutes. After the time has passed, add the remaining vinegar, stir, heat for 5 minutes and place in sterilized jars. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

You can add other ingredients to this recipe: sugar, bay leaf, garlic, black pepper (peas or ground), dill (greens or seeds) and others. All spices are added to the beet mass 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Borscht dressing with cabbage

3 kg beets,
2 kg cabbage,
1 kg carrots,
800-900 g onions,
1 stack vegetable oil,
2.5 tbsp. salt,
¾ stack. 9% vinegar,
2-3 bay leaves,
5-6 black peppercorns.

Grate the peeled beets and carrots on a coarse grater, chop the cabbage, cut the onion into half rings or cubes. Place all the vegetables in a saucepan or basin, pour in the oil, put on the fire and wait until the mixture begins to boil. Boil for 10 minutes, add salt, vinegar, pepper and bay leaf and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 40-50 minutes. Place the boiling dressing in sterilized jars and seal. Turn it over, wrap it up.

An interesting observation: if you want the color of your dressing to be bright raspberry, do not cover the vegetable mixture with a lid while cooking.

Dressing for borscht with sweet pepper

2 kg beets,
500 g onions,
500 g sweet pepper,
500 g carrots,
500 ml tomato juice,
1 pod of hot pepper,
5-7 cloves of garlic,
1 stack vegetable oil,
¼ cup 3% vinegar,
½ cup Sahara,
2 tsp salt.

Peel and chop the vegetables: grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into cubes or strips, cut the bell pepper into thin strips or cubes. In a wide saucepan or basin, combine oil, vinegar, salt and sugar, boil, add all the vegetables and simmer from the moment of boiling for 45-60 minutes. Stir to avoid burning. When the time is up, place in sterilized jars and seal immediately. Turn the jars over and wrap them up.

This dressing can also be prepared in the form of caviar: simply pass all the vegetables through a meat grinder and simmer for an hour. The result is not only a dressing, but also an excellent snack!

Borscht dressing with beans

2 kg cabbage,
1 kg of tomatoes,
500-700 g beets,
500 g onions,
500 g carrots,
250 g beans,
200 g salt,
100 g sugar,
1 stack vegetable oil,
2/3 stack. 9% vinegar,
bay leaf, black peppercorns - to taste.

Soak the beans for 12 hours in advance, then boil until half cooked. Chop the vegetables, pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or chop using a blender. Heat vegetable oil in a container for cooking salads, put beets and carrots in it, simmer for a while, then add onions. While the vegetables are stewing, grind the cabbage with salt until the juice releases and add it to the vegetables along with the beans. Stir, add sugar, black pepper and tomato puree. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over medium heat for 40 minutes. Pour in vinegar, simmer for another 5 minutes and place in sterilized jars. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

Borscht dressing with beans (option 2)

5 kg tomato,
2.5 kg beets,
1.5 kg carrots,
1 kg sweet pepper,
1 kg of onion,
1.5 kg beans,
400 ml vegetable oil,
250 ml 9% vinegar,
5 tbsp. salt,
greens, bay leaf, garlic, black peppercorns - to taste.

Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or chop using a blender. Grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion and sweet pepper into strips. Soak the beans in advance and boil until half cooked. Heat vegetable oil in a wide saucepan or salad bowl, then dip all the vegetables, beans and tomato mixture into it. Add salt, stir and simmer over medium heat for 40-50 minutes from the moment it boils. At the end of cooking, add herbs and vinegar, heat well and place in sterilized jars. Roll it up, turn it over, wrap it up.

You can add garlic to taste, as well as hot pepper, to all borscht dressing recipes. It all depends on the tastes of your family. Add garlic towards the end of cooking to preserve its flavor as much as possible. You don't have to remove the seeds from hot peppers to make their hot taste brighter.

Borscht dressing with herbs

3 kg beets,
3 kg sweet pepper,
2 kg tomatoes,
1 kg of onion,
1 kg carrots,
150 ml 9% vinegar,
¼ tsp. citric acid,
½ tbsp. Sahara,
¾ stack. vegetable oil,
1 bunch of greens (parsley, dill, cilantro to taste),
3 bay leaves,
black peppercorns.

Puree the tomatoes with a blender or pass through a meat grinder, after removing the skin. Grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the onion and bell pepper into cubes. In a wide container for cooking salads, heat the vegetable oil and simmer the onion in it until transparent, add carrots to it, simmer until soft, add beets, also simmer until soft for about 10 minutes, pour in the tomato mass and sweet pepper. Add salt, sugar, a little citric acid, stir and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Place a bay leaf, pour in vinegar, heat for 5 minutes and add chopped herbs. After a couple of minutes, you can put the dressing into the jars. Roll them up, turn them over, wrap them up.

For this dressing, it is better to take more dill than parsley, since parsley tends to be “harmful” in the twists - if there is a lot of it, the jars may swell.

Here's an interesting recipe for borscht dressing - made from beet tops.

Borscht dressing made from beet tops and sorrel

300 g beet tops,
200 g sorrel,
50 g dill,
1 tbsp. without a mountain of salt,
1 stack water.

Chop the beet tops and sorrel, add salt, add dill, pour boiling water and put on fire. Cook for 5-7 minutes, place hot in jars and immediately roll up. Store in a cool place.

Borscht dressing for the winter is easy to prepare. Do not forget to sterilize the jars and lids and be sure to wrap them until they cool completely; this will additionally sterilize your preparations, ensuring their safety.

And in winter, all you have to do is cook aromatic meat broth, throw in potatoes and cabbage (if they are not in the preparation) and when everything is cooked, put in a jar of borscht dressing and serve. Be sure to add garlic, even if it is in the preparation. Oh, how lovely!

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Borscht is a delicious multi-ingredient soup. It is cooked from vegetables, mushrooms, meat and fried vegetables. Many housewives have been preparing borscht dressing for future use since the fall, preserving it in jars. The calorie content of such a preparation of beets, onions and carrots, prepared with the addition of tomato and oil, is about 160 kcal/100 g.

Dressing for beetroot borscht for the winter - step-by-step photo recipe

Such canned food is a great help for busy housewives. The dressing can be used to prepare borscht and beetroot soup. Delicious first courses are ready in just half an hour. Place the vegetables in a deep frying pan, simmer for several minutes over moderate heat and add to the prepared broth with boiled potatoes. Very economical, profitable and fast.

Cooking time: 1 hour 0 minutes

Quantity: 4 servings


  • Beetroot: 1 kg
  • Carrots: 1 kg
  • Bell pepper: 6-8 pcs.
  • Onions: 1 kg
  • Tomato juice or puree: 0.5-0.7 l
  • Table vinegar: 75-100 ml
  • Salt: 40-50 g
  • Vegetable oil: 300-350 ml
  • Sugar: 20-30 g
  • Herbs and spices: to taste

Cooking instructions

Preparation option with tomatoes

To prepare a dressing for borscht for future use with the addition of fresh tomatoes you need:

  • beets - 1.5 kg;
  • ripe tomatoes - 1.0 kg;
  • onions - 0.6 kg;
  • oils - 100 ml;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • vinegar - 20 ml.

What to do:

  1. Wash and cook the beets.
  2. Peel the boiled root vegetables. Cut them into thin strips or grate them on a grater with large teeth.
  3. Cut the onion into pieces.
  4. Grind the tomatoes in any way. This can be done using a blender or meat grinder.
  5. In a saucepan, it is advisable to take a dish with a thick bottom, pour oil and lightly fry the onion.
  6. Add chopped root vegetables and pour in the tomato.
  7. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes.
  8. Add salt, pour in vinegar and pour hot into jars. For preservation, it is better to take a container with a volume of 0.5 liters.
  9. Immediately roll up the lids. Then turn it over and cover it with a blanket.

After the borscht dressing mixture has cooled, the jars can be turned over.

With cabbage

For borscht dressing with cabbage for the winter you need:

  • white cabbage - 1.0 kg;
  • table beets - 3.0 kg;
  • onions - 1.0 kg;
  • carrots - 1.0 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1.0 kg;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • oils - 220 ml;
  • salt - 60 g;
  • vinegar - 100 ml.

How to preserve:

  1. Chop the cabbage into thin strips.
  2. Wash the carrots and beets well. Peel the root vegetables and grate them coarsely. If desired, they can be crushed using a food processor.
  3. Peel the onions and cut into pieces with a knife.
  4. Wash the tomatoes and dry them. They can either be cut into very small cubes or pureed in a blender.
  5. Place all vegetables in a bowl and mix. Add salt and sugar and mix again.
  6. Pour oil into the pan and transfer the vegetable mixture.
  7. Place on the stove, heat until boiling, reduce heat to low and simmer for about 20 minutes.
  8. Add vinegar, stir, cook for another 5 minutes.
  9. After this, put the boiling mass into jars and roll up the lids. Wrap the blanket upside down.
  10. After the vegetable dressing with cabbage has cooled, return the jars to their normal position.

With bell pepper

A preparation for borscht made from vegetables with the addition of sweet pepper can also be a delicious salad. For cooking you need (weight indicated for peeled ingredients):

  • sweet pepper - 0.5 kg;
  • beets - 1.0 kg;
  • onions - 1.0 kg;
  • carrots - 1.0 kg;
  • tomatoes - 1.0 kg;
  • salt - 70 g;
  • oils - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • laurel leaves;
  • vinegar - 50 ml;
  • peppercorns;
  • water – 60 ml.

From the specified amount, about four and a half liters of dressing are obtained.

How to preserve:

  1. Cut carrots and beets into strips with a knife or chop using a vegetable cutter or food processor.
  2. Cut the onion into thin slices.
  3. Grind the tomatoes using a blender.
  4. Cut the peppers into half rings.
  5. Pour half the oil and water into the pan. Add carrots, beets, and onions. Add half the salt.
  6. Heat the mixture over moderate heat until it boils.
  7. Simmer for 15 minutes, this should be done under the lid at moderate heat.
  8. Add pepper, remaining salt, sugar to the vegetables, add 8-10 peppercorns and 3-4 bay leaves. Mix.
  9. Pour the tomato mixture into the dressing.
  10. Wait until it boils, simmer for about half an hour, pour in vinegar and put the boiling mixture into jars.
  11. Roll up the lids, turn over and wrap with a thick blanket. When cool, return to normal position.

With beans

To prepare four liters of borscht dressing with beans you need:

  • beets - 600 g;
  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • sweet peppers - 600 g;
  • beans - 1 kg;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • oils - 200 ml;
  • vinegar - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g.


  1. Soak the beans for 8-10 hours in advance. Drain the water, rinse the swollen beans and boil until tender. Place in a colander and wait until all the moisture has drained.
  2. Wash the tomatoes, dry them, remove the stem attachment point and grind in a meat grinder.
  3. Pour the tomato mixture into a saucepan, heat to a boil, cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut them into small pieces.
  5. Grate the peeled beetroot on a grater with large teeth.
  6. Place the beets into the boiling mixture and cook for five minutes.
  7. Add pepper and cook the same amount.
  8. Then add sugar and salt, pour in oil.
  9. Add beans.
  10. Pour in the vinegar and simmer the dressing for another 10 minutes.
  11. Pour the preparation for borscht with boiling beans into jars, seal the lids with a seaming machine and turn the bottom up. Cover with a blanket. Keep it like this until it cools completely.

Winter dressing for green borscht

You can cook green borscht all year round if you prepare a dressing for it from sorrel and herbs for future use. To do this you need:

  • onion (green feather) - 0.5 kg;
  • sorrel - 0.5 kg;
  • parsley - 250 g;
  • dill - 250 g;
  • salt - 100 g.

What to do:

  1. Sort the green onions, cut off the dried ends, wash, shake off the water and cut into rings about 7-8 mm long.
  2. Sort out the sorrel leaves, wash, dry and cut into pieces 1 cm wide.
  3. Wash the parsley and dill, shake off the water and finely chop with a knife.
  4. Place all ingredients in a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and mix well so that it is evenly distributed among the greens.
  5. Fold the resulting mixture very tightly into jars.
  6. After that, place them in a tank of water and put metal lids on top.
  7. Heat the water to a boil, then sterilize for 20 minutes.
  8. Roll the lids with a special machine for home canning.
  9. Turn over the jars with green borscht dressing, cover with a blanket and wait until completely cool. Then return to normal position.

A very simple recipe for borscht dressing without cooking

Dressing for borscht without cooking is prepared from raw vegetables, the preservative in this case is salt. To prepare you need:

  • beets - 500 g;
  • carrots - 500 g;
  • tomatoes - 500 g;
  • vegetable peppers - 500 g;
  • dill and (or) parsley - 150 g;
  • salt - 400 g.

Step by step process:

  1. Wash the beets, peel and cut into thin strips or grate coarsely.
  2. Do the same with carrots.
  3. Remove the seeds from the peppers and chop into strips.
  4. Rinse the greens, dry them and chop them with a knife.
  5. Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices.
  6. Place all ingredients in a large bowl and mix.
  7. Add salt and stir the vegetable mixture again.
  8. Let the borscht dressing sit for 10 minutes.
  9. After this, put into jars and close with nylon lids. You can use containers with screw caps.

This dressing should be stored in the refrigerator.

To make borscht tasty in winter, you need to prepare the dressing for it in future strictly according to proven recipes and do not forget about useful recommendations:

  1. You can choose vegetables that are not quite standard, it is important that they have a bright color. Preparing the dressing allows you to process almost the entire harvest.
  2. Vegetables must be fried strictly in the order specified in the recipe.
  3. Table vinegar is added to roasted beets to preserve the rich burgundy color.
  4. To ensure that all ingredients have approximately the same shape and thickness, you can use a food processor or special graters.
  5. If the dressing is prepared without cabbage, then it is better to pack it in jars with a capacity of 450-500 ml; it is more convenient to wrap preparations with cabbage in liter containers. To prepare borscht, most often it only takes a jar and the unused mixture does not have to be stored in the refrigerator.
  6. Since the borscht dressing contains salt, you need to add salt after the vegetable mixture is added to the pan, otherwise the dish will be over-salted.
  7. If beans are added to the dressing, it is important not to overcook them, otherwise during the stewing process the beans will lose their shape and spread out.
  8. The dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 12 months without sterilization and cooking. If the workpiece is prepared using a hot method, then it can be kept at a temperature just above zero for 3 years.
  9. Jars and lids must be sterilized and dry, as for other home canning.
  10. After the still hot jars have been screwed on with their lids, they must be turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket. At this time, the sterilization process continues.
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