Celery salad with cucumbers. Salad with celery, nuts and cucumber. Celery stalk salad for weight loss

Vegetable salads simply must be healthy, because vegetables contain an incredibly large amount of vitamins and minerals that keep our body in order. But you don’t have to eat the same salads for this - you can prepare them from any products that combine perfectly with each other. Celery sounds especially juicy and tasty in a duet with cucumbers, if it is seasoned a little with walnuts.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients for the celery, nuts and cucumber salad so that you have them on hand.

Wash the cucumbers and peel them. Grate on a coarse grater or chop.

Peel the celery root and cut in half. Grate one half on a coarse grater and add to the container with the cucumbers.

Crush the pre-dried walnuts with your hands and add them to the celery.

Then salt the salad and season with mayonnaise. You can choose the type of mayonnaise you wish, but for this salad it is better to purchase low-fat and light mayonnaise.

Gently mix all the products together and place in a bowl or bowl to serve. Decorate with greens.

Salad with celery, nuts and cucumber is ready. Bon appetit!

Medical nutrition. Recipes for dietary dishes using yogurt Sergey Pavlovich Kashin

Cucumber and celery salad

Cucumber and celery salad


2 cucumbers, 2 stalks of celery with leaves, 1 carrot, 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, ground paprika, salt.

Cooking method:

Wash the cucumbers and cut into strips.

Wash the celery, cut the stems into small pieces, and set aside the leaves for decoration.

Peel the carrots, wash them, cut them into strips.

Mix cucumbers with celery and carrots, season with a sauce made from yogurt, lemon juice, paprika and salt. Place the salad on plates, garnish with celery leaves and serve.

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Celery salad "Bon-fam." Sort the tops and stalks of celery, rinse and cut into strips in the same way as peeled apples. Mix them, put them in a salad bowl and pour mustard dressing diluted with cream and lemon juice. Ingredients: celery - 500 g, apples - 300 g, ready

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Celery salad Ingredients: 1 bunch of celery, 3-4 fresh cucumbers, 1 small fork of cabbage, 5 tbsp. l. sunflower oil, 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar, 2 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper. Wash and dry the celery greens, coarsely chop or tear them with your hands. cucumbers

We offer you a recipe for crispy, light, fresh and very juicy stem with cucumber that will go with any side dish. Let's consider several of its options.

Chicken salad with celery and cucumber


  • celery - one stalk;
  • cucumber – 1 piece;
  • chopped walnuts - 30 g;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • boiled chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • salt;
  • black (white) ground pepper;
  • fresh champignons (can be replaced with canned ones) – 200 g.


Finely chop the celery stalks. Cut the cucumber and boiled fillet into thin strips. Cut fresh champignons into small slices and fry in a heated saucepan. Combine all ingredients, pepper and add salt. Season the salad with sour cream and garnish with fresh juicy herbs.

Salad with celery, cucumber and tomato


  • medium celery – 1 piece;
  • tomato – 1-2 pcs;
  • cucumber – 1 piece;
  • fresh lettuce leaves;
  • olive oil;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.


Chop the cucumber, tomato and lettuce into small pieces. Finely chop the celery. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Then, adding salt and pepper, pour olive or sunflower oil over everything and mix thoroughly.

Celery salad with apple and cucumber


  • white cabbage - ¼ part;
  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • large carrots – 1 piece;
  • fresh cucumber – 1 piece;
  • red tomato – 1-2 pcs;
  • large green apple – 1 piece;
  • celery stalk;
  • olive oil (can be vegetable) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, sugar;
  • spices (ground black pepper, paprika).


First, wash all the vegetables and fruits. Next, chop the cabbage with a knife, and then the carrots, using a grater to prepare carrots in Korean. If such a grater is not available, use an ordinary one. Next, cut the bell pepper into small cubes. Cut the cucumber into strips and the tomato into slices. Grind, after peeling and core, a large green apple, as well as prepared (peeled) celery. Combine the salad ingredients and mix. Add olive oil, a little lemon juice, salt, sprinkle with ground black allspice and a pinch of sugar. Mix everything. Decorate the dish with fresh herbs and serve in a beautiful salad bowl to the table.

Published: 08/11/2016
Posted by: FairyDawn
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

How long have we been waiting for the opportunity to eat plenty of fresh vegetables and now this fertile season has arrived. Crispy cucumbers, juicy tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers are welcome guests on any table in the summer, and to avoid boring dishes with them, you need to try to add variety. Prepare a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers; the recipe with celery is no different in the complexity of preparation or the shortage of ingredients. But there is one secret that adds a spicy note to a standard combination of products. Celery seeds and leaves make fresh vegetable salad more tasty and aromatic, leaving a pleasant aftertaste for a long time. If you haven't cooked yet, now is the time to do it.

To prepare the salad you will need the following ingredients:
- two medium-sized cucumbers;
- two medium tomatoes (it is better to give preference to dense fruits);
- large bell pepper (green, yellow and red are suitable);
- onions (we took one head, but if you like spicier salads, add more);
- celery leaves and seeds (one umbrella of grains and a sprig with leaves is enough);
- salt and seasonings to taste;
- a pinch of citric acid;
- low-fat yogurt or sour cream (a couple of spoons)

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

Cut tomatoes into quarters or half rings

add chopped cucumbers to them

Next, cut the onion into half rings or rings.

(if you like it spicy, you can pre-marinate it for a couple of minutes in a weak vinegar solution), cut the pepper into strips

When all the ingredients are cut, you need to add salt to taste (you can add a little black pepper if desired) and add citric acid on the tip of a knife

Place celery seeds on top.

And its leaves

add a couple of tablespoons of low-fat yogurt or sour cream.
Salad ready

If you like your vegetables to “swim” in the gravy from their own juice, stir some time before eating; if not, mix right before eating. Bon appetit!
Vegetable salad with celery is wonderful as an independent dish, and it also perfectly complements meat, fish and any side dish. Summer is the time to replenish vitamin deficiencies and this dish will perfectly help cope with this task. Celery complements each other's beneficial properties and is a kind of connecting link for them. Be sure to try making this salad at home, you and your loved ones will definitely like it, just like

The product is easy to prepare, which many housewives like. It is eaten raw and after thermal exposure.

The vegetable goes perfectly with carrots, apples, cucumbers and other ingredients, which allows you to create many different delicious dishes.

Important! There are a large number of contraindications to the use of celery. These include epilepsy, stomach ulcers, thrombophlebitis, kidney disease, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

In addition, you should not eat more than 150 grams of the plant per day.

Plant properties

The main components of the plant are potassium and sodium, which are responsible for the functioning of the heart and nervous system of the body.

The vegetable crop also contains:

  • Essential oils;
  • B vitamins;
  • Vitamins A, C, E, PP;
  • Folic acid;
  • Ascorbic and oxalic organic acids;
  • Salts of magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron and phosphorus, etc.

Fresh celery

With such a rich composition, celery has a pronounced antioxidant effect, cleanses and rejuvenates the body, ensures good digestion, improves general condition, and promotes weight loss.

Calorie content

Healthy celery stalks have very low calorie content - only 13 kcal per 100g. Therefore, nutritionists warmly welcome it. And celery root has a negative calorie content, which makes the vegetable an invariable component of weight loss diets. We will also look at some simple recipes for those watching their weight.

Stem based recipes

Let's look at step-by-step options for preparing salads with celery stalks.


A classic salad based on celery stalks is a dish with the beautiful name Waldorf. Despite the belligerence of the name, the dish is quite simple and quick to prepare.

Main ingredients:

  • Stems;
  • Apples;
  • Walnuts;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Salt pepper.

Calorie content (100 g): 240 kcal

Peel, chop and mix the ingredients. Season the salad with mayonnaise. Looks beautiful in portioned bowls.

Food for every day

A simple and tasty celery stalk salad is prepared from available ingredients. It goes with:

  • White cabbage (can be replaced with Chinese cabbage);
  • Bell pepper;
  • Plant stem;
  • Greenery;
  • Olive oil (can be replaced with vegetable oil), salt, pepper and garlic - for dressing.

Calorie content (100 g): 140 kcal

Stem celery salad with apple

There are a large number of recipes made from celery stalks and apples, but they all differ in their nuances. We present to your attention a traditional salad with a plant stem and sweet and sour fruit.

There are only two main components:

  • Directly apples;
  • Celery stalks.

Also added to the dish:

  • Crushed walnuts,
  • Lettuce leaves (optional)

Calorie content (100 g): 112 kcal

Season with sour cream. The dish is nutritious and has won many likings.

With Chiken

Chicken and stem recipes offer choices. Let's look at the two most popular options.

Chicken, stem and apple salad

To prepare this dish, you do not need to have any special knowledge or skills. Everything is simple and clear. Take:

  • Boiled chicken breast;
  • Sweet and sour apple;
  • Celery stalk;
  • Several radishes;
  • Greenery.

Calorie content (100 g): 230 kcal

Grind the named components. For dressing, mix sour cream and mayonnaise in equal proportions, add lemon juice.

Cover a large plate with lettuce leaves and place salad seasoned with sour cream and mayonnaise mixture on them. Your dish is ready!

Salad with celery and mushrooms

This option is more satisfying and nutritious. The recipe includes:

  • Celery stalks;
  • Boiled chicken;
  • Chopped walnuts;
  • Canned champignons;
  • Fresh cucumber.

Calorie content (100 g): 175 kcal

Serve the salad garnished with herbs!

Celery stalk salad for weight loss

Recipes for salads from the stem for weight loss are varied. It's all about the very low calorie content of this vegetable. With this minimum value, it is a storehouse of vitamins, which is extremely important during a diet.

The best option for losing weight is considered to be a combination of celery and apple. To prepare the dish, take:

  • Green apple;
  • Plant stems;
  • Olive oil.

Calorie content (100 g): 108 kcal

Mix the ingredients, enjoy a simple and sophisticated combination and lose weight!

With cucumber

The combination of stems and cucumbers is very fresh and delicate. To prepare a delicious dish you will need:

  • Plant roots;
  • Cucumber fruits;
  • A couple of boiled eggs;
  • Dill;
  • Dressing (sour cream, mayonnaise or olive oil - depending on taste preferences).

Calorie content (100 g): 169 kcal

As in previous recipes, the ingredients should be finely chopped and mixed together. A more complex version of this salad is an appetizer with celery, egg, cucumber and cheese. This option is seasoned exclusively with mayonnaise.

If you look at a photo of such a dish, you will see how stylish and bright the dish looks. Despite its simplicity, this salad will be a worthy decoration for any table.

With carrots

Another simple and delicious recipe. To prepare the snack you need to take:

  • Stems;
  • Carrot;
  • Apple;
  • Green onions;
  • Parsley.

Calorie content (100 g): 184 kcal

Grind them and mix. Dress simple food with olive oil and a drop of lemon juice. The prepared dish is light and tasty.

These are the main types of dishes based on unprocessed thermal stems. To make the presentation more beautiful and appetizing, you can study photos of recipes for salads with celery stalks. Bon appetit!

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