What has changed in recent months in preferential housing lending. Housing subsidies. What you need to know about state support for housing construction

A loan received under Decree 240 will cost citizens more than under the decree on state support for citizens. More than 4 thousand families can count on state support in solving the housing problem.

About 135 million rubles are allocated for targeted subsidies in housing construction from the funds of Belarusbank and Belagroprombank. Later, commercial banks will join them, Alexander Gorval, head of the housing policy department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction, said at a BelTA briefing on July 6.

In addition to the current system of preferential lending for housing construction, a new type of state support for citizens in need of improved housing conditions is being introduced - state targeted subsidies. They will be provided to pay part of the interest for using a loan for housing construction received by citizens from any commercial bank, and to large and young families and orphans - also to repay part of the principal debt on such loans.

The budget no longer pours money in the same volumes into preferential lending for housing construction. Banks primarily use repayable resources for these purposes, and the state only compensates for the difference between market and preferential rates.

As “SB.Belarus Today” explains, in general terms the subsidizing mechanism will look like this. Only those citizens referred to in Decree No. 13 will be able to apply for support, with the same price standards and restrictions on square meters. Example. A family of 3 people is building an apartment of 60 square meters. m at a price of 660 rubles per meter, having received a preferential loan of 35,000 rubles. The monthly payment on obligations to the bank for such new residents will be 224 rubles. But if the family receives the same loan amount under the new Decree No. 240, then the payment will increase to 347 rubles. For a family of 4 people, loan payments with a subsidy will increase from 298 to 463 rubles. For large families with 3 children - respectively from 45 rubles to 80 rubles. Nothing changes only for large families with 4 children. In both the first and second cases, the state completely repays both the principal debt and the interest on it.

Who can get it?

“A citizen who has the right to receive state support according to Decree No. 13, when the line approaches, is notified by the executive committee or government body (the law enforcement agencies where he is registered). He goes to the bank, enters into a loan agreement, and submits it to the executive committee. The Executive Committee calculates the subsidy to repay the loan. If the rate, conditionally, is 20% per annum, then the contract is concluded for 20%, and the volume of the subsidy that will be accrued to the citizen is already determined by calculation,” – Alexander Gorval gave an example of a working scheme.

The amount of subsidies for interest payments will be:

  • for large families with three minor children - the refinancing rate plus 2 percentage points;
  • for large families with four or more children - the refinancing rate plus 3 percentage points;
  • for large families with at least three children under the age of 23 (if they study or live together) - the refinancing rate plus 2 percentage points;
  • for other citizens entitled to state support - the refinancing rate minus 2 percentage points.

The amount of the subsidy will be determined based on the number of family members, the standard size of the living space and the maximum standard for the cost of construction. The subsidy will be paid monthly during the lending period, its size will be adjusted depending on changes in the refinancing rate, if the family composition changes.

Loans will be more expensive

“Some on the forums have already discussed the decree, the text of which only became known today. They write that there will be benefits again, they will distribute cheap housing to their own people. There will be no new benefits; they have long been defined by Decree No. 13 on state support for citizens during housing construction, and its effect has not been canceled.”, - said Alexander Gorval, head of the housing policy department of the Ministry of Architecture and Construction.

“A mechanism has been found that, in our opinion, will help expand the volume of lending for housing construction, and it will be carried out with elements of state support”, - noted the specialist. According to him, the system of direct preferential loans through the transfer of funds to banks will gradually be replaced by a system of subsidizing not banks, but directly to citizens.

“Along with the increase in lending volumes, budget costs will decrease. That is, the budget will compensate citizens only for the interest on the loan, and not for the entire loan amount,”- Gorval explained.

The allocated money will be distributed proportionally across districts and cities personally for each family. However, for now, as in the case of Decree No. 13, not every apartment can be built with state subsidies, but only in those houses that are included in a special list for financing through subsidies.

Decree No. 322 “On the provision of non-cash housing subsidies” provides for the introduction, from October 1, 2016, of a system of providing state assistance for partial compensation for payment of housing and communal services, taking into account the total family income, the area of ​​consumers’ housing and certain conditions for the consumption of services. The purpose of the law is social protection of the more vulnerable part of society. The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services spoke about the nuances of providing non-cash housing subsidies to the Community Literacy Portal.

Who is eligible for the subsidy?

The state compensates for the costs of paying for housing and communal services in excess of 20% of the total income of a family (or individual citizen) in the city and 15% in rural areas. Of course, only if the actual volumes of consumption do not exceed the standards for the consumption of housing and communal services established by the state.

“When calculating non-cash housing subsidies, the standard consumption of housing and communal services will be taken into account. Accordingly, if a person has a large apartment in which he lives alone and pours water excessively, then not his actual consumption will be compared, but the standard one. Everything that is consumed in excess of the norm will be be paid by him independently,” notes First Deputy Minister of Housing and Communal Services Oleg POSKROBKO.

Who can receive a subsidy?

Homeowners or tenants of public housing, as well as members of their families. In addition, members of a developer organization can apply for a subsidy.

Who will not receive a non-cash housing subsidy?

Application for state assistance will be denied if the owner of the property owns several residential premises or shares in another apartment (except for large families), rents out housing under a rental agreement, or owns an apartment in which a private enterprise is registered.

The payment of the subsidy may be suspended if the owner changes his place of residence (you can apply for state assistance at your new place of residence) or provides false information about income. In addition, you can refuse to accrue a subsidy by writing an application to the subsidy service (executive committee) to terminate the provision of the subsidy.

Where to apply for a subsidy?

Such assistance will be provided on the basis of application and identification principles. “According to the identifying principle, non-working pensioners or non-working disabled adults will be able to receive state assistance if able-bodied family members do not live with them,” clarifies Oleg POSKROBKO. According to him, these categories of citizens will be assigned a subsidy automatically; there is no need to collect any certificates or documents.

The Ministry of Housing and Communal Services estimated that about 400 thousand households will fall under this type of state support, that is, up to 10% of their total number (3.7 million).

Documents required to apply for a subsidy

To apply for state assistance to pay for housing and communal services, a citizen must provide the executive committee at the place of residence with a complete package of documents, namely:

application for a subsidy(a sample will be provided by the executive committee);

passport(or other identification document);

documents confirming the income of the homeowner and family members for 6 months (certificate of salary, benefits, income from business activities, etc.);

work book;

child's birth certificate(for those who have children under 18 years old);

certificate of marriage (or divorce);

pension certificate or disability certificate(if the owner’s family includes pensioners or disabled people).

For how long is the subsidy provided?

The subsidy for non-working pensioners and disabled people is provided for 3 months and is automatically extended. For all others - for 6 months (to extend the subsidy, you will need to contact the executive committee at your place of residence with a passport and an application).

The application for a subsidy is reviewed by officials within 10 days. If additional documents need to be requested, the review period may increase to 15 days. If verification of the provided documents is required - up to 20 days.

Which housing and utility services are covered by the subsidy?

Non-cash housing subsidies will apply to basic housing and communal services - hot and cold water supply, water disposal (sewage), gas, electricity and heat supply, major repairs and maintenance of a residential building, elevator maintenance, solid municipal waste management, sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises of a residential building, as well as the cost of electricity for lighting entrances and the operation of elevators in an apartment building and the supply of liquefied petroleum gas from individual cylinder or tank installations.

“Additional housing and communal services that a person can refuse will not be subsidized. For example, maintenance of locking and intercom devices, video surveillance,” noted Oleg POSKROBKO.

The subsidy for housing and communal services will be calculated only within the framework of consumption standards. For example, if a family of three uses more water than prescribed by the standards - 140 liters per person per day (if there is a meter), then these liters of water used in excess of the norm will not be subsidized.

Calculation formmandatory payment

The difference between the amount of payment for housing and communal services accrued according to the standards minus the non-cash housing subsidy and mandatory payment (20% for urban and 15% for rural residents) will be compensated from the budget.

Features of providing a subsidy

According to Oleg POSKROBKO, the amount of state support in each case will be calculated individually, taking into account the family’s income, the area of ​​living space, the number of citizens living there, and the volume of housing and communal services consumed. In this case, according to the identification principle, family income for three months will be taken into account, and according to the application principle - for six months preceding the month of application.

The subsidy is not given in cash; the state will transfer it to service providers. The amount of the subsidy will be reflected in the invoice notice, and the fee will be reduced by this amount.

If tariffs change, the subsidy will be recalculated automatically.

Yana Shchuka, Community Literacy Portal

And the main legislative act was Decree of the President of Belarus No. 240, signed on July 4, 2017, “On state support for citizens in the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises.”

In addition to the current system of preferential lending for housing construction, Decree No. 240 introduced a new type of state support for citizens in need of improved housing conditions - state targeted subsidies, informs infobank.by.

What are the subsidies used for?

They can be provided to pay part of the interest for using a loan for housing construction received by citizens from any commercial bank, and for large and young families and orphans - also to pay off part of the principal debt on such loans. Recipients of subsidies are mainly:

  • the same categories of citizens who had the right to receive state support in the form of preferential loans under Decree No. 13
  • prosecutors
  • low-income citizens carrying out the construction (reconstruction) of residential premises in settlements in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev region

The maximum loan amount subject to subsidization is determined by the following formula...

The conditions for providing such state support will be:

  • order of receipt
  • classifying citizens as low-income

About the subsidy - in simple terms

Decree No. 240 deals with attracting loans from commercial banks and providing the necessary targeted financial support for their repayment.

As a result, a person receives not a preferential loan, but a very ordinary commercial loan and a subsidy for its repayment. This can be done in those banks that participate in the subsidy system, today there are 4 of them:

  • Bank Bel VEB
  • Belagroprombank
  • Belarusbank
  • Belinvestbank
  • BPS-Sberbank

Banks provide commercial loans for the construction (reconstruction) of housing on their own terms in force in each of them, the main ones of which are almost identical today:

  • loan term - 20 years
  • The loan rate is 13% per annum (or the refinancing rate + 3 percentage points).

Please note that when the refinancing rate changes (it has been falling in recent years), the loan rate will also change!!!

The subsidy is provided in non-cash form and is sent to the bank that issued the commercial loan to repay part of the interest or principal debt for the citizen.

Aid sizes

A subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is provided:

  • beneficiaries listed in Decree No. 13 “On some issues of providing citizens with state support during the construction (reconstruction) or acquisition of residential premises”
  • prosecutorial employees, citizens from among prosecutorial employees dismissed from service in the prosecutor's office due to age, health, due to a reduction in the number or staff of employees (in connection with organizational and staffing measures), having at least 5 calendar years of service in the service prosecutor's office
Categories of citizens Amount of subsidy for payment of part of the interest on the loan
Out of turn
large families3 children under 23 years old - SR* + 2 p.p. / 4 or more minor children - SR + 3 p.p.
citizens who became ill and suffered radiation sickness caused by the consequences of the Chernobyl disasterSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens whose families include disabled children, as well as disabled children of groups I and IISR* — 2 p.p.
citizens living in residential premises declared unsuitable for habitationSR* — 2 p.p.
veterans of combat operations on the territory of other states, from those provided for in clauses 1 - 3 of the first part of Art. 3 of the Law “On Veterans”SR* — 2 p.p.
able-bodied adult family members of a deceased social housing tenant - during the term of the tenancy agreementSR* — 2 p.p.
special laureates Foundation of the Head of State for the support of gifted pupils and studentsSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens dismissed from military service due to age, health status, reductionSR* — 2 p.p.
orphans and citizens who are tenants of social housing provided to them as orphans - during the validity of the rental agreementSR* + 2 p.p.
First come first served basis
military personnel and persons equivalent to themSR* — 2 p.p.
prosecutorsSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens entitled to priority receipt of social housingSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens who have been awarded scholarships from the Head of StateSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens living for at least 10 years in dormitories, in housing under a private housing rental agreementSR* — 2 p.p.
judgesSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens carrying out housing construction in settlements of up to 20 thousand people. and in satellite citiesSR* — 2 p.p.
citizens carrying out housing construction in the south-eastern region of the Mogilev regionSR* — 2 p.p.
young families with two minor childrenSR* — 2 p.p.

* SR - refinancing rate

And to put it in very simple language, in practice this is what will happen:

  • for large families with 3 children, the subsidy will cover 12% (refinancing rate 10% + 2 percentage points) of 13% per annum
  • For large families with 4 or more children, the subsidy will fully cover the payment of annual interest on the loan
  • for everyone else, the subsidy will cover 8% (refinancing rate 10% - 2 percentage points) out of 13% per annum

The transfer of the subsidy for the repayment of part of the interest will be made from the next month after the bank issues a loan for the construction (reconstruction) of housing on a monthly basis throughout the entire loan repayment period established by the loan agreement.

The right to receive a subsidy for the repayment of the principal debt together with a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest is granted:

  • large families with 3 or more minor children
  • to young low-income families at the birth (adoption) of the first and (or) second child after a decision has been made to provide a subsidy to pay part of the interest
  • orphans

At the same time, the subsidy for repayment of the principal debt is set at 95% for large families with 3 children, and 35% for orphans.

For large families with 4 or more children, monthly loan payments, both interest and principal, will be fully subsidized from the budget.

Young families upon the birth of children after a decision is made to provide a subsidy to pay part of the interest: 10% - at the birth of the first child; 20% - at the birth of a second child.

The amount of the subsidy will change as the composition of the family changes!

How to get support?

The issuance of a subsidy is possible only when there is a queue of people in need of improved housing conditions and classified as low-income.

Subsidies are provided for the construction of housing in economical multi-apartment and semi-detached residential buildings, the list of projects of which is approved by the Ministry of Construction and Architecture.

Decisions on the provision of subsidies are made by district, city executive and administrative bodies, and local administrations.

The order of your actions

1. Citizens entitled to receive targeted subsidies (subsidies) will be invited, in order of priority, to the executive committee, where they will be offered housing construction with such state support

2. If a citizen agrees to participate in the program, the executive committee directs him to build housing, and the citizen enters into a corresponding construction contract

3. After concluding a contract for housing construction, a citizen applies to the executive committee with an application and relevant documents to make a decision on providing him with a targeted subsidy. The Executive Committee, taking into account the composition of the family and the living space in the property, will determine the maximum loan amount to be subsidized for the family

4. With this decision, the person goes to the bank to conclude a loan agreement

5. The bank concludes a loan agreement and sends a copy of it to the executive committee. The Executive Committee, on the basis of information provided monthly by the bank, transfers to the bank that provided the loan a subsidy for the citizen to pay part of the interest on the loan, starting from the next month after the bank issued the loan (part of it), a subsidy for repaying the principal debt on the loan - starting from the month of the beginning repayment of the loan principal

20:19 30.08.2016

From October 1, a system of non-cash housing subsidies will be introduced in Belarus. It should mitigate the consequences of rising prices for housing and communal services for vulnerable categories of the population.

The decree on the implementation of the system was signed just the other day, on August 29. Now government agencies are launching the machine for its implementation, simultaneously informing citizens about the new rules and nuances.

The site has tried to bring together everything that is known to date into one reminder.

Which families will receive subsidies?

  • Families living in the city whose expenses for housing and communal services exceed 20 percent of their average monthly total income.
  • Families living in a rural locality whose expenses for housing and communal services exceed 15 percent of their average monthly total income.

How to qualify for a subsidy

  • Non-working pensioners and non-working adult disabled people, if able-bodied family members do not live with them, will receive a subsidy automatically. Provided that their spending on housing and communal services exceeds 20 or 15 percent. This is called the revealing principle.
  • The rest will be able to count on receiving subsidies by submitting an application to the organization that carries out accounting and calculations of housing and communal services. This is called the declarative principle.

What expenses will be subsidized?

  • Payment for all main types of housing and communal services: hot and cold water supply, water disposal (sewerage), gas, electricity supply, elevator maintenance, solid municipal waste management, sanitary maintenance of auxiliary premises of a residential building, major repairs, as well as electricity costs for lighting entrances and operating elevators .

What expenses will not be subsidized?

  • Payment for basic types of housing and communal services consumed in excess of established standards. Anything beyond that will have to be paid for independently and in full.
  • Payment for additional types of housing and communal services: maintenance of intercoms, video surveillance, and so on. That is, those that a person can refuse.

How will family income be calculated?

  • According to the identifying principle: family income for the three months preceding the month of application is taken into account.
  • For the application: family income for the six months preceding the month of application is taken into account.
  • The specific list of income taken into account when calculating (for example, salary, pension, scholarship, alimony) is still unknown. It will be determined by the Council of Ministers by October 1.

How will the subsidy amount be calculated?

  • The size for each recipient will be determined individually by decision of local executive committees, taking into account the area of ​​the residential premises, the number of citizens living there, and the volume of consumed housing and communal services.

For how long will the subsidy be issued?

  • According to the identifying principle: they will be provided for a quarter, i.e. for three months.
  • Based on the application principle: will be provided for six months.

Who will not receive a subsidy?

  • Households whose family members have two or more apartments have registered companies for this premises and rent out rooms.
  • Unemployed people who were not registered with the labor exchange.

How to find out if you have received a subsidy

  • The amount of the subsidy provided will be indicated in the fat. An additional line will appear in it.
  • According to the revealing principle: fats with such a line will begin to arrive in October. In addition, this category of citizens will receive a separate notice.
  • According to the application principle: fat bills with a subsidy line will arrive in November with the amounts for October.

Will the rules change again?

  • The Council of Ministers was instructed, by October 1, 2017, to study the experience of the system and make a proposal to the head of state on the possible expansion of the list of categories of citizens to whom subsidies are provided on an identifying basis.
  • It is estimated that about 10 percent of the country's households will benefit from the subsidies.
  • It is estimated that approximately 50 million denominated rubles will be needed to help pay for housing and communal services.

Since August, targeted subsidies for housing construction have been operating in Belarus. Those applying for state support take out loans from banks at commercial rates, and the state allocates subsidies to repay part of the interest, and in some cases, to repay part of the principal debt. Brest region is working more actively than others with subsidies, Minsk region is still among the outsiders.

– During meetings with representatives of city and district executive committees, more than 2,000 families in the region received proposals to build an apartment under the terms of state support in the form of a subsidy. The mechanism for obtaining it is prescribed in Decree No. 240. The maximum size of the loan and targeted subsidy is determined taking into account the composition of the family and the living space owned. Today, about 153 families already have a decision from the executive committees to provide them with subsidies. 58 families have already entered into loan agreements with banks,” says Alexey Bykov, deputy chairman of the committee on architecture and construction of the regional executive committee. “But more than 240 families refused to receive targeted subsidies. The main reason for refusals is the conclusion of a loan agreement with a bank, which requires an appropriate level of salary and the presence of guarantors. In addition, someone would like to purchase housing on the secondary market, and Decree No. 240 provides for the allocation of subsidies only for construction,” notes a representative of the regional executive committee.

Targeted subsidies are allocated both for housing construction in multi-apartment residential buildings and for individual housing construction.

According to the Ministry of Construction and Architecture, in total, in the region, with the help of targeted housing subsidies, it is planned to build 13 residential buildings with 985 apartments in Smolevichi, Machulishchi, Smilovichi, Berezino, Molodechno, Soligorsk, Stolbtsy and Starye Dorogi.

Also, with the help of subsidies, it is planned to commission 7,150 thousand square meters of individual housing construction in the Minsk region.

This year, 135 million rubles have been allocated from the state budget to subsidize market interest rates of banks. Of the total amount, 37 million 490 thousand rubles were allocated to the Minsk region. Among the first financial institutions to launch a targeted subsidy mechanism are Belarusbank and Belagroprombank. Belinvestbank is also ready to provide lending to individuals within the framework of Decree No. 240.

“Today, our bank’s specialists actively advise borrowers,” notes Belinvestbank press secretary Elena Oshurkevich. – After which, persons interested in state support for housing construction are sent to local executive committees.

Specialists of OJSC Belinvestbank calculated an approximate loan repayment schedule and interest payments within the framework of Decree No. 240.

As a basis, we took a family with three minor children, which, according to the norms of the decree, is provided with a subsidy for the payment of part of the interest, calculated based on the refinancing rate + 2% (in actual value, i.e. 13%).

Loan amount: 50,000 BYN

Interest rate on the loan payable by the borrower: 2% per annum

Loan term: 20 years

Date of loan received: November 2017

Start month of loan principal payment: January 2019

Start month of loan interest payments: December 2017

Preliminary construction time – 1 year

During the period of housing construction, the borrower does not pay the principal debt. Repayment of the loan in part of the principal debt begins after the residential building is put into operation. The maximum payment amount under the loan agreement during the construction period (1 year) will be 85 Belarusian rubles per month - this is the amount of interest.

Upon completion of construction and commissioning of the house, the maximum loan payment amount will be 306 Belarusian rubles per month (principal + interest excluding compensation paid).

According to preliminary calculations, in order to receive a loan on the conditions described above, the minimum wage of the borrower should be about 620 rubles per month (meaning the amount issued in person).

If wages are below this amount, gross household income may be used in calculating creditworthiness. 

Who can receive subsidies

Citizens listed in Decree No. 13 of January 6, 2012 can apply for subsidies - everyone who could previously count on a preferential loan.

In particular, law enforcement officers and military personnel, large families, families with disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, orphans and children left without parental care, veterans of military operations on the territory of other states, laureates of special Presidential funds for social support of the gifted can apply for state support pupils, students and to support talented youth.

Amount of targeted subsidy

Providing subsidies for interest payments:

Large families with three minor children – the refinancing rate + 2%.

Large families with 4 or more children – refinancing rate + 3%.

Large families with at least three children under the age of 23 (if they are studying, living together, etc.) – the refinancing rate is +2%.

For other citizens entitled to state support (orphans and children left without parental care), the refinancing rate is minus 2%.

Providing subsidies for repayment of the principal debt:

For large families with three minor children – 90% of the principal debt.

Large families with 4 or more children – 100%.

For young families at the birth, adoption or adoption of the first child - 10%, the second - 20%.

For other citizens entitled to state support (orphans and children left without parental care) – 35%.

The loan period is determined by the bank: from 15 to 20 years. The subsidy will be paid monthly. Its size will be recalculated if the composition of the family or the refinancing rate changes.

Since August 2017, when Decree No. 240 on targeted subsidies came into force, more than 1.5 thousand contracts in housing construction have been concluded in Belarus.

Marina VALAH

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