Kumquat - what kind of fruit is it, photos, benefits and harm. Dried kumquat: beneficial properties and harm, calorie content

The modern market offers a wide selection of tasty and healthy delicacies. Dried kumquat is in great demand. If the technology for its preparation was carried out correctly, then the product retains all its beneficial properties. The fruits appeared on the shelves of domestic stores relatively recently, but due to their excellent taste and benefits, they began to rapidly gain popularity.

general characteristics

Kamquat, which grows in China, belongs to the citrus family. These are small fruits, similar in size to walnuts and very similar in appearance to oranges. Ripe fruits have an orange or rich yellow color and a slightly elongated shape. The fruit is known by names such as:

  • fabulous tangerine;
  • Japanese orange;
  • kinkan;
  • Fortunella.

In the CIS countries, the term “kumquat” is most often used. The fruit is known for a number of unique beneficial qualities and rich composition, which distinguishes it from other citrus fruits. The product is eaten both in natural and in dried and dried form. In many countries, kumquat is used not only for preparing a tasty and healthy dessert. Due to its healing properties, it has found its use in medicine and cosmetology. When dried and dried, the fruits are more reminiscent of dried apricots. The taste qualities of fresh fruits are considered specific due to the presence of bitterness.


Dried kumquat is available on the market in the following colors:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red;
  • green.

The first two options for the product are natural. To obtain other colors, use food coloring. Most often, the dried product is made from whole ripe fruits without removing the seeds. During the cooking process, under the influence of temperatures, fruits lose moisture, retaining vitamins and microelements. The fruits are boiled in sugar syrup, which drowns out the bitter taste of natural kumquat. The result is a product with elastic pulp and special taste. The delicacy is characterized by a pronounced shine due to the sugar syrup. On sale you can find dried kumquat in powdered sugar.

How to choose?

When choosing a treat, you should visually evaluate its color. Excessive saturation and brightness indicates who added dye to the fruit to make it more attractive. You should also pay special attention to the presence of whitish spots or any other traces on the surface of the fruit, which indicates additional processing of the product with chemical compounds. This procedure is usually carried out when mold appears. If you don’t want to risk your health, it’s better to refuse such a delicacy.

You can tell a quality product by its smell. If the dessert is made naturally, it will have a pleasant citrus aroma, perhaps with a hint of mint. The presence of third-party odors indicates the presence of chemical impurities and other components of inorganic origin. All this reduces the benefits of the product.


In the process of preparing the dried delicacy, citrus loses moisture and takes on a crumpled appearance, but if everything is done correctly, all the healing properties, microelements and vitamins are preserved. Japanese orange contains the following components:

  • vitamins of various groups: E, B, A and C;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • essential oil;
  • calcium;
  • fatty acid;
  • monosaccharides.

The main feature of the citrus fruit is that during the growth process it does not absorb hazardous substances from the soil, due to which the kumquat has maximum benefits for the human body. This is an environmentally friendly product.

Calorie content and BZHU

Calorie content per 100 grams of product – 71 kcal. Due to this characteristic, the fruit is considered dietary, even taking into account the fact that after processing the amount of carbon in it increases 3 times. The BZHU indicators are as follows:

  • carbohydrates – 9 g;
  • fats – 0.9 g;
  • proteins – 2 g.

Useful qualities

Due to its rich composition at the chemical level, regular consumption of citrus fruit has an impact on the body the following actions:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • fight against fungal infections and diseases regardless of origin;
  • removing excess cholesterol from the body;
  • antibacterial effect;
  • nourishing the body with vitamins and essential elements;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • improving digestion, due to which weight is gradually normalized;
  • noticeable improvements in hair, skin and nails;
  • energy and strength appear in the body;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • the state of the visual organs is improving;
  • improvement of local intestinal microflora;
  • 300 grams of the product will instantly relieve hangover;
  • The aging process in the body will slow down with frequent consumption of fairy tangerine.


Even the healthiest fruits and vegetables have a number of specific contraindications for consumption, which you must become familiar with before consuming. Otherwise, kumquat will do more harm to the body than good. The first thing that needs to be determined is the presence of individual intolerance to the product, in other words, allergies. If you have any doubts about this point, you should seek help from medical professionals. It is also necessary to use dried delicacies with extreme caution or avoid them altogether if you have such health problems as:

  • diabetes mellitus - in this case it is necessary to completely abandon the product if it was prepared using sugar syrup;
  • ulcer;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • pregnancy in the third trimester or breastfeeding, which can cause the child to develop allergies.

  • nervous system disorders;
  • physical exhaustion (lack of strength);
  • weakened immunity (both chronic form and weakening after illness);
  • intestinal problems, including constipation;
  • respiratory tract diseases, sore throat;
  • fungal proliferation;
  • chronic alcoholism.

Important! You should not overdo it with the amount of product. Excessive consumption of the fruit can cause an allergic reaction.

Use of fruit in medicine

Traditional medicine does not recognize Japanese orange as a medicinal plant, but in Asian countries it is actively used to combat various diseases and ailments. In China, kumquat is used as an ingredient in medicines. Pre-prepared fruits are also used to combat unpleasant symptoms and diseases. They are dried and stored in the freezer or refrigerator. Low temperature helps preserve the freshness of fruits and their healing qualities for a long time. In this form, the fruit can be stored for six months.

On the Internet you can find many recipes for preparing various healthy drinks from kumquat, namely:

  • tinctures using alcohol;
  • decoctions;
  • tinctures on water;
  • solutions for further inhalation.

Important! Essential oil is actively used to prevent and get rid of fungus. Aromatherapy sessions and the use of this substance help cope with nervous disorders.

Among the numerous dried fruits you can find orange candied fruits with the exotic name kumquat. What are the benefits of such candied fruit? How to choose and use it correctly? Find answers to all questions in our material.

What it is?

Dried kumquat is a popular dried fruit that is made from small fruits. The fruit itself is a citrus fruit. This is a small, elongated fruit that somewhat resembles the familiar plum. This dried fruit can often be found under another name. For example, “Chinese mandarin”, “kinkan”, “fortunella” or “Japanese orange”. The fruit is very common in China, Japan, Australia, South America and many countries in Southeast Asia.

The ripe fruit has a thick, bright orange peel. But it has very little pulp. The aroma of the fruit is reminiscent of lime, and the taste is a little like tangerine. The peel of this fruit is pleasant to the taste, sweet, but the pulp has a slight sourness or bitterness. For this reason, it is customary to eat the whole fruit, including the peel. An interesting fact is that this is practically the only citrus fruit whose peel is edible. Kumquat is eaten fresh, used in the preparation of various dishes and drinks, and candied fruits are made.

Candied fruits are made from the whole fruit, that is, the whole fruit is dried together with the peel. You can often find all kinds of hybrids. This is a kumquat crossed with a lime, orange, tangerine or other citrus fruit. Such hybrids differ in taste and skin color. As a rule, these candied fruits are made from the whole fruit, but it happens that it is cut into circles before drying.

Candied fruits are made in the following way - the fruits are boiled in pre-prepared syrup and then dried. Often a small amount of baking soda is added to this syrup. If manufacturers follow a certain technology and do not violate the rules of drying, then candied fruits retain almost all their vitamins and beneficial properties. Infrared drying of fruits is considered the best.

Why different colors?

Today in stores you can find not only orange or yellow kumquat, but also red and even green. When choosing quality dried fruits, be sure to pay attention to their color. In nature, there are no fruits that are bright red or green. Therefore, real candied fruits should be orange, yellow or pale red. In other variants, this indicates that various kinds of dyes were added during the production of dried fruits, which is why bright candied fruits of various colors are obtained.

Choosing kumquats in the form of candied fruits, Do not take dried fruits of too bright colors, even orange. The natural color of such a product should have a paler shade. If there are white dots or stripes on the surface of the candied fruit, this indicates that the fruit was treated with some harmful substance during drying.

A good dried candied fruit has a delicate citrus aroma, but if there is a chemical smell, then it is better to refuse such a purchase.

Composition and calorie content

Like most citrus fruits, kumquat is a low-calorie product. Fresh fruit contains only 70 kilocalories per 100 grams. But only fresh fruit can boast such a low calorie content. Dried fruits and candied fruits are high in calories. The candied sunny fruit contains more than 280 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. As for the BJU of this dried citrus fruit, it contains 9.4 grams of carbohydrates, 1.88 grams of protein, and 1.86 grams of fat.

This dried fruit contains a huge amount of various vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. For example, these candied fruits contain a large amount of vitamin C. There are also vitamins A, group B, E and PP. In addition, kumquat contains potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, various antioxidants, pectin, essential oils and other beneficial substances.


Good quality candied fruits, which were prepared from fresh and ripe fruits, without the use of dyes and other harmful substances, are beneficial. What are the beneficial properties of dried citrus fruit? Thanks to the numerous vitamins and minerals that candied fruits contain, this product is able to enrich the body with various beneficial substances, helping to fight vitamin deficiency.

Since this dried fruit contains a large amount of ascorbic acid (several times more than in regular lemon), its regular consumption helps strengthen the immune system and is an excellent preventive measure against seasonal colds. The fruit contains other useful substances that help not only strengthen the immune system, but also fight inflammatory processes in the body, and also promote a speedy recovery during viral diseases.

In addition, this dried fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines, normalizing many processes in the body. Regular consumption of kumquat improves the secretion of gastric juice and is an excellent preventative against gastritis and ulcers.

Thanks to this dried fruit, intestinal function improves and problems such as constipation disappear. The body is cleansed of harmful toxins and waste. Metabolism in the body is also accelerated and normalized. And all this is due to the fact that kumquat contains a large amount of dietary fiber.

Thanks to some vitamins, namely group B, consuming kumquat has a positive effect on the functioning of our nervous system. Candied fruits help fight stress, have a calming effect on the body, relieve excessive excitability and irritability, help control aggression and not fall into depression. Eating candied fruits is recommended for those who have recently experienced a stressful situation. The beneficial elements of the dried fruit will help overcome bad mood and protect you from the harmful effects of stress.

The bright and tasty dried fruit has another amazing ability - it removes heavy metal salts, various toxins from the body and reduces the level of bad cholesterol. For this reason, kumquat is indicated for those who live in an environmentally unfavorable area and whose lifestyle is not healthy. Ridding the body of everything bad, kumquat also saturates it with useful vitamins, helping it to improve its health. And thanks to potassium, this type of candied fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, preventing the occurrence of many diseases. The product is an excellent preventative against atherosclerosis.


Any dried fruits have some contraindications that should definitely be taken into account. Since kumquat is a citrus fruit, an allergic reaction may occur after consuming it. Under no circumstances should those who are allergic to citrus fruits or have an individual intolerance to the product be allowed to eat such candied fruits.

You should not eat such dried fruits during pregnancy. You should not eat them during breastfeeding, as this can cause allergies in your newborn baby. Children under three years of age are also not recommended to use this product. In case of severe diseases of the stomach and kidneys, you should not include such candied fruits in your diet. In addition, people suffering from obesity and diabetes should not consume these fruits in dried form.

You shouldn't overuse candied fruits either. Firstly, it can cause some disturbances in the intestines and more. Secondly, since dried kumquat is very high in calories, this will have a detrimental effect on your slimness and overall health. Remember that the recommended amount is seven to eight dried fruits per day.

Dried exotic kumquat can be consumed independently, as it is rich in vitamins and other useful elements. But if it is eaten together with other dried fruits, the benefits will increase several times. For example, these candied fruits are recommended to be consumed together with dried apricots or prunes. This combination of dried fruits helps to activate the functioning of our brain, increases concentration and attention, and improves memory. This combination of products is recommended for use by schoolchildren, students and mental workers.

It is also recommended to consume these candied fruits with honey. To do this, you can make your own honey mixture with kumquat at home and use it in the winter as a preventative against colds and strengthening the immune system. Take literally ten dried fruits and make cross cuts on them. Place candied fruits in a glass container. Add pre-peeled ginger root, cut into circles. You will need literally thirty grams of it. Pour liquid honey over everything on top. For this proportion, four hundred milligrams will be enough. Close the container with a tight lid, shake and put in the refrigerator for two months.

If you have spent several hours in a row at the computer and are experiencing severe eye fatigue, discomfort, etc., then it will be enough to eat three or four dried kumquats - you will feel better within an hour. Dried exotic fruits can be safely added to various baked goods, curd masses or homemade yoghurts. For example, you get very tasty pumpkin muffins with candied citrus fruits. You can make compote from kumquat or make a spicy sauce for fish. You can also add a few dried fruits while brewing tea to get a tasty and aromatic drink.

Candied fruits are also used in cosmetology. For example, if you pour warm water over the fruits and let them brew for two hours, you will end up with an excellent tonic tincture. You can wipe your face with this liquid, which will help improve its color and restore elasticity to the skin.

In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell you about the benefits of candied fruits.

Kumquat (kinkan, fortunella) - comes from the family of plants Rutaceae, genus Citrus (in a broad view of this concept, or is referred to as a separate genus Fortunella). Translated from Chinese as “golden orange”. The homeland of this fruit is considered to be southern China. Successfully grown in many countries: Southern Europe, Japan, Middle East, USA (Florida), Southeast Asia. There are several known types of kumquat, which differ in the color and shape of the fruit. The plant is often represented by a wide bush with erect, dense branches raised uphill. The crown has the shape of a cone.

The leaves are green, dark green, ellipsoidal, finely veiny, with a waxy coating on the surface. The branches have gray or brown bark with small spines (sometimes without them). Kumquat fruits are in most cases yellow or orange in color (there are also purple, red, and brown). At first glance, the kumquat resembles an oval tangerine, but its taste also resembles citrus fruits: a sweetish-sour taste with seeds inside, the pulp is segmented, juicy, yellow in color and has a pleasant aroma.

The fruits of this tree are suitable for consumption both cooked and raw. Kinkan is known for its beneficial properties and use in folk medicine; it contains many vitamins and microelements. Excellent drinks, liqueurs, marmalades, jams, wines, dessert fillings, and candied fruits are also prepared from the fruits.

Calories (100 g)

Vitamins Content mg ​​(µg)
A 16 mcg
Alpha carotene 156 mcg
E 0.15 mg
WITH 43.8 mg
IN 1 0.03 mg
AT 2 0.08 mg
AT 5 0.22 mg
AT 6 0.05 mg
AT 9 15 mcg
Niacin 0.44 mg
AT 4 8.5 mg
AT 3 0.428 mg

Content of macro- and microelements (100 g)

Macro- and microelements Content mg ​​(µg)
Potassium 185 mg
Calcium 65 mg
Magnesium 21 mg
Sodium 11 mg
Phosphorus 17 mg
Iron 0.85 mg
Manganese 0.15 mg
Copper 0.2 mg
Zinc 0.15 mg

Useful properties of kumquat

  • Kumquat peel contains antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory properties;
  • Kumquat syrup is useful for reducing blood cholesterol;
  • Strengthens the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, prevents vascular fragility;
  • It has long been used to treat fungal diseases;
  • Kumquat tea is useful at elevated temperatures, and a decoction of leaves, branches, and fruit peel will help overcome severe coughs;
  • In Asia it is known as an excellent anti-hangover;
  • Speeds up metabolism;
  • Another useful property of kumquat is that it increases the body’s resistance during viral diseases;
  • It brings invaluable benefits to the nervous system: relieves depression, restores sound sleep, and can relieve tension;
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system, prevents the formation of ulcerative pathologies;
  • In diets, you should resort to the beneficial properties of kumquat, they will help you quickly lose weight (and at different stages of obesity);
  • Grated kumquat with sugar is useful for systemic mental stress, increases labor productivity, improves memory, and has a positive effect on blood vessels in the brain;
  • The iron in kumquat helps saturate the blood with oxygen.

Contraindications and restrictions

  • will cause harm in case of urolithiasis, you should use kumquat in your diet only after consulting a doctor;
  • contraindicated in case of high acidity and open peptic ulcers;
  • not recommended if frequent allergic reactions are observed;
  • Pregnant women should use this fruit with caution.

Dried kumquat

Having considered all the beneficial properties, we can say with confidence that kumquat is a very valuable fruit that will give you youth and give you strength. But in addition to sweets, drinks and desserts, you can and should also make candied fruits from it. Why in this form? Because it retains the entire amount of useful vitamins and microelements. Dried kumquat does not undergo any heat treatment and even retains essential oils. At any convenient moment, you can take out a sweet candied fruit and brew tea with it or steam over these beautiful and healing fruits.

You will quickly get rid of the autumn blues, warm up in winter frosts and be able to relax in a warm bath if you throw a few dried kumquat slices into the water. Preparing dried kumquat is very simple: wash the fruit, cut into slices and place in a warm and dry place (cover with gauze to prevent dust and insects from settling on the candied fruit). After the moisture leaves the fruits and they become dry and dense, they need to be removed to a dark, dry place, where they will be stored until eaten.

Each product has enormous benefits for human health, you must always remember this.

Japanese orange, fortunella, kinkan, food of the sages, fabulous tangerine - all these are the names of a small bright fruit from the citrus genus. The benefits of kumquat have long been known in the East, but in our country it appeared on sale not so long ago. As a rule, it is presented in dried and dried form, but sometimes you can also find fresh fruits. Few people know what kind of fruit this is and what benefits it has for humans, but Fortunella is a storehouse of useful substances.

Which kumquat to choose: dried, dried or fresh

First of all, you should pay attention to quality. If the product is spoiled or treated with chemicals, the kumquat will not be beneficial, but harmful.

Fresh citrus fruits must be free of damage, stains, and plaque. As a rule, they are small in size - about 2.5 cm in diameter, although some varieties reach 5 cm in diameter. They are oblong, thin-skinned and have a beautiful golden-orange color.

Slight variations in color and shape are possible, since there are already hybrids of kinkan with other citrus fruits: lime, lemon, clementine, tangerine, etc. A high-quality kumquat is very juicy - about 80% of its composition is water, and the remaining 20% ​​are substances valuable to humans.

When drying or drying, most of the water is lost, but the content of vitamins and minerals does not change. However, when dried, the kumquat looks unattractive, looking like reddish-orange wrinkled lumps. If the color of the fruit is bright and saturated, it means it has been artificially tinted. Dried or dried kumquat is beneficial only if the processing took place under sunlight or in a dehydrator. If the fruits were first boiled in sugar syrup and then dried, then this is a delicious dessert, but it no longer contains any useful substances.

Kumquat fruit: composition and beneficial properties

An important advantage of kinkan is its inability to absorb nitrates from the soil, so you can be absolutely sure of the safety of the fruit in this regard.

The benefits of kumquat for the body are invaluable, since it contains almost all vital minerals and many vitamins:

  • potassium
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • sodium
  • phosphorus
  • vitamins A, B3, B5, E and C.

The orange color of the kumquat indicates a large amount of beta-carotene; Fortunella is also rich in pectins, unsaturated, saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Depending on the condition, the energy value of the fetus changes. Fresh 100 g contains about 70 kcal, dried - about 55 kcal, dried - 245-250 kcal.

In all types, kumquat has beneficial properties. Dry fruits effectively compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals; thanks to the large amount of vitamin C, they strengthen the immune system and have pronounced bactericidal properties. The fruits are also used to treat fungal infections, colds, and coughs. To do this, it should be eaten together with the peel, which contains a large amount of essential oils.

Dried kumquat also has the following properties:

  • normalizes digestion due to its high fiber content
  • improves metabolism
  • stimulates the secretion of gastric juice
  • energizes thanks to the large amount of carbohydrates.

The dried peel is used to disinfect air and inhalation for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. A number of experts claim that kumquat will help overcome a hangover. However, according to some sources, you need to eat 4-5 dry fruits, and according to others, about 200 g.

Dried citrus is lower in calories than dry citrus, but has the same mineral and vitamin composition. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, helps restore and improve vision thanks to vitamins A and E. These substances also actively affect the skin, maintaining its youth, freshness, preventing aging, the appearance of rashes, and effectively protect against photoaging.

Fresh kumquat fruits are used to maintain body tone, treat depression and nervous diseases, relieve stress, improve mood, and reduce anxiety. As a result, kinkan is a good prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

Possible harm and contraindications

Like any other exotic fruit, kinkan requires caution. You should not immediately include it in your diet in large quantities. The harm and benefits of kumquat can be determined, first of all, by the amount of the product. Excessive consumption of even very healthy foods can result in digestive upset.

Individual intolerance to the fruit also occurs. Essential oils contained in the peel and pulp sometimes cause an allergic reaction and cause ulcers on the oral mucosa.

Due to the high carbohydrate content, fortuneella is not recommended for diabetics. For the same reason, it is not suitable for the menu of overweight people. Anyone suffering from acute or chronic stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, gastritis, or kidney inflammation should refrain from kinkan.

Kumquat is contraindicated for pregnant women.

As you can see, in moderation and taking into account the recommendations, you can get the maximum benefit from consuming this tasty and healthy exotic fruit.

Everyone knows about the benefits and taste of many exotic fruits, but such an interesting fruit as kumquat, including dried ones, is known to few people. This fruit has many names: Japanese, food of the sages and many others. When dried, kumquat does not exceed the size, but it has a huge number of useful properties, an unusual taste and aroma. One of its features is that the dried fruit is consumed whole, including the peel, since it also contains many useful substances.

The homeland of kumquat is China, but thanks to its taste and many beneficial properties, it very quickly achieved popularity, first in Asia, and is now widespread in America and Russia. Fresh kumquats are oblong in shape and have an orange skin that fades when dried. In China, it has been used for many centuries not only as a delicious dessert, but also as a useful plant that helps fight many diseases.

How to choose

If you are trying to choose your own dried kumquat, it is important to pay attention to its color. If the color is very bright, bright red, the dried product has most likely been stained. The fact is that if drying occurs under natural conditions, the color of the product will be dark and inconspicuous. In contrast to its taste, the appearance of dried kumquat is not very presentable; such fruits are dark and wrinkled, but, nevertheless, they are very healthy. This is the case when you cannot judge a fruit by its appearance.

In addition, it is very important that there are no white streaks or dots on it, which indicate that the fruit was treated with chemicals in order to get rid of mold. The right dried kumquat smells like citrus, without any side notes, the aroma is similar to the smell of oranges or, sometimes it gives off a little. Be sure to pay attention to the smell, as this is one of the most important indicators of how the fruit was dried. If you notice a distinct chemical smell, it means that chemicals were used to dry the fruit and it is best not to eat it.

A large number of useful substances are contained in the dried fruit, and you need to remember this when you choose a kumquat. The fact is that they often sell not just dried citrus, but pre-boiled citrus in sugar syrup, and only then dried. This product has a much sweeter taste and is generally not bad, but is more suitable as a dessert than as a good vitamin supplement. So, give preference to the dried variety, since it is the one that has the original taste and is able to saturate your body with useful substances.

Beneficial features

Few people know the real benefits of kumquat. In Asia, it is called the Japanese orange, awarded with such epithets as “fabulous” and highly valued. The kumquat is small in size, about the size of a walnut, but it has an amazing taste and aroma, as well as many beneficial properties.

In our country, this citrus fruit is little known, and completely in vain, because the wide range of vitamins and minerals it contains is extremely useful. In particular, with regular use, it improves immunity and helps the body fight diseases. In addition, both fresh and dried citrus fruits suppress the action of fungi and destroy pathogenic bacteria. That is why it is actively used to treat inflammation as an adjuvant. Dried kumquat is very useful during cough, helps fight infections, in particular, the substances contained in the peel.

Composition of dried kumquat (per 100 g)
9.4 g
1.88 g
0.86 g
0.17 mg
20 mg
0.135 mg
186 mg
62 mg
95 mg
19 mg
10 mg
0.86 mg
6.5 g
0.52 g
0.103 g
Saccharides 9.36 g
80 g
15 mcg
0.04 µg
0.43 mg
44 mg
0.09 mg
0.15 mg
0.208 mg
8.6 mg
0.036 mg
17 mcg

This citrus fruit is good for normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improving metabolism and increasing the production of gastric juice. In addition, even in dried form, kumquat is quite low in calories, so it can be used as part of various diets. And when dried, this fruit does not lose its many beneficial properties; moreover, it is in dried form that it significantly reduces the risk of developing intestinal cancer.

In dried form, among other things, kumquat can still help people who suffer from vision problems, such as myopia or diseases that appear with age. With regular but moderate consumption, dried kumquat can also reduce the risk of skin rashes, and the substances it contains protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

It is considered an excellent way to fight viruses and harmful bacteria, including due to its saturation with vitamins. In addition, the copper and phosphorus contained in it help the normal functioning of the immune system, and also support the nervous system and intellectual activity.

Use in cooking

This citrus fruit is widely used in cooking and, in particular, chefs willingly add it to salads and sauces, and use it as an ingredient to create original snacks. Kumquat is even baked whole with meat or poultry to give it a sweetish taste: in this regard, it is an excellent substitute for oranges.

If you grind several dried kumquat fruits, add sugar and white rum, you will get a surprisingly tasty and at the same time quite healthy cocktail with an exotic taste. If you want to prepare it, you need 7 kumquat fruits per 100 grams, sugar and ginger to taste. The main thing is to strain the drink well before serving so that crushed kumquat does not get into it and ruin the whole experience.

Dried kumquat is often used in cooking and at home: you can make kumquat compote, jam or candied fruit, and in its pure form it is used as a snack. This citrus fruit is even added to meat dishes, used as an additive to a side dish, but the taste of such dishes is quite original, so experiments should be done carefully.

Medicinal properties

Dried kumquat can replace many complexes of vitamins and minerals that we buy at the pharmacy. By itself, it is able to compensate for the deficiency of certain nutrients and, according to the Chinese, even helps with a hangover.

To get a pronounced therapeutic effect, about 7 fruits a day for two weeks is enough; this will help saturate the body with vitamins, remove harmful substances from the body and generally improve the condition. However, it should not be overused; remember that any plant, even the most useful one, is useful only in moderation.

To prepare a healing tincture from this citrus fruit, you will need:

  • 10 dried fruits;
  • honey to taste (about 500 ml);
  • 500 ml of vodka or diluted alcohol;
  • about 50 grams of ginger (less if you don’t like it).

Wash the citrus fruits well, make several cuts on each of them so that the kumquat releases the maximum amount of its beneficial properties. Carefully place the fruits in a jar, crush them a little, add ginger and pour vodka.

Until ready, this infusion should be stored in the refrigerator for 3 months, after which it can be consumed in a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

This will help saturate the body with essential vitamins, strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, of course, if you have no contraindications to drinking alcohol.

Using the same tincture, you can cure a cough: take 100 g of tincture, warm it well and drink in small sips, preferably before bed. This will warm your throat or may help your body fight infection.


Although it is often added to many diets, it is actually high in carbohydrates and quite high in calories. That is why people who are prone to excess weight need to be careful with kumquat. It should also be used with caution by those people who have kidney disease, since kumquat begins to remove toxins and poisons from the body, and the main burden in this falls on the kidneys. In addition, it, like any other citrus fruit, is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as it can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in an unborn child.

Dried kumquat is harmful for those who have an individual intolerance to citrus fruits or this particular product. If you are not prone to allergies, in any case, it should be included in your diet little by little, starting with small portions, so as not to cause health problems.

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