Daily frequent urination. Frequent urination in women without pain, causes of urge

A healthy person visits the toilet to empty the bladder up to 9 times a day. Frequent urination is commonly associated with cold feet and cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). However, the causes of frequent urination are many: from physiological features to serious pathological conditions. Why does a person get up at night to use the toilet or often visit the restroom during the day, experiencing some discomfort in society? Only a doctor can answer these questions. But every person should know the main causes of frequent urge to urinate.

Physiological increase in urination

Frequent urge to the toilet, which does not require any treatment, may be due to the use of:

  • excessive amount of liquid, watermelons;
  • alcohol, especially beer;
  • a large number of cups of coffee;
  • meat, pickles, spicy dishes;
  • drugs with a diuretic effect - diuretics (Lasix, Furosemide), antihypertensives (Arifon, Acripamide, Lorista, Micardis plus).

Frequent urination is also possible when taking medicinal herbs: corn stigmas, kidney tea, lingonberry leaf. Even the usual chamomile, a decoction of which is taken for various inflammatory diseases of the throat, can provoke frequent urges. Often the desire to write is characteristic of pregnant women, especially in the first and last months of pregnancy. Physiologically, the increased urge to urinate during pregnancy, sometimes requiring immediate emptying, is explained by the compression of the bladder by the uterus and the movements of the growing fetus, as well as the weakening of the muscle tone of the pelvic floor due to hormonal changes. Normally, for pregnant women, an increase in urges by 2 to 3 times is considered.

Frequent urination: a sign of illness

If a person excludes the physiological increase in urination, you should carefully listen to your own body. Usually, frequent urination due to pathology is combined with other symptoms. The most common causes of frequent urination are:

Diseases of the urinary system

The pathology of any part of the urinary system is always accompanied by frequent urges. In this case, the following symptoms appear:

  • urethritis - burning sensation when urinating, a feeling of overflow of the bladder;
  • cystitis - painful, frequent discharge of a small amount of urine, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pyelonephritis - pulling pain in the lower back, temperature and intoxication (weakness, pallor of the skin, etc.);
  • urolithiasis - the movement of even the smallest stones (sand) causes pain in the back and lower abdomen, burning (during the passage of sand through the urethra), blood is often recorded in the urine;
  • urinary incontinence - due to weak muscle tone of the sphincter of the urethra, often observed in old age;
  • overactive bladder - congenital or acquired muscle hypertonicity provokes frequent urge to go to the toilet in a small way;
  • bladder prolapse - often diagnosed in older women, frequent urges result in a small amount of urine being passed.

Hormonal disorders

Endocrine disruptions affect the entire body, including urinary function. Frequent desire to visit the toilet happens in the following conditions:

  • menopause in women - the attenuation of the functioning of sex hormones leads to a weakening of muscle tone;
  • diabetes mellitus - a feeling of constant fullness of the bladder is accompanied by thirst, itching in the perineum and an unpleasant ketone smell of urine.

Venereal diseases

Any sexually transmitted infection can cause frequent urination. Gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis and even thrush often occur with the spread of infection to the urinary tract. At the same time, specific, pronounced symptoms (purulent, curdled or brownish discharge) are not always observed. Most often, such diseases give an erased symptomatology (trichomoniasis is asymptomatic in men, gonorrhea in women), and the diagnosis is made only on the basis of a special analysis. Frequent urination may be the only manifestation of infection with mycoplasma, ureoplasma or chlamydia.

Oncological diseases

I constantly want to go to the toilet with tumors of the pelvic organs. At the same time, in women, similar symptoms in combination with a violation of the menstrual cycle can cause myomatous nodes. A man suffering from prostate adenoma or prostatitis also notes frequent urination and erectile dysfunction. A rare pathology - cancer of the urethra - already at an early stage is characterized by frequent urges. Due to the narrowing of the lumen of the urethra, even a minimal accumulation of urine in the bladder causes a desire to empty.

Pathologically frequent urination: what is it?

Frequent urination indicates the presence of pathology in the following cases:

  • the frequency of urges is higher than the daily norm (more than 9 times);
  • the volume of urine excreted with frequent urination is less than 200 ml;
  • at the same time, other painful symptoms appear.

If a person observes all three signs in himself and completely excludes the physiological increase in urination, you should consult a doctor.

What to do?

With frequent urge to go to the toilet in a small way, you should consult a doctor and undergo a thorough examination in a medical institution. Often, consultation with a gynecologist (women) and a urologist (men) is required. The survey includes:

  • general urine analysis, sometimes specific samples (for example, according to Nechiporenko) - to detect protein, salts, leukocytes and blood;
  • smear from the urethra / vagina - in order to exclude inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • Ultrasound - examination of the bladder and kidneys;
  • CT, MRI - most often performed in severe diseases.
  • Compliance with an adequate drinking regimen and a healthy diet.
  • Hygiene of the genitals.
  • Refusal of alcoholic beverages.
  • With diagnosed urinary incontinence, the best home remedy is a decoction of yarrow.
  • Diuretic herbs can only be used if the absence of kidney stones has been proven by instrumental studies (ultrasound).

Frequent urination stops only after the elimination of the causative disease. Self-medication or inadequate therapy of inflammatory diseases can eventually lead to persistent muscular hypotonia of the bladder and urinary incontinence.

- No? At the same time, the child goes to the toilet every 10 minutes a little during the day, and at night - sleeps peacefully, as if completely healthy? ATYou went to the pediatrician, and he ruled out cystitis?

Urinary dysfunction without incontinence

Sometimes children have a sudden significant increase in urinary frequency, sometimes every 10 to 15 minutes throughout the day, without symptoms of dysuria, urinary tract infection, daytime urinary incontinence, or nocturia.

Duration of pollakiuria

This disease is completely harmless and goes away on its own. Sometimes the symptoms go away after 1-4 weeks. But more often the disease lasts 2 or 3 months. Rare cases are described when the disease lasted 5 months. In all cases, the disease passed on its own, without any consequences. Some children may have relapses of this disease, that is, it may recur after a full recovery.

How to help a child

1. Reassure the child that he is physically healthy. Tell the child that his body, kidneys, bladder .., everything that he worries about is in perfect order. Because family members can convey their anxiety to him, and he may be afraid that something is wrong with his body, that something threatens him. Convince him as many times as you see fit - that he is healthy, that soon everything will pass without a trace.

2. Explain to the child that if he wants, he can learn to wait longer periods of time between urination. Reassure him that he probably won't pee because that's what the baby is afraid of. If he still gets wet - do not hesitate to talk to him about it, explain that this sometimes happens to children, there is nothing to worry about. Tell him that the return to normal urinary frequency will be gradual. If frequent urination bothers him while shopping or walking - try not to take him far from home during this period.

3. Help your child relax. The frequency of urination can be an indicator of internal stress. Make sure your child has free time and positive emotions, favorite activities every day. If he has obligatory things that he does on schedule - loosen discipline, step back from the regime a little. Relaxation exercises can help your child if they are over 8 years old.

4. Happiness and harmony in the home usually helps to restore a child's sense of security. Ask the staff of the school or kindergarten that the child attends to relax the child's discipline as much as possible and in no case limit him in the frequency and duration of visiting the toilet room.

5. Try to find out what is bothering your child. Talk to other family members and think about all the possible stressful moments that may have occurred 1 or 2 days before the onset of the disease. Ask school and kindergarten staff about this topic. Discuss your thoughts with your child, try to identify and resolve the stressful situation, but remember that you should not be zealous in this - your anxiety and excessive fussiness can aggravate the symptoms. Frequent stressful events that trigger this disease:

  • death in the family
  • accidents or other life-threatening events
  • tension, quarrels between parents and other family members
  • severe illness of a parent or other family member
  • admission to primary school or change of school, team
  • excessive concern about enuresis, fear of bedwetting at night
  • cases when the child could not hold urine in the presence of peers (classmates, etc.).

6. Ignore frequent urination. When your child goes to the toilet very often - do not comment on it. The comments will remind him that these symptoms are bothering you. Give up any calculations of the frequency and measurement of urination volumes. Do not collect urine samples (unless ordered by a doctor). Do not ask your child about his symptoms, do not look at him when he urinates. Do not remind him that he must do bladder stretching exercises, that he must endure - that is his own task. Your child does not have to tell you about every urination or count them himself - all you need is to maintain the most general control - whether the child is getting better or the symptoms do not change yet.

7. Make sure that none of the adults (parents, grandmothers, older brother, educator, teacher, nanny ...) punish the child for his symptoms, do not criticize, do not allow himself to ridicule him. Stop all family talk about frequent urination. The less you talk about it, the less often the child will want to go to the toilet. If your child brings it up himself, reassure him that he will gradually get better and will soon pass.

8. Avoid getting soap on mucous membranes and other perineal irritants. A bubble bath can lead to frequent urination in children, especially girls. Soap can irritate exposed mucous membranes in the urinary tract. Shower gel, hair shampoo, etc. can cause these symptoms if they enter the urethra. In addition, before puberty - control the washing of the child with warm water, without soap, daily (just ask, remind), make sure that the child's genitals are clean.

Do you often want to go to the toilet a little? What's wrong with that? You may have drunk more liquid than usual. Or the frequent need to urinate is due to external factors (stress, excitement, cold). In general, what is the rate of urination in an adult? Let's try to figure it out.

What is the normal frequency of urination?

During the day, each healthy person excretes, on average, 1.5-2.0 liters of urine. This is usually about 75 percent of the liquid taken per day. The rest of the fluid is excreted in sweat and feces. Usually, the frequency of urination normally varies from 4 to 10 times a day.

Naturally, if you drink frequently or take in more liquids, frequent urination can occur more frequently. If frequent urination does not depend on fluid intake, then this fact may indicate the presence of a disease in the body.

Why can you constantly want to go to the toilet for a little?

The list of diseases of the genitourinary system with a similar symptom is quite extensive. Frequent urination in men can be caused by diseases such as:

Frequent urination in women

In women, frequent urination can occur during pregnancy. This happens because the uterus and the fetus, as they develop, begin to put pressure on the bladder, creating a feeling of fullness. At this time, it is important not to reduce fluid intake in order to prevent dehydration of the body, otherwise serious problems with the urinary system may appear.

Also, frequent trips to the small may be due to the age of the woman. With the onset of menopause, the body reduces the production of estrogen, which leads to some changes in the functioning of the genitourinary system. At the same time, there are frequent urges to the toilet, especially at night.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 During defecation, urination is not possible, why and is it normal? Immediately after a bowel movement, urination is fine, but not during a bowel movement. I assume the following, just before a bowel movement and during this process, feces accumulate at the exit from the rectum, the rectum enlarges and this presses either on the prostate or on the tag canal and generally blocks it, but these are my assumptions. Thank you in advance!

Ask a Question

The cause of problems with urination can be disorders in the work of the central nervous system, which is especially true for older women.

Frequent urination in women is a symptom of diseases such as:

Acute cystitis, acute urethritis, pyelonephritis;

urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases;

Diseases of the urinary system: the presence of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract, chronic renal failure;

Diseases of the reproductive system: uterine fibroids, uterine prolapse, endometriosis.

Hormonal imbalance is one of the most common causes of increased urinary frequency. The fact is that some hormones affect the ability of the bladder to stretch. The level of hormones in a woman can change during menstruation, during pregnancy, and also during menopause.

As you can see, the range of diseases and conditions that make you run to the toilet in a small way is quite wide. In any case, it is important not to hold back urination. The bladder should be emptied when there is an urge to do so. To avoid nighttime urination, try to drink less before bed.

If the urge to the toilet has become more frequent relative to your average rate, you should not delay the visit to the urologist.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Dmitry Belov

Frequent urination without pain in women: the reasons concern many who have ever encountered this unpleasant symptom. And if a child can write at any time without limiting himself, then in adulthood a person controls this process, sometimes you even have to endure it. However, some girls and women have a moment when they constantly want to go to the toilet. What could be the reason for this? Someone wondering how to treat the problem with frequent urination? This annoying problem is due to several reasons. In men and women, the underlying causes can be very different.

It is impossible to say for sure who suffers more from this symptom. But it is worth noting that it is possible to cure frequent urination. Of course, for this you will have to visit a doctor and tell about all your observations. The specialist will identify the pathogen, if frequent urination is associated with infections, conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary drugs. And then at home you can already be treated on your own. However, it is important to be at least a little savvy directly in these matters in order to know the reasons and take the necessary measures. It is worth noting that in such cases, doctors accept without waiting in line. Usually, the problem of frequent urination is dealt with by a urologist, as well as a gynecologist.

First of all, you need to remember if you have used any diuretics or herbs. Frequent urination may be related to how often you drink green tea, as it is a diuretic. Next, you need to understand what causes frequent urination? Do you really have a full bladder, or do you just feel like you want to go to the toilet? Desire also arises from anxiety. But this is the effect of stress, everything is clear here. If you drank a lot of fluids and ate extra juicy fruits, then you should not be surprised. But if you really have the urge to urinate, but you cannot pee, then you need to take action.

The reasons

The weaker sex periodically encounters frequent urination, you want to write literally every ten minutes. But at the same time, you can’t go to the toilet, because the bladder sends erroneous signals to the brain. Often this indicates that there is some kind of infection in the bladder. The cause of frequent urination can be a prolapse of the bladder, as well as cystitis, sand or stones in the kidneys, reactive arthritis, swelling in the bladder or urinary tract. Pregnant women, especially in the last stages, may experience similar symptoms, only this is the norm. If you often experience frequent urination during menstruation, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

During pregnancy

When a woman is going through the most memorable period of her life, namely pregnancy, frequent urination is possible. You shouldn't be afraid of it. If earlier you had a need to pee every three to four hours, then during pregnancy, the frequency of visiting the toilet can increase several times. And that's okay. Some are faced with the fact that you want to go to the toilet all the time. This is due to the fact that the fetus presses on the bladder, as well as on other organs, so there is such a sensation. As a rule, after childbirth, these signs disappear quickly. And you will be able to live as before, without constantly running to the toilet. Of course, frequent urination during pregnancy can be a concern. In this case, just go for an examination to rule out possible causes.

Symptoms to watch out for

Most diseases have certain symptoms by which it is possible to determine the presence of the disease. Very often, women suffer from the problem of frequent urination without pain, but in some cases there is pain. Of course, you need to tell your doctor about what is bothering you. The choice of treatment will also depend on this. If you have pain in the lower abdomen, then this may indicate that you have kidney stones. In this case, it is advisable to undergo an examination: pass urine, and also do an ultrasound. If you have severe enough pain that is cutting in nature, then you should visit the clinic. In this case, postponing the visit is dangerous.

Additionally, there may be cramps during urination and a constant desire to pee. This indicates that an infection has penetrated into the urethra or directly into the bladder. These are very common symptoms that you need to pay attention to and tell a specialist about them who will help you recover. If you are embarrassed by a doctor, especially talking about such intimate problems, then you need to learn how to overcome your unpleasant emotions. Remember that you are doing this for your health. And specialists generally try to observe etiquette and never allow themselves to laugh at the problem. After the doctor prescribes you medicines, you can additionally use folk remedies. Just remember that everything needs to be coordinated with him.

Additional symptoms

  • I want to drink and write all the time. This problem may occur if you are taking any diuretic drugs or herbs. This is normal, as diuretics remove water from the body. It is for this reason that the body signals that a person should drink water, thereby replenishing the lack of moisture.
  • Without pain. Such symptoms occur when the infection in the body has already become chronic.
  • Can't go to the toilet. If you constantly want to go to the restroom, but there is nothing, then an infection may be present in the body. This is a very common problem with cystitis. Of course, in this case, you can use folk remedies, but medicines should be the basis.
  • Itching. Constant irritation and itching in the genital area may indicate directly the presence of an infection or thrush.

Folk recipes for treatment

  • Baths with the addition of a string. To prepare the infusion, you need to take two tablespoons of this herb and place them in boiling water, then the infusion should be boiled for several minutes and left to infuse for twenty minutes. Fill the grass with at least a liter of water. Next, pour the infusion into a small bowl and add warm water. The temperature of the bath should be comfortable. Then just sit in the tub until the water starts to cool. Such procedures will help get rid of minor symptoms of cystitis.
  • Watermelon. This tool is mainly used to directly remove sand from the kidneys. It is safe and proven. It is advised to eat a lot of watermelon at once. This is a very effective tool.
  • Rosehip decoction. If you have an inflammation of the bladder, then a decoction of rosehip roots will certainly help. Take two tablespoons of the roots and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Then sweat the broth over low heat and cool. It is necessary to take half a glass before eating.


Doctors advise following certain rules to avoid the constant desire to pee. Constantly monitor the hygiene of your genitals, do not visit untested saunas, as well as pools or baths. There you can pick up an infection and simply catch a cold. Try to eat exclusively right, drink only clean water. Go in for sports, try to completely abandon the use of harmful alcoholic beverages, as well as cigarettes. To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, visit a specialist periodically and make a diagnosis. Use condoms, not just pills. A very common cause of persistent urination and itching is sexual infections.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen and frequent urination in women with pain can be symptoms of diseases - both non-communicable and those that are sexually transmitted.

Such diseases occur abruptly, without a prodromal period - a woman begins to feel sudden cramps and urge to go to the toilet in a small way. Let's figure out why such symptoms occur and what they are.

Symptoms of diseases of the urogenital area

Pathologies of the urogenital area have similar symptoms, so it can be difficult to differentiate which of them caused discomfort without consulting a doctor.

The symptoms that women turn to a therapist or gynecologist are familiar to many. All women at least once in their lives had problems with the organs of the genitourinary system. Therefore, health complaints are mostly typical.

With the defeat of the urogenital organs, there is a burning sensation and frequent urination in women, regardless of age.

Negative symptoms are growing - weakness, fatigue occur, women complain of aching in the lower back and aching sensations in the pubic area, in the projection to the bladder.

Pain in the lower abdomen accompany the patient all day, and some women appear only in the morning or in the evening.

With the defeat of the genitourinary system, changes affect the urination itself. In addition to the fact that women often go to the toilet with burning and cutting, each act does not end in complete satisfaction.

Many people complain about the feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder, when you want to urinate more, but the urine is no longer excreted.

When the bladder is infected with an infection, pus is found in the urine. Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, it becomes cloudy at first, and with severe inflammation it becomes opaque - so much pus comes out with urine.

The admixture of pus is not the only characteristic of pathological processes in the bladder. There is also blood in the urine.

This phenomenon is called hematuria. The appearance of blood first of all prompts the doctor to think about the presence of stones in the bladder, which with sharp edges damage the mucous membrane of the organ.

In the absence of stones, blood is a symptom of severe cystitis or the development of a malignant neoplasm.

In addition to the fact that frequent and painful urination in women brings inconvenience, this process is also accompanied by a lot of trouble. For example, with an inflammatory lesion of the sphincter of the bladder, the patients begin to leak urine, the underwear becomes constantly wet. With advanced disease, incontinence develops altogether.

The appearance of such signs does not tolerate delay, and even more so. Delaying the situation leads to the transition of the pathology into a chronic form, when treatment is required.

Therefore, at the first stage of getting rid of the pathology, they visit the clinic and determine the causes of such symptoms.

Why there is discomfort when urinating

When alarming symptoms appear, it is necessary to understand that they did not appear by chance, an infectious process occurs in the woman's body.

The penetration of the infection could be both from the outside and from the sexual partner - this factor should also not be discounted when talking with a doctor.

A woman can become infected not only during intimacy, but also pass the infection to her partner. What diseases cause frequent painful urination and how to treat?

Non-infectious pathologies

The following reasons can provoke painful urination in women of a non-infectious nature:

Pain of a non-infectious nature occurs under the influence of a provoking factor: hypothermia, weight lifting, climate change, excessive, trauma, unbalanced nutrition. Despite the fact that these reasons are not associated with an infection, you need to hurry to the doctor - stones and tumors become threatening factors when they are admitted to a medical institution in an urgent state, and not planned. It's better not to let that happen.

Separately, I would like to mention that pubic lice become the cause of tingling in the genital area and discomfort in the intimate area.

Of course, in the 21st century, the problem of pediculosis is not as acute as it was a couple of decades ago, but the practical experience of doctors shows that even patients from wealthy families can become victims of pubic lice.

Infectious pathologies

Infectious diseases have always been a concern for both doctors and patients. You can get infected anywhere - from a banal visit to the sauna to contact with a sick sexual partner.

Infections surround a person everywhere, and dozens of types of opportunistic microflora peacefully exist in the body, which does not manifest itself until a certain point.

The trigger mechanism is a sharp drop in immunity or excessive entry of pathogenic microflora into the body, which the immune system cannot cope with.

Microorganisms that provoke an inflammatory process and cause frequent urination with pain are cocci and rods.

They are found both in the bladder and in the urethra. The list of causative agents of discomfort is impressive - streptococci, E. coli, staphylococci, Klebsiella.

Sexually transmitted infections stand apart. They also cause frequent urination and itching.

Leading among sexually transmitted infections are the following pathogens - trichomonads, gonococci, mycoplasma, gardnerella, ureaplasma, chlamydia, pale treponema.

Scientists are arguing about gardnerella - according to new data, it can be deleted from the STD group, since this bacterium, under conditions of strong immunity, is found in smears even in healthy women in small numbers and does not cause symptoms of the disease. Opponents of new trends argue the opposite.

Sexual pathologies are characterized by pain during urination, the presence of atypical genital organs, and redness of the mucous membrane.

Many complain that the genital area itches unbearably and burns. Symptoms of genital infections vary.

Despite the "typical" symptoms described in the textbooks, most of the signs are erased or manifest themselves so clearly that it leads doctors to suspect other diseases.

The results of the tests bring clarity when the desired pathogen is found in a smear or in a bacterial culture.

A smear and sowing are the first studies that allow you to find out which pathogens of pathogenic microflora cause discharge, pain, and.

Today it is possible to use modern methods - enzyme immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction.

One analysis allows you to isolate antibodies to the pathogen, and the second - traces of DNA or RNA. After determining the reason why a burning sensation appeared in women in the genital area, and urination became frequent and painful, treatment begins, aimed at the pathogen.

If a woman has frequent urination, discomfort during the release of urine, a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and pain in the kidneys and lower abdomen, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary.

These signs can be provoked by a change in diet or an allergy to cosmetics, as well as infections of the genitourinary system, autoimmune processes.

Weakened immunity is a reason for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, so it is important to maintain health.


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