Dissection cadaver course on injection techniques in cosmetology. Day three: live injections. "I am a brave man: I got married"

At his house, in the town of astronauts, the Christmas tree has not yet been removed, but the cucumbers have already risen. From the depths of the apartment comes "Your Honor, Lady Luck." The film "White Sun of the Desert" is traditionally watched at the spaceport before each flight, but these are just random shots from the TV, which Grechko included all day. Its orbit has long been the Earth, but in the soul it is still the sky.

It's not hard to be a god

On his 75th birthday, Grechko was presented with his handwritten application for admission to the cosmonaut corps, with lines in blue and white: “I am ready to give all my skills and even my life ...” How many times this promise could come true! The main parachute did not open in time during landing, the reserve did not open behind it, and the instruments indifferently counted the time remaining before hitting the ground. The parachute opened after all... But the worst thing happened for a whole eternity before his space - when he was hiding from the bombing with a flannelette blanket. The war caught him at his grandmother's - his parents sent little Gosha to her, they thought - the child was going to a village paradise, it turned out - to hell, to occupation. They, Gosha and his cousin, fed the whole family - they picked potatoes from 35 acres of land (the Nazis shot any adult who appeared on the field, but for some reason did not touch the children). In 1943, house by house, the Germans began to burn the settlement. “Grandma didn’t allow us to run - without our potato field, we would have died of hunger anyway. So we waited for them to come for us.” They did not reach their house on the edge ... “God kept me,” says Georgy Grechko. And did it many times. In peacetime, the cosmonaut drowned three times, somehow flew out of the saddle of a motorcycle at breakneck speed, almost got into a plane crash ... He went into space almost in the middle of this life passed along the very edge, at the age of 44.

I've been dreaming about this for twenty years... I read science fiction avidly: after all, I lived at a time when space was still needed not for satellite television, but for conquering the Universe, and dreams were still dreams. “I, like in Aelita, wanted to go to another planet, make a revolution, overthrow the dictator Tuskub ...” He worked in the Korolev design bureau, built rockets and hoped that he would build one on which at least grandchildren could fly. Built! The first person flew. Grechko, gritting his teeth, passed exhausting tests to get into the cosmonaut corps. And he almost flew out of it: he filed for divorce from his first wife - he believed that it was more honest to do this as an earth engineer, and not as a thirty-fourth cosmonaut. The party did not understand. But the deputy said a word S. Koroleva Ya. Tregub. Did not get into flight the first time - he broke his leg, jumping with a parachute. Worked and waited again. Flew - and took with him on board "It's hard to be a god" Strugatsky.

Crew members of the Soyuz T-14 spacecraft (from left to right): flight engineer Georgy Grechko, cosmonaut-researcher Alexander Volkov, spacecraft commander Vladimir Vasyutin. Cosmonaut Training Center Yu. A. Gagarin. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Mokletsov

As soon as I flew, a bunch of letters came. One asked me to send him a leather flight jacket, the other a camera lens... But the best letter was from Israel. In small handwriting, apparently, a very elderly person writes: “Here you flew into space, and I prayed for you, as a result you are alive, so send me ...” And then - 5 sheets of what to send her. A black car, a red racing car, a yellow school bus, then all sorts of diamonds ... Looked at the bottom of the list: "A couple of cans of cherry compote, please." And we ourselves from the entire list only had this last position ...

In that first flight, in a strict regime scheduled by the minutes of a space day, he secretly snatched time from sleep - he repaired a failed telescope at the station, which, they said, could no longer be repaired. Grechko did it. From the Earth he received a reprimand, and from astronomers - an asteroid of his own name.

From the last flight, he returned more than a quarter of a century ago - and is still needed on Earth. “The most sociable cosmonaut in the world” - the newspapers call him, and twice Hero of the Soviet Union again and again tells legendary stories about how he almost got frostbite in outer space, and about Vysotsky’s songs that were listened to in orbit.

It is not difficult to be a god when you see the stars even from the Earth and know what the salt of life is. And the fact that for this knowledge it is not necessary to fly far.

Now I'm going to my mother's homeland, to Belarus, to the village of Chashniki, I've been dreaming about it for a long time. To see the house where he lived with his grandfather, the hut where he read Niva and the Bible under a torch, our garden, where there was a wonderful antonovka, the cemetery, which I walked past at night - tempered my character ... Breathe the air that my relatives breathed - maybe the aura has been preserved ...

Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, twice Hero of the Soviet Union Georgy Grechko, 1982. Photo: www.russianlook.com

"I am a brave man: I got married"

Once, while giving an interview to an Orthodox magazine, cosmonaut Grechko asked the interviewer, the archpriest: “Explain to me: why must love be sacrificial? Why can't she just be happy? .. "His love is a female doctor Lyudmila Kirillovna. I fell ill, lay in a fever, and she came in - and from her one appearance the temperature dropped. “I am a brave man. Not because he flew into space, but because he got married. For a quarter of a century after heaven, he is on Earth - with her.

He is often asked about the end of the world. "Cosmonaut called the date of the meeting with aliens" - the latest hit on the Internet. And he often answers. I see his laughing eyes and keep silent about the horror stories from the Mayan calendar. And then he speaks himself.

There will be another end of the world on December 22, 2012 - it will not be, it is not clear. But it is not the Mayan calendar that threatens us! From space, traces of fires in the forests are visible, you can see how the seas are drying up ... Look at everything that has been happening lately - tsunamis, earthquakes, awakened volcanoes - yes, it turns out that we just happened to live happily for hundreds of years, but in fact the Earth is defenseless! There is such a very cruel law - the law of loss. Well, why is it necessary for some meteorite to smash an entire continent to smithereens so that people stop fighting and unite ...

He has the right to speak like this - on behalf of humanity, on a planetary scale. And not because he flew into space three times. It is something elusive, not bundled with regalia, like wisdom, which does not necessarily come with old age. Maybe the experience of love?

Georgy Grechko with his daughter. Photo: www.russianlook.com

I have always been a city person: asphalt, cars, skyscrapers. My passion. When, as a child, my father dragged me to a dacha near Leningrad, he was languishing with melancholy ... And in flight I grew the first pea in space - I watered it, took pictures ... And suddenly I realized that I was flying into his compartment not only for the sake of science, but also just to admire . Peas became a grove for me, where I “went for a walk”, to observe something living, changing. And after returning, I fell in love with nature, especially ours, Central Russian. Why? Yes, because when I lost it in space, then I realized how much I want to return to it! But how can you not appreciate this? .. Turn around!

I turn around. In the living room behind us, instead of windows, there is a glass wall. Like the nose of a spaceship. Behind the glass are cherries. Cherry blossoms.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatologist-venereologist, cosmetologist, Chief Physician of the International Institute of Aesthetic Medicine Maya Kirillovna Kondrashova visited the Cabinet of Aesthetic Medicine, located in Samara, in October 2013.

- What pathological processes occur in the skin at the initial stages of aging?

The aging processes of the skin are associated with all its layers and reflect the aging of the body as a whole. In this process, the key point is the reduction in the level of renewal of skin cells. During the division of epidermal cells, "errors" constantly occur, which accumulate and lead to a thinning of the barrier layer of the skin. Dermal cells - fibroblasts - gradually lose their ability to produce high-quality collagen and elastic fibers. As a result, atrophy of the epidermis, degeneration of connective tissue fibers occurs, and atypical melanocytes appear. The skin becomes rough and dehydrated. Turgor and elasticity decrease, wrinkles, age spots, dilated capillaries appear.

What are fibroblasts and what are their functions?

Fibroblasts are the main cellular form of connective tissue. They produce and secrete procollagen (collagen precursor), proelastin (elastin precursor), glycosaminoglycans (mainly hyaluronic acid), and microfibril protein, which are part of elastic fibers.

There are several types of collagen, which are usually denoted by Roman numerals. The bulk of the collagen in the skin is type I collagen, or fibrous collagen, and type III collagen, or reticular collagen.

Collagen type I is a fiber woven from many smaller threads - fibrils. It looks like a three-dimensional spiral and is characteristic of mature tissues. The production of this type of collagen is stimulated by inflammatory mediators released when tissues are damaged. Thus, any factors that injure the dermis lead to the synthesis of type I collagen. It gives the skin density and elasticity.

Type III collagen is characteristic of young tissues. Its synthesis is stimulated by activation of specific receptors by hydrolysis products of the natural components of the dermis, including fragments of hyaluronic acid. Reticular collagen increases the turgor of the dermis and forms the skin frame.

Thus, age-related changes in skin elasticity are associated with:

  • With a decrease in the content of GAGs (including hyaluronic acid) in the skin, which is accompanied by a decrease in the hydrophilicity of the intercellular matrix, metabolic processes in the dermis and a decrease in skin turgor.
  • With biological aging of the main proteins of connective tissue: collagen and elastin. Decreased tissue elasticity.

To date, biorevitalization and bioreinforcement are the most effective and versatile non-surgical methods of restructuring and intensive biorepair of the skin, combating aging and various skin defects.

Biorevitalization (English vita - life, bio - biological) is an injection method of intradermal administration of native hyaluronic acid in order to compensate for its deficiency. Literally, the term biorevitalization stands for biological restoration, that is, the natural revitalization of the skin. Unfortunately, with age, the natural content of hyaluronic acid in the skin is constantly decreasing. So, after 35-40 years, the skin contains only 50% of hyaluronic acid from the initial level!

Youthful skin is not only the absence of wrinkles. Good texture, healthy color, firmness, tone, elasticity and hydration - that's what makes the face youthful. The main indications for biorevitalization are dehydration, dryness and withering of the skin, pigmentation of varying degrees, as well as skin aging due to smoking, stress or exposure to the sun.

The goal of biorevitalization is the biological improvement of skin quality. The technique consists in the introduction of injections of low molecular weight unstabilized hyaluronic acid. It is this drug that is the building material for new cells, providing stimulation of fibroblasts and activation of neocollagenesis, which in turn leads to an increase in dermal turgor and natural skin hydration. Hyaluronic acid does not deplete the skin's resources, but rather creates favorable physiological conditions for the cells to work, so there is no need to be afraid of rapid skin aging after canceling procedures for any reason.

Biorevitalization will help restore the concentration of hyaluronic acid, as well as the turgor and elasticity inherent in young skin, and protect it from free radicals.

Biorevitalization is recommended for all skin types, especially for tired, flabby skin, people who smoke, as well as those who often visit a solarium and have signs of photoaging, often fly on airplanes and spend a lot of time at the computer.

The course of biorevitalization - 3-4 procedures with an interval of 2-4 weeks. There are various schemes for carrying out rejuvenation procedures. Each implies its own frequency, depending on the age and the goal. For patients under 40 years of age, the course is prescribed once a year, after 40 years - 2 times a year. According to indications, maintenance sessions are held between courses.

Bio-reinforcement, or bio-restructuring of the skin, consists in non-surgical skin reinforcement using low-density fillers based on stabilized hyaluronic acid. The method involves traumatizing the dermis and, as a result, activating the production of fibrous collagen. Due to the biological stimulation of skin cells, a connective tissue framework is formed, which holds the soft tissues of the face for a long time and eliminates the symptoms of gravitational ptosis of the middle and lower thirds of the face. Bio-reinforcement is indicated for shaping the face oval, restoring tone, evening out the color and relief of the skin, lifting the skin of the face and body. The optimal age for bioreinforcement is 45-50 years. After 50, it will be more difficult to start recovery processes, and the effect may not be so noticeable. For a pronounced long-term effect, 3-4 procedures are required with an interval of 1-2 months. The result of the procedure is stored from a year to a year and a half.

Bioreinforcement is an alternative to gold thread reinforcement and plastic surgery. The obvious advantage of bioreinforcement is the low traumatization of tissues, and, consequently, the absence of a long recovery period. The preparations we use are absolutely hypoallergenic, have the ability to completely biodegrade (that is, they are completely utilized over time). The preparations have excellent plasticity, are easily administered, naturally distributed in the skin without damaging the surrounding tissues. After the bio-reinforcement procedure, small injection marks remain on the skin, which quickly disappear. When a doctor applies an anesthetic cream, injections do not cause pain

  • Exclusive: a special report by a recognized specialist Olga Rudolfovna Gaziullina "Correction of fatty disproportions of the face and the author's technique for correcting the chin" with real methods and practice on models.

  • The chin area is one of the most difficult. It rarely lends itself to correction and cosmetic treatment. Without knowing all the parameters of the architectonics and morphotypes of the face, you can give an irregular shape to the chin and get a lot of complications. Therefore, in this course, special attention is paid to the chin zone: you will learn the best author's methods of working in this zone.

  • Another difficult area in the work of a cosmetologist is the lower part of the chin (second chin), because. here it is impossible to align/bring out the angle of the mandible. Without surgical intervention, the thread lifting procedure can help here, as a combined technique along with liposuction. You will also study it in detail in this course.

  • Only a few doctors work in the nose area because they are afraid of complications. After all, the most difficult blood supply is in the region of the nose and glabella. All complications associated with necrosis and embolism arise from incorrect correction of the glabella and nose. Complications also arise here because doctors do not know which technique is best to use in this area when. Sign up for this course if you want to learn the best nose work techniques from the experts. We also guarantee a full video recording of the procedure and a live demonstration.

  • Olga Rudolfovna Gaziullina will teach you the simultaneous combined surgical and cosmetological technology for the correction of the chin area. From the restoration of the neck-chin angle and the elimination of the second chin to the reconstruction of the lateral and anterior surface of the neck and the author's method of using threads.

  • Every woman first of all pays attention to two areas: the eye area and the chin area. The cosmetologist can still cope with the eye area with the help of botulinum toxin. However, the chin area is much more difficult. If it seems easy to you, then you do not know anatomy well. Our instructors have taught more than twenty dissection cadaver courses and selected the best teaching materials specifically for this course. After completing this course, you will receive proven protocols for working in the chin area, backed up by new knowledge of anatomy.

  • The central area of ​​the face is often the most difficult to correct. At first glance, everything is clear here. However, due to the location of the muscle group in this area, it is difficult for us to understand exactly where the drug is diffusing. Knowledge of anatomy often helps us in this. Therefore, we have made this course, bringing together all the best practical techniques and methods of working in this area.

  • It seems to many that it is quite easy to perform procedures in the lip area: they injected and got the result. However, it is difficult to make a high-quality lip correction procedure, because everyone's lips are different. You need to know many forms and parameters. In addition, there are no strict algorithms here: how many doctors - so many opinions. It often happens that a serious complication begins after a few months or even a year: for example, involuntary edema or displacement of the drug. The reason for this is that the drug was administered incorrectly. Sign up for this course if you want to get verified methods of working in this area from experienced surgeons and cosmetologists.

Chief physician of MIEM clinics, Ph.D., dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist, physiotherapist.

A specialist with vast experience and teaching experience of more than 20 years, an international class trainer-methodologist, a full member of WOSIAM (World Society for Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine) and EADV (European Society of Dermatologists and Venereologists). Certified trainer of Korneal, Apteka Beauty and MedInnovatsiya.

She completed an internship in Italy, Germany, France, the Czech Republic and the USA.

In 1992 she graduated from the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute. She completed an internship in dermatovenereology at St. Petersburg MAPO and advanced training in the specialty "cosmetology", and also specialized in rehabilitation, traumatology and orthopedics.

Kamyshanova Elena Alexandrovna

In 2008 she graduated from the Astrakhan State Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine. From 2008 to 2010 she was trained in clinical internship at the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov with a degree in dermatovenereology.

In 2010 received additional special education in the cycle "Therapeutic cosmetology", 144 hours on the basis of GOU DPO SPb MAPO.

In 2016 passed professional retraining in the specialty "cosmetology" on the basis of SPbGPMU.

From 2010 to the present, I have been working as a dermatovenereologist at LenoblCentre.

Direction of activity: diagnostics and treatment of skin and venereal diseases, removal of benign skin tumors, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, facial contouring, botulinum therapy, skin care programs.

Drozdova Maria Mikhailovna

Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State Medical University. I.P. Pavlova in 2010.

In 2011 - an internship in the specialty "dermatovenereology" on the basis of St. Petersburg State Medical University.

Additional specializations: dermatocosmetology, laser technologies in aesthetic medicine.

Certified trainer ANNIO MIEM.

Rukavitsyn Anton Olegovich

Dermatovenereologist, cosmetologist

Graduated from the Military Medical Academy. CM. Kirov, St. Petersburg. Diploma of a doctor in the specialty "Medicine". Clinical residency at the Medical Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education MGUPP, Moscow. Certificate in Dermatovenereology. Advanced training at the Medical Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors MGUPP, Moscow. Certificate of advanced training in dermato-oncology.

Professional retraining at the St. Petersburg State Medical University. I.P. Pavlova, St. Petersburg. Certificate in Cosmetology. Trainings on the basis of SPIK on botulinum therapy, biorevitalization, contouring, mesotherapy, hardware cosmetology and care procedures.

Cosmetologist of the KDO for the provision of services, St. Petersburg GBUZ GorKVD, assistant of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Vmed, St. Petersburg

Chernikov Anton Igorevich

Surgeon, plastic surgeon.

Graduated from KSMA named after I.K. Akhunbaeva with a degree in General Medicine (Bishkek)

Internship in the specialty "surgery" (Department of Surgery named after Monastyrsky, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg)

Advanced training - laparoscopic surgery of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space (St. Petersburg)

Residency in plastic surgery (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, North-Western State Medical University named after I.I. Mechnikov, St. Petersburg)

Advanced training in contouring (International Institute of Aesthetic Medicine, St. Petersburg)

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