What an extra chord in the heart. An additional chord in the left ventricle of the heart is an anomaly that everyone should be aware of. Why there are additional chords

Article publication date: 04/18/2017

Article last updated: 12/18/2018

From this article, you will learn about such a developmental anomaly as an additional chord in the heart of a child, and whether it happens in adults. How serious it is, how the disease can manifest itself. Possible causes. In what cases it is necessary to be treated and how to fix the problem.

Additional chords (or additional chords) are an anomaly in the development of the heart, in which there are extra constrictions (bridges) stretched between the wall of the myocardium and the heart valves in the cavities of the ventricles.

Options for the location of additional chords in the heart

This anomaly is included in the group of small cardiac anomalies, since it is more an individual anatomical feature of the structure of the heart than a pathological condition. In 90-95% of cases, it has no symptoms and does not threaten anything.

Additional chords of the heart occur in the fetus in the prenatal period and persist in humans throughout life (congenital condition). They are diagnosed only with an ultrasound of the heart (echocardiography). In 5-10%, this anomaly can disrupt normal blood circulation, leading to arrhythmias and heart failure.

Issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of an additional chord of the heart are dealt with by cardiologists (adults and children), cardiac surgeons, as well as ultrasound diagnostics doctors. Treatment may not be required at all, it may be a gentle regimen and medication, or even surgery may be required. In any case, the disease is curable.

The essence of pathology

The structure of a healthy heart

The human heart consists of two atria (right and left) and their corresponding two ventricles. The tricuspid valve is located between the right atrium and the right ventricle. The left atrium is separated from the left ventricle by a mitral (bicuspid) valve. These valves are needed in order to pass blood from the atria into the ventricles in portions, but not to allow it to be thrown back from the ventricles into the atria.

The valves are semilunar bands of connective tissue. At one end they are attached to the wall of the heart, and the other end hangs freely into the cavity of the ventricles. Between the free end of the valve and the inner surface of the wall of the myocardium, thin, but very strong jumpers in the form of threads are stretched. These jumpers are called chords.

At one end, several chords, combined into bundles, are attached along the perimeter of the free edge of the valve, and at the other end they are fused with muscle protrusions on the myocardium - trabeculae or papillary muscles. 2-3 bundles with chords in the longitudinal direction with respect to the axis of the heart approach each valve leaflet. Their purpose is to restrain the valve, to give its free edge a fixed position and not to allow it to move into the atria.

Scheme of blood flow in the heart

When the atria contract, blood is expelled from them into the ventricles, and the valves open freely (lower). When the ventricles contract, the cusps of the valves begin to rise with blood flow until they are in full contact with each other. Thus, an obstacle is created due to which blood does not enter back into the atria, but is thrown into the vessels. But if there were no chords, the valve flaps would not be able to lock in the desired position at the moment of their contact. The chords pull the valve like a sail or a parachute, preventing it from wrapping into the atrial cavity.

Additional chords in the heart are the presence of excess filaments between the valve leaflets and the myocardium, which should not be normal. Given the useful value of chords for normal cardiac activity, there is nothing wrong with an additional chord. This is true, but only if the additional chord is stretched in the same way as the rest of the threads - longitudinally with respect to the axis of the heart, and has the same thin diameter. In this case, it does not carry any danger and can be considered a variant of the norm or an individual feature of a particular person.

If the additional chord is transverse to the cavity of the heart or is too thick, it may:

  • obstruct the movement of blood;
  • disturb the movement of the valve leaflets.
  • cause rhythm disturbances (paroxysmal arrhythmias).

In this case, both the child and the adult may experience signs of circulatory failure.

It is important to remember in the presence of an additional chord in the heart that this is such an anomaly that may be one of the signs of congenital systemic underdevelopment of the connective tissue. In such children, in addition to this anomaly, fragility and flabbiness of ligaments, tendons and bones, excessive joint mobility, curvature and weakness of the spine, and prolapse of internal organs are determined.

Causes of pathology

The cause of additional chords is a violation of the intrauterine development of the fetal cardiovascular system. Such a failure can be caused by:

  1. Hereditary factors - the presence of a similar or other anomaly in the mother or father.
  2. The influence of adverse factors (infections, chronic diseases, toxic substances, alcohol, smoking, etc.) on the body of a pregnant woman.
  3. Genetic mutations are the breakdown of genes and chromosomes.

The baby is born with extra chords. They persist throughout life.

Symptoms (may not be)

There are no specific symptoms specific to additional chords in the heart. Moreover, this cardiac anomaly can cause complaints and manifestations only in 5-10%. The remaining 90-95% of adults and children do not make any complaints and learn about the anomaly only after an ultrasound examination of the heart.

If an additional chord is located transversely in the cavity of the ventricle, interferes with blood circulation or disrupts the valves, then the child or adult has:

  • Pain in the region of the heart (mainly during exertion, but may be at rest).
  • (feeling interrupted).
  • Rapid fatigue and shortness of breath on exertion.
  • Vertigo.
  • Heart rhythm disorders (paroxysmal tachycardia and extrasystole).
  • Murmurs on auscultation of the heart.

Even if the additional chord is accompanied by the listed symptoms, they only slightly disrupt the general condition and motor activity of the patient (it can be difficult to perform heavy physical work). Children with this cardiac anomaly grow and develop without abnormalities. Most often, manifestations occur and intensify during periods of active growth and puberty.

If a child or an adult has severe symptoms of heart damage (severe pain, shortness of breath with light exertion, severe arrhythmias, swelling) and an additional chord is found during the examination, you should not think that it causes them. Such a patient should be comprehensively examined in order to exclude other cardiac pathologies. An additional chord cannot cause such serious manifestations, but can be combined with any diseases and anomalies.

Diagnostic methods

It is impossible to detect additional chords in the heart according to complaints and during a routine medical examination. There is the only reliable diagnostic method - ultrasound of the heart ().

According to existing standards, this study should be performed on all newborns in the first month of life. The method is safe and reliable. Therefore, all children and adults with an abnormal chord in the heart should undergo an ultrasound of the heart at least once a year. Advanced diagnostics includes electrocardiography (ECG), blood pressure measurement, Holter monitoring, stress testing.

A special device removes and records ECG during the day

All these diagnostic tests cannot detect additional chords of the heart, but determine the functional abilities of this organ.

Treatment (not always necessary)

If additional chords do not appear, no treatment is required. It may be indicated if a child or adult has symptoms of cardiac dysfunction. Seek help from a cardiologist.

Treatment can take place at home (outpatient), and with severe symptoms - in a cardiological hospital. The treatment program includes the following:

  • Vitamin therapy: Milgamma, Neurobeks, Aevit, Vitamins E, B1, B6, Nicotinic acid, Cardiovit.
  • Metabolic drugs: Panangin, Asparkam, Magne B6, ATP, Cytochrome C, Actovegin, Mildronate.
  • Other means, depending on the symptoms: beta-blockers (Anaprilin, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol) for rhythm disturbances, diuretics (Veroshpiron, Furosemide) for edema, nootropics and regulators of the nervous system (Thiocetam, Piracetam, Kratal) for manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Surgical treatment - cryodestruction or excision (removal) of an additional chord. It is required in rare cases (1-2% of patients) when abnormal chords are multiple, prevent the distribution of blood between the cavities of the heart, or are combined with severe rhythm disturbances (paroxysmal tachycardia, Wolff-Parkinson-White and Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndromes, atrial fibrillation).
  • Forecast

    About 90% of children and adults with an additional chord in the heart lead a normal life, since this anomaly does not affect either its quality or duration. The remaining 10% require mild or moderate physical activity restrictions and undergo periodic (1-2 times a year) courses of treatment. Complications and life-threatening conditions occur in no more than 1% of patients.

    Among a large number of different variants of congenital malformations (MARS) are prognostically favorable types of cardiac pathology. An additional chord in a child's heart is such an extra anatomical formation inside the ventricular cavity, which rarely poses a danger to life. Usually, abnormally located connective tissue strands (trabeculae, chords) are an incidental finding on ultrasound of the heart in a fetus, child, or adult. In most cases, no special treatment is required, especially if it is a single additional trabecula that does not affect the circulatory system.

    What are the causes of extra trabeculae?

    Connective tissue strands, attached on the one hand to the papillary muscles, and on the other hand, to the valves between the atria and ventricles, perform the most important function of fixing the atrioventricular valves. At the first stages of embryonic development, the chords look like fleshy trabeculae, and then turn into thin fibrous strands and threads. A few extra trabeculae or a single one in the cavity of the heart occurs due to the following reasons:

    • genetically determined congenital pathology;
    • hereditary connective tissue dysplasia;
    • violations in the development of the embryo and fetus caused by external damaging factors (embryopathy, fetopathy).

    The risk of MARS in the fetus (, the absence of one leaflet, an increase or displacement of the valve) increases against the background of the following factors:

    • the use of alcohol-containing drinks by a pregnant woman;
    • a viral infection transferred during gestation;
    • uncontrolled use of drugs during pregnancy;
    • influence of occupational hazard in the 1st trimester;
    • exposure to low doses of radiation.

    The most dangerous intrauterine period for the development of cardiac pathology is the first 12 weeks of gestation: a woman can ignore the delay in menstruation, continuing to lead a normal life, which can lead to intrauterine heart disease.

    What types of pathology are possible

    All extra trabeculae inside the heart are divided depending on the number, tissue composition and location.

    1. In count:
    • single;
    • multiple.
    1. By location in the cardiac chambers, the chord can be:
    • right ventricular;
    1. Location in the stomach:
    • apical;
    • median;
    • basal.
    1. In the direction of fibrous fibers:
    • diagonal;
    • longitudinal;
    • transverse.
    1. The composition is distinguished:
    • fibrous;
    • fibromuscular;
    • muscular.

    A common variant is a left ventricular single chord that does not adversely affect cardiac activity. Be sure to evaluate the thickness of the trabeculae in the chamber of the heart, which can be from 0.5 to 2.5 mm.

    What are the diagnostic methods

    The absence of complaints and symptoms of cardiac pathology is very common: an adult can first learn about the presence of a small cardiac anomaly during preventive echocardiography. In children, vegetative dysfunctions are possible, which cannot be an objective and accurate sign of pathology. As the child's body grows and against the background of sports loads, the following complaints may appear:

    • pressing or aching pain in the left side of the chest;
    • feeling of frequent heartbeat with a small load;
    • dizziness;
    • rapid onset of fatigue and general weakness;
    • emotional and psychological disorders.

    An experienced therapist or cardiologist with auscultation will be able to detect the noise of a musical timbre of moderate intensity, which changes with physical activity or a change in body position. The identification of this symptom in a child is the basis for the following studies:

    • electrocardiography;
    • ultrasound scan of the heart;
    • dopplerometry.

    Typical ECG signs are:

    • , indicating acceleration of atrioventricular impulse conduction;
    • , which increases the risk of ventricular tachycardia;
    • arrhythmic disorders (, ectopic rhythm).

    Multiple chords in the left ventricle, especially transverse ones, can create a lot of problems with the functional activity of the ventricles in diastole. This will become the main factor in reducing exercise tolerance: sports with this variant of MARS are contraindicated.

    With an ultrasound, the doctor will see the following signs:

    • the presence of thin and dense linear structures and formations that have no connection with the atrioventricular valve;
    • increased echo density of muscle tissue at the attachment sites of the chord, due to local;
    • acceleration of blood flow in the extra chord, detected by dopplerometry.

    The detection of a false trabecula in the heart is the basis for a complete diagnosis of the child's body: the presence of MARS indicates the likely presence of congenital anomalies in other organs and systems.

    How can an anomaly in the heart be treated?

    The absence of symptoms and the normal functioning of the heart against the background of an additional trabecula in the ventricle suggests medical supervision without drug therapy. Preventive measures and restrictions on physical activity will be mandatory. Symptomatic drug treatment is carried out for arrhythmias and surgical intervention for excision or cryodestruction of the chord is necessary in conditions that threaten the life of the child. In each case, the methods of therapy are selected individually depending on the variant of the pathology, the severity of symptoms and the possible risk of complications.

    What is the danger to life

    A single cord in the absence of blood flow disorders does not threaten the baby. But if MARS is detected in a child, medical supervision should be continued to prevent the following complications:

    • infective endocarditis;
    • intracardiac thromboembolism;
    • pathology of rhythm and conduction.

    This pathology is a congenital anomaly that developed during the period of fetal maturation. Since in recent years the diagnosis and methods of cardiac research have advanced technically, more and more often this anomaly in the heart is found in infants.

    First you need to understand what a chord in the heart is, why it is needed, how it works, and then figure out what an extra chord in the heart is. The notochord is the tissue that connects the valve to the wall of the heart. The task of this tissue is to help the valve retain blood at the moment when the heart contracts, to support it.

    Essence of pathology

    An additional chord in the heart is not considered a serious disease. As already mentioned, thanks to modern methods of examining the heart, a chord in the heart of a child is diagnosed in the very first days of his life. For your information: quite recently, 40 years ago, an additional chord was found only after an autopsy.

    Although an additional chord in the left ventricle is not considered a dangerous anomaly, unlike the right one, nevertheless, its treatment is necessary to avoid the possibility of various diseases in the future:

    1. Changes in heart rate and, as a result, the speed of blood flow.
    2. Possible damage to the endocardium.
    3. Fibrosis may develop.
    4. The biomechanics of the heart may be impaired.
    5. Relaxation of the stomach is disturbed.

    Improper development of connective tissue can cause a small anomaly of the heart, the tissue may be weak or form in the wrong place. Because of this, the development of anomalies in children occurs.


    Most often, only one thread of the chord is formed. In this case, she does not show herself in any way. It can be detected even in the womb with the help of an ultrasound examination of the heart. Thus, there is no need to fear that it will not manifest itself in the first years of a child’s life; it will be seen without fail during a routine examination of a pregnant mother. There are symptoms in this case or not - it does not matter.

    At the age of 10 to 15 years, when the child grows intensively, but unevenly, that is, the limbs and spine grow, and the heart is still small, childish, quite noticeable symptoms can occur:

    1. Frequent pain in the region of the heart.
    2. The child feels his heartbeat.
    3. Increased fatigue.
    4. Unreasonable weakness.
    5. Vegetovascular dystonia appears.

    If there is a multiple chord in the heart, this means that excess connective tissue develops throughout the body. Accordingly, there are other manifestations of it in various organs:

    1. Noticeable changes in the skeleton, scoliosis, curvature of the limbs.
    2. Bending of the gallbladder.
    3. Possible esophageal hernia.
    4. The contents of the stomach are thrown back into the esophagus.
    5. Expansion of the ureters and renal pelvis.
    6. Omission of the kidney.

    Thus, excess connective tissues develop not only in the heart, but also in other internal organs.


    So, the reasons for the occurrence of the chord are considered. Diagnosis is, as a rule, a mandatory ultrasound of the heart and an electrocardiogram afterwards.

    If in the case of one chord the patient does not have symptomatic manifestations, then there is no point in drug treatment. If several chords are diagnosed, then there are several stages of treatment:

    1. In order for the heart muscle, myocardium, to work better and more correctly, a course of at least a month of taking vitamins B1, B2 and nicotinic acid is prescribed.
    2. To eliminate cardiac arrhythmia, that is, to improve the conduction of the heart muscle, a course of magnesium with vitamin B6, potassium, Panangin is prescribed. All drugs are prescribed courses, the duration of which depends on the age of the child.
    3. To improve the metabolism in the heart muscle, a course of antioxidants is needed.
    4. If there is a violation of nerve conduction, a course of appropriate drugs is prescribed.

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    In any case, the course of treatment and drugs are prescribed only by a cardiologist after a thorough examination and analysis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient: his age and the rate of development of the body.

    There is also non-drug treatment, which is also prescribed by a doctor:

    1. Activities for hardening the body.
    2. Adequate diet with an abundance of vitamins.
    3. Long walks. Trips to nature, fresh air.
    4. Regular exercise. Of course, in each individual case, a specific sport is prescribed, corresponding to the condition of the child.

    Possible Complications

    With regard to complications, it is impossible to say for sure, but in general, modern medicine successfully copes with extra chords, that is, with the consequences of education in the heart.

    Of course, the child must be constantly monitored by a cardiologist and follow all the doctor's prescriptions both in drug treatment, and in diet and sports. Compliance with all the recommendations, in the end, will help to live a full life, without symptoms of an extra chord.

    An additional chord in the heart of a child is a pathology that manifests itself during the intrauterine formation of the heart muscle at a gestational age of 5-6 weeks. Genetic predisposition is the main factor provoking the development of an accessory tendon thread in the heart.

    What is the interpretation of the concept of LVTD? What is the left trabecula in the heart? Can this problem be prevented?

    The concept of a chord in the heart

    The heart is the main organ that maintains the vitality of the human body. It consists of four chambers, in which there are 2 ventricles and atria. Between them are valves that prevent blood from flowing in the opposite direction. Otherwise, mixing of venous and arterial blood would occur. The opening and closing of the valves is controlled by special "springs" called chords. Thus, the chords perform two important functions - they ensure the normal functioning of the valves and protect them from sagging.

    There are several chords in the heart. They consist of muscle tissue and are strong threads. If the patient has an additional chord, it is easy to notice on ultrasound - it will stand out with its thickness. In most cases, an additional chord is formed in the left ventricle.

    What is an additional chord in the heart, what are the causes of its occurrence in children?

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    An additional chord is laid in utero during the formation of the heart muscle. A left ventricular single chord (LVCH) is often detected by doctors on a routine ultrasound. At birth, the child is diagnosed with a congenital anomaly of the heart chambers. In infants, a false chord in the heart is often combined with other pathologies - the presence of an extra trabecula or the opening of the oval window.

    Is an extra chord dangerous for life? It depends on hemodynamics. If the thread has no hemodynamic significance, then it can be argued that it will not affect the normal activity of the heart in any way, and therefore does not require treatment. The effect on hemodynamics indicates the need for regular monitoring by a specialist. The table outlines the main types of additional chord, as well as their effect on hemodynamics.

    Classification signVarietyHemodynamic significance
    DirectiontransverseHemodynamically significant notochord that disrupts the functioning of the heart
    LongitudinalDoes not affect hemodynamics
    Location in departmentsRight ventricularHas a hemodynamic significance, expressed by an accelerated heartbeat, tingling in the heart
    Left ventricularDoes not affect hemodynamics
    QuantitysingleHas no hemodynamic significance
    MultipleHemodynamically significant chord, which is manifested by cardiac arrhythmias, deterioration in the general well-being of the child
    Location in the ventriclesBasalDoes not affect hemodynamics
    apicalHemodynamically insignificant chord
    MiddleHas no hemodynamic significance

    LVDH develops while still in the womb. Why do children have this problem? Among the causes of pathology include:

    • genetic predisposition. False notochord can be passed on to the child from the parents. Most often, the anomaly is inherited through the female line, if the mother has extra tendon threads in the heart.
    • Abuse of bad habits. Smoking tobacco products, taking alcohol and drugs from 4-5 weeks of pregnancy can affect the intrauterine formation of the heart muscle in the baby.
    • Bad environmental conditions. Polluted air and water are factors that can provoke the development of pathology.
    • Nervous or physical strain. The formation of a false chord can occur against the background of severe stress or excessive physical exertion.

    Symptoms of an anomaly in a child

    The chord of the left ventricle (AHLV) may not manifest itself in any way. It is often diagnosed absolutely by chance at school or adolescence, and some patients learn about an additional chord only in old age. Pathology with a single chord also has no signs.

    Manifestations of cardiac dysfunction occur in patients with an enlarged chord in the right ventricle in multiple quantities. Symptoms:

    • fast fatiguability;
    • rapid pulse;
    • dizziness and headaches;
    • sudden change of mood;
    • tingling in the region of the heart.

    All these signs begin to appear during the period of active growth of muscles and bones, i.e. in adolescence. Intensive development of the musculoskeletal system gives an additional load on the heart. At the first alarming symptoms, parents should immediately show the child to a cardiologist.

    Diagnostic methods

    To study the false chord in the heart of a child, the following diagnostic methods are used:

    Peculiarities of treatment of children in the presence of clinical signs of pathology

    The diagnosis of "AHLZH" does not require treatment. Parents need to monitor the health of their child, as well as regularly see a cardiologist and undergo an annual ultrasound and ECG. If the patient's health worsens, he should be booked for an unscheduled appointment with a doctor. After carrying out the necessary diagnostic measures, the following medications can be prescribed to the child:

    • preparations with magnesium and potassium - Asparkam, Magne B6, Magnerot, Panangin, which help to normalize pressure and vascular tone;
    • antioxidants - Resveratrol, Cytochrome C, which allow to stabilize the work of the heart, as well as activate metabolic processes in the myocardium;
    • nootropic drugs - Nootropil, Piracetam, Aniracetam and Semax, which improve cognitive performance;
    • products enriched with vitamin B - Neurovitan, vitamin complexes with lipoic and nicotinic acids, which allow you to stabilize the nervous regulation.

    Consequences of an additional chord in a child

    No doctor can predict whether this pathology will cause any complications or not. Specialists give a good prognosis to patients who have an additional thread in the left ventricle. In most cases (in 90% of patients), the left trabecula does not require treatment. A less comforting prognosis is given when diagnosing transverse and multiple chords.

    The lifestyle of the child in the presence of an anomaly

    Normalization of the heart function in children diagnosed with AHLH requires daily physical activity, adherence to dietary nutrition and daily routine. Among the feasible physical activities for such patients include:

    • daily walks in the air;
    • gymnastics;
    • dancing;
    • riding is not a bike.

    All types of physical activity must be coordinated with a cardiologist. The doctor should also emphasize the need for proper nutrition. The patient's diet should include:

    • dried apricots, raisins and other dried fruits;
    • dairy products;
    • hard and soft cheeses;
    • nuts;
    • bananas.

    For a child with a false chord, the daily routine is especially important. Parents should rationally allocate time for rest and activity. A full night's sleep is required. It is advisable to limit computer activities and the use of other gadgets - all this can be compensated for by walking in the fresh air.

    Strengthening immunity is an important aspect for babies with an additional chord. Any infectious disease puts a huge strain on the heart. In order to prevent the development of the disease, parents should temper the child.

    Is it possible to prevent the appearance of pathology?

    An additional chord is a pathology that in 90-95% of cases develops due to a genetic predisposition, therefore it is impossible to prevent it, because scientists have not yet learned how to change the genetic code of people. Despite this, the probability of an anomaly occurring under the influence of some adverse factors is 5-10%, so doctors strongly recommend expectant mothers from the very first weeks of pregnancy to give up alcohol, tobacco and drugs, spend more time outdoors, avoid stress and physical exertion.

    • Why do additional chords appear?
    • What are the symptoms of this defect?
    • How to treat cardiac anomalies?
    • What are the ways to prevent this heart disease?

    An accessory chorda of the left ventricle is a diagnosis that can only be made with ultrasound (ultrasound). Neither on the ECG nor when listening to detect it is impossible. Sometimes it is discovered by chance during the examination. But if the cardiologist hears a heart murmur, then it can be assumed that the reason for this is an additional chord in the cavity.

    There are several chords in the human body. Their function is to prevent the valve from flexing during the contraction of the heart and to keep the blood at this time. Chords are a kind of springs with different muscle structures. In some people, in addition to the required number of chords, an additional chord may be observed.

    During the examination, doctors establish the classification of such a pathology. This is to determine if a person needs special treatment. And if it concerns a child, then what should parents do to provide him with the necessary living conditions with such violations in the heart.

    Do not think that such a pathology limits the lives of people. Thousands of patients live with such a diagnosis, while their possibilities are almost the same as those of the healthy part of the world's population.

    Why do additional chords appear?

    Cardiovascular disease can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathology refers to diseases that begin to form even in the womb. Prerequisites for this may be such phenomena as:

    • bad ecology;
    • stress during pregnancy;
    • heredity;
    • lack of proper nutrition;
    • infection of the fetus;
    • weak immunity of the expectant mother;
    • smoking during pregnancy.

    Cardiac pathologies most often develop in children whose mothers suffer from various infectious diseases.

    Acquired diseases include those diseases that develop through late diagnosis, improper treatment, alcohol abuse, drugs, obesity. It can be of various etiologies. The danger of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the symptoms may not appear at first. This applies, for example, to additional chords.

    The reasons for the appearance of such chords are a hereditary factor. Usually, the child inherits the disease from the mother, who may not be aware that she has a heart defect. The disease is rarely transmitted from the father. False chords of the left ventricle are found in newborns. But they do not affect the work of the heart in any way, and no special treatment is required. With the age and development of the baby, the notochord can stretch and nestle against the wall of the ventricle.

    This disease is not dangerous, it is like small threads in the heart. Physicians attribute such a defect to the group of small anomalies of the heart, and in some cases this is considered the norm. But such a formation in the right ventricle threatens with negative consequences without proper treatment.

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    What are the symptoms of this defect?

    An abnormal chorda of the left ventricle may not be detected for many years, because there are no special symptoms. Babies may have a heart murmur when listening. In this case, the heart works naturally without any serious disturbances. But the clinical picture largely depends on the number and location of the chords.

    In the presence of a chord of the left ventricle of the heart, a systolic murmur is heard in the left side of the sternum between the 3rd-4th rib. If there are many such formations, the heart rhythm may be disturbed. The patient may experience extrasystole or rapid heart rate (paroxysmal tachycardia). Violated hemodynamics and diastolic function of the heart. In a child, many chords can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

    • fast fatigue;
    • dizziness;
    • pain in the region of the heart;
    • heart palpitations;
    • violation of the heart rhythm;
    • psycho-emotional instability.

    With arrhythmia caused by this pathology, it is necessary to undergo an additional examination. Ultrasound, ECG, daily monitoring are prescribed. When fibrous strands, called chords, are found, the diagnosis may sound like "hemodynamically insignificant", which means the anomaly is safe. Therefore, you can not worry and listen to your heart. There are no symptoms.

    If the doctor talks about a hemodynamically significant diagnosis, then this implies disorders that need to be monitored by a cardiologist. If necessary, treatment is prescribed.

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    How to treat cardiac anomalies?

    Defects in the heart associated with the presence of one chord, have 70% of patients, and 30% of patients have several of them. They can be:

    • longitudinal;
    • transverse;
    • diagonal.

    With age, the chords tend to change their direction. Therefore, the supervision of a cardiologist and regular examinations are required.

    With an additional chord in the left ventricle, no treatment is required, much less surgical intervention. If this cardiac anomaly is found in a child, this does not mean that he is disabled and should be protected from everything. Children with this diagnosis can continue to lead a normal life.

    The presence of a chord in the left ventricle requires a balanced diet and a proper daily routine. The diet of the child should include foods rich in potassium, calcium and especially magnesium. It is not recommended to overload the child. Sleep should be at least 8 hours. It would be good to avoid nervous strains.

    If a patient with LVH (extra chord of the left ventricle) has the complaints and symptoms described above, medications are prescribed: B vitamins, antioxidants and nootropic drugs for neurocicular dystonia.

    Such treatment is prescribed by a doctor after diagnosis. The time of such complex therapy takes at least a month.

    The prognosis for chords in the left ventricle is favorable, especially if patients follow the recommendations of doctors.

    Surgical intervention is necessary only if the abnormally located chord includes bundles of the myocardial system. In this case, it is excised.

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