Basal temperature during menstruation. What should be the basal temperature during menstruation? Video: What is the importance of measuring basal temperature

One way to better understand the processes taking place in a woman's body is to monitor the basal temperature. This method will allow you to find out when ovulation occurs, when menstruation starts, to suspect inflammatory processes, pregnancy disorders and the threat of termination.

Its main advantage is the minimum financial costs, you only need to buy a thermometer. The disadvantages include high sensitivity to various factors. A reliable result can only be obtained if all measurement rules are strictly observed.

The basal temperature depends on which hormones prevail in the woman's body. From the beginning of the cycle until ovulation, estrogens are the main ones, they help to reduce it. After the release of the egg, the leading role belongs to progesterone, which raises the basal temperature.

Before ovulation, there is a surge in estrogen, which helps to reduce it. However, this effect is not observed in all graphs. The basal also decreases slightly. Mostly this happens in a few days (average 3). This is explained by the fact that the amount of progesterone begins to fall.

It is desirable to continue measurements on critical days. Basal should normally gradually decrease. By their end, it descends to the level of the first phase.

Women who use this method are usually interested in what the basal temperature should be during menstruation. Just want to note that this is very individual. Only by taking measurements for at least three cycles can this question be answered.

Now the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat occur in most women will be given. Basal temperature during menstruation usually drops from 37 degrees at the beginning to 36.4 at the end. This is due to an increase in the amount of estrogen and a drop in progesterone levels.

When plotting a graph, we plot the days of the cycle on the horizontal axis, and the temperature on the vertical axis. On average, in women, menstruation lasts 5 days, at which time a decline is observed on the graph. Then, during the first phase, the basal temperature is between 36.4-36.6, then there may be a slight drop and a sharp rise. This indicates that ovulation has occurred. The second phase begins, during which the temperature is kept at 37-37.2.

Then there is a drop to 37 degrees, which indicates imminent menstruation. If this does not happen and the second phase lasts more than 18 days, then pregnancy can be suspected. If, after a fall, the basal temperature rises during menstruation, then this may be a sign of the uterus).

If it keeps during menstruation and before it, and falls only at its end, then this may indicate a miscarriage that has occurred. If it does not decrease, and the discharge is scanty, then perhaps there is a pregnancy with a threat of interruption.

Normally, the second phase lasts exactly two weeks, its duration can vary within a couple of days. If it is less than 10 days, then it requires a hormonal examination and, possibly, treatment.

The length of the first phase has wider limits. Actually, the duration of the cycle depends on its duration. The difference between the average temperatures in the phases is very important. It must be greater than 0.4.

Only a qualified gynecologist should deal with the decoding of the graphs. Based on them, treatment cannot be prescribed. It is very important to conduct a hormonal examination and folliculogenesis. During it, ultrasound is done several times per cycle. At the same time, the growth of the dominant follicle and the state of the endometrium are monitored. Evidence of ovulation is the formation of a corpus luteum and the presence of free fluid.

Basal usually in the anus immediately after waking up in the morning. On the graphs, it is necessary to note all the factors that affect it (sex, alcohol, drugs, insomnia, stress that take place the day before).

Measurements are made clearly at the selected time, for example at 7 am. Permissible deviation - half an hour. Both electronic and mercury thermometers can be used. Measurements are carried out before the sound signal or 5 minutes, respectively.

So, the basal temperature during menstruation should gradually fall. For most women, this happens from 37 to 36.4 degrees. If it is kept at a high level, then endometritis can be suspected.

Charting a basal temperature as a way to find out the favorable time for fertilization is known to every woman. In our article, we will consider what values ​​​​for basal temperature after menstruation are normal and what its deviations can mean, because the schedule allows, in addition to detecting ovulation, to monitor your health.

Standards for temperature readings by phases

With this method, the body temperature at rest is recorded, measured rectally. Knowledge of the main indicators, measurement methods and the rules for constructing a temperature curve is of great importance for obtaining an up-to-date graph.

The female cycle begins on the first day of bleeding and lasts until the day before the next. It consists of two phases separated by ovulation. Each stage is characterized by its own temperature indicators, depending on the hormone working at a particular moment.

The first phase: basal temperature after menstruation

  • In the first half of the cycle, the basal temperature after menstruation is kept at 36.2-36.5°, in some cases 36.7°. Duration: approximately from 1 to 11 days (with a 28 day cycle). At this time, a certain amount of estrogen in the blood creates the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of the dominant follicle.
  • From the 12th to the 16th day, there is first a decrease by 0.1-0.2°, which means an early release of the cell, and then a rise by 0.4-0.6°, which confirms the fact of rupture of the liquid bubble with the cell. It is for the sake of such a moment that the temperature is measured, since this is the only segment of the cycle, only a day long or a little more, when conception is most likely.

Phase Two: High Basal Temperature for Conception

  • The second phase is characterized by a temperature of 37.0-37.3°, but not higher than 37.5°. In this case, progesterone acts, which is necessary to create favorable conditions for conception and pregnancy.

The difference in basal temperature after menstruation and before between phases during a normal cyclic period is 0.4-0.6 °.

When atypical indicators are possible after menstruation

Basal temperature 36.9 ° after menstruation

A basal temperature of 36.9 ° after menstruation may indicate a lack of the hormone of the first phase, which causes an increase in temperature indicators. But perhaps this is just the individuality of a given organism, if such values ​​​​are recorded monthly. For example, in a perfectly healthy woman, after the numbers in the first part of the graph are 36.1-36.2°, in the second segment, values ​​of 36.8-36.9° are noted.

Basal temperature after menstruation 36.8

The basal temperature after menstruation is 36.8 and an increase in its values ​​​​after ovulation, but with a discrepancy of 0.4 °, pathology is not recognized. This condition is called hyperthermic and is defined as a normal individual sign.

It is believed that the normal average fluctuations of temperature numbers are as follows:

  • From the first to the last day of menstruation, the decrease occurs from 37 to 36.3-36.5 °;
  • Before ovulation, depression with a decrease of 0.1-0.2 °;
  • After the release of the cells within 3 days, the increase to 37.0-37.3°;
  • In the second phase, 37.0-37.4 ° is kept;
  • 1-2 days before menstruation, a decrease to 36.8 °;
  • If there is no decrease and if there is a delay, we can talk about the onset of pregnancy.

There may be fluctuations in basal temperature after menstruation by 0.1-0.2 ° - this is quite normal for a healthy woman.

Scheduled disease diagnosis

Deviations from normal temperature values ​​​​occur in the event of any disease. The most common inflammatory processes.

Basal body temperature after menstruation 37°

Basal temperature after menstruation 37 ° is an identifying sign of endometritis, inflammation of the uterine mucosa. With a slight decrease on the eve of critical days, an increase is observed on the first day of menstruation and can last until they end and later. If such a picture is found on the chart, you should contact a gynecologist in order to get rid of the problem in time.

Basal temperature after menstruation 37.1-37.0 °

Inflammation of the appendages is also characterized by a basal temperature after menstruation of 37.1-37.0 °. It rises sharply to these figures, lasts for several days and then falls just as sharply. In such cases, you can incorrectly calculate the day of ovulation, taking this jump for it if it happened on day 9 or 11. With this disease, in the second phase of the cycle, the temperature will show values ​​above the norm, which again will require medical intervention to avoid complications.

Basal temperature after menstruation 37.1-37.0 ° may indicate the onset of the process of inflammation of the appendages.

An experienced gynecologist, according to your schedule drawn up over several cycles, will be able to find errors in the functioning of your reproductive system, if any, and help get rid of them so that the expected fertilization goes smoothly.

Possible causes of deviations and errors

A high basal temperature after menstruation, which lasts only one day, does not pose a particular threat, since it is clear that not a single inflammation goes away in a day. Therefore, you need to look for other reasons.

If you don't follow the rules

There may have been measurement errors. We remember that measurements are carried out taking into account clear rules:

  • After 6 hours of restful sleep;
  • at the same time;
  • Without getting out of bed and without making sudden movements;
  • One thermometer prepared in the evening;
  • Holding for 5-7 minutes or until the beep when using electronic.

Other factors

External factors can also influence the result:

  • Stressful situation the day before;
  • Insomnia or interrupted sleep;
  • Physical overstrain, overwork;
  • Cold;
  • Sexual intercourse less than 8 hours before the measurement;
  • Flight, change of climatic conditions.

But many women with its help were able to plan their pregnancy, calculating the optimal time for a productive act. It may not be informative enough in terms of determining early pregnancy, but by the points on the graph indicating what the basal temperature is after menstruation, at the time of ovulation, and in front of them, one can judge the hormonal balance that supports the woman's reproductive function, notice deviations in time and take appropriate measures.


Thus, what should be the basal temperature after menstruation depends on the characteristics of the female body in each case. You can focus on the average standards with which we have introduced you. At the same time, it is important to follow the rules of measurements and plotting.

A two-phase curve with a visible preovulatory retraction, an increase in the second period of the cyclic process and a decrease before menstruation is considered normal. The absence of the latter indicates the presence of pregnancy if the increase lasts more than 18 days after ovulation.

Basal temperature during menstruation and in other phases of the cycle is a criterion that makes it clear about the nature of the course of menstruation, the presence of inflammatory processes or pregnancy. More and more women use the method of measuring basal temperature, despite the availability of more convenient and accurate research methods. But this method is simple, safe and, importantly, does not require financial costs. Moreover, a woman can independently observe the results of the method and learn to understand what is happening with the body.

The meaning of measuring BBT during menstruation

Usually, the method of measuring basal temperature is recommended to a woman by the attending gynecologist when she cannot become pregnant for a long time. The value of basal temperature is actually very important, and with the right measurement, you can find out many facts that affect the female body.
With this method you can:

  • find out when the next menstruation will be;
  • find out if ovulation has occurred;
  • determine if pregnancy has occurred;
  • find out when the egg matures;
  • identify inflammatory diseases or disorders of the endocrine system.

But what is the basal temperature (BT) during menstruation should be? Are there any "standards", a sharp departure from which is a reason to visit a gynecologist or endocrinologist? In medical sources, you can find information that normal basal body temperature (BT) during menstruation reaches 37 ° C. This is an indicator of a woman's health, the temperature rises due to the action of hormones.

Drawing up a schedule for measuring BT

Drawing up a schedule for recording basal temperature is convenient for both the doctor and the woman. For a graph, take a notebook sheet in a cage and draw it in such a way that at the bottom of the graph are the days of your menstrual cycle (normally from 28 to 35), and on the left - temperature data (from 35.5 to 37.5 ° C). The temperature must be recorded on the chart every day. According to the graph, it will be seen that during the period of menstruation the temperature was around 37 degrees, and the period immediately before ovulation was characterized by a decrease in temperature to a stable increase. The basal temperature before menstruation, or rather closer to them, in the second phase of the cycle, rises, respectively, before this rise, there was a period of ovulation.

Under the following conditions or diseases, the schedule will be different from normal:

  • inflammatory diseases of the appendages;
  • diseases of the endocrine system, such as hyperprolactinemia, corpus luteum insufficiency during pregnancy, estrogen deficiency;
  • endometritis;
  • pregnancy;
  • anovulatory cycle (ovulation did not occur this month);
  • menopause, menopause.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

It is important to measure the basal temperature according to certain rules, otherwise, under the influence of certain factors, BT may increase or decrease, and the conclusions from the results will be false. It must be remembered that during stress, strong physical and mental stress, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, and, accordingly, the temperature rises. Do not measure BBT immediately after eating. If there are inflammatory diseases, then measuring the temperature does not make any sense. When taking hormonal drugs, the measurement of BBT is also not prescribed (ovulation does not occur in this case).

Any thermometer will do: be it a classic mercury one, or an electronic one that measures the temperature in a minute.

Now the question is: where to measure BBT? It has already been said that you can measure the temperature in different ways, and you choose the measurement method that is most convenient for you, but it is undesirable to change the place of measurement during the menstrual cycle.
But still, the most indicative and reliable criterion are the numbers of basal temperature, which is measured rectally.

One of the main conditions: to measure BBT in the morning, when the body has not yet experienced physical exertion. After measuring the temperature, record it on a graph.

It is normal for a woman to want a child, because bearing offspring is her natural function. Perhaps that is why the fair sex, who really want to get pregnant, are so happy about the delay in menstruation. But not always critical days are delayed due to conception.

In order not to rejoice ahead of time or not be upset because of the arrival of menstruation instead of the desired pregnancy, you should know what basal temperature should be before menstruation, and which one indicates the fertilization of the egg. It is the construction of a graph of basal temperature that will help you choose the right moment for conception and find out about its onset in the early stages.

Basal body temperature (BT) is the temperature measured immediately after a night's sleep. Taking measurements requires compliance with certain rules, which we will definitely provide in this article.

Why measure BBT - why readings change

Measuring basal temperature and drawing up an appropriate schedule will allow a woman to assess the state of her reproductive system. Since the body of each representative of the fair sex works in its own mode, then the schedule for each lady will look different. BT indicators can be influenced not only by the characteristics of the body and the presence of pathologies, but also by the day of the cycle.

To obtain a complete picture, it is necessary to observe changes in BT for at least 4 months. Measurements for 1 cycle will not allow you to make correct calculations. It does not matter how exactly the measurement was taken: it can be oral, vaginal or rectal temperature, the main thing is that each time the measurement is carried out in the same way as the previous one.

The BT schedule can tell a doctor a lot:

  • most often, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare used to determine pregnancy with a delay in menstruation;
  • you can find out if the egg is ripe, that is, according to the schedule, the moment of ovulation is visible;
  • it is possible to determine the presence of gynecological diseases and inflammatory processes;
  • the functionality of the endocrine system is determined;
  • the level of secretion of hormones by the ovaries is estimated.

If a woman has not been able to get pregnant for a long time, keeping a BT schedule will help determine the presence of disorders in the reproductive system, such as:

  • hormonal imbalance that does not allow the embryo to gain a foothold in the endometrium;
  • hiding gynecological diseases that cause infertility;
  • infertility due to the lack of ovulation as such;
  • problems in the activity of the endocrine system.

Thanks to the measurement of BT, you can significantly increase the chances of conception, some women use such charts in order to conceive a baby of a certain gender.

It should be remembered that it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own only according to the indications of basal temperature; to confirm it, you must definitely undergo laboratory and instrumental studies. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis.

Measurement Rules

In order for the measurement of basal temperature to give the most reliable information, you need to choose the right moment for measurements, namely the time when the temperature is the lowest. Compliance with the following rules for measuring BT is the key to obtaining accurate information:

  1. Basal temperature should be measured only after waking up from sleep, lasting at least 5-6 hours without a break.
  2. Measurements are taken at such points: vagina, rectum (the most accurate data), mouth. If measured in the mouth, the thermometer should be placed under the tongue for 5 minutes. At other points, it is enough to hold the thermometer for 3 minutes.
  3. The measurement is carried out every time at the same time with a spread of no more than half an hour.
  4. It is necessary to measure BT with one method and one tool. For these purposes, a mercury thermometer is better suited.
  5. You need to prepare the measuring device in the evening. The thermometer must be knocked down and placed near the bed so that you do not get up from it in the morning, but immediately, when you wake up, take readings.
  6. After waking up, before taking measurements, in no case should you get out of bed, stretch and move actively.
  7. The BT value is affected by every active movement and time. Every hour after waking up, it rises by 0.1 degrees, so it is pointless to measure it during the day and in the evening, the result will be useless.
  8. If night sleep needs to be interrupted for any reason, then it is necessary to do the planned things, and then go to sleep for another 3-4 hours, and only then measure BT.
  9. You need to take readings in a supine position, which means taking measurements without getting out of bed.
  10. As soon as the thermometer is removed, you immediately need to record the readings in the graph.
  11. If the mercury column on the thermometer is located between two divisions, you need to take into account the lower mark.
  12. If a woman works the night shift, readings should be taken after daytime sleep.
  13. On the graph, all incidents that may affect the measurement value should be noted, such factors include intimate relationships the day before, a long stay on the road, fever, taking sleeping pills, hormonal or sedative drugs, and drinking alcohol.
  14. Measurements are best done before 8 am.
  15. Since the schedule needs to be completed for about 3 months, measurements are taken daily, even on critical days.

Since the female reproductive system can rest 2 times during the year, ovulation does not occur at this time, conception can be suspected only if the graph shows that she was in this cycle.

BT norms at different stages

It is quite natural for the female body that BBT changes during the cycle. But in order to determine what it is normal for, it is necessary to take measurements for at least 3 months in order to obtain reliable data. Consider what are the acceptable values ​​​​of BT at different stages of the menstrual cycle, as well as what this or that temperature can mean with systematic measurements, and how many days before menstruation its value begins to fall.

You need to start drawing up a schedule on the first day of menstruation, that is, on this day you need to make the 1st measurement. Its value in the first days rises slightly, so this indicator does not participate in the calculations. On average, the basal temperature during menstruation can vary between 36.3-36.5 ° C, this value can last the entire 1st phase of the cycle. These are the optimal conditions for the growth of the follicle under the influence of the hormone estrogen.

Just before the mature egg is supposed to leave the ovary, BBT begins to fall by a few tenths of a degree, and then rises sharply to 37-37.2 ° C. An increase in basal temperature indicates the onset of ovulation and the beginning of the 2nd phase of the cycle, such indicators can be kept until the end of the cycle.

What will be the basal temperature before menstruation depends on the state of the egg: whether it has been fertilized or not. At the site of the follicle breakthrough in the wound, a corpus luteum forms on the wall of the ovary, which produces the hormone progesterone. It is on him that the result of fertilization largely depends. Under the influence of progesterone, BT rises to 37.0-37.5 ° C. This is the best time to conceive. Until the end of the cycle, the graph will show values ​​within these limits. At conception, such indications are noted before and after the delay - this is the surest sign of pregnancy. To confirm its onset, you can additionally use a test.

A week before menstruation, the normal basal temperature can be around 37 ° C, the highest mark should not exceed 37.5 ° C. It is necessary to take into account one nuance that during a 4-week cycle, it is at this time that implantation retraction can be observed - BT decreases by several tenths of a degree during the fixation of the embryo into the uterine wall. At the same time, the expectant mother may feel pain in the lower abdomen, and slight spotting may also occur. BBT during the attachment of the embryo may not decrease in every woman, but over time, the value still levels off. If fertilization does not occur, then the level of progesterone drops, and this leads to a decrease in BBT on the eve of menstruation.

3 days before menstruation, BBT is usually characterized by a drop of 3-5 tenths of a degree. A variant of the norm during this period will be considered its value in the range of 36.7-37.1 °. But in general, for each woman before menstruation, the norm of basal temperature will be individual.

Thanks to the measurement of basal temperature, it is possible to assess the coherence of the work of the female body, you can tell exactly when the time has come that is most suitable for conception, and clarify the days on which you can not use protection during intercourse. It is best to take measurements several cycles in a row in order to achieve greater accuracy of the results.

Since the work of the female body is highly dependent on hormones, it is quite natural that, due to their level, the value of BT can rise and fall. Low basal temperature is noted just before ovulation and in the last days of the cycle. In the latter case, this means that fertilization has not occurred and you need to prepare for the arrival of menstruation. If the basal temperature does not subside at this time, but stays at 37 and a half, or even 38 °, this may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or disease in the body. During pregnancy, BT does not increase more than to 37.2-37.5 ° C, which means that 38 ° C is an alarm signal for a woman, which means that you need to urgently see a doctor.

The basal temperature after menstruation is kept within 36-36.9 ° C, but if it remains at this level for the entire cycle, then this month the reproductive system decided to rest, since there would be a temperature rise when ovulation occurs. In this cycle, pregnancy will not be possible. You need to panic only if a similar situation repeats several cycles in a row - this is a reason to seek help from a specialist.

Basal temperature chart before menstruation

The BT chart is a regular line chart with 2 coordinate axes, where the X-axis shows the number of days in a cycle, and the Y-axis shows the temperature value in degrees, the division value along the Y-axis is 0.1 °, while at the zero mark there will be a value 35.7°C.

Every day, a woman immediately after waking up, right in bed, measures BT by any method convenient for her with the same thermometer. Having received the value, she puts a point at the intersection of the day of the cycle and the reading on the thermometer. Then these points are connected. Thus, it is possible to clearly trace all changes in BT for a cycle. The graph clearly shows when it rises and when it falls.

During critical days, BT can be 36.6 ° C, a maximum of 36.7 ° C, then it declines, and immediately before ovulation it has the lowest value for several days. After the release of the egg in the body, there is a sharp jump in progesterone, followed by a jump in temperature, reaching a mark of 37-37.2 ° C. This level is maintained throughout the 2nd phase of the cycle, up to a new cycle, and then gradually decreases.

Causes of deviations in basal temperature

BBT indicators may deviate from the normal values ​​characteristic of a particular phase of the cycle. If the deviations of the basal temperature indicators are significant, then it is imperative to seek the advice of a specialist.

Deviations in temperature readings in pathologies can be as follows:

  • progesterone deficiency - the curve on the graph goes down sharply. The temperature may rise slightly, but lasts no longer than a week. The temperature difference between the phases is less than 0.4 degrees. The second phase becomes shorter (not 14, but 10 days), menstruation occurs prematurely;
  • endometritis. With inflammation of the uterine mucosa in the first days of the cycle, BT increases to 37 degrees, instead of falling. With such symptoms, you can find out about the presence of a pathology, but to confirm it, you need to contact a specialist;
  • problematic pregnancy. If BBT is noted at the level of 37 and a half degrees, there are no periods, which indicates pregnancy, but a bloody “daub” from the vagina has begun, this may be a sign of spontaneous abortion. If the test does not confirm the presence of pregnancy, it may be ectopic;
  • no ovulation. When measurements are randomly placed on the chart, they jump up and then fall down, there was no ovulation in this cycle and conception will not occur. If this is repeated for several cycles in a row, a consultation with a gynecologist is mandatory;
  • inflammation of the appendages can be diagnosed when even in the first phase a high basal temperature is measured at the level of 37 °, confirmation of the presence of an inflammatory process is an increase in BBT to 38 degrees in the 2nd phase of the cycle.

When taking hormonal contraceptives, BT scheduling will be ineffective, since these drugs significantly distort the measurement values.


The basal temperature measured according to all the rules allows a woman to solve many issues related to the conception and health of her reproductive system. Therefore, every woman should know how to draw up a BT schedule correctly.

Measurement of basal temperature is one of the methods for examining the female body, in particular, monitoring the functioning of the genital area.

Fertility issues in the monthly cycle

Childbearing is the natural purpose of the female body. Therefore, the functional features of physiological processes are arranged clearly, like everything in nature, which relates to reproduction issues. The range of development fits into one menstrual cycle.

Important! The menstrual cycle is the period from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next. It is at this time that the conditions for conception are created, and their realization or exclusion of such a possibility takes place.

The monthly cycle goes through 2 physiological phases:

  1. Follicular.
    At this stage, the follicles increase, and the maturation of the egg, which is preparing for contact with the seminal fluid, ends. The phase starts from the 1st day of menstruation and lasts, on average, half the cycle, until the egg is released from the follicle membranes. Before ovulation (rupture of the follicular membranes), fertilization is impossible, so the phase is not considered predisposing to conception. During this period, the body is saturated with female sex hormones - estrogens, which stimulate egg maturation.
  2. Luteal.
    It occurs 1 - 2 days before fertilization and ends with the next menstruation or pregnancy. It lasts at least 10 days, more often 12 - 16, conception is possible in the first 2 days. The intake of the hormonal secretion of the corpus luteum - progesterone, which contributes to the successful development of pregnancy, increases.

The duration of each phase is influenced by many points:

  • resistance of a woman's body to stress;
  • susceptibility to infections;
  • hormonal support - this indicator is the most important, because. a decrease or excess of the background of hormones in any of the phases reduces the likelihood of conception, and requires correction.

The measurement of basal temperature for several cycles in a row is a fairly indicative picture of women's health and fertility.

Temperature Data Tracking

Tracking the correct alternation of phases in the cycle makes it possible to plan a pregnancy with a high probability and implement the plan or avoid unwanted conception.

For a well-functioning sexual sphere of a woman, the following indicators are characteristic:

  • after menstruation (more precisely, from 2 - 3 days of the first phase), the basal temperature is set at a slightly lower level - 36.2 - 36.5 ° С;
  • after the release of the egg (in the middle of the cycle), there is a noticeable increase to 37 ° C or slightly higher (luteal phase);
  • at the end of the first phase, 1-2 days before ovulation, there is a one-day decline in indicators (0.1-0.2 ° C);
  • before menstruation and at the beginning of menstruation, the temperature remains at the level of the second phase, and then decreases, a new cycle begins - if during menstruation the numbers do not fall, then most likely conception occurred, the fetal egg was implanted and pregnancy develops.

Important! With a natural method of contraception based on the timing of ovulation, it is recommended to take additional precautions in the first phase of the cycle, because. egg maturation does not always occur at the same time.

  • a textbook correct schedule divides the monthly cycle into two approximately equal parts (by duration) - in the first part of the monitored period, the numbers are noticeably lower than in the second;
  • an elevated temperature in the initial phase (but not reaching the indicators of the second phase) indicates a possible lack of estrogens, which makes it difficult for the egg to mature, and a significant decrease indicates an excess, which also does not contribute to the correct formation of conditions for fertilization;
  • low temperature in the second phase demonstrates a lack of progesterone - conception is possible at this time, but fertilization does not always end in pregnancy, and when a fetal egg is implanted, there is a possibility of miscarriage;
  • in the absence of a jump in temperature and maintaining it at approximately the same level throughout the entire cycle, they speak of a monophasic course of the period - an anovulatory cycle, which is not a pathology if it happens 1-2 times a year, and if it occurs regularly, it indicates infertility.

Important! Only a doctor can diagnose infertility. For this, indicators of temperature measurement graphs are not enough - additional studies and analyzes are needed.

A comparison of the temperature indicators of a normal and anovulatory cycle is presented in the table.

cycle dayNormAnovulatory cycle
1 36,9 36,6
2 36,8 36,6
3 36.7 36.7
4 36.5 36.8
5 36.3 36,6
6 36.4 36.5
7 36.4 36.7
8 36.3 36.7
9 36.4 36.6
10 36.5 36.7
11 36.4 36.6
12 36.2 36.5
13 36.4 36.6
14 36.4 36.7
15 36.8 36.7
16 36.9 36.8
17 37.1 36.9
18 37.0 36.8
19 37.1 36.8
20 37.1 36.9
21 36.9 36.8
22 37.0 36.7
23 37.1 36.7
24 37.1 36.8
25 37.0 36.7
26 37.0 36.7
27 37.0 36.6
28 37.0 36.6
estimated ovulation time
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