Active rejuvenation – face lipofilling. Eye lipofilling procedure. The essence and advantages of lipofilling

It is too early to do plastic surgery, and fillers give only a temporary effect. It seems that once and for all (or at least for a long time) it is impossible to correct the flaws in appearance. In the meantime, there is a solution.

Lipofilling of the face- This is a transplant of the patient's own fat, with which you can restore the lost volume, smooth out wrinkles, remove dark circles under the eyes and other aesthetic defects. Due to the low trauma and lasting effect, this method is considered one of the best ways to correct age-related changes without a full-fledged plastic surgery.

Is this procedure suitable for everyone? What are its pros and cons? Will it hurt or not? What to prepare for during transplantation and in the rehabilitation period? What are the complications and side effects? The site offers the most detailed and verified information:

In what cases will face lipofilling be effective? Main indications

As we age, our skin loses firmness and elasticity, gradually stretches and “floats” down under the influence of gravity. In parallel, soft tissues and a layer of adipose tissue become thinner. As a result, facial features are sharpened, the oval loses its shape, numerous wrinkles appear, the eyes look sunken, and cyanosis forms around them. Usually these problems become apparent at the age of 40-50, but sometimes they are faced much earlier - already around 30. Transplantation of own fat cells allows:

  • correct the oval of the face and the shape of the chin;
  • fill wrinkles and large skin folds;
  • restore the lost volume of the cheekbones;
  • smooth out congenital and acquired soft tissue defects of the face and neck, incl. atrophic scars;
  • to fill the spaces in the immediate vicinity of the facial implants located in the soft tissues in cases where the latter are noticeably contoured.

An important condition: the patient must have enough fat on other parts of the body, which could be picked up and moved to problem areas of the face. That is why lipofilling is often combined with. However, if everything is in order with the contours of the figure, it can also be carried out as an independent procedure, the main thing is that there is the right amount of transplant on the abdomen, hips or knees.

What exactly can be corrected in this way?

Insertion zone
Main problems and how they are solved
Upper and lower eyelids The growing deficiency of the fat layer is most pronounced in the area around the eyes. The skin here is very thin and quickly loses its elasticity, it becomes a characteristic bluish hue (blood vessels show through), the eyes look sunken, folds on the eyelids and pronounced nasolacrimal grooves gradually form. To fix all this, it is enough to transplant only ~ 3 ml of adipose tissue, which are distributed over the entire problem area using a fan technique.
Mid face: cheeks and cheekbones The loss of volume here is manifested by the flattening of the cheekbones, and the omission of the soft tissues of the cheeks leads to the fact that the entire face visually “floats”: the line of the lower jaw becomes loose, “flews” appear, and nasolabial folds become noticeable. At the initial stages, there may not yet be obvious wrinkles, but the face is already losing its youth and freshness. As a rule, a little more fat is already needed here, which is evenly injected into all sinking areas and gives them the look familiar to a young age.
Temple area Few women pay attention to such an age feature as sunken temples, preferring to focus on the more obvious signs of aging (“crow's feet”, furrows, purse-string wrinkles around the mouth). Meanwhile, the thinning of the fat layer in this area leads to the fact that the face loses its natural roundness, the outer corners of the eyebrows fall, wrinkles around the eyes deepen. The volume here “leaves” rather quickly, therefore, for a good effect from lipofilling, about 5-15 ml of autofat may be required.
Any kind of wrinkles Nasolabial folds, nasolacrimal grooves, folds around the lips and on the chin, etc. - they straighten well after a point transplantation of fat cells into hollow subcutaneous areas. The only exceptions are mimic wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows - here they will give a much better result.
Lips With the help of your own fat, you can significantly increase their volume (it doesn’t matter if it was lost with age or was absent from birth) - just as it is done with hyaluronic acid-based preparations.
Chin and submandibular region With the help of lipofilling, you can change the line and shape of the chin, mask the existing defects of bones and soft tissues, eliminate facial asymmetry, fill in the missing volume of soft tissues in order to remove “flews” and improve the contour of the lower jaw.
Neck The skin here is very mobile. The age-related decrease in its elasticity quickly leads to the formation of obvious creases and sagging of soft tissues. Restoring the volume of fatty tissue can significantly improve the appearance of this area and delay plastic surgery for a long time. True, they rarely work with the neck in isolation, since there are worthy alternatives to it: Botox and filler complexes, as well as fractional laser thermolysis and ELOS therapy, give impressive results.
You can learn more about the possibilities of this procedure in working with other zones, including the body, in

Pros and cons of own fat transfer

Lipofilling of the face is usually compared with contouring with fillers, since both methods solve approximately the same tasks. The main advantages of fat cell transplantation in this context are:

  • Safety. The transplant obtained from the patient himself does not contain foreign proteins and other foreign impurities, which guarantees the absence of allergic reactions and rejection, which infrequently, but still occur when using synthetic injectable drugs (see article « » ).
  • Natural result. Changes after lipofilling of the face are usually described as "lightness" and "freshness". In the case of preparations based on hyaluronic acid, such epithets will not always be appropriate. The fact is that HA works by pulling in a large amount of water, resulting in a characteristic swelling and overall heaviness of the treated area - especially when it comes to correction with a large amount of filler.
  • Adipocytes that take root after transplantation remain in the new place forever. When compared with the GC, which lasts a maximum of six months, the choice is obvious.
  • The ability to enhance the effect: the transplanted fat is often enriched with stem cells or the patient's own blood plasma, which improve his survival rate, and further have a beneficial effect on the tone and general condition of the facial skin.
  • Absence of migration, contouring and other problems typical for procedures using a large volume of fillers.

Disadvantages of this method:

  • The complexity and complexity of the procedure. If hyaluronic acid can be "placed" in any beauty parlor, then fat cell transplantation is carried out only in an operating room, using high-tech equipment. The sampling of material in cases where a serious volumetric correction is needed may require general anesthesia.
  • Relatively long recovery period. It will take at least 1-2 weeks before all injection marks disappear from the face.
  • The presence of at least small fat "deposits" in the abdomen, thighs, knees or buttocks as a prerequisite. Patients with a perfectly slender figure will not be able to carry out this procedure, since there will be nowhere to take adipocytes for transplantation.
  • High price: successful transplantation is possible only with an experienced surgeon, whose clinic is equipped with a high-quality apparatus for cleaning and processing fat. In addition, since not all transplanted cells take root in a new place, 1-3 more corrective sessions may be required in the future to obtain an optimal result. Each of them is comparable in cost to the main one.

How is the procedure carried out

Lipofilling of the face begins with the delivery of standard tests - blood (general, biochemistry and for various types of infections), urine, and sometimes a number of others that the surgeon can individually prescribe to make sure there are no contraindications.

  • If all results are normal, the area for fat sampling is determined. Most often it is the knees or hips - here it is the most "clean" and is best suited for transplantation. Unlike breast or buttock corrections, the face requires noticeably less graft, so the desired volume is almost always obtained under local anesthesia. For pumping, a thin cannula is used that does not leave any noticeable marks on the skin.
  • The next step, the surgeon puts the resulting fat in a centrifuge, which cleans it from impurities of blood, anesthetic and other foreign particles. At the same stage, the material is sometimes enriched with stem cells, vitamins or the patient's blood plasma (the latter is preliminarily taken from a vein and also processed in a separate centrifuge).
  • Next, a transplant is performed: an anesthetic cream is applied to the target area of ​​​​the face and, when it works, the prepared fat cells are injected. Skin punctures are made using small-diameter needles. Subjectively, it will not be very comfortable, but no more painful than with any other “beauty injections”. The wounds remain very small and the seams are not superimposed on them.

Injections take about 30-40 minutes (if work is carried out with a large number of facial areas - up to 1-1.5 hours), and all manipulations, starting with fat sampling, take no more than 2 hours. The patient can go home immediately upon completion.

Photo 3 - lipofilling of the face at a young age (the patient is 31 years old, the main problem is nasolacrimal grooves and an unhealthy appearance of the skin under the eyes. Also, she underwent rhinoplasty):

Photo 4 - rejuvenation and correction of the shape of the face with your own fat. The patient is 37 years old. Also, she underwent neck liposuction and removal of Bish's lumps:

How is rehabilitation going, when will the result appear and how long does it last

An important difference between lipofilling and contouring with fillers is that after transplantation of fat cells, the face returns to normal much longer. Those who plan this procedure should have at least 10-14 days in reserve before important public events and meetings.

The main problem of the first two weeks is bruising and swelling at the injection sites. The reason is the relatively large volumes of the graft: at least 3-5, and sometimes even 10-15 ml of fat is injected into those areas for which 1-2 ml of hyaluron is usually enough. You will have to be patient, but there are no serious post-procedure restrictions. By the end of the specified period, up to 80% of puffiness will go down and it will be possible to return to your usual routine.

  • How long does the effect last after face lipofilling? Adipocytes that take root in a new place (depending on the technique and skill of the surgeon, they remain from 30-50 to 90% of the total volume) will remain with the patient for life. According to statistics, external - all this time the natural aging of the skin continues, but remains almost imperceptible.

After what time can the procedure be repeated?

It is possible to evaluate the final changes not earlier than after 3-6 months - during this time, some transplanted cells continue to die, while others are gradually included in the metabolism, overgrown with connective tissue and blood vessels. If after the specified period a significant part of the fat has taken root, but the overall effect is still insufficient, a small additional correction is carried out - it is done in exactly the same way as the main procedure, but the result will be more predictable.

In rare cases, several such additional sessions will be needed - in order to carefully perfect all problem areas and at the same time prevent the transplantation of excessive amounts of fat, the consequences of which are quite difficult to correct. And quite rarely, but still, there are situations when, after the first procedure, it is obvious that there is no point in continuing: for example, if only ~ 10% of the transplant has taken root. Here you can doubt the experience and professionalism of the surgeon, but if there are no objective grounds for this, then the problem is in the individual characteristics of the body, and the only possible option is to choose alternative methods of facial plastic surgery (fillers or surgery).

Photo 5 - before and after a facelift in combination with stem cell-enriched fat grafting in the cheeks, lips and lower jaw:

Photo 6 - lipofilling of the area around the eyes:

Also, it is important to understand that although successfully transplanted fat is not going anywhere, over time, under the influence of age factors, tissues will continue to lose volume. When this process becomes obvious, you can think about a second procedure.

Contraindications, complications, possible side effects

There are a lot of factors due to which you will have to refuse or postpone lipofilling to a later date. Especially if it is carried out simultaneously with liposuction of bulky areas of the body. The main ones are:

  • problems with the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • acute infectious diseases (even seasonal colds or manifestations of herpes on the lips);
  • elevated body temperature for any reason;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • tendency to form hypertrophic and keloid scars;
  • acute diseases of internal organs or exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • mental illness.

Fat grafting is considered one of the safest methods in plastic surgery, but some undesirable consequences do occur:

  • Edema and bruising after face lipofilling. The inevitable companions of the rehabilitation period, which we have already spoken about above. They are especially evident if the work was carried out in the area around the eyes. It will not be possible to significantly reduce puffiness, it reaches its maximum a few days after the procedure and gradually disappears by the end of the second week. You can slightly alleviate the situation if at this time several times a day apply cold to your face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Clumping and contouring of fat. In a graft that was poorly prepared for transplantation and not brought to a homogeneous consistency in a centrifuge, there are fairly dense lumps that can later be felt under the skin, and sometimes look outward in the form of tubercles. It can be quite difficult to knead or remove them, and at home it is simply impossible.
  • Necrosis of fat cells. An extremely rare complication - even in foreign sources only a few such cases are described, and doctors still do not have a common opinion about their causes. Symptoms are difficult to confuse with something: the treated area hurts a lot, swells and turns red. Then, sunken areas are formed on problem areas, similar to atrophic scars, which will be extremely difficult to remove. Presumably, this happens when there are active inflammatory processes in the skin or soft tissues - if they are not identified and treated before the procedure, then the body's protective reaction will be directed not only to the infection, but also to the transplanted material.
Photo 8 - the result of necrosis after lipofilling:

Photo 9 - residual traces in the same patient after a course of treatment:

  • Scars and scars. These unwanted traces sometimes remain in the places where the adipose tissue was taken. In the worst case - if the patient has a tendency to form keloids - they can even appear on the face, at the points of punctures. Ways to prevent scarring should be discussed with the doctor at the consultation, along with other possible complications, in order to be prepared for any possible "surprises".
  • Complete or partial absence of a positive effect. On average, after transplantation, only about 60% of fat takes root. Sometimes this amount can be brought up to 70-90% (due to special processing techniques and high quality equipment), and sometimes it is only ~10%. Thus, an inexperienced surgeon cannot guarantee the patient at least some result of face lipofilling. Experienced - maybe, but also only within certain limits, since much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.
  • Hypercorrection. In order to compensate for the inevitable loss of fat cells and not to carry out another procedure in the future, they are sometimes transplanted with a margin, expecting that only a part of the adipocytes will remain. And if in the end, by coincidence, many more of them survive than planned, the patient's face will look far from the best. Before doing anything in this case, you need to make sure that we are not talking about persistent edema (which indicate an infection) and wait the required 3-6 months, during which the excess can go away on its own. Further, if the problem persists, excess fat is aspirated using cannulas - approximately the same way as it was originally taken for transplantation.

How much does face lipofilling cost? Current prices

The cost of the patient will depend on how good and modern the equipment is installed in the chosen clinic, how experienced the surgeon performs the procedure and how many additional corrective sessions are needed in the future. In addition, the number of treated areas and the severity of age-related changes are important - the amount of fat required for transplantation depends on this.

Thus, often the cost of the same type of corrections even by the same specialist for different patients varies significantly due to their individual characteristics. A more or less exact figure can be determined only at a face-to-face consultation, after a detailed examination and discussion of the desired result.

Youth is always beautiful, but now the first wrinkle has cut through the satin skin, and women begin to yearn for the passing youth, trying by all known means to restore their former beauty. And every next year brings more and more destruction... Is there a way out?

"Oh sure!" - many will confidently say, remembering about plastic surgery, and about the "golden threads", and about many other ways of facial rejuvenation. But is salvation only in surgical intervention? Do you know about a completely unique way to restore youth, which literally revolutionized the world of contouring? It's about 3D rejuvenation!

The term 3-D itself initially suggests that we are not talking about a flat, but about a three-dimensional perception of an object. What do we mean by volumetric 3-D rejuvenation?

Adriana Lima, Brazilian supermodel, whose face proportions are recognized as ideal

Any non-flat surface has characteristics such as relief, structure and color. A person's face is no exception, and its attractiveness is largely related to how these parameters correspond to the so-called ideal.

In an ideal face, certain proportions are always observed, the complexion is even, the skin (surface structure) is smooth, well-moisturized, the pores are not large.

And the first visually noticeable sign of aging is the loss of volume, causing darkening in those areas of the face where, in the ideal case, there should be a glare of light, in other words, instead of volume, there is a blockage in the zone.

These are the areas of the face that make-up artists usually recommend correcting with a light corrector tone. But it is clear that the face is not a flat surface, and it is impossible to correct the shadow by painting over it where it was created not by color, but by a changed relief.

In the same way, simply removing excess skin, tightening it during a facelift or eyelid surgery will not give the desired result. And all for the same reason - the face has a certain relief, and a young attractive face has a completely defined relief: a smooth transition from the infraorbital zone to the cheekbone-cheek line, soft lines of the nasolabial fold, plump lips and upper eyelid. And, if we strive for the ideal, then it is the relief that must be preserved or recreated.

Thus, in the case of age-related and / or aesthetic corrections of the face, the desire for the correct relief is one of the main tasks. To solve it, we use the technique -.

What is lipofilling? This is a new unique technique that allows you to correct cosmetic defects of the face with the help of injections of patients' own fat. For facial rejuvenation, 3-4 punctures are enough, and the result will not keep you waiting - patients recover very quickly and return to their usual way of life in 7-10 days. Moreover, it is a virtually painless method that does not require anesthesia.

The essence of the method is that the patient takes a little of his own "unnecessary" fat, for example, from the abdomen, which is injected after special treatment,.

During the operation, differently prepared fat is injected at different depths, thereby allowing to solve the problems of creating both shape, volume (relief) and more superficially - rejuvenating the skin.

Improving the structure of the skin, eliminating age-related pigmentation with the help of hypofilling before and after photos

Correction of the tear trough (without lower eyelid surgery) aesthetic correction of the eyelid-cheekbone area before and after lipofilling

You see, it turns out that it is quite possible to return youth, both for women and men! Moreover, 3-D rejuvenation provides a long-term effect and is suitable for all skin types, and also has no age restrictions. With the help of 3-D rejuvenation, you can not only smooth out wrinkles, but also increase skin firmness and elasticity, and restore a healthy complexion. At the same time, given that own fat is well compatible with tissues, any complications and allergic reactions are completely excluded.

And given that the zones of influence of 3-D rejuvenation can be not only the face, but also the neck, décolleté, and hands, this unique method is indeed a miraculous means of restoring youth. Moreover, the cost of the procedure is quite democratic and accessible to the widest segments of the population.

The 3-D rejuvenation method is approved by leading experts in Europe and is the most popular and sought-after technique all over the world. Do you want to be young and beautiful again? 3-D rejuvenation will create this miracle!

The cost of volumetric facial rejuvenation at Dr. Grishkyan's clinic in Moscow

Microlipofilling- this is the latest achievement in plastic surgery, namely in the technology of cellular rejuvenation of the latest generation, which allows facial lipofilling.

Microinjection introduction of the patient's own adipose tissue is a real technological breakthrough in the field.

The innovativeness of the procedure is associated with the use of disposable individual sets for microlipofilling, as well as with a special technique for processing and introducing fat.

This unique procedure is made possible by the use of the latest cannula materials and the special placement and size of the holes.

Modern equipment makes it possible to obtain fat of such a quality that is injected through very thin needles, fat, which is similar in structure to gel fillers, and at the same time has unique qualities that are characteristic only of fat autograft.

With this method, it is possible to create volume in the cheek-zygomatic region, and other areas of the face that require such correction, as well as filling and smoothing superficial wrinkles on the face.

This technique can be used alone or in combination with other rejuvenating surgical procedures.

Stages of face lipofilling

Consultation (photo 1)

After a thorough clinical analysis of the patient's face, during which the zones that require correction are determined, we draw up a detailed plan, determining by zones where and how much fat should be injected. In most cases, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia and can be carried out under the control of the patient.

Preparation (photo 2)

Areas for autograft sampling are determined during preoperative preparation. Markup is being done. As a rule, fat is used from the knees and from the inner thighs.

The places where the cannula is planned to be injected are anesthetized using very thin needles for injections.

Fat autograft harvesting (photo 3)

The autograft is taken manually, very carefully, using 5-10 ml syringes. After taking the fat, we proceed to the next stage of the procedure.

Centrifugation (photo 4)

- allows you to separate viable adipose tissue from anesthetics and damaged cells.

Enrichment (photo 5)

To improve the properties of the injected fat, including its survival, we enrich it with platelets obtained from the patient's blood.

Introduction (photo 6)

Preliminary local anesthesia of the areas of the face where the introduction of fat is planned is performed. Then, using needles of the same size as the 0.8 mm fat cannulas, punctures are made through which fat is injected with cannulas, placing it evenly in all necessary areas on different layers.

The postoperative period is characterized by a fairly mild course, does not require wearing a bandage, painless, swelling is negligible, bruising is rare.

Photos before and after face lipofilling

Photo 7 shows the amount of autograft injected to obtain this result.

Photo 8 shows the results BEFORE and AFTER the operation in comparison.

Facial lipofilling or microlipografting is an operation aimed at volumetric rejuvenation of the face with its own fat cells (fat transplantation in the face). The main advantage of this technique is that the transplanted fat remains forever. At the same time, the volume of fat graft can be significant, which is impossible when using other fillers.

In addition, there is a certain amount of stem cells in the adipose tissue, which, after lipofilling, contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin and face as a whole.

Our unique technique is to enrich lipofilling with PRP mass.

PRP mass own plasma enriched with platelets. Our clinic uses the Swiss Platelet Isolation System, which guarantees the production of live cells, unlike other methods.

This technology allows you to enhance the effect of the operation and bring the percentage of engraftment of fat on the face to a maximum.

In addition, for the same purposes, we use special, super-thin French-made cannulas, which have no analogues in Russia, which allow the transfer of fat microparticles.

Microlipografting- this is the safest and most effective technique that gives a guaranteed positive effect.

Lipofilling of the face is carried out by us as an independent technique for rejuvenation of the middle zone of the face, including the area of ​​the lower eyelids, upper eyelids, contours of the lower jaw and chin.

We combine this technique with plastic surgery of the face, eyelids and nose.

With facial plastic surgery, lipofilling gives volumetric rejuvenation, as they say now - 3D rejuvenation. And lipofilling of the chin together with rhinoplasty completely harmonizes the face.

As a rule, lipofilling is performed under local anesthesia, or it can be performed under intravenous anesthesia, and after a few days the traces of the operation practically disappear.

Facial rejuvenation with growth factors (“Mesofat”)

Sign up for a consultation on face lipofilling in Moscow with plastic surgeon D.R. Grishkyan

When talking about 3D technology, it's always amazing: created by man, but in such a way that you can't distinguish it from reality. The same effect is achieved after a unique cosmetic procedure of facial rejuvenation at the cellular level - lipofilling, when as a result of correction lost volumes are modeled, while achieving a natural face, and minus 10 years of age is gone.

Facial lipofilling – rejuvenation with own cells

Lipofilling is not an operation as such - it is a micro-operation, rather similar to gel injections, only your own fat cells act as a filler. Fat is taken from the patient from the places of its greatest accumulation: the inner or outer part of the thigh, buttocks, abdomen.

There is something in common with: after fat is taken using a special syringe with a capsule called a cannula, it is placed in a centrifuge to remove excess impurities and damaged cells. Then your own fat cells are injected with very thin needles in separate droplets into the problem areas of the face, previously outlined. The bandage is not applied either in the area of ​​the filler injection, or in the areas of adipose tissue sampling. Scars in places of punctures do not remain.

The set of accessories for the procedure is individual, disposable. Lipofilling is performed under local anesthesia (i.e. the patient controls the entire process) or general anesthesia at the request of the client. The procedure itself takes 30 to 60 or more minutes. It does not require a long stay in the hospital: if the correction zone is single and the amount of injected adipose tissue is small, then the patient returns home on the same day.

Killing two birds with one stone - getting a rejuvenating effect and reducing body volume in the facial lipofilling procedure will not work: liposuction (fat sampling) is performed in a very small amount from 2-5 ml to 30-60 ml for the entire face area.

Facial lipofilling, according to reviews on the forums, is used to eliminate appearance flaws in various situations:

  • for the purpose of rejuvenation during natural aging (thinning and drying of the skin);
  • in cases of significant weight loss with a sharp weight loss, which is not reflected in the best way on the face;
  • the appearance of premature wrinkles when the condition of the skin changes at a young age in thin women and owners of dry skin;
  • for the correction of congenital or acquired asymmetry of the face or chin.

What problems can be eliminated with facial lipofilling? According to the reviews on the forums about lipofilling, the faces that primarily give out age and cause dissatisfaction: deep bags under the eyes or hanging eyelids, recession of the temples, nasolabial folds, a marked tear trough and a sharply defined sharp jaw line. It is these transformed zones that can be seen in the photo of face lipofilling before and after, as a spectacular result of the procedure. But most of all, the restored volume of the skin is striking, and without distorting facial features - the natural forms of the cheeks and cheekbones without sharp transitions.

Facial lipofilling is one of the few anti-aging procedures that does not have age restrictions, is effective and is carried out even at the age of 70.

Indications for facial lipofilling

3D facial rejuvenation with a fat autograft is not the only indication for this procedure. Lipofilling of the face will help in correcting aesthetic imperfections, even in cases of facial injuries, because. naturally models lost or small volumes, deformation and asymmetry of the cheekbones, cheeks, lips, chin. The ideal procedure is when only a single area needs to be corrected.

Contraindications for face lipolifting

There are no specific contraindications to face lipofilling, they are common, as well as to any other beauty procedure, namely: oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases associated with impaired blood clotting or engraftment of connective tissues, cardiovascular diseases, the presence of acute infectious or inflammatory diseases at the time of the procedure, mental health problems. The only caveat is that the micro-operation may not take place if there are no fat cells in the donor patient.

Cost of face lipofilling procedure by zones

The cost of lipofilling is differential and depends on the area of ​​correction and the amount of injected fat, which may be necessary from 1 ml to 30-40. If we consider 1 zone 5 × 5 cm in size, then it is approximately 25,000 rubles. Lipofilling of the lips and nasolabial folds will cost about 40,000-42,000 rubles, slightly higher than the price of the procedure in the temporal region.

Such critical areas as the upper or lower eyelid (both eyes) will cost from 55,000 to 65,000 rubles, a chin correction will cost about the same, and the vast area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks will reach 100,000 rubles. Lipofilling of the face will completely reach 120,000 rubles, i.e. the price of the procedure is much lower than a facelift.

What to expect after the procedure?

There is no rehabilitation period after the procedure, as such. It is a painless, minimally invasive micro-surgery. Some patients start working duties already on the 3rd day. The inserted implant - its own fatty filler does not cause rejection or an allergic reaction, which, according to reviews of facial lipofilling, is a decisive factor in choosing a rejuvenating procedure. But to prevent complications, you should still follow the actions recommended by your doctor, especially in the first three days.

Fat cells tend to dissolve before they take root. In this regard, they are administered 30-50% more than the required amount. Slight swelling of the face after the procedure is normal. It usually goes away in 3-7 days. The appearance of bruises, or rather some yellowness on the face at the injection sites of the filler, is also considered the norm. Reduced sensitivity is also possible.

Facial lipofilling receives negative feedback from those who have undergone the procedure most often for these reasons, especially if swelling or yellowness does not go away for a longer time.

After 2 weeks, there are no traces of punctures and negative consequences from the procedure. The face acquires a certain volume, giving it natural fullness, but not completeness.

We can talk about the final result of the procedure after 2 months, when the implant is no longer such, but becomes a full-fledged tissue, one with others. The effect is manifested not only in the even relief of the face, the smoothness of lines, the absence of deep depressions, folds or wrinkles, but also in the structure of the skin itself. This is also evidenced by positive reviews before and after face lipofilling, noting a change in the condition of the skin. Her own fat has given her the necessary nutrition, she becomes more saturated, fresh and young. You can no longer call it dry or parchment.

Facial lipofilling: what is the validity period?

The initial assertion that the result of face lipofilling is preserved until the end of life, in practice is not entirely justified. In some cases, the fatty filler behaved unpredictably. In some patients, it resolves within a year or less. This is explained either by an individual feature of the connective tissues of this person, or by a lifestyle that leads to such an ability not to retain fat in his body.

But if you study in detail the reviews on the forums, you will meet those who write that they themselves underwent facial lipofilling 2-3 years ago and are still satisfied with the result, i.e. the duration of the procedure can be called long.

True reviews from the forums about facial lipofilling

Positive reviews

Vlada, 37 years old

Throughout my life, I have always suffered from excessive thinness. But she could no longer put up with the terrible bags under her eyes and sunken cheeks. This was especially evident in the photo. Gel fillers saved only for a year and a half, but I wanted a longer effect.

I studied everything about face lipofilling, photos before and after the operation, prices in various metropolitan clinics. On the forums, I carefully looked through the reviews of specific specialists in this area, talked with those who had already undergone the operation. After that, I began to choose a doctor. Although she herself is from Moscow, she chose the plastic surgeon S. from St. Petersburg. The cost of the procedure also played an important role in my decision: here it is lower than in Moscow clinics. Through the site I sent my photo and a preliminary application for admission.

I had a problem with the intake of fat: on the inner side of the thigh it was not enough, they had to take it from the sides, they barely scraped 18 ml. Where they took the fat, they put stitches and sealed it with a band-aid. They warned that the stitches might bleed, but this did not happen to me. After 5 days, I took them off myself with nail scissors, disinfecting them with alcohol.

All manipulations were performed under local anesthesia, because I wasn't going to spend the night at the clinic. I didn't feel pain at all. The whole operation took about 2 hours. Although I felt great, they didn’t let me go right away, but forced me to lie down in the ward with a compress on my face. And only after a delicious dinner I was allowed to leave the hospital.

The greatest effect came after 2 months, when, under the influence of accustomed fat cells, the skin on my face began to look much better and I felt younger.

More than 2 years have already passed, and I still look great, the injected fat has not gone anywhere, has not dissolved.

Lilia, 50 years old

You will not believe it, but already a month after face lipofilling, I received congratulations on my anniversary! Including compliments that I look younger than my years. But I had senile sunken cheeks, as if they were starving and forced to carry heavy bags ... Appear in front of the guests in this form, and then “admire” the photos and videos ... No, not that! My daughter and I, first on the Internet, and then during personal meetings, stopped at the clinic of Dr. P., when we were convinced of the literacy of specialists who could be trusted with our face.

I was not afraid of possible bruises in the places of incisions for taking fat. The main thing is that after 3 days the puffiness on my face subsided and I could devote myself to the upcoming anniversary. And he was a success thanks to Dr. A.A.

Vera, 52 years old

I’ll tell you about the result of lipofilling on my face, not my own, but about a sick one for me ... My daughter received a terrible facial injury as a child: a huge dog attacked her, she was barely saved. It happened in the countryside, so she had a huge sunken scar across her right cheek. Naturally, it is impossible to hide this, including from prying eyes. Everywhere - at school, on the street, in other places - my girl walked with her eyes downcast. The older she became, the more complexed about this.

When she was 15 years old, I was finally able to help her ... Or rather, Dr. P. did it. Hardware cosmetology and other procedures returned the meaning of life to my daughter. The final operation was face lipofilling, which returned her youthful charm. You will not believe it, but after that a lot has changed in her life ... Now she is even called a beauty. Now only close people know about what happened to her in childhood, about the ugly scar on her face. So I have the right to say that lipofilling is capable of miracles.

Neutral Feedback

Nelly, 57 years old

I did facial lipofilling 2 times, although the first time I was scared because of the negative reviews on the network. The first time - under the eyes and in the cheekbones. There were no bumps left from the overdose of fat cells. The unnecessary has disappeared, the most is left. The only negative in my opinion was that the bruises under the eyes did not go away for a long time. Now, six months later, I had 2 operations on my cheeks, 4 days have passed, so it's too early to talk about the result, but I think that everything will be as planned with the doctor. Although swelling of the face is scary.

Lydia, 35 years old

I lost more than 15 kg, everything is fine, but not my face. It was blooming, and now it looks like a drunk with a shabby face. I wasn't going to fix it. I turned to the clinic. We opted for face lipofilling. I won’t say that the procedure itself and the anesthesia are pleasant ... And after that it’s better not to remember at all. The face is all swollen, just a bun ... As they say, all is well that ends well. After 2 weeks, all swelling from the face and bruises were gone. It's been 3 months now and I'm happy with the results so far. At least I look fresh and smooth.

Negative Feedback

Galina, 47 years old

If I had known that this would happen, I would never have gone for lipofilling around the eyes. I was given local anesthesia, but it still hurt when they took fat from the abdomen, and when they made punctures for its injection on the face. As a result, after the procedure, literally the next day I had swelling under my left eye. It lasted for 10 whole days. And 2 more months after all this, I had bags under my eyes ... It's been 3 months already and I don't know which is better: sunken eyes or swelling under them. I am not satisfied with what was on my face, much less the result after lipofilling.

Svetlana, 42 years old

I did lipofilling of the nasolabial folds. A nightmare!!! It's not my face, it's scary to look at, it's swollen... Now the left side is numb, some kind of bump has appeared. What will happen next? Did I pay money for such beauty? And it's already been a week.

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"Lipofilling of the face, reviews." 1 comment

    04/28/2016 @ 6:08 pm

    Depending on the volume of injected fat and the scale of the procedure, all operations are performed under local or general anesthesia. During face lipofilling, adipose tissue is usually taken from the abdomen, thighs or from the knees by liposuction.


Lipofilling of the face and cheekbones: reviews, photos before and after, cost

A vague contour of the face, a lowered zone of the cheeks, eyebrows - these shortcomings have long been corrected in the field of plastic surgery. Various methods are used - facelift, blepharoplasty. Facial lipofilling is considered an effective method, as in the before and after photos, as evidenced by the numerous reviews of people who have already used it.

About lipofilling

This method is quite common today, especially face lipofilling, chin lipofilling, eyelid lipofilling. The essence of the procedure is as follows - a subcutaneous fat is taken from a person from different zones (stomach, thighs, etc.), the doctor makes a small incision, then a cannula needle (syringe) is inserted through it, with a rounded end, so the blood vessel system is not disturbed. After that, the extracted material is processed - blood is removed from it, the remains of the solution, which has an anesthetic effect.

The doctor injects the resulting substance in small doses into places that need to be corrected, the subcutaneous zones are filled, between the muscles. Then the specialist massages the corrected part of the body with massage movements, giving it the desired shape. The incision is sutured, the result of this plastic surgery is visible after a week.

Method efficiency

Soft tissues undergo atrophic changes with age, wrinkles and folds appear. When performing face lipofilling, its contours are corrected, the condition and shade of the skin are improved, scar elements are reduced.

This procedure is necessary:

  • To increase the volume of the face;
  • For aesthetic correction of age-related changes;
  • To reduce scars formed due to injury;
  • For correction of the cheekbones;
  • To increase the volume of the lips.

Positive aspects of the procedure

This option has many positive features:

  • Minimal risk of an allergic effect, since the patient's tissues are taken for transplantation;
  • Rarely, rejection of fatty material is observed;
  • Natural look of the adjusted zone;
  • For 1 procedure, the volume of the problem area is reduced, the necessary area of ​​the body is corrected;
  • Less traumatic operation;
  • General anesthesia is not required.

Areas of use

This method is used to correct different parts of the face:

  • Lipofilling of the eyelids - over the years, the lipid layer decreases, the volume of tissues decreases. The fatty substance is injected into the nasolacrimal grooves, experts advise eyelid lipofilling as an additional method when performing blepharoplasty;
  • Lipofilling of cheekbones, cheeks, temples - by doing this procedure, you can visually throw off up to 10 years;
  • Lipofilling of the nasolabial folds - the injected adipose tissue reduces the depth of the fold. Today, lipofilling of the nasolabial folds is the most common, since no woman wants to look bad because of senile folds on her face;
  • Lipofilling of the nasolacrimal sulcus - also recently often used, eliminates the nasolacrimal sulcus;
  • Chin lipofilling - removes "brylya", sagging, makes skin tissues elastic, elastic;
  • Lipofilling of the lips - the shape and volume of space are corrected;
  • Lipofilling of the nose - the shape is corrected.

Preparatory measures

For non-surgical facial rejuvenation, Nano Botox microemulsion. Thanks to the peptides and a complex of rare amino acids included in the composition, there is a complete rejuvenation of all layers of the skin. Chicory root extract stimulates local microcirculation, which improves the delivery of nutrients, activates the process of skin detoxification.

Before the procedure, the patient undergoes the necessary examination, examinations by the surgeon, who examines the zones for the introduction of adipose tissue. In case of insufficient fat, implants are used.

A successful result appears primarily due to the excellent psychological, physical data of the patient. 2 weeks before surgery, experts recommend refraining from taking medicines made with aspirin, as they thin the blood, increasing the risk of bleeding. Food should be taken 6 hours before surgery.

Side effects

The following side effects are possible after this procedure:

  • Hematomas, edema (pass a couple of weeks after surgery);
  • Numbness in the areas of selection, input of fat;
  • Small asymmetry, uneven contour (disappears after edema is eliminated);
  • infectious moments;
  • In a situation of unsuccessful transplantation, tissue viability is lost;
  • In patients, due to smoking, partial resorption of the fatty substance occurs, and repeated intervention is required.

There is a possibility that after the first procedure it will be necessary to repeat it after some time to achieve the desired contour.

rehabilitation period

The procedure is less traumatic, minimally invasive, so the patient's recovery occurs in the shortest possible time. Adipose tissue helps rapid recovery. The patient is able to stay in the medical center for a couple of hours after surgery, after a few days he can already lead his normal life.

You should know that usually up to 70% of cells survive after transplantation, the result is visible 5-6 months after the operation.


This method has the following contraindications:

  • Diseases of internal organs;
  • Atherosclerosis, vascular pathologies;
  • infectious diseases;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Violation of blood clotting.


The consequences of this procedure are:

  • Prolonged pain syndrome - experts determine its cause, prescribe treatment;
  • Reduced skin sensitivity - over time it disappears;
  • The process of tissue growth due to inflammation is treated with antibiotics, surgically;
  • The occurrence of seroma - accumulation of fluid under the skin during the operation;
  • The formation of a hematoma is a bruise in the cavity of which blood has accumulated.

Similar complications can appear on the 3rd day after the procedure. But with good care, they disappear, much depends on the patient's body.

Procedure price

Many people are interested in the question: “How much does lipofilling cost?” The cost of this procedure depends on many factors, the location of the clinic, the qualifications of the doctor, etc. For example, eyelid lipofilling starts from 37 thousand rubles, lipofilling of nasolabial folds - from 35 thousand rubles, lipofilling of the chin - from 30 thousand rubles, nasolacrimal trough - from 35 thousand rubles, lipofilling of cheeks, cheekbones - from 30 thousand rubles, lipofilling of the nose, lips - from 20-30 thousand rubles.


Lipofilling is also known as fatgrafting. This procedure is similar to lipofilling. Fat grafting is applied on different parts of the body, usually it is necessary for the nose, lips, cheekbones, etc. Fatgrafting is also used to eliminate nasolabial, brow folds.


This option is created from modern human preferences - fast, safe, reliable, beautiful. Lipotransfer helps to remove excess fatty substance, to make relief outlines. The name of this procedure reflects its basis - the transplantation of fat taken from donor sites (riding breeches, abdomen, buttocks) into the areas undergoing correction. Lipotransfer is able to solve many issues related to the presence of an imperfect body.

Ultrasonic lipotransfer is performed using the Vaser device, which keeps fat cells intact and provides up to 80% engraftment of the material.

Its advantages:

  • Safety;
  • Increase in removed fat up to 2 times;
  • Increased intervention without risk - several zones can be treated at once;
  • Minimal trauma;
  • The specialist corrects the entire body in 1 process.

Lipotransfer is often associated with sculpting - the surgeon acts carefully, creating beautiful contours of the patient's body, relief. Lipotransfer has a long-term effectiveness if the recommendations of a medical specialist are followed.

Striving for perfection has been considered normal from time immemorial. Even Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "Everything should be beautiful in a person: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts ...". But if we are able to correct the soul, thoughts and clothes on our own, then the face, and in our case also the body, is not subject to it, and we have to put up with what nature has awarded us. Fortunately, the engine of progress does not stand still, and makes real what seemed beyond the bounds of the possible a couple of centuries ago.

Plastic surgery begins its history in the distant 1917. Its ancestor is Harold Gillis, who made the first in the world Since then, a lot of time has passed, medicine has stepped far forward, and today a very wide range of services is offered to correct imperfections.

They are very changeable, which explains the steady growth of those who want to go under the surgeon's knife and have plastic surgery, but it's one thing to desire, and quite another to decide.

Many are afraid of the possible negative consequences that they like to scare so much on the Internet, and few people will like the feeling of something foreign inside themselves. But, as they say, demand creates supply, and respected doctors have come up with a miraculous thing called lipofilling.

What it is?

Lipofilling is a plastic surgery, the focus of which is to correct defects and contours of the body with the help of one's own fat.

Plastic surgery for lipofilling has been practiced relatively recently. The principle of this procedure is tritely simple: excess adipose tissue is removed from the patient, for example, in the abdomen, riding breeches, and the necessary areas are filled with it (at the request of the client).

Reviews of lipofilling are mostly positive, and this is not surprising, because it can be used to remove areas that are difficult to correct through exercise and diet.

Lipofilling is used to correct age-related changes. With its help, the oval and size of the chest, shins, buttocks and much more are changed. Sagging skin and eyelids, too sharp chin, unaesthetic nasolabial folds - all this is very easily corrected during a lipofilling session.

Indications for surgery

When is lipofilling indicated? Among the most common are the following:

Unwanted deformation in the waist, buttocks, chin, hips;

Sunken cheeks, "blurred" face;

Pronounced riding breeches zone;

Crooked legs.

Changing the shape of the body with the help of lipofilling gives a 100% result, but this does not mean that the effect will last throughout life. Yes, it will really help to get the desired figure and facial contours very quickly, but all this must be maintained by adhering to a mobile lifestyle and following a proper diet. Now let's look at everything in a little more detail.

Correction of different parts of the body

Lower leg lipofilling will help to correct all existing shortcomings and give elegance to the legs.

No scars remain after the procedure, there will be only one inconspicuous scar on the popliteal cup. The operation may well be carried out both under local and general anesthesia - it all depends on the client's desire and medical indicators.

Lower leg lipofilling is an excellent alternative to implants, and it will not affect the aesthetic performance in any way, on the contrary, everything looks much more natural. True, after such a procedure, you will have to forget about heels for some time, which are strictly prohibited, at least at first. But special orthopedic golfs will need to be purchased. To obtain an ideal and stable result, the lipofilling procedure must be repeated several times.

Luxurious neckline and elastic breasts are a clear indicator of femininity. Breasts often do not suit a woman for various reasons. Firstly, you may not like its shape, size. Particular changes are caused by such a factor as childbirth. The breast does not transform in the best way after the lactation period, the girlish elasticity and shape are completely lost, which is why many women become depressed.

Few people dare to insert implants, but breast lipofilling is a very attractive option. In addition, it is not a secret for anyone that during pregnancy the body tends to store fatty tissue, so there will be no problems with the availability of material, and at the same time the figure can be corrected.

Lipofilling of the mammary glands has a restriction on a one-time transplantation of adipose tissue, so the maximum that is achieved in one procedure is an increase in volume by one size. If you don't like it, no problem. It is enough to repeat the procedure after some time.

Most experts, based on their own observations, warn that about seventy percent of the total volume transferred to the chest will take root. But you can increase this figure to 99%, for this, doctors use various additional techniques.

The lipofilling procedure itself takes place in several stages. With the help of a syringe, the fat layer is removed from the problem areas of the body, and by means of a point puncture, the material is evenly distributed over the chest area. Small scars will remain only in places where liposuction was performed, but there will be nothing on the chest. The effect of the procedure can be observed after only a couple of days, during which time the swelling will have time to subside, and finally everything will fall into place after the capillaries germinate and the excess fat is gone (this will happen in one to two months).

Another great option for redistributing excess own fat is lipofilling of the buttocks. Women who decide on such a procedure are simply delighted.

A round butt without implants is quite real after a procedure such as lipofilling. Before and after - the difference is amazing! The procedure is similar to the previous one. With the help of a syringe or a special device, fat is transplanted into several layers.

The operation is very painstaking, since the appearance of the buttocks depends on the course of the procedure, and any defect will be very noticeable, so before you start correcting the forms, very carefully select a qualified specialist.

After completion of the filling procedure, the patient must wear a special compression underwear (approximately for six weeks), as well as sleep only on the stomach for seven days. Another inconvenience that follows the operation is a five-day ban on sports and driving. But, probably, it's worth it, besides, the reviews about lipofilling of the buttocks are only inspiring!

Rejuvenation. Lipofilling of the face (photo)

Years go by, and no matter how hard a woman tries to look after her appearance, wrinkles meanly betray her age. And the older the lady becomes, the more noticeable the changes. Lipofilling of the face will help to mask all this very well, the skin will again become elastic and young.

The first sign of aging that many women suffer from is the appearance of nasolabial folds. They give the face a distressed and exhausted look, which does not paint in any way.

Lipofilling allows you to lift the skin with your own fat, thereby creating a completely natural smooth surface, wrinkles disappear. Due to the fact that the digestibility of fat by the body can be different, it is likely that there will be a need for repeated injections. The result is not as durable as we would like, it is three years at the most, but beauty requires sacrifice, and what prevents a similar procedure from being performed in the future?!

Many experts guarantee that lipofilling of the nasolabial folds gives a lifelong effect. The operation is performed under then the fat removed from the patient is injected into the required area. The procedure is carried out with pre-cleaned fatty material, and the thinnest needles are used for injections, which makes it possible to avoid visible marks on the face. In terms of time, the operation is relatively short, often it takes about sixty minutes, and after a few hours the woman can go home if there is no need for a hospital.

Another common procedure is eyelid lipofilling. The operation is also performed under local anesthesia. In order to give the eyelids a taut look, you need quite a bit of adipose tissue - about ten milliliters. By the way, of all types of lipofilling, it is on the eyelids that the best effect and durability are observed.

In the early stages after surgery, swelling and bruising may occur. To get rid of them as soon as possible, it is enough to make special compresses with the means that the doctor will recommend to you. It would not be superfluous to add that most women who have gone through this procedure have only positive reviews about eyelid lipofilling, of course, because the look from this becomes open and radiant.

Contraindications and possible complications

Like any other surgical procedure, lipofilling has its contraindications. They are mainly due to those diseases in which engraftment of adipose tissue becomes impossible, among them the following: diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis and other circulatory disorders, oncological diseases, anomalies in the development of internal organs, disorders in the cardiovascular system, infectious diseases. Also, lipofilling is not performed on persons under the age of eighteen.

As for complications, despite the fact that in practice they are quite rare, they still take place. Often this only applies to the aesthetic plan, since the procedure is mostly safe. The first most common place is the appearance of a possible asymmetry, which occurs due to the inexperience of the doctor, when the adipose tissue is unevenly distributed over the area (another reason is the violation of the digestibility of the newly introduced material by the body). There is nothing wrong with this, all defects of this nature are eliminated without any problems with the help of additional correction.

Also, sometimes there is a change in sensitivity (both increase and decrease in the area of ​​the procedure). Within a few days, the patient may experience a slight increase in body temperature, which is also quite normal. But if it is accompanied by severe pain, consult a doctor immediately.

And the last is the occurrence of seals at the puncture sites, scars. If an infection enters the wound, there is a risk of developing an abscess.

General rehabilitation after lipofilling

In order for the effect to last as long as possible, you need to pay due attention to the rehabilitation period. Depending on the procedure, the patient needs to spend some time in the clinic so that the doctor can make sure that there are no adverse reactions.

If the operation was performed using local anesthesia, the client leaves the medical facility on the day of the operation. It is necessary to strictly follow all the prescriptions of the doctor, even the most, at first glance, insignificant.

If the operation was performed on the eyelids, then compresses should be done to quickly relieve swelling, in the case of the buttocks and chest, special tightening underwear should be purchased. It is recommended to wear compression stockings on the corrected shins. For some time, you will have to postpone sports, etc. It will not take long to endure inconvenience, since often the period of full recovery is short, it varies from seven to thirty days, after which a person can return to a full life.

Pros and cons

The disadvantages of the lipofilling procedure are, perhaps, the appearance of possible complications, which are not so many.

But there are plenty of pluses. Firstly, due to the fact that only “personal” material is used to correct problem areas, there simply cannot be a probability of its rejection, and the average digestibility is about seventy percent. The risk of an allergic reaction is reduced to almost zero, since no foreign implants are used.

The effect obtained through lipofilling is quite long and persistent. The operation does not leave any horrific scars on the body, and you can enjoy the full result after one month. And no long stay in the hospital!

In addition to correcting existing shortcomings, a person acquires a beautiful silhouette, so several problems are solved at once. It cannot but involve a short procedure time - most operations do not take more than sixty minutes. The best way to rejuvenate is lipofilling. Photos serve as excellent confirmation of this.

How to choose a clinic?

This is an important question, because everyone who seeks help in correcting physical defects, especially on the face, wants to ultimately have an excellent aesthetic appearance. And for this, it is necessary to approach the choice of clinic with all care and criticality. No need to put yourself in the hands of the first "professionals" that come across.

Let's start with the fact that absolutely every medical institution must have a license to provide these services, be sure to make sure that it is available. While in the institution, pay attention to the behavior of the staff, in particular, the administrator. Excessive advertising information about the clinic from his lips should alert you. In his competence - only to convey to you information about the cost and availability of the services provided.

And, of course, study the reviews that can be read on the Internet. But do not believe too enthusiastic descriptions. Often they are made to order.

Prices for the operation

It is difficult to say unequivocally how much this or that procedure costs, since everything depends on the specifics of the operation being performed, on many subtleties and nuances. The average price for lipofilling varies from 30,000 to 300,000 rubles. But don't look for a cheaper option. Everything related to beauty and health should not be saved. Always remember that the miser pays twice, and retribution is not always measured in money.

Instead of a conclusion

Before you go for the correction of your own body, be sure to read the reviews about lipofilling in order to finally decide whether you really need it, so that later there will be no regrets and disappointments, because the result may not be as expected. With the help of an operation of this kind, one can only slightly correct existing shortcomings, but for some, lipofilling will undoubtedly become a real find.

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