We choose fish for the soup. From what parts of fish is it better to cook fish soup

Delicious fish soup can be cooked not only on a fire, but also at home on a regular stove. If you want to cook a classic fish soup, follow some important rules:

Firstly, fish soup is cooked from at least two types of fish. One fish is used for broth, the other as a fillet. If there are 4-5 types of fish in the ear, then the taste becomes more saturated.

Secondly, fish soup is boiled from those types of fish that give a clear broth. Pike perch, burbot, tench, ide, perch, ruff, whitefish, catfish - fish for "white fish soup". Asp, cheese, crucian carp, carp, chub, rudd - fish for "black fish soup". Salmon, sturgeon, beluga, stellate sturgeon, nelma - fish for "red fish soup". Not suitable for fish soup: roach, herring, mackerel, sabrefish, minnow, bleak, bream, roach, ram, gobies.

Thirdly, fish soup from small fish is boiled, after wrapping it in several layers of gauze and dipped in cold, not hot water.

Fourth if the fish is frozen, it is not thawed, but frozen in a pot of water. So the fish stays fresh longer, and the fish soup, as you know, is much tastier from the freshest fish (which is why the fish soup cooked right on the fishing trip is so tasty). And that is why the upper part is better suited for the fish soup, since the tail quickly deteriorates.

Fifth, an important rule for fish soup, both at home and in nature, is a minimum of vegetables. Potatoes, onions and carrots. By the way, only potatoes and onions are put in the ear of live fish.

Well, one more important rule for homemade fish soup, do not cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat.

We will cook prefabricated home ear, deviating from some of the rules of classic fish soup. Mix red sea fish and white: salmon and pangasius. Another retreat would be overcooking carrots with onions (our family members like it more).


For 2-3 liters of fish soup:

Salmon(head, abdomen, tail) - 500 grams

Pangasius or sole- 1000 grams

Potato- 3-4 pieces of medium size

Onion- 2 medium sized onions

Carrot- 1 piece of medium size

Greens: dill, parsley, green onion,

Spices: salt, black pepper, bay leaf, saffron (if the salmon broth is too fatty).

How to cook ear at home

1. Boil broth for fish soup from red fish. To do this, put the fish (if it is frozen, then do not defrost it) in cold water and put it on a slow fire. Add onion, peeled and cut in half. Salt, bay leaf. Cook after boiling water for another 15 minutes. We remove the dirty foam.

. Then the fish broth must be filtered. And again put on fire. If the broth is too thick, add a pinch of saffron. Now the ear can be peppered.

. Add peeled and chopped potatoes.

4 . When the ear starts to boil, cut into large pieces pangasius or sole. This fish is good because it is boneless and quite suitable for fish soup.

. Without waiting for the soup to boil, add the overcooked carrots and onions. Do not forget that the ear must be kept on low or medium heat all the time, without a lid. Pangasius is boiled in the ear for 10-12 minutes, otherwise it may boil.

6 . Take the bones from the salmon meat and send the red fish to the ear. The final readiness of the fish soup is determined by the readiness of the potatoes.

Important! Add greens to the ear when it is already poured into plates. After all, herbs very quickly lose their beneficial substances when heated.

Delicious fish soup at home is ready

Enjoy your meal!

Ear at home

Who loves hiking, campfire gatherings, and fishing, probably knows and tasted such a wonderful and light dish as fish soup. The smell of a fire and smoke, this aroma, from which a mouthful of saliva is recruited ... Eh, but we will talk about a little different, the highlight of our program today - ear at home. This is a clear broth, the history of which dates back a very long time, however, in the old days it was a rich soup made from poultry, mainly roosters. But history is changing, and ukha is now called soup made from freshly caught river fish, which is served exclusively with cool vodka and fragrant black bread. Hot, she tucks into both cheeks immediately from the fire, according to the principle of a cooled ear - not an ear.

The ear, as most fishermen say, is real, cooked only on a fire from just caught fish. And they will be right, but no less, you can also cook this fragrant wonderful broth at home. The only thing for the ear at home to be correct is to follow some rules.

What to remember. Ukha is exactly the broth, without cereals, as many are used to doing. The maximum that can be added is a little potato onion and carrots. With cereals, it’s no longer an ear at home, but a soup. We use only a standard set of products for making broth for fish soup. It:

  • Fresh fish, river. Here you need to be careful, choose only the fish that will help make the broth very rich, it must be strong. You can use several types of fish, but it is better not more than three. Of course, you can even put red, expensive, sea, but this is no longer a classic broth for fish soup. Choose your fish carefully, because you can use about ten types, but one will interrupt the taste of the other, this may not help in any way, but vice versa. We wrote about which fish is better to choose at the beginning of the article.
  • Salt and black pepper. Bay leaf to enhance the smell.
  • Greens - to improve the taste and pleasant aroma. Dill is the perfect choice.
  • Onion - to boil, and then whole and discard it.

So where do we start? The first thing you need is to gut the fish, get rid of the intestines, but you can leave the fins, just rinse it with water and throw it into boiling water. Small fish are not cleaned, but boiled in gauze folded in several layers. We start the bookmark with heads, tails and small fish - you don’t need to clean it, then just strain the broth, it will even be tastier, as experienced fishermen do at the stake. All this needs to be boiled well, add spices, and then, after about 40 minutes, pull out, strain the broth, and lower the carcasses, the fish in meaty. You need to cut into large pieces so that the fish meat does not boil and does not break apart too quickly, so that you can feel the taste of meat in the plate, and not just slurp the soup. We also remove all unnecessary details - fins, scales, entrails. Now our ear at home will be cooked for another 30 minutes over low heat. As for the cooking time, we can say that it is very individual, depending on the stove, dishes and fish. The main thing is to try, if the fish began to easily lag behind the bone, turn it off, it will reach itself in the pan. The overcooked ear will become a thick muddy soup, and the fish will break into small and not very pretty pieces.

Important! The ear must be on a small fire, let the fish cook longer, but the ear does not tolerate haste, in any case, do not let the broth boil too rapidly, otherwise it will: the first - it will become cloudy, the second - it will lose its aroma, the third - you will get an ordinary soup, but the ear will not even smell. Be sure to remove the foam that forms on the surface, it will also make the broth cloudy, not beautiful.

There is an opinion that it is necessary to salt the fish broth at the very end, otherwise the taste of the fish will not be felt. But, we will lay the second, and even the third time the fish, moreover, it is different, which gives the most flavor, so we will salt after the first laying. Moreover, the pieces of fish should boil in the broth, ready, and not in plain water, otherwise the fish soup at home will not be so ideal. At the very end, 5 minutes before readiness, chop the green onion and dill finely. And then pour homemade fish soup into a deep plate, sprinkle greens on top, you can serve our wonderful broth under fresh black bread with a thin layer of butter.

Any fish from the above species is suitable for home-style fish soup. River, according to all the rules of classic soup, or sea, which is easier to get in our time, frozen or fresh, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that you like the taste.

As for the additions of spices - individually. But a separate piece of advice: it’s better not to use special packaged seasonings, such as “for fish soup”, “for fish”. They will spoil the taste, enhance the aroma of seasonings and clog the characteristic fishy aftertaste. Our ear at home should turn out no worse than at the stake. Therefore, we choose sea salt, black peppercorns, well, or ground, if you like the taste more. We also need a bay leaf, but not much, and you can put parsley root. Greens are also to taste, but small dill and green onion feathers are ideal. Saffron, if the fish broth is too oily for you.

What else is added from additives? Each cook and hostess does it in his own way, we will not take it. But a few tips:

  • To make the broth more tender, when cooking, put a piece of butter, a small one, about half a tablespoon per 3 liters.
  • To make the ear transparent at home, some cooks pour half a shot of vodka, good and expensive. Also, vodka in the ear will help the fish bones become soft, completely boiled so that the fish does not have to be cleaned even from small bones.

As for dishes, you should choose a cauldron, it heats up longer and therefore will not allow the broth to boil too much. No need to cover with a lid, the broth should stand in the open fresh air, in our case in the kitchen.

So that the ear at home does not come out with the usual soup, we limit ourselves to only a few types of vegetables. These are potatoes and carrots. Potatoes can be put both young and old, according to the season, cut into small cubes, and carrots - into circles.

The most important thing is that the ear should be transparent. It is this broth that will be considered real. But there are recipes that turn out no worse than those that we are used to, where the ear is cooked in milk at home. This is an incredibly rich first course, the combination of which products helps to make a full-fledged soup without spending a lot of time, without inventing something new and super creative. The basic rule is that there should be as much water as milk. And a little advice about the milky-cream fish soup: if you have already decided to portray just such a stew for your loved ones, use sea fish, it will fit here better than river fish.

But, with whatever ingredients you cook your fish soup at home, it will be incredibly tasty if it is cooked with love.

Who hasn't tried the soup? I think that there are practically no such people in Siberia. Below I will give some classic fish soup recipes - from river and sea fish. Differences in their preparation are insignificant, but still there.

fish for soup

The classic Russian fish soup is boiled from those fish that give a transparent fat, are distinguished by stickiness, tenderness and "sweetness". These are pike perch, perch, ruff - it is from them that the best, so-called white ear, is obtained. Other fish can be added to them: burbot, pike, tench or ide. In second place in terms of taste is the ear of carp, crucian carp, carp. The ear of these fish is called black. Ear from red fish - sturgeon, sterlet, stellate sturgeon, nelma, salmon is called red ear, or amber, when it is especially oily. In addition to these types of fish soup, Russian cuisine knows many other recipes.

Fish soup is usually cooked not from one type of fish, but from at least two and from four maximum. An exception may be the ear from red fish, which is also boiled from one type of fish. In a special place are regional varieties of fish soup - fish soup from sterlet or taimen.

Roach, bream, minnow, bleak, as well as herring of all kinds and mackerel are not suitable for a good fish soup. There is an opinion that a good fish soup cannot be prepared from sea fish. This is not true. Many of the marine fish are well suited for cooking fish soup due to their qualities. These are cod, halibut, macrorus, sea bass.

Usually they try to cook fish soup from freshwater fish immediately after catching it. The fresher the fish, the tastier the ear. This fully applies to marine fish. Therefore, if it is frozen, then for better preservation of freshness it should not be thawed before laying in the ear. The combination of low-fat fish (cod, macrorus) with fatty fish (halibut, sea bass) is most successful for fish soup.

Vegetables in the ear

A minimum of vegetables is put in the ear - a small amount of potatoes (moreover, not crumbly, sweet varieties), carrots and, of course, onions.

Soup cooking

It is extremely important to observe the correct cooking mode to create a unique taste and aroma of fish soup. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a broth for the fish soup - a boiling salted vegetable broth, where the fish is lowered for a short time (from 10 to 20 minutes). Usually, small fish (folded in gauze), as well as heads and bones, are first completely boiled in the broth, which are then thrown away, and the broth is filtered and, if desired, clarified with egg white. Having thus prepared the first preliminary broth, then the “edible” pieces of larger fish are already boiled in it.

The duration of cooking fish depends entirely on the type of fish: freshwater fish is cooked for 15-20 minutes. (and the fish of the Siberian rivers "infected" with opisthorchiasis - 25-30 minutes), sea - 8-12 minutes. Digestion of marine fish worsens the quality of the broth and fish meat, making it tough. You should also pay attention to the fact that the ear will turn out much tastier if it is cooked without a lid, in an open container and over moderate or low heat. In nature, the lid is also usually not closed, small coals fall into the ear and neutralize toxic substances.

If you salted your ear - it does not matter! Dip a bag of rice or flour into your ear, and it will quickly absorb excess salt.

An indicator of fish soup readiness is a slight lag of fish meat from the bones, and an indicator of good quality is the transparency of the broth, its delicate aroma, and the bright whiteness of fish meat. They eat fish soup with black bread or with pies stuffed with screech, rice and eggs, onions or fish (pies).

Ear ordinary (from river fish)

Ingredients: 1.5-2 kg of fish, 2 liters of water, 2 onions, 0.5 kg of carrots (not large), 2-3 potatoes, one small bunch of parsley and dill, 2-3 bay leaves, 8 black peppercorns, 1 a spoonful of salt.

In salted boiling water, put potatoes, cut into quarters, fish heads and tails, finely chopped onions, carrots chopped into strips and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then remove the foam, if desired - strain, put bay leaf, pepper, boil for another 5 minutes, increase the heat and dip the cleaned and cut into large pieces (4-5 cm wide) fish into the finished broth, cook it over moderate heat for 15 minutes . without letting it boil too much. At the end, if necessary, add salt, sprinkle with parsley and dill, remove from heat, close the lid and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

Ear ordinary (from sea fish)

Ingredients: 1.5-2 kg of fish (option: 0.5 kg of cod, halibut, sea bass), 2 liters of water, 2 onions, 0.5 kg of carrots, 3 potatoes, 4 bay leaves, 10-12 black peppercorns, 1 onion, one bunch of parsley and dill, 4-5 stamens of saffron, 4 slices (circles) of lemon and 1 tablespoon of salt.

In salted boiling water, put diced potatoes, chopped carrots, finely chopped onions, boil for 10-15 minutes. over moderate heat until the potatoes are half cooked, then lay all the spices, except for the herbs, and after 3 minutes. - fish cut into large pieces and continue to cook for another 8 minutes. on moderate heat. Salt if necessary. A minute before readiness, add dill and parsley. Let it brew, put a lemon.

Ear double (triple)

The composition of the fish part of the fish soup includes river and red fish in a ratio of 1:2 or 1:3. The cooking procedure is the same as for ordinary fish soup. River fish, as a rule, is used only for making broth, after which red fish is added to the broth and it is cooked for only 5-10 minutes.

Ear crucian

Cook in the same way as fish soup from river fish (see above), but instead of potatoes, put 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of washed rice First, boil the heads of crucians separately, and then strain the broth and put the crucians themselves into it, moreover, without cutting them into pieces. This ear is not salted!

Ear formation

Cook in the same way as an ordinary fish soup, but from dried fish, spread along the ridge. Initially, such fish must be scalded with boiling water. After that, it can be put in the ear, but not 1.5-2 kg, as for ordinary fish soup, but only 1 kg. Dry or fresh mushrooms can be added to such an ear.

There is another variation of this fish soup - to cook dried fish not in water, but in milk. It also turns out very tasty.

Ear baked

The set of products is the same as for ordinary fish soup. Boil heads, tails, bones from butchered fish for 20-30 minutes. over moderate heat, strain the broth and boil in it for 5 minutes. large pieces of fish fillet. Then take out the fish, dip in an egg beaten with 1 teaspoon of flour, lightly fry (bake - hence “baked”) in a frying pan in butter and again dip in boiling fish broth for additional cooking for another 3-5 minutes.

Ear cancer

The meat part of this fish soup includes 2 parts of cancer meat and 1 part of river fish meat. From this mixture, make something like minced meat with the addition of onions, black pepper and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of wheat flour (per 1 kg of fish). Boil ear broth from small fresh river fish, which, after boiling, take out, then strain the broth and dip the cancer shells into it, previously filled with minced meat. The laying of vegetables and spices is the same as for an ordinary fish soup, with the exception of dill, which must be taken twice as much - dill really “respects” cancer. You can also add 1-2 slices of lemon.

Vasily Petrakov

Spices for fish soup

Ukha without seasonings is just fish soup. There are exceptions when fish soup is prepared from very tasty and fatty fish species of the salmon or sturgeon family, to which only salt can be added from spices. Used in the ear: parsley (root and greens), leek, green onion, dill, black pepper, bay leaf, tarragon. Usually the assortment of spices depends on the type of fish: the fatter the fish, the more spices and fewer vegetables are required for fish soup.

The name "ukha" was assigned to fish broth only from the end of the 17th - beginning of the 18th centuries. In the XI-XII centuries. "Ukha" was called broth from any meat: fish, game or poultry. Ushitsu was slurped, not eaten, and therefore the best fish soup is still considered to be the one that is not a soup, namely fish broth with the addition of a small amount of vegetables, herbs and spices.

Your choice of fish when cooking fish soup is practically unlimited. You can use both river fish (perch, crucian carp, ruff, carp, pike perch, carp, pike, rudd) and marine life (cod, salmon, salmon, halibut, sea bass, pink salmon, chum salmon). And yet there are types of fish, from which it is not recommended to cook fish soup - these are roach, roach, bream, minnow, ram, mackerel and herring. The fresher the fish you choose, the better your soup will taste. The most delicious fish soup comes from freshly caught fish.

It should be remembered that the central place in the ear is given to the fish, while vegetables, broth and spices should be kept to a minimum - they are designed only to emphasize and shade the taste of the fish. Although any avid fisherman will tell you that if you have live fish, you don’t even need this - fresh fish already has an unsurpassed taste. Fish soup is traditionally prepared from 2-4 types of fish. Usually this is done in two stages - first, a rich broth is prepared from small fish, which is then removed, and then pieces of large fish are placed in the ear. At the same time, small fish can not be cleaned or gutted, but only washed well, wrapped in gauze and tied - so it will be convenient for you to remove the fish after preparing the broth. Large fish should be cleaned, gutted and cut into pieces. Another variant of the two-stage preparation of fish soup - you can first cook the broth from fish offal, then remove them, strain the broth and add fish fillets to it. If there are a lot of bones in the fish, then it is advisable to strain the resulting broth. Do not remove the head and fins from the fish, as they allow you to make the broth very rich.

The constant companions of fish in the ear are onions, carrots and potatoes. They can be added to the broth both whole (except for potatoes) and coarsely chopped. The simplest spices and spices for the ear are suitable - bay leaf, black peppercorns, allspice and parsley root. Coriander, tarragon, saffron and ginger also perfectly emphasize the taste of fish. You should not add an abundance of various ingredients and spices to your ear - in this way you can “drown out” the fishy aroma. Cook the fish soup over low heat without a lid, avoiding intense boiling. The ear should slowly languish. Watch the time carefully so that the fish does not overcook - it is usually ready in 10-20 minutes. To get rid of the characteristic smell of mud in freshwater fish, you can add a little lemon juice or vodka to your ear a few minutes before cooking.

When cooking fish soup, not only its taste is important, but also the appearance of the dish, which plays an important role in shaping the impression of what was eaten, so it is very important that the broth is transparent. To do this, be sure to remove the foam from the broth after boiling. If the broth still becomes dark, whipped protein will help to correct the situation - stir it in the broth, bring to a boil, then strain the broth.
The ear is salted at the very end. When the fish ear is ready, you can put a piece of butter in it and let it brew under the lid for 10-15 minutes. After that, pour the fish soup on plates, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve to the delight of everyone gathered at the table or by the fire.

Let's start our selection of recipes with traditional river fish soup. The most delicious fish soup is obtained from predatory species of river inhabitants, so perch, pike and pike perch are perfect for it.

1.5 kg of river fish,
1 onion
1 carrot
4 potatoes
3-4 bay leaves,
10 black peppercorns,
1 parsley root
50 g butter,
50 ml vodka,
dill and parsley,
salt to taste.

Cut off the head and tail of the fish, removing the eyes and gills. Gut the fillet, removing the backbone and ribs. Place the head and tail in a saucepan and pour 3 liters of water. Add the onion cut in half, bring to a boil and cook for 10-15 minutes. Remove the fish parts and onion from the pan, add coarsely chopped potatoes and cook for 10 minutes. Add chopped carrots, parsley root, pieces of fish fillet and spices. Cook for about 10-15 minutes, then salt and pour in vodka to eliminate the smell of mud. Boil for about 2 more minutes and remove from the stove. Remove the bay leaf from the fish soup, add butter, sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve.

The presence of fish trifles is not at all a reason to be upset. This is a great opportunity to cook a delicious fish soup.

Small fish ear

1 kg small fish
1 onion
1 carrot
3 potatoes
100 g millet,
1 parsley or celery root
6-7 peas of allspice,
4 bay leaves,
green onion,
salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Gut and rinse small fish, then wrap in a piece of gauze. Pour 2.5 liters of water into the pan, place the gauze in the water, securing its end to the pan. Bring to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Remove the fish and add chopped potatoes, fried onions with carrots, roots and spices to the broth. Cook 10 minutes. Add the washed millet and cook for about 10 minutes more until the potatoes are soft. Remove roots, bay leaf and peppercorns from the fish soup. Separate the fish from the bones, put it in the broth and sprinkle the fish soup with chopped green onions.

500 g of red fish,
3-4 potatoes
1 onion
1-2 carrots
8 black peppercorns,
3 bay leaves,
dill or parsley,
ground coriander,

Put coarsely chopped vegetables in a saucepan and pour 2.5 liters of water. Cook after boiling for 15 minutes. Add fish, cut into portions, bay leaf and peppercorns. Cook for about 10 minutes over low heat, skimming off the foam. Salt the ear, add ground coriander, sprinkle with chopped herbs and boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove the spices, let the ear brew under the lid for 10 minutes and serve.

Some fishermen believe that the most delicious and rich fish soup is obtained only when the broth for it is made from fish heads. We suggest you use our next recipe and see for yourself.

Fish head ear

3 large fish heads
200 g fish fillet,
3-4 potatoes
1 onion
1 carrot
100 g millet,
4 bay leaves,
5 peas of allspice,
salt and ground black pepper,

Clean the heads from the insides and gills, then rinse well and put in a saucepan, pouring 2 liters of water. Bring to a boil, remove foam, reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Remove the heads from the broth and set aside. Strain the broth. When the heads have cooled, take them apart and put the meat in the broth along with the fish fillet cut into pieces. Add diced potatoes, chopped onions and carrots (if desired, they can be lightly fried in oil beforehand), washed millet, bay leaf and allspice. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 15 minutes until the potatoes and cereals are ready. Salt the finished ear, sprinkle with black pepper and chopped herbs.

Even when cooking fish soup, a multicooker can come to the aid of housewives. Take advantage of this miracle of technology and see how excellent the final result can be.

500 g fish
1 onion
1 carrot
5 potatoes
6 peas of allspice,
3 bay leaves,

Clean the fish from scales, gut and remove the gills. Rinse well and put in a multicooker bowl along with coarsely chopped vegetables and spices. Fill with water up to the “Maximum” mark and set the “Extinguishing” mode. In about an hour and a half, the ear will be ready. Salt the ear to taste and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

And in conclusion, we suggest you prepare an unusual alternative to the classic fish soup - the so-called milk fish soup, popular in Finland and Karelia. In these countries, this dish is called "calaqueitto" and can also be prepared from white fish - the main thing is that it has fewer bones. Despite its simplicity, milk ear is considered a festive dish in Finland. It is advisable to let the soup brew for a day.

500 g of red fish (salmon, salmon or pink salmon),
1 large onion
2 potatoes
1 liter of water
500 ml milk or low fat cream
40 g butter,
1 tablespoon flour
5 black peppercorns,
2 bay leaves,
salt and ground black pepper,
dill greens.

Cut the fish into pieces, add water, add half the peeled onion, black peppercorns and bay leaf. Prepare the fish broth by boiling the fish for 10 minutes. Salt the finished broth, remove the onion and bay leaf. Take out the fish and set aside. Cool and cut into pieces, separating from the bones.
Add the diced potatoes to the broth and cook for about 15 minutes. Fry the remaining half of the onion in butter (20 g) and add to the soup. Stir milk or cream with flour and gradually pour into the soup, mixing thoroughly. Add fish pieces and cook for another 8-10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished soup with chopped dill and serve hot.

As you can see, fish soup can be so different, but at the same time always tasty and deliciously fragrant. Use our tips and recipes, and your ear will certainly delight everyone who tries it. Enjoy your meal!

Ukha can be safely called a cult Slavic dish. This food is so ancient that its very name goes far back to Sanskrit, the ancient proto-language of many modern languages.

The classic fish soup is always a combination, as it is made from several types of fish.

To the question of what kind of fish will make the most delicious fish soup, any chef will answer you - from the freshest, live. Tasteless fish, just off the hook, does not happen. And yet, even here there are nuances.

The subtleties of choosing fish for fish soup

Famous Russian culinary specialists claim that a decoction of inanimate or already lying in the refrigerator fish loses the status of fish soup, and they call it fish broth or soup.

  • It is best to use large fish for fish soup. But from the small fish, too, should not be abandoned. She is not cleaned of scales, but dipped into a decoction in a linen bag. This gives the dish the necessary stickiness and concentration. Ruffs and minnows are especially good for this purpose.
  • Instead of spices, it is enough to put only an onion into a real fish soup made from freshly caught fish.

There are several types of fish from which it is not customary to cook fish soup. This is a bream, roach, ram. From sea fish, mackerel, herring, gobies are not put in the ear. An excellent ear is obtained from trout and all types of red fish, halibut, notothenia, cod, mullet.

What can we say about frozen fish soup - gourmets consider this option culinary blasphemy.

Subtleties of cooking soup

  1. Everything is important in the preparation of fish soup, including dishes. The pot or saucepan must not oxidize. An aluminum or brass container will not work for its preparation. Ideally, you need a cast iron.
  2. Stir the fish soup with a wooden spoon.
  3. The ear is cooked in an open dish, over a moderate fire. Rapid boiling of the broth should not be allowed.
  4. First, salted vegetable broth is prepared from potatoes, carrots, onions with fish “little things” in a bag. Large pieces of fish are laid already in a slightly boiling broth, and not in cold water. The duration of the final cooking of fish should not exceed a quarter of an hour.

Spices for fish soup

  • Traditional spices for fish soup: black and allspice peas, bay leaf, parsley, dill, onions and green onions.
  • In modern recipes, experienced chefs recommend using other spices that emphasize the taste of fish - ginger, tarragon, saffron.
  • Spices should be used carefully, put them in moderation so as not to drown out the aroma of fish broth.
  • The dish is seasoned with pepper and other spices at the end of cooking.


A lot of ritual actions are connected with the ear, aimed at giving it a special taste.

Before eating, the ear removed from the fire should stand for a while. After 10-15 minutes, cover it with a lid for five minutes.

If the fish did not boil, but retained a dense, elastic structure, then your ear was a success.

For many fishermen, the question of how to cook a real ear is not worth it. Even with their eyes closed, they can prepare this miraculous fish decoction. They can add tomatoes and potatoes to it, and it will still be divine. But these people do not ask the question of how to cook a real fish soup, but there are those who ask it. This article will help primarily those who are preparing this fishing dish for the first time.

What is a real ear?

There is an opinion that in traditional Ukrainian cuisine, ukha (ribna yushka) gained its popularity thanks to the Cossacks. The bases (sich) were located on the Dnieper, on Konka. Fish was found everywhere, and in huge quantities, and the Cossacks had no problems with vegetables either. So our ancestors honed their culinary skills on the ear. Yushka is nutritious, useful, besides, she treated everything. Remember the movie about the dying brother Mitka, who asks for soup ... So do not be lazy and try to cook the soup.

But still, how does a real ear differ from a fake one - by a company. Usually its preparation is a touching ceremony in which several people participate. Cook, stoker and fisherman. You can cook the ear alone, but it is not necessary. A real ear is made only on a fire, only in nature and only in a good mood. Yes, and do not forget to choose the right place, without krovosis.

What do you need to cook soup?

Below I will consider a lot of useful little things and help you collect everything you need. This is very important, because there are certain products without which the ear will not work. And forgetting them, you risk spoiling the right mood. Can be used as a useful list. So, what do you need to take with you to cook the soup?

Crockery and accessories:

  • plates
  • ladle
  • spoons
  • tripod
  • bowler hat
  • firewood
  • birch firebrand
  • matches
  • water (based on 2 kg of fish - 3 liters of water)

In addition, to prepare the dish, the cook will need the following ingredients:

  • fish (minimum 2 kg)
  • salt (to taste)
  • black peppercorns (10 pcs.)
  • bay leaf (3 pcs.)
  • carrots (3 -4 pcs.)
  • bow (1 pc.)
  • greens

These items are mandatory, you can add potatoes (3-4 pcs.), Cherry tomatoes and 100 grams of vodka to them. In capable hands, they will not interfere. And so that they become skillful with you, I will describe the process in more detail and finally answer the question of how to cook a real fish soup? But first you need to choose a fish.

What fish is best for fish soup?

The freshest!!! The right fish needs the right fish. Ruff, perch, pike perch, pike, carp, crucian carp, roach. Probably in that order. Other types of freshwater fish are not recommended. Ukha is a dish where the whole fish is used. . The more types of fish involved in the preparation of fish soup, the better. Large fish (over 1 kilogram) significantly improves the quality of fish soup. The gills of the fish used for preparing fish soup must be removed, the fish is also gutted, washed well, and divided into two piles. At the same time, the carcasses must be separated from the heads and fins, their own process is dedicated to them. Carcasses, if necessary, can be cut into pieces, salt a little. There is a rule that in the right ear there should be as much fish as water! This is what you should at least strive for.

How to make fish broth?

In this question, I will consider the beginning of the PROCESS! And you will act as a chef. So, your stoker has already kindled a fire, set up a tripod, poured spring water into the pot. All. You can start. Add the cleaned and washed fish heads and fins to the pot. The onion can be well washed and unpeeled, this will give the yushka a beautiful color. Or, peeled and cut in half, and this will give a rich onion flavor. Next add 10 pcs. pepper, yell at the stoker's mountain and show how to make a fire. Then we put the pot on the fire. We wait for the water to boil, and throw a pinch of salt into the soup, the broth usually cooks for no more than 15 minutes. An indicator of readiness is the whitened eyes of the fish. We take it off the fire. Our so-called broth is ready. The last one remains. We remove the bow, heads and fins from the yushka. We put the pot on the fire again, bring it to a boil and load potatoes, carrots and bay leaves into it. DO NOT believe anyone that the potato spoils the ear is just a stereotype.

How does an ear become real?

Next comes the important part of the process. We put a stocked and washed stick into the fire, preferably from a birch or fruit tree. Put it so that you can take the resulting flaming firebrand out of the fire. Ukha does not like desperate boiling, you should cook it over low heat. After the potatoes and carrots are cooked, it is necessary to remove the scale, this ear will be lighter. If necessary, add clean spring water, and let the ear boil. After we place our salted fish. Salt, if necessary. The fish is cooked according to the formula, after the moment of boiling, for 30 seconds, for each centimeter of fish thickness + 1 minute to be sure :). In no case do we interfere with the ear. The fish is cooked for no more than 10 minutes. Next, lavrushka and scum are removed from the dish. After that, 100 grams of vodka, our prepared firebrand, and finely chopped greens are placed in the ear. Then remove from heat and cover with a lid. The most important moment. The ear needs to be infused for 30 minutes. During this time, you can just take an aperitif.

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