Religion Orthodoxy or Christianity. Orthodoxy and Christianity are completely different models of worldview.

After the feast of the Assurance of Thomas, where we saw the closest disciples of Christ gathered together and - after the new appearance of the Teacher - united by faith in His resurrection from the dead, the Church pays tribute to those who were much less noticeable. These are the secret followers of Jesus Joseph and Nicodemus, as well as the women now known to us under the name of myrrh-bearing women.

Let us return to the events of the Passion of the Lord. On that day, only one of the Twelve stood at the cross of his Master; the other, on the contrary, denied Him, the third - and completely became a traitor. The rest fled. But not so did the myrrh-bearing women and Joseph and Nicodemus.

Were they afraid? Men, no doubt. But Joseph overcomes his fear, goes to Pilate, asks for the body of the executed criminal. Nicodemus joins him and they remove the Master's body from the cross.

Were the myrrh-bearers afraid? We do not know this for sure, but I think - no, we were not afraid. The worst thing in their lives had already happened - and it didn't matter what happened next. "More" in those days is a meaningless word. The sun has set and darkness has fallen.

But the disciples of Christ, contrary to what would seem to be common sense, strive to properly prepare the One whom they loved for the last journey. All these incense will not help the dead - but they do not reason, but follow the dictates of the heart.

On that day, they did not have time to do everything that was supposed to be done according to the custom of the Jews - and now, as soon as the Sabbath day ends, they again hasten to the tomb. And they receive a reward: they are the risen Christ.

It is difficult for us to imagine their joy and exultation - for this we need to experience what they experienced. However, it is worth at least realizing with the mind: their feat (which they themselves would never have called by such a word) and the award received for it (which none of them considered themselves worthy) - all this would be impossible and unnecessary, if not for one thing: their love for Christ.

It would seem that all this is obvious and there is no need to talk about the same thing for the hundred and first time. But the Gospel is a book for all time, and it is given to us not only so that we learn historical facts, but also so that we can try on what we read about.

What are we, believers and church people? Yes, everything seems to be fine with us. We go to church, pray, fast, confess, take communion, take our children to Sunday school, sometimes even read the Gospel - all is well. We try to convert unbelieving relatives—and sometimes succeed. We go on pilgrimages to holy places, and in a terrible hour we are ready to defend our shrines. We know that without God it is not up to the threshold, and therefore we strive to sanctify our whole life, we do not miss the opportunity to fall to the source of grace.

So, everything is fine with us: we go to the temple and pray to God. But wait. After all, it was so ten, and twenty, and twenty-five centuries ago. Pious Jews also went to the temple and prayed to God. They also read the Scriptures

they also made pilgrimages.

Moreover, after all, today's Jews, Muslims, and pagans also pray - and, perhaps, according to their faith, they receive what they ask for.

How are we different from them? Because we are Orthodox? The fact that “we rightly glorify God” - and therefore we have hope for salvation, and all the rest will burn in hell? If so, then, according to the words of the apostle Paul, we are the most miserable people on earth.

For in vain did Christ come, die, and rise again: nothing has changed in our lives. As before, we love those who love us, as before, we pray to “our” God, as before, we are confident in the God-chosenness of our people.

Are we Orthodox? Good! We will continue to satisfy our religious needs, we will fall with righteous anger at those who question this right of ours. Let us dream of Holy Russia, which in itself, thanks to mysterious genetic processes, guarantees us our Orthodoxy and rootedness in tradition. Good luck.

But something doesn't add up here. And the point is not even in theology, but in simple school grammar. If “Orthodox” is an adjective, where is the noun? Bakery - shop, vegetable - shop, the second - a dish. And the Orthodox?

Yes, there is such a word: Christian. For some of us, this word is almost a curse: we are Orthodox, and Christians are heretics: Catholics and Protestants.

But there is no escape: if you are Orthodox, then you are a Christian. And this word, which we do not like so much, is formed from another word, which we easily mutter during prayer - but it should be more precious to us than all others. – Christ!

Yes, it is Christ, God made man. It was He who cruelly denounced the Pharisees - zealots of traditions, keepers of the traditions of the elders, "nationalists in the good sense of the word." It was He who proclaimed the principle: the Sabbath is for man, and not man for the Sabbath. It was He who did not favor those who build tombs for the prophets. It was He who commanded His disciples to love their enemies. It was He, crucified on the cross, beaten and bloody, showered with ridicule and mockery, praying for His executioners and judges to the Father: “Forgive them, Father, for they do not know what they are doing!”

And we are very uncomfortable with all this. Simply put, it's uncomfortable. This Man breaks our whole life - so comfortable, so well-established, so magnificent. Why did he come? Why all this suffering? Why such outrageous obedience? Why all this fatness? After all, he himself said: My Father can provide Me even now with more than twelve legions of angels! And he didn't use it! And - unreasonable, irresponsible, unpedagogical! - allowed to be committed a terrible sin and blasphemy, which did not exist and, fortunately, will not happen again in world history: deicide!

(However, Dostoevsky is absolutely right: at any moment of human history, Christ is doomed to die. And if He came in our time, He would be crucified with the same inevitability as two thousand years ago. Because, as the then high priest rightly noted, “ It is better for one man to die than for the whole nation to perish.

So this Man - that was His decision - died. However, when He died, He was resurrected. And having risen, He completely politically incorrectly stepped foot on death, cast down the devil, devastated hell - in short, deprived all our enemies of power. There are no more barriers between man and God - except for our own passions and sins, and even those Christ nailed to the Cross. And we are called to respond to the sacrificial love of Christ - to respond with love for Him and, no less important, with love for those others - friends and enemies, believers and unbelievers - for whom He also died.

All this (at least in theory) we know. And those who stood at the Cross, sympathizing with the suffering Teacher, those who removed His body from the Cross, those who buried Him, knew nothing of this (and if they knew, they could not contain it). But they did not need to know anything: knowledge was replaced by love. And it was love not for tradition, not for religion, not for national shrines, not for an abstract almighty God - they loved the desecrated and murdered Jesus of Nazareth, in whom they saw the Son of God.

And to their love, to their fidelity, they received an answer that surpassed all understanding:


The question of how Christians differ from Orthodox is not in front of people who understand the history of religion or just general history. After all, it already contains the initially incorrect assertion that the Orthodox are not Christians. Where did this problem statement come from? Let's take a closer look.

A brief excursion into history

Christianity during the Edict of Milan of the Roman Emperor Constantine on religious tolerance (313) was relatively unified. No, of course, heresiarch truth-seekers have always existed, but at that time the number of their followers was insignificant. The first schism occurred at the third Ecumenical Council, held in the city of Ephesus in 431. Then part of the Christians did not accept the dogmas established at the council and decided to "go the other way." This is how the Assyrian Church appeared, and 20 years later, at the Council of Chalcedon, there was a division again: those who disagreed later received the name “Ancient Eastern Churches”.

And, finally, after another 700 years - the Great Schism, which took place in 1054. The Pope of Rome and the Patriarch of Constantinople anathematize each other, and this date is considered the point of separation between Eastern and Western Christianity. The Western was called Catholicism, the Eastern - Orthodoxy. The reasons for the Great Schism were more political than religious: the Byzantine Empire considered itself the heir of Rome and claimed to be the unifier of all Christian lands, but Rome did not agree with this. Political disagreements gradually, from the time of the division of the united Roman Empire into Western and Eastern (395), accumulated, transforming into religious and dogmatic disagreements, until an official break occurred.

Later, the Catholic Church experienced the Reformation, which gave rise to a new direction in Christianity - Protestantism. The Orthodox Church, however, has maintained relative unity. Today, there is the following provision: the Roman Catholic Church is a single organism, governed from a common center - the Vatican. There are several Orthodox churches, the largest of which is the Russian one, and among most of them there is Eucharistic communion - mutual recognition and the possibility of performing joint liturgies. As for the Protestants, this is the most motley branch of Christianity, consisting of a large number of independent denominations of varying numbers and varying degrees of recognition by other Christian denominations and each other.

The difference between Orthodoxy and other areas of Christianity

The question - what is the difference between Orthodox and Christians - is initially incorrect, since Orthodoxy is one of the main branches of the common Christian tree. How do Orthodox Christians differ from Christians of other denominations? It seems that many will agree that the laity (that is, those who do not have a church education and dignity) are unlikely to be able to clearly explain what the essence of the differences is. Religion in everyday life plays rather the role of a marker that allows you to separate "us" from "strangers".

As for the theological differences, they will not tell an inexperienced person about anything. For example, according to Catholic doctrine, the Holy Spirit is love between God the Father and God the Son, and in Orthodoxy the Holy Spirit is interpreted as the common energy of the Holy Trinity. Agree, such nuances are few people understand and interesting. Much more important are political differences, such as the dogma of the infallibility of the Pope in matters of faith. Naturally, the acceptance of this dogma automatically subordinates to the Pope all those who have accepted it.

Protestantism, which appeared and gained strength in the 16th century, denies many postulates of the Catholic Church. And although theologically, Catholics have more in common with the Orthodox, mentally they are closer to Protestants, since both of these religions often exist among the same people. There are Catholic Germans and Protestant Germans (of various denominations), Catholic French and Protestant French (Huguenots). Yes, and in the historical fate of the Christian European peoples, regardless of religion, there is much in common, which over time smoothed out confessional conflicts. Although during the height of passions, the Protestants declared: “Better a turban than a tiara”, thus recognizing that they are more tolerant of Muslims than Catholics, and the famous St. Bartholomew's Night became the apogee of the confrontation.

Protestantism has lost its protest meaning over time. The notorious Protestant "business ethic" is perceived by many not as a religious ideology, but as a manual for doing business. Therefore, Orthodoxy seems to most representatives of this religion to be something wild: of course, because there is no practical benefit from it! Modern Protestants seem to be unaware of the sacred meaning of religion.

Pseudo-Christian teachings

Starting from the 16th century, a large number of diverse sects have been formed among Protestants, which, of course, call themselves not sects, but Churches. Gradually, some of them depart from traditional Christianity very far, considering, however, only themselves as bearers of divine truth. Interestingly, in Catholicism and Orthodoxy there are very few such sects in comparison with Protestantism. Some of the pseudo-Christian teachings have a fairly large number of adherents, such as the Mormons - about 15 million people.

The largest and most famous pseudo-Christian religious organizations are:

  • Mormons (15 million);
  • Jehovah's Witnesses (8 million);
  • Moon Unification Church (7 million).

The remaining pseudo-Christian cults are much smaller in number and their distribution is either highly localized or limited to certain social groups. An example of the first is some local Protestant or Orthodox Old Believer sects, while a classic example of the second case is the groups of followers of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (theosophists), consisting mainly of representatives of the intelligentsia. Of course, all of them consider only themselves true Christians, denying this right to others, including the Orthodox.

Summing up, we can say that the difference between Orthodox and Christians is a phenomenon of approximately the same order as the difference between trees and plants, cows from herbivores, or the Volga region from Russia. Orthodoxy is part of modern Christianity. It lives, develops and thrives. And, in general, it has always been the spiritual core that saved our country in the most difficult years. And you can't forget about it.

"Choosing Gods - we choose fate"
(ancient Roman poet)

All over the world the Russian Christian Church is called the Orthodox Church. And, what is most interesting, no one objects to this, and even the “holy” fathers themselves, in conversations in other languages, translate the name of the Russian Christian Church in exactly this way.
Firstly, concept "Orthodoxy" has nothing to do with the Christian Church.
Secondly, neither in the Old Testament nor in the New Testament there are concepts "Orthodoxy". And there is this concept only in Slavic.
Complete understanding of the concept "Orthodoxy" given in:

“We are Orthodox, for we glorify Rule and Glory. We truly know that Rule is the World of our Light Gods, and Glory is the Light World, where our Great and Wise Ancestors live.
We are Slavs, for we glorify from our pure heart all the Light ancient Gods and our Light-wise Ancestors ... "

So the concept "Orthodoxy" existed and exists only in the Slavic Vedic Tradition and has nothing to do with Christianity. And this Vedic Tradition arose many thousands of years before the advent of Christianity.
The previously united Christian Church split into Western and Eastern churches. The Western Christian Church, centered in Rome, became known as "Catholic", or "Universal"(?!), and the eastern Greek-Byzantine church with its center in Constantinople (Constantinople) - "Orthodox", or "Faithful". And in Russia, the Orthodox have appropriated the name "Orthodox".
Slavic peoples adhered only to the Slavic Vedic Tradition, therefore Christianity is among them.
(aka Vladimir - “bloody”) abandoned the Vedic Faith, single-handedly decided which religion should be practiced by all Slavs, and in 988 AD. with an army he baptized Russia "with a sword and fire." At that time, the Eastern Greek religion (the cult of Dionysius) was imposed on the Slavic people. Before the birth of Jesus Christ, the cult of Dionysius (Greek religion) completely discredited itself! The fathers of the Greek religion and those behind them fussed and at the beginning of the twelfth century A.D. the Greek religion turned into Christianity - without changing the essence of the cult of Dionysius, they used the bright name of Jesus Christ, grossly distorted and proclaimed Christianity (supposedly a new cult, only the name of Dionysius was changed to the name of Christ). The most successful version of the cult of Osiris was created - the cult of Christ (Christianity). Modern scholars, historians and theologians argue that Russia "became Orthodox only thanks to the baptism of Russia and the spread of Byzantine Christianity among the dark, wild Slavs, mired in paganism." This formulation is very convenient for distorting history and belittling the importance of the ancient culture of all Slavic peoples.
In the modern sense, the "scientific intelligentsia" identifies Orthodoxy with Christianity and the ROC (Russian Orthodox Christian Church). During the forced baptism of the Slavic peoples of Russia, Prince Vladimir and his army slaughtered the recalcitrant 9 million people from the total (12 million) population of Kievan Rus alone!
Before the religious reform (1653-1656 AD) carried out by Patriarch Nikon, Christianity was Orthodox, but the Slavs continued to live according to the norms of Orthodoxy, the norms of Slavic Vedism, celebrated Vedic Holidays, which did not fit into the dogmas of Christianity. Therefore, Christianity began to be called Orthodox in order to “appease” the ears of the Slavs, introducing a number of ancient Orthodox rites into Christianity, while maintaining slavish essence Christianity itself. Christianity was invented to justify slavery.
The modern Christian Church has no reason to be called Orthodox-Christian (it must be something to think of just to confuse people!).
Its correct name is the Christian Orthodox (Orthodox) Church or the Russian (Ukrainian) Christian Orthodox Church.
And yet, it is wrong to call Christian fanatics “believers”, since the word Faith has nothing to do with religion. Word Faith means a person's achievement of Enlightenment by Knowledge, and there are no and cannot be any in the Old Testament.
The Old Testament is the Talmud adapted for non-Jews, which in turn is the history of the Jewish people, which it directly says! The events described in these books have nothing to do with the past of other peoples, with the exception of those events that were “borrowed” from other peoples for writing these books.
If we consider it differently, then it turns out that all people living on Earth are Jews, because they are Jews. Adam and Eve were Jews.
Thus, the defenders of the biblical version of the origin of man will not succeed either - they simply have nothing to object to.
Why in no case should the Vedic Tradition of the Slavic peoples and the Christian Orthodox religion be confused, what are their main differences.

Russian Vedic Tradition

1. Our Ancestors never had a religion, they had a worldview, they had their own ideas and a system of Knowledge. We do not need to restore the Spiritual connection between people and the Gods, since this connection has not been interrupted for us, because "Our gods are our fathers, and we are their children" . (Slavic-Aryan Vedas).
2. Gives a complete picture of the concept of "Orthodoxy".
3. Source
Slavic-Aryan Vedas. They describe the events of 600 thousand years of the past, sent to us by our Ancestors.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas describe the events of 600 thousand years of the past. Many Orthodox Traditions are hundreds of thousands of years old.
5. Freedom of choice
The Slavs respected the faiths of other peoples, for they observed the Commandment: “Do not force the Holy Faith on people and remember that the choice of Faith is a personal matter for every free person” .
6. Idea of ​​God
Our Ancestors always said: "We are children and grandchildren" .
Not slaves, a children and grandchildren. our Ancestors considered people who reached the level of the Creator in their development, who could influence space and matter.
7. Spirituality
There has never been slavery in the Slavic expanses, neither spiritual nor physical.
8. Attitude towards Judaism
Slavic Vedic Tradition has nothing to do with Judaism.
Our Ancestors believed that the choice of Faith is a personal matter of every free person.
9. Attitude towards Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ with his mission to "... the sheep of Israel" was sent by our Slavic Gods. It is worth remembering only who first came to greet him with gifts - the Magi. The concept exists only in the Slavic Vedic Culture. Church clergy know this and hide it from the people, for many reasons.
He (Jesus Christ) was the "bearer" of the Vedic Traditions.
The real teaching of Christ after his death existed in the south of France. The 176th Pope Innocent III sent an army on a crusade against the true teachings of Jesus Christ - for 20 years, the crusaders (they were called the "devil's army") killed 1 million people.
10. Essence of Paradise
As such, there is no such thing as paradise. A person must improve himself, strive to reach the highest level of evolutionary development, and then his soul (the true "I" - Zhivatma) will go to the highest planetary levels.
11. Attitude towards sins
You can only forgive what is truly worthy of forgiveness. A person must understand that he will have to answer for any evil committed, and not before some mysterious God, but before himself, forcing himself to suffer cruelly.
Therefore, we must learn from our mistakes, draw the right conclusions and not make mistakes in the future.
12. What cult is it based on
On the cult of the Sun - the cult of Life! All calculations are made according to the phases of the Yarila-Sun.
13. Holidays
Before the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, there were truly Orthodox Vedic holidays - the holidays of the cult of the Sun, during which the Slavic Gods were glorified! (holiday, etc.).
14. Attitude towards death
Our Ancestors were calm about, they knew about the reincarnation of souls (reincarnation), that life does not stop, that the soul will incarnate in a new body after some time and will live a new life. It doesn't matter where exactly - on Midgard-Earth again or at higher planetary levels.
15. What gives a person
Meaning of life. A person must self-actualize. Life is not given in vain, you have to fight for the beautiful. The earth will not become better for a person until a person “merges” with it together, until he fills it with his goodness and decorates it with his work: “Holy honor your Gods and Ancestors. Live according to Conscience and in harmony with nature. Every life, no matter how insignificant it may seem, comes to Earth with a specific purpose.

"Orthodox" - Christian Church

1. This is religion. The word "religion" means - the artificial restoration of the Spiritual connection between people and Gods on the basis of any Teaching (Slavic-Aryan Vedas).
2. In general, there is no concept of "Orthodoxy", and indeed it cannot be, if we proceed from the essence of Christianity.
3. Source
80% of the Bible is the Old Testament (completely consists of fragments of modern Jewish texts, the so-called Masoretic Bible). "Orthodox" Christianity is based on the same gospels as the Catholic Church and its numerous sects.
4. Antique ("age") of the source
The books of the Old Testament were written for more than a thousand years before the birth of Christ (R.H.) in ancient Hebrew, the books of the New Testament were written in Greek in the 1st century. according to R.H. The Bible was translated into Russian in the middle of the 19th century, the "Old Testament" (80% of the Bible) was written before the birth of Jesus Christ.
5. Freedom of choice
Christianity was imposed on the Slavic people, as they say, "by sword and fire." Prince Vladimir since 988 A.D. 2/3 of the population of Kievan Rus were destroyed - those who did not abandon the Vedic Faith of the Ancestors. Only the elders (who soon died themselves) and babies were left alive, who, after the death (murder) of their parents, were given to be raised in Christian monasteries.
6. Idea of ​​God
Christianity is a variation of Judaism! Both Jews and Christians have the same God - Jehovah (Yahweh). The basis of these two religions is the same "holy" book of the Torah only for Christians, it is reduced (removed frank texts showing the real essence of the religion of the Jews) and is called the "Old Testament". And the God of these religions is the same - "Devil" as Jesus Christ himself spoke of it!
("New Testament", "Gospel of John", chapter 8, verses 43-44.)
The fundamental difference between these religions is only one thing - the recognition or non-recognition of Jesus Christ as the Messiah God Yahweh (Jehovah). Notice God Yahweh (Jehovah) and not some other god.
7. Spirituality
Christianity justifies slavery and justifies it! From birth, a Christian is driven into the head with the idea that he is a slave, "servant of God", a slave of his master, that a person should humbly accept all the hardships of his life, humbly watch how he is robbed, raped and killed by his daughters, his wife - "…all the will of God!.." The Greek religion brought the spiritual and physical enslavement of the Slavic peoples. Man senselessly lives his life, killing a man in himself, he spends his life in prayers! (from the word "beg").
8. Attitude towards Judaism
Christianity is a variant of Judaism: the common God Jehovah (Yahweh), the common “holy” book is the Old Testament. But since If Christians use a version of the Old Testament specially “worked out” for them, then the double standard laid down in it is hidden from them: God Yahweh (Jehovah) promises to the Jews (the “chosen” people) heaven on earth and all nations as slaves, and the wealth of these peoples as a reward for faithful service. To the peoples whom he promises to the Jews as slaves, he promises eternal heavenly life after death, if they humbly accept the slave share prepared for them!
Well, who does not like this share - promises total annihilation.
9. Attitude towards Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, by decision of the court of the Jewish high priests, was crucified, they sacrificed him to their common God with Christians (today) Yahweh (Jehovah), as a "false prophet", during the Jewish holiday of Pesach. Christianity today, being a variant of Judaism, celebrates his resurrection during the Easter holiday, "not noticing" that he was sacrificed to their common God with the Jews Yahweh (Jehovah)! And at the same time, on the breast crosses they remind of this in the image of the crucified Christ. But Jesus Christ called God Yahweh (Jehovah) "the devil"! ("New Testament", "The Gospel of John." Chapter 8 verses 43-44).
10. Essence of Paradise
From the analysis of the Old Testament, it clearly follows that Paradise is located on Eden. The earth of Eden, and not on any other level where the righteous will go after the Day of Judgment. Eden-Earth (like the Land of Nod) is located in the galactic east of Midgard-Earth.
So there are no saints and righteous people in Christian Eden, at least not in the one mentioned in the Old Testament!
11. Attitude towards sins
For naive believers, the false idea of ​​"forgiveness" is invented to allow them to do any evil, knowing that no matter what they do, they will eventually be forgiven. The main thing is not whether you commit a sin or not, but to repent of your sin! In the Christian understanding, a person is already born (!!!) sinful (the so-called "original sin"), and in general - the main thing for a believer is to repent, even if a person has not done anything - he is already a sinner in his thoughts. And if a person is not sinful, then it is his pride that has seized him, because he does not want to repent of his sins!
Sin and hasten to repent, but at the same time do not forget to donate to the "holy" church - and ... the more the better! The main thing is not sin, a repentance! For repentance writes off all sins!
(And what it is, I wonder, the Gods forget for all the sins for gold?)
12. What cult is it based on
Christianity is based on the lunar cult - the cult of Death! All calculations here are done according to the phases of the moon. Even the fact that Christianity promises "eternal heavenly life" to a person after death suggests that this is a lunar cult - a cult of Death!
13. Holidays
Although Russia was forcibly baptized, it continued to adhere to the Vedic system, to celebrate the Vedic Holidays. In 1653-1656. from R.H. Patriarch Nikon, in order to "lull" the genetic memory of the Slavs, carried out a religious reform - he replaced the Vedic Holidays with the holidays of the lunar cult. At the same time, the essence of folk holidays has not changed, but the essence of what is celebrated and what is being “hammered” to the masses has changed.
14. Attitude towards death
The main doctrine of Christianity is based on the concept that a person must meekly accept everything God has prepared for him, as a punishment for sins or as a test of the firmness of faith! If a person humbly accepts all this, then “eternal heavenly life” awaits him after death.
The concept of reincarnation is dangerous for Christianity, because then this lure "does not work." Therefore, the ministers of the Greek religion at the next Ecumenical Council in 1082 excluded reincarnation from their doctrine (they took and excluded the law of life!), i.e. they took and "changed" physics (the same Law of Conservation of Energy), changed (!!!) the Horses of the Universe!
The most interesting thing: those who promise others a heavenly life after death, for some reason "prefer" this heavenly life, on sinful Earth!
15. What gives a person
Renunciation of real life. Social and individual passivity. People were inspired, and they accepted the position that they themselves do not have to do anything, but only wait for grace from above. A person must meekly accept a slave's share, and then ... after death The Lord God will reward you with heavenly life! But after all, the dead cannot tell whether they received that very heavenly life or not ...

What is the difference between Orthodoxy and Christianity?

  1. In Orthodoxy, the Commandments are violated, and they are based on icons and relics, in fact, Orthodoxy was created on this.
  2. in that Orthodoxy is a religion and faith based on knowledge. Christianity is a religion based on Jewish traditions and laws. At the head of Christianity there is always a chief godfather, he is also a shepherd who grazes a flock of sheep. In Orthodoxy, a man is himself and a shepherd and a sheep. ROC-Orthodox Christians hide behind the guise of Orthodoxy
  3. Christians are Orthodox, Catholics, Protestants, etc. There are many currents within Christianity, Orthodoxy is one of the oldest.
  4. Orthodoxy is currently a branch of Christianity, but initially it was the only Christian religion. The Catholic and Protestant branches appeared already in the Middle Ages and since then everything has changed there many times.
    Orthodoxy in Greek sounds like "orthodoxy". And indeed, for 2 thousand years, no canons of Orthodoxy have changed. The texts of prayers that sound today were approved at the First Ecumenical Council. Divine services, temples, vestments of priests, sacraments and rituals, rules have not changed since those days. The most enduring of the branches of Christianity.
  5. Christianity lives as Jesus commanded. But Orthodoxy does not do this, they only call Christ their Lord, but they do not live by his law.
  6. Christianity can only be Christianity. Not everyone who calls himself a Christian is one. Read the New Testament and understand everything for yourself.
  7. The Lord Jesus Christ created the One Ecumenical Apostolic Church, in which Christ was and remains the High Priest (Heb. 4:14-15). The word Orthodoxy began to be used in the 3rd century to distinguish the true Church from heresies. Thus, from the 3rd century, the Church of Christ began to be called Orthodox in Greek orthodox. It is from her that the ROC originates. In 1054 there was a split, the Catholics separated, Protestantism arose after the 16th century. That is, Christ did not create all these "Christian" confessions and denominations, they are impostors, that's why there are so many of them, each with its own doctrinal system and cult practice.
  8. Orthodoxy is an offshoot of Christianity
  9. Orthodoxy is true Christianity and Christianity is Orthodoxy, namely when people correctly praise God.
  10. Christianity in its three main forms Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism recognizes one God in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. According to Christian doctrine, this is not the recognition of three gods, but the recognition that these three Persons are one (New British Encyclopedia). Jesus, the Son of God, never claimed to be equal or consubstantial with his Father. On the contrary, he said: I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I (John 14:28). Jesus also told one of his disciples: I ascend to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God (John 20:17). The Holy Spirit is not a person. The Bible says that the early Christians were filled with holy spirit. In addition, God promised: I will pour out my spirit on all flesh (Acts 2:14, 17). The Holy Spirit is not part of the Trinity. It is the active power of God.
  11. Knowledge is needed, not religion. Full, harmonious knowledge, like our ancient ancestors. "Religion is the opium of the people." Faith - I know Ra, it means bright KNOWLEDGE.
    Orthodoxy - glorifying Rule, by definition, has nothing to do with any religion. This is the Slavic-Aryan, Vedic worldview. The concept of Orthodoxy was transferred from the Slavic-Aryan, Vedic worldview, only to apply such a concept to religions is not only incompatible, but unacceptable. It is contrary to any religious world view. And it was taken because at the time of the emergence of religions, people believed in Orthodoxy, and they could not have imposed a different worldview, except by deception and forced by force. In the future, deception and the imposition of religions by force (Christianity incl.) under the guise of Orthodoxy are no longer mentioned, disorienting people.
  12. in the name and origin ... and the same .... d
  13. Christianity has many faces. In the modern world, it is represented by three generally recognized areas of Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as numerous movements that do not belong to any of the above. There are serious disagreements between these branches of one religion. Orthodox consider Catholics and Protestants to be heterodox associations of people, that is, those who glorify God in a different way. However, they do not see them as completely devoid of grace. But the Orthodox do not recognize sectarian organizations that position themselves as Christian, but have only an indirect relation to Christianity.

    Who are Christians and Orthodox
    Christians are followers of the Christian denomination, belonging to any Christian stream of Orthodoxy, Catholicism or Protestantism with its various denominations, often of a sectarian nature.

    Orthodox Christians whose worldview corresponds to the ethno-cultural tradition associated with the Orthodox Church.

    Comparison of Christians and Orthodox
    What is the difference between Christians and Orthodox?

    Orthodoxy is an established dogma, having its own dogmas, values, centuries-old history. Christianity is often passed off as something that, in fact, is not. For example, the White Brotherhood movement, active in Kyiv in the early 90s of the last century.

    Orthodox believe that their main goal is the fulfillment of the Gospel commandments, their own salvation and the salvation of their neighbor from the spiritual slavery of passions. World Christianity at its congresses declares salvation on a purely material plane from poverty, disease, war, drugs, etc., which is external piety.

    For the Orthodox, the spiritual holiness of a person is important. Evidence of this is the saints, canonized by the Orthodox Church, who have shown the Christian ideal in their lives. In Christianity as a whole, the spiritual and sensual prevail over the spiritual.

    Orthodox consider themselves co-workers with God in the matter of their own salvation. In world Christianity, in particular, in Protestantism, a person is likened to a pillar who does not have to do anything, because Christ did the work of salvation for him on Golgotha.

    At the heart of the doctrine of world Christianity lies the Holy Scripture record of Divine Revelation. It teaches how to live. The Orthodox, like the Catholics, believe that Scripture is separated from Holy Tradition, which clarifies the forms of this life and is also an unconditional authority. Protestant currents have rejected this claim.

    A summary of the foundations of the Christian faith is given in the Creed. For the Orthodox, this is the Niceno-Tsaregrad Creed. The Catholics introduced into the wording of the Symbol the concept of filioque, according to which the Holy Spirit proceeds both from God the Father and from God the Son. Protestants do not deny the Nicene Creed, but the Ancient, Apostolic Creed is generally accepted among them.

    Orthodox especially revere the Mother of God. They believe that she did not have personal sin, but was not deprived of original sin, like all people. After the ascension, the Mother of God bodily ascended into heaven. However, there is no dogma about it. Catholics believe that the Mother of God was also deprived of original sin. One of the dogmas of the Catholic faith is the dogma of the bodily ascension of the Virgin Mary into heaven. Protestants and numerous sectarians do not have a cult of the Theotokos. determined that the difference between Christians and Orthodox is as follows:
    Orthodox Christianity is contained in the dogmas of the Church. Not all movements that pose as Christians are, in fact, so.
    For the Orthodox, inner piety is the basis of a correct life. Outward piety is much more important for contemporary Christianity in the bulk of it.
    The Orthodox are trying to achieve spiritual holiness.

Christianity has many faces. In the modern world, it is represented by three generally recognized areas - Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as numerous movements that do not belong to any of the above. There are serious disagreements between these branches of one religion. Orthodox consider Catholics and Protestants to be heterodox associations of people, that is, those who glorify God in a different way. However, they do not see them as completely devoid of grace. But the Orthodox do not recognize sectarian organizations that position themselves as Christian, but have only an indirect relation to Christianity.

Who are Christians and Orthodox

Christians - followers of the Christian denomination belonging to any Christian denomination - Orthodoxy, Catholicism or Protestantism with its various denominations, often of a sectarian nature.
Orthodox- Christians whose worldview corresponds to the ethno-cultural tradition associated with the Orthodox Church.

Comparison of Christians and Orthodox

What is the difference between Christians and Orthodox?
Orthodoxy is a well-established creed that has its dogmas, values, centuries-old history. Christianity is often passed off as something that, in fact, is not. For example, the White Brotherhood movement, active in Kyiv in the early 90s of the last century.
Orthodox believe that their main goal is the fulfillment of the Gospel commandments, their own salvation and the salvation of their neighbor from the spiritual slavery of passions. World Christianity at its congresses declares salvation in a purely material plane - from poverty, disease, war, drugs, etc., which is external piety.
For the Orthodox, the spiritual holiness of a person is important. Evidence of this is the saints, canonized by the Orthodox Church, who showed the Christian ideal with their lives. In Christianity as a whole, the spiritual and sensual prevail over the spiritual.
Orthodox consider themselves co-workers with God in the matter of their own salvation. In world Christianity, in particular, in Protestantism, a person is likened to a pillar who does not have to do anything, because Christ did the work of salvation for him on Golgotha.
At the heart of the doctrine of world Christianity lies the Holy Scripture - the record of Divine Revelation. It teaches how to live. The Orthodox, like the Catholics, believe that Scripture is separated from Holy Tradition, which clarifies the forms of this life and is also an unconditional authority. Protestant currents have rejected this claim.
A summary of the foundations of the Christian faith is given in the Creed. For the Orthodox, this is the Niceno-Tsaregrad Creed. The Catholics introduced into the wording of the Symbol the concept of filioque, according to which the Holy Spirit proceeds both from God the Father and from God the Son. Protestants do not deny the Nicene Creed, but the Ancient, Apostolic Creed is generally accepted among them.
Orthodox especially revere the Mother of God. They believe that she did not have personal sin, but was not deprived of original sin, like all people. After the ascension, the Mother of God bodily ascended into heaven. However, there is no dogma about it. Catholics believe that the Mother of God was also deprived of original sin. One of the dogmas of the Catholic faith is the dogma of the bodily ascension of the Virgin Mary into heaven. Protestants and numerous sectarians do not have a cult of the Theotokos. determined that the difference between Christians and Orthodox is as follows:

Orthodox Christianity is contained in the dogmas of the Church. Not all movements that pose as Christians are, in fact, so.
For the Orthodox, inner piety is the basis of a correct life. Outward piety is much more important for contemporary Christianity in the bulk of it.
The Orthodox are trying to achieve spiritual holiness. Christianity as a whole places an emphasis on sincerity and sensuality. This is clearly seen in the speeches of Orthodox and other Christian preachers.
The Orthodox is a co-worker with God in the matter of his own salvation. The same position is held by Catholics. All other representatives of the Christian world are convinced that a person's moral feat is not important for salvation. Salvation has already been accomplished at Calvary.
The basis of the faith of an Orthodox person is Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition, as for Catholics. The Protestants rejected the Traditions. Many sectarian Christian movements distort Scripture as well.
An account of the foundations of faith for the Orthodox is given in the Nicene Creed. Catholics added the concept of filioque to the Symbol. Most Protestants accept the ancient Apostles' Creed. Many others do not have a special creed.
Only Orthodox and Catholics venerate the Mother of God. Other Christians do not have her cult.

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