Women have periods, but what is the name of menstruation in men? Men's critical days: what you need to know

Women go crazy with PMS, demand sex during ovulation, and turn into demons during their period. Thanks to all these phenomena, it is possible to determine why this or that lady is in a bad mood and in connection with which she raises her voice to her loved ones. And what about men, what explains their far from always exemplary behavior? You will be surprised, but the opposite sex also suffers from critical days, which experts call mAnstruation. So, what do you need to know about them and how to adapt to them?

male cycle

There are several opinions of doctors on this matter. The French andrologist Sylvien Memun notes that the male cycle lasts 72-74 days - exactly as long as it takes for the full maturation of the spermatozoon (this is precisely what explains why the reproductive specialist asks you to do a spermogram every three months).

The pharmaceutical concern Bayer recently made public the results of its own study, according to which regular men's critical days were determined. They are associated with hormonal fluctuations that affect libido, emotions and the state of the body as a whole. Ladies, remember: the frequency of male tantrums is from 23 to 33 days! He can be angry, offended, annoyed - just like a woman with PMS or menstruation.

Also, some experts note that the Moon affects the male body. A man madly desires a woman at two peaks of the monthly cycle: on the full moon and on the new moon! Draw your own conclusions and tune in!

Unisex hormones

Smart books tell us that male hormones are present in the female body and vice versa. For example, estradiol is the most active female hormone, which is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. The same hormone plays a leading role in determining male fertility and is produced in the same adrenal glands, testicles and peripheral tissues. In addition, estradiol is responsible in the male body for bone strength.

Professor Richard Sharp from the London Center for Reproductive Medicine notes that the female body also cannot do without male hormones - they make our bones strong, muscles elastic and sexual desire high. The difference between our bodies is that the female converts more testosterone into estrogen than the male. Those ladies who have an increased level of testosterone are more energetic, active and with a high libido, but their body hairiness betrays them.

Testosterone and muscle - is there a connection?

Testosterone does not affect the structure and size of the muscles in any way, but the sexual mood of a man depends on it. Don't be surprised if a jock turns out to be a bad lover: the presence of a pile of muscles, hairiness and broad shoulders speak only of the secondary sexual characteristics of a man. But heredity plays a huge role in the structure of the male body - Schwarzenegger can be born to a tall and broad-shouldered man, and not, for example, Woody Allen. Although, as we know, Woody Allen is known as a great lover, but Schwarzenegger is known only for his body.

How is men's day going?

The level of testosterone in the blood tends to fluctuate throughout the day: its peak occurs between two in the morning and 6 in the morning, and the decline is observed around one in the afternoon. Therefore, in the morning, men are cheerful, but in the morning at work they nod. In a woman, the peak of sexual desire is noted by 16:00, it is at this time that her working capacity wakes up and thoughts of a sexual nature appear.

It is generally accepted that critical days exist exclusively for women, but this is an erroneous opinion. The stronger sex is also characterized by sudden mood swings, aggression or apathy - the reason for this is just the ill-fated analogue of PMS. What is it and why such days are peculiar not only to women, we will now find out.

male cycle

Critical days for men even have their own slang name - Manstruation. According to Sergey Agarkov, a candidate of medical sciences, who conducted special research in this area, male hormonal disruptions, unlike female ones, do not appear monthly, but throughout life. Conventionally, the specialist divides them into annual, monthly and daily.

Plus, age-related disruptions are noted, when, for example, after 30 years, a man’s testosterone level gradually decreases, which causes certain changes in hormonal levels and, as a result, in behavior.

Sylvien Memun, a French specialist in andrology, also notes the presence of such cycles, but he sees another factor as the reason for this. He connects the notorious critical days with the maturation of the spermatozoon, which is approximately 70-75 days. But the well-known concern Bayer published its own data, according to which the cycle is approximately 23-33 days and is associated with hormonal fluctuations. As you can see, there are several opinions, but no one has questioned the very existence of critical days for men.

The British scientist Richard Petley in his studies found that daily and monthly manifestations can occur against the background of stressful stimuli - a quarrel with a girl, losing your favorite football team, failure at work. These factors, according to the expert, play one of the main roles in the manifestation of the male counterpart of PMS.

The most important thing is the hormonal level

And yet, the hormonal state will be in the first place among the causes of critical days. Absolutely all researchers agree that the age factor is of great importance, since it directly affects the indicators of hormonal stability in the stronger sex.

Wow Poop Yay Sad

Men differ from women in the anatomy of the body, the physiology of the body, and psychology.

However, immediately after conception has occurred, the baby receives two types of sexual dominants. The one that develops stronger as a result will prevail.

In men, the main sexual organ is the penis. In women, this organ is represented in its infancy - the clitoris. In order for the main creators of the zygote to mature, men have testicles, women have ovaries. The analogues of the components of the sexual "designer" are the uterus in women, in the representatives of the stronger sex - the uterus hiding near the prostate gland. Can men menstruate?

Does the cycle really exist?

Nature provided for the conditions for reproduction for humans with the help of the shortest cycle for the maturation of the egg. The necessary hormones enter the body within 4 weeks, during which time the temperature regime changes. This creates ideal conditions for normal fertilization. If it does not occur, women experience a physiological and psychological discharge in the form of menstruation.

Scientists believe that the analogy with menstruation exists in men. Only they do not have blood discharge, although there are signs similar to PMS. Men have the so-called "X" day, when they are at the peak of emotional excitability. This is menstruation in a figurative sense of the word.

How do menstruation proceed?

During critical days, young men have an increased, unmotivated aggressiveness towards others. Boys of adolescence during this period cannot control their emotions, everything falls out of their hands, all desires disappear. They are ready to blame the whole world for this.

If this condition is repeated once a month, it is called "menstruation" in men.

On similar days of the cycle, men of a more mature age:

  • uncollected,
  • scattered,
  • sullen,
  • quickly tired,
  • sleepy,
  • not wanting to have sex.
All these symptoms are explained by hormonal changes that occur cyclically in the male body.

Features of critical days in men

During this period, cuts should be avoided, as the blood does not stop for a long time. On such days, it’s better not to touch men, because when everything passes, they will do any work faster and better. As if a new portion of energy is pouring into the body:
  • mood improves,
  • depression disappears,
  • the pain stops.

How unsafe are men's critical days?

There is nothing in them to be afraid of. Each person has inherent biorhythms that repeat cyclically, which manifest themselves in psychological characteristics. When this happens 2-3 days once every 30-45 days. In men, hormonal disruptions, accompanied by emotional outbursts, can occur much more often. This is due to an increase in the level of the female hormone: estrogen, which suppresses its action, predominates over testosterone. At this time, men feel severe weakness, they have vascular problems.

Menstruation should not be taken literally. These are simply recurring hormonal changes that affect emotional and physical health. In people engaged in intellectual work, they are more pronounced than in those who work physically. One way or another, a well-mannered person is obliged to cope with his emotions and not allow hysterical antics in public.

Menstruation and sexual activity

In men, sexual needs are stable, hormones work properly, sexual function is not disturbed on critical days. True, with age-related changes, the connection of sexual biorhythms with the activity of the endocrine system becomes more noticeable. Emotional overload rises. Seasonal and cyclic changes in the hormonal level, which affects sexual needs and opportunities, are affected by the endocrine glands.

Sexual activity of a partner depends on the physical and emotional state. Here you can track the effect of PMS on sexual desire. A few days because of this, sexual function may be weakened, but then it returns to normal.

The physiology of the male reproductive system is similar to the female reproductive system.

Menstruation in men: physiological basis

The functional and anatomical features of the female and male body affect the life of each individual. Representatives of the strong half of society do not have a vagina, ovaries, uterus. However, the female and male reproductive organs perform an identical function, they are similar in many respects and differ significantly.

All this proves that, in terms of anatomy, every male in its infancy has a complete set of female reproductive organs. Therefore, monthly cycles are characteristic not only for the female, but also for the male body.

Men have critical days, but they manifest themselves differently, in a different form and differ from women's menstruation.

Bloody discharge in men does not happen.

Signs of regular menstruation in men

The meaning of critical days

Like women, men feel, after full-fledged critical days, a nervous discharge, a surge of strength, increased performance and increased sexual desire. But women's critical days also contribute to a significant improvement of the renewed body.

  1. It is believed that it is precisely due to this feature of the female body that the fair sex has a longer life expectancy. This effect is not observed in men after critical days. But men endure this time much easier.
  2. Like women, men have a biological clock that measures the time until a critical period that brings renewal of the body.
  3. But if in women monthly biological rhythms are of a physiological nature, then in men, critical days also have a psychological basis. Menstruation is caused by cyclical fluctuations in testosterone levels. These are mental, psychological periods, associated not only with physiology, but with consciousness, psychology of the stronger sex.

In such men's critical days there is no danger and risk. They come for two or three days a month. This is considered the norm. But if mental periods last longer, this may be due to hormonal changes, an increase in estrogen levels. Such phenomena in the life of a man should be the reason for going to the doctor.

Surely, having heard a similar question from his dearest half, a man will doubt her adequacy. Indeed, the anatomical features of the structure of the reproductive system, it would seem, completely exclude the slightest likelihood of menstruation.

However, there is logic in this matter. Let's try to find it.

Menstruation in men: anatomical background

To clarify this issue, first of all, consider whether the difference in the anatomical structure of the reproductive system in men and women is so great. Is there a resemblance or not?

It is known that already in the early period of development, the fetus receives 2 sets of signs that determine the future sex: male and female. Which of these sets dominates, the baby of this gender will be born.

However, all men and women have organs of the reproductive system, reminiscent of the original similarity:

  • Penis and clitoris. For men, this is the main sexual organ, while for women it is rudimentary;
  • Special "places" in which maturation occurs "parents of the zygote"- male testicles and female ovaries;
  • Near the prostate gland of any man is a tiny uterus, reminiscent of what similarities there are between representatives of different sexes.

As you can see, there is no initial difference between men and women, nature created everyone equal.

Differences in sexual characteristics appear as the embryo develops. But we can say that in every guy there is a particle of a woman. So why shouldn't the representatives of the stronger sex have their period?

Why is menstruation necessary?

Menstrual cycles, which are colloquially called monthly, are another reason to talk about the fact that a person is truly a unique creature, standing at the top of the evolutionary ladder.

Nature has endowed man with a specific biological clock that allows you to indulge in copulation almost constantly. If in animals this cycle is extended for months, in women it is about 4 weeks, necessary for the final maturation of the zygote.

Thus, within 4 weeks, women start from scratch and complete the process of preparing for conception - the hormonal background and temperature change to provide optimal conditions for fertilization. In the absence of conception, the zygote is rejected, and with it menstruation comes, which is also accompanied by changes in the hormonal balance and a kind of emotional discharge.

Although in the literal sense of the word, menstruation is impossible for men, however, similar changes in the mental and physical state are traced - the memory of a double set of genital organs in a tiny embryo.

How do menstruation proceed?

Naturally, there is no question of the presence of any bleeding. All signs of menstrual cycle" men are purely psychological in nature. Here, there is a clear similarity in the behavior of men with the fairer sex during the period of premenstrual syndrome.

These signs are especially pronounced in adolescence.

You can often notice that at certain periods, about once a month, young men behave much more aggressively. They themselves cannot explain such behavior, since the rest of the time they do not cause complaints from their parents and friends. But when "menstruation" comes, it's like a demon takes possession of them. The desire to visit favorite sections disappears, communication with friends and ancestors causes bouts of irritation.

In adult men, menstruation occurs with the following symptoms:

  • Lack of assembly. It is difficult to concentrate on any task, so all planned activities are often postponed until later;
  • Moody. The unwillingness to communicate leads to the fact that a man actually repels people from himself with irritability and an impregnable appearance;
  • Absent-mindedness. Some small details are forgotten, although usually there are no memory problems;
  • Fatigue. Even a small physical activity quickly provokes fatigue;
  • Drowsiness. You want to sleep constantly, regardless of the time spent in bed;
  • Lack of sexual desire. Even sexually overactive members of the stronger sex can feel a decrease in desire and “menstruation” is to blame for this. Even if there is a desire, the physical condition can fail;
  • Very rarely there are vague pains in the lower abdomen;
  • There is a decrease in blood viscosity, so even a minor cut can lead to bleeding.

Some women know perfectly well that there are days when it is useless to ask a spouse or son to do something around the house. Even if they agree to fulfill the request, the result will be disastrous. In previously self-confident strong men, literally everything falls out of hand.

If you carefully observe such cycles, marking critical days on the calendar, you can most likely foresee when your loved one will begin "menstruation", and try to minimize the likelihood of conflict due to the special psycho-emotional state of your soul mate.

How often does a man visit "monthly"?

There are a number of scientific studies that suggest that hormonal changes in the male body occur quite regularly.

Approximately every 1-1.5 months there is a failure, the duration of which is only 2-3 days.

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