Dry therapeutic fasting: results and reviews of the hungry. Dry fasting. What happens to the body during dry fasting

Dry fasting is one of the most effective methods of losing weight and healing, which has recently become widespread. The essence of the technique is to limit water and food in order to remove toxins and toxins and start the metabolism. This method seems to be very difficult, because a person needs to absolutely give up water and food for a certain time, but as a result, a person feels lightness and comfort. The benefits of dry fasting are due to the body switching to cellular nutrition, as a result of which fat reserves are consumed, and, accordingly, weight is reduced.

Dry fasting is good for health

Dry is considered a medical procedure, as it helps to accumulate internal reserves and start intensive recovery processes, which helps to improve metabolic processes and increase the body's resistance to negative factors. Dry fasting in medical practice is used to normalize blood circulation and cleanse the internal organs. Dry, it is also called absolute starvation, was first disclosed as a wellness procedure by V.P. Lavrova, who published the methodology in her scientific papers. Modern medicine does not reject the benefits of dry fasting, calling it a fasting diet. With the correct application of the technique, an improvement in the functioning of the whole organism is observed. For those who enter fasting, it is necessary to properly prepare and follow all the steps in order for the technique to benefit, and not provoke stress.

Useful properties of dry fasting

The difference between dry fasting and fasting on water is that the former excludes the intake of water and food at the time of the procedure. For dry or wet fasting, a few days are enough, and as a result, you can get rid of extra pounds, relieve inflammation and neutralize the action of pathogenic microorganisms. Not everyone can decide to comply with dry fasting. It is hard to completely give up water and food, so this method of healing scares many. In fact, the procedure is transferred quite simply and easily, if you properly prepare for a hunger strike.

The duration of the procedure is from 1 to 4 days, but experienced practitioners can withstand 7-10 days. For beginners, one day is enough, after which you can gradually increase the duration of the procedure. If wet fasting implies the ability to drink water in unlimited quantities, then dry fasting completely excludes the intake of liquid and solid food at the time of cleansing. Such conditions are quite harsh, but the results of the procedure deserve to endure discomfort. Therapeutic dry fasting can not only improve internal processes, but also improve your health.

Dry fasting improves the functioning of internal organs

The benefit of dry fasting is that the body does not receive energy from external sources, therefore it rebuilds internal processes in order to draw nutrients and water from internal reserves. Thus, the destruction of foreign viruses and bacteria, which are destroyed due to the body's struggle for nutrients, occurs. For the same reason, inflammation and decay of tissues are eliminated, which leads to a complete recovery of the body.

During a dry fast, transport albumins break down, whose amino acids are used to meet the needs of all functional systems. At the same time, the body actively produces hormones and improves blood composition. This allows you to remove all toxins and toxins from the body.

In this case, the splitting of viruses and bacteria occurs, as well as the healing of affected tissues. When fasting, the body temperature rises, which indicates the body's fight against viruses and bacteria. Also, the body gets rid of all pathologies: atherosclerotic plaques, inflammation and neoplasms. Accelerated metabolism allows you to burn body fat 3 times faster. With a long dry hunger strike, there is an improvement in well-being, the functioning of internal organs, an improvement in skin condition and an increase in mood.

Features of nutrition with stones in the gallbladder

Rules for dry fasting

This procedure requires strict adherence to all rules and indications, since it is based on stimulating internal processes and rebuilding metabolism, so the wrong approach to fasting can cause poor health, dizziness, loss of strength and other side effects. Therapeutic dry fasting has its own characteristics, which distinguishes it from hunger on the water. For those who want to simply starve without preparation, this procedure will give nothing but stress, and instead of the body contributing to recovery and weight loss, on the contrary, it will try to preserve fat reserves.

With dry fasting, you must completely abandon food and water.

To achieve good results from the procedure, it is necessary to understand what dry fasting is and how it affects the body, as we talked about earlier. Of course, in order not to rape yourself and not force yourself to starve, when you really want to eat, it is better to go through water hunger for the first time in order to understand how such a hunger strike affects the body. Already after the first fasting, a positive effect is observed, and then it is already easier to withstand other procedures.

Among the important features of dry hunger are the following rules:

  1. Dry hunger implies a complete rejection of food and water for the duration of the procedure.
  2. It is important to limit not only the internal intake of water, but also external contact with it, so you can’t wash your face, take a shower, even brush your teeth, that is, at the time of the hunger strike, you must completely exclude any contact with water.
  3. Before going into hunger, make sure that there are no contraindications, since in some pathological conditions of the digestive system, hunger is not only not recommended, but is strictly prohibited.
  4. Before entering hunger, you need to prepare the body. General recommendations for preparation include eating a plant-based diet and drinking plenty of fluids. This will help start the metabolism and give the body the necessary supply of fluid at the time of fasting.
  5. For the first time, the duration of the procedure should be no more than a day. As you enter into hunger, you can extend the course, but do not exceed 7 days in total.
    • It is important not only to correctly enter into hunger, but also to get out of it. You need to properly get out of hunger in such a way that you do not overeat and do not drink large amounts of water immediately after the end of fasting. It is better to eat a little food and drink a glass of water, and the next day already choose a full meal.
    • If strong and unbearable side effects occur during the fast, the procedure should be stopped. It is better to start healing with dry fasting after consulting a doctor, since in some cases fasting may be contraindicated.

With dry fasting, even brushing your teeth is forbidden.

If you take into account all these rules, then fasting will not only be easier to endure, but will also give more tangible results. The effect of dry fasting directly depends on whether all the steps are followed or not, as well as on the duration of the course, therefore, with a one-day fast, one should not expect pronounced results, but after several such procedures, a positive result will be on the face.

About detox products

Indications for dry fasting

Dry fasting is the most common weight loss system, as it allows you to lose up to 3 kilograms in one course. Unlike the diet, dry and wet fasting is not for everyone. If a one-day procedure does not bring much harm to the body, then a duration of 3-4 days for the body is a lot of stress, so you need to follow the rules and prepare properly before entering hunger. Dry hunger is indicated for the following pathological conditions:

  • overweight;
  • allergies to an unknown allergen;
  • infertility and problems with the reproductive system;
  • infectious diseases of various kinds;
  • excessive accumulation of salts in the body;
  • skin diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Therapeutic starvation can be carried out for the prevention of diseases, as well as to improve well-being, since hunger is considered a natural method of self-healing and healing of the body.


Along with the indications, this procedure has contraindications, in which hunger is not recommended or is strictly prohibited. These states include:

  • hypertension;
  • varicose veins;
  • low mass index;
  • diseases of the pancreas and kidneys;
  • impaired absorption of nutrients;
  • anemia;
  • migraine.

In this case, the procedure is prohibited until further instructions from the doctor. It is also not recommended to carry out dry hunger for children, because at their age the body needs a daily intake of vitamins and trace elements.

Preparatory stage

Dry hunger consists of three stages: entry into hunger, hunger itself, and exit from hunger. All these steps are very important to achieve a good result, so their observance is mandatory. Entering hunger is the longest stage. At this stage, it is necessary to switch to healthy food in order to remove surface toxins. It is necessary to completely abandon sugar, salt, fatty and fried foods, offal and semi-finished products. The preparatory phase lasts 2 weeks. At the time of the preparatory stage, it is necessary to include in the diet:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • greens and legumes;
  • dairy;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • fish and chicken meat.

From drinks you can drink fresh juices and green tea. It is necessary to completely abandon coffee and carbonated drinks.

It is important to maintain a good hydration balance and drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This stage allows the body to tune in to hunger and more easily endure the lack of food.

A week before entering hunger, you need to completely switch to plant foods. The day before the procedure, you need to drink a glass of warm water with a spoonful of honey at night and do not eat or drink anything at least 12 hours before fasting.

Green tea should be drunk at the preparatory stage

Dry fasting techniques

  1. A gentle cascade.

    The sparing cascade is the most suitable fasting method for beginners. The gentle cascade is easier to tolerate than other methods, since in between hunger you can eat food as in the preparatory stage. In a sparing cascade, it is important to strictly follow the scheme, which includes 5 periods:

    • Stage 1 - 1 day, 2 weeks of diet;
    • Stage 2 - 2 days, 1-3 weeks of diet;
    • Stage 3 - 3 days, 1-3 days of diet;
    • Stage 4 - 4 days, 1-3 weeks of diet;
    • Stage 5 - 5 days, exit from fasting.
  2. Brief cascade.

    When cascading fasting, it is recommended to play sports, go for walks and spend as much time as possible outside the home. A short cascade is focused on a short period, so such a hunger is very easily tolerated. The duration of the short cascade is 5 stages:

    • Stage 1- 1 day do not eat or drink, 2 days of dieting;
    • Stage 2- 2 days do not eat or drink, 3 days of dieting;
    • Stage 3- 3 days do not eat or drink, 4 days of dieting;
    • Stage 4- 4 days do not eat or drink, 5 days diet.
  3. abbreviated cascade.

    The reduced cascade is the most accessible type of fasting, which is suitable for beginners or people who have not starved for a long time. The duration of the reduced cascade is 2 stages:

    • 3 days fast, 5-10 days diet;
    • 5 days of fasting and exit from fasting.

Drink a glass of water before eating

You can just fast for 1, 2, 3, 4 days, alternating one day of fasting with a diet. Any of these methods is quite easily tolerated, since it can be alternated with food intake, but at the time of the procedure, eating or drinking is strictly prohibited.

  • it is not recommended to drink after 9 pm;
  • you can eat fully only a day after the release;
  • the first thing you can eat is vegetables and fruits, and meat, dairy products and cereals can be introduced from 3-4 days.
  • Many people recommend that the first meal after going out is to start with boiled rice, since it has a sorbent effect and does not have a heavy effect on the stomach. If you follow all the steps correctly, then you will feel lightness and a surge of strength from fasting. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure more than 10 times a year and not longer than 7-10 days.

    In medical practice, dry fasting techniques have been used for about twenty-five years. Recently, this type of recovery has gone beyond medicine and dietetics and is gaining its fans among the broad masses of people who care about their health. Let's take a closer look at what dry fasting is and what effect it has on the human body.

    Why is fasting "dry"?

    In medicine, several types of fasting are used, used for various purposes and allowing to achieve absolutely incomparable results. One of the most difficult and at the same time effective ways to improve the body is the use of dry fasting. This option involves complete abstinence from food and liquid intake for a certain time. It is also divided into two subspecies - soft and hard form.

    During the dry fasting procedure in its rigid form, not only the use of liquids (as well as food) is prohibited, but any contact with water is prohibited - showering, brushing teeth, washing - everything should be excluded from everyday activities. The soft form is not so critical to contact with liquids, and excludes only their ingestion.

    There are various methods for conducting the fasting procedure, which differ not only in terms, motivation, entry and exit from fasting, but also in the goals that can be achieved with their help.

    Variety of techniques

    The safest options for self-administration are methods that involve fasting for up to 3 days. Longer periods without fluid intake require the participation of specialists and medical supervision. This is due to the possibility of dehydration of the body, which is very dangerous for its life.

    It makes no sense to conduct dry fasting sessions for less than a day, since the body's hidden abilities to use reserve forces begin to appear only after twenty hours of abstinence from water and food. That is, only after this time, a positive effect from the procedure occurs.

    The main methods involve the following fasting periods:

    • one-day (24 hours);
    • 36-hour (night-day-night);
    • 3 days;
    • 5 days;
    • 7 days;
    • 9 or 11 days.

    In order to improve the overall health of the body, as well as to reduce body weight, as a rule, courses are used that last from one to three days, which are repeated regularly - weekly, every other week or monthly.

    It happens that combined fasting courses are carried out: a three-day dry fast is chosen, after which water is introduced into the diet. This subspecies is less dangerous in terms of consequences, and its tolerance by the body is much better, since it allows you to avoid dehydration.

    What is the best time to choose when planning to start dry fasting? Reviews of those who practice regular holding of these sessions indicate that short periods are easier to endure psychologically and easier to endure physically, but fasting for more than three days has the greatest therapeutic effect.

    The body tolerates dry fasting more easily, since there is no feeling of severe hunger, and it is psychologically easier to endure such a short time. However, for dry fasting to really benefit, you should approach it consciously, thoroughly prepare and go through it carefully.

    What is the benefit of fasting dry?

    Before deciding to conduct a "hungry shake" to your body, it would be nice to decide on the purpose of this procedure, as well as find out all the benefits and benefits.

    Benefits of dry fasting:

    • During the passage of the fasting procedure, the body is forced to look for energy reserves to ensure life. And he finds them already inside himself - fat cells are actively split, while their complete burning occurs, which leads to a more lasting effect of weight loss and maintenance.
    • In addition to fat deposits, diseased tissue areas, accumulated toxins and even cells with pathological changes (for example, tumors) are also subject to burning and processing into the necessary energy.
    • The correct metabolism is restored.
    • There is a purification of the blood - during the period of starvation, the body does not receive any harmful substances with food, and the blood undergoes multiple filtration during natural purification. As a result - improved indicators of the biochemical composition of the blood.
    • There is an effect of rejuvenation of the skin, as well as cleansing them from various rashes - acne disappears, velvety and elasticity are restored. In addition to the skin, other tissues of the body are also regenerated.
    • Regular fasting forms an excellent sense of proportion in the intake of food and fluids. It is the loss or blunting of this ability of our body that leads to immeasurable food intake, and as a result, weight gain and health problems.

    The result of the use for medicinal purposes

    In addition to general strengthening and cleansing effects on the human body, dry fasting can be a serious help in the treatment of certain diseases:

    • Dry fasting can reduce the manifestations of diseases such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis and some other diseases that affect joint tissues.
    • In the female organs of the reproductive system, resolving effects are noted - ovarian cysts, and other neoplasms in this area disappear completely or their growth slows down significantly.
    • In the case of fractures, bruises and suppuration, when supplementing traditional treatment with fasting methods, bone and muscle tissues recover much faster.
    • Dry fasting deserves a separate place in the treatment of various injuries of the skull - concussions and bruises. In this way, the prevention of cerebral edema is remarkable.
    • In the case of a viral or bacterial infection, one-day dry fasting in most cases helps to prevent the development of the disease.

    The effect of fasting on the body as a whole

    In addition to the effect of losing weight, rejuvenation and treatment of diseases, people who practice dry fasting also note the following results.

    So, human skin is an excellent excretory organ through which toxins and other substances that are not needed for life activity come out with sweat. During the practice of hunger, this ability takes on the opposite effect - the body absorbs the lack of fluid through the skin. And her skin can even get it from the air, so during fasting you need to thoroughly approach the choice of the place of its passage and monitor your contacts with the environment. An interesting result of the manifestation of the suction properties of the skin is manifested after touching the products - their taste can be felt in the mouth. And regular training allows you to check cooked food “for salt” only with your hands.

    Another feature of the effect of dry fasting is willpower training. With the regular passage of this procedure, a person develops a firm determination to complete the work begun, and it is transferred to all spheres of life. Intuition is aggravated, and in some people, after going through long courses of hunger, even telepathic abilities appear.

    Medical opinion

    Despite the fact that dry fasting is a help in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases, the opinion of traditional medicine about the need for it is far from unambiguous.

    Opponents of the theory of hunger treatment give the following arguments as arguments: dry fasting not only has a destructive effect on the tissues of the body, but also due to the prolonged lack of fluid in the body, blood thickens. Refusal to eat leads to acute beriberi, dehydration is possible, dangerous for its consequences for the activity of consciousness.

    In any case, if you plan to practice dry fasting, you must first discuss its possibility with your doctor. Only an individual approach will help you choose the most appropriate technique and eliminate the most severe consequences. But be that as it may, short-term dry fasting (up to 36 hours) will bring the body a minimum of negative consequences.

    Despite the ambiguous opinion of medicine on this matter, many are sure that “dry” fasting days bring only benefit and satisfaction to the body. Of course, after what other procedures can you boast a result of minus ten kilograms in three days?

    What do you need to know?

    But, in order not to get a result that is completely opposite to what was intended, and not to cause significant harm to one's own health, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances of the procedure in advance. There are three main stages - preparation, fasting itself and exit from it.

    For each of these stages, there are strict rules that must be followed without fail, otherwise fasting will do more harm than good. And we must remember that if suddenly for some reason you feel bad, you must immediately stop fasting.

    Preparatory stage

    The quality of the preparatory stage half determines the success of any undertaking. So therapeutic dry fasting involves thorough preparation. You will definitely need to study the literature on this issue, and it is desirable that it be written by people who regularly practice dry fasting. This will predetermine the maximum possible dangers. Ideally, it is at the preparatory stage that you need to communicate with people who already have experience of fasting.

    Prepare the necessary food before and after the period of hunger, as well as clean drinking water. Decide on places to walk. Set for yourself the period of entry and exit from fasting and choose a method - hard or soft.

    If you choose long-term fasting - 3 days or more - go ahead to a sparing diet without starchy foods and sweets. And in two or three days - on vegetables and fruits.

    Features of the fasting period

    During the period of famine, it is especially important to devote time to walks in the fresh air, preferably near open natural reservoirs, away from the bustle of the city. If it is not possible to travel out of town, a large park will do.

    The room should be clean and well ventilated, cotton clothing to make it easier for the skin to breathe. Special attention should be paid to spending time in the house - you should not sit in front of the TV, as the abundance of television programs about food will influence the determination to continue dry fasting, the results of which will not be long in coming.

    During the entire second period, sudden movements should not be made. They should be smooth and measured. Lying in bed is also undesirable - thoughts about saving energy in this way are very misleading. In fact, the best way to conserve energy is to walk without being active. Insomnia can develop at night, and this time is ideal to spend reading books.

    The right way out of dry fasting

    An important feature of this period is that it is impossible to prolong fasting longer than the scheduled period, even if everything is going well and it seems that there is still a lot of strength. At the hour of the scheduled exit, you need to drink water, take a shower or bath.

    After a short amount of time, drink water again - and you can start eating with fresh vegetables. The pancreas did not work during the period of hunger, and it should be loaded gradually. In the first two days, it is desirable to gradually introduce protein foods and not consume carbohydrates.

    And of course, to reconsider your lifestyle, because without this, even the most wonderful results will quickly come to naught.

    Beginner plan

    If this is the first time you are planning to try your fasting practice on yourself, you can choose a one-day dry fast, but it is best to choose an option that involves dry fasting for 36 hours. This period is quite suitable for regular weekly use. It will also allow you to find out the reaction of your body to the procedure itself and feel the first effect. Consider the process of conducting the first dry fast using the example of the "night-day-night" scheme.

    So what do we do in advance:

    • We study the literature on this issue, and also, if possible, communicate with the practitioners of regular fasting.
    • We stock up on clean drinking water (you can boil it) and fresh vegetables and fruits for food before and after fasting. It is better to rinse them with running clean water, dry them and put them in the refrigerator, in the area for storing vegetables. We choose the most beloved ones to use them with pleasure, but it is better to refrain from bananas and grapes.
    • Lemons must be present among the purchased fruits.
    • For a tough version of the hunger, you will need to redo all the things related to water the day before - wash clothes, clean the apartment, cook food for the household. It is advisable to take a shower, brush your teeth - as this will not be possible on Friday and Saturday.
    • In the process of preparation, a specific hour of entry and exit from fasting is determined.

    Let's determine the fasting period for the weekend, in this case, the last meal, as well as water, must be done on Friday evening. There is no need to follow any diet before entering hunger, but it is still better to limit or completely abandon flour and sweets the day before. On Friday, it is advisable to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits, and drink juices from them. This will allow the body to store the necessary vitamins and minerals. These substances will be required in large quantities during the day of hunger for the breakdown of toxins and fats.

    Let's say you decide to go into hunger at 21:00, then:

    • We have dinner no later than six o'clock in the evening with vegetables and fruits.
    • We complete the work related to water.
    • Until nine in the evening we drink water, as much as the body requires, but acidified with lemon.
    • We go to bed early.

    Saturday will pass without food and liquids, and it is better to spend it in the fresh air, but not doing outdoor activities, but calmly walking in the park or in the forest, by the reservoir. The skin during dry fasting absorbs moisture from the air, so it is very important to be in nature, as far as possible from civilization. Watching TV will complicate the process of hunger, as there is an abundance of food on the program and in advertisements. It is better to replace it with reading light literature, viewing magazines (naturally, not culinary ones).

    On Saturday night, insomnia caused by hunger may begin. You need to be ready for this and provide for the possibility of reading or listening to your favorite music, and you can get enough sleep on Sunday, after you get out of hunger.

    On Sunday morning, at the hour when the exit from dry fasting is planned (in our example, it is nine o'clock in the morning), we take a shower, brush our teeth, and drink a glass of prepared water. After half an hour, we have breakfast with a salad of raw vegetables. For lunch, a light chicken soup is suitable, dinner - vegetables again. We try not to use salt and sugar on this day.

    Prolonged fasting

    Dry fasting for 3 days or more is called long-term and requires much more energy from the body. It carries serious health risks, so it will take much more time to devote to the preparatory stage. Be sure to conduct at least one session of short-term hunger before this, then it will be easier to conduct dry fasting for 3 days, the results will be much higher. This will also allow you to understand the reaction of the body and prepare it for the serious loads of a long session.

    In addition to the basic procedures described above, during the preparation stage, you will need to visit a doctor, treat your teeth and exclude other current diseases. Time during the period of hunger to pre-paint practically by the minute, set clear long-term goals (for which you decided to conduct dry fasting), reviews of people who practice this regularly, study and make important points for yourself.

    Two weeks before the scheduled entrance, refuse to eat animal products - meat, fish, milk and eggs. Ideally, switch to a raw food diet, but you can limit yourself to vegetarian cuisine.

    Practicing dry fasting for 7 days, you may encounter some difficulties. For example, exacerbation of chronic diseases may occur. But there is no need to be afraid of this - this is how the body begins to heal itself. If you experience severe pain that is characteristic of your chronic illness, you should not take medication. This is what you need to be mentally prepared for. If there is no way to endure pain, you should stop the session ahead of schedule, of course, observing all the rules for exiting it.

    With a strong slagging of the body or with a large excess weight, one must be prepared for the appearance of nausea, vomiting and headaches. This is a natural reaction of the body in this case. Walking in the fresh air or dousing with cool water will have a positive effect at this moment.

    During sudden movements, dizziness is possible, so all movements will need to be performed as slowly as possible.

    Exit from long sessions of hunger should be carried out more carefully and load the body very carefully.

    Methods of Shchennikov and Lavrova

    One of the main long-term methods was described by Leonid Shchennikov. Dry fasting according to his method is the prevention of any pathologies, as a result, there is a complete rejection of medicines and immunity is restored. The basis of his methodology is that two days before entering hunger, you must eat only raw vegetables.

    After such preparation, a fasting session begins, which takes place at different times - from five to seven days to a record eleven days. And at this stage there is a distinctive feature - wakefulness at night, combined with cold baths. Otherwise, everything is as usual - smooth movements combined with peace of mind - the key to success. The correct exit from the session is important.

    Cascade dry fasting is represented by the technique described by Lavrova Valentina Pavlovna. The duration of the course varies. Cascading fasting is based on periods of "dry hunger" and "eating". At the same time, a certain diet is maintained during the "eating" period. There are different variants of cascades - “sparing”, “short”, “according to Lavrova”, “cautious”, etc. Such a variety is based on different initial preparation of the body, and even a beginner will be able to choose a suitable “cascade” for himself.

    One general rule for all options - the period of dry hunger does not last longer than five days. It is believed that this period allows you to reveal the incredible possibilities of the human body. A person approaches a five-day fast gradually: starting from one day of dry hunger and with breaks for “food” of various periods, the body prepares for the main session of 5 days.

    Contraindications for fasting sessions

    There are several categories of people who are most likely to experience the harm of dry fasting. Moreover, conducting these experiments with their own body is simply contraindicated for them. This category includes:

    • Children under 14 years old.
    • Old people (after 70 years).
    • Women during pregnancy and lactation.
    • People with severe underweight.
    • People with established circulatory failure (2-3 degree), heart rhythm disturbances.
    • People with pathologies of the endocrine system.

    There are a number of diseases in which dry fasting is categorically contraindicated, therefore, having decided on such a step, you should definitely consult with specialists.

    36 hours is a healing practice during which a person refuses food and water. This is done with the aim of healing the body, removing toxins and toxins, rejuvenating the body. Also, during this practice, immunity improves, excess weight disappears and well-being improves.

    Feature of 36-hour dry fasting

    Prolonged fasting contributes, but only because the body is depleted and uses fat as fuel. But then you will also return to your usual diet, that is, return your weight back. If you want to cleanse yourself of toxins and at the same time lose weight, then use fasting, but then eat right so that the weight does not come back.

    If you want , then eat right with a calorie deficit and exercise . Only this method will help you lose weight and keep a beautiful shape.

    Possible difficulties

    In the process of fasting, you may encounter various difficulties, for example:

    1. Misunderstanding relatives. Our society is so structured that any person who lives differently from others is immediately instructed on the true path. Therefore, you will hear such comments: “why do you need this”, “do not do nonsense”, “do not torture your body” and the like. It is pointless to prove something to such people, so continue to do what you want and do not pay attention to them. If the parents are against it, then explain that this is a necessary experience, and then you will return to normal life.
    2. Bad feeling. If on the day of fasting you feel unwell, then immediately stop the experiment. If it doesn't get better after that, call your doctor.
    3. Irresistible desire to drink. If you did everything right, then everything will be fine. Remember that 36 hours include night-day-night. If you fast on a day-night-day basis, then the result will be 48 hours. If it is difficult to restrain, reduce the time to 24 hours.
    4. Nausea, dizziness, vomiting. Small signs of these symptoms sometimes appear, but if they are very strong, then stop the experiment.
    5. If, after the completion of fasting, the stomach began to hurt, problems with the gastrointestinal tract began. Remember if you went through all the steps correctly, especially the exit, in order to understand what is the reason. Make an appointment with a gastroenterologist to start treatment on time.

    Dry fasting is a good way, provided that you do everything right. There are different versions of this technique: for 24 hours, for 36 and for several days. But it is worth remembering that a person will not live for a long time without water. Some people extend dry fasting to 5-7 days, but the recommended amount is 3 days maximum. 24-hour hunger is suitable for complete beginners. At the same time, the 36-hour one is optimal, since it does not require long restrictions and does not heavily burden the body.

    Losing weight by fasting is a bad option. Especially in the case of the dry technique. Such techniques are good for cleansing the body of toxins and toxins, but not for losing weight.

    Remember that you are responsible for the use of such a technique. It is impossible to predict the results: someone has energy and the body heals, while someone has health problems and deterioration. Try to fast when someone is at home so that if you feel unwell, someone can take care of you and call you a doctor. Especially if there are chronic diseases and contraindications.

    "Observe nature, learn from it, take the best and improve,
    there are no boundaries for perfection".

    Dry therapeutic fasting is now considered one of the new methods of treatment. Meanwhile, this method was born at the dawn of mankind. Moreover, it can be confidently asserted that from the very beginning of the development of the currently existing forms of animal life, it was actively used by all representatives of the animal kingdom. The process of starvation without water has been known for a very long time, for thousands of years, but, unfortunately, most of humanity does not apply, many do not even know about it. In nature, dry fasting is much more common and more common than wet fasting. All living matter uses varieties of dry fasting (anabiosis, hypobiosis, hibernation) to survive, heal and improve their species.

    Let's discuss whether this process is natural?

    Yes, this is a natural process, it is written in the genetic code of humans and animals. As soon as an animal becomes ill, especially if it is serious, it immediately refuses food and water, so does the human body. But often a person does not react to such a state of the body, eats and drinks through force, often drinks something that only harms him, “eats” ... pills. When the body falls ill, it begins a complete mobilization of vital forces for salvation, protection, and reserves are used, if, of course, they still exist. And so that the body is not distracted by "work" with food and water, the body's rescue program includes a "refusal" of food and water. Similar situations can occur under stressful influences.

    As for the conscious abstinence from food and water for the purpose of health, it probably arose from observations on people and animals, on which "fasting involuntarily" had a beneficial effect. These observations, repeated many times, were remembered and then passed on from generation to generation along with other knowledge. In the early period of the pre-written history of mankind, the experience of such treatment was the "oral heritage" of all members of a clan or tribe, and the very practice of healing was conducted by the elders - as the most experienced members of primitive society.

    The history of the emergence of the system of dry therapeutic fasting has its roots in ancient times, and above all to Indian yogis. It has already been said that yogis have always been excellent observers of nature, flora and fauna. That is why in their recommendations they tried in every possible way to bring man closer to nature, to nature. Yogis paid attention to the fact that not a single animal, when it is sick, will not eat, and if it is seriously ill, it refuses water.

    Abstinence from food and water has deep roots in Chinese traditional medicine. It pursues the goal of not just regulating the health of the body, but the idea of ​​some evolutionary transformation of it. Chinese healers believed that by changing the quality and quantity of consumed physical food, one can gradually switch to “energy” food, and then completely to pure, the so-called “genuine” or “original” energy of the Cosmos. This system represented a gradual rejection of material food in general. At first they ate more material (in terms of hardness) food, then they switched to jelly from vegetables and fruits, and then only their own saliva and air ether remained in the diet. There were and still are quite a few technologies of art, which in ancient times was called "bigu".

    In the customs of the North American Indians, dry fasting also occupied an important place. The American Indians considered fasting as the most important and indispensable test in the transformation of a boy into a warrior. The youth was brought to the top of the mountain and left there for four days and four nights without food or water. Fasting was considered without exception by all American Indians as a means of purification and strengthening. At various periods of his life, the Indian went alone into the wild, starved and meditated.

    Fasting and meditation are two essential components of any renewal. If this is not the case, then death inevitably follows, both of an individual and of an entire nation.

    Later, with the emergence and flourishing of religions, the treatment of patients gradually passes into the jurisdiction of the ministers of religious cults - shamans and priests, and the very treatment of the sick and the training of healers is concentrated in temples. That is why the ancient prescriptions of hunger are very often closely connected with certain mystical beliefs, they are part of a certain religious rite. Thus, the first Christian ascetics often refused food and water, but did so mainly for religious reasons. For the same purpose, the Persian sun-worshippers subjected themselves to many days of fasting, or, in other words, fasting. The druid priests of the Celtic tribes, like the priests of ancient Egypt, had to pass a test of a long fast before they could be admitted to the next stage of initiation. Moreover, in those days, the word “fasting” meant complete abstinence from food and water. And only later, this concept began to mean the replacement of some products with others, say, butter - vegetable oil - fish, etc. Any ancient people from which written cultural monuments or so-called "sacred texts" or so-called "sacred texts" or "letters", "scriptures", one can find many praises for the treatment of hunger. Almost all ancient peoples considered the refusal of food and water to be the best way to cleanse the body.

    In our country, absolute restriction from food and water (dry fasting) has been used in clinical practice only in recent years [Zakirov V.A. 1990; Khoroshilov I.E., 1994]. Although Pashutin V. V. (1902), Pevzner M. I. (1958), Vivini Y. (1964) wrote about the expediency of limiting water intake in the process of complete therapeutic starvation.

    From a physiological point of view, the body in the process of complete starvation does not experience a significant fluid deficit, because for every kilogram of splitting fat mass (or glycogen), up to 1 liter of endogenous (metabolic) water is released daily. Fluid losses by the body (for skin-pulmonary perspiration and diuresis) under normal temperature conditions are small and range from 1.5 to 2 liters per day. Thus, the water deficit does not exceed 0.5-1 l daily, which, under conditions of reduced basal metabolism, is quite physiologically acceptable. If the absolute absence of food and water does not exceed 3-4 days, dehydration of the body does not go beyond the boundaries of a mild degree. (Working<горячих>shops lose up to 5 liters of sweat per shift, the same happens in the steam bath).

    It gives a greater healing effect than complete starvation (with water), because. already on the third day of absolute fasting, after which the patient's well-being improves significantly, and the greatest therapeutic effect for the body is observed. When fasting with water, the crisis occurs only after 7-16 days. Dry hunger up to 3-4 days does not lead to severe dehydration of the body (the body releases about 1 liter of endogenous water daily, with the breakdown of fats) and is relatively easy to tolerate. Carrying out a 3-day dry fast is equivalent to a 7-9 day fast with water.

    The unloading period takes place in the same three stages as during complete starvation, but the timing of their onset is reduced. The stage of "food arousal" lasts several hours (very individually), the stage of "increasing ketoacidosis" from 1 to 3 days. Already on the 3rd day of absolute starvation, a “ketoacidotic crisis” occurs, after which the patients feel much better (the stage of compensated ketoacidosis). Contrary to the established opinion that dry fasting is subjectively more difficult than wet fasting, there is rather an inverse relationship. Feelings of thirst in patients do not occur (with the exception of a slight dry mouth), the feeling of hunger and poor health caused by ketoacidosis is stopped more quickly.

    When using dry fasting, an earlier onset and a more complete breakdown of deposited fats are observed. After 24 hours, the content of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood increases. The proportion of fats in the energy supply of the body increases by the beginning of the 2nd day of absolute starvation from 15 to 31%. The reduction of excess body weight ranges from 2 to 3 kg per day, with 40% of the lost weight coming from water, 30-40% - due to the breakdown of adipose tissue, 15-20% - due to the loss of lean body mass, mainly liver glycogen and skeletal muscles (Khoroshilov I.E., 1994).

    V. A. Zakirov (1989) showed a higher efficiency of dry 3-day fasting, compared with 3-day wet fasting - in the treatment of patients. We can assume that three days. absolute starvation correspond to 7-9 days. complete fasting without water restriction. Apparently, the recommendation of outpatient weekly 24-36-hour dry fasting is very rational (Ivanov P.K.).

    It is also advisable to combine absolute and complete therapeutic fasting. In July 1994, in Moscow, at the 1st International Congress on Traditional Medicine and Nutrition, Russia presented a report on “The experience of using short-term therapeutic fasting in the treatment of colds in adults” (A. N. Kokosov, A. A. Alifanov), in which it is said that the use of absolute or combined (absolute and complete) starvation is most justified, since with abstinence from ingestion of liquid, the concentration of nonspecific upper resistance factors increases significantly. Respiratory tract to a viral infection that usually causes a cold - lysozyme, interferon, etc. (V. A. Zakirov, 1990).

    A clinical experiment conducted in the mid-90s on the basis of the Ivanovo Medical Academy showed that absolute therapeutic fasting (without food and water) has a serious prospect in terms of treating tumors and severe immunodeficiencies. With dry fasting, higher concentrations of biologically active substances, hormones, immunocompetent cells and immunoglobulins are achieved in body fluids, which gives a powerful effect. This technique is used according to very strict indications, when the vital force of a cancer patient is sufficiently preserved, and it is desirable to use it in the initial stages of the disease, because in addition to detoxifying the body, it is necessary to have reserves for its restoration. Otherwise, excessive stress for the body - fasting can undermine the remaining energy of the body and accelerate the sad ending, especially after chemotherapy, radiation or the presence of concomitant diseases!

    There are two types of dry fasting. One, the most hard and dry, is associated with a complete rejection of water, and not only from drinking, but also from any contact with water. That is, we do not wash, do not bathe, do not take a bath, try not to wash our hands and not come into contact with water. Another, milder way is associated with the refusal to use water inside, while external contact with water is allowed in any possible and accessible form. Now we will analyze the processes that occur during these methods of fasting, their differences and advantages. Let's start with the fact that dry fasting puts the body in more severe conditions than water fasting. The processes in the body that are aimed at survival are much deeper during dry hunger. The body must not only adjust to a different consumption of energy and reserves, but also resist dehydration. Also, during dry fasting, we work out not only the fear of living without food, but also without water. As a result, we penetrate much deeper into the inner world, coming into contact with deep-seated fears. As a result, the transformations of the inner world are much deeper. If you refuse food and water, after 18-20 hours there are noticeable changes in the composition of the blood, the condition of the mucous membranes. Healthy cells of the body begin to take away from the weak, sick and alien not only food, but also water. Sick, poor-quality cells, as it were, dry out and are rejected. In addition, in the absence of an aqueous medium, various viruses, bacteria and even worms stop multiplying, and if fasting continues for several days, they themselves leave the body or die. This is only a small part of the processes taking place within us. During dry fasting, the mucus that has accumulated in our body is destroyed, respectively, it ceases to be a breeding ground for various pathological microorganisms. The vitality of every cell of the body increases very quickly and significantly.

    Within us, during dry fasting, processes are activated that are aimed at significant renewal. It starts as soon as we come out of dry fasting. The whole body is renewed and rejuvenated. During dry fasting, the vessels are effectively cleansed. The mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, the oral cavity are perfectly cleansed and updated. For dry fasting, a special attitude is important. For most people, it is psychologically more difficult to bear. Although many people who have made up their minds and gained such experience often switch to dry fasting in their practice. Enemas with dry hunger are contraindicated. Even if the intestines do not work, it quickly and immediately recovers when you exit the fast. It is acceptable to do a small series of enemas before fasting, especially if you feel clogged, slagged in the body, if you have a tendency to headaches.

    Let's go back to the two types of dry hunger.

    The first way is to completely refuse contact with water, both from the inside and outside. The body is placed in the most severe critical conditions and activates hidden internal reserves for its survival. The body begins to shrink very slowly. And first of all, our diseases, mucus, viruses, tumors, and edema dry out. They shrink due to the fact that the cells of the body take food and fluid from them. As a result, the cells become strong and very alive. Water and liquid consumption is reduced. The breath changes. The lungs are updated. If you fast for three days or more, the sensitivity increases incredibly. We begin to feel sharp smells, we feel subtle energies, the states of people, it is difficult to be in energetically dirty spaces, and, on the contrary, it is very pleasant in clean ones. Ponds, streams of water begin to dream. Sometimes in a dream you drink water and quench your thirst. The mouth, lips, throat dries, the skin dries. The great advantage of this particular type of fasting is the renewal and rejuvenation of the skin and mucous membranes. The second type of dry fasting is the refusal to take water inside, but contact with water from the outside. A supporter of this type was Porfiry Ivanov. He urged to fast weekly for 40-42 hours dry, while dousing with water, swimming in open reservoirs. He himself was starving for a long time. Some people, fasting dry for several days, sit in the bathroom for hours, often wash, wet their hair. External contact with water makes it easier to tolerate fasting, it is easier to fast longer. Each contact with water cleanses the pores, refreshes, invigorates. True, after this it is often more desirable to drink.

    The effects of internal cleansing during the second type of fasting are almost the same as during the first, maybe a little weaker. But skin rejuvenation is much less. If we rinse our mouth and throat, then the mucous membranes are also less cleared. When we come into contact with water, the skin absorbs water. Skin nutrition is activated. This is the advantage of this method. It is also desirable to contact with clean water.

    Based on this state, there is another combined type of fasting: dry + water. Fasting for a day or a few dry, and then coming out of the dry, and another fasting on the water. Fasting on water after a dry fast is easy and pleasant. I emphasize that water fasting comes after dry, and not vice versa. This type of fasting allows you to saturate the cells with moisture, prolonging the effects of cleansing. This is an exotic method, and I recommend it only to those people who have fully mastered water and dry fasting, have many years of experience in these practices.

    Dry fasting is limited in duration. The Guinness Book of Records recorded a record - 18 days of dry fasting.

    In a new article on dry fasting, we will talk about how to most effectively conduct therapeutic dry fasting, about methods of preparing for it and competently exiting a 36-hour dry fast.

    Dry fasting. Other types of fasting as preparation for it

    This article will focus on dry fasting and how to competently carry it out on your own. However, before proceeding directly to the description of the process and the benefits of dry fasting, we will make a brief digression and see what types of fasting still exist.

    Before embarking on the practice of dry fasting, namely fasting, when a person does not take inside not only solid food, but also liquids, including juices and water, we will describe ordinary fasting and its types, since it can serve as an excellent preparation and good beginning before proceeding directly to dry fasting.

    If you have never fasted before, then it is advisable to start your experience with, because during it the body will experience less stress, and you will feel more comfortable during the fasting period. It is very important to try to heed this recommendation, because when you suddenly stop eating, especially if you are on a regular diet, that is, you eat animal protein and canned foods, switching to dry fasting can do more harm than good.

    So start your practice with, and then gradually, when you have enough experience of this kind of fasting on the water, including cascading fasting, you can move on to dry fasting. In the process of therapeutic fasting, the stages of preparation for it, as well as the exit from therapeutic fasting, are inseparably linked with the process of temporary refusal to eat, but in reality they are one interconnected process.

    For those who still, for some reason, the process of fasting on water seems too radical to start practicing it, we can advise you to experiment with another type of fasting - cascading. The scheme by which you will starve is simplified and allows the starving person to temporarily get out of hunger, in order to then return to it again.

    An example would be: 1 day of fasting, 1 day of plant based food, 2 days of fasting, followed by 3 days of plant based food, and so on. There are various programs where the duration of the therapeutic fasting process varies, but I would like to note that Russian people are unusually rigorous about the implementation of prescriptions, and in such practices this is not always justified. What is good for one person may be bad for another, so no matter what fasting program you follow, pay attention first of all to your well-being. If for some reason you cannot continue fasting, then it is better to get out of it in time, analyze your well-being and possibly continue next time, taking into account past experience.

    Dry fasting 36 hours. The benefits of dry fasting

    So, what is the benefit of dry fasting and what is its advantage over regular water fasting? It is believed that when absolutely no food or even water enters the body, the cleansing processes that start in the body during fasting are significantly activated, so some followers of therapeutic fasting prefer to conduct one shorter dry fast than a longer one. water fasting.

    During both dry and ordinary fasting, the body's forces are aimed at doing a "general cleaning", hence the therapeutic effect. During normal nutrition, cells die in the body during life, and most of them, unfortunately, remain inside the body. In order to remove them or somehow dispose of them (you will soon understand how this happens), you need to allow the body to rest from eating from time to time.

    In fact, one-day fasting is not even fasting, but a fasting day. The body finally rests, first of all, the digestive system rests and recovers, which has a very beneficial effect on all processes occurring in the body. But you have to disappoint those who think that one-day fasting or fasting for 36 hours will certainly result in weight loss.

    The fact is that in order for the real process of splitting fat cells to begin, at least 3 days must pass. The body is designed in such a way that the first days of fat reserves are preserved intact and the person loses only water. Therefore, in vain to amuse yourself with the thought, seeing minus 1 kg on the scales, that you said goodbye to 1 kg of body fat. Nothing like that, it was the water that left, which you saw on the scales. Therefore, weight loss can be included in the list of positive results of dry fasting, but only when it lasts more than 2 days.

    What happens during fasting? The body, due to the lack of external sources of nutrition, begins to look for other reserves, and not only glycogen. The very dead cells that are still in the body are recycled. This largely explains the amazing effect of dry fasting, healing from ailments during it, etc., because the body is forced to process and get rid of what has accumulated in it for a long time and what caused these ailments.

    If you are ready to go through a 36-hour dry fast, then you need to prepare for it. First of all, a few days before the start of dry fasting, you need to stop eating animal proteins, and just before you start the process, you need to remember to cleanse the intestines so that toxins do not enter the blood when you stop eating. This will prepare you and make the process of fasting more comfortable.

    It is even better if you carry out the practice of fasting after you have been completely on for a long time. It is well known that long-term fasting is much easier for vegans and vegetarians, not to mention raw foodists.

    No less important is the process of getting out of dry fasting. The exit time from dry fasting should be equal to the time of fasting itself. Since we are basically talking about a 36-hour dry fast, then the exit time should be equal to 24 or 36 hours. In practice, it looks like this: during the day you do not take any food, the next day for another 12 hours you continue to abstain from food and drink, and only in the evening, after this time, you can start going out.

    It is better to start getting out of dry fasting by taking a small amount of water, and then after a while you can start drinking juices. Freshly squeezed citrus juices are best suited for the purpose of getting out of dry fasting, it’s good if they are slightly diluted with water, because the body becomes very susceptible to what comes into it after the fasting process, so you need to be very careful about choice of products and flavor intensity.

    Secondly, at the end of fasting, the process of detoxification of the body still continues. Therefore, getting out of fasting is half of the fasting process itself. If you immediately switch to a normal diet, then you will minimize the effectiveness of the fasting process. So spend the period of exit from fasting with the maximum benefit for your body.

    The first day after the release should take place exclusively on juices and best of all on freshly squeezed citrus juices: oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, etc. If for some reason you do not want to use citrus fruits, then pomegranate juice would be an excellent option. It is also transparent and has no fiber, the same can be said about pineapple juice.

    All clear juices suit you. Those that contain starch will have to be excluded: carrot, beetroot, etc. Bananas are not suitable for the same reason. The second day you can already eat vegetables and vegetable juices, but better raw. Only after these two days, following the 36-hour abstinence from food, you can return to the usual thermally processed food.

    The benefits of dry fasting for 36 hours are enormous. The body mobilizes its forces. Since the energy is not wasted on the digestion of food, all of it goes to fight the inflammatory processes that occur in the body. Also at this time, the adrenal cortex begins to produce special hormones that have an anti-inflammatory effect, which further contributes to accelerated healing, if necessary.

    If you do not have pronounced inflammatory processes, then dry fasting will be an excellent prophylaxis to prevent the onset of diseases. During dry fasting, the body most effectively burns fats, cleanses the body of toxins.

    The body is cleansed both from the inside and outside: the skin is cleansed, it becomes more tender, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin of the face is completely cleansed if there were problems with it before.

    If dry fasting, albeit short, for 24 or 36 hours is carried out relatively regularly, then this will also have a positive effect on the figure for overweight people. But as you have already learned, it is impossible to achieve this effect in one go.

    Also, during dry fasting, the body as a whole rejuvenates. During fasting, you seem to restart the system, so some aging processes can be reversed or slowed down.

    Many people who have experienced a 36-hour dry fast note all of the above positive factors. However, you should not abuse and conduct too long dry fasts, more than 7 days, or practice 36-hour dry fasts with excessive intensity. It is better to observe the measure in everything.

    If you want to fast regularly, for example once a week, then ordinary water fasting is much better suited for this purpose. Let it be just a fasting day, and psychologically fasting on the water is much easier to bear.

    Dry fasting: contraindications

    People with serious heart disease, tuberculosis or anemia should not dry fast. If, nevertheless, a person doubts and feels the strength to carry out ordinary fasting on the water, then it is advisable to first consult a doctor, and if the condition allows fasting, then you can start it.

    During the 36-hour dry fast we have described, it is unlikely that negative processes will occur, such as weakening of the muscles and a decrease in blood cells, which can lead to anemia or a decrease in the reserves of vitamins and minerals in the body.

    All this can happen only with very long practices of fasting, so you should not dwell on this in detail. A 36-hour dry fast is usually safe if you are well prepared for it, and not just jumped off the bat after a meat diet and donuts, with a dirty intestine, abruptly stopping food and water, but ended the fast with the same abrupt exit, first thing eating a cutlet with fried potatoes for a side dish.

    This approach definitely guarantees the appearance of problems both during fasting and after it. But our readers will carefully study the article and other materials related to dry fasting, so we have no doubt that your first experience of a 36-hour dry fast will certainly bring positive results.

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