Chow-chow dog: description and characteristics of the breed, photo. Dog with blue tongue: Chow Chow as a mystery of nature

Chow Chow: the dog that licked the sky...

A charming teddy bear with lush shaggy hair, smart eyes and a bluish tongue - this is exactly what a dog, whose breed has the unusual name "chow-chow", perceives. What are the characteristics of her? We will be happy to tell you about this in this article.

A mysterious visitor from the arid steppes of northern China...

Chow Chow has an ancient origin. On a bas-relief dating back to 150 BC, the Chinese painted an image of a hunting dog resembling a chow chow. In the XVIII-IXX centuries, after Marco Polo brought the first description of the breed to Europe, only secular and highly respected personalities were the owners of such a dog.

Nowadays, everyone can buy a Chow Chow dog. But the pleasure is not cheap. But if you still decide to get yourself such a nice friend, you need to take into account all its features.

Such a proud and independent chow chow

After acquiring such a dog, it may seem to you that it is completely uncontrollable, and sometimes even aggressive. This is not surprising, because it is in her nature to be the leader of the pack. But only over time, as trust will arise between you, you can truly say that the Chow Chow is a calm dog with a very bright personality.

How to care for chow chow?

Chows themselves are very neat dogs. But if the weather is wet, rainy, dirty paws cannot be avoided. Therefore, dogs of this breed from puppyhood should be taught to wash their paws after such walks, because it is almost impossible to do this in adulthood.

By the way, about walks. The Chow Chow is not a dog that needs to be walked long distances on a daily basis. A few circles around your house will be enough.

Because of their lush fur, Chow Chow representatives do not tolerate heat well. Therefore, at a time when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees, it is necessary for the dog to choose the coolest possible place, protected from drafts. But winter for Chow Chow is the ideal time of the year.

Dogs of this breed are patient with children, but not in the case when Chow Chows will openly offend and torment. Therefore, if you have a child, you will need to talk with him in advance about how to behave with this dog.

Thus, we can conclude that Chows are big bright individualists who sometimes find it difficult to find a common language with the rest. But if you are firmly convinced that you could become a true friend for such a dog, if you are ready to open your soul to it - feel free to choose a chow-chow!..

Do you know why a Chow Chow dog has a blue tongue? If such a question had been asked to a resident of ancient China, he would not have hesitated to answer. There is an interesting Chinese legend that says: “In very ancient times, when God had already created the Earth and populated it with animals, birds, insects, fish, he was engaged in the distribution of stars in the sky. During this work, quite by accident, a piece of the sky fell off from him and fell to the Earth. All the animals and birds, in horror, fled to the sides and hid in secluded places. And only the most courageous Chow-Chow dog was not afraid to approach the fragment of the sky, sniff it and lightly lick it with its tongue. Since then, the Chow Chow dog, and all of its descendants, has had a blue tongue." Thanks to this beautiful legend, Chow Chow, and today, is called "the dog that licked the sky."

Most likely, the Chow Chow inherited the unusual blue-violet color of the tongue from one of their ancient ancestors. There are many versions of the appearance of this amazing dog breed. For example, the ancient Chinese believed that the bear was the ancestor of the Chow Chow. Indeed, with all its appearance and character traits, the dog really resembles a huge teddy bear, which you really want to “cuddle”. Moreover, this does not prevent her from being an excellent watchman and a good hunter. By the way, if you want to know, the polar bear also has a blue tongue. But still, the "bear" roots of Chow Chow are rather the same legend.

The origin and pedigree of this ancient breed is still an unsolved mystery. No one knows for sure where the Chow Chow came from. Although some researchers believe that these wonderful dogs lived there as early as 3,000 years ago. An ancient figurine of a chow-chow, a Chinese Han dynasty, has been preserved, which is stored in one of the museums in Berlin and dates back to approximately 206-220 BC.

Other scientists argue that the Chow Chow breed appeared much later, as a result of crossing the Tibetan Mastiff and the Samoyed. Also, there is a version that these dogs came into contact with the raids of the Tatar tribes and, initially, were called "man-kou", which means "Tatar dog". There is another hypothesis that chow chows inherited their blue tongue from an extinct species of polar wolf, although evidence has not yet been found.

The mystery remains not only the origin of this amazing breed of dogs, but also the name itself - "Chow Chow". There are several suggestions as to where such an unusual name could come from.

  • Widespread Chow Chow, received from the Chinese city - Canton. So, the Cantonese word “kau”, according to the Chinese dictionary, means “dog”.
  • There is another similar word in Chinese - “chow”, which is used to describe living creatures eaten (as you know, dogs are eaten).
  • In addition, there is a British version of the origin of the name "Chow Chow". When the first dogs were transported by ship to Britain, they were kept in a special room for non-standard cargo. British sailors used the word "chow-chow", which meant "mixed goods".
  • But, personally, I like the other version more. Perhaps the name "Chow Chow" comes from the Chinese word "Chow", which, in literal translation, means "a dog with enormous (unprecedented) strength."

Since ancient times, Chow Chow has been used as a draft dog. In addition, these dogs were excellent shepherds, hunters, watchmen of houses and even ships. In Tibetan monasteries, chow chows were bred to guard shrines. It was believed that there are no more reliable, loyal and incorruptible guards. And today, the Chinese believe that Chow Chows protect their master from evil spirits, unkind people and even from the evil eye. How one breed was able to accommodate so many universal qualities is another Chow Chow mystery. Until now, "the dog that licked the sky" continues to keep its unsolved secrets.

Among all breeds of dogs, both cute and formidable Chow Chows stand out. They are interesting not only for their appearance, but also for their history of origin. This is one of the oldest breeds, the development of which is associated with the Buddha himself. These cute creatures will become not only true friends, but also reliable defenders. What are the characteristics of this breed?

External signs and features

The appearance of the chow chow resembles a mixture of wild animals such as a bear and a lion. A feature of the breed is purple as well as an unusual gait. It is very short, and the steps of the dog are small and fast.

DogChow Chow has the following features of the breed:

  1. The head is large, the forehead is large. The earlobes are large, soft and covered with black spots. Other shades are possible, depending on the color of the coat (fawn - light, red - beige). The mouth is completely purple, the gums are blue. The teeth of the dog are large, strong, white.
  2. The eyes are medium in size, oblong in shape, have a dark frame.
  3. Medium size earssoft, rounded, erect.
  4. Back: Short and strong.
  5. The chest is wide and strong. The ribs have a vaulted shape.
  6. The tail is high, thrown back.
  7. The legs are straight, strong, the paws are of medium size, round, stand on the toes.
  8. The coat is dense, hard, of medium length. The undercoat is soft to the touch and dense. In the neck area, the hair is longer and thicker, forming a beautiful collar. The short-haired breed is distinguished by thick plush hair.

Variety of colors

Named the purple-tongued dog is a breed thathas five varieties of wool color:

  • Red. It is possible to dye wool in tones of dark wood, the presence of golden and yellow tones is allowed. Light spots on the coat are located on the tail, paws and neck. Puppies have a dark muzzle, which changes with age and acquires an even color.
  • Black. As a rule, representatives of this color have an even color. Perhaps the presence of a silvery tint on the tail. With prolonged exposure to outdoor conditions, the color of the coat may become rusty.
  • Cream. Most often there are representatives of the breed of beige, close to white. A feature of this color is that with age, the coat can change its color to yellow-brown. The nose eventually becomes not blue, but brown.
  • Blue. chow chow dogThis color has a deep blue color, silvery overflows are possible. The nose can be either gray or black. The only requirement for thisis the inadmissibility of a brown nose.
  • Zimt. This color is characterized by white-beige tones, possibly pinkish and gray. A feature of this coat color is the presence of a grayish muzzle.

Purple tongue dog (breed hau-chow) can change the color of the coat over time. This often causes a representative of the breed to be assigned to the wrong category, so it is better to contact breeders and professionals for detailed advice.

Intelligence and obedience

Described so beautifulappear to have a stubborn nature. They are willful and stubborn. For this reason, the training of this breed takes a lot of time. Despite this, Chow Chows are not in vain so popular - dogs are very loyal. They carefully study their master, his habits and lifestyle, trying to quickly adapt to them.And it is thanks to these qualities that Chow Chows have earned the nickname "Buddha's helpers."

Chow Chow: character

In order to quickly find a common language with a pet, the owner of a representative of the breed should listen to his four-legged friend and take into account the peculiarities of his character. So, he may have a sense of possessiveness, stubbornness, pride and pride.

These are cute They also have a strong sense of ownership. This feature is manifested not only in relation to toys, but even during walks in the local area, which quickly begins to be regarded as a space that belongs to him alone.

Representatives of the named breed cannot be called sociable. They treat others as rivals or competitors. The statement does not apply to hosts. Dogs give them their loyalty and devotion. And so that this character trait does not acquire a pronounced negative connotation, it is worth paying attention to this feature from puppyhood.

The dog is not prone to aggression and constraint. The breed is very self-confident, self-sufficient. Handsome people are not afraid and do not panic. For this reason, watchdogs of this breed have always been very popular.

In general, dogs with purple tonguehave a good disposition and calm character, but often the opposite may seem.They are quick-tempered and often mistaken for aggression by those around them. In order to minimize the impulsiveness of the breed, it is worth devoting sufficient time to training.

Behavior in a team

"Buddha's helpers" are unfriendly with strangers and other animals. But the owner for them is the closest friend, and they give themselves to him with all their hearts.

This trait, by the way, greatly affects the appearance of a new pet. Wayward dogs are not always ready to accept it. For example, they will never come to terms with the appearance of a cat in the family, but they will be able to find a common language with a dog, but only if they grew up together. The best option for a second pet may be another representative of this breed, but always of the opposite sex.

Do not worry about the relationship between the chow-chow and the child in the family. Plush pets favorably treat children, although they prefer loneliness or communication with other dogs to joint games.

Chow-chow dogs: reviews

Owners of dogs of this breed are almost always satisfied with the choice made. After all, the beautiful appearance of the latter leaves no one indifferent. A very important property of this breed, judging by the responses, is its hypoallergenicity, which is especially important for families whose members are prone to allergic reactions. And among the negative qualities of the breed, reviews note the abundance of wool, which requires care and periodically sheds. Another unpleasant feature of pets is their tendency to allergies.


In this way, purple tongue dog breedwhich is so popular today, can become a true friend and companion for anyone. Chow Chows are smart and beautiful, and their character traits make it possible to speak of them not only as true friends, but also as real life partners.

The Chow Chow is one of the oldest breeds. In the 200s BC. it already existed. Don't believe? In clay figurines belonging to the Chinese Han Dynasty, one can easily recognize quadrupeds of this variety. Unfortunately, detailed information about the history of the breed has not been preserved, because at one time they were destroyed by order of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. But the fact that fluffy dogs were popular not only in China, but also in Ancient Egypt, Tibet, Mongolia is a fact. It is believed that Spitz and Tibetan mastiffs are directly related to the origin of Chow Chow.

To date, miniature "hairy lions" are no less popular. The breed is even listed in the FCI, where it takes pride of place in (Spitz and primitive breeds), 5th section (Asian Spitz and related breeds). Thanks to the established breed standards, you can find out what a Chow Chow looks like:

  • it is a strong and well-built dog of medium size (height at the withers: 46-56 cm, weight: 20-32 kg), which can be seen in the photo. This breed has an unusual gait, which is called stilted;
  • a flat and wide skull, an elongated muzzle, a light nose, rounded hanging ears and dark oval eyes are the features by which you recognize the dog. But the hallmark of the variety is the language. Why does Chow Chow have a blue tongue? If you believe a funny and beautiful Chinese legend: once a Chow Chow managed to lick a piece of the sky;
  • the body is straight and powerful, with a broad chest and a high-set tail;
  • the limbs are straight, the bones are strong, the hind legs are more muscular than the front ones.

All four-legged are divided into long-haired and short-haired. The former can boast of luxurious “hair”: their hair is straight, thick and coarse. Particularly abundant cover around the neck and on the back of the thighs. In short-haired dogs (smooths), the coat is not adjacent, dense, and resembles plush in structure. The breed pleases with a variety of colors:

  • black chow chow;
  • red dogs;
  • chow-chow blue;
  • red dogs;
  • cinnamon dogs;
  • cream quadrupeds;
  • chow chow with white coat.

According to the characteristics, different shades in the same color are acceptable, but the spots indicate that the dog is not purebred.

How long do “shaggy lions” live? Representatives of this species have the largest variation in numbers in terms of life expectancy. Quadrupeds can please their owners with their presence from 9 to 15 years.

Chow-chows are bright individualists, who at the same time are focused on the owner. The dog is a "litmus test" of the owner's mood. Are you sad? The dog will support, resting his head on his knees. Are you experiencing a surge of joy? A four-legged friend will also show positive emotions, reinforcing them with a contented grumble. Pets are sensitive, but the nature of the Chow Chow is such that they never express their emotions too violently.

These dogs can be offended without taking into account their opinion! In this case, the behavior of the animal becomes detached - from the outside it may seem as if the pet does not hear and does not see you. Chow-chow and children get along with the right upbringing of the dog. But often animals simply endure excessive attention from children. Based on the description of the breed, dogs are loyal, love affection, but in moderation.

Chow Chow - dogs, suitable mainly for keeping in an apartment. Although the pet has thick hair, it does not have an undercoat, so the temperature of -10C adversely affects the body of a four-legged creature. Should the animal be kept in an aviary? You choose. But remember that the dog should not freeze.

When choosing a place for a dog, rely on a four-legged friend - let the animal itself choose a secluded place for itself. But keep in mind that the dog should not sleep on the bed or sofa. When caring for a puppy, make sure that he does not climb under low furniture and does not jump from a height - this way you will save the dog's joints.

Chow Chow grooming includes occasional bathing (only when necessary) and regular brushing. You need to comb the dog every day, doing it against the growth of the coat. Teach your pet to this procedure from an early age and an adult Chow Chow will show obedience during combing. There are no special features when caring for eyes, ears, claws and hair. Eyes should be wiped with a damp cloth daily, ears cleaned once a week, and nails trimmed as needed.

What food for chow chow to choose? First of all, nutrition should be balanced. And if you have free time, feed him natural food. Meals should consist of meat, fish, dairy products, cereals, fruits and vegetables. But these products from the menu should be excluded:

  • bones, bone broth;
  • pork, smoked meats;
  • pasta;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • legumes;
  • sweets and chocolate;
  • raw carrots.

Feeding a chow-chow puppy is carried out from 3 to 5 times a day. An adult dog is fed 2 times a day, and after 4 years they are fed 1 time a day (in the evening).

Raising and training a Chow Chow is not an easy process. But just do not rush to conclusions: the dog is not stupid, not lazy, and not even stubborn. The point is different: in order to understand how to raise and train a pet, it is important to realize that the dog has its own opinion. That is, she is not a blind performer, but a person who, if she obeys, does it with dignity. Think you can train an animal at home using the traditional “carrot and stick” method? Here you did not guess.

It is unlikely that when raising a Chow Chow you will induce him to fulfill the command by bribing him with a delicious cracker. The use of force will not help either. As a result, the pet will withdraw into itself or show aggression, which in any case can be regarded as your fiasco. Only patience, understanding and kindness will allow you to tame a proud and quick-witted animal. Therefore, to begin with, establish contact with the dog. And the sooner you do this, the easier it will be to raise a friend. Dog breeders recommend raising puppies from the first days you bring an animal into your home.


Fluffy dogs have strong immunity, but some diseases still threaten the health of dogs. The most common ailments in chow chows are:

    • hip dysplasia. Unfortunately, the most common and most dangerous disease among other breeds of dogs (for example, shepherd dogs). The hip joint becomes weak, causing the upper part to pop out of the bone. This leads to calcium arthritis, and the dog begins to experience pain while walking;
    • eczema, allergies, dandruff. Breed diseases can be caused by both malnutrition and improper care. After bathing, wipe the animal dry. If the coat does not dry out, the skin will rot, leading to the above problems;
    • adrenal insufficiency. In this case, the dogs lose their appetite, attraction to pets of the opposite sex, the dogs get tired quickly. Acute current Chow sickness can lead to shock;
    • eye diseases. Inversion of the eyelids and double eyelashes threaten that the pet develops keratitis or a corneal ulcer. In some cases, the health of the Chow Chow is threatened by retinal atrophy;
    • heatstroke. Luxurious “fur coat” Chow Chow is not designed for the summer heat, so in the heat it is better for dogs to be in the shade, and ideally in a cool room.

If you take care of your pet, feed it with healthy and tasty food, give preventive medicines and make vaccinations in a timely manner, the animal will thank you with a wet nose and a vigorously wagging tail.

As you know, Chow Chow is one of the most ancient and mysterious breeds: cynologists are sure that dogs of this variety were found more than three thousand years ago! The evidence is a Chinese figurine dating back to the Han Dynasty, which is 206-220 BC. And all this time, lovers of the breed wondered: why does the Chow Chow have a blue tongue?

During the life of a Chow Chow, the color of the tongue can change several times: from rich black to light lilac-blue. The color will depend on the health of the dog, his morale or even the weather! The tongue brightens in the heat or if the dog is experiencing strong excitement.

By science...

Despite the fact that the Chow Chow breed has been known for so long, scientists cannot explain why the tongue of these dogs is purple. Of course, there are certain versions and legends. So, for example, some are sure that the rare polar wolves, which became extinct several thousand years ago, were distant relatives of the Chow Chow, and these dogs owe the color of the tongue to these very distant ancestors.

Often, the chow-chow breed is credited with kinship with bears: the appearance of dogs is to blame for this, they very much resemble small fluffy cubs. Many dog ​​breeders think that the Chow is a mix of Samoyeds with bears or Elkhounds, Keehounds or even Pomeranians. In the Chinese province of Canton, Chow Chow is simply called "black tongue", wolf dog or bear dog.

In addition, there are two varieties of chow chow in China: purebred and "bastard" chow, which refers to the meat type of dog. "Bastards" are distinguished by a more pointed head shape, and their tongues are spotted - in purebreds this is a serious breed defect.

It is also possible that China is not the birthplace of Chow Chow at all: some are sure that the dogs got there on trade caravans from Mongolia. In turn, chow came to Mongolia from Siberia, and even before that they lived in the Arctic. This version seems quite plausible: animals living in a harsh climate with low oxygen content can adapt to the environment. In modern times, blue tongues speak of an acute lack of oxygen, and therefore this phenomenon can be explained by mutational features.

How are the puppies?

It is noteworthy that chow chow puppies are born with ordinary pink tongues, the color begins to change only a month after birth. Every year the pigmentation becomes more intense. When choosing a puppy, breeders are advised to pay attention to the language.

As a rule, puppies look for a new home after a month and a half, and if by this time the tongue has not acquired the desired color or spots are observed on it, it is better to refuse the purchase. Pigmentation problems can indicate not only a breed defect, but also health problems.

According to the legends

There are a lot of legends and tales in China, and the mysterious breed with a purple tongue was also not spared. According to one of the "versions", the color of the Chow Chow language was due to their ... Courage!

According to legend, during the creation of the world, God first created the earth and populated it with numerous animals, and then set about “decorating” the sky. While the Creator was distributing stars across the heavens, one of the pieces of the sky broke off and fell to the ground. All living creatures were frightened and tried to hide, and only the chow-chow dog dared to approach a piece of the sky and lick it. So the language of the brave dog acquired a heavenly hue.

Of course, the chow-chow from this legend is very similar to its modern relatives: dogs of this breed are distinguished by their curiosity, perseverance and confidence. It can be assumed that a true Chow Chow will not be afraid of what will make many other animals seek cover.

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