Symptoms of gardnerellosis in women, the main drugs for treatment. How to cure gardnerella vaginalis: treatment of chronic gardnerellosis (bacterial vaginosis)

Gardnerella vaginalis are facultative microorganisms that may be present in small amounts in the microflora of a healthy adult woman.

What kind of disease is gardnerellosis that affects the female body and causes severe discomfort?

Under certain conditions, the cells of the microbe begin to actively multiply and displace the beneficial microflora that protects the vagina from infection. If the infectious agent enters the body from the outside, then its incubation period is from 3 to 10 days. But infection does not always lead to the development of the disease, the bacterium can settle on the mucous membrane and coexist peacefully with other microbes for a long time.

Causes of gardnerellosis

There are both endogenous and exogenous risk factors for bacterial vaginosis. It occurs when the natural balance is disturbed and there is a rapid reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, including gardnerella in the vagina.

External causes that can trigger bacterial vaginosis include:

  • Diet with insufficient content of sour-milk products, consumption of large amounts of carbohydrates and sweets.
  • Changing a sexual partner, even if he does not have health problems and sexually transmitted diseases, the body still needs to get used to the new microflora during sexual contact.
  • The presence of sexually transmitted diseases, which disrupts the balance of microflora in the vagina.
  • Environmental problems that adversely affect the state of the whole organism, including the genitourinary system.
  • The use of antibiotics and corticosteroids, which can simply deal a crushing blow to the microflora of the vagina and intestines, and cause serious problems if you neglect the recommendations of a doctor and do not pay due attention to recovery after therapy.
  • The use of hygiene products, such as pads and tampons, which do not have the best effect on women's health, as they disrupt the normal flow of air and contribute to stagnant processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Wearing synthetic, tight and uncomfortable underwear that interferes with blood circulation and the natural process of ventilation creates a kind of greenhouse effect.

The internal factors provoking the development of the disease include:

  • Hormonal disorders, including during pregnancy.
  • Exhaustion of the body and the state of immunodeficiency.
  • The presence of chronic diseases that undermine human health for a long time.
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis can have many unpleasant consequences for the body, including a decrease in defenses in the fight against viruses and bacteria.
  • Stress and fatigue.

More than a dozen types of bacteria can be found in a woman's vagina. A healthy microflora consists of a predominant number of lactobacilli, bifidobacteria and peptostreptococci. Thanks to lactic acid, an acidic environment is maintained in the vagina, which serves as a local defense. Also on the mucosa in small quantities there are anaerobic bacteria, gardnerella, candida, Trichomonas and mycoplasmas. With a sharp increase in them, vaginal dysbacteriosis occurs.

Most often, when studying the flora in the laboratory in women with vaginosis, a sharp increase in the number of gardnerella vaginalis is found. Therefore, this disease is also called gardnerellosis. The main role of the bacterium is that it creates favorable conditions for the development and reproduction of other conditionally pathogenic microorganisms. The environment in the vagina becomes alkaline, and the disease progresses. Waste products of gardnerella exacerbate mucosal disorders, which contributes to the development of diseases of the genitourinary system.

The main route of infection with gardnerella is sexual. It is passed from male to female and vice versa.. Moreover, all types of sex are dangerous, including oral-genital and anal-genital. This infection cannot take root in the mouth, but through it it can get to the genitals. Also, gardnerella is transmitted from mother to child, but this bacterium does not develop in the fetus, since girls have little estrogen before puberty, and she does not have enough glycogen for proper nutrition.

Often a person is a carrier of a microorganism and does not even know about it. The presence of gardnerella is determined in him, but there are no signs of the disease. This is dangerous both for him and for his sexual partners in that the infection is transmitted and, under favorable conditions, the disease can manifest itself. Having found symptoms of a violation of the vaginal microflora or discharge from the urethra in men, it is imperative to visit a doctor and take a smear for analysis in order to accurately determine the cause of the violation of the microflora of the genital mucosa.

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With cystitis and fungus, which are quite common, the flora in the body is also disturbed, but completely different drugs and pills are needed to treat the disease. Gardnerellosis during pregnancy contributes to premature birth and increases the risk of complications. If gardnerella is present in large quantities in the vagina, this increases the likelihood of developing inflammation of the uterine appendages, which can lead to infertility. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, it is imperative to take an analysis of the vaginal microflora in order to treat possible infections even before conception.

Gardnerellosis in women and men

Gardnerellosis is mainly a female disease, but the pathogen can also settle on the genitals of a man. Therefore, diagnostics and treatment are carried out immediately for all partners, in order to avoid possible relapses of the disease. Fortunately, this type of bacteria does not take root in the children's body. In women, the symptoms of gardnerellosis make it easy to trace the occurrence of this disease. One of the main signs is the appearance of yellowish or grayish copious discharge from the genital organs with or without an odor.

Even if a woman simply feels discomfort in the vagina, burning, itching, especially if they worsen after intercourse and menstruation, this means that there is an inflammatory process in the vagina and you need to go to a consultation with a gynecologist and take a flora smear for analysis. Since discharge may not bother a woman for a long time, and in the meantime the disease can become chronic, so make it a rule to visit a doctor at least twice a year in order to detect violations that may occur in the female body in time.

The rapid development of gardnerella can provoke douching with soda and hydrogen peroxide, as well as the use of local hormonal ointments that disrupt the normal flora of the vagina. Often with gardnerellosis, vaginal thrush can also be diagnosed, so a doctor should prescribe a medicine to eliminate dysbacteriosis, having studied the test results. In men, in the genital area, burning and itching may be felt, as well as scanty discharge with an unpleasant odor and plaque.

A neglected disease can lead to prostatitis, as well as inflammation of the appendages and testicles. These complications, left unattended, can even lead to infertility. To make a diagnosis of gardnerellosis, the gynecologist takes smears from the vagina and sends them to the laboratory for analysis, where not only their presence is determined, but also the quantitative ratio of bacteria in the vaginal secretion. With dysbacteriosis of the genital mucosa, the number of gardnerella increases sharply, and lactobacilli decreases.

More about the disease

Gardnerellosis can be diagnosed if at least three of the following conditions are met:

  • There are complaints of the patient about the presence of secretions, which can be transparent, yellowish or grayish, with an unpleasant smell of rotten fish, which appears during the life of gardnerella.
  • The flora in the vagina has become alkaline, PH > 4.5.
  • In smear microscopy, there are “key” cells, namely, epithelial cells covered with gardnerella.
  • A positive result of the amine test, which is carried out by adding a couple of drops of potassium hydroxide to the vaginal discharge. If a characteristic smell appears, it means that they contain amines that form gardnerella in the course of their life.

Gardnerella in women: what to do if gardnerella is found in the vagina during pregnancy

Doctors have determined that gardnerella in women, if it is determined in a small amount, does not cause vaginal dysbacteriosis. The problem arises when, for a number of reasons, the microorganism begins to develop rapidly and displace other types of bacteria. Often gardnerella during pregnancy shows its pathological activity, as the woman's hormonal background changes.

Manifestations of gardnerellosis in women can be both acute, with the appearance of discomfort, burning and itching, as well as pain during sexual intercourse, and almost imperceptible, when the presence of imbalances in the flora is practically not noticeable. Features of the course of the disease, both in men and women are largely similar. And this disease must be properly treated, in order to avoid the occurrence of serious complications, such as inflammation of the genital organs and appendages, which can cause infertility.

Regardless of the presence or absence of severe symptoms, treatment of the disease in women is mandatory, no matter what it becomes chronic and does not lead to complications: inflammation of the ovaries and appendages, as well as infertility. When planning a pregnancy, the vaginal microflora should be normal in order to exclude the influence of possible infections on the development of the fetus. Therefore, if gardnerella is found in the flora taken for analysis during pregnancy, then it is necessary to undergo treatment.

How to treat during pregnancy dysbacteriosis caused by gardnerella in women

During pregnancy, gardnerellosis can occur due to changes in the hormonal background of the female body, then discharges that have not been observed before, burning and itching may appear. If left untreated, it can cause complications during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as provoke bleeding. Therefore, it is imperative for pregnant women to contact a antenatal clinic to find out how to treat vaginal dysbacteriosis without harming the fetus, and it will also be useful to learn ways to increase the body's immunity and activate its defenses.

Usually, in the first trimester, pregnant women are prescribed Ampicillin, and starting from the second trimester, Metronidazole. Treatment with clindamycin is not used, as this antibiotic can harm the fetus. On medical forums, you can find information about the prescribed treatment if gardnerella is found in women, and its results, as well as patient reviews on the use of certain drugs.

Gardnerella in men in the urethra and its consequences

Since gardnerellosis mainly affects women, the question may arise, is gardnerella transmitted from a woman to a man? Yes, it is transmitted. The sexual route of infection with this bacterium is the main one. And although gardnerella in men in the body most often simply dies, but during this time it can cause infection of another woman, with unprotected sexual contact.

Gardnerellosis in men cannot occur due to the structural features of their bodies, but the settlement of gardnerella in the urethra and on the head of the penis can provoke urethritis or even balanoposthitis, the symptoms of which are the appearance of an unpleasant "fishy" smell and plaque on the penis. A man most often acts as a carrier of infection and becomes a source of infection for partners with whom he has sexual contact.

The features of the course of the disease in men are that in the clinical picture of the disease there are often no noticeable symptoms and the disease may have a sluggish form, but burning, itching and clear or white discharge may still be observed, as well as pain during sexual intercourse, which may indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

For an accurate diagnosis, you need to contact a urologist who will conduct an examination and prescribe the necessary tests. Therefore, although there is no such diagnosis: gardnerellosis in men, this bacterium can still cause some discomfort to male patients. Why is the disease dangerous in men? If left untreated, it can lead to prostatitis, balanoposthitis and inflammation of the testicles, which in turn can cause infertility.

Gardnerellosis: treatment with antibiotics and folk remedies

Gardnerellosis is a bacterial infection, so before using traditional medicine, you need to take a course of antibiotic therapy. Which drug should be used by the patient, the doctor should prescribe after examining the patient and evaluating the clinical picture.

You should immediately consult a doctor if you suspect gardnerellosis. Treatment of a timely diagnosed disease lasts no more than two weeks, and the recovery period after therapy takes 1.5 months. This time is needed to restore normal microflora in the vagina. In addition to tablets, the doctor often prescribes suppositories and gels that act locally directly at the site of infection, to which gardnerella is sensitive. Treatment, if inflammation of the mucosa is found, it makes sense to supplement the intake of immunostimulating drugs and vitamins of groups B and C, which help strengthen the body and help it fight infection. During therapy, sexual intercourse is not desirable, in extreme cases, they are permissible using a condom.

Drugs that are prescribed in the treatment of gardnerellosis are antibiotics such as Metronidazole, Erythromycin, Clarithromycin or Trichopolum. The prescription of drugs and the treatment regimen depends on the complexity of the disease and the presence / absence of other infections, such as thrush. Folk remedies are not always effective if gardnerella is found.

Treatment should begin with a course of antibiotic therapy, but as ancillary measures in addition to the main treatment, and at the stage of restoring normal microflora after taking them, herbal decoctions are simply irreplaceable. During pregnancy, you should definitely consult a doctor, whether or not you can use certain means, no matter what harm yourself and the baby.

  1. To normalize cellular immunity, you can prepare medicinal preparations from birch leaves, mint, celandine, chamomile, licorice root and elecampane, as well as wormwood, nettle, sweet clover, blueberry leaves and pine buds. These herbs must be mixed in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of raw materials should be poured with a liter of boiling water, wrapped and let it brew for at least 6 hours. The infusion should be kept in the refrigerator and drink half a glass three times a day before meals. The course of treatment lasts a month. You can repeat it 4 times a year.
  2. Against the reproduction of gardnerella, fresh walnut leaves will help, from which you need to prepare a decoction of a certain concentration. You need to take 5-7 pieces, chop, pour 200 ml of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink a glass of broth during the day in small sips. The course of treatment is two weeks.
  3. Also perfectly helps to restore the microflora of the vagina infusion of sage. It can be prepared by taking one tablespoon of dry leaves and pouring them with a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for half an hour, and then strain. On the day you need to drink two glasses of infusion, one in the morning and the other in the evening.

At home, during and after treatment, you need to monitor personal hygiene, change linen more often as it gets dirty, and avoid hypothermia. Eat a high protein diet and avoid sugary foods for at least 4-6 months while your body is recovering.

You also need to forget about douching, they are not useful either during treatment or after it, as they cause vaginal dysbacteriosis. In the process of their implementation, useful flora is washed out, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. It is better to visit a gynecologist to prescribe antibacterial agents that will effectively cope with gardnerella. Gardnerellosis is quite common in medical practice, and this disease can have unpleasant and dangerous consequences for a woman's body.

Therefore, it is worth paying attention to its prevention, which includes the following activities:

  • Exclusion of casual sexual contacts and the use of barrier methods of contraception.
  • Minimize the use of vaginal antibacterial and contraceptive products, as well as personal care products that are not suitable for your body.
  • Observe measures of general and intimate hygiene.
  • Follow proper nutrition and maintain normal intestinal microflora. This will help not only prevent the development of dysbacteriosis, but also improve immunity and well-being.

Do not wait until gardnerellosis is detected, treatment for this disease is carried out for a long time and with a course of antibiotics, it is better to take care of its prevention and be healthy!

Normally, there are various microorganisms in the vagina: lacto and bifidobacteria, which make up up to 95% of the entire microflora of the genital tract, as well as cocci, enterobacteria, E. coli, fungi of the genus Candida, Klebsiella, mycoplasma and others, including gardnerella.

What is gardnerella?

These are bacteria of the genus Gardnerella, which includes only one species, Gardnerella vaginalis. In a small amount, these microorganisms are present in the usual microbial association living in the vagina of a healthy woman. They are facultative anaerobes, that is, they can exist in an environment without oxygen.

Under favorable conditions, microbes multiply rapidly in the urethra and vagina, suppressing and destroying lactic acid bacteria. A disease develops, which was formerly called gardnerellosis. Now scientists have found that other opportunistic microbes are also actively involved in this process - mycoplasma and obligate anaerobes, capable of existing only in an oxygen-free environment (fusobacteria, bacteroids, peptostreptococci and others). Thus, gardnerellosis in women, according to modern concepts, is a mixed infection. Currently, this disease is preferred to be called "".

This diagnosis is absent in the International Classification of Diseases 10th revision, since the term "bacterial vaginosis" itself entered into practice later than the creation of this classification.

Causes and mechanism of the development of the disease

Gardnerellosis is not an inflammatory disease, but an imbalance in the microflora of the vagina, that is, vaginal dysbiosis. This condition develops at least once in a lifetime in a third of women. Is he dangerous? Bacterial vaginosis creates favorable conditions for the formation of genital tract infections - colpitis and others. It contributes to the formation of a precancerous condition of the cervix -. Gardnerellosis increases the risk of an unfavorable outcome of gynecological interventions, abortions and childbirth. It increases the chance of contracting HIV.

Causes of gardnerellosis in women:

  • the use of antibacterial drugs, primarily antibiotics, as well as local antiseptics, for example, during douching;
  • uncontrolled intake of oral contraceptives and spermicides;
  • without proper medical supervision;
  • hormonal disorders, accompanied by a decrease in the volume of blood released during menstruation, as well as lengthening of the menstrual cycle, during puberty or menopause;
  • inflammatory diseases of the lower genital organs, uterus, appendages;
  • promiscuity;
  • immunodeficiency states in diabetes mellitus, taking immunosuppressants and cytostatics, HIV infection;
  • malformations, polyps, cysts, foreign bodies of the vagina and uterus.

With excessive growth of opportunistic microbes in the vagina, the acidity of its internal environment changes, the pH rises to 7 or more. Under these conditions, the natural protection of the genital organs weakens, infectious complications join. Thus, the causes of gardnerellosis lead not only to the development of bacterial vaginosis, but also contribute to the colonization of the vagina by pathogens.

Gardnerellosis in men is much less common. Usually, these microbes are removed from the urethra in the urine stream. Isolated cases of inflammatory lesions of the male genital organs by gardnerella are described. However, every tenth infected man becomes a carrier of the infection, spreading it through unprotected sexual intercourse. At the same time, he has no external manifestations of the disease.

Clinical picture and diagnosis

The time from the onset of the disease to the formation of the first signs in most cases is 10 days.

Symptoms of gardnerellosis

There are quite abundant discharge from the vagina, itching, burning. The discharge is usually white or gray in color, sticky, homogeneous, frothy, with a characteristic unpleasant fishy odor. They are observed in half of the patients, irritate the walls of the genital organs, sometimes causing burning and itching. It is possible to increase discomfort during sexual intercourse or menstrual bleeding.

These symptoms can persist for a very long time, even for many years. With such a long process of selection, they acquire a curdled character and a yellow-green color.

Every fifth patient has urination disorders: it can be frequent, painful, in small portions, accompanied by itching. At the same time, gardnerella from the urine are excreted in almost all women with bacterial vaginosis.

A feature of vaginosis is the absence of edema and redness of the walls of the vagina, that is, inflammation. However, almost half of the patients have concomitant diseases of the cervix: inflammation, cicatricial deformity, ectropion, pseudo-erosion.

Establishing diagnosis

With such signs, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis using the following methods:

  • determination of the reaction of vaginal contents (pH-metry), in which an alkaline reaction is determined, in contrast to the normal - acidic, created by lactic acid bacteria;
  • positive amine reaction: when the secretions are mixed with a solution of potassium hydroxide, a strong unpleasant fishy odor occurs.

The diagnosis is confirmed by examining stained smears under a microscope. The following specific signs of gardnerellosis are determined:

  • a large number of desquamated cells lining the mucosa;
  • "key cells" - epitheliocytes with gardnerella and other microbes fixed on them;
  • lack of lactic acid sticks;
  • the presence of gardnerella, bacteroid, fusobacteria and other pathogens of vaginosis;
  • a small number of leukocytes, indicating a mild inflammation.

There are other diagnostic methods: immunofluorescence reaction, polymerase chain reaction, DNA hybridization, as well as the cultivation of microorganisms. They are aimed at identifying gardnerella in the vaginal contents. These methods are expensive, often time-consuming and cost-inefficient, so they are rarely used.

Features of the course of the disease in pregnant women

Gardnerella during pregnancy is less common than outside this state, due to the physiological increase in the number of lactobacilli in the expectant mother. They are designed to create an acidic environment in the vagina. Thus, lactobacilli protect the fetus from the penetration of infectious agents through the cervix.

Diagnosis and treatment of gardnerellosis in pregnant women should be given special attention, as it can cause pregnancy complications (chorioamnionitis, early termination, doubling the likelihood of preterm birth, postpartum endometritis and sepsis). There is usually no direct effect on the fetus, however, an increased frequency of preterm birth leads to the birth of premature babies.

Thus, untreated gardnerellosis during pregnancy is not a harmless condition, it is dangerous for a woman and her unborn child. This condition must be treated. Treatment is hampered by the fact that many antibacterial drugs during pregnancy (especially during the first trimester) are contraindicated.


During the course of therapy for gardnerellosis, a woman is advised to give up fatty and sweet foods, take more fluids, dairy products, and normalize stools with vegetable fiber (vegetables). The patient can take a shower, go to the bath, but do not bathe. Baths should be avoided.

Treatment of the sexual partner is carried out only if he has an inflammation of the urethra - urethritis. In other situations, drugs are not prescribed to a man. The use of condoms is desirable to reduce the risk of contracting other infectious diseases from a partner, although according to some recommendations it is not necessary. Bacterial vaginosis is not sexually transmitted.

It is necessary to treat the disease in all cases, especially before abortion.

Treatment of gardnerellosis is based on the following principles:

  • antibacterial therapy;
  • normalization of the microbial flora of the vagina;
  • strengthening immunity and preventing relapses.

With gardnerellosis, tetracyclines, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides are not used. The basis of treatment is Metronidazole, less often Ampicillin and Clindamycin are used.

These drugs can be used both in tablet form and topically. Inside appoint Metronidazole or Clindamycin for a week. During this time and the next day, a woman is forbidden to drink alcohol.

Terzhinan candles have proven themselves well, they need to be used within ten days. Metronidazole-gel, vaginal cream Cleocin is used. Simultaneously with these drugs, antifungal drugs are prescribed for prevention, in particular, fluconazole for oral or topical use.

Treatment of gardnerellosis during pregnancy is carried out using local drugs, since systemic drugs can harm the baby. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, Dalacin vaginal cream with clindamycin has proven itself well. Additionally, for the prevention of candidiasis, pregnant women are prescribed candles Natalsid, Pimafutsin, Gino-pevaril.

In parallel with the use of antibiotics, topical antiseptics can also be used, for example, Betadine (Povidone-iodine), Chlorhexidine. This will speed up your recovery.

3 days after the end of the course of antimicrobial therapy, agents are prescribed that restore the normal sour-milk flora of the vagina - Acylact (tablets, suppositories, powder for suspension preparation), Lactobacterin. Bifidumbacterin is used to restore bifidobacteria. You can also prescribe combined agents, for example, Linex, Bifiliz and others. They can be used both internally and locally, given the fact that bacterial vaginosis is very often combined with a violation of the composition of the intestinal microflora. At the same time, multivitamin complexes are prescribed.

For the prevention and treatment of recurrent gardnerellosis, the Solkotrikhovak vaccine is used. It enhances local immune responses, promotes the development of lactobacilli, inhibits the reproduction of opportunistic flora. There are features of the introduction of the vaccine, so only a doctor should prescribe and control the treatment.

Treatment at home should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor. Additionally, after the exacerbation subsides, douching with chamomile, oak bark, aloe juice, calendula and other herbs with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties can be carried out. However, it should be understood that douching washes away beneficial microorganisms, which can further delay recovery. It is almost impossible to get rid of gardnerellosis only with folk remedies.

Usually, treatment takes about 2 months: 10 days of antibiotic therapy, followed by restoration of the microflora of the genital tract. Evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy is carried out after the complete disappearance of symptoms.

Prevention includes the following areas:

  • achievement of a normal hormonal background;
  • treatment with antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor;
  • compliance with the usual rules of personal hygiene, without frequent douching;
  • refusal to have sexual intercourse with different partners;
  • treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis and infections of the genitourinary system.

Bacterial vaginosis or gardnerellosis in women is quite common. This is an infection that in women is caused by a special bacterium - gardnerella vaginalis. A small amount of these microorganisms is completely harmless to the body, but as soon as their number begins to increase due to a decrease in lactobacilli, the first signs of the development of gardnerellosis appear. You should not be ashamed of this female disease, because it does not belong to a sexually transmitted disease, does not depend on the observance of intimate hygiene standards, and can develop at any time in women of different ages. Even small girls who do not have a single sexual contact are capable of having a rather adult female disease - gardnerellosis.

It is impossible to find a female person who would have an absolutely sterile vagina. Only newborn girls do not have any microorganisms in their genitals at all, but already about a week after birth, the composition of their microflora begins to change. Before puberty, for about everyone, it normally has an acidity of pH 5.0.

Everything is different in the body of adult females. They constantly have various organisms in their vagina, so the acidity of the environment decreases (pH 4.0-4.5). Some of the bacteria are completely harmless and must be present in the microflora (lactobacilli), others, like gardnerella vaginalization in women in the photo, under favorable conditions become a real threat and lead to changes in the microflora.

Every healthy woman has a certain amount of lactobacilli in her vagina. These are her protective bodies. They regulate the level of acidity, determine the composition of microflora, fight microorganisms that can harm health. When once lactobacilli lose their activity, this is immediately noticed by harmful microorganisms that were previously oppressed. This is where the time comes to come to the fore gardnerelle. Its norm in a healthy woman is about 103 -105 CFU / ml, as soon as this figure increases, there is a threat of developing gardnerellosis in the woman shown in the photo. They can develop very quickly, but they do not show any resistance. In this case, the female disease manifests itself, then subsides a little. This condition is called chronic gardnerellosis in women. During chronic gardnerellez bacteria go deep into the genitourinary system and move into the urethra or cervix. It can last for several years, until one day, during a random examination, the doctor diagnoses the disease.

Causes of gardnerella in women

An excessive increase in the number of vaginalis bacteria in women is the cause of gardnerellosis. Its quantity increases significantly due to a sharp decrease in the number of lactobacilli. This disproportionate ratio in the vagina between the two groups of bacteria can occur as a result of antibiotic treatment, menopause or diabetes. It leads to dysbiosis. This is nothing but gardnerellosis. The number of lactobacilli can decrease when using intimate hygiene products that cause dry skin. Excessive care of the female genital organs also does not bring anything good, but can cause a large number of gardnerella vaginalis in women.

Sexual contact without a condom with a man who had previously had an affair with an infected partner and was infected also causes gardnerellosis in a perfectly healthy woman.

Among other reasons involved in the appearance of a gardnerella infection in women, one can distinguish:

Symptoms and signs of gardnerellosis in women in life and in the photo

Not all even adult ladies know how gardnerella manifests itself in women, and therefore they do not even find obvious signs in themselves in time. When visiting a gynecologist, patients sometimes complain of an unpleasant smell from the vagina, which is somewhat reminiscent of the stench emanating from rotten fish. At this time, they do not even realize that these are the first signs of gardnerella in women, and such a bad smell appeared as a result of the active breakdown of amines under the influence of anaerobic bacteria on them.

In addition to an unpleasant odor, other symptoms of gardnerellosis in women are also known. Quite often, a sign of the disease is previously uncharacteristic discharge. Not all of them are the same color. It happens that the discharge is grayish-green or yellowish. Very rarely, the discharge can be white, then they are called white, or transparent. Their consistency is like a cream. They stick to the walls of the vagina and hold tightly to them. The number of bacteria in vaginosis is rapidly increasing, so the discharge becomes more and more abundant. Doctors consider such vaginal discharge to be pathological, so they will have to be dealt with immediately, reducing the amount of gardnerella in the body.

Often, vaginosis occurs against the background of inflammation of the genitourinary system. Then, to the mentioned signs of a female disease, other symptoms of gardnerella in women are added. The inflammatory process is accompanied by a strong burning sensation or itching, which becomes especially noticeable during intercourse or immediately after it.

Causeless violations of the menstruation cycle, the appearance of mucous impurities in the bloody discharge, resembling flakes of pus or pieces of cottage cheese, can also become a sign of gardnerella vaginalis.

Approximately 25 - 30% of women who had gardnerellosis had absolutely no symptoms in the photo. This is a common occurrence in the disease, but it cannot be said that the absence of symptoms is a safer course of the disease. On the contrary, when a woman notices symptoms of gardnerellosis or at least feels discomfort in the genital area, she goes to the clinic and tries to start treatment as soon as possible. If the disease is asymptomatic, this often happens, you can expect various complications, which will be much more difficult to cope with than with a disease detected in the early period of development.

According to the symptoms, gardnerellosis resembles other sexual infections, therefore, it is possible to correctly establish the diagnosis only after taking a smear.

Treatment of gardnerellosis in women with drugs

Before starting the treatment of gardnerellosis in women, each doctor suggests that his patient undergo a diagnosis in order to exclude the presence of other microorganisms that may also be involved in the disease. The most common and accessible is the study of vaginal discharge, if any, or a smear for cultural inoculation from the mucous membranes of the vagina, the results of which determine the amount of gardnerella and lactobacilli in the microflora. Based on this ratio, the doctor decides how to cure gardnerellosis in a woman using topical preparations and auxiliary procedures such as baths, douching and others.

The treatment regimen for gardnerella in a woman is built taking into account the form of the course of the disease, the reaction of her body to drugs, the patient's condition, and even the cause of the disease. The most effective drug in the treatment of gardnerella vaginalis in a woman is metronidazole. Let not scare patients who have already treated trichomoniasis with this medicine, such a doctor's decision in choosing pills, because this drug is ideal for combating many sexual infections. And when the question is how to effectively treat gardnerella in women, feel free to use the drugs according to the scheme indicated by the doctor.

Beware of the side effects of metronidazole, patients learn how to cure gardnerella in women with other drugs. You can use klion or efloran, but metronidazole is also an active substance in their composition. Alternatively, choose drugs with clindamycin: clindamycin, dalacin.

When deciding how to treat gardnerellosis in women, doctors prescribe suppositories for the treatment. Suppositories with metronidazole are considered very effective. They create a high concentration of a drug that fights the virus in the vagina, and thus contribute to a quick recovery by reducing the amount of the virus. In addition to the treatment of gardnerella in women, suppositories are also effective for candidiasis, which is often found in pairs.

When choosing how to treat gardnerella in women, many opt for creams. These are also quite effective means that are inserted into the vagina twice a day. Your doctor may recommend creams or gels that contain metronidazole. It is flagyl or metrogil. The course of such therapy usually lasts from 5 days and can reach 10 days if a woman has chronic gardnerellosis.

As an alternative group of creams are preparations with clindamycin. Just once a day for a week, it is enough to inject dalacin into the vagina to reduce the concentration of the virus.

Although the amount of gardnerella vaginalis in a woman's body has decreased due to antibiotic treatment or the use of suppositories, it is too early to talk about complete recovery until the required amount of lactobacilli in the microflora is restored. For this, the doctor prescribes drugs that contain lactobacilli.

Treatment of gardnerella in women with traditional medicine

Since it does not apply to sexually transmitted infections, herbal preparations are quite effective in treatment. For baths, both tinctures bought at a pharmacy and herbal decoctions prepared at home are suitable. Effective in this fight are calendula and chamomile, thyme and oak bark, wormwood and yarrow, celandine and eucalyptus, birch leaves and mint. These same herbs can also be taken as a tea to strengthen the immune system.

At home, you can make tampons soaked in carrot juice and apple cider vinegar. For 1 tampon, a tablespoon of carrot juice and half the same spoon of vinegar are taken. The tampon is inserted into the vagina for 20 minutes after taking hygiene procedures and douching.

Doctors recommend taking baths with salt and potassium permanganate during an illness in the presence of abundant discharge. This solution kills bacteria and helps to significantly reduce their number. If it is impossible to do such baths daily, you can use the same solution for tampons that are inserted into the vagina in the morning and evening. Medical workers are very wary of douching and do not often recommend using them in the treatment of gardnerellosis in women, because such a procedure helps to wash out the beneficial microflora from the vagina, which is already insufficient there.

To prevent bacterial vaginosis, traditional medicine recommends drinking tea made from sage more often.

Some consider gardnerellosis a non-serious female disease and wait until it goes away on its own without the use of drugs for treatment. The imbalance can eventually recover on its own if the causes that caused it disappear (for example, the use of IUDs or condoms with lubricants is stopped), but such an independent restoration of the microflora can take a very long time. Think about whether you want to endure such fetid odors, reminiscent of illness, and communicate with your spouse, having unpleasant discharge?

In the treatment of gardnerellosis, several types of therapy are used, general and local. With general treatment, the gynecologist prescribes antibiotics and other drugs that reduce the number of gardnerella in the vaginal microflora. These drugs include trichopolum and metronidazole. Treatment with these drugs is one week. At the same time, it is also important to carry out local treatment from baths, suppositories and douches. Usually prescribe the treatment of the vagina with a solution of miramistin or the same metronidazole in the gel, betadine in suppositories and douching with a soda solution or chamomile. Local treatment is slightly longer and is ten days.

In the treatment of this disease, vitamins and immunostimulating drugs are also prescribed to increase the protective functions of the body. It is useful to take drugs that normalize the microflora of the vagina, for example, containing lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

Before treatment, it is very important to take tests to determine the degree of vaginal dysbacteriosis, as well as the presence of other bacteria in the microflora, since gardenerellez often appears when not only gardnerellosis, but also other bacteria are present in the body. Also, if these bacteria are found in a woman's smear, it is necessary to prescribe treatment for both herself and her partner. A man can simply be a carrier of gardnerella, which, if ingested by a woman during unprotected sex, can cause inflammation.

During treatment, it is advisable to refrain from sexual intercourse or use a condom to avoid infection of the partner and re-infection.

Gardnererellosis appears in connection with the bacterium gardnerella, which is not a pathogenic flora, therefore this disease is not a sexually transmitted disease. In small quantities, this bacterium is found in the microflora of any woman. This bacterium is activated in women who often change partners and during unprotected sex, if the hygiene of using sex toys is not observed.

Vaginal dysbacteriosis also occurs after the use of some vaginal tablets and suppositories such as Polygynax and Betadine, when using local contraceptives, when douching, which is a common causative agent of the disease, and also when taking antibiotics. All these means lead to the fact that the natural microflora of the vagina changes and the number of gardnerella and other bacteria in its composition increases. These bacteria also become active if a woman has experienced severe stress, if her immunity is reduced or her hormonal levels are disturbed.

Scientists still do not agree on whether this disease is a sexually transmitted disease or not. The fact that this disease can be found not only in women, but sometimes in men, may indicate that gardnerellosis is sexually transmitted. True, in relation to men, the term "gardenerellosis" is not applicable, since it means vaginal dysbacteriosis, which only women have.

According to statistics, today every fifth woman of childbearing age has this disease. Pregnancy, childbirth, puberty can also trigger this disease.

Gardnerellosis can only be diagnosed in the laboratory. For this, the following methods are used:

Measuring the acid-base balance of the vaginal discharge
- microscopy of a smear from the vagina
- amino test
- identification of the main cells.

What indicators can indicate the presence of this disease?
Firstly, it is the identification of key cells (cells on which pathogenic bacteria are located). Secondly, it is vaginal discharge with an unpleasant smell of spoiled fish. Thirdly, if the acid-base balance is higher than normal, this indicates an inflammatory process in the vagina, most likely caused by gardnerella. And, fourthly, during the amino test, a few drops of a special preparation are added to the smear: if the smell of fish appears, this indicates the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the smear.

The doctor makes a diagnosis if at least 3 signs of the disease are present. Very often, the detection of key cells with gardnerella does not indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

Gardnerella is always considered with other bacteria, since this bacterium is present in the body of every woman in any case, though in smaller quantities.

Antibiotics are used to treat this disease. Local procedures are also recommended to equalize the level of bacteria in the vagina. After treatment, the smell and discomfort should disappear, the smear indicators should normalize, and the discharge should disappear. Analyzes are carried out after 7 days after the end of treatment. If necessary, the woman's partner is also treated, as he may be a carrier of pathogenic bacteria.

Gardnerellosis in pregnant women is not as rare as we would like. Pregnancy stimulates natural changes in a woman's body, which can cause increased activity of gardnerella, in small quantities contained in the body of every woman. The hormonal background of a woman changes, the protective functions of the body decrease, thereby provoking a pathogenic bacterium to activity.
Also, a woman could contract this infection from a male carrier even before pregnancy, which could cause an exacerbation of the disease.

This disease does not pose any problem for the unborn child. If a pregnant woman has gardnerella in a smear, there is nothing to worry about, and it makes no sense to go for an abortion. These bacteria do not come into contact with the fetus in any way, so it cannot become infected. If infection occurs during childbirth, it disappears without a trace in the newborn, since these bacteria by themselves cannot cause inflammatory processes.

What is unpleasant with this disease in pregnant women is that inflammation of the vagina can begin, since the pathogenic bacterium always goes in pairs with other bacteria. To prevent this from happening, a pregnant woman should have monthly smear tests in order to start treatment on time, if necessary.

The main task of a gynecologist when detecting gardnerella in a pregnant woman is not treatment, but prevention of an increase in the number of these bacteria and the onset of the inflammatory process. If before childbirth a woman has an exacerbation of the disease, then local treatment and special preparation for childbirth are carried out. Thorough treatment of the disease is carried out after childbirth.

When the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microflora of the female reproductive organs is disturbed, doctors call this phenomenon bacterial vaginosis. Lactic acid bacteria, which occupy a dominant position in the composition, in the event of an imbalance, are gradually replaced by opportunistic microflora, represented, to a large extent, by gardnerella. Gardnerellosis in women, the symptoms and causes of which are not very diverse, is not dangerous in itself, but only until it becomes acute or chronic and causes a number of complications.

What is the gardnerella microbe? This is an anaerobic bacterium that prefers to live and multiply in the human body, and most of all it “likes to settle” in the organs of the genitourinary system. It belongs to the category of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, and infection with it does not in all cases cause an inflammatory process, since the bacterium may not manifest itself for several months. Yellow, greenish-yellow and whitish-gray discharge with an unpleasant odor, evenly lining the walls of the vagina, the appearance of which should alert a woman, is clearly not the norm, but a serious cause for concern.
If gardnerella in women are active, then they can cause a change in acidity, which will provoke various violations of the microflora of the vagina and other organs of the reproductive system. In the presence of such changes, intensive growth and development of other microorganisms is possible. Therefore, gardnerellosis is often accompanied by other, not very pleasant diseases of the intimate sphere. And in order to save yourself from problems, you need to know for sure what the gardnerella is dangerous for, how it is transmitted and what the consequences are if everything is left to chance.

Weak immunity is one of the causes of the disease

If, during laboratory tests, not an infection, but a gardnerella is found in a smear, then this is not a reason for making an appropriate diagnosis. It is exhibited if there are clinical symptoms. Microorganisms can become activated due to a weakened immune system, which is facilitated by:

  • Eating large amounts of sugar.
  • Chaotic sex life.
  • Reception of immunosuppressants, glucocorticosteroids and antibacterial drugs.
  • The presence of infectious diseases, and not only the genitals.
  • Diabetes mellitus and other diseases of the endocrine system.

The pathological process progresses if the beneficial microflora cannot provide the proper level of protection to the body. The causative agent of gardnerellosis is vaginal gardnerella, which is transmitted mainly through sexual contact with unprotected contact. The source of infection or its carrier is a sick person. Persons with strong immunity may not particularly worry, but this does not mean at all that they can indulge in love pleasures without fear.

Everyone is at risk of infection, but women of childbearing age are more susceptible to this disease.

This happens because the most favorable conditions for the reproduction and development of gardnerella are supposedly specially created in the female vagina. In general, the name of this disease is somewhat outdated, because it was actively used 30-40 years ago, and now it is more correct to designate this disease with the term "bacterial vaginosis". It is noteworthy that gardnerella is not the only causative agent of this disease, because it always "works" in combination with other microbes.

Watch an additional video clip about why, even if there is gardnerella in a smear, it does not always indicate bacterial vaginosis:

The main causes of occurrence

The displacement of beneficial microflora by opportunistic bacteria is the main condition for the appearance of the disease. Specialists in the field of medicine are confident that the decisive factor provoking the occurrence of gardnerellosis in men and women is the characteristics of sexual life. Indeed, in virgins and virgins, such an ailment is never diagnosed, as well as in sexually active women who do not suffer from vaginitis.
A woman can get sick with gardnerellosis if:

  • Sexual life is conducted regularly, and without observance of moral norms.
  • The body has already been attacked by venereal infections.
  • There are problems with the menstrual cycle.
  • For a long time, intrauterine or oral contraceptives are used.
  • A woman abuses wearing "erotic" lingerie, which is often made from
  • synthetic materials.
  • Intimate hygiene rules are not followed properly.
  • There are no dairy products in the diet.
  • Already have any venereal disease.
  • There were endocrine disorders, which include pregnancy and childbirth.
  • The body is in a state of physical or emotional overwork.
  • Douching is carried out too often, and chlorine-containing preparations are involved in the process.

Signs of the disease in women

Symptoms of gardnerellosis are very noticeable, and they are classified into basic and additional. The first appear in everyone who has become a victim of the disease and these include:

  • Abundant discharge from the vagina, the hue of which is yellowish or grayish, and the consistency is creamy.
  • Discharge with an unpleasant smell, very similar to the "ambre" that exudes rotting fish. The reason for the appearance of such a “flavor” is extremely simple: anaerobic microorganisms affect amines, which break down into simpler components.
  • Symptoms of gardnerella are already unpleasant in that an excess of these bacteria provokes the appearance of inflammatory processes in the vagina, which are very difficult to miss.
  • Itching, burning and irritation are all inevitable companions of this disease.
  • Mostly, yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor in women is evenly distributed along the walls of the vagina.
  • The occurrence of pain during sex is also an unhealthy phenomenon that appears with gardnerellosis.

Female gardnerellez has symptoms related to the category of secondary or additional. These include: discomfort in the groin and lower abdomen, lethargy, feeling of weakness, fever, headache of varying intensity, redness of the skin in the "intimate" zone.

Signs of the disease in men

Gardnerellosis in men manifests itself differently than in women, which is quite logical, given the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the male body.

In most clinical cases, bacteria provoke the appearance and development of chronic urethritis or prostatitis. Sometimes the head of the penis becomes a victim of microorganisms, which tends to become inflamed, which is why a urologist can diagnose "balanoposthitis". Symptoms of gardnerellosis in men are:

  1. Yellow discharge from the urethra, which has a sticky consistency and a very unpleasant odor that neither photo nor video can convey.
  2. Redness and swelling of the glans penis.
  3. The appearance of severe pain and pain during urination and increased urge to urinate.
  4. Gardnerellosis in men should be treated in a timely manner, since the infection can quickly spread to the overlying parts of the genitourinary system.


Gardnerellosis, the symptoms of which differ in women and men for obvious reasons, needs to be correct, which requires laboratory tests. External signs of gardnerellosis are easily confused with the symptoms of almost any sexually transmitted infection, which is also characterized by yellow discharge with a putrid odor.

For this reason, it is necessary to pass an analysis for gardnerellosis, which will allow microscopic studies of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora.

If epithelial cells “framed” by leukocytes are found in the smear, then this is clearly not the norm, and there is a pathology.

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) also allows you to identify gardnerellosis, in which the symptoms and treatment are not the same for all patients. In addition, serological testing and a positive potassium hydroxide test are also diagnostic methods.

Video about the diagnosis of this disease:

Treatment and prevention

Antibiotic therapy is a mandatory method of treating the unpleasant manifestations of this disease, which may occur due to one's own carelessness and sexual promiscuity. Treatment regimens are prescribed by a doctor, and they are selected in accordance with individual characteristics, because a pregnant woman can also get gardnerellosis. Usually, a course of drugs taken orally is prescribed, in addition, suppositories, ointments and gels are prescribed, which include Metronidazole or its analogue.
Of course, treatment is also prescribed for a sex partner, and this is the norm, and it is better to refuse sexual intercourse for this period. After the “extermination” of gardnerella, restoration of the vaginal microflora is required, for which probiotics containing lactobacilli are used. Treatment of this disease in men is carried out if its clinical signs are fully manifested. Since the disease can be sexually transmitted (and this is its most common way of transmission), a couple wishing to have a child should take care of its safety in advance.
Preventive measures include:

  • Timely and proper care of the genitals.
  • Immunity boost.
  • A complete ban on “sex without a condom” with an unreliable partner, because sexually transmitted diseases love to cling to those who lead a promiscuous sex life.
  • Prevention of the appearance of infectious and inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs.
  • Timely detection and disposal of extragenital diseases.

Watch a video about the consequences of untimely treatment and non-compliance with preventive measures:

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