The scenario of the sports and game program "Formula of Health", dedicated to the World Health Day. The script of the holiday "health day"

"A healthy mind in a healthy body" script

Doctor. Hello guys! Today I want to wish everyone good health. This is the most valuable thing that people have, which means that it must be protected. Today you will show how well you know your body and how you can take care of your health.

Athletes run out. Boys and girls do various sports exercises to the music: they do exercises with weights, hoops, jump rope, dance, show defense techniques, etc.

After the performance, two students dressed in vitamin A and B costumes enter.

Doctor. Who complained to us?

Vitamin A. You see, Vitamin B, what beautiful, fit, athletic guys here. How much they can do!

Vitamin B. Yes, Vitamin A, well done guys! And you and I can't do anything.

Vitamin A. And why is that?! We just haven't tried it yet! Let's try.

They take hoops, but do not hold them at the waist.

Vitamin B. This is probably difficult. Let's get the jump ropes. It will be easier.

Vitamin B is jumping rope. Vitamin A hardly jumped once.

Vitamin A. I probably ate little porridge today.

Vitamin B. You didn't eat it at all. I drank only lemonade and ate chocolate.

Vitamin A. So what! But it's so delicious.

Doctor. Vitamin A, you know, from chocolate you will not be full for a long time, and drinking lemonade in the morning is generally harmful.

Vitamin A. Yes? I didn't know. But what to do? The porridge is so tasteless.

Doctor. It can be made delicious by adding berries, butter, fruits.

Vitamin B. Oh, bad! I'm dying! (grabs his stomach) All the same, porridge is harmful.

Doctor. What happened to you?

Vitamin B. What happened? The porridge turned out to be tasty, but harmful.

Doctor. And why is that?

Vitamin B. How do I know? First I ate a bowl of rice porridge with raisins. The second plate - buckwheat with milk, the third - oatmeal with a banana. It was so delicious!

Doctor. What are you! Is it possible? You overeat! You need to eat in moderation, then the stomach will not hurt.

Vitamin A. It is clear why the guys were so dexterous and athletic. Not enough sports to do, you need to eat right.

Doctor. Yes, you are right, athletes have a special diet. They spend a lot of energy, and proper nutrition helps to restore it. Moreover, food should be varied.

Vitamin B. Let's hold a competition and check if our guys eat right?

The number of guys can be any. Each of them draws up the correct menu for the day, and then reads it out. At the end of the competition, it is determined which menu was the most correct.

Vitamin A. What wonderful guys. Let's give a gift to all the winners. And which one, let them guess (a riddle for the winners of the competition).

Delicious juicy fruit

The letter I is his name. (Apple)

Vitamins distribute apples.

vitamins together. We realized that the measure is needed in food.

Vitamin B. You need to eat a little a day, but several times and always at the same time.

Vitamin A. If you follow this rule, then food will only benefit.

Vitamins together A. Remember, guys, a simple law: health is one, there is no second!

Game "Fun exercise"

Doctor. And I propose a sports competition, otherwise everyone has already sat too long. It's time for everyone to warm up and show their dexterity, strength and speed.

Competition "Proper nutrition"

Everyone who wants to play comes on stage. The doctor speaks and shows movements, and the guys repeat:

➢ Bunny - hands on the belt, crouched and jumped.

➢ Cat - arched back and stretched.

➢ Owl - we stand straight, hands are pressed to the sides, turning the head to the right and left.

➢ Bear - hands on the belt, legs apart, stomping their feet.

➢ Horse - arms forward, springy leg movements.

Doctor. Remember the moves? Now I will name the animals, and you will show how they move. Vitamins will be my helpers. They will keep a close eye on you. Whoever makes a mistake stops charging.

The doctor calls the animals in different sequences, gradually picking up the pace.

Vitamin A. The guys performed well. Probably hungry? Well, can you guess the riddle?

Little red matryoshka,

White heart.

red mortar,

White pusher. (Raspberry)

Vitamin B gives raspberries to the winners.

Relay "Charger"

Doctor. Now let's do a little exercise relay.

For the relay, two teams of 4 people are recruited. Both teams complete the tasks below. The team that completed the tasks the fastest wins.

➢ Charging for the lungs. Who will inflate balloons faster.

➢ Turtle race. Who will cover the distance faster at a snail's pace.

➢ Bird food. Teams collect grains scattered on the floor without bending their knees.

Vitamin A. Let's start with the awarding of the winners.

The pot is small

Sweetie couple,

Do not break the pot

And don't get a couple. (Nuts)

Vitamin B distributes nuts to the winners.

Butterfly Morning Game

Doctor. Now I suggest that butterflies come out, that is, all those who would like to know how butterflies wake up. (Participants of the game leave.) I will say what the butterfly is doing, and you will perform these actions.

Every morning the butterfly wakes up, smiles and stretches. Then she washes herself with dew, spins gracefully, and then crouches and flies.

The doctor reads, gradually picking up the pace. Vitamins monitor the performance of exercises. Children who make the wrong move or do not have time are out of the game.

Vitamin A.

It's time to treat these winners.

A whole bush of black berries,

They taste good. (Black currant)

Vitamin B gives blackcurrants to the winners.

Black box game

Doctor. We now know a lot about butterflies. And you, besides charging, what else should you do in the morning?

Children answer: wash, brush teeth, comb.

Doctor. In order to do all this, you need some things. Here is a black box, I will make a riddle, and you must determine what is in this box.

The children solve the riddle. The doctor then shows the answer.

little buzzard

Walked around the city

Killed all the guys. (Banya broom)

I'll get up early

I'll go to Roman

To the long nose

To an empty head (Water dispenser)

Hanging on a hook, dangling,

They constantly grab him in the morning. (Towel)

Lots of teeth

But he doesn't eat anything. (Comb)

Vitamin A. It's time to reward these guys with useful gifts.

What is this:

Grown into the ground

Thick on top


Are you red? (Carrot)

Vitamin B distributes carrots to the winners.

Doctor. Now let's listen to Leonid Yakhin's poem "A Very True Story"

Two students come out and read a poem.

Doctor. I hope guys that this poem is not about you. And you will eat right, do exercises in the morning, wash your face and brush your teeth.

Lyubov Skorobogataya
The scenario of the sports and game program "Health Formula" dedicated to the World Health Day

Scenario of the sports game program

« Health Formula» ,

dedicated to World Health Day.

Music sounds, the host comes out.

Leading. Good afternoon dear friends! Today, April 7, people around the world celebrate world health day. On this day in all over the world there are sports competitions and holidays so that the children of the whole planet grow up healthy and strong, brave and courageous, dexterous and strong!

Why does such a day exist? Yes, because health is the most precious that a person has. But what is it health?

Pupils come out "Action".

Let's breathe deeper!

Three four!

Stand straight.

Let it become in our life

Afternoon health every day!

- Health is when you feel good.

- Health- this is when nothing hurts.

- Health is beauty.

- Health is strength.

- Health is flexibility and slenderness.

- Health is endurance.

- Health is harmony.

- Health This is when you wake up in the morning cheerful and cheerful.

Who agrees health and happiness? WE!

Who is against pain and unhappiness? WE!

For a sober mind, for clarity of thought? WE!

For childhood, youth, for the joy of life? WE! WE! WE!

All. Our health is in our hands!

Leading. Today we are visiting ___

Speech by Kucherova A.N.

There is a good folk saying « Healthy you will - you will get everything ". And today you will mine with the help of your knowledge, ingenuity, resourcefulness, dexterity and strength. For each completed task, you will receive elements of words, from which we will collect at the end of the game health formula.

Leading. And what does it depend on health? From the regime of the day. How does the day start healthy person? That's right, with charging! We invite you to do exercises with our bull sportsman!

Music sounds. Bull comes out sportsman.

1. Charging.

Leading. There is a very good proverb - "Clean living - be healthy» . How do you understand this proverb? What needs to be kept clean? (children's answers).

Now we offer you to take water procedures. To the music, each team moves around its lake. As soon as the music stops, everyone should jump into the lake. Who did not have time, the frogs will soar.

2. Game "Steam room".

Music sounds at the exit of the Wolf.

Leading. Health is strength, and strength is sport. What types sports you know? (children's answers) We offer to play air volleyball with Wolf.

3. "Air Volleyball".

Music sounds. Bee appears.

Bee. Hello friends! I am a cheerful and mischievous bee. I really love healthy honey, and I also move a lot. I know so much about health and now I want to test your knowledge.

My quiz for team captains. I will ask you questions about health. If you answer a question correctly, you take a step forward; if you answer incorrectly, you take a step back.

4. Quiz.

1. Do you agree that exercise is a source of vigor and health? (Yes)

2. Is it true that chewing gum saves teeth? (Not)

3. Is it true that carrots help maintain vision? (Yes)

4. Do you think milk is healthy? (Yes)

5. Is it possible to eat dry bread? (Not)

6. Is biting your nails healthy? (Not)

7. Does our health from that what do we eat? (Yes)

8. Is it true that in the summer you can stock up on vitamins for the whole year? (Not)

10. Is it true that it contributes to hardening - drink ice water on a hot day? (Not)

12. Sit down, jump up with a pop above your head, sit down again. How can you call what we are doing now? That's right, warm-up, exercise, physical education, in a word, a mobile, active lifestyle. It helps to strengthen health or not? (Yes)

Bee. Well done! You answered all questions perfectly! And now we can play my favorite game - "Funny Centipedes"!

To do this, the teams must line up in columns and put their feet wider than their shoulders. Now we pass the left hand between the legs to the neighbor from behind, and with the right hand we take the left hand of the neighbor in front. Hold on tight! At my signal, our "centipedes" start to move forward to the landmark and return back. The team that gets to the finish line without bursting wins.

5. Cheerful centipedes.

Leading. Guys, do you know what a grand event awaits us in the next 2014? (children's answers) That's right, the Winter Olympics in Sochi! Meet the symbols of the Olympics!

Music sounds at the exit of the Olympic symbols.

Leading. And what types of winter Olympic sports you know? (Answers) I propose to arrange a bobsleigh competition.

6. "Bobsled".

Leading. We all know the famous saying - "AT healthy body - healthy mind» . And our next contest is called "Strength of mind". We invite two teams to participate in it.

Each participant receives a balloon. On a signal, you must begin to inflate them until the balloons burst.

7. "Strength of mind".

Leading. Well done! You have done well with all tasks. And now we can get with you health formula. While the music is playing, each team collects its part of the phrase from the received elements.

Teams collect words to the music.

Leading. So what is health?

Teams voice the received words.

Awarding with diplomas.

Leading. Health- an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has a desire to be strong and healthy, maintain as long as possible mobility, energy and achieve longevity. We hope that our meeting was not in vain. Be healthy!

And now we invite everyone to an incendiary flash mob!

For holding in MBOU "." SOSH this year. You can change and add relay races at your discretion.

Like the script itself, you can use it as a layout.

  • Promote a healthy lifestyle
  • Engage students in health issues
  • Develop creative abilities
  • Teach communication
  • Promoting a Culture of Health

Preparatory work:

  • Scenario development
  • Participant preparation
  • Designing an exhibition of essays on a healthy lifestyle
  • Prizes
  • Hall decoration


  • Posters
  • Tracksuits
  • Sports Equipment

Presenter1: Today we have gathered to hold an open event for all students of the school dedicated to Health Day. World is celebrated at the end of the first week of April - April 7 to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization. Every year on World Day days health Traditional competitions are held in our school.

HEALTH is a priceless gift given from birth, which nature presents to mankind. This is the highest welfare of man. Without it, it is almost impossible to make our life interesting and happy. Many people waste this gift, sometimes forgetting that it is very easy to lose health, but to return it is very, very difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Folk wisdom says:

“The main thing for our health is that we ourselves are not among its enemies.”

Do you agree with this wisdom.

- On whom does human health depend in the first place?

A boy comes out and reads a poem ""

Let's meet health day

We are an easy jog

We will celebrate the holiday

With the inevitable delight!

We want to run, jump,

Move the figure.

May it be useful

Let health come.

Be easy on the rise

And high in achievement.

We wish you strength, health,

So that everything is done with love!

Lead 2

To the sports ground

We invite you children.

Holiday of sports and health

Starts now.

(Primary school students take the stage and take turns reading the wording of the concept of "health")

“Health is when you feel good.

“Health is when nothing hurts.

“Health is beauty.

“Health is strength.

- Health is flexibility and harmony.

“Health is stamina.

— Health is harmony.

- Health is when you wake up cheerful and cheerful in the morning.

- Health is when you can easily climb the 4th floor.

- Health is when you are happy to fulfill any necessary


Presenter 1:

Well, let's start our holiday.

Jury presentation.

- No competition is complete without judges. Today the teams will be judged (representation of the jury members).

Let the jury the whole course of the battle

Track without a hitch.

Who will be friendlier

He will win in battle.

Host 2:

Our holiday will consist of three stages:

  1. Relay "Swiftly and amicably" for grades 1-4
  2. "Journey to Sportgrad" for grades 5-8
  3. Class hour for students in grades 9 - 11 "Healthy youth -

healthy nation!

Host 2: So, we begin the 1st stage - the relay race "Swiftly and amicably" for grades 1-4. Teams of primary school students are invited to the stage. They represent the name, motto and emblem of the team.

Before starting the competition, I ask you to take an oath.

“Forever faithful to the sport to be:

We swear!

Health from youth to keep:

We swear!

Do not cry and do not despair:

We swear!

Do not offend opponents:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

We swear!

The teams repeat the oath together.

Presenter 1: Our competitions will be held in the form of stations:

1. Tunnel

2. Transfer of flags

3.Competition of fans

4 .Mini obstacle course

5. Competition of captains "Who is faster"

6 Crab Race

7. Ball race

8. Relay - train

Inventory used: "bags, flags, basket, balls"

Rules: One point for the first team to finish, two points for the second team.

Event progress:


Teams stand on the start line in a column one after another. At a distance of 9m from the start line, a player stands and holds a hoop with a bag, and then there is a chip. On a signal, the player runs, climbs through the hoop with the bag, runs around the chip and returns to the team. Then the task is performed by the second, third, etc. The first team to finish the relay wins.

2. Transfer of flags

Teams stand in two columns. At a distance of 10 meters in front of them are flags. At the whistle, the one standing first in the column runs around the flag, runs after the second, takes him by the hand and together they run to the flag. The first one stays near the flag, and the second runs after the next one. The relay is considered completed when the last player from each team "crosses over to the other side." The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

3.Competition of fans

While the points are being counted, the fans stand on the benches. The team captain stands in the middle of the bench 2 meters away with a basket in his hands. Fans try to throw their balls into the basket. For each ball thrown, the team is awarded 1 point.

4. Mini obstacle course

On command, the first participant runs to the bracket (stands on the mat), jumps over it, then performs a somersault forward (on the mat), goes around the rack, performs a somersault (on the mat), runs to the bracket, climbs in a plastunsky way and passes the baton to the next.

5. Competition of captains "Who is faster"

Ribbons 4-5 meters long are tied to two chairs. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the chairs become captains. They stick the second end of the tape to the belt. On command, the captains begin to turn around so that the ribbon is twisted around the belt. Whoever sits on his chair first wins.

6 Crab Race

The first numbers sit on the platform, leaning their hands behind. On a signal, they begin to move, tearing their pelvis off the floor, moving their arms and legs. To the control line they move forward, and back - backwards.

7. Ball race

The person in front picks up the ball and passes it between the legs to the person behind him. He, in turn, passes the ball to the third and so on. The last one with the ball runs around the flags and becomes at the beginning of the column. The game continues until the player who was first at the beginning of the competition is again in first place.

8. Relay - train

A line is drawn in front of the teams standing in columns, and racks (stuffed balls) are placed 10-12 meters from each of them. On a signal, the first team numbers run around the racks (counterclockwise) and head to the starting line. They run past their column, go around it from behind and run back to the posts. When they run through the starting line, the second numbers join them, grabbing their belts, and now the two players are already running around the obstacle. After turning around the team, third numbers join them, etc. The game ends when the entire team, representing train cars (without disengaging hands), finishes, that is, the last player crosses the start line. In the game, the first numbers get the most load, so when repeating, the participants in the columns are arranged in the reverse order.

The jury sums up the results of the relay, there is the same reward for the teams, because friendship won. Organized departure to the seats of the audience.

Lead 2. Now it's time for the second stage. Before starting the competition, I ask you to take an oath.

“Forever faithful to the sport to be:

We swear!

Health from youth to keep:

We swear!

Do not cry and do not despair:

We swear!

Do not offend opponents:

We swear!

Competitions to love:

We swear!

Try to be the first in games

We swear!

Presenter 1: The second stage will also be held in the form of sports stations. You can see them on the screen:

1. Snipers

2. Daily routine

3. Who will overtake

4. Relay with hoops

5. Attraction

6. Running with a rope

7. Cycling

10. Contest of marksmanship

12. Jumping on balls

13. Guess

Inventory used: "Hoops, sandbags, jump ropes, gymnastic sticks, balls, sheets of paper, soap bubbles, skittles."

Host 2: But before we move on to the practical part of the event, we will conduct a warm-up in which the teams must answer questions on sports topics (for each answer, one point)

1. What color is the Olympic flag? (White)

2. How many rings are on the Olympic flag? (Five rings)

3. Which country is the birthplace of the Olympic Games? (Greece)

4. After how many years are the Summer Olympics? (After four years)

5. Who were the Olympic Games dedicated to in ancient Greece? (God of gods Zeus)

6. What color are the Olympic rings? (Blue, black, red, green, yellow.)

7. How is the champion of the modern Olympic Games awarded? (Gold Olympic medal)

8. The motto of the Olympic Games? (Faster, higher, stronger)

9. Who was the initiator of the beginning of the Olympic movement? (P. Coubertin)

10. What was the award for the champion of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece? (Olive wreath) 10

11. How much gold does an Olympic medal contain? (Not less than 6 grams)

12. In what year will the Olympiad be held in Russia? (2014)

13. In which city will the Olympiad be held in 2014? (Sochi)

14. Do children under 16 take part in the Olympiad? (No, only from 18)

15. Do women participate in the Olympiad? (Yes)

Presenter 1: The teams have mentally prepared and now they will show how fast and agile they are.

Competitions - Stations:

  1. Snipers

Children stand in two columns. Place a hoop at a distance of 3m in front of each column. Children take turns throwing sandbags with their right and left hands, trying to hit the hoop. If the child hit, then his team counts 1 point. Outcome: whoever has more points, that team won.

  1. Schedule

The teams are given a spread of cards with the points of the daily routine. (`Wake up`, `dinner`, `free time`, `breakfast`, `exercise`, `homework`, `walk`, `school`, `sleep`.) The teams must line up in the correct order.

  1. Who will overtake

Participants line up on the same line, holding hands. Following the leader's signal, all teams jump on one foot to the intended line. The team that reaches the line first wins.

  1. Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, come back and pass the hoop to his friend. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

  1. attraction

Rope walkers. The first team members put a bag of sand on their heads and, on a signal, go to the chair and back, pass the bag to the second participants, etc.

  1. Rope running

The 1st runs on a signal to the flag and back, jumping over the rope. Then he puts her behind 2 m, not reaching his own.

  1. Cycling

The bicycle in this relay race will be replaced by a gymnastic stick. The stick must be saddled by two participants at once. They are cyclists. Each bike duo, holding a stick between their legs, will have to get to the turning point and back. The fastest win.

  1. Towing

On a signal, the first players of each team tow the hoop with the ball in such a way that the ball remains in the hoop while moving. If the ball is lost, return it to the hoop and continue the task. The winner is the team whose all players complete this task faster.

  1. Who will blow further

Participants are squatting on the floor with bottle caps in front of them. Task: We blow on bottle caps so that they fly off as far as possible. purge your cap to the indicated location.

  1. marksmanship competition

Two sheets of white paper are attached to the stand. A square is drawn on them in green and blue ink. One of the participants blows soap bubbles, and the second must blow on them and drive them into a square. The winner is the one who manages to do it more out of 5-10 attempts.

  1. Skittles

There are 2 skittles on the court, one for each team at a distance. One member leaves the class. At the signal of the leader, the children must knock down the skittles with the ball. Whoever knocks down the most pins wins

  1. Jumping on balls

Participants stand in a column one after another. The first numbers, at the command of the judge, begin to move in a straight line, jumping on the balls to the turning mark, run around it, take the ball in their hands and run back to the finish line, pass the baton to the next participant with a touch, etc.

One point is given to the team that came to the finish line first, two points to the second, and so on.

  1. Guess

Solve the riddle "Tell me a word":

Teams are given riddles. If no one from the team guessed correctly, then the turn passes to the next team.

Gnawing steel pipes

If you often brush ... TEETH

I take dumbbells boldly -

Train Muscles… BODIES

Made friends with physical education -

And now I'm proud of the FIGURE

Want to get stronger?

Raise everything ... DUMBELLS

Slept so that the temperature

Here's a liquid ... POTION

Unlucky today Svetka -

The doctor gave bitter ... PILLS

Julia is lucky today

The doctor gave sweet ... PILLS

Juice, pills are more useful than all,

He will save from all ... ILLNESSES!

Since childhood, people have been told to everyone:

Nicotine is deadly ... POISON

Though he pinches and burns the wound

Heals perfectly - red ... YOD

For Alyonka's scratches

There is a full bottle ... GREEN

Declared a fight against bacilli:

I wash my hands clean with .... SOAP

I was given yesterday

Two injections ... NURSE

Drill whistle is heard -

He treats teeth for everyone ... DENTIST

Host 2: Well done to our teams, the jury sums up the results, the teams are rewarded.

Moderator: Dear children and guests! So our sports competitions are over. Now we will ask the distinguished jury to sum up the results and name the winners.

Presenter 1:

Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility and energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity.

Everyone needs health

And daughters, and mothers, and sons.

You can't buy it for millions

And you won't get it at the auction.

We want you to buy it

Then strengthen it.

You go for a run quickly

Bring your whole family with you.

And on the day of health by the whole yard,

Let's run and jump.

So be healthy!

Host 2: We hope that today's meeting was not in vain, and you learned a lot from it. After all, “You will be healthy - you will get everything!”

Class hour for students in grades 9-11 "Healthy youth -

healthy nation!

Equipment: computer, projector, pens, leaflets, films, pictures with

symptoms of diseases.

Movies on electronic media, pictures taken from the Internet -

sources. (Students form groups at will). See script in text file

Scenario of the holiday "World Health Day" for preschool children

The target audience: children 5-7 years old.

Event goals:

  • involve children in sports and physical education,
  • develop motor activity, consolidate personal hygiene skills.





The course of the holiday

(Cheerful sports music sounds, the presenter enters)

Leading.Hello guys! Today we have gathered for a sports festival dedicated to World Health Day. I see all of you are healthy, strong, cheerful and it's time for us to go to the country of "Health".

(A cold appears to disturbing music, speaks, coughing in a malicious and squeaky voice)

Cold.Well, kids, do you think you are all healthy and strong here?

Leading.Guys, who is this? What kind of guest came to us?

(children's answers)

Cold.Yes, I'm a cold! Do you want to go to the country of "Health", but where will your strengths come from? Ha ha ha, I saw something this morning. For example, this boy did not do exercises! But this one did not eat breakfast in the morning. And this one, in general, my mother brought in a stroller, like a little baby, ha-ha-ha. Why do you need this country "Health"? Better come with me, to my country, (proudly) to the country of “Cold and Illness”, where you can lie in bed all day, do nothing, sleep a lot, watch TV, drink pills. And, most importantly, mom will not scold for anything! Come with me, you still don’t want to play sports!

Leading.(Strictly) Wait, Cold! Where are you taking our children? They are not like that, and now we will show you how we can do exercises.

(The cold steps aside, first watches the children, then joins. The host conducts exercises to cheerful music.)

Cold.Yes, the guys are doing great. But only for the health of one charge is not enough. You will not get into the country of "Health", I have prepared too many surprises for you, with which you do not have the strength to cope. Ha ha ha.

(Runs away)

Leading.Guys, what should we do? How to get to the country "Health"? The cold closed all the paths for us.

(A letter is thrown into the room where the event takes place. The presenter reads the text of the letter to the guys: “Guys, save me. The Evil Cold put me under lock and key, I can’t get out without your help. If you complete all the tasks of the Cold, guess the word, then you will immediately fall into country "Health". Fairy of the country Health)

Cold.So, after all, they found a letter from the Fairy. You won't be able to do anything.

Leading.Cold, you promised to release the Fairy if the guys and I cope with your tasks.

Cold.Yes, okay, I'll release it, if you can handle it, of course. The tasks are too difficult, I have prepared for you. There are 3 in total. So what else is needed in order to be healthy?

(Children's answers - Hardening. A cold silently shows the ways of hardening, and the children must guess what it shows: airing the room, wiping it with a damp towel, swimming in an ice hole, walking barefoot, dousing with cold water).

Leading.Well done, guys, they guessed all types of hardening.

Cold.Well, okay, you barely coped with the first task. They did the exercises, hardened, and what else is needed to be healthy and strong.

(Children's answers - Personal hygiene. A cold lays out pictures with different objects (or real objects) on the table. The host selects 3 children to complete the task. Children need to choose from all the pictures, only pictures with personal hygiene items (toothbrush, paste, soap, washcloth, etc.) If a health worker is present, a demonstration can be held for children and Colds on how to properly brush their teeth).

Leading.You see, Colds, how well our children know about personal hygiene items and how to use them. They even showed and told you everything.

Cold.I really didn’t know that teeth should be brushed 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening. Thank you guys. Okay, I'll credit you with this task. You can't handle the third anyway. It is the most difficult. They did the exercises, hardened, washed, combed their hair, brushed their teeth, but our body still lacks something. What?

(Children's answers - Vitamins)

Leading.Guys, where can we get vitamins? The pharmacy is far away, and you can’t go anywhere without your parents. What to do? Where can we get these vitamins?

Cold.Ha-ha-ha, got pigeons. You won't get anything. Bye Bye.

Leading.No, no, cold, wait. The guys and I will figure something out. Guys, where else can you get the vitamins that our body needs?

(Children's answers are vegetables and fruits)

Leading.Correctly. Where do fruits and vegetables grow?

(Children's answers - in the garden, in the garden, in the garden)

Leading.This is where we will go with you.

(The host conducts the game "We're going to the garden"

Here comes the garden, cheerful people (children walk in a circle).

It is necessary to plant a turnip, to surprise everyone in the district.

We will take everything with a shovel, we will begin to dig up the beds (digging the earth).

Together we dig everything, we plant a turnip (sit down and put the grain in the ground).

We didn’t have time to plant, we need to water the river.

They took watering cans in their hands, watered the turnip (water the turnip).

Bake the sun (arms up and shake them over your head) -

Warm our turnip (lower your hands and point to the turnip).

The turnip will grow big (show the big turnip),

We will eat with you (children stroke their stomachs).

(At this time, the Cold disappears, changes clothes and appears in the form of a Fairy to lyrical music).

Fairy.Hello guys! So you disenchanted me with your knowledge, your friendship and perseverance.

Leading.Guys, this is the evil Cold, which did not want to let us into the “Health” country, wanted all the children to get sick, cough and sneeze.

Fairy.An evil wizard bewitched me and turned me into a Cold so that I would never see my beautiful country again. But you helped me, and I invite you to visit me. You performed the tasks correctly, you know a lot about health and how to be healthy. And now you can have some fun.

(Mobile games and a children's disco are held)

Fairy.We had a lot of fun with you. Thank you guys. And I have to go. Goodbye.

Leading.Guys, we had an interesting trip with you. Promise me that you will not forget the rules for staying healthy and will follow them every day. Goodbye.

Scenario of the sports festival "World Health Day" for children of senior preschool age (2014)

Targets and goals:

  1. Formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle. Expansion of knowledge about a healthy lifestyle, and preventive measures.

  2. Promotion of physical culture and sports as the best remedy for any disease.
Formation of physical qualities: speed, strength, dexterity

Leading: Hello dear guys! This is how it is customary to greet each other and wish health. After all, health is so important to all of us. Today our holiday is dedicated to World Health Day. And today we have gathered to talk about health. Adventures await us, we will go on an unusual journey, and you will soon find out where. Who wants to be healthy?

Children : All!

Leading: : And what kind of person can be called healthy?

Children : Cheerful, mobile, non-sick ...

Leading: : Now the guys will tell us what to do in order not to get sick.

1. Good sleep and appetite

Physical education gives us

Ebullient energy for games

And for walking.

2. We are at any time of the year,

Even in the cold and frost

Don't wrap your neck

And don't hide your nose in a scarf!

3. Who is very friendly with sports,

Runs through puddles in summer

And barefoot on the grass!

4. In order not to get sick with a sore throat,

Engage in culture!

Leading : Well, you see, the guys advise us to do physical education. But this is not enough. What else needs to be done in order not to get sick, we will find out today. To do this, we will go to the country of Health and we will go by train,

You will move from station to station in the country of Health and learn a lot of new and interesting things. And when you hear a long whistle, then it's time for you to move to a new station. But before our journey, we will play the game "YES and NO". You need to be careful, if the food is healthy - answer “Yes”, if not healthy - “No”.

Kasha is delicious food.

Is it good for us?

green onion sometimes

Is it good for us, children?

Dirty water in a puddle

Is it useful to us sometimes?

Shchi is great food.

Is it good for us?

Amanita soup is always ...

Is it good for us?

Fruits are just beautiful!

Is it good for us?

Dirty berries sometimes

Is it healthy to eat, kids?

Vegetables growing ridge.

Are vegetables useful?

Juice, compote sometimes

Are we useful, children?

Eat a big bag of candy

Only healthy food

Always on the table!

And since healthy food -

Will we be healthy?

Well, are you ready to go now?

Children: Yes!

Leading : Well then, go ahead! Our train is leaving, happy all the way, guys!

(A whistle blows and the "train" moves off. The train stops at each station for 10 minutes.)

1. Station "Umyvayka".

(The hostess of this station, Voda-Vodichka, meets the children.)

Water : hello, guys, you arrived at the Umyvayka station, and I am its mistress - Water Vodichka. You meet me everywhere. When you get out of bed in the morning, where do you go?

Children: Wash.

AT : Yes, of course. Let's wash with you now. You can also say:

Water, water,

Wash my face

To make your eyes sparkle

To make cheeks rosy,

To laugh mouth,

To bite a tooth.

Well, now you have washed yourself, how clean, pretty, with sparkling eyes you have become. And what else you need to remember to do while washing?

Children: brush your teeth.

AT : right. What good fellows you are, it is immediately clear that you do this regularly, do you recognize? (shows a toothbrush and paste) these are our faithful helpers. Move the toothbrush over the teeth to the right and left, up and down, and also in circular rotations along all the teeth. (shows). You need to brush your teeth every day

After all, if this is not done, a lot of microbes accumulate in the mouth, and the teeth begin to hurt. Have to go to the doctor.

AT : What is it guys? (shows comb)

Children: Comb.

AT : And what is it for?

(Answers of the children and the story of B-B for what a comb is needed.)

AT : Tell me, when should you wash your hands?

(Answers of children and explanation of V-V.)

(Makes riddles):

1. Although she does not look very good,

And a little like a hedgehog,

Loves very much before I go to bed,

Dance on my teeth for a minute. (Toothbrush)

2.How beautiful you look!
Cute, very cute
neat hairstyle -
helped you…(comb)

3. Both terry and smooth can be.
Who washed himself, he does not forget about him:
adult, baby
Wipe... ( towel)

Well done guys, you did a great job. Today you learned a lot about your health, about how to properly care for your body. We will always wash our hands, brush our teeth and follow other rules, right?

Children: Yes!

AT : So that's great. Now smile for me and for each other. After all, a smile is a good mood and also a guarantee of health. Smiling, we give each other health and joy.

Vitamin station.

(The gardener meets the children.)

Gardener : Hello guys! You have arrived at the Vitaminnaya station, and with you I am your friend Sadovnik. Today we will talk about what grows in the garden. Listen to my riddles and guess. Puzzles:

1. Curly braid

And dew shines on it!
Whose scythe lies in the garden?
Where are the orange heels?
A cheat hid in the ground,

2. As in our garden

Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
green in summer,
By autumn they turn red.

3. One hundred clothes -

All without zippers.

4. Her grandmother and granddaughter are pulling her,

Cat, grandfather and mouse with a bug.

Gardener: Well, it's time to say goodbye. Today we learned about the vitamins that grow in our garden. Eat healthy foods and stay healthy.

Neboleyka station.

(The doctor meets the children).

Doctor : Hello guys. I am a doctor of the country of Health, today we will talk with you about what needs to be done in order not to get sick. What do you think you need to start each day with?

Children: With charging.

D : Well, of course, with charging. Come on, stand up, let's do a light workout with you.

Children are doing exercises.

D : And also, guys, it is very important to temper. How do we temper ourselves in kindergarten?

The children answer.

D : And how can you harden in the summer?

The children answer.

D : and now we part with you. You are going to another station. Goodbye. Do not get sick, be healthy!

Sports station.

(Children are met by the head coach of the country of Health.)

Hello guys, you have arrived at the Sportivnaya station, and I greet you, the Head Coach of the Health Country.

Sport - is life. It's ease of movement.

Sports are respected by everyone.

Sport moves everyone up and forward.

Vivacity, health he all gives.

Everyone who is active and who is not lazy,

They can easily make friends with sports.

And so, we begin the competition.

1.Collect a vitamin basket.

Task: on command, the player takes the basket and runs to the hoop, puts a vegetable or fruit in the basket, and runs back. Pass the basket to the next player.

2. Transfer of the baton.

Task: On command to start, the first players run to the cone, run around it and run back, pass the wand to the next one, etc. Whoever completes the task faster and more correctly, he will win.

3. Race hoops.

Task: Children stand at arm's length, the hoops lie on the cone at the start, on command, the first one runs up to the cone, takes the hoop, passes it to the next, he runs to the other, etc. the latter folds the hoops into a cone and so on until all the hoops run out.

4. Relay with the ball.

Task: The first player jumps with the ball between his knees to a cone, takes the ball in his hands and crawls into the tunnel. He comes back running and passes the ball to the next player.

5 .Run quickly to the flag and back.

So our sports competitions were over, all the guys coped with the task, well done! I wish you all good health and good mood.

Leading : Well, guys, you have visited the country of Health.

Did you like it?

Today you learned about what you need to do in order not to get sick. You need to keep your body clean, eat healthy foods, take vitamins, temper yourself, move as much as possible and be friends with sports. Truth?

Det and: Yes!

We say goodbye to you and wish you not to get sick and lead a healthy lifestyle!

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